, V j r . ) ) V ' i I J ; v ; ESTABLISHED SEPT. 19, 1878. -PTTTSBORO. CHATHAM CO.. THURSDAY, JANUARY IS.' 1921: VOL.. XLII1 NO. 24 1 i XI 1 -' V''"'-" .- ; 1 FATALLY BURNED Mrs. Q.W. Riggsbee Burned to Death at Her Home in Co'on Last Thursday Morning Mrs. G. W. Riggsbee, mother fcf Mr. Fred Riggsbee, of Pitts- Soro, was fatally burned at her ome in Colon last Thursday morning and died in a Sanf ord Hospital Friday. She was bur ied at the Turner's. Chapel Chris tian Church Cemetery Saturday, Rev. T. E. Whhte conducting the funeral services, assisted by Rev. J. J. Boone, of Pittsboro. It is not exactly r known how Mrs. Riggsbee came to be burn ed, but it is supposed that she had a fainting attack, which she was subject to, and fell in or near enough to the fire for her clothes to catch. Her body, face and arms were fearfully burne i When found, after she had given I the alarm, she was sitting in a I chair, her cloching still burning. She told her husband to purout the fire in the house, which was burning in several places. He soon smothered out the burn ing clothes and she was Jmmedi ately wrapped in a blanket and hurried to a hospital. After she was placed in an automobile she lost consciousness and never re gained it any more. When friends reached the house ! the room was in a full blaze Dutf I hard work soon extinguished the ! fire. Nearly everything in the ! room was ruined; A quilt, hi frames, on which the unfortuV nate lady had been at work, wss burned. Mrs. Riggsbee was 54 years of age and leaves, " beside her hus band, four children, three daugh ters and one son, who will sadly miss ben She w'asrlsUin woman, affectionate, jkind and true and she had many friends who will regret to learn of her sad death. v 1 Important Aleeting A meetin g of farmers and bus iness men will be held at. the courthouse at one o'clock Tues-: day, January 18. Everyone is I cordially invited tobe present j a 1 hear all about the Amer ican f Products Export ahdJmpOrt Cor- t poration, which has been-fplrmedl rrf- fVio an mine cotton and other products out of this country by selling them to Europe. This company is already operating and is being backed by southern menin every kind of business, and ; has ; th ; endorse ment of the Agricultural DtipS'l TheAmerican Cotton Association the bankers and the ether; lead ing men of the State. Informa tion can be obtained fronvD. L. Alston as to the pjan of its' oper ation, ' ;-; MfSi QMf fin Entertains Mrs. James L. Griffin ehter ttaifted Friday afternoon from 4 to 6 complimentary to the teach ers of the Pittsboro High-School and a few friends. , After an hour spent in convex sation and listening to the Vic trola, the guests were invited into the dining room where a de licious chicken salad course with coffee and cake was served. . ; 1 Those present' were: Misses Lossie and Lula Stone; Nellie Pilkington, Louise Stalvey, Mary Griffin, Ethel Johnson, Clara Johnson, Mesdames A. H. Lon don and Wrenn. . . Roy Cole, a student at the Uni versity, is in Watts Hospital, Dur ham, where he went to be oper ated on for appendicitis. ;; SUPERIOR COURT Will Convene Here Monday For Trial r' Criminal and Civil Cases, Judge C. C. Lyon Presiding Chatham County Superior Court Will convene here Monday, Janr uary 17th, for the trial of crimi nal and civil cases. Judge C. C. Lyon, of Elizabeth town, will pre sided The following is the cal endar 'of civil: cases, which will be taken up as soon as the crim inal docket is disposed of: THURSDAY, JAN., 20 188 J W Williams vs AhnieWil liams ; v 32 J C Lane vs R G Lassiter 21 , Silef City Loan & Trust Co vs H B Hannah 161 v L N Womble vs C B Phil ' lips '- 107 Robert Palmer vs T M By num ; 118 127 -38 119 L C Ellington vs Jack John son - : L C Ellington vs F C Bad ders. N .S Clark vs H S Fox , . RL Eubanks vs George W Sellars ; ) ; ' : FRIDAY, JAN.. 21 James B Dunn vs Elmer Lemons et al Hardware Store vs Mrs Ora 120 128 : B Jordan 132 . Mrs C 0 Crutchfield, Extrx ; vs C Q Hamlet, Admr CC Hamlet, Admr et al vs Mrs C 0 Crutchfield et al. 145 Charlie Williams .vs C C Hamlet, Admr 143 F ! Burgess vs A D Burgess 148 J THenderson ys Will Cot- : - . ten ' " :- . 