. '-' . ';.. 'i'iniiiMMiMiMM,aMMmJMl irnnnii .' ' 1 . v,. , . . - . . -V . ,. - - . . . , . , . ; .... in "': '. .. -. . '. - - - . i i y hm r . - " -A? -' -A --. - r-'- - ' rr,HE RECORD is read - U M W , J f vl - T A fTTrTT' TT - A rT ' 1 Ij S Kl V fV T7TN TTv ' HE RECORD , is f the T every week-.by. almost, -. ,: ,-, M L7N ' J A F T A L It 1 ! lii H INT f N T) J M T paper that's in every everybody that's anybody. 4 T, : . r? -, t --. V Ul J J I I V 5 LJ W'. W IYvl I M ! Z' ' ll home, and the only paper in t ; ; - : r- H -h -.-i I j,. . ) 'V-.,.-.-..- r ;,,... y, . ... - 1 ' '': v. . ! ESTABLISHED SEPT. 19,1878 PTTTSBORO; N. G.;CHATHAMiCOa THURSDAYrOGTOBER 27, 1921 VOL. XL! V NO. 13 Read This! .r. We have just a feW' subscribers that are behirid ' with their, pay merit it trnp- nonce nasa ; ring sronnd it, it means that unless we hear from you' by : Saturday, Kov. 5th, your paper will be dis continued. We are trying to get nut a good newsy paper, well worth a dollar to you, and if you want it we want you to have it -but we expect pay for it. It is the only way we can . continue in business.,-. . - v ' - ij COLIN G. SHAW. -Editor. COUNTY HOME SECTION. Vernon Pegram spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Williams near Cumnock. " y -;- Julia and Oren Roberson spent the week-end with their grand parents, Mr.. tandv Mrs. , Oreh Dowdy at Cumnock. . ; ', Mrs. Lucy Williams spent Sat urday night with Mr. and. Mrs. W. A. Roberson. ; t ' "' Flat, as he is called by aU'who know him, is a great 'opossum hunter in this section. . ' Julian Mclver wife and family spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Roberson. Mrs. Lucy Williams; of near Pittsboro, spent Sunday with Airs. J. B Roberson.- Misses Myrtle Perry, Stacy Eddins, Louise Petty and Truman Fields, and Messrs. Roy Fields and Ed. Bryant, of Pittsboro, Vernon Pegram and Tommy Mur-i dock, of near here, spent a while Wednesday night at the home of W. A. Roberson. - . - OFTEN, vr-: r Community Meetings. ; The community meetings, at which there will be songs, games and moving pictures,-will be held tomorrow, night; . Thursday, at Bennett; Friday night ktByrium ; Monday night at Ofe Hilir Tues day night -at ' McManus - and- on Wednesday night at Eastern Ac ademy. . " ". .. . .., . . Thursday and Friday night the pictures- will be Coine Clean, jThe Magic Wand, The. Tell Tale Arm and Mutt and Jeff.- For- the re mainder., of. the schedule a new program will be' given." ' Let everybody. - attend these gatherings and prosper, by , the experience. :. rtA' A Daughter " The Record is informed that oh October 16th, 1921, at Wake For est, N. C-, a daughter, Majorie Ge'trude,-was borrL to Mr; and Mrs. C. M Qilmori?. JMr. GifaioVe will be remembered as a native of this county - He . is now; in Wake Forest Medical school. Meeting Local Red -Gross. rf There will beaieqttngof tg1a&aa KedXr ossf' on -FrJd a v at her? noon, . Noy.4th," at our:ol6:kn at the home of Mrs. H. T. Cha pin. This meeting is for the pur pose of making , arrangements about the soldiers who are to come here to meet'th'ersqiiad oh Nov. 11 and 12ch? s All members of the local chapter , ate urged ,to be present. . . Vv- . . . Sale of Property Under Mortgage Under and by virtue of the power of t4ia contained m a certain mortgage deed executed by;M.: JM. JOldham and. his wife. Pa ttie Oldham, "W? W, T- Dowdy, deceased, which is registered m the office of Register of Deeds for natham county in book FN at' page o49, default having been made-inr. the paymt-nt of the same, the undersigned, administrator of the said W. T. Dow dy, will on .-.-' Monday, November. 