THE CHATHAM RECORD, PITTSBORO, .N. C. A DAY'S PROGRESS OF NOTE. A VERY OLD QUILT. A SOCIAL GATHERING. I ill V 1 Have vou lost your appetite? Do you get ro tired with the day's duties that you're unable to an evening witn friends or at the movies once in a whiie? Are you losing your rosy cheeks and your springy Btsp? Dr. Miles Tonic mas made to restore health to people in your condition. It has been of permanent benefit to thousands who were afflicted just as you are. Why don't you try a bottle? Get in line for better health beginning today. .Every Drug Store carries Dr. Miles' Medicines. one-eleven cigarettes jJJflf irv Three Friendly Gentlemen TURKISH VIRGINIA BURLEY FIFTEEN In a new package that fits the pocnet At a price that fits the pocket-book The same unmatched blend of Turkish, Virginia and Burley Tobaccos Guaranteed by HI FIFTH AVE. NIW YORK CITV Mb, PIP tm SEALED AIR-TIGHT 7 Guaranteed by IMG ORPOHATCO SALE OF LAND Under and virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust made by D. A. Clark and R. L. Wilson the 8th day of January, 1921, to the undersigned trustee, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Chatham county, in Book FS, page 373, given to secure certain bonds therein recited, and default having been made in the payment of the same, and all of said debt having matured according to the terms of said instrument, and the holders of the bonds thereunder having requested a sale of the said lands, I will expose at public auction to the last and highest bidder for cash, at the court house door of Chatham county, at Pitsboro, N. C, at 12 o'clock noon, Monday, May 8, 1922, the following tracts or parcel of land lying and being in Cape Fear township, Chatham county, N. C, bounded as follows, to-wit: First Tract: Beginning at a post oak, Wm. Hinesley's and Wm. Cross's cor ner, and running south 80 poles in John Cross and Partridge's line to a pine; thence west to a post oak; thence north 80 poles to a black jack; thence east 1S6 poles to the first station, contain ing 96 acres, being the same land con veyed to Ruffin Prince by John Part ridge and by mesne conveyance to the above grantors. , Second Tract: Lying and being qn the waters of Watery branch and Whiteoak creek, beginning at a per simmon, corner of lot No. 2, running thence west 69 poles to a post oak; i thence south 128 poles to a stake in ' Jesse Rollins' line; thence eastward as his line 69 poles to a pine; thence north 128 poles to the first station, contain ing 50 acres, more or less. i Third Tract: Lying and being on the waters of Golf Creek, designated in plot No. 2 and bounded as follows: Be ginning at a post oak, and a corner of lot No with Rollins' line 50 bush; thence north 128 simmon; thence east 50 poles to a stake; thence 128 poles to the first station, containing 40 acres, more or less, and being the land conveyed to Ruffin Prince by Branson Hineslev on the 9th day of July 1836: Sa e and except therefrom about 20 acres heretofore conveyed by Ruffin Prince, description of which will appear by reference to deeds, and also excepting about 3 acres, known as the colored ch irch lot and colored Odd Fel lows lot, heretofore sold off therefrom. April 6, 1922. my5 D. B. TEAGUE, Trustee. Notice of Sale of Real Estate. Under and by virtue of the powers conferred upon me under the terms o1 j a deed of trust executed by Wiley Yate; , and Caroline Yates, default having I been made in the payment of principa . and interest of certain notes securec ' by said deed of trust, registered in Book FS, at pages 317-318, office regis ter of deeds of Chatham county, I will, at the request of the holders of said notes, sell at public auction, at the court house door in the city of Pitts boro, county of Chatham, state of North Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, May 6th, 1922, the following described real estate: Beginning at a point on Morgan creek, William Cheek's southeast cor ner, and running thence with said Cheek's southern boundary line wts 166 poles to a stake; thence in a south erly direction 