I THE CHATHAM RECORD, PITTSBORO, W . C. to to to to to to m m ; to to to to to to Capps Hardware Co. LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER , AT THE RIGHT PRICE. Capps Hardware Co, SANFORD NORTH CAROLINA. CAN THE FRUIT Car load of Fruit Jars just received to sell at reduced Prices, when bought in quantities. Prices quoted on application. LEE HARDWARE CO., SANFORD AND JONESBORO W rrtl 1 Cm 1 1 i he nign tanaara This Bank has set for itself in the con duct of its business is a protection to its depositors in every emergency and un der all circumstances. The spirit of this institution is one of helpfulness. YOUR BUSINESS WELCOME. BankingLoan S Trust Co.f SANFORD. N. C. R. E. Carrington, President, W. W. ROBARDS, Vice-President. JONESBORO BRANCH L P. Lasater, Cashier. MONCURE BRANCH J. K. Barnes, Cashier. J. W. Cunningham, Cashier. Capital and Profits $50,000.00 Resources Over .$800,000 IS Diamonds and Jewelry KVe, without a doubt, have the largest selection of DIA MONDS and DIAMOND MOUNTED JEWELRY, in the county, which is always ready for your inspection. Be con vinced come in and let us show you. Our Repair Department is unequaled for SERVICE in Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing. Also engraving and Stone Setting. "REASONABLE PRICES FOR RELIABLE JEWELRY." The Ideal Jewely Company Next Door to Page Trust Co. Sanford, N. C. Seaboard Air-Line Railway INFORMATION BULLETIN NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. Tickets at Special Excursion Fares on Sale June 21, 29, July 5, 13, 19, 27, August 2, 10, 16, 24, 30. Limit ed eighteen days. ROUND TRIP FARE FROM SANFORD $28.20. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Tickets at Special Excursion Fares on Sale June 28, July 6, 12, 18 26, August 1, 9, 15, 23, 29. Limited eighteen days. ROUND TRIP FARE FROM SANFORD, $18.35. PORTSMOUTH-NORFOLK, VA. EveVy Friday Week End rates from PITTSBORO, $9.35. Sunday eigh $4.00. LAKEVIEW, N. C, and RETURN Every day; Round from Moncure, .93. and Saturday; rate from Ral- trip fare Proportionately low rates from other points. For Schedules reservations consult your Local Agent or write and F. H. WILLIS JOHN T. WEST Traveling Passenger Agent, , Divisioil Passenger Agent. RALEIGH, N. C. RALEIGH, N. C. SOCIALISM OF CHRIST. For three hundred years after Christ, the Christians, following tne example and teachings of their Mas ter, preached and practised the most radical Communistic Socialism, as the sect of Essenes, to which "Christ be longed, carried into full practice the doctrine of common, or collective own ership o fall goods and property. This doctrine was obnoxious to the rich and propertied class of Judea and the whole Roman Empire, and Christ himself was put to death for this reason in Judea, under both Jewish andRoman auspices.and His disciples and followers suffered a like fate in Judea, and for three centuries throughout the Empire of the Caesars. Jesus the carpenter of Nazareth, and the son of a. carpenter, born amid lowly surroundings at Bethlehem, in Judea, was the man whose life and deeds have more powerfully influenc ed the mind of the world than any other character known to history. As he left nothing in writing, the only account of Him is from the pens of his followers. At thirty years of age he commenced preaching economic doctrines that won for him the love and esteem of the poor and the con tempt and hatred of the rich, being Himself so very poor that he had not where to lay his head. He appeared after Rome had con quered the civilized world, including the Jewish states of Palestine, which were subjeited to Rome authority. The Roman Imperial power ruled on ly for the purpose of collecting tribute and the local affairs of Judea were 'administered by the priests of the Jewish religion. The priests and the wealthy ruling classes had reduced the onie powerful Jewish religion to a mere matter of form hypocricy and merchandise, being dominated by the spirit of mercenary greed. The tem ple of Jehova had been turned into a bank for changing money and a med ium for disposing of various birds and animals usd for sacrifices. Jesus commenced preaching against the prevailing order of things in His own country. His pulpits being the lakesides, the highways, the street corners, and sometimes the Syna gogues. He spurned worldly wealth and aimed at the annihilation of riches which he looked upon as supreme fol ly. He preached a simple life and the foolishness of striving for material things as expressed in the words "Lay not up for yourself treasures upon earth". Christ opposed the whole system of profit, interest and wages then pre vailing, uttering numerous parables to show the injustice and wrong of these things, and hurling many ana themas against the Jewish ruling class. Two notable examples are the parables of Dives and Lazarus, and the rich young man who wanted to, join the communist society founded by Jesus, but who went away sorrow ing. That the rich shall hardly enter the kingdom of heaven was repeated in sentiment in every discourse He uttered. His sermon on the mount is but a laudation of the beauties of a simple life, free from blemish of ill gotten wealth, and here He addressed