1192 , at 12 o'clock, noon, a,t the court house door of Chatham county, in " Pittsboro. C sell all the right, title and Inter- v v.l luc oam m. m. uianam ana nis wife, Pattie Oldham,- in and t to the -""uwuig aescriDea tract of land m uk township Chatham vcounty, Noito Vvaroiina: -.: ..', Bounded on the North by G,B.Hart; on the west by R. B. QWham; on the soutn.by Mrs. Franca Oldham; on 'tbe ast by B. F. C. lJurge; Icohtainn& IC4 acres, more or less- . , .f r: , .. Thia the 12th" day of October,' i JOHN R. fDO W.nYj ' Admr. W. T. Dowdy;' deceased. Lon2 & Bell, Attys. -. 4 v 10 MT'ZION. ; Misses Pearl A Foushee. Eliza- ;beth Thomas JLaura Harris and Xaura Carter, of Pittsboro. snent the week-end With Miss Glatie f Harper. - Miss Lela Johnson left thejl5tn to begin her work as teacher in the Corinth school. 'j : Miss Ola Harmor left last Mon day to begin her second year as Aeacher in the Gum "SDrincrs school. in i W. B Harper and son, Wade, spent the week-end, at home.- Quite a number from this com munity attended'the State Fair at Raleigh last week. C l Mrs. Morcran rand; dauorhter. Miss Henriett, ofPitteboro, were present at the qornsbuckingrat the home of W. B. Harper Fri day night: .Theytiadto'have the second shuckinc: , on;- Saturday. Everybody had ajojiy.good time both;nights.sv ? " 1 The maioritv of the DeoDle have finished shuck'iner corn through here, i There1 are a few others to shuck yet.' ' There have ueen qujce . a large crpwa oi wo men 1 at most of the - shuckmcrs. Some - sav -that- the women do more harm than'gooS at shuk ings.' Thi3 proved to; be fahe'at the home -of Joseph -CiHarmon Tuesday, night of last v week. Tnere was -an enormous pile6f corn to shuck arid no one had any idea of finishing. Some left early nd said -that they woyld come back the ' next night aid help. After sixty people had eaten supper; botrrdmen'ahd men went .o, thjagorn pile with' a determination "to rfimsli. They would not (have 'finished rif the womeh had; not helped' so faith ful. The? women, toot C filled the men with erithusiasmjby -einging so many pret'fyon g's. , Cdngr'at uJationstO.tbewomensand tbe rrien,' v- V . c& . b.-: ..Mr!'' Fire at School. 1 4 Wednesday of last -week just at recess, it was, notipedr . that tbe wood'pile at the'High Schdol was on.fire. and by hard worEv direct ed" byV Prof. Franklin, v th,e fife wascbnfinedrt.ithDse.uarters not however,. untft boht six cords of wood had been chsurh ed. v ...'.( x-.. ' - k : (C. G. Shaw at the Record .of fice sells insurance. ) 1 J Celebrates Birthday, j , LastWednesday ?Squire Burns celebrated his'86th.barJhday. He vftad a birthda'dinherpossum and potatoes.', andTeceivea many gifts fronwhis friejids. None(5f hiSfdhiIdreri;were prEsent, but he received le also nis err; Burns has "been- stice-rO,-4he MICKIE SAYS "A. mica wowviAVKi A M VM:- i anacnifaren.v inquire 'mm MlSiST SUNDAY. U: Meeting Sandy Creek Assocla tlon Mays Chapel Church ' iThe next union meeting of the Sandy Creek Association will be held with the Mays Chapel church in! Chatham county, v five miles 'north .;. of ; .Cumnock, beginning Saturday morning, Oct. 29, and continuing through Sunday. All the r; churches in the Association are requested to I send messen gers. The following is the program-arranged by the committee; aturdayf 10:00DeyotionaI 1 Meeting, Rev. L. R.v Uixon, Ore HilL 10:30 Organization. jfY'Y'",: 10 :45- What the Layman Ex pects of the Preacher," Victor Johnson, Pittsboro: J. H. Hen ley, Sanford. 