f fpg The -Chatham Record iii , ESTABLISHED SEPT. 19, 1878. PLTTSBORO, N.C.. CHATHAM CO.. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1922 VOL. XLY NO. 5 NOT HAVE A CELEBRATION S WHY th Occasion is an Appropriate One ThC And Many Would be Here. Pfttsboro is gray with old age Its JSi some of them, havered here , v" nean 1 SIDE STREET GOSSIP. By Joe Foreman. -- - -(a) 100 Somebody has been putting placards ,.Mr? and have waited pa i MwAirAmanrc Oil . . . i mai Pin iinuiuvcuivuM ... n around in T.nis Town, in rne time, and now in a very short stores and offices and such, giving a to be lurhted with i t imp. tile . j l- v.,. ... rru.,L-c the p-ond work u ,TC. a 4-u i oi liic j - o ; vci iinic aLLCUtiuu is paiu iu n it in especially to our enterprising, : usuany takes a thousand dollar man go ahead commissioners. to appropriate advice that did not cost i j.' ... -l.- AifrrAmc "fr. . a mi i 1 1 . j u,l in order 101 mc """-' xen cents, inese placards sure snoots Ami ' ;,.:--. -..f wl.r thev i. . n x Vinw then" apprc1-111'11'" "x u snots into some xois. it is niv.e wo done, it is suggested that the preaching I have heard before now. t v.n eet up a big celebration on the The preacher gets up and lavs out all i V when the lights are turned on kinds of devilment, that he knows is from the LockviHe. part for manufacturing plants ew electric light plant at ; r0ing on in the communitv, and it is j a sight to see how some folks will put ;itv is going to play a big j on a long face, look pious and with a 1, i . T- "-,11 Vo the on- . z .u 1 1. 1, .U-. -.--, for t'lttsooio. "i" r"" : great sign gianee im r uvci unc wu- gregation to see now it is taKmg ana who is getting hit. One of these broth ers who lives back up on the River, where I was brought up, gets terri bly stirred up over the short comings of his neighbors and yet he put off a load of musty wheat on the mill, and when he was brousht up for it, de- i - 1 I. I , i . 1 1 i i 1 1 ahead far enougll w cc -nv --, uaicu iiiat mcic iuiu nu- uccn a uuair nf electricity and are getting r-dy ei 0f musty wheat on his plantation fir the good time that is sur? fcs that year and was right ready to 'A prove it. It is strange, but a liar can W ,tr' . Ml 1, ,....tro T-l J- 1 1 4-- 1-: The next Stop will u. wat-i -j-. niwavs gel )Oiiit;uuu -u uata. uuu up This will surely follow and ere in an-thing he wants to tell. in like a srreen bay tree. that if you don't like this country and Then let us now oegin tu get icu, 1 me way it isiuji, tn-tt me is nn n,i I 'ip rflUV wnen ugnts aic .u-nc., 1 uiocKeu unvwiiere ouu uu ciii gtv an 1 L,c J . ii j.; ; I mi i -i4- ua t out. xnis is airigii,, uui, x nac m.. en i-- . , ; - Vi will moon t ,e ocatea ncic, " TT h to the town and community. Al ready today, more people are taking vantage of cheap land around town nri are buying it and building homes account of Pitisboro's nCi-f , , 1 "l . 1, o. 1 ill" inn- nilc uuma - ivii-1 fine school, nn to have "a rousing celebration in j honor or nusooro . bis .--; ward .. , What say ur citizens NEWS FROM MT. GIEAD. seen anvbodv furnishing: railroad tick ets, and with all these strikes, and so torth, I don't know that you would make much headway even with a tick et. Getting away would not be much easier than staying on and toughing it out. For all this there has been some things going on that is not right Pittsboro, Rt. 1, Sept. 4. Mr. and m, t P Hntlpv and Miss Mozeh u.j,,LA. Halmeh. sDent Saturday! and it is srettins to a poor come off and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. G. j in this country when a man hasn't the Hatley. I ngnt to express ms vpimuii, even Mr John Hatlev and lamny, 01 neai 1 it don t run exacuy aiuiig wilh uic " v .A 1 .! at,.. T ! i .1 i li : -1 -1. Yah Dun-ham, spent bunoaywnn xvus. o i crowa tnai is lunmng uu- -Jniiav I taKe tnis automouue uus.ncc-. . iitiL v. - , I mi l l . . ., IV i 1., 11 -1 .-iinn Mr ?nd Mrs. W. A. renuergrapn, 1 ine poor man wno nets a x ... - ... . 1 1 . - . . i 1 , . . 1 .in.! uu, aim and the pay . j : n0v(-mjo nri T.illiaTi I Tviio-lit-iT little n"t. more not near so HI illisac jxv-wv 1 . -. 