n 1 l ij.t day March 3 192i hurs osoto5oloosoote IMPORTANT INOIItt TO- Subscribers Watch the label -on your paper the date to which 1 r subscription is paid. Send txir renewal before the time int Don't miss a copy. WANTS . f5v K. IT, onnwi nv - . . a, ion- f P d f" r return of same to owner. - . 4 A vnnd farm u , acres cleared. All w i i c l mm cear j o man may want to'Cut anc l- ii?nnu t . i . ...t (111 n1'-'11 . j. 1X7 U P .if nine ii" - - U1 . i. , , inr- will not warn 01 i . i . kpii lucrum uiiiii - -r J " 1 CL;n an v " ' ... i- u many quantity, x. u. wo r iiiiiv 1 LOCAl- RECORDS nnH fin CAmi Vnr people V ho ctm,c Knew and Some you uq no. Mr Frank Boone went to Carr- boro Monday on a visit to rela tives. Mr Fred Hunter, spent a day or two here with relatives this week, Mr Te Jordan, of Durham, spent the week-end with his pa rents near town. Mr Stenhei Hearne and son Earnest,of Carrboro, spent Tues day here on business. Mr. C. C Hamlet and Mrs. - C. A.Brown spent three days in Dur ham this week visiting relatives. Miss Lessie Ciark, of Rrff teV has been on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. C., Clark of Bynum. March must have been asleep and did not know that February had gone it was so -quiet here abouts. K Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dezern, af tern spending a couple of weeks here with friends, have returned to their home at Raeford. Dr. Ben H. Hacknpy, formerly of Chatham County now of Wil son County, has gone to New Or to take a four months post grad uate course. A 19-pound wild turkey is not killed every day, but Mr. Noah B. Mixon killed one over in the Jioscoe section a few days ao that weighed that. 'Mr. and Mrs. B. Nooe have a new grandson. A son, Bennett iNooe Aiken, was born to Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Aiken, at Fuquay ing?. on February 21. Mrs. H. A. IiOndon came over from Raleigh Thursday and re turned next day. She will be ck in about ten days to spend - wi liit- ri i ii i i i i i .? i I ii s i Miss Margaret H. Womble,who tas been working at Raleigh, has accepted a position in the office of Mr. James L. Griffin, Clerk of the Superior Court. The oil mill here will run only too days in the week in the fa ture unless cotton seed comes in mre rapidly. Two days a week VlH b? used for ginning as here tofore. Ground is to be broken in a days for the erection of an 8-room dwelling on the east side the oil mill for Mr. G. Fred gsbee. This' is some of the Property that was cut up into ,0ts and sold last summer. Mr. Alfred Johnson, who lives ear Pittsboro, .was kicked on lhe right side of his face by a J, at the blacksmith shop here ast Saturday. The woand was painful and but for the sudden ar he got he is nope the worse the kick. !UR STOMACH INDIGESTION Thedford's Ekck Draught Highly Recommended by a Tennessee Grocer for Troubles Re suiting from Torpid Liver. East Nashville, Tenn. The effic iency of Thedford's Elaek-Draught, the genuine, herb, liver medicine, ia vouched for by Mr. W. N. Parsons, a grocer of this city. "It is without ioubt the best liver, medicine, and I don't believe I could get along without it. I take it for sour stomach, head ache, bad liver, indigestion, and all other troubles that are the result ol a torpid liver. "I have known and used it for years, and can and do highly recommend it to every one. I won't go to bed with out it in the house. It will do all It claim3 to do. I can't say enough for tr Many other men and women through jut, the country have found Black Draught just a3 Mr Parsons describes valuable in regulating the liver to Tts normal functions, and in cleansing he bovels of impurities. Thedford's Black-Draught liver medi ine is the original and only genuine. A.ccspt no imitations or substitutea 1t-v for Thedford's. c & Born Ife Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Bell Saturday afternoon, F$b ruary 26th, a daughter, weight '3 3-4 pounds, We are pleased to note that Messrs. H.M.London, of Raleigh, and J. E'mer Long, of Grahair, have been appointed as Trustees of the University. The Record has been shown