r-HE RECORD is read JL every week by almost everybody that's anybody. ,. ' ! T,HE RECORD is the paper that's in every home, and the only paper in many homes. ' " iLilXlV JI JULflUVU. lift, I HAL M VM. ) 1 1 SSt Ui m 8 &5 - ? '' ' ' " " ESTABLISHED SEPT. 19, 1878. ARE THEY WANTED THIS YEAR PITTSBORO. CHATHAM CO.. THURSDAY, JUNE 23. 192. . v. oaniora. km, ml AT RRflWN'S THAPFI ariffin-tinati No Town or City Has In- gF5 Manv Peon" P . 'TStiTtf J banford last Friday and witness- Many People Present at Mrs fl N TnstiVe rWfi,i o vifpd thp Nnffh ro ed a snlenM o-nm JLi at ivirs.o. jn. justice was the scene Children's Day Exer- cisesProgram VOL. XLtll NO. 47 vitea tne iortn Caro lina Veterans Not a single city or town of convention size, or any other size, for that matter, has shown any inclination this year to invite the North Carolina division, Uni ted Con federate Veterans, to hold a reunion in its patriotic midst. according to Gen James I. Metts, commander of the division, who vas quizzei yesterday on the subject, says the WilmingtonStar; This same situation has obtain ed in other years, more or less, and it may obtain until the last olddefenderof the commonwealth in the bloody days of the war be tween the states is laid away so tar as tne contederates them selves are concerned; that is to say, not one of the gay veterans rould consent to beg, hat in hand, that any community in the state for which they fought will Dlay host to them in the years when to them little is left but memo ries of the bivouac, of the uproar of battle, of four prisons where the pestilence and starvation were the companions of the boys of the "storm-cradled nation that fell." Last year a bare 600 attended the state reunion. Fewer might attend a reunion should one be held this year. It is felt that no great sum would be required for staging a three-day entertain ment for these totte-ing old fel lows who once shook the conti nent to its foundations. And what if it does cost a little mon ey m Heaven's name. ed a splenid game of ball, result ing m a score of 4 to 3 in favor OI .TlttShOro r?nMnwir Jo u iv..,i,fi io cue dox score and summary: PITTSBORO Peoples, 2b Cooper, ss Williams, 3b W. Womble. cf Gattis, c Hamlet, If R. Womble, lb Clegg, p Goldston, rf AB R 4 0 5 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 0 0 1 0 e l l l HPO E 13 1 0 2 1 4 3 10 2 2 Last Snnd vtviriitu iuc Cl" forts of the Sunday school work- ers at Brown's chapel with suc cess, lhis church is noteri for h ikings glory Totals SANFORD Cromartie, 2b S Cox, c Campbell, 3b W. Cox, ss Jones, rf " White, If v Frazier, cf King, lb Knight, p Godfrey, p Temple, p AB 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 1 1 1 R 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ot a beautiful but quiet wedding wiieu uieiruauKuter, aaran Ada, was united in marriaurp tn ajt. Sam B. Griffin. The ceremony was penormea oy Kev. J. J. Boone. Immediately before the ceremony, Mrs. Henry Bynum very sweeetiy sang Because." inen the bride and groom enter 0 pefection of its undertakings and ? uS the bnda1 march from 1 it exceeded itself with o-iorv last Lohengren was, played by Mrs. n dmin.. I rsvnnm Sf hnhprt'c SaJ)j The Deonle hecan t o-ofV.. i . . . 