1 . - - n- Wet Durham, spent the weeK-ena thing tnat may not ue so g. m Mrc J W Neal. Ito has to rav ?12.50 for a tae 1 .HI. aim . . - - - 1 xr - 1 1 Ta,r T attie Reckwith. Cary Grif- hie fellow, with his high wheeler, RANDOLPH RATE AND ROADS. Movements of People in and Around The Town of Bennett. Bennett, Sept. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stedman have just added to their household another fine girl. The Baptist revival at Bennett closed Friday night with six addi tions. The Bennett Motor Company got in six more Fords of the latest pat tern Saturday. They have but little -resemblance to a Ford. Charles Welch and family, of Greensboro, are spending a week with relatives here. Mr. C. R. Scotten and family vis ited in Ashboro Sunday. John Scott. Claud Murray, Mrs. Irvin Schield; and Sam Brady are on the sick list. The Bennett school begins Sept. 18th. Baptizing at Fall Creek next Sun day, the 10th. There will be preaching at Zion next Sunday. Zion Methodist church is three miles south west of Bennett. It may be that one reason why tax- 1 - T. 111 4-1 1 ,1 -i i -1 es are lower m rtanuuipn uion Chatham is that Randolph has quit the business of road up-keep. Ran dolph roads and bridges near Jtien nett are in bad condition. Dr. Denson is appointing assistants and tellnig everybody to add their mite and might to the commu nity exhibit at the Fair. Fodder pull ing time is a busy season, but as you mill look for the finest specimen of all kinds in the field and get them to gether for the show. It does not take long to fill a glass can with corn, or wheat, or oats, or hay and garden seed. Do it now! The revival at the Christian churoh Rev. George Underwood, the pastor, preaching the first sermon. A large concourse of people came, filling the house with enough outside to fill it again. There were one hundred and twen ty odd automobiles on the grounds, and more coming as the writer left. Topsy Turvey has been sentenced to the fodder field for two weeks, and I am doing this by request. SUBSTITUTE. fin !in Hatlpv motored to Durham Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Griffin spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs A. J. Mann much as he is able to pay. A man came down the other day to get a check to send to Raleigh for his tag and his neighbors teii me that there Mrs. Jim Neal, Miss Estie Ray and has not been a decent plow on his Xello Merritt, of (Jarrboro, spent 1 place in nve years, ne put it oit any longer aim ne as pecting to tate a mtie trip pic.. soon and did not ciare go wu .uut 1922-23 tag for fear he would get TMillorl Tlipw are plenty 01 ioiks M r u-PPk with Mrs. Alice Neal T nnin and Homer Neal Pender rra . of West Durham, spent a few davs last week with their grand pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Neal. nts, air. ana mrs. j. . 1 f""--- - - , , . Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Griffin spent the right here m town who have not had and Mrs. Jim week end with Mr Mr. John Griffin and family spent the week-end with Mrs. Alice bnt fin M-c T nnift Hatlev and children afternoon with Mrs. . j . . . . . Misses Maggie Ellis and Geneverette J to help. Seymore spent Wednesday nigm witn Mr?. J. W. tinthn. Little Miss Ruby Hackney, of Dur ham. is visiting her grand parents Mrs. Addie Webster ano son, their car out except after night, since the first dav of July, because tnej can't raise the $12.50 with everything else thev have on them, ui course this automobile tax goes to make roads and heaven knows we need all the good roads we can get, ano tne fellow that owns a roru nas just NEWS FROM BRICKHAVEN. 4. Miss Brickhaven. Sept. 4. BUSS mae snendine: a while Dwight, spent Sunday with her sister, with relatives at Haywood and Mon- Mrs. D. G. Hatley. cure. . . . Mr. Seaton Wilson and family, 01 j Paui utley, of Miami, ria., xa High Point, visited his .sister, Mrs.