the rich: "Woe to you that are rich, for you have had your consolation." Christ being an humble carpenter, a poor woiking man, it was natural that He defended the class to which He be longed. He taught the doctrine of hu man brotherhood.a brotherhood where all did right to their fellow men and where the many were not robbed by the few. All the disciples He gather ed about Him were poor except Mat thew who was a tax gatherer, Jesus taught his disciples His aims and pur poses, and all of them remained true to the end except one. It was because he opposed and attacked the existing social systems of Judea; because he denounced and opposed the ruling Jewish class; because he was an agi tator who attacked existine institu tions it was because of all these things that He was compeledl to die on the cross, His death being brought about by the Jewish priesthood and wealthy ruling classes, who excited the religious prejudices of the Jews to the point where they were willing to have Him crucified. All his disci ples except one, John, suffered deatt for the same cause. Jesus was executed as a criminal under the forms of the law because of his radical utterances, as He re peatedly said he would be. After his death the disciples proceeded to teach his doctrine of Communism, and the the first act of the organization was at pentecost; "And all the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and one soul; neither said anv of them that had aught of the things he possessed was his own,but they had all things in comon." This particular form of collective soiiety lasted for three centuries, until Christianity be came the state religion of the Roman Empire. Siler City, N. C. C. O.S. Three hundred and fourteen peo ple will take part in the beautiful and impressive "Battle of Alamance" to be staged in Buriington on Alamance Day, August Vi. THERE fr IS AGAIN!" That fluttering sensation means heart trouble!" Short breath ; smother ing sensations ; inability to lie on the left side; pain in the heart, left side or between the shoulders ; swollen feet and ankles; are danger signals. Dr. Miles9 Heart Treatment has been used with wonder ful success in all functional heart troubles for more than thirty years. Try a bottle today. Delays are dangerous. Your druggist sells Dr. Miles' Medicines. IMPORTANT EXPLANATION. By an oversight and error the fol lowing articles and premiums were omitted from the Chatham County Fair Premium List: COTTON 1st. 2nd 3rd 01 Most prolific and best exhibit of cotton, any variety, to consist of 2 stalks with bolls attach ed. $2.50; $1.75; $1. HORSES AND MULES. 070 Best farm horse ov er 1 and under 3 yrs $3.00 071 Best farm mule ov er 1 and under 3 yrs $3.00 072 Best horse colt un der 1 year $2.00 073 Best mule colt un der 1 year $2.00 074 Best pair horses, mares, horses, or mix ed, anv age $4.00 Adv. Sep 31. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred by an order of the Su perior Court of Chatham County made in the special proceeding there in pending entitled, "W. C. Strowd, administrator of Rod Fearrington, de ceased, vs. Annie Fearrinyton, widow and others," the undersigned Commis sioner will on Monday, August 14th, 1922, At 12 O'clock Noon, at the court house door of Chatham County, in Pittsboro, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bdder for CASH the following de scribed tract of land, lying and being in Baldwin Township, Chatham Coun ty, North Carolina, which is bounded as follows: Bounded on the North by the lands of T. C. Lindsay; on the East by the lands of W. E. Hancock; on the South by the lands of Lynn Ivey; and on the West by the lands ofOtisNeville;; con taining 75 acres more or less; saving and excepting from the same, howev er, that portion of the said land al lotted to Annie Fearrington, widow, as her dower, containing 20 acres, more or less. This the 10th dav JnHr. tw- Aug. 11. DANIEL' IL BELU, 1 Commissioner Your Summer Vacation On your vacation trip this summer, you will need many things, and there are many small articles in our jewelry stock that you will need on your vacation. For her a wrist watch, Lingerie clasp pins or Vanity case. For him a tie clasp, Shirt Studs, Collar Buttons, Cuff Links or Cigarette Case. Perhaps you will need a Silver Pen or Pencil. We; have them in many styles. Buy them now. W. F. CHEARS SANFORD, N. C. PIANOS PLAYER-PIANOS PHONOGRAPHS -AND- SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION , North Carolnia, Chatham County, In The Superior Court. D. S. Barber vs. E. P. Barber, Lizzie Gains, and her husband, O.