11:15-"What -the Preacher Expects of the Layman,' f Rev. Jon. E.Ayscue, Carthage; Rev, WlRiWaffPittsbora. - ,; Ai45-''Financmgj the, King dom," Rev.r O. A Keller, Aber deen; W. M. Gilmorer Sanford. " 2 ;00 Devotional Meeting, Rev. JobnKidd;:Bennett, yr h 245W 'PheTChurch's f Relation to Law Enforcement, Dr. H: W4Villian?, Jqnesboro;-RevtW;; H.jl.X'awfion, 'Carthage.1 2:TiiHhtalu:ResponsibiL ity," Rev. Fontain, , Siler City; Rev. N. J, Toddt?Wake Fore3t.?r . Sunday 10:00 Address, Dr. G. W. Paschbl, Wake Forest. , ll:0OSfermon;w f Rev, f O. 'B. Mitchell; Caiperoh; r H.V. WILLIAMS, ' . W. B. WAFF, aS w. m. gilmore; - ? Commi ttae. Court in Session. ' r !. ; . . r Superior court convened here Monday with Judge E. H- Cran mer presiding. - Owing to the fact that many liquor cases and the murder trial of Peter liogers is to come up, many folks are in atteiidahce v The Record will publish' the -complete proceedings next week. 3Ve lireVindvmff the Re'ord of- i ficlsw&lix on occupied, by J: C.- Lani as as a grocery store and, tl leref o re, prlriting' the" paper earlier than usual and the court has d.ohe'very little at the time we prj pt. i -x The Best Christmas Gift Can you remember thatOhrist mas when you first received The youth's Companion among: your Christmas presents? ; You can perhaps recall the titles of some Oi; the serial stories m those ear ly numbers, and you can well re member how every one in the family wanted to rea .d your pa- ? Tb-day the Comp anion makes the ideal Christmas present. No f ainily, especially o ne with grow ing ijqys and , girl s,, shouid be .withodt he- tried ? ihd XtruGom- tanionTtKe;'-, f rier id y and . enter tainer of hosts of; people; ;youpg and old. . ,J u..v . The comjnicHr.;i8 true : to the best American wieals of life, giv ing every,iweeki a generous sup ply of-thefbest 1 stories - current eyents4co5anaea tsntne world's fioings, witii; jsi.jecial -psg-es -for boys, for girls and for the iam- The BisstfesTof '1922 will be crowded':itseiallstone.'3,short stories; i eidLtorials, poetry, - facts and fun.': 4 Subscribe now and re ceive: s --"t. f ; :;-V r. i The Youttts G()mpanion .52 ia )suesihv1922. ! , . ; 2. Allthe ' remaining: issues .' of ; 1921. ; ; . 3. '' The Companion ha me calendar for 1922. i'vl --J .;Jt ' All for $a 50. f - l 4. Or include McCa! l's Magazine : -vthe "monthly ; s iuthority- on . J fashion. Hath publications, only OO. v ' - " THE YOUTH'S X DMRANION. Commo nwealtb Ase . & St. Paul's Boslonl' Mass. - ' - n ise-v-Lnerwise Stolen Paragraphs. ljocalized by the Editor to Teas His Friends When in fear of ;hard luck,- the Fillipino can now knock on Wood... C ' 4,How few think . justly' of the thinking few;- How mank t never think who think they do." ; ' : : ; - . , Nothing is quite 'so . inconsis tent as hunger. It comes 1 u n bidden, is never welcome and de parts only when' it is satisfied." . Trouble comes mainly to .those '" , 4 J ? Of course, if aquib:. in these culumns is too pointed to please you, it was intended . for the other fellow. - - ; - : Public office is a public trust, and often an object of distrust. No one can expect 'to make a hit when they aim at nothing.; ; :: All men make mistakes, t A few admit them. jfc. x 't v - The, fellow who tells all he knows seldom knows - much to tell. :;i-;:,,v...' iT Whenever a girl begins to lec ture a young man on economy she is DreDaring to ' launch a her bark on the sea of matrimony. As building goes down build ings .go up. j y;.;.:v. ;, , ..... . ; :; -;; These are the days that we will wish; for in a f e W months. . , ; iore than one Inah'sraVerv in larcrelv due to the fact that he harmens to know the other man is a coward. f The best scenery to the aver noTA auto tourist is the hand of the speedometer. Old Man