( Spending this week here with his motner, itxis. o. -- . KKicc Veto Alarks and Annie ut- lev left today for Raleigh, where they Alio Hriffin last week. Mrs. Hassie Ellis has returned to her home near Pittsboro. ABOUT TENANT FARMS. ...hi ahIqy- h hnsinfiss college Harold Mims, Salter Utley, Sam ttw 7ph Harrington anu ua; GFrTING DOWN TO BUSINESS. The prohibition enforcement officers held a meeting in Raleigh last week taking acount oi accomplishments and outlined more effective pians to cir cumvent the dirty business of moon shining and bootlegging. A high of ficial, reviewing the great number 01 stills demoiisned said, "these don't count get the men.'' That's the medicine. Get the men that snap their lingers in the face of law and decen cy, that hire line legal talent to worm them out of the clutches of the law Get the men try them, have conscien tious attorneys to see that the state and society are not cheated in the dis position 01 the cases. And when guilty put them on the roaos ami m tne penitentiary where they belong. This This will demonstrate the majesty of the law lines merely tickle and en- courage. On the 19th in Charlotte, the of ficers, federal and local, made a drive. It was a real nice one. They got a net full. A bakers dozen was caught in the net, and the vile stuff to the size of 20 gallons was captured. Let the good, effective work go on. Society is not safe where a minority can and does run rough shod over the majority and decency. Concord Up lift. FREE SUBSCRIPTIONS PITTSBORO SCHOOL OPENING. Begin The Fall Session With a Larj,e Enroll mer.t. A large number of Pittsboro ad nearby citizens met at the school on Monday morning, September 4th, to witness the opening session of the fall term of the Pittsboro High school. Devotional exercises were conduct ed by Rev. Jonas Barclay, of the Presbvterian church, after which short talks were made by Kev. Mr. car clay, Rev. J. J. Boone, Prof. W. Renl Thompson, Jas. L. Griffin, Walter Hawkins, of Jacksonville, la., and Mrs. E. A. Farrell, president of the Woman's Club. . Every one present was deeply mter ostpH in the future of the school and enjoyed the short talks of the speak- The total number enrolled Monday was 184, but several more came in Tuesday and others will come next Monday. The citizens of Pittsjioro and Center township are proud o their school, and under the able management of its principal, Prof. E. R. Franklin, it ranks as one of the best in the state. MT. ZION-PERSON ALS. Moncure, Rt. 2, Sept. 4. Mr. A. O. Harmon, of Raleigh, returned to his home Monday after spending a week with his parents; Mr. and Mrs. . C. Harmon. His two 50ns, Claiborne and Marion returned with him. They have spent sometime with their grand parents. Mrs. S. G. Gunter and children i have returned to their home in Lu- Mma after snendiner the week with her mother, Mrs. N. B. Gunter, and sisters nf Sanford and Gulf. Mrs. Ernest White and children, of Sanford, spent last vieek with her mother, Mrs. N. B. Gunter. Misses Elizabeth and Mary Emma Thomas, spent a day or two last week withMissesOlivia and Corda Harmon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomas, of Durham, spent several days last week in the home of Mr. ana inrs. o. Harmon. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hornady, of Laiirinburg, are visiting Mr. Fred Lil lv and Mrs. Turner Petty. Mrs. Gaston Johnson has returned home from a visit to her son in ban ford. Rev. J. J. Boone preached an 1m nressive sermon Sunday to an atten tive audience. We are delighted that Mr. Boone is able to preach lor us again, and we sinceely hope he will continue to improve in health. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED. Month of August Shows Increase oh Market Colored in the Lead. The register of deeds issued 26 mar riage licenses to 12 white couples and 14 colored during the month of Aug ust and up to September 2nd. Follow ing is the 1st: N Drewry L. Poe, 22, Gladys Covert, 18. George H. Long, 17, Lucy Pearl An drews XT Thomas Stevens, 23, Myrtle Thrift, 19. Earl Jerome Dark, 23, Nora Nell Foushee, 22. Grady G. Richardson, 27 Rowena Gunter, 26. Clarence Mills, 37 Lizzie King iy. Roy B. Dixon 25, Annie F. Williams, 18. Henry Luther Harris, 21, Elizabeth O'Daniel, 18. Wade H. Perry 21, Lillian Johnson, 20. Albert Poe, 21, Mary Louise Cope- land, 18. Thomas L. Hart, 28, Minnie r'hii- Hds. 20, both of Fayetteville. Robert Ernest .Boone and Clara Ben Moore. Colored. J. A. Rives. Anna A. Rives. Loomis M. Johnson, Roberta Head- en. 5 - - BAPTIST REVIVAL AT HEMP. RECORDETTES Great Meeting at Glendon Other Items of Interest. Beginning on Sunday, August 6, the writer did the preaching (two We received a paper during the sermons daily) for five days in a nnct weeir from a town m Vireinia meetiner at Mecnanics niu isaptisi where we worked some 25 years ago church, near the town of Hemp, Mooo and on the inside of the wrapper was county. Mr. Lonnie G. Phillips, oi written "Work like Helen B. Happy." Putnam, did the singing through part we can't recall the handwriting but it of the meeting. Mr. rtpiiips is a gos is evidently from some of our "misery pel singer of great ability and 1 loving company" associates of the by aeared nimsen to tne peopie 01 wis gone days, and should it be his pieas- community very mucn mueeu uum ni in reH these lines, we warn him his short stay with us. The write that we are working like Helen, but fondly hopes to have him with him it takes more than the ordinary vexa- a great deal in the future. He is a tions of a print shop to make us hap- cousm of the undersignea ; .na spt 1 one year witn us in our nume ucnm; py i 1 . - j : . ..j- ...u;l. w nis marriitge, uuxing pan uj 1 . in-.n the oW fisherman what Ume the tide JViJg (aJ U-t into W "at has gfown in my hear. ed the same question and received the ni- . same answer, but when he asked the The Mechanics Hill meeting same question in a short time again one of the sweetest and most re the old man, in a vexed tone, said "1 freshing that I have ever had the hvp tdn vou several times already pleasure of working in. Fifn.en or but 1 like to see your wmsiters wouuit tn- i.-. . v.. .... when you say 5:55." It is the same ing been devoted to soul-winnm nrtA&i leaving no opportimity to op" - r-t-- 1, . . 1 J.- JP 4-1.--. iy.l- 0-t-l OT Tb(. CTtYir a mimstancflS. 1 he eCltOr na. UUUI& ur inc umiui cvii-i "- - Lonnie DeGrafFenreidt, Magie Cot- severai 0id friends whom he cherishef time give due prominence to the e much. W. T. Dorsette, lisandei genstic note ox tne t,eivn,e, uul . pect a dozen or morer to ne acuun a result of the meeting. The revival spirit was very manifest in this meet ing. The writer has been serving people for five years. He is diffei to almost all other preachers in this one particular, that whereas moat ers can do their best work at he has never been able to accomplish much the first year or two aywhere and always, so far as he has hat! ex perience, his reach into the heart i the members and others become more and more manifest as year suc ceeds year. On arriving: Sunday morning it put up to the deacons and raemb r as to what minister they wished to ten Rossie Siler, Alice Marsh. Chester Huckaby, Dorcas Rosetta Hill. John Taylor, Nora Covington. David Alston, Junie Bynum. Will Thomas, Aurelia Alston. George A. Harris, Fannie Bynum. Lornuue r arrisn, Mine J-.ee. John M. Goldston, Bessie bmitn. A. B. Moore, Lossie Rodgers. Hinton Gunter, Annie Taylor. John Davis, Annie Washington. MARRIAGES. Poe -Cope land. verv T- ... -w - II T Johnson, W. H. Gilmore, June wrenn. J. Dan Dorsett and a few others, with whom he is in frequent contact, we think sometimes that perhaps these gentlemen think our questions simple and uncalled lor out matter oi xtci folks, we just naturally like to hear these men talk, and, too, we nave learned something from all of them. The vexations, worries, long hourt and tiresome task of getting out z paper sometimes gets on our nerves hut we have for a consolation the ex- perience of the old colored woman whi on H that, her daurnter was iiciuuiiN married. Said she "was doin grand sterling worth. Boone-Moore. At the home of the bride's parents, would never distinguish the sweet. Si there it goes. COMMISSIONERS MEET. The county commissioners met v Among