0 RECORD is read Record kT "very week by almost 1 , 'fi, ,r anybody. THE RECORD is the paper that's in every home, and the only paper in verywa - many homes. ESTABL ISHED SEPT. 19, 1878. PFTTSBORO. N. C, CHATHAM CO.. FRIDAY, DECEMBER f6, 1921 VOL. XLIV NO. 20 CHATHAM CORINTH .-.mhip oast the colored resi- For been re- ffnod grade of firearms through aiviB? " -I- " nrt euro hut wrat ft nre not sure but woat n infraction of the law. ""Tr-f s.mdav a buneh 01 colored 88tT,pd up with whiskey and guns, to rry them for a joy ride noontime had safely landed in 3" i L-iin at .lonesboro, arrested for fKunkenness and carrying con Sons. We trust that the hv inflicted on these boys will be f3 enough to cure them from gun ' Sand drunkenness on Sunday. WS are glad to have J. M. Johnson j Imilv as residents in our commun- Mr Johnson has rented the Grimes fS- P r0rinth and put his children fhe Snth school. ThP Corinth community Christmas 1 will take place at the school S o Thursday night, Dec 22., The b while the school will put on Kgrarn. And when Santa Claus -U in down the chimney of the music im let's all. old and young, be there Tlwe him a rousing welcome. And it in be thankful too, that Santa can p for far away in the famine strick 'Kmes of Russia Santa will not be thpre No good cheer and good times in inu. : : .c.. ,j u of pain and nunger, wdiuu;; iw wui to merci fullv relieve tnem oi tneir sut- fering. Mr and Mrs. R. S. Ashworth ftmday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fish at Fuquay Springs. vi,c F F. Drewrv and sons. spent S. E. from Norfolk are here for the holidays vis iting Mrs. Drewry's parents, Mr, and rs. s. W. Harrington, ; Frank Sessoms has bought a flivver, and on his first trip out with it yester day found it about as tricky and as treacherous as the proverbial mule, Maud. Stay with it Frank, you'll learn vet Ray Cross and Roy Buchanan, of the State Garage force at Method, spent Sunday visiting their parents at Corinth. A special musie program of Christ mas songs and "F.A.D.S." selections will be given in connection with the regular picture program on Tuesday night, Dec. 20, at the Corinth school house. Miss Mabel Thomas is working hard to make this an enjoyable and profitable program. So let's all be on hand early. No extra charge, just the regular ten cents. The F.A.D.S. area highly entertaining bunch of singers and we are looking for a real treat from them. Another Still. Henry Harrington, special offi cer in Cape Fear township and Cal Desern, deputy sheriff in Center township, brought in a still Saturday afternoon, captured near Merry Oaks. The outfit was of copper and about 50 gallon capacity. It was in full operation and Che two men there making a quick get away, one leaving his coat.- The par ties are known and arrests will follow. A small amount of whiskey, a lot of 'ieer, malt and other para phernalia were destroyed. Carrboro. Miss Hudson has moved her millinery business into her new quarters in the Lloyd building, next to the Bank of Carrboro. J. E. Neal killed three hoes a few days ago that weighed 1083 pounds. J. E. Neal is serving on the jury this week The grading on the Chapel Hill ex tension was finished yesterday. The track laying is now over half way com pleted and they are ballasting the tr.-.ck as they go. Lueco Lloyd's new building is about completed. John Farrell, of Seaforth, Chatham county, visited Mr. and Mr. R. L. Sturdivant last week. The graded school will not opsn until the first of January. We guess the teachers will be asking for their pay for what should have been the fall ses sion. Mrs. Paul Farrell, of Brown's Chapel, Chatham county, was in town Saturday. Notice of Sale of Valuable Town Property. Inder and by virtue of the power of sale conferred upon the undersigned by a decree of the Superior Court of Chat ham County, N. C, rendered' in the special Proceeding entitled "S. S. smith vs. J. Q. Seawell," the under signed commississjoner of the court will otter for sale at public out-cry to the "ighest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Pittsboro, N. C, on Saturday, December 17th, 1921, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following de scribed lands, Iving and being in the corporate limits" of the town of Siler ty, Chatham County, North Carolina, Beginning at astake on the south side m public road, (extension of Raleigh street), said stake being 140 feet, East 01 corner r.f Ur. t t o :i.u i4 nrA running m an easterly direction with tne south side of said public road 3973-4 . mc XV. IX, OlIllLll ouu ieet to ira Smith's line; thence north oi 1-2 degrees east 59 3-4 feet to Ira smith is corner, in Mrs. Mary Pickett's iu thence south 3 degrees west with frs . Pickett's line and Mrs. Jordan's "ne 1219 feet to a stake, Mrs. Jordan's ninor m Fergusan's line; thence north ou i-2 degrees west with said Fergu- Z s line 687 1-2 feet to a stake in cen l oi brmth Street; thence north about degrees west with center of said weet 794 feet to a stake; thence east e1! 