THE CHATHAM RECORD, PITTSBORO,; C ; TAKE ACTION TO BREAK WILL MOTHER! 0) , California Syrup of Figs .Child's Best Laxative . Document : is Defended by One Hund nnn.: red and Nine of Principal Benefi ciaries Under-its Provisions. 11 , W : WW W W V i Then it is Genuine Warning? Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for 21 years and proved .safe by millions. Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains proper directions for Colds, Headache, Pain, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lumbago. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few centa Larger packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Barer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacld ter of SaUcyUcaeld irirl seldom begins to take life seriously until she has been up against one case ui um chuilvu .. The Polynesians believe that - the e spirits uj- me vtcttvt. Even the man both shoulders walk upright. who carries chips on doesn't necessarily Monroe.-r-One of the most interest ing actions ever filed in Union county civil court will be called for trial, the 23rd day. of February, , when the ac tion known locally as the "Ross - will case" will come up. More than a hundred relatives of the late Maggie and Sallie- Ross, maiden ladies jof Sandy Ridge townshlfi, are attempt ing to break the will of these ladies by. which a thousand acres of fine farming: lands and several thousand dollars in money were bequeathed to three negroes. The action has created wide interest because, of the amount involved, the number of caveators scattered throughout five or six coun ties and in South Carolina, and be cause of the unusual circumstances of maiden white women bequeathing practically all of their large estate to negroes. " The will is being - defended by the principal beneficiaries under it and by R. B. Red wine . and R. A. Hudson, xeeutors. One hundred and ' nine persons have so far made themselves parties , to the other side of the ac tion and it is understood some 25 others wil become parties before the actios is disposed of. Love of the limelight is totally in comprehensible to those who don't care for it. . I Skin Sufferers Do Not Want Mere Temporary Relief Of course, if you are content to have only temporary relief from the terrifying: itching and burning of fiery, flaming; skin diseases, then you are satisfied to remain a slave to ointments, lotions and other lo cal remedies applied to the surface of the skin. Real genuine relief from eczema, tetter, scaly eruptions or any other form of skin irritations cannot be expected until you freeyour blood of the germs which cause these disorders. And for this purpose there is no remedy that gives more sausiactory results T-nan xne fine old blood remedy that firoe'S down to the source of every blood disorder and routs out the germs which cause the trouble. S.SJS. is sold by. all druggists. Begin taking1 it today, and it you will write a complete history of your case, our medical director will give you expert advice without charge. Address Chief Medical Ad viser, 155 Swift Laboratory, Atlan ta, Ga, . t)T A TERM OF OPPROBRIUM ( SIMPLE ROAD TO HAPPINESS it Keaiiy ll - oeemeu s i uuy f i i N i & m. J ttn. JVIotner nao some oirong uiounus for Complaint. The following story is told of a cer- n school in central New York. Dr. the health officer, had just !e the customary physical examina- h and filled out the various health riiieates. ne afternoon he received a visit in an irate mother. !'I should like to know," she said bel- irently, "what you mean by calling boy 'a noor nut'?" Madam," said the astonished physi- i. 'I haven t an uiea wnat you are ing about. To the- best of my wledge I have never applied the het you mention to any, person." t's down in black and white," con- bed his visitor unappeased. My has just been transferred t school, and it's on his health as plain as can be, 'Poor Nut.'." ihp lifht nf pnmnrphpiisinn dnwned ie bewildered doctor. He smiled. Ah I see! 