other things they elected Jno. man Gf many good qualities. A- tVi TWotVirtHict narsnnaro last , n I ii - j i I . . , . , . Qni.inv Alhevt Poe was united in had the nurtiest little cottage witn i ass:st in the meetinir or whether tney marriage to Miss Louise Copeland, garden, some real mahogany furniture wanted a singer instead. The decision both of Chatham county, Kev. j. j. two pigs ana a goou crup, w f having been in iavor oi tne siugci r -- ofnia,i'no- TVia vmmflp rounle qt.H a crood washine once a week 101 I foil tm tVip lot of the writer, in com m v m m m . a f I . V 1 J. 1- - inn'f oKl.i-. I . t -m.tr T-ll -r J .)...- have the good wishes oi a nost oi the parson, uniy tmng anc . pany witn Mr. ru maness, to unv friends. Both are well known in Pitts- her man." Well there is always some- co putnam after Mr. Phillips. W boro and are recognized for their thing. If it wasn't for the bitter w went over that link of the National - 1 1 .1 L .U 1 .MiTiAt X! I.i 1 1 II .. I ..U I . r highway, leading irom xvitieign, Carthage to Albemarle and Chariot'. , and we can safely say that we nevr drove over a better road. In Mot county this road traverses a territ through which one could hardly tr al even two years ago, as they i ad practically nothing but gullies to roads. But now it would pay anyi ;or the time and expense of the t just to-drive over this road for l pure joy of being alive and knowing ihe marvelous strides our people have taken in road building. SnnHav nifht was spent in the A woman in New York state recent At tne noine ox tne iub f."-""! i -- . i ... . , j i. last Sunday afternoon, Ernest Boone ly lost near a life-saving of good ola 1 M .x . .; .1 -- "Mice QT0 TTnitoH .states dollars in a time wor. was naupiiy marucu w i.rxi vi-i v .vw. -- iL. . r?l,r t l Rnone nffimatinflr. tvne of a swindle. The district attorn uiw.-, . -. , . - -,j i a. 1 th nntircnnnOT!. Mr. Boone is the capable ano emc- ey toiu ner w "lt. 4;rr"; Pittsboro Monday, September 4th and ient manager of the Chatham Motor She said she didnt havenme. ineas .1 .i I !.' 1 .. J , ..Aiini fiimnfi rkTl U'nl (1 he that She IS nOfK transacted mostly routine uui-m. .ompany, in x-ittsuuru, inn a 3 wms i auiu. - Wial in (y tn save 11 n another roll for som i , ., i .xt -r , .-.-.A.-.fr -.r tho new r: i -,,,-v,Kv. k.t the eenrp. Hn horn swindler and tne seconu OX w. jonnson, uueiiuio --" illJr"ua . ii 1 I r " 3n ' tht one is hon county home. .The, Kecoro congratu- The pretty onoe is me aa xense wm. - - - lates tne ageu a m miw .. " ox itxx. u.. v,. . UVV;::" hot iHll he c-lari t Mr Johnson to look tter tnem, as Hope townsnip, ano is a young iau. in nuiiu .uu..., he is one of the bestjflja mosi Kinu- 0f most lovaDie aisposition anu cuann neartea men we nn "'8 '""."' I - THL -Zi.s-i, ., inform . : n rr , . , ., i man i . f -w .-imonr rvi t ano ivi rs. i verv 1 1 ii.it-. il uuiaui muv.. missioners seicctcu a uuu m-.... - lci ,nc - j . , i inissiuncia a . I n i r,v,o-.itte where tin heeides ads and news, and av "Preacher", was appointed janitor of they spent a day or two. From there prises the prospective lambs ot wna the court house in place ot l nomas they went to blowing noc anu ovn- me woives axe v-n.e Leach, who resigned. er places in the mountains. The contract for painting the jail Their many friends wish for them was continued until a later meeting, years of unalloyed happiness The usual run of regular montniy accounts were allowed, none being ot Dixon-Williams. especial interest to our readers. . 1J t&?VZ3tfSZ: t'?Manif (known as "Good Lewi ... .I ""5-' x,..i C,it fl-OlT! Commission on Farm Tenacy msses Harrington were vn - g T n Calculation in Regard to us. here that spent ; The difference in tenant farms in Sunday at Lakeview. They are unan I .