a curiosity in the shape of a hen egg that measured four inches lengthways and three inches arourd, It was a whopper. Tom Leach, the colored janitor at the courthouse, is going to S' e. the F resident inaugurated or "bust." Heteft yesterday for Washington m$ says he is going 'to atorottWng m never saw before. I n ia i i m mf Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the car. There is only one way to cure catarrhal deafness, and that 1b by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining: of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling; sound or im perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result. Unless the inflammation can be reduced and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing: will be destroyed forever. Many cases of deafness are caused by catarrh, whicli is an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Cir culars free. All Druggists, 75c. F. J. CHENEY oo.. Toledo. O. Location of Road Notice of Location of Road Over the Lands of Thomas Lutterloh and G. i G. Lutterloh: G. G. Lutterloh and Thomas Lutter loh will hereby take notice that an ap plication will be made for the location of a -public road, same being known as the Silk Hope road, and leading from Henderson's Tanyard to Silk Hope, over the lands of Thomas Lutterloh and G. G. Lutterloh. If there be objections to the location of said road you will come forvvai'd and note the same before the said Board of Road Commisiioners of Chatham Coun ty on the first Monday in March. 1921. R. L. WARD, Chmn Road Board. Will Harrington, C erk. Sale of Real Estate Under Deed in Trust By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a deed of trust, executed to me on the 11th" day of October, 1919, bv A; L. Davis and wife.Mattie Davis, i dulv recorded in the office of the Reg- ister of Deeds ot tjftatnam county, jlm. C, in book No. PS, pages 82 and 83, to secure the payment of a note therein recited, in the sum of $5,000, due to Farmers' Union Bank and Trust Com panv, default having been made in the payment of said note, and the holdei thereof having applied to me to sell the lands conveyed in said trust deed tor the satisfaction of the note, I will ex pose to public sale, to the highest bid der for cash, uoon the premises near Bonlee, in the County of Chatham, N. C, on i v Saturday, March 19, 1921, at the hour of 11 o'clock a.m., the lands conveyed in the trust deed, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of George Dunn, D. H. Johnson and others, bounded as folio a- s, viz: Beginning at a post oak in George Dunn's line, Johnson s cor ner and running with his line north lUc poles to a pine; thence west 111 poles to a red oak on the side of the road; thence with said road westward to a stone in Wicker's or Mrs. Johnson s line- thence as her line south 80 poles to a jack oak, her corner; thence as her other line east 215 poles to the be ginning, containing, by estimation, 135 l-2acies, be the same more or less, it being a part of the John Emerson tract of land. This Feb. 6. Q pl4TREE Trustee. The season for shooting birds and squirrels ended Monday. The readers of The Record will have to blame "the devil" for the scarcity of local news this week, as the real editor has been out of town on "strictly busi ness." A number of citizens from Pittsboro went to Raleigh Tues day to appear before the Legis lative Committee protesting against the annexation of Will iams township to Durham Coun- ty. The Chapel Hill News says that Victor Harris, well known in Chapel Hill and formerly of Chatham County, died Saturday of last week at Watts. Hospiral, Durham, and was buried in Mt. Pleasant cemetery. He was a World war veteran. World production of cotton destined for factory consumption in 1916 is indicated by U.S Cens us figures to have been 19,260, 000 bales, not including 582,000 bales af linters in the United States. Production of cotton in Russia is confined almost exclusively to the Asiatic provinces of Turkestan and Transcaucasia, Since the outbreak of the Great War in 1914 production of cotton I in Russia has averaged about 750. ! 