- A. Gains, H. L. Barber, H. M. Barber, Lu cile Gains, and her husband, N. P. Gains. The ..defendant, H. L. Barber, one of the defendants named in the above entitled action, will TAKE NOTICE that an action as above entitled has been commenced in the Superior Court of Chatham County, North Carolina, to set aside and declare nun and void certain deeds and mortgages repre senting or purporting to represent a division of lands between plaintiff and the above named defendants, and rep resented by security given by certain mortgages from plaintiff to defend ants, on the ground that the same were obtained by fraud and deceit and contrary to law; and the said defend ant will further take notice: that he is required to appear at the court house in Pittsboro,Chatham County.N. C, on the 5th day of September, 1922, and answer or demur to the complaint now on file in said action or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in said complaint. This the 18th day of uly, 1922. J. D. DORSETT, A. C. RAY, Clk. Sup. Court, Attorney Chatham County Aug. lli COMMISSIONERS SAL'E OF LAND. RECORDS Write us for catalog and terms. DARNELL & THOMAS RALEIGH, R C. CO., 1 J-Iv HOSIERY Ladies, have you seen the pretty line of SILK HOSIERY We are showing this summer? We have a real beautv Tor JK. all rri TT J w mm a m X. Orices. ton. from eno a nair . $4.50. We sell the bes makes PHCENIX, ONYX, GORDON, SHAW-KNIT, MARTHA.4.FOOT And other good makes STROUD & HUBBARD Largest Shoe Stock in Lee, Harnett, Moore and Chatham Counties lie lifer I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TIME TO BUILD YOUR HOME. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY "Thru The Heart o fthe South." Seaboard AiHine Railway THROUGH THE HEART OF THE SOUTH Schedule Effective April 16, 1922. No. 212 8:30 A. M. No. 234 2:15 P. M. For Moncure and south. For Moncure and south. and points north and points north For rates, routes and other travel information, call on H. D. GUNTER, Agent., JNO. T. WEST, D.P.A., Pittsboro, N. C. Raleigh, N. C. If figures talk at all, they are now shouting to those who contemplate building homes to get busy and let contracts. Moreover, they tell the same in every state in the union. An examination of the figures just com pleted by the United States Depart ment of Labor discloses that the cost of building is now 25 per cent! below 1920, and every indication is that from this time on any change is more likely to be upward than downward. Great volumes of money have been released for building purposes, as forcast some months ago in the news papers, The result is building activity is found in all sections of the United States. The price of materials has taken a considerable tumble, and while wages remain high, nevertheless, the read justment Was been downward rather than upward. Experts agree that prices, both for material and labor, never will reach the pre war standard, and with increasing activ ity, laoor crtainiy will -nolo, its own and material will go up. in price by reason of greatly increaseid demand It is a mistake to magine that the building being done will take care of the shortage of homes that ca ne to us during the war as a result of build ing stagnation during the war. It will take several years of steady work to overcome the shortage and keep pace with the normal increase in popula tion. Exchange. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Fred T. Burgess, deceas ed, this is to notify all persons hold ing claims against the estate of the deceased, to present same to the un dersigned on or before the 10th day of July, 1923, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to - the said estate will come forward and make immediate .settlement. A. D. BURGESS, A. C. RAY, Administrator. Attorney. Aug. 18. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. North Carolina, Chatham County, In The Superior Court, Henry McWhorter, and Southern Real Estate Co., vs. W. O. Moseley, Effie Mosely. NOTICE. The defendant above mentioned will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Chatham county, to recover judgment against defendants for $300.00 and interest from October 20th, 1919 and that certain Real Es tate be declared by the court a spec ific lien to securethe payment of such judgment; and" that said defendants will take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County on th 12th day of August, 1922, at the Court House of said county, in Pitts boro, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint of said action or the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint which is now on file in my office. This the 13th dav of July, 1922. J. DEWEY DORSETT, SILER & BARBER Clk. Sup. Court Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Agll NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. "Why I Put Up With Rats for Years," Writes N. Windsor, Farmer. "Years ago I bought some rat poi son which nearly killed our fine watch dog. It so scared us that we suffered a long time with rats until my neigh bor told me about RAT-SNAP. That's the sure rat killer and a safe one." Three sizes, 35c, 65c, and $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Pilkington Phar macy and W. L. London & Son. Rub-My-Tism for Rheumatism. Under and by virtue of the author itv contained in an order of the Sn perior Court of Cnatham County ren dered in the special proceeding there in pending entitled, jonn it. uowuy and his wife,Marv Dowdy, vs. Matttie Teague and others," the undersigned Commissioner will on Monday, August 14th, 1922, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door of Chatham County, in Pittsboro, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for CASH the following de scribed tract of land, lying and being in Gulf Township, Chatham County, North Carolina, which is bounded as follows: Bounded on the North by the lands of Walter Lambeth; on the East by the lands of Alexander; on the South by the lands of the Ausley Place; and on the West by the lands of George1 Rives; containing 13 acres, more or less, and being known as The Lucindy Palmer Dower Land. This the 10th day of July, 1922. DANIEL L. BELL, Aug, U, Commissioner. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of R. B. Clegg, deceased, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of the de ceased to present same to the under signed on or before the 28th day of July, 1923, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said es tate will come forward and make im mediate settlement. This July 28, 1922. G- L- BYNUM, LONG & BELL, Administrator. Attorneys. Sept. 1, North Carolina, Chatham County: Under and by virtue of the power (jf sale conferred upon the undersign ed commissioner, by a decree entered at the Superior Court of Chatham County at the February Special Term, 1922, in an action therein pend ing entitled Walter C. Johnson vs. Duncan Thompson and others, the un dersigned commissioner will offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash on Saturday, August 12th, 1922 at twelve o'clock noon in front of the Court House door at Pittsboro, N. C, those two "certain tracts or parcels of land lying and be ing In Center fown.--.hip, Cha'.iuuv. County, North Carolnia, being more fully defined and described as follows: to-wit : FIRST TRACT: Beginnnig at a stone, Miss Mag. McClenahan's and J. W. Taylor's corner on the North side of the road; thence North 417 feet to a stone, Mag. McClenahan's' and Mrs. Palmer's corner; thence East 276 feet to the corner of a stone fence, Henry Taylor's corner; thence South 405 feet to a stone on the North side of the road in J. W. Taylor's line, thence West on the North side of the said road with Taylor's line, the beginning, containing about three LCFSa SECOND TRACT: Contai ing about twelve acres and being that tract of land bought by Nick Thompson Y'rom Mrs. Palmer, adjoining the lands of T. M. Bland and W. L. London. This the 10th day of Julv, 1922. WADE BARBER, SILER & BARBER, Commissioner Attorneys. J Ag-11 MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Mortgage executed by W. P. Kirk- man ana wire Mary A. Kirkman. on the 12th day of July, 1912, to secure the payment of a bond of even date therewith, which became due and pay able on the 15th day of April, 1914, and default having been made in the payment of said bond when due, said bond having been made payable to N. F. Barber, Mortgagee, said mortgage deed having been duly registered in the office of the register of deeds for Chatham county, N. C, in Book E,W. at page 202, the undersigned will ex pose to sale at the court house door in Pittsboro, N. C, on Saturday, August 12, 1922 at 12 o'clock noon. to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, the following describ ed tract or parcel of land, situate in Gulf township, Chatham county, North Carolina, adioinins1 the lands of J. J. Goldston heirs and others and bound ed as follows: Beginning at a pine and pointers. Elkins' corner, and running with El- kins' line about North 55 deerrees. East 31 poles to raiiroad near a cul vert; thence with said railroad North 42 degrees West 92 poles to the new road; thence with the same South 60 degrees West 120 poles to Hender son Goldston's line; thence near, South witn said line dl poles to a red oak, J. J. Goldston's corner; thence with his line South 47 degrees East 80 poles to a dead oak and pointers: thence North 81 degrees East 37 poles 0 a white oak and pointers; thence Cast Goldston's other line 74 poles to stake and pointers in old road; thence with said old road North 25 degrees West 53 poles to the beginning, con taining by estimation 90 acres, more or less. It being the same tract con veyed by A. J. Gildston and wife, Kate A. .Goldston, to Mary A. Kirkman by deed bearing date of June 20th, 1889, and registered in Book C.B. at at page 518 in the office of the reg ister of deeds tor Chatham lounty, North Carolina. This 11th day of July, 1922. N. F. BARBER, R. F. PASCHAL, Mortgagee. Attorney. 5-t-Aug 11 (THE OLD RELIABLE) SANFORD, N. C. HEADQUARTERS For all kinds ef FURNITURE PA TUP Talking ORGANS Machines and Prices as low as'the' lowest, cash or credit. Goods delivered by jtruck, $50 worth or more, in or near Pittsboro. We have an Auto Hearse and a fulljline of Caskets and Coffins. BANK OF PITTSBORO INVITES YOUR BUSINESS In All Lines of Banking Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $32,000 i A. H. LONDON, Pr. J. L. GRIFFIN, Cashier W. L. FARRELL, Asst. Cashier Subscribe for The Record, it's only $1.50 for a whole year. S COOL AS A BREEZE ummer uits $12. to $30. As cool as a breeze that's the way every man wants to feel when Old Sol is "hit ting on all six." And that's the way you'll feel the min ute you put on one of our famous Summer Suits. Our selection consists of Palm Beach, Panama Cloth Kool Kloth, Mohairs, Lin ens, Shantung, Silk, Etc. "Come and See" is all we ask. C. R. BOON "Good Quality Spells What Boone Sells" D3L uxe Clothiers RALEIGH, N. C The Record One Year Only $1.50

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