--vmic. in savinfi" camping is one ox Edgecombe and Chatham county is th most delightful experiences they shown bv the commission ox r." have had so tar as scouts. Tenacv in North Carolina. Herman Mims and Lida Mims lelt 'In Edgecombe and Chatham, tne Sunclay fov Love's Grove bcnooi near studies of which are now pw"j Durham. We shall miss oui Thirty Free Papers to be Allotted at the Chatham County Fair. California officers killed an auto mobile driver recently by firing a the tires of his machine because the; thought he was a fugitive f rorn jus tice. The tourist thougnt tne oixicei At tv.o Methodist narsonas-e Sunday, were holdun men on a lonely road ant. ... . a orTiU Tl D ni.nn onH hn ICQ 1 t HiH nnt QT fill HI. LI1K COlll re vou nreparing sometmng 10 ex- August iu ,jw. Y, " SL" " I " , r hibit at the Chatham county Fairtf Florence Williams, both of Chatham nnd to halt county, were married, Rev. J. J. NEW POST OFFICE BUILDING. Pitsboro Is to Have New Quarters S. D. Johnson to Buna. Boone doing the honors that made two hearts into one A STORY WITH A MORAL. v.mnlefrMl. Hist.inctlv different condi tions were found. Edgecombe whicn has a tenant on four out ot every five farms, has a cash-crop, time-merchant-finance system of agriculture. Soil rich as the touch of Midas tails to yield the average tenant farmer a satisfactory livelihood due to the ab sence of cows, hogs and chickens, and the raising of food and feed supplies. Chatham which has an owner-operator on two out of every three farms, rais fooH and feed supplies, but suffers from the lack of good roads ami easy means of travel and commu n J na r irr "in irW q farm sold in Edeecombe for S2,500. In 1919 the same farm sold for S.9.1 nnn The tenant that bought this farm in 1904 had o borrow tne monev to pay for it. Ho. is now worth sj.n nnn "Work in Chatham county has been facilitated by the interest shown by M Pcrrino-ton and A. X. KjULC T.vrtyv.iT.irl ioT.fl nwnprs around Riggs Koo TToi-inf-trtn is workinsr tor good roads and a better rurai uuu. service. Mr. Cole boasts that he has not in the last 25 years missed at tending the farmers convention at Raleigh." - . , Don't fret about Chatham. The old rabbit county is moving along about as fast as any of them and has about as many good roads, "and some of the best, as any county in the state. PERSONAL NOTES BEAR CREEK. Bear Creek, Rt. 2, Sept. 5. Mes dames W. B. and G. B. Emerson at tended the Baptist Missionary meet- inn- of Difr-hAVn xii; at x itouuiu .c-jv i Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Straughan and family, of Greensboro, were visitors in the home of F. C. Straughan dur ing the week-end. , Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mclver, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Phillips and M. F. Nor wood motored to Swepsonville bun day, visiting in the home of J. - Phillips. Miss Slate, a blind girl, f Mt Airy, is visiting her friend, Miss r lossie Reaver, of Kt. -5 xuniaiu. ' ' - j. nitv boys and girls who are awaj at x. 1 v,,it we wish them a happy, scnooi, maj " . successful year's work. One of the most enjoyable socials that has been given here took place at Mr. Avery MarKS lOBaau - .- Friday night. More tnan uivj vy were present. We had chicken and cream galore, and everybody vvisned that such jolly, gooo times w. -.4--n CSen Utleyrol ? Winston-Salem, spent the-week-end here with his mother . Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Kennedy and i, Vonnerlv. accompanied oy iVllSS UUl j , - - . TT1.ir Misses Kate Marks and Annie Utley, ,1 - x? o 1 i o-h S at.urda V. motoreu w r.W6" 7 : ;.it- Frank Johnson, 01 kwukm, l "'r ing friends here this week Frank is a manly, wide-awake little fellow, LTis 3wa i'SSorT-na" Messrs W. K. cranioru , Overby, of Lillington, spent Sunday hTheWBVcSaven Betterment Asso ciation held its regular meeting at the home of the president, bi r Ha?rington, laS Wednesday after noon. Plans were made for an enter tainment at the school building Sat .i c;rtember 16th. We an eager for a social and financial suc ea8erj .;h ech member to con- Sr herself a committee of one to make things interesting. Mr. Piland njiea 11 i" o,. ,7 v There will be ten yearly subsciptions given by this paper at the Chatham county Fair. The winners can choose for themselves between the Record and the Herald. Ten subscriptions will be given and if the winner of each