1-2 fppt to 5 f . f T? T? smith lot; thence east 140 feet to a Ke; thence north 1-2 degree west 340 IScq to tne beginning and containing w acres, be the aame more or less. This land is sold far partition. This the 14th day of Novernber, 1921. WADE BARBER, Commissioner. iler & Barber, Attorneys. Dec. 16 REGULAR RIEET. County Commissioners Met in Court House Monday, December 5th All the commissioners were present at the regular meeting held here on Monday, December 5th. The following .accounts were ordered paid: J. B. Hooks, cltprfc of Wayne county superior court, witness fees and costs in Peter Rogers trial, $467.10. G. W. Blair, stamps $10. J. W. Griffin, salary $50.80. Jessie Justice, juror bill Pom pey case $2. Addie Burke, case $2. juror Pompey G- J. Griffin, juror and clerk in Pompey case $4.20. W,L, Powell, juror Pompey case $3.20. W. H. Ferguson, juror Pom pey case $2.60. John R. Goodwin, ju:0r Pom pey case $3.20. S. S. Edwards, salary $48.25. W. H. Harris, wood for jail $27.81. W. H. Taylor, salary $41.65. L. C. Clark, salary Supt. coun ty home $41.66. Mrs. L. C. Clark, cooking at county home $10. John Griffin, bef and work county home $14.50. John Roberson, seed wheat county home $22. Much Fearrington, labor coun ty home $15. Bonlee Telephone Co., $16.70. C. h. Crutchfield, prisoners $15. conveying A. l. Watts, one-half cost of auto tags $15.25. Interest on road bond Mat thews township $1,127.81. Interest on road bonds Center township $1,253.12. Interest on road bonds Cape Fear townshio $1,052.75. Interest on road bonds Haw River township $251. Scott, Charnley & Scott, bal ance on audit of county books $600.93. McPherson & Barnes, premium on bonds for county officers, $210. London & Son. supplies court house $2.89. Dr. T. M. Harper, examination of school teacher $1. G. Murray kelson, balance on county home work, $266.93. Carolina Blue Printers, blue print in Peter Rogers case, $18. Dr.-J. M. Harper, quarantine officer, $73.50. N. R. Bright, poll holder $8. Cole Printing Co., supplies for court house $22. 89. Chatham Record, printing ! court housp, $76.50. J. R. Blair, justice fees $5 10. Bank of Pittsboro, interest on notes $250. , W. H. Ferguson, penalty fee for Make Marsh $5Q. H. S. Storr, supplies for court house $17.48. For capturing still in part and complete as follows: H. P. Gold- ston $50; J. A. Davis Jas. L. Griffin, salary $137.58. R. L. Bryan Co., supplies for court house $54. G. W. Blair, postage ana freight $32.70. G W. Blair, salary $208.33. W. L. London & Son, supplies county home $79.25. Tom Leach, janitor and extra work $22.50. R. E. Lanius, sawing wood $4. C. B. Fitts, listing taxes $7. Lonnie Brooks, wood lor court house $12.50. C. C. Poe, salary and postage $157.50. J. D. Willett, salary $49.50. George H. Brooks, coroner bill Pompey case $10.70. G. H. Brooks was appointed agent for Elija Clark and wife who were allowed $2 per month.. fees from Registers office for the month of November $120.90. Amount of fees from Clerk s Why Mr. Joe Armstrong, Celebrated Dog Trainer, Uses R;at-Snap. "Noticed rats around my ken nels, having hundreds of prize dogs, couldn't take chances. Trfed RAT-SNAP; in three weeks pvprv rat disappeared. Noticed that the dogs never went near oatcmap T tell my friends ohnr RAT-SNAP." Use this sure rodent exterminator, it's safe. Comeg in cake form. Three sizes, 35c, 65c $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by W. L. London & Son and Pilkington Pharmacy. ELECTRIC CURRENT. Contract Signed and Work Begun on Transmission Lines to Town. For some weeks the Moncure Manufacturing Companj-, consti tuted by Messrs. Hurley. Broth ers, of Troy, have held off the contract for electric current for Pittsboro, owing to minor reasons and for that reason many skep ical folks have said that we would never have the lights. The contract is now signed and preparations for the building of the transmission line from Lock ville to Pittsboro are being made and actual work will begin at once, and the lights and current