REMEMBER That ojday Nighty September.30th, the -time limit to secure The Record at $l'6o for a year closes. Tell your neighbors t". NTTj, ft'. MTTTT A-fTWTT A TT lEiSM riHE ? RECORD is the JL paper that's in every home; and the only paper in many homes. ESTABLISHED SEPT. 19, 1878. JPTTTSBOIQi NCHAHAM GO. THURSDA Y, SEPTEMBER 22. 1921 VOL, XLI V NO. 8 COLORED FOLKSY GO TO HADIEY. NEW RAILROAD FOR PITTSBORO SOON gonlee & Western Ry., to Run Line Through htere to Chapel Hill and Durfiamt V " BENNETT TO ASHEBORO FIRST Traverse a Rich Section of Country to Mutual Advantage The Bonlee & Western Railway will soon build a line from Bonlee to Pittsboro, thence to Chapel Hill and JJurnam. : r r r a i A new line is also to be built from Bennett to Asheboro, this work to begin at once. The Company backing this pro- ject will begin worK on tne line to Pittsboro as soon as the Ashe boro section is complete. ..".a Among the other reliable in formation we have as -to this movement, is the following: ' - ' "Under an enlarged railway building company, including the Dunlapsof Bonlee and the Rosses of Asheboro, the Bonlee & West ern is to be extended from Ben nett to Asheboro, work to begin soon, and. later trom Bonlee to Pittsboro, Chapel Hill and Dur ham. This is a "consummation devoutly to be wished." The eastern section would connect Bennett, the Athens of Chatham, with the state university, and give us the shortest line of ship ment to and from the great east ern markets. Blow your horns and ring yottr bells and put on your gala day ' attire and help us whoop 'em up!" H. A. DENSON. Bennett, Sept. 19. WHITES BRIDGE! Mrs. J. A. Johnson spent. the. week-end with her - daughter, Mrs. W. W, Fields.::" -.r H. B. Jones, wife and son, Harold, have returned from Bur lington, where they have been visiting his sister, Mrs. James Holt. Mrs. Herbert Fields, has been on a visit to- her sister, Mrs. Patrick Tucker, 1 of Chesterfield, S, C. Moved to New; York. Rev. Percy Eubanks, well known to Pittsboro folks, who has been a resident of Montrose Col., for a number of years, has accepted a call to the Episcopal church in Cairo, N. Y. " i The Daily Press, of Montrose, says that the many friends 6f Mr. Eubanks will regret to see him leave there. Stating further that he has made a large contribution to the life of the town since he went there and is loved; by alb Mr. Eubanks has been' rector of St. PauPs Episcopal church in Montrose, and in addition has traveled over the western slope as a missionary to towns in Ouray, Gunnison, Delta s and Hinsdale counties. He will be the rector of Calva ry Episcopal church in Cairo, a town 20 miles from Albany and 100 miles from New York City Pardon Refused;: ' The application for pardon to Governor Morrison ' by attorneys for Oran Campbell, was refused at a hearing in 1 Raleigh -: last Thursday. r 4 Execution Sale. Under and by virtue of ah'executfon , issued to me by the Clerk of the Supe rior Court of Chatham County in the action entitled, "F. L. Poe vs. J. P. num," and for the purpose of satis- tying the said execution, the under signed Sheriff of Chatham County will on - - Saturday, September 24th, 1921, at 12 o'clock, Noon, at Ferguson's saw will on the lands of .Luther Baldwin, in Baldwin Township. Chatham County, fsorth Carolina, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for Cash, all the right, title and interest of the defend ant J. p. Bynum in - and to the follow rog described personal property: One hundred anH ttrrol thousand (112,000) feet of Oak Lumber and Cross Tiej. , -. ... - i - ,v- 1 1 This the 8th day of September," 1921.' w '' "G. W. BLAIR, S15-2t Sheriff of Chatham County. Watch your.labeL ... Wise-Otherwise Stolen Paragraphs Localized by the Editor. to Tease His Friends " Red pepper is so called because it is pepper and it is red. v l , i ! j;.. 1 333)3 .C HJ . .We were-recently asked if tur tles think. - Well we think they think they think. A lady of Pittsboro tells the editor that when you are in trou ble, the majority of your callers are after - the particulars rather than to offer sympathy. . The average man given half a chance to talk about'himself, will more than make good. . Since our shert sojourn in Chat ham county we have learned that many of the women get . red in the face "from modesty, some from anger and just a few from Dr. Pilkington's Pharmacy... . A subscriber tells us that Joe White came very near killing a squirrel recently. He saw where he hadeaten some , hickory nuts. " Elizabeth Bums says that the only reason all boys that tell stories are not struck dead is that none would be left. The prosperity you see most men enjoying was reached by ad vertising. 