wants the Fittsboro paper tney cui o-et it. or if they prefer the Siler City paper, it will be sent. The subscrip tions have been placed at the disposal of Mr. Johnstun, the secretary. It has been sugested to him by this paper that the subscriptions be awarded to anv person making an exhibit of corn, tobacco, hay, wheat, oats, potatoes, cattle or stock, in a creditable man ner and does not receive a prize from any other source. Theretore those making an exhibit and failing to get the Fair prize stands a chance of at least getting a years subscription ab solutely free to the home paper. In addition to our oner tnere nas been placed at the disposal of the sec- retarv ten subscriptions uy uic a xu- gressive Farmer and ten subscrip tions by the Southern Agricultrist making a total of thirty yearly sub scriptions to a good farm paper and fii Viome newsDaner. Every farmer that can possibly do so shon Id have an exhibit. There is everv prospect of being awarded some consideration. Then, too, it gives an onnortunitv for you to show your neighbor what you are doing. of Mr. Wm. Ward, of Center town shin and is a most estimable young Pitshoro is to have a new postoffice iafiv. The Record wishes the young building. S. D. Johnson, one 01 our coupie much enjoyment m nie nrnoTo.eivo merchants will, in the " & - 1 -1 U ...Aln 1 nn-iincl rl XT' T1 XT' T near future, tear down tne oiu wu-icn u1 r ix-iws cjucakjx. building on the corner of Salisbury Miss Dixon is the grand daughter An Aged Widow Put Too Much Con fidence in New Found Lover. fie has raised two generations of chil dren, all but two of whom are now grown, and they all give promise of rendering honor to their worthy fath er. It is good to be with brother Mu aess in his delightful home. Monday afternoon we went to the hame of Mrs. Levi Williams, the wid ow of one of the 'pillars of the church' of the past generation, taking sapper with her and her son-in-law, Mr. Ja' k McCaskill, where we had a most en joyable evening indeed. From there we drove to the home of brother Levi Maness, another son of "Good Lev. i Brother Levi has been superintend! r t of the Sunday school at Median n.; Hill for many years, rle is a cons- Not many moons ago there lived in rated, pious and true Southern gen this beautiful little city of Pittsboro tleman of the "Olde tyme. It is m ij oV, allerl herse f rloeH nlensant. to spend a while in coioreu ia.u , a. on. iv.-v- - - I... name of Mrs. Dorcas Hill She was very black, very sensitive about the young Americans of the and Hillsboro streets, anuaew "tr- At a meeting of the Sandy crees 7", -ailmric, upr aunt Dorcas, or eveT: to-date brick building, this bunomg fi tigt Associtation, held in Pittsboro Dorcas, but she was strict- will have two stories, the second story yn Mrg jTJi Qunter, of San- Dorcas Hill, and no aunt tc sumptuous home. He, too, lias rai I a large family 01 ongnt ami pniima ing sons and daughters, who have settled into homes of their own around him and are a real joy to him in hia npe manhood. Tuesday atternoon we wem heir.o- nserl nartlv for othces and tne , , uro 0.ip.tPH nresident of the wv, she'H wall 5 vi - nn,Dam.nfQ """I " T. : any wnite ikiswu. " " , , . ' .j. remainder ior a nan xoi a,""" organization for another year, axis. treet. Mrs. Dorcas wouir to Putnam, spending imv myn. mw. There will be two stores, tne corner Lucile Covington of Cameron, vice- J."Yd" verv mv'h head, which would brother Lonnie G. Phillips, ana ' f--n the salt I nmc mis hours SDent tnere Will IV. one to be used by Mr. Johnson as a general store, and will be aos ieet wiue and extend back 60 feet. The building adjoining the corner store will be 28 feet wide and 40 feet in depth, and teH that it will be used for the postoffice. This building will be erected and have all the conveniences of a postoffice, and win De wiuuu 70 yards of the persent postomce site. The Record is glad to note these improvements and hopes before many moons to announce tnat several wood en shacks along Salisbury street will be torn down and modern ounuings be erected in their stead. president, Mrs. C. C. Cheek, secretary, - ,T r TTT'll. -JP T -- and Mrs. rl- w . w imams, ox uonco boro, superintendent of Junior Work. The outstanding feature of the -icro-les from the said I nrecious hours spent there . ?rr:: SSh .is while memory's lamp eoi hoc -fz-v hum His hrother. I uic-) - ' , vmincr Americans. & .. 