Attends' Fair; r Although 87 years old and not able to do a great deal of travel in o- J. W. Perry, a confederate Veteran of Siler City, attended the State Fair last week one day for the 49th consecutive ume. Since 1872 he has seen every Fair and has watched the pro- orrpfia in thf- manufacturing and aoTiVnltnralv industries in the State. . He thinks that the char acter of the entire Fair this year is greatly. improved oyer any yet held. : Reopens Garage. Colie Oldham has reopened his nnvona 11131. this side of Bynum. T4- m'U hiA rp.memberedr that he mats. COWPfAiV burned last "Decern ber by an explosion, and had to abandon work since xnai-uiiie, but he is now back on the job doing his usual good work. He has also put in an oil and gasoline station. i Services Sunday Night. ;, There will be preaching at the Episcopal church ext Sunday Stat 7:30 o'clock The pub lie is invited to attend. Pittsboro Alarket Report ""V nnoii are Daid on the Pittsboro market for Chatham products as yuutcu ' , .Cotton, 17 3-4 "Wheat, $1.40. , Corn, 90. Oats, 58. ; Eggs, 35. Hens, 25 pr Young chickens, 30 to 40 per Batter, 36 to 40. Hams, 35. Shoulders, 25. Sides, 15. Qreen hides, 3 to 3 1-2 doiton 45. 4 ENGINEER COMING. Will Advise Officials on Road Paving y '" Problems in Chatham.' 1 ' .1 Ji Harry P. 5rier, of Statesville, N. C.,r. county engineers for. Ire dell and Alexander counties, has ben appointed -district engineer for 1 he Asphalt Association; the national paving organization.-,He will make his headquarters in Raleigh and, in the near future, will begin regular visits to this and nearby -towns for the pur pose of , assisting the lcKjal street and road officials in solving their paving problema.. 0 The Asphalt Association, the headquarters of which are in New York, is largely composed of the great Oil producers who recogr nize asphalt to be one of petrole um's most useful products. The association is employing some of the best : highway engineering talent in the country to aid in de veloping the most successful and economical; types of paving. J. E. Penhybacker, former chief economist of the United States Bureau of Publio- Roads, is sec retary of the association and Pre- vost Hubbard, former chiet oi the Research Division, united States Bureau of - Public Roads, and a chemical engineer of re nown, i one Of its specialists in road construction, - Mr. Grier ' is one of the most successful and widely known en gineers in the South. Durincr thft late war he ma,de an enviable reputation in tne , aviation corps, U. S. Army. ' His j duties with the Asphalt Association will' be to aid highway engineers. - ; , Good Samaritans. The farmers in the neighbor hood of T. O. Justice, in Hadley township, are among the class of people that can be depended upon in any emergency. Mr. Justice has been con fined to his home for a number of v weeks with the Flu ana or course, nis worK laggta behind. Last Saturday quite a number of his neighbors gath ered at hi3 home, harvested his crop, shu,cked the corn and stored both it and .the forage. You do not find just such people in every county. Mr. Justice is improving from his illness and feels very srrateful to his friends for their kindness. - ; v r?: :v-. - ' Centennial Celebration. On Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of last week Christ Church, Raleigh, celebrat ed its centennial. Decorated for the occasion, it stood ready to receive its many sons and daugh ters. Some of .the most famous sons of the Old North State have comniuned within its walla. It was in Aupust, 1821. when Raleigh was still a village, that Christ Church parish was organ ized. It