162 W S Durham vs Rwy Ex - press Co : .- 163 :W S Durham vs Rwy Ex- press Co ;. .: ' : ' '. v . 173' McHaney & Co vs Mitchell 189 John H. Briggs vs Annie C Briggs v . ; , ; Bank Officers The following officers and rectors of the Farmers' Bank here have been elected for this 4 year: " :' President T. M. Bland, ; Istryice-Pres.A. C. Ray. . 2nd Vicie-Pres. J. M. Garner. ;Chier7-C. A. Poole. A Director -T. M. Blard, A. M. Riddle, JM. Garner, J. D. Wom ble, T. L. "Burns," W'. P. Horton, V. R. Johnson, S. D. Johnson, Roland M. Stedman, A; C. Ray. I A. C. Ray was re-elected at torney. '.T ' '-- ' t Mrs, Hinton, Hostess On Fri4ay Vihiflg, January 6, Mrs. Rv Hintbn entertained from 8i t5 3 h Tables were: ar ranged in the living room for pardsv At the. close of the games Mrs. Hinton, assisted by her mother, 1 Mrs. James Wrenn, seived a tempting salad course.' : Those present .were: Misses Nellie Pilkington, Evelyn Als Btbn, Louise Stalvey, Mrs. H.. R. Nooe, Mrs. James Wrenn, Messrs. D. B. Nooe, Victor Johnson and Winston Alston, of Littleton. Still Captured ; Officer Lasater and Deputy i Sheriffs Lasater and Scott cap tured a still and two men: near Wallace's Chapel in New Hope Township last Friday night. The two men, Wade Mills and Exum Goodwin, were bound over to the January term of Superior Court by N. J. Wilson, Justice of the Peace, under a $1,000 bond each. ' ;V-tV-'i''t:'-.-': ' .::v..r.-'.::-:y irf r-:?'-i--S.:t-::';t:--- .::-.4:5':Jxt- .! . r &-:-st-:?W&-:v:- ::-:-:: -je:.---.if -: ;::-yj::y.-::-f:i-y " 'v - 1 ? :::y;;;::::::::T:.:::Y::::::::::::: .iWX': XT J Hon. Cameron Morrison, Who North Carolina Yesterday y Woman's Club Reported for The Record: . On last Wednesday, afternoon - the Woman's Club met with Mrs. 1 relative : to the -public squared E. A. Farrell and Mrs. -R. M;:at Havwood in this Cnntv- , - FarreU at the horne of the former, j f mis meeting it r was ueciueu part of Chatham County, form to sell oysters during ..the ap-, erly known as the incorporated proaching term of Court, .which nyeeC0ri TMroceMsrof -salear used for the benefit of the school. MUiiivu -""""r - Walker Blair and Uacob Thomp-j son were named as a committee to conduct this sale. . ! croachments on this State land AH members of the iGlub'ar: and certaip unauthorized occupa asked to.contribute to the abx)ve tion cf same; and, ; ri ? ;t ; sale. ;,H:--;;-r::-tvrr; Iv "Whereas, It is desirable that The, following collect was adop- certain public spirited individuals ted by the Club: . . t be appointed to protect the m- "Keep.us, O God, from petti- terest of the public ia the usage ness; let us be large in thought, of this land and to take any pos in word, in deed. f (sible steps for the improvement "Let us be: done with, fault-of same; now, -therefore , finding and leave off self -seeking. j "The General Assembly of North ' "May: we put away all pretense Carolina do r enact: - i v i and meet each other face tpface, ? "Section, 1. That T.W. Church without self-pity and without ill, E. E. Walden and J. F Dick-' prejudice." ;.U, ;, ,v r-?v-- ens, all residents of "Chatham "May we neVersbe; hastyJn County. North Carolinaiare here judgment, and, always generous. ' by appointed trustees and giiard- "Let us take time for all things ians of the public interest in that make us to grow calm, serious, tract of ; land : situated in what gentle. Z' V- -4-, X: -WftS formerly tho incorprated "Teach us to put into action town of Haywood Haw River our betterl impulses, : straightf or- township, Chatham County, North ward. and unafraid. . , ! parolina,r which tract of land is "Grant that - we v may realize owned by the Stete and has been that it is the little things that dedicated for public use as a pub create differences; that in the big lie square. r-; V;:; things of life we are as one. ,;i "Sec. 2. The aforesaid trust- "And may we strive to touch ees are hereby authorized and and to know the great common empowered to take all necessary woman's heart of us all, and steps to secure the interest of the "O, Lord God, let us not for- people