1 eanyana all through the day hundreds of neonle ron tinned to come and a splendid time was naa oy all those nresent Tho entire program was a profit t HPOE ay church anywhere and demon 2 2 i strated time and effort on the 0 1 . I TYIOCI1-M1 4- i . j iijootci ui ceremonies ana the r; r,","".J "lcuua i ' u j whole oroe-ram was r.Qr-,wi f wnout tne state. The groom "ierua"jn iviattnews town. to the letter. Ts tneL son ot M. J. W. Giffin, In addition to the rpo-nlav m one, 91 Chatham s commissioners, gram by the children in the fore noon, the pastor. Rev. J J 0 0 0 .35 4 10 27 4 3 1 2 0 4 2 Bynum. "Schubert's Serenade was softly plaved while the emn words were spoken which made them man and wife. ihe happy couple left i mmprh- lately amid coni?ratuia.r.innd anH best wishes from all . - t'tvuv.uv IU1 a trip to western, Korth Carolina i ana other points. Ihe bride is the beautiful and ROAD COMMISSIONERS MEET Proceedings of the Meet ing Held Here on Mon day, June 13th Ihe general rennrf q tne commissioners at tio mf . i i . t ' '"-vt- ms neia nere on the eannnri tvt day wrere very encouracino- tn ti a general public, and shows rnat the Work is nrno-rpcemf ihe repair work as well nc thQ - -w M.U bU constructive contracts are near- mg completion, that is, the larg er ones, . and new contracts will no doubt be let on other confine, -w. at an ea.rlv date TVip Moore's bride to the Wake line and that from the Cape Fear township line to the Durham Chatham Lady Married tmM EAffie wicker, daughter of Mr. W. A. Ellington, of this city, and who is now matron of the m "ri?"an orphanage at EIon,and 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 part of the Lromoters Sn- J-ne DriQe is me Deautilul and LUW"BIJIV ime the Durham tendent C, A. Lutterloh ws the CC0TpJ.1lh? ?lulhter of ,M.r- ?. f ' thrh New master ot ceremonies and the 111' u uor u "a'any inenas rtrrxu011" 1V, townsnip; i i . i nrn mnAHT rno eroi-a iimij i.riM nv. was carried out r?lzz"z. Totals Score by innings Pittsboro San ford 32 3 9 27 4 1 J . u . U. Boone, made a shr.rtand inctrn,.. tive talk and Harrv R 'Nrry.Tr, J ' V 1. II WU delivered an address on the me morial feature of the1 occasion. Alter the exercises in the and is well known for his snlen- . 1 . . - " aid traits or craraoter anH Y. cellent business ability. ship from Siler City to the Al bright township line and from the same townshin line t.n tVit of the Alama rPe lino o vr oil " ""V, lX dll m favorable condition and prom ise soon to be first-class highways. A a1- i .. i-t nuts nreermcr rhev 100 o w vvao something like $20,000 paid out. LIST OF COMMUNITY SONGS 1 Miss Wood To Use These Verses at The Sing in The County You are asked to keep these as well as the cards for future use: Let the Rest of the World Qo By like mtendent of the orphanage, and one of the most influential men m Mon, were married at the nristian Da.rsonno-o m T?oi;i, yesterday afternoon. Immediately aftnr tnp monvthe n left for a bridal tour of ten days ""v uun tueir return will he a t home m Elon. Mrs. Wicker is fha tt,;., r the late Cort WiVi nj n Johnson 19 intimately known to manv neonle h tor a number of voora QO Just a soot to call our own Of rlooda t Ai ic&ioier w , fi . airfar.. "v-uo m -n-iaujaiice countv 1 - ac, I Tin ; , 1 xicre joys never cease, rAKIiGORIC Out there beneath a kindly skv by p7J;t We'U buiId a sweet little nest. somewhere jjiV, I i-n wt4. you, a pal good and . With some one true, I'd like to leave it find Some place that's known to God alone) all behind and go and Boy Scouts Camp Last Friday night the local 000 021 100-4 church, the manv hP , if "1 fl X L tne be taken into considera- 100 000 020-3 ers w v,oT u 1 u "ttll"c uut .ier i. i,. tion, however, that much of this SUMMARY - no;; r u "ie niJne mSnt n haw money goes toward old contract m v I Li ui XII" I I f 1 n 1UJC K 1 T- tTrmiWk j 1,1. ' xwo-base hit. PeP,es. Gattis. Jope8. placed in the handiof rirte IrtZ. " ff?. ?' completed and and boys that had taken ?t in of tkn i PiaQ ncnargeot the load the program and they repaired were John London; Thomas Mor- ThVrehT, iSJSSH'' k to the cemetery and placed them gan, Glivian Overacre" Wence area ' deal of SS J On the oraves nf tVio 1 ofthe churcn. " MU!? I work to get things Then same the rfmn, , S d "" irT'S " a systematic way. The " w . UUU O IF. AW- IllIIil lil III M III! VV M. I AAWk WMnniM. 