1 : - '.'j t v " " . " - If you are-beaiten'at any game; don't use that old frazzled excuse that you are out of practice. ; A lay told us Saturday that most men swear to love before they.; are married and love to swear afterward. , - j All- those who returned from the summer vacation are now free of red bugs, wood ticks arid asthma. v- : A o-irl in MnnrnrA visited a oirl in Haywood just because she didn't like ner sne nad a new dress. There may be a bootlegger trust.: We have .never seen one we would: ? General Reunion. The, General Fteunion . of the Confederate Veterans will be held this.yearin Ghattanooga,sTenn., and will commence on October 25. and continup through the 28th, according to instructions received last week by Vice Commander, W. A. r Ellington. Watch the Record for announcement as to reduced rates on the railroads. BENNETT. llobert Ingram and brother, of Sanford, stopped at Bennett on their way to their old homeSat urday. ' T - ; . . 5 W., A'. Moffitt went to High Falls to "hear Mr. Cummings preach a good sermon Sunday, i t Claudie Jones went- to Randle man Saturday evening. -V f IMn- and Mrs. Earl Brown went tr Randleman Sunday. ' " ; Miss ' Ada ' Shields, attended church services at Hickory Grove Sunday. . - - . . - ; F. F. . , : Another Compliment. . B. D. Wilson who resides at Aberdeen, sends us his renewal for, the Eecord and says:; ? V'WhenB J supscribed for t the paper,1 1 did not intend to take it but one year, but every copy of it gets better, therefore I cannot afford to stop it, if times are a little hard.,, , - - , - " - - ' - ' ' " - - . . V -J .;. y I ' . 1 ' ' ' " -, 1 '- 1 - . . - , v " We Want Every RECORD LYNCHED SUNDAY.- Eugene Daniels Pays Penalty For An - Attempted Crime Friday Night. Last Friday night, Sept.' 16th; Eugene Daniels, colored, entered the homrf of Walter Stone in New Hope township and attempted a criminal assault upon his daugh ter, Miss Gertrude Stone, Awhile he was away from home hunting. The young lady gave the alarm and a hunt for her assailant" was begun. . , .Blo3d hounds secured xfrom Raeford on Saturday tracked Daniels to his home and he-was arrested in the afternoon, mak ing confession of his guilt to the officers. He was placed in jail hei e Saturday night and at abdut 2 o'clock Sunday morning he was taken therefrom by an angry set of men, carried 5 mi'es east of town and there swung up with an auto tire chain , and his body filled with bullets v, ; Several crimes having; been rapid rotation here had, worked the people into a frenzy and the folks that carried otit these plans allowed the head to run away with the heart, and while it is & bad reputation for any .town or county -to acquire, it is too late to counsel in the mat ter, i Our appeal to Vail would be to love mankind. Do noble things and make life and that vast for ever one! grand sweet song. ? r.oQr.ojo5ononon6itoieoi?oitoio X o X o X o X o X o X IMPORTANT NOTICE - , TO- o X" o X o X o X Subscribers o 9 Watch the label on your paper. o f : "r rv r" rrv nar n o m ll snows me oaie 10 , wmcn 0 your subscription is paid. Sen ; in your renewal before the time - o ;is.out. Uoa'tmiss acopy. onoltbitoKoeiioi(oitoitooiB(m? ' ; . ' ' ' Hi, ifcl-mieL - 1 mubtHy-Xism is a powerful antiseptic. Cures infected cuts; hid sores,ytetteetc. ' -. Watch yourJabel. Printed through the courtesy of Reader to Pull With Chatham County Officers NOW. CORINTH Alton Williams, of Raleigh, spent the week-end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wil liams. The anniversary party held at the school house passed off very nicely Saturday night. A large crowd was present. The people of the district brought supper and there were two large tables filled with good things to eat and of course every one enjoyed it. Refreshments .were also served. Music was furnished by T. F. and J. E. Cross, violins, H. J. Cross, banjo, W. Hubert Cross, piano. Miss Annie W.omble, of Moncure, played several good pieces on the piano, "others joined in and we had some good singing. Misses Stainback and Denmark, of Ral eigh, entertained with games. Messrs. Hendrix, Norton and Crumpler motored, from .Raleigh to attend the anniversary , party. The water is fine at "Buckhorn Beach." A large crowd was in for a swim Sunday afternoon. J. A. Ausley attended the Buck horn church Sunday School pic nic at Raleigh last Saturday. Mrs. A. E. Rollins spent last week with her father-in-law near Fuquay Springs. ' j We were very glad to see so many out at Sunday School and, hope they will keep up the good work being done. Here Sunday. Miss Lillian Nance and Messrs. Wendell Hamilton and lorn Kus- sell, of Winston-Salem, were the . 