'Poor Nut.' ray dear am, is merely an abbreviated way uyinjr noor nutrition. xouth s "anion. pe ground of all great thoughts is ess. Festus. bluff by any other name would be as unsatisfactory. - As Benevolent Old Gentleman Pointed Out, Desired Result Might Easily Be Attained. The beautiful young woman, dressed in fashion's most pronounced style, entered the street car and sat beside a rather benevolent-looking old man. As the car started she happened to glance out the window at a bunch of little girls playing on the sidewalk. ' "Don't they look happy," she gushed. "But no wonder. Why, I remember my happiest days were when I used to wear short, Little gingham dresses." Now, the man had seen her enter the .car, and he was well, informed about the length of the dress she was wear ing, so . there yas no mistaking his hint. "You might try gingham instead of the silk you're now wearing," he suggested. A Familiar Warning. A man was walking down a street in Dorchester the other day and an nrouaintance some distance behind was ealling out after him : "Hey, Luke He v. Luke!" As the man ahead did not show any enern nf hpnn'njr. a waff on the street corner shouted : "Stop", Luke, and lis ten !" Boston Transcript. - Thrift is the careful use of. money and materials. in your meal-time Lev erage when you use . Better : Nrarlw : IKSTAHT O POSTUMi A BEVERAOK Poitura Cereal Comssi I mi a Its tleasin flavor re seinHes that of coffee, but it contams none of coF fee s harmful elements) Made inthe cup "ojxick as a winkT by the addition of hot water, strong or mild to suit individual taste; !nseantlbscum;tt& Ideal Drink Maiety Postum Cereal (impany, Inc. Battle Cek, Michig Shelby. Mr Miner, representing the American Export and Import cor poration has been in the county for a week or more soliciting subscriptions in low grade' cottonjn this new corpo ration and he has -been quite suc cessful, having received fully 150 bales from the farmers. The cotton is being shipped to a South Carolina port where it will be exported. Far mers in this section are holding fully 15,000 bales of cotton from the mar ket ' Accept "Calif ornian Syrup of Figs Dnly look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harm less physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "California." Adv. ' Unused Water ower. Fifty million horse power comprises the total, . both steam, and water gen erated, now In use in the United States. It is conservatively estimated that as much more " can be developed by utilization of the water power re sources. The Department of the In terior has placed the potential water power at 60,000,000, horse, power, of which only 10,000,000 is now devel oped,- This saves- the country more than 30,000,000 tons of coal annually. v Says You Canoot Gripe, Sicken; or Salivate Yourself If . You Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead : Calomel loses you a .day I : Ton know what calomel Is. If s mercury; quick silver. Calomel Is dangerous. , It crashes into sour bile Hke dynamite, cramping and sickening you. Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put into your system. - When you feel "bilious, sluggish, constipated and all knocked out and believe you need; a dose of dangerous calomel just remember that your drug gist sells for a few cents a large bot tle of Dodson's Liver Tone, which Is entirely vegetable and pleasaet to take and; Is a perfect substitute calomel. It is guaranteed to start; liver without stirring you up IirtHlfc and can not salivate. . Don't take calomel ! It can o la trusted any more' than a leopard or a wild cat. Take Dodson's Liver ' which straightens you right j makes you feel fine. Give it t Cm children because it is perfectly less and doesn't gripe. Adv. - Asheville. Operating on the North Carolina-Tennessee border, within 35 miles of this city, and in the heart of the Blue Ridge mountains, a party of 20 federal prohibition agents, led by local agents and men from the two states, during the week past, have succeeded in capturig 16 stills, 20, 000 gallons ' of beer, 200 gallons of whiskey and three alleged operators. Cuticura Soothes Baby Rashes That itch and burn with hot baths of Cuticura Soap followed by gentle anointings of Cuticura Ointment. Nothing better, purer, sweeter, espe cially if a little of thefragrant Cuti cura Talcum is dusted on at the fin ish. 25c each everywhere. Adv. Leading Industries. According to the latest available sta tistics the leading industries of the United States are as follows: 1, food; 2, textiles; 3, iron and steel; 4, lum ber; 5, leather; 6, paper and printing. Hickory. Catawba county farmers most of them subscribers of the Hick- nrv Tfilp.nhone comDanv. met here and protested against the proposed increase of 50 cents . a month on phones which , the individuals pur chased and keep in repair as well aT3 the lines which they bought to con nect with the larger system. Nearly 300 farmers were on hand. Greensboro. Approximately 75 au tomobiles, estimated to be worth about $100,000 were destroyed by fire when the garage of Coble & Starr was destroyed. There was no insur ance on the garage or automobiles ex- cent the machines owned and storea there bv individuals. Three firemen were