was not until 1848, how ever, that the erection of ;a per manent buildincr was begun. The same building is there today, thoucrh it has been enlarged, it still retains that simple beauty. John nay wood, torty : years treasurer oi tne state, was tne first senior: warden: John Louis Tavlor. Chief Justice of the Su nreme Court, and William H; Ha v wood, later. U. S. Senator, were among its first vestry. Rev. John Stark Ravenscroft, D. D was the first rector of the parish and the first bishop of the dip cese. . . ; Schools open Monday. ; An ordfir was issued by the Bbard of Education at their last meeting to the eff ect that all the schools in Chatham county should onen on'nekt Monday. October 31st A few of the schools hy permission opened lagt r Monda. ' From Chatham County. The Raleigh Times Saturday carries a long article in regard to C. T. Goodwin, on route 3, Aex, a Chatham farmer, in which he has a conference with Mrs. Van derbilt, the president of tbe State Fair. The exhibit by Mr. Good win was a eood one and was eleventh in the prize list. BYNUM, Misses, Fannie Hammock and Ethel Hatch spent a few days last week at. their homes near Pittsboro.:- v ::v Quite a number from here at tended the Fair at Raleigh last week . i All report a good time. ; ' Miss Lillian Cole, of near Chap el Hill, .entered the high school here 'last week. We are glad to have Miss Lillian with us. ' The woods around Bynum . at night are filled with the music of the bark of the dog and holler- ing of the opossum hunter; One man in the village has; 14 opos sums on hand now. Guess he will get fat on "possum and taters." ' Born to ' Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Atwater Oct. 22, a fine girl, Li 1 lie Gannon Atwater. ; . Mr. C. W. Neal and family and Mrs, Fannie Hatch visited rela tives at Durham Sunday. "'. Mis. Brady, of Moncore,' visi ted her mother, Mrs. Stephenson, here Sunday. 0;" y ; Mr. Roy;Riggsbee -and family visited Mrs. . Riggsbee's brother, G. A. Hearne. near Chapel Hill Sunday . . .. ' Miss Martha Jones spent: the week-end with Miss Ada Sanders near Hanks Chapel; . j Mrs: R. S. Abernathy is spend ing this i week with - Mrs. W. H. Overacre at Pittsboro. ... ' Mr. and Mrs; J. R. Ellington, of Hackney,1 visited their daugh ter; Mrs, W. C. Abernathy, bun- day.' ";-:'V'' yf f'y -; ' . Bob Fitchet, of Mohcure, was here Sunday , 'sight seeing." ; - .": HAW.' V Modern Bungalow. ; The many friehdsf 'Squire J. R. Blair will be delighted to know that he has determined to make his residence m Pittsboro nermanent and started this week on the erection " of a, modern and well aDDdintea oungaiow in ine western part of town, on Siler Citv street, on a lot near that of his son, sheriff G. W. Blair, and purchased from Harlowe lay lor. Until the death of , his son, Kemn Blair, a few weeks ago, 'Sauire Blair was undetermined as to what he would do, continue to reside here or return to his old home in Hickory Mt township. It is a source of pleasure to all to know" that he intends to remain with us; - . ' A Potato. T. 6. Johnson, who lives about 7 miles' south of town in Oakland townshio. brought '.he editor potato Monday and we have it at nnr nflfi(fi for VOU tO See. It is of thA -P-)rto Rican - Yam variety smoothly shaped, welt developed and "nrm. - it weigns o pounua. vf r .1 ohnshn raised a- number of very large potatoes; although he planted but a small paten.