1 l nuuse guesis uj- iuios ivaiuwi uc Kn banks, wno SDent tne weeK- , v ' ... iT- end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.W. M. Eubanks. i - - -' "- J mk Woodson Powell has re-1 'turned from Philadelphia, where he took treatment in a hospital. His friends win be glad to know that he was greatly benefitted. - -V" ' i - ' ' j The Record During September $1 .00 for a whole Year ---- The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, Tenn. SUPREME COURT. Cases From Chatham County Argued By Counsel Last Wesk.; " " Cases on appeal from Chatham . County were argued before the 'Supreme court in Raleigh last Thursday and Friday. The case of L. M. Petty, de fended by Long & Bell and W. P. Horton was heard. 1 , The action brought by E. E. Walden, administrator for Ivan Thomas, against the Seaboard Air Line railway was compro mised upon payment of $12,500. The plaintiff was represented by A. F. Seawell and Si ler& Barber, while the defendant Company was represented by Murray Allen and Long & Bell. The case of Young Prince was defended by A. C. Ray, I The case of Duncan against Overton was prosecuted by Siler & Barber and defended by A. C: Ray. - . ' v 1 . s. : Meet in. Bennett. Mrs. June Gunter, superinten dent, informs us that the Wo men s. Missionary Union of , the" Sandy Creek Association will meet on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 29, at the Baptist church at Bennett. Every -Society in the Association is asked to send del egates and churches having no Society are asked to send repre sentatives. An interesting pro gram has been arranged. - - Meetings. The protracted meeting at Mer- ritt's Chapel closed Friday night, aant i The nnstnr .1 W An , try-was assisted by Rev. J. O. Long of Uarrooro, wno did tne " " ' . i-nrr v,ic wifo wm rra. yicowiiug , T gjded at the. organ. The meet- jng ' was a success. There were 14 conversions and 10 additions to Merritt's Chapel. The meeting is in progress at Ebenezer this week. The pastor is assisted by Rev C.A. Jones, ot Trenton, N. C. - - ' Public Preaching: Service to Be Held Monday Night Here. -, i A public meeting of all the col ored people in Chatham :1 county will be held in. the Court House next Monday night, September 26th. This is to be a preaching service and every colored man, woman, boy and girl is urged to come and participate in the ser vice. :: : v ' Rev. Virgil Davis will be the chjef spokesman at the meeting and will be assisted by Revs. Long and Washington. The white people are invited and special seats will be provided for them. The services will begin prompt ly at 7:30 o'clock and the singing will j)e good as well as the talks. The purpose of the entire meet ing is to warn the younger folks of. the colored race as to the man ner of their living urge them to unite with some church and be come better citizens. The move ment is worthyof the support of everyone. " ; . : Keep It Up, Boys. Deputy J. M. Womple'and I. D. Darnell, of .Williams town ship, were in town Thursday bringing with them Alvis Spain, who was recently seen to leave a wagon, loaded with beer and eth er ingredients to make liquor. The wagon belonged to Spain and. it and the horse were brought to Pittsboro a week ago. He was captured and brought in as stated; Given a preliminary hearing before 'Squire J.VR. Blair last Thursday, Spain was bound over t$ October term of court under a $1,000 justified bond. , . Our readers will remember that Spain was convicted at the last term of court here for dealing in liquor and given a sentence of 18 months on the roads. He appeal ed to the supreme court and his case ia; now pending. , . The Exposition. The editor visited the Carolina Exposition last Friday, and Sat urday and he was agreeably sur prised at the magnitude of the affair. . The newspapers have not enlarged on it at all. It is all that has been claimed for it and more. It is worth the time and expense of any North Carolinian to go to this exposition and really know their state. We were sur prised at manyjof tne products and advantages ot our oeioved state and yet we prided ourselves Upon being pretty well informed. There are many things that we learned that everyone in the state shculd know and you can get it only by a visit to; Charlotte. -'. - r, . . Encouraging Words. Mr Rrlifrtr T -wrsV: fn nrlrl mv heaf ty a p proval to all that you have said throusrh the columns of your most excellent paper, in re gard to those who deal in the manufacture and sale of blockade whiskev. and I think that I am speaking the sentiment of most all of the people in my commuh-i ity, when I say that we will stand by you on this most vital ques tion. It is time for our Deonle to arpuse from their lethargy and bestir ourselves to heln brincr