1 TsoT 3 padTVorthfmeam - -""v- -""'"cu iiwxiic tne same wav or mmfr i-t.,o.: were manv. manv tah es fi ed n o-ht A eia;. : "ivwugduuns, o. ox; base on balls, off f!Wo- a ff Knight 3, off Godfrey 1; struck out, by Clegg 4, by Knight 3; Double plays, Pittsboro 3, Sanford 2. Battle Hymn of the Republic Mine eyes have seen the glory of the com ing of the Lord: He is tramping out the vintage where the . grapes of wrath are stored: He hath loosed the fateful liaritn; t His terrible swift sword; CHORUS Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His truth is marching on. JNorth Carolina has poured out millions since 1917 for every pur pose under the sun, and has giv en of its wealth freely to peoples from pole to pole, is it impossible for public spirited citizens in any of the cities which the state is proud, to create a small fund to State College The advertisement of the North Carolina sfate coliep-e of ao-rimil. this ISSUe. This trrowino- torVi C3 wvw meal college is doiner a fine wort for young men who expect to be larmers, chemists, engineers, textile manufacturers or scien tithe workers in anv of these and enough of it to feed saveral hundred mow neonle th an woro present there, although the groe, and the church ,as well were fill ed all during the day; Alter the concrrecration human historv a's the most mnr ve'ous any country ever pro duced? - It would be a source of shame to worth Carolina to be so back i i lines. Write to the ,o1 'l1? : "aa fnii ; r.4-.- : , icaoociuuieu in tne cnurcn rtev. lull miormation if you are inter- R F n f w ested m technical ednration fnr uiu' r u iUU, nf thrift mQ-.r K ....-ii. S. L. Curl, work , on rnarlc on, instruction in other suojects m y 6CO-ri-lull&"L tywiisnip,jjiob. show honor and give happiness estSd tecnnical education for brother of the pas to men who will march through vourselr,.your son or any of your a splendid sermon human VncMrv on. fV. yOUnST triends. Tk xi i i rci Inner fimn n-nA i i ""'c aiiKi ixiuiiey, out a great deal ot this in time will be eliminated, it is said. Tl, rii : j-iic luuuwmg accounts were allowed: pared at the reauest of Snnerin. J-' Jones, bridge timber. Bear tendent E. C. Brooks, of the de- H??I0W"S.P $241.07. partment of -edikau'on of -North vt Tnffin work on roads arolina. to show how theteanher 111 nope townsmpr S45.- c -1 : 2. i i i ... I S I. 'nt"l tttz-wIj- i a . vuu, jl xv uu luttus ana Teach Thrift in School New bulletins recently pre- Will Locate Here Dr. W. H. Fowler has come to ixrori j"7.7 r ."V;w" Hwuuiu wan uie intention or nwpE 'T- 7 fp fiof locating provided the people feel Can e DOast: - Hirst at Rothnl . : Farthest at Chickamauga and Gettysburg; Last at Appomat tox 'when none of our cities appear to desire to entertain the men who carved that boast upon the enduring memory of North Carolina? ouice uie aDove article was put in type we are notified: that the reunion will be held in Dur nam on August 23, 24 and 25. ihe dates were decided upon and accepted Monday. We shall pub lish a complete report of the re union program in our next issue. -Editor Record. the need ot a vennarv snrceon mi , , nere is great need tor a man here of Dr. Fowler's profession and the folks should prevail upon mm to stay. rom the looks of some of the dumb animals