will be supplied to us. Messrs. Hurley Brothers think that the line can, be built and the current turned on easily by May first and possiblv sooner, but it is a fact thattfte lights will be in operation in Pittsboro before a great while. Everyone should now make ar rangements to have their houses wired so that as soon as the po v r is available there will be no delay in getting the service. Route Two News. Miss Josie Mrr.n, of Snow Camp vis ited Miss Dora ClarK last week. Miss Luta White, primary teacher at Battle school, spent the week-end with Lher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will White, on buer City route 1 Miss Rosser Ferguson spent the week end with homefolks. Mrs. A. M. Jones and brother, of Bennett, visited Mrs. Jones' mother, Mrs. G. W. Jones, Sunday. Mrs. Willie Cheek and children, of Greensboro, are spending a few days with C. N. Justice and family. Farthing and W: D. Clarkspent Sat urday night with their grandfather, W. A. Daffron. Wade Ferguson and Lacy Webster gave an old-fashioned candy party Sat urday night at the hme of C. N. Pick ard. Those present were Misses Ross er and Hayse Ferguson; Dora and Edith Clark; Annie, Bessie, Alice, Audrey and Ressie Johnson; Stella, Lillie and Eva Harris; Ethel Campbell, and Mabel Woody; Messrs. Frank Gilmore, Wade Ferguson, Lacy Webster, Franks Cov ert, George Johnson, Henry Cockman Gordon McMath, Lacy and Dewie Har ris, Baxter and Wilbert Straughn and Colie Woody. AH left saying they had had a very nice time. POLLY. office fr month of Nov. $175.60. Taxes were remitted in the fol lowing amounts and to the fol lowing persons: H. G. Beard, fl04.73; J. H. Fox, $3 36; H. C. Clegg, Sr., $8.88; A. F. Thomas, $16.20; Mrs. J. H. Henderson, $16.40; Sam Fike, $7.45; Mrs. Samantea Gilmore, $5.08; S. D. Brewer, $).93; J. H. Luther, $13.33; J. H. Huther, $9.50; Margaret Thomas, $2,44; L. S. Burnett, $1 39; J. B. Beal $3.31; Mrs. Lizzie Harris, $16.80; Joe Han is, $3 36; J. M. Hudson, $37.98; Tusie Taylor, $2.49; ri. K. Durham, $14.38; Jake Thompson, $8.42; June Taylor, $1 40; Mrs. J. M. Edwards, $3.46; R. T. Mann, $3.96; John Gilmore, $3. 36; R. L. Tyson, $13.04; S. G. Wilson, $20.55; J. R Wilkins. $11.20; H. C. Reece, 15.60; Chat ham Bank, $15.41; J. J. Jenkins, $18.68; J. M. Wicker, $4.75; J. M. Mar!ey, 22.67; E, J. Mclver, $3.86 and Tom Harrington $1.71. Double t and SHEETING At 12 1-2C. Per Yard Full Line Xmas Goods S. BERMAN CHAPEL HILL Wise-Otherwise Stolen Paragraphs Localized by the Editor to Tease His Friends The amount of bills received by somft married men would in dicate their wives wasted a lot of time going to school. Aottot all the English they needed was "How much is it?" and ' Charge it." There's.a chiel amang ye takin' notes,and faitn he'll print it. When doctors disagree it's up to the undertaker. The man at the bottom says there is always room for more. He says just about the time he sees daylight, along comes an other cloud and it's good-bye sunshine, A woman can have a good time crying becailse she isn't having a goo J time. Lots of the men never show bad taste in their dress because they can't afford it, v vp If this weathtr maintains then there will be no destruction of the trames ot the ancestors pic- tures, the chairs will remain in tact and the engineer wilt not tire so much in warming up the wigwam. If you sent some fojks- to the Sahara desert for sand they'd bring back cobble stones. A lot of women grieve them selves to death when there are only 30 spending days in a month and in February ; they go in mourning. ww An editor is no braver than the average man shou.lc be, but he is usualiy sincere and honest in his conclusions. i Some folks are so far off from their feet that they do not know when their corns hurt. A friend is a person who dis likes some person that you dis like,-. v; A young man will stay up late at night for fear he will miss something. Later in life he goes to bed early glad to miss it. A Pittsboro lady discharged her cook. She was so honest that she even refused to take an order from the mistress. Next Saturday Night. The teacher at Moses school, which is' located on the Goldston read, beyond the county home, has requested the Record to in vite the public to a box supper to be held there next Saturday night, December 17th. The pro ceeds are for the benefit of the school. Father George SHOOTS HIMSELF. Liquor Maker Suicides Rather Than Face The Charge in Court. Gatti-s Douglass, a yojng white man, of good fami y, who lived on the Coles