133 poles to a stake, thence east 53 poles to a stake in the public road; thence along said public road 58 poles to hickory pointers; thence east 152 poles to Morgan creek; thence with the meanders of said Mor gan creek in a northerly direction to the point of beginning, containing 60 acres, more or less, and being that part of what is known as the "John Craw ford tract of land," in Williams town ship, Chatham county, N. C, which lies across and west of Morgan creek, as shown on plat of said land made by R, B. Clegg, surveyor for Chatham county, and filed and recorded April 11, 1907, in the office of the register of deeds of Chatham county, N. C. Terms of this sale will be cash. This April 10, 1922. WILLIAM G. BRAMHAM, my5 Trustee, Durham, N. C. Rollins' corner , 1; thence west poles to a pine poles to a per- J. P. COULTER CO. Jewelers SAXF O R D, N. C. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry Silverware, Cut Glass and China Fine Watch and Jewelry re pairing a Specialty LOOK AT YOUR LABEL Subscribe for The Record, it's only ;$1.50 for a whole year. In Honor of Miss Pilkir.gton Who Will Soon Become a Bride. Contributed. Mrs. E. R. Hinton and Miss Evelyn Alston were the charming hostesses last Friday afternoon at a beauti fully aonointed party honoring Miss Nellie Pi'kinjrton, whose marriage to Mr. Victor Johnson will take place May. After the guerts had written their favorite recipe in the Bride's Cook Book, Master Bobbie Hinton came in drawing an express wagon literally adM with lovely gifts for Miss Pil kington. At the ronclusion of a spirited con test a dainty course was perved by the hostesses, assisted bv Mrs. Jas. Wre"i. Mr. H. T. Chapin and Miss Elizabeth Chapin. On last Monday night Master Ja mie Harper entertained a number bis vvirff friends, henorinf Miss Nel lie PilkiTicrton. As soon as the guests assembled they were askd to see hoAv m&tiy wods thev onJd orm from "Easter Monday." Master C. C. Ham let made the largest number of words ad was presented with a beau tiful white toy rabbit filled with ran dies. The guests were next asked to aruess the number of ep-ers in a beau tiful cut srlass bowl filled with gailv decorated Easter egg. Wee Annie Bvnum . Elizabeth Blair ard John Lordon tied for honors in this con tent. Tbry cut for the prize which fell to Master London. Favors were Easter eggs and myvshmallow rabbits. The guest of honor.Miss Pilkington. was presented with a lovelv basket of Easter eggs. Upon examination she found each gailv decorated egg con tained a lovely handkerchief. A dainty ice course was served. On last Thursday night Mr. and Mrs Emert A. Farrell and Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Farrell entrained at The Wonans Club room in honor o the Senior class of the Pittsboro high school and the faculty. After several spirited recreational games had been played, the guests were told to prepare for a geography examination and an "Eersr Examina tion." Miss Patterson and Jas. L. Grif fin handed in correct papers and were presented with a basket of Easter eggs. The guests were then told to prepare to do some drawing. As soon as they had made the preparations, Dr. R. M. Farrell asked that they draw their breath. Block ice cream and cake were served by the hostesses, assisted by Mrs. John W. Johnson, Miss Lucile Farrell and Master Lester Farrell. NOTICE OF LAND SALE. Contributed. Wednesday morning, April 19th, two old cats walked in with 8 little kittens at Talmadge Siler's and a lit tle later in the day Mr. Siler went out and brought in 301 little chickens, and bv the time he had the chix coop ed up, Dr. J .D. Edwards drove up in haste and left a bouncing 101b Democratic boy. This is the fourth boy in the home and the only regret is that Dr. Ed wards didn't bring a little girl too. The father is crowing and the moth er and baby are doing well, and the grand mother is singing "We are on the March." Prof roessiona i Q a rets JONG & BELL, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, PITTSBORO, N. C. J. Elmer Long, Durham, N.. C. Daniel L. Bell, Pittsboro, N.C Other News of Interest From Town Of Bennet. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Yow and lit tle niece, Elva Mae Brown, spent Sunday at Pinahurst. The Woman's Missionary Society of the Christian church, met with Mrs. M. M. Hammer last Llonday evening at 7:30. "House Cleaning" in a spir itual way, was the subject discussed. They adjourned to meet again next month with Mrs. West Brown. Mrs. C. R. Scotten and family spent Sunday with relatives in Ashboro. Miss Pntb Camn has returned to her home at Ramseur, after spending several weeks with relatives here. Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Denson spent Wednesday in Greensboro shopping. Mrs. Charlie Jones has a quilt in her possession that was made and quilted in 1579, and is still in good condition. The lining is made 6f home spun cloth, and the top is a sun flower design. The date is em broidered in several places. TOPSY. BUILD A HOME. A. C. RAY, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Mort gage Deed executed to me, the un dersigned, on the 30th day of Decern -be, 1920, by W. M. Perry, and Nella Perry, his wife, and W. R. Perry and Mary Perry, his wife, the said Deed of Tru:,t is registered in the office of the Register of Deeds in Book "FS, ' pages 575-576, and default having been made in the payment of the principal and interest executed by . aid mortgage deed, I will offer for sale to. the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Pittsboro, North Carolina, at twelve o'clock noon on Saturday, May 20th, 1922, the four follownig tracts of land be ing more fully described and defined as follows, to-wit: First tract Beginning at a point in the Pittsboro and Graham road and running South to a post oak; thence West to a pile of rock; thence North to a white oak ;thence East to the fiist station, containing fifty acres, be the same more or less, and being tht lands formerly owned by G. Bascolm Perry and wife, Josephine Perry, and conveyed to Walker Perry and Jeter PerrV by Bascolm Perry and wife by deed of October 6th, 1907 and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Chatham county, N. C, in book E.D page 550; and having been conveyed to W. M. Perry by a proper deed of conveyance, which is duly recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Chatham countv, JN. U. Second tract That certain tract of land lying in Hadlev Township. N. C, on the waters of Drv Creek, Be ginning on a hickory run, North 71h degrees West 152 poles to a stone: thence North 37 degrees; East 35 poles to a poplar: thence South 82 degree.i East 72 poles to a stone: thence very near N. East 60 poles to a pine; thence East 12 poles to a stake; thence South 90 poles to a hickory, the beginning corner, con taining fifty acres, more or less, be ing the same conveyed to James O. Perry by Samuel A. Perry and others by deed of Feb. 17th, 1891, and duly recorded m cook paere in the office of the Register of Deeds for Chatham county, N. C, and a proper deed of conveyance, which fs duly recorded in the office of the Reg ister oi ueeas ior bnatnam (Jountv, N. C. Third tract Adjoining the lands of R. C. Kennedy and bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a stake rock. Gum Spring and Greensboro road; thence N. 16 poles and 3 yards to a post oak: thence East 10 poles to a post oak. on the Graham road; thence South 18 1 1 n 1 j a . poies ana t yams to a post oaK in forks of! Greensboi'o and Graham road thence West 15 poles and 14 yards to the begining and containing one and i acres, more or less. Fourth tract Beginning at a stake and rock on Greensboro road; thence South West 50 poles to a stake and pointers ;thence Northeast 29 poles to Gum Springs road; thence East to the beginning, and containing ten acres, more or less, said tract 4 and tract third having been conveyed to W. R. Perry by W. H. Rives by a proper deed of conveyance, which is duly recorded in Book C.V., 218 et seq. Each tract will be offered seperate ly and then the four tracts will be of fered together for sale. This the 12th day of April, 1922. M. T. WILLIAMS, SILER & BARBER, Mortgagee Atorneys. Ma 19-p Administrator's Notice. , Having qualified as administrator of the estate of John B. Clegg, deceas ed, thi3 is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of the de ceased to present same to the under signed on or before the 24th day of March, 1923. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said es tate will come forward and make im mediate settlemeat. This March 24th, 1922. A. B. CLEGG, Admr. Long & Bell, Attorneys. ap28 LOOK AT YOUR LABEL VICTOR R. JOHNSON, LAWYER. Practices in all courts Federal, State and County. Office over Brooks & Eubanks store, Northeast corner Courthouse Square, PITTSBORO. N. C. i B. CHAPIN, M. D., PITTSBORO, N. C. Office: Main street, Dr. H. T. Cha pin's former office. myi5 Telephones: Office, 43. Residence, 39. 0R. R. M. FARRELL, DENTIST Offices over the drug store, Main st. - Hours 8 to 5. PITTSBORO, N. C. For Painting Decorating Waxing Hard, Oil and Wall Finishing, I am pre pared to serve you. With 19 years of ex perience it makes it possible,. C. D WOODELL & SONS Sanford, N. C, 322 Hawkins Avenue mhl7 P. MORTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. -TS f')PC. s. C EYE-SIGHT SPECIALIST Will be at Dr.R.M.Farrell's office, Pitts boro, every 4th Tuesday in each month Glasses fitted that are easy and restful to the eyes. Cross-eyes straightened without the knife. Weak eyes of chil dren ano young people a specialty. f next visit will be Tuesday, Ap. 25 HI F ilia (THE OLD RELIABLE) SANFORD, N. C. CO., 4 THE UNIVERSAL CAR rin '"a .1 Pride fOimership '"PHE Ford Touring Car has brought to the - farm homes of the country more real plea sure, comfort and convenience than perhaps any other one thing. It has enabled the farmer and his family to mingle wkh friends, attend church, neighborhood func tions, and enjoy the many pleasantries that abound in country life. Truly the Ford car with its low cost of operation and maintenance, its usefulness and efficiency, has been a boon to the American farmer. Your order should be placed at once if you wish to avoid delay in delivery. Chatham Motor Co., R. E. Boone, Manager, Piittsboro J 11 HEADQUARTERS For all kinds of FURNITURE PA THE" Talking ORGANS Machines and Prices as low as" the lowest, "cash or credit. Goods delivered by truck, $50 worth or more, in or near Pittsboro. We have an Auto Hearse and a fullline of Caskets and Coffins. 4V M (1 ti to to to to to to The High Standard This Bank has set for itself in the con duct of its business is a protection to its depositors in every emergency and un der all circumstances. The spirit of this institution is one of helpfulness. YOUR BUSINESS WELCOME. &&&& Human Welfare is the only true basis of business prosperity. We aim to keep your welfare ever in mind. We pay 4 per cent on savings compounded quarterly and will appreciate your savings and checking account in any amouut. Also we have safety deposit boxes for rent for guarding your valuable papers. THE FARMERS' BANK Pittsboro, N. G. m SEE m I BankingLoan (5 Trust Co.f to toR to tow to $J. to to to to 3ANFORD. K. C. E. Carhington, President , W. Robards, Vice-President. W. Cunningham, Cashier. BLAND & CONNELL for special prices on Flour, Sugar, Coffee and Canned Goods This week. Highest cash price paid for country hams. BLAND & CONNELL JONESBORO BRANCH I. P. Lasater, Cashier. MONCURE BRANCH J. K. Barnes, Cashier. Capital and Profits $50,000.00 Resources Over -$800,000 Sfgffff For You Money Mind and Body are both nourished and strengthened by the judicious use of high grade groceries. That is the kind we sell. LIN D LEY & WILLIAMS Pure Food Grocers Pittsboro, N. C. Get More A fine Clothes Display awaits you because the policy here has been to buy big and buy ahead of the market. This is why you find plenty of good clothes here and the price under the market for there is no high priced goods here as they are sold on a cash basis. Mtm J s'-7 mm C. R. BOONE "Good Quality Spells What Boone Sells" DeLuxe Clothiers RALEIGH, N. C