with sore backs, galded shoulders. spavin joints and lumps on the body, the editor thinks that he should be kept busy for awhile that he would not find time to think of leaving. Buried Saturday The body of Rufus Gotton, son of Mack Cotton, who died from shell shock in -the trenches in France, while serving with the During the whole day the sing ing was beautiful and we dare say there is a choir there that can equal any church in North Carolina. The dav waa indeed a nleasa-1 one for the Record man and we mark it down as one of the hap piest events m our lives to be with these folks on this occasion, Ihe COmnlete nroo-ram hv tVio Sunday school in the morning was as follows: Song bv conffrep-ation. All -frail the Power. March and song, by the children. A Snaonv Salute, hv rfiorloc Willis Lutterloh. Children's Dav. Hlnvtnn Mar- shall. Song, by the choir. A Basket of R( , .--.wv 'erry, Elizabeth Lutterloh, Kath erine Durham, Estelle Dark, 48. instruction in other suhierts in v- the P PtTIPntQW rrvaAaa Vtnt-r. l,,t. been published, and thev are now 4 Per work on roads in haincr rr.oi'1 -I.. j AIDrigTht tOWnShin iRSS vx.xfs uiuiici. lu liic 1 1 . v x riri i ft t-w. county suporinteddents in this t ij w0??' work on road, state, as well as to teachers in the summer schoo's. Announce ment has also been made that thrift instruction is to be given in state summer schools as a part of citizenship education. Succeeds Miss Stalvey The board of trustees of the i atouviu Kueu scnooi nas se- . - lected Miss Burwell Patterson, "PS lme' .$2'9 of Littleton, to smpfiA A- -rlott, estimat xuuise otaivey m the primary department here, the latter hav ing resigned. Miss Patterson romes to the Pittsboro school Vk?.ll 1 i . ui&iuy recommenaeo. She has V VT -wt v , ' CBU" been teaching for three years in ma,,f V0' 10' from Moore's bridge Vl:e to Wake, ennntv lino SO qq 77 Baldwin townshm. $8 75 B. R. Hargroves, work and re pair on scrapes, Albright town- snip, $41. O.Z.Barber, lumber for bridges 5, 6 and 7, Gulf township, $427. 80. J. T. Plott, estimate No. 8. Si ler City to Albright township une, $j.tU44.8Y, : J l, i'lott, estimate No. 2, iviattnews township line to Ala 948.70. to Mr. Q Cape Fear townshin line to Dnrl ham county line, S3. 721.30. B. Nooe, lumber for bridges and hauling, $241.95. T. W. Chandler & Co.. esti t T n m uie west, JUS. J i. iTrirnn save Vi jTTx l"wc is une -"u Jec uie rest 01 tne world go bv ho van ra ora m i & "J :r 111 Having enemies they never ask to borrow w. Victor Joh , i ; r , i-"c hi me "ume me nusoanri nrenphoa vuiy ana tne wile practices it t i -r xais lerriDie swiit S' JaCK LianiUS save V, tr: n fQll uT rry", tlIC l"an ni! 1X111X1 13 marenmg on. xiV iio me ausoiute truth de libera telv and pnvofniiTT ;4. u --vj.xiijf ion t ue- lieved near so often as the felhw who can ue grace lully. TT t this talk abont rf7f r T1 forth the trumpet that - u. U. A. 1j w u II IHI V I I 11 names being published has suh m neverucaiyreat; sided. He thinks fw He 13 sUng out the hearts of men tax-evaders will soon be supple- Oh , . fat' mented all ovpv fn. " "!rPPie 0h- be swlft- my to answer Him! be .v.vu.wumiy. iubilant. mv fppM Two scenes Sr1Q i . tvt God is marching on. automobile. A railr-ncl A locomotive Man tt-ino " Sweet Adeline anead ot tram. Seen 2. Tnki mnn 1 i "-fe - """'"'i lllJ celiac. luau m a dox. ' At ria ,0,rt t ' x 0 , iui vuu x ume. Prneno fl . . . dreams y?ur ir face beams: ow c njr emu ne Wl risp You're thP flnwor nf u acrnin if i.m i " Vi sweet o. " j wu uuii l Kin nim 1 . n. - - ----- 1 .xxxxv. J.ne dirrerenre hotmoon n maTrand a ooor-one i J-tVl,iv, There's a