- nat ham county certainly has a num .ber of spleridid farmers. ' PEOPLE OF OUR TOWN flMUSL The Cheerful Idiot who laughs ut the Wrong Time has made More En emies by his Untimely CacbJnnations than the Kaiser. He laughs when you Brag of your Son, and of the Fish that Got Away, and when you Fall on the Tc e nearly Busts a Rib. The only Time he gets Serious is when you Spring a Funny Story. ' - . Moncure School News. School is progressing nicely. We were glad to welcome May Watson, of Osgood , and Guy Womble Into'the High School this . month, v :v ,,;V There were four new pupils added to the mUsic department ' astweekyw . j; -X . Dr. Fuquay, sent out by the State Board of .Health. N4visted the school last week. . He treat ed the teeth of fifty-five children and saved1 the community about two hundred dollars dentist bills. There will be i a Hallowe'en party next Friday night,. Oct 28, at the school, building, r Every body invited.', v ' : "; '' The following pupils were pres ent every day tbe first month of school: ; .' '::J j'V'T-r't 11th grade: Clara Bell,- Amev Womble. . y ----'i.' i 10th grade: " Annie; Lasater, Annie ;Utley ; 9th grade: Katherine Hack- ney, ; , raunn e , itay, is.atnerine Thomas,LJames Utley, Jennings Womble, ' Hilda Wilkie, ; time Thomas, William Womble., 8th grade: Delmas Hackney, Evan Ray Mary, Womble, Glenn Womble. r , , , , 7tb grade: Burnice Womble, Elizabeth Thomas, Ruth Womble, Sam Utley, John Dismukes. 6th grade.' . Audrey Thomas, Ida Money; : ;V 5th grade: Emma Hunt Annie Lambeth; Eugene Lambeth, Mae Womble.- - : . 4th grade : Katie Thomas, Lu- cile Wicker.! , . 3rd grade :', Camelia Stedman, J. L. Womble, , Allen Money, Lois Ray, Dorothy,, Lambeth, Lee Hunt ' ' " - 2nd grade: Burnice Huht, ' Al fred Lambeth, Alex Nance, Bar bara Orrell, Josephine Thomas, Beatrice Wilkie: . ! ; . ; 1st grade.; Roberta Lambeth,, Lucile Maynard, . Emma Lee Mann, Roy Money, Gaddis Nance, Lois Wilkie. r: To Meet in Nashville. The Publicity Committee of the 30th Division informs the R?cord that the. Old. Hickory As sociation, composed of the veter ans of the Thirtieth Division,' is to hold its third annual reunion in Nashville 'on November 4 arid 5.' The city is preparing to en tertain them1 to the very best of its ability, while General Persh ing and other notables will at tend , to do honor to the veterans-. ' TheVe is no man in the Caro linas or Tennessee who -is not proud of the Thirtieth Division, whose infantry- first crossed the defenses of the Hindenberg sys tem in the North while its artil lery at St. Mihiel and in the Ar gonne was pounding away at the Germans in the South. Th6y are anxious to reach all these soldiers and their comrades at arms with the story of the re union plans. - ' : . ' y : .' " ' . . ' . Building Store. ; W. L. Powell is haying, erect ed a store on the ., corner . of his residence lot on Depot street, near the Seaboard station, and will operate a grocery as- soon as comploted, Mr. T. W. Hackney has the contract for the building. WANTED TO SELL! ' , v .)?i Farm, "100 acres, at Goldston, C, on graded road.-; Dwelling, - out Wouses and two tobacco' barns, good farfn land, at a good town with good school, about half the land in cultivation. A 60-Acre.' Farm., about 30 acres cleartd, 4-rqom dwelling with out houses, church and school right close up, on graded road two milea from Bear Creek, N. C. ' A 39-Acre Farm, 3-4 miles frpm Bon lee depot. 4-room dwelling with out houses, mostly cleared, red land. A 60-Acre Farm, about half cleared, close up in Bonlee, no buildings on it; fronts graded road, A 50-Acre Farm, about 15 acres clear ed, good strong land, dwelling weather boarded and covered; two miles from Bear Creek. A rare bargain. If interested writ 'or come look at the goods. Prices right. Terms easy. ;' ' Yours forpisiness, . , ISAACS DUNLAP, U3-4t ..'Bonlee, N. C,