000 bales annually. TONE UP BLOOD BE FORE SPRING Your Blood Needs the Help of Glide's Pepto-Mangan iu Springtime to Over come Drowsy, Listless Feelings Which are Called Spring Fever Pale Faces n hv Bad Blood THM Tifedj &f 1-QoneFeel-ing U a Darfg.r Signal That tear BiooC? Is inNeed ofThisWon derful Tonic SJ The blood that courts through your body in the arteries and veins is of the most vital iS&port ance to the healthy life of our body. The little red corpuscles are what carry life to the mil lions of cells that make up your body. The blood is also the ve hicle that carries away most, if not all, the waste products of our bodies. Springtime is the season when the body adjusts itself from the rigors of winter to the heat of summer. You notice how much sickness there is in the Spring? Perhaps there are weeks when you feel drowsy and listless and you call it Spring fever. It is really your blood that has be come weak and thin and it neec s help. Take that good blood tonic Gude's Pepto-Mangan. It will give the red corpuscles in your blood new power to carry fresh oxygen to tn.e cells all over the body. You will notice a change for the .better in a few bays. It brings the color back to pale faces and lifts you out of tired feelings so that you enjoy full vigor. Spring is time for a good blood tonic. Take Gude's Pepto-Mangan so that you can enjoy the most beautiful season of the year. Get it from your druggist, but be sure it is the genuine, with "Gude's Pepto-Mangan" printed on the package. It is sold in both liquid and tablet form. Both have the same medicinal value, adv. R. P. JOHNSON, Agent, PITTSBORO, N. C. Insurance of all kinds Life, Fire, Health and Accident; Burglary and Au tomobile. Bonos of all kinds, Fidelity, Contract, Judicial and Official. dSOly Hastings Seeds 1921 Catalog Free It's ready now. 116 handsomely !! lustrated pages of worth-while seed and garden news. This new catalog, we believe, is the most valuable seed book ever published. It contains twenty full pages of the most popular vegetables and flowers in their natu ral colors, the finest work of its kind ever attempted. With our photographic illustrations, and color pictures also from photo graphs, we show you just what you grow with Hastings' Seeds even be fore you order the seeds. This cata log makes garden and flower bed planning easy and it should be in ev ery single Southern home. Write us a post-card for it, giving your name and address. It will come to you by return mail and you will be mighty glad you've got it. Hastings' Seeds are the Standard of the South and they have the larg est mail order seed house in the world back of them. They've got to be the best. Write now for the 1921 cata log. It is absolutely free. H. G. HASTINGS CO., SEEDSMEN, ATLANTA, GA. W P. HORTON, AT rORNEY-AT-LAW, fl t TS iOPC, N. C. We N 3w Have a SkilPd Watchmaker and Jeweler in our Repair De&ataent and all work ttffnA W.t promptly gg Only the Best of Ma terial Used and all work guaranteed. DIAMONDS remounted while you wait. Send us your repair work by mail, All orders given proropi attention. W. F. CHEARS Jeweler,. i Phone 101) sAMF'GKB, 0: let Years Now They Will Be Higher Later Men's Wool Suits priced up from Boys' Wool Suits priced up from $10.00 $3.00 $1.00 50 $3.00 $2.00 Men's and Boys' Shirts priced up from UndBrwerr priced up from Shoes priced up from Hats priced up from "COME AND SEE" is all we ask. When this sale is off you will not see these goods sold at these pri ces. Get yours now is good advice G. R. Boone 'Good Quality Spells What BOONE Sells." De Luxe Clothisr. Raleigh, N. C llll I HI I I.!. Mill I mfmMmf Perfect baking and I J Absolute Fuel Saving lfff KCOLAST 5 1 31s3 fuel saving ' mv1 Don't waste ?our food rCi i ii "rff and fuel. Cdes San- mi nan ti l T" e -will save W i bill and will give you perfect baking and cooking results tkat you Kave al9as wanted. Let us ex plain to you trie Wonderful features found on this up to the minute range. See us at once.. W. L. LONDON & SON ST' $ X a a Courteous, One of the features that has helped this