Long, Long TraU man has a twin-six and the noor There's in i . c I -"&t uau a-wiliuill Into the land of my dreams, to Wake countv line. $2 2fiS 77 ' T rornne i5ros. & .Co., hauling Parents, Mr and Mrs C D Moore. Miss Clara Moore is attending the summer school at Bonlee. There was an interesting ball game between Martha's chapel and New Hope teams last Satur day at Martha's chapel, the score being 6 and 8 in favor of the ew Hope boys. OLIVER. Bynum, where, he was buried. He was the onlv colored man from' Chatham countv killed in the world war. So long as the schedule on the Seaooard remains as it is, there is only one chance to get to San ford m the morning and make connections from there to Greens- Pnu m m. . , , boro, and that is to call on the Z .?r."m "Id reliable. Dick. Ramsay, who Cptiu. oures miectea cuts, win take you ever m his auto- 01a sores, tetter, etc. mobile. ST?Ww,M, ' . . .. m " . m DEED AND CREED A. E. P.. was returned here last '"Henderson and Lucile Perry. ' 1 "T? "Vaows Ka,a TnT 1 xiic nun. Auurev iviann. .ie- cin, ui vuurc das. 1j. rrirnn n j i j. - . - " i . . , - ... unii fnmnicnnn rr .--. r,- nas nm.Qhorl mvi hnrr vnnnkA.n o. ' : . -v..T.vUU1. wihi aL -v- .M..w6 vMWii.o w rr,Qfi in f 'onfoi. T ! c .t r ranee, wnne servmer with the r.1 ucwl""'i aswue uare, lii rrum iew nope A F! F lian Henderson and LnHle ' Mr and Mrs. Bernest Moore, of Saturday from New Jersey and Ihe Aim, Audrey Man: Kn rt i . . .. . i . i . . tit i r-f irriu inrnn m vl m w ii am j v.6u, apciiiouriuay wicn me r ' " ltta-" l uwuc near T u - . ;T . t-T . ' rZ i j 2 v, w road m Center townshin fon parents. Mr and Mpr c. D Mnora Bynum. where, he was buried, ohn Durham and Hassel Brady. Lthe Confederate veterans of Chat- L JX; i ;fl n!??!?!-??? Summer Time, Cornie Perry, bam county and the widows cf $500 88 "1U WWUWUR Song, by choir. confederate veterans. A total aCh.r 4-- Johnny Jumo Uns.Rovd Perrv sum of $5,545" was mailed. . A?atlc, B"d.e p:, estimate Wallace Mrchaii Ai' J' The list ic cmAUr a';ak flu- OCK.y. yer oridge, Uak- t: ul -.i r - xV1" ailv- Lj UVI1U" land township. $2.084.15. ivuuei l vjiussuxi. ijeon rienoerson wwn auu uiere are now 011 vone a tt t - ii , and.IohmMann of the seronH von.;,;;, o L.,n'Jun(!S' laoor, ior oridge, A Problem Solved, Emory Dark. Two Rosebuds, Abie May Cole. Song. Irene and Anhrev M nnn Your Part, Grady Henderson- Guess, William Wright. Grandpa's Children's n a ir D wight Mann." Give with a Cheerful Heart, Brevard Brad v. ' Song by the choir. Collection.'" What I Would Be, Edwin Per ry, I'earl Dark, Arthur Perrv. Allene Dark, Gordon Marshall and Hazel jferry. "ime secona Class, repeivmor a . nri..i j..',- zt. zz : m i , 0 - maiuipws townsniD. siub.irt. pensiuxi 01 aou. wni e tnere are t tt i. 11:: T r :, 98 Of the fourth clas. re,eivW kTf!l r i?!""? $35 each. Xhere are 59 widows rimSJW mthe countv who also rere,VeLrT 4t."aif U1JS' -vw v iiii v innii tics 1 - f-vrr man has six twins. .1 .... Adversity tries somo r0 j iviagis crate lilair tries others. School Begins mi ine Summer Br-hnrki fv. 1, . "wiUui lui me Chatham county school teachers oegan Monday with Pf t?i rranKhn in charo-e ncciewi ivxias, vrrace noiton, and Miss Lil lian Nance, assisting. Mic ton is a graduate of Davenport college, having had two years in High Point and la?t. vpar in n, ham schools as instructor. Miss j Nance is a teacher well experi enced and last year was with lhe I insion-aaiem graded schools. The road force is now in tho corporate limits of Pittsboro blastiner the rnrlc QKn.,t ul " -.. uie school house and wirlpnincr fi, Where the nightingales are singing And a