Mill Road, near Hillsboro, shot and instantly killed himself late Saturday af ternoon, leaving a wife and small child to the mercies of this world. Gattis, with two others was caught at a still in full operation on Eno river b.v C. G. Rosemond, enforcement officer, and others from both Orange and Durham counties. The three men jumped into the river to swim across, but Gattis 1 ailed to make it and went down the second time when the officers rescued him from drown ing. . i Taking him to the homr of his father for a change of clothing and to prevent his freezing, the young man had just entered the room when the officers heard a shot and rushing in, they found the side of his breast torn away and young Gattis died before medical aid could administer to his relief. Sometime ago The Reccrd warned the block ad er that the business in which he was engaged as an unwise one and that soon er or later it would bring him to some sad end. It always hap pens so. Death of W. T. Brewer. Wm. T. Brewer left Pittsboro more than 30 years ago and moved to Wayeross, Ga., where he died Tuesday. December 6th, and was buried on Thursday, December 8th, funeral having been held in Grace Episcopal church in that city. Mr. Brewer leaves one daugh ter, Mrs. Donald B. Isley, Cresti bel, Panama, and a sister, Mrs. Laura H. Morgan, of Pittsboro He was-62 years oil and was a! master mechanic, having worked at his trade-in Wayeross as well as for the railroads in South America and Panama. 1921 TAX NOTICE For the convenience of the tax payers of Chatham County, I will be at the fol lowing places on dates listed below for the purpose of collecting 1921 tax: DECEMBER J. T. Henderson's Store, Riggsbee Post Office - TrailkilPs Store, r Aaron Wilson's Store. B. F. Upchurch's residence, Kelley's Store, Council's shop, Markham's store Fearington, Scott Bros, store, - Merry Oaks, Cotton's store, Brickhaven, Lawrence Bros store Corinth, Mims' store, Rufus Mann's store, SilK Hope, Perry's store, J. L. Lindley's residence, J. W. Buckner's shop, J. M. Teague's store Siler City, Mayor's office J. E. Burke's st )re, Thomas' Mill, Gulf, Bank, . Goldston, Bank, . Bennett, Bank, 1 Rock Hill oupply Store Co,, Harper's Cross Roads, . Bear Creek, Coggins-Fitts store, Bonlee, Bank, Jim Knight's store, Frank Knight's stoie, ... Moncure, Bank, Byrium, R L. Eubanks' store,. Sharp's Mill, C. G. Sharp's Store, Siler City, Mayor's office, If you wn a DOG be sure to call for separate receipt and license tag. The dog tax not included in property tax receipt. Yours very truly, O. W. BLAIR, Sheriff Chatham County. GOOD STREETS. East Street and South Main Street Graded and to be Soiled. Contractors are busy finishing up the work on East street and South Main street at this time, preparatory to laying on soil. The work was much needed and will add materially to the town. East street has been graded and put in first class shape from the residence of Capt. J; F. Als ton to the court .house and South Main street from the court house to the residence of Harlowe Tay lor. Work will now begin with the putting on of top soil, the best meihod of preserving improved roads and streets, except the hard surface. J. O. Brown has the contract for the entire work. The County Home. In the editorial columns of this paper will be found a reference to the building of the new county home, furnished us by H. A. London, chairman of the commit tee appointed. It would be use less to publish anything further on the subject inasmuch as prep arations are being made as fast as possible to build the new home. We ail know the need of it but those things .have to be handled in a business, systematic manner and it requires time to do it. Chatham Church. Garland Burns and family, of Mon cure, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Eddins. C. C Clifton and family have moved to South Carolina. Relatives and friends are sorry to learn that .0. H. Weleh is very sick with pneumonia. We hope he will soon be well again. Owincr to the bad weather, last Sun- day wa.s the first time we had Sjnday school in a month There has been much fox hunting in this section recently, but most of it seems to be in vain. ANDE. Tuesday morning, .13 Tuesday afternoon, 13 Wednesday morning, 14 Wednesday afternoon, 14 Wednesday night,.' 