Bank to grow and pros per is the fact that every officer and employe makes a point to fur nish courteous, helpful services to our customers under ay conditions. When you come inte the Banking Loan and. Trus.t Company you know that you are going to reeeive real service. This bank is serving thousands of Lee and Chatham county peo ple and develops its facilities to keep pace Yfith the demands made a S upon it. BankingLoan OTrustCo 3ANF0RD. N. C. w W.W. Robards, president, J. W. Cunningham, Cashier. ' "xtpw MONCURE BRANCH JONESBOR0 BRjv. . J K Barnes, Cashier. L P. LasateS. Oashii." Capital and Prot $ 50,000.00 Resources Over DR. JT. C.M4.NIV cYE-SlGHT SPECIALIST ; ;: -::f:';.f'Ss3i, Will be at lr..R.M. FarreH 's office, Pitts- J boro, every 4th Tuesday in eaeh month Glasses fitted' that are easy and restful to the eyes. Cross-eyes straightened without the knife. Wffak eyes f chil dren ann youngs people ar specialty. M i next visit will be Tues... Mar. 22. Resale of Land- Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain, mortgag deed, executed to the undersigned by W. A. Thomas and wife, Josephine Thomas, on the 23rd day of September, 1915, and which is duly recorded in the oflice ef Register of Deeds for Chathom Coura- I ty, N. C, in book FF, at page I2i H will, at the court house door in Pitfls boro, N. C, on Saturday, March 12 192,. at 12 o'clock noon, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described tract of land lying and being ! in, Chatham County. Gape Fear town- ship, and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stone and pointers o the Raleigh road, thence north 86 1-2 east 36-1-2 poles te a pine in W. H. Miasms' line; thence north 2 east with said line 25 1-2 poles to middln of road ; ; thence southwesterly direction with road to beginning, containing 3 3-10 acres, more or less, adjoining W. H. Mimms and R. J. Yates, and described in a deed from R. J. Yates and wife to w a, Th.-smas in a fcd recorded in nfrW of Register of Deeds for Chat - ham County, in book EX, page 147. Time of sale, Saturday. March IA 1921, at 12 o'clock. Place of sale, court house door,Pitts boro, N.-C. Term sf sale, cash. This Feb. 10,. I9 FRED W. BYNUM, Receiver of Bank of Merry Oaks. V. R. Johnson,, Attorney. r Don't waste your food and fuel. Cdes San itary Down Draft one - trura to one-naif on your fuel .1.1. t ir r t m Saletf Land Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a mortgage deed, execut ed on the 31st day of March, 1917, by W. P. Cannady and wife, Mary G.Can nady, to the undersigned, and duly reg istered in the office of the Register of Deedo of Chatham County, in book FI, at page 207, 1 will sell at public outcry at the court house' d' or in Pittshoro, N. C. to the highest bidder, for cash, on Saturday, March 19, 1921, at 12 o'clock m., the following prop erty to-wit: Beginning at. the southwest corner of lot No. 106; thence south 86 1-2 de gree east with line of town lots. 30 1-2 poles; thence south degrees west 10 poles; thence north 59 degrees west 6 poles to an elm; thence north 61 1-2 de grees west 14 poles; thence 75 degrees west 10 1-2 poles; thence with Waddy McClenahan's line to the beginning, 8 1-2 poles, and containing 2 1-2 acres, more or less, said property being locat ed in the town of Pittsboro, N. C. Tis February 12, 1921. JAS. L. GRIFFIN, Mortgagee. Farm 22 1-2 For Sale acres good land; 7- room, 2-story house, all good pasture, 10 miles ; outbuildings, west ut Fittsnoro. rncei.ouu. casn I or easy terms. Write or wie fel7 lm C. G. KIRKMAN, , Bulington, N. C. Notice to Creditors Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. Ann Tnomas, dee'd. this is to notify all persons holding claims against tne estate oi tre aeceas . ed to present san-e to the mndersigned i on or before the 17th of February, 1922, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said es tate will come forward and make im mediate settlement. This February 17th, 1921. C. C. THOMAS, Admr. Mrs. Ann Thomas, deceased, Moncure, N. C. elpM Smice m m

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