our young people to see the danger of dealing in the deadly stuff, which often brmers the body to an early grave, and sends the so"ul into eternity unprepared to meet God. - . ' Loner live the Chatham Record and it's present editor, to carry on this good woik is the sincere wish of - - " r. A SUBSCRI3ER. ' Pittsboro Market Report The following prices are paid on the Pittsboro market for Qhatham products as quoted Tuesday : 1 Cotton, 18 1-2 Wheat, $1.40. ':"MJ; ;y Corn, 90. "' . ? " . . ' Oats, 58. Eggs, 35. . - ' Hens, 25 per : Spring chickens, 3Q to 40 per ' Butter, '30 to 36. , ; ; -Hams, 25. . . ) 0 . . . Shoulders, 20. Sides,-11. Green hides, 3 to 3 1-2 Cotton seed, 30. ' . Road Force Will Move" From Gulf to . Hadley -Township.' . The Road Commissioners for Chatham county held their regu lar monthly meeting in, the court house pn Monday, Sept. 12th, all members being present. A total of $13,000 was paid out for accounts. r ' ; -. -1 To J. T. Plott estimate No. 5, road from Siler City to' Albright township line, $2,422.15. Jr T. Plott, ; estimate No. 6, from Cape Fear township line to Durham, county line, , $342.15. T. T. Plott, , for road from Siler City to Albright -township line, $329.33.,, ; ,. s- . .. I . J. T. Plott, Matthews township line 5 to , Albright township line, $934.86. , . v ; H. W. Webster, building road in Matthews township from Siler City to 'Hickory Mt. - township line, $3,500.' This -amount will be paid-back to. the general fund out of the" Matthews township fund, the contract having been made before the present Board of Commissioners was created. - A petition was filed with the Board for a road of 5 or 6 miles in Bear Creek township, same to be considered latere i A petition was filed . for a road from Perry Brothers, or near Gum Springs school house, to Mike Harris' r place, , in! J Center township, there to connect with the road to Bynum, atiistance of J of 2 "miles, same to be consid ered later. 1 v ' The Commissioners are prepar ing to move the road force from Gulf township , to Hadley town ship. The Commissioners were in Hadley last week looking over the roads to be worked and hav ing surveys made. , i; . ., ; - Other than the above accounts, the balance paid out represents small accourits for day 4 labor, team hire, material; bridge work and other supplies. ; . J ' Rook Party. jlMiss Marguerite Ciark ' enter tained a small party 6f friends Sept. 9th; froni 8 to 10 p: m., at her home at Corinth, in honor -of her uncle, Roy E. Cole, of Pitts boro. ; t .' - ; .. . . . . After rook and other games, all met, in : the dining room' where ice cream and cake was served, and all expressed a most delight ful evening. V ,: I . :i ' Those' present i were: Messrs. Roy E. Cole, Pittsboro,- IJerbert Hays, Kaleigh, Carl and : Grady Blake, Troy, John Dupree, An gier, Ltoyd McDonald, New Hill Rt. 1, Misses Marguerite Clark, Lexie :Gunter, , Gayle and Grace Mims,. Corinth. , ..; , P. J. Baldwin, colored, ;cf near Roscoe,' sent the Record Saturday a ; fully developed , cotton burr containing twelvo locks, a rather peculiar production in cotton. Notice of Sale of Valuable Real V Estate. 1 Under and by virtue of authority con tained in a certain deed of trust exe- cuted to me by Wi J. Talley and wife, Minnie H. Talley. r on the 5th day of ' July, 1921, and recorded in Book "F.S." at pages 485-6, Register of Deeds Of fice, Chatham County, North Carolina, i win sen at public auction, to the high est bidder, for cash, on : ? ' Saturday, 22nd day of October, 1921, at 12:00 M, at the court-house door in Chatham County, North Carolina, the following described real estate, viz: Begin at a black-jack. Troedon's cor ner, and run thence S. 85 degrees E. 62 1-4 poles to a stone; thence S. 12 de grees W. 6 poles to a stone; thence S. 88 1-2 degrees E. 30 poles to a stone in Thomas Andrews line;- thence N. 1 1-2 degrees E. 104 poles to a white-oak; thence S. "65 degrees W. 35 poles to a stone; thence N. 5 degrees E. 42.9 poles to a stone in Andrews' line, S. D. White's corner; thence N. 85 degrees W along said White's line 120 poles to a stone pile; thence S. 5 degrees W. 99 5-8 poles to a dog-wood,. Trogdon's cor ner; thence S, 88 1-2 decrees E. 2l 3-4 poles to a cedar; thence N. 9 poles to a white-oak;, - thence S. 85 degrees E. 36 poles to a flint, rock;, thence nearly south 36 poles to y the point of the be ginning, containing 102 acres, more or less, the same lying and being in Bear Creek Township, Chatham County, North Carolina. adjoining the lands of Steven White Milton Jones and others, i . ' This the 17th day'of Sept. 1921. . v-'d. p. Mcduffie, . "' ' Trustee 4t-Oct. 13 ,fc . r,', " Henderson, N. C, l'll v j- if r