14 Thursday morning, 15 Thursday afternoon, 15 Friday morning, 16 Friday afternoon,.: 16 Saturday morning, 17 Saturday afternoon, 17 Tuesday morning, 20 Tuesday afternoon, 20 Tuesday night, r 20 Wednesday mornirg, 21 Wednesday afternoon, 21 Thursday, all day. 22 Friday morning, 23 Friday afternoon, 23 Wednesday morning, 28 Wednesday afternoon, 28 Thursday morning, 29 Thursday afternoon, 29 Friday morning, v 30 Friday af ternoon, 30 Saturday, all day, 31 JANUARY Tuesday morning, 3 Tuesday afternoon 3 Wcdnesaay aiterroon, 4 .Thursday afternoon, 5 Friday afternoon, 6- Saturday, all day, 7 BKICKHAVEN. Dr. Fuquay, the dental clinic, spent Tuesday at the school looking after the children's dental work. The teachers have been working faithfully to get Dr. Fuquay here, for there was much needed work, and now that their efforts have been rewarded,, they, as well as thearents and pupils, are relieved and delighted. The State Educational (S. fi.) mov ing pictures shown at the school Tues day night were nu:h enjoyed by the large cowd present. The childreu were especially delighted with ' the plav, "Snow White." There will be several changes in res idences here soon. D. J. Ellis will move his family to Holly Springs sometime before the holidays; L. W. Cotten, now of the Cherokee Brick Co.. is planning to farm next year and will occupy the house vacated by the former, while L. S. Garner will move into the Cotten residence. Mrs. Johnny Gamer spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Cotten, at San fod. Miss Leone Luther, our grade teach er, spent the week end at Bonsai with her parents. Mrs. R. H. Marks visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Womble, the past week end. A. M. Cotten continues ill at his home here. So far there has been very little illness of a serious nature around, here, a fact for which our people should be devoutly thankful, for conditions are still precarious as far as medical aid is concerned. Dr. Strickland's place is still unfilled and we have no assurance of having a local physician. It seems that conditions are little short of being tragical, and it is time that we should get busy, so to speak, and learn just why "the right man can not be found to fill the right place." Another Friend. Robert A. Long, who now lives on route 1, Asheville, N. C, sends us a new subscriber, pays his own up to 1923, and says: "I "can't hvslp saying a good word for as, good a Daper as you furnish and especially when it comes from the dear old county of Chataam, where I was born and spent my boyhood days. I feel a deep in erest in anything that will benpfit Ch itham county and her noble, high-minded peo ple. Success to you." Children's Home. The Children's Home Society, of Greensboro, furnishes The Record with a November ieport oftheTristitufion, showing that 32 children were received and 19 were placed in homes. To date 185 children have been found comfortable homes. This Insti tution is operated entirely on voluntary contributions an 1 it is estimated that it will take $2,000 for December, with a surplus of only $1,159.08 to start the month with. Every advertisement in this paper is worth your reading. None but reliable dealers are al lowed to advertise in this paper. We returned two advertisements this week because we did not know the parties and could not recommend them. When you see it in The Record, you can de pena on those whose names are in the ads. How Big New York Grocery Firm Keeps Down Rats. Vroome & Co., Butter & Cheese Merchants, New York City, says; "We keep RAT-SNAP in our cel lar all the time. It keeps down rats. We buy it by the gross, would not be without it"' Farm ers use RAT-SNAP because rgts pass up all food for RAT-SNAP. Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by W. L London & Son at.d Pilkington Pharmacy. RAW FURS Ship at Once to BACH FUR COMPANY 118.120 W. 27TH STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. They Pay BEST Prices FREE BAIT TO TRAPPERS Writ Today How to Get It and for Price List OUR JEWELRY MAKES THE BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Our Jewelry Store is the best place to buy Christmas Gifts be cause, you can select them from the jewelry workshops of the world. , Whether it is for "Her" or "Him" or for Grandma right down to the baby, we have just the thing you want, at the price you want to pay. Our stock of beautiful Gifts is complete. We especially invite our Chatham county friends to pay us a visit when in town, we are always glad to have you call. Sign and mail coupon below and we will mail you one of our beau tiful Holiday Folders. Name. P. O. W. F. CHEARS, dl The Pioneer Jeweler, Phone 109 Sanford, N. C. V

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