in said land and to pre get to be kind. Amen." vent unauthorized and improper At the close of the business encroachments thereon by any session a salad course was served.' persons whatsoever. Mrs. Jas; L. Griffin and Miss . "Sec. 3. That this act shall be Nellie Pilkington will be the host- m force from and after its ratin esses to the Club at the February cation. mng at the home of Mrs. . V church Services Carney W. Bynum, son of Mr. ' Services will be held at the and Mrs. Henry A; Bynum; is a Baptist Church here next Sunday page in the House of Represent at 11 a. -m., conducted by the tatives of the present e session of pastor, Rev. W. B. Watt.- All the Legislature.. . We arainform- are cordially invited to attend ed that Carney won this7position There wiH be services at the over much opposition on the me- Episcopal Church Sunday at rits of his politeness, intelligence a. m. and 4:15. p.; mv Sunday and manliness; School at 3 p. m. . - mi -r 4rv 7Sr SI m jot xe&Ks& . Was ; In Bill Iritfoduced Representative 'rIh;;X'-Lane has intrcSuced the following bill 1 tWhereas,' There is in that tdiT of "Haywoodr Haw ! River uesigneu as a tjuuiic square; ana, yhereas, There have recent ly been certain unauthorized en COMMISSIONERS MEET Discuss Several Road Prooositions. . But- Postpone Action - Bills . Paid ,.' " " ' ...it' i : r The County Commissioners met here Monday, A. T. Ward, Chair man J. W. Griffin and J. D. Wil lett being present. They dis cussed . several road propositions, but action, , on ; these was post poned. . i . ' - . j v . The following r bills : were ap: proved and ordered paid: i . B.:JUtley,2 days pollholder $6.00 G. .W; Bl air ; services for ' -' December, . v ;: 208.33 M: F.; Norwood, pollhplder, 3.00 J. W. Burke, pollholder, .3.00 J. E. Williams, pollholder, c 3.00 W. M.j Scott, capturing two stills and 1 cap and worm 30.00 : J Corinth News Corinth,. J an. 11 . After spend ing afirery; pleasant vacation . of tejiSdjays "the -pupils and teachers re-ass smbled Monday t Jan. 3, for the orenihg of the spring term of "school. The majority of. the former, pupils were back accom panied by several new' ones, mak ing the enrollment 65. i :; Thfi pupils are Moing splendid work preparing- themselves for the mid-term examin ation which will be held within the next few weeks, v; -; - : v 1 ;;; X " - " ; ' We were glad to wel come visi-. tors to the school every .day last week. " v '-: -. ; " V; ' ; " , ;i Several new families have moved in ; and around Corinth during the past weeki We are very glad to have them thrown in our,midst. 5 - .On . Wednesday afternoon the members of the Buckhorn Church met for the purpose of making plans for a new building. It was would be erected liear the Cor- intrr school building. , 1 J. E. Dickens left Tuesday for WiasHington? after spehdirig1. the holidays with his parens. ; Luther Rollins, of Atlanta; Ga. ; spent a few days in Cbfintli dur ing the holidays; ; ? X! Mr. and Mrs. Mi l. EITis left for Norfolk Saturday after spend ing a while with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Harrington. Ray Cross is at home on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cross. TheltCorinth-Brick Haven Com muhtty Club met Friday evening, an 7i t Corinth. The subject for the evening-was Old Maids and Old Bachelors. ' At the be ginning of the program seven new members were initiated and received into the the club by making not . enough out of the word "Enough." All the mem bers answered to the roll call with a; joke or an: original sen tir mention the . subject" X''- A very interesting debate was successfully rendered: ; query, "Resolved, That Old Bachelors Should Be Taxed to Support Old Maids." . The judges were Mrs. O. C. Kennedy, Mrs. M. I. Ellis and S. W. Harrington. The af firmative was; the winning side. After the debate a; very humor ous song was sung by three old maids. The next meeting will be held at Brick Haven Jrnuary 21. Ah old time arthmetic and spelling bee will be r. rendered, and every arxpi rresent is allowed to . take part in the program. The remains of Lieut G. Bond, son of W. M. Bond, of Edenton, arrived there " Sunday. Lieut. Bond was wounded at the battle in the Argonne and died a month iar . M i 1 1 ion ackets Of : Flover Seeds Freo We belieT in ? flowers around the homes of the South.'