nainfully burned by the explo sion of a gasoline tank while fighting the flames. WOMEN! USE "DIAMOND DYES" Pye Old Skirts, Dresses, Waists, Coats, Stockings, Draperies Everything, Each package of "Diamond Dyes" contains easy directions for dyeing any article of wool, silk, cotton, -linen, or mixed goods. Beware ! Poor dye streaks, spots, fades, and ruins mate rial by giving it a ."dyed-look." Buy "Diamond Djes" only. Druggist has Color Card. Adv. Ireland spends -less per - capita on drink than any other part of the Uni ted Kingdom. Appropriate. "Why do you call-flying machines hobos of the air?' " s Because they have no visible means of support." " Tapeworm? Ue "Dead Shot" Dr. Feery'a Vermifuge. One dose cleans them out. Adv. Most people are more-than satisfied with their misfortunes, ' but not with their fortunes. OXIDINE IN HOT WATER Improves the appetite and enriches 1 A tablesDOonfal of OXIDINE in a half hot water taken a few minutes before yosxi will have a very noticeable effect on your i Taken reerularlv three times a day yonritn soon respond toits strengthen ingandinvu"UaZ effect and will then be in position to sweesstsgy . ombat the germs of Grip. Flu. Colds and ilatala. . OXIDINE tones np the entire system. ETsiJiifiti ing it today. 60c at your druggist's. Adv. . ATTENTION Seven home recipes. werth tne price asked tor all; send for circular. STAPLETON & SON, HaRBsV SON. ARKANSAS. . ' CASCARA FOR yji Coldi, CongHs TOMliV QUININE AND La Grippe Neglected Colds arc Digerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. , Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves -Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headacho Quinine In this form does not affect -the head Cascara is best Tonic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. . - '. . ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT A life loyal to a high ideal is suc cessful. - ' UMS. raQvP ?rWTl rain nnnMirrr? Olfr pigs: mwmm urn mm? Davidson. Welcomed visitors, men met with clad smile and greeted cor dially as they have moved from the southern end of town on northward through Davidson to the county line have been the squad of civil engi neers and road surveyors completing the survey of the highway from" Char lotte to the Iredell line, as ordered by the state highway commission. Winston-Salem. The chamber of commerce proposes to loan the city $20,000 at - six per cent interest, tne monev to be used in providing the business district with modern white way. -The merchants association will underwrite one-fourth the amount. The aldermen have the proposition under consideration and will likely accept it. Lincolnton. Passing through Lin coln county in an automobile said to be carrying 45 gallons of liquor, Dave Small of - Charlotte, fell into the hands of the sheriff. Local police said Small was understood to have been enroute to -Charlotte. He was placed in the Lincolnton jail awaiting trial.- $50,000 Worth of Heart Balm. Fayetteville. Fif ty thousand dollars damages were awarded by a superior court jury here to Mrs. Daisy Watson Smith, for the alienation of her hus band's affections by -Mrs. Theresa Werner, of Atlanta, Ga., Mrs. Wer ner's husband J. L. Werner, residing in a northern state, "was made a de fendant in the suit. " They gave Mrs. Smith $30,000 as compensation for her suffering and for the alienation of the affections of her husband and $20,000 punitive damages. Store and Post Office Robbed. Lexington. Removing a window sash, robbers' entered the store of J. i L. Fitzgerald, at Linwood, six miles south of here, lighted a lamp, robbed the store and postoffice and got away without detection, although an occn- ninA rAsiriemre is situated within about 30 feet of the building. The rob bers ; took several ; dollars in pennies and some goods. v-: v - . The fourth class : postof ft ve , of which Mr. Fitzgerald is postmaster, Is located in the rear of the store and entrance was made tnrougn inia. TPAOE MARK RCCSTERED ST ""-sc-J 8 - mz?Awm mm.- tern There is no economy in cutting expendi tures which' bring you a profit That is extravagence. Rbyster's Fertilizer econ omizes for you by making your land and your labor produce larger, finer, surer yields. ' . ' - .. ' See your Royster Dealer apd place your order now. ' F. 1 Royster Guano Co Norfoik, Va: Richmond, Va. 'Lynchburff, V J " Tarboro N. C Charlotte, N. C Washington, 'N. C. : Columbia, S. C. Spartansburg, S. C . Atlanta, Ga. ! - : Macon , Ga. i Columbus, aa. Montgomery, Aia; . Birmingham, Ala. . Baltimore, Md. Toledo, Ohio - ?

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