white moon beams: There's a long, lone nierht of waitincr Until my dreams all come true: Till the day when I'll be going down lhat long, long trail with you. Smiles There are smiles that make us haDDV. There are smiles that make us blue, There are smiles that steal away the tear drops As the sunbeams steal away the dew. There are smiles that have a tender meaning, That the eyes of love alone can see, And the smiles that fill my life with sun shine Are the smiles that you gave to me. We expect to start a children's department in the Record in a S?L p ey PtSS $ rough- The interesting to the young folks, road to Bynum has been scraDed , Watch for the heo-innino- graded and they are now in good condition. At an early date the ua,l,the,.way from Chapel Hill to Siler City, through Pitts coro, will be a good one. 666 has more imitations than any other Fever Tonic on the market, but no one wants imitations. OOOdoonn . t i Mt 'ttr r O O $35 each. The repairing of the denot. plat form on both sides of the build ing, PUttine m ffOOd sleeners a r.d new flooring, is a great imnrove- ment. Id rather see a sermon than hear one any day, Id rather one should walk wtih me than merely show the way, the eye's a better pupil and more willing than the ear, r me counsel isconfjusing but example's always clear. And the best of allihe preacheis are the" men, who live their creeds, For to see good put in action is what everybody needs. soon can learn to do it if you'll let me see itf done;' 1 can watch your hands in action, but your tongue too fast may run. . ' ; And the lectures you deliver may be very wise arid true, Iut I rather get my lesson by observing what you do; or I may misunderstand you and the high advice you give, but there's no misunderstanding how you act and how you live. H.dgar A. Guest. Durham. A Tivill m . " 1 o, XI cue lwo Kules trom Grandma, Jes- Mann, Rosa Thomas, Mary Per sie Wright. Recitation, by Aubrey Mann. Roses, Lector Maye Mixon. Duet, Josie and Rosa Thomas. A. Discovery, Charlotte Wright. ' Recitation, by Irene Mann. Gifts for Jesus, Alma Perrv. i oameiia nenaerson and Mary Frances Perry." Quartet, Doran Dark, Frank Durham, Henry Durham and Zeb Dark. The Dying Heathen, Junius ry, Cornelia Henderson, Josie I nomas, Alma Perry, Allie Thom as, Verdie Thomas, Lois Perry and Daisy Mann. Give Mother the Best, Wade Perrv. rhiirfron' nDnc. plies Thomas. - , ' ship, $30.30 Song, hy the choir. Talks by the pastor and H. B. Norwood. Quartet, Misses Annie Mann, Lela Mann, Lora Dark and Emma Mann. B. M. Poe. oils, eras and snn- plies, Center, $8.80. Roy Beard, work on road force, Center, $35.75. W. P. Carter, Maddox Bros., account, Center, $32.16. R. M. Garrell. labor.nails. etr.. Matthews, $375.01. W. P. Carter, salary for May, $101.50. , Clyde Griffin, May salary, $100. Little & Farrell, gas, oil and supplies. $83.66. J. T.Henderson, work on roads Baldwin township, $20. ' Murchison & Alexander, sup plies to road force, Gulf town- E. F. Craven, Greensboro, wheelers and supplies for the county, $412. Dillon Supply Co., Raleigh, (Continued on Page 2.) O O O O O O cr IOOOOOOOO o imes a ear O O O O o o as regular as the weeks come a welcome visitor will reach your home for only $1.50 a year it is Tire (Eltafham itrnxd You want and need YOUR county paper why not take it now. All the rest of the good people in Chatham county get it, why not you? We Also do All Kinds of Job Printing at a Lower Price Than You Usually Pay o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ooooooooosooooooob fit PI ' t J'- i't I Hi ii ;i w: ', (!) I I tit i 5 it. ' I , r : I 'Hi I ! ! i if t s VI- TILI