. Flowers brighten ,. up the home surroundings and give pleasure and satisfaction to those who have them. T ' - We have filled more than a millloa' packets : of seeds, of beautiful yet easily grown; flowers ..to be giren to -our customers . this spring for the beautifying of their . homes. : , . i . . Wouldn't you like to . haW fire packets of beautiful flowers free? YOU CAN GET THEM! Hastings 1921 catalog is a 116-page handsomely V illustrated r seed book with' twenty beautiful pages showing the finest va rieties in their true natural colors.' Ifc.is full of helpful garden; flower, and ; farm information; that is needed, in, every homeland, too, the catalog tells , you how to get these flower seeds ab solutely free: 1:7 r ; Write for our 1921 catalog now. It is the finest, most valuable and. beau : tiful seed book ever published, and you will be mighty glad you've got it. There is no obligation . to buy any-. thing.; Just ask for the catalog. H. G. HASTINGS CO., SEEDSMEN, " " ; ATLANTA, GA. : 'XX'-r REPORT -;-;;.";'-.; : of the condition of the BANK OF PITTSBORO. AT PITTSBORO IN THE STATE OP ' - 'JUOBTH, CAROLINA, , . .' at the close of business Dec. 29, 1320., . - '" Resources.; J.qans and discounts !.173,046 80 , Demand loans ,1,1 00 00 Oyerdrafls,secured,r ' ' unsecured, :. ' 184 25 . United States Bonds & Lib- erty Bbn ds w... 9, 326 22 f North Carolina State bonds . . 5,000 00 All other stocks ( bonds and ': .Mortgages.-..-- . 9,147 00 B mking iiouse, $4,000; fur niture and fixtures, $2,000 6,000 00 Cash in vault and net amounts . 1 . due; from banks, bankers and trust companies ...i 33,329 73 - Cash items held over 24 hours 841 00 phecks for clearing...- . 3,782 76 , Total .8241,657 91 . v Liabilities. r . - -Capital stoclr paid in .520,000 00 Surplus fund1- 5,00000 Undivided ; profits, less cur- . ' reut expenses and taxes p'd 5,476 77 Bills payable 10,000 00 - Deposits subject to check 131,703 29 Tim' CPrtificat es of deposit.. 67, 094 89 CashierTs checks outstanding 1,382 96 Accrued interest due deposi- . . tors . 1,000 00' TotalL .8241,657 91 . State -of - WORTH; 1? AHOLiN A, County ' of Chatham Tjan-llr 1921." 7; I, Jar L; Griffin, Cashier of thdv."" above-named bah'ft; do solemnly sWr ' ' that'theabove statement Is.true to. ,tliei best of my know led sre and belief. ; ' JAS. L. GRIFFIN, Cashier. ..v. j. Subscribed and swornio before me. . this 11th da? of January, 1921. G. R. PILKINGTON, v . rX: Notary Public." ' My commission expires Jan. 22, 1922 ;. Correct Attest;, v; - W. H. FERGUSON, : Tti J. JOHNSON, W. M. EUBANKS 0 ' -. Directors. - Tax Notice . ... ,This is to notify all taxpayers ol Chatham . County' who have not paid their 192(F taxes that I ' received a letter from the State Auditor about the last if Decem ber informing me not to charge the one per cent penalty on 1920 taxes until after February 1 1921. ' '; X':-- ' ' "'. For the convenience- of those . who have not paid their taxes for the year 1920 I will be at the , places below mentioned ondssig- ; hated dates: v Goldston, the Bank of Golds ton, Monday -afternoon, January Bennett the Bank of Ben nett, Tuesday morning, January 25. . . : ' '. Bonlee, the Bank , of Bonlee, on Tuesday afternoon, January - 25. ' ; Siler City, the Hadley Hotel. Wednesday,,ah day, January 25. Merry Oaks,. Cotton's Store, . on Friday morning, January 28. W. M. Scott's Store, Friday af ternoon, January 28. Farrington, Lasater Brothers' Store, Saturday all day, January 29. , Your taxes will be at the net amount charged during the month of January. After the 1st day of February,. . 1921, a PENALTY of one per cent for each additional month of delay in the settlement of the taxes will be charged and collec- ted. THEREFORE, I ask you : to PLEASE COME AND SET TLE, and avoid the penalty andi cost. . Yours sincerely, : G. W. BLAIR, :.- -Sheriff Chatham, County. Pittsboro; Ni C, Jan. 10, 1921.