1.1 4.V-.4- TVT- It was thougnt oy many tna. ARE WE TO HAVE PROTECTION? Recently the Pittsboro Chamber of Tnutorn church Sunday Commerce met to discuss the suoject pomtment at Buckhom cnu hin . of fir rotection. A representative of ijui :iliiivi -1 K ot eleven O clOCK, pi Sill be short talks, good singing, and . , ,.. i.T means least, a sump- 52&m and help make the day a success. PITTSBORO GROWING. Besides the-house recently finished for MrT W. F. Bland, near the oil mnl, a contract has been given out by Atlas Farrell for a bungalow to be built on east i-l'r . . . ..-. V. -...! --1 rn r. ui ivt- a 1 1 a o3rm are Deuu iultu vii Mrs. Mary L. Dowdy has gone zo oe - ection of houses DanvilleVa, visit her fans West tet ft Qeo. 1 i-i j- tni AiiTirvoi .T'oro -- rw -ciiw -- . tors in the home of T. A. Beal: Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Holt, of Salisbury, anu . 1 f i. -.uVUar nr.c here a cnemicai nre eAuugmoi.-. r . who told of the good qualities of his fire apparatus, but nothing was done then, the matter being referred to the town commissioners, who, it is be lieved,willbuy one of these chemical nrrines sometime in the future. One of these engines would be a good thing for Pittsboro, or any small fnm as vou can take one of them right into the fire almost, and by their quick action, a serious fire can be pre vented. Raleigh used one of these wtinonishers for many years, -wi tViev rlirl p-ood work. The cost is ,,erv small. $300 for a forty gallon tank, and they would eventually pay for themselves. T.oft.n Williamson, of Sanford .w.. , . -- , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomas, 01 ivion H'Thehouses will be of the bungalow style and will add much to the appear ance of the town. cure, were week-end visitors at J. u. r4.vpnt a cold, take poo Out cpfin. 1 sH ould be represented at the Fair this year. Will some of our women get busy and write to the Secretary how to arrange one. Layton Harris left for Raleigh Mon day to enter A. & FJ. College. NEWS FROM OAKLAND. Moncure. Rt. 2. Sept. 4. Mrs. Ma kola Mav snent a few days of last week visiting her brother, Mr. London Burns near Mebane. Mrs. J. W. Womble spent last week with her sister, Mrs. fowell Loutnan in Washington, D. C. Miss T elia Buris spent the week end in Pittsboro with Miss Sankie Miss T ela Burns spent the week- Tittohoro visitiner Misses Ella 111 A. ivnuwvi v o Tivimnt nnH Trueman r lelds. . . , j Miss rora tiunter has returned to her work in Durham, after spending her vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Morrow anu T7vnV Morrow from Alamance coun ty visited relatives in this community Mr. Vernon Turrentine and family, of Orange county, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. w. u. rmrns. Miss Stacv Eddins spent the week end with her uncle, G. G. Burns, near Moncure. , Master Ker.on Eddins spent the week-end with Mr. Ed Bland. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Burns, Mrs. H. C. Clegg, Sr.. Robert and Lelia Burns spent Thursday in Burlington with Wilson Burns. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clegg, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Knight spent Sun day with their aunt, Mrs. If. A. Per ry AMME. us we old w ealthv and hac there daring the early houiV of meetinc was the addresses of Mia. ZfJ2 ' QC che kent. a little evenincr and night. He is a 1 .xr XT T - -.. T7ol,io-h nnH MlSS l"eUl' "A.V '.t-ii.i 4- T,.w- I ...l--,,!; sino-er anil amOi:' W V . r. Ktl XLUIV xt-xx I J -. nl y-v "VT" Mil Cllliril Ml.l P.F1L litl; I MIIICIIUIU n.x,fA.- ' . w . w . . cy ( ) ft fill J l itii 1 x r , t -1 Tvnn rtf Pittshoro. mission- . : . i- i j.-;,- ano I wmtinlv .lirl emov some 01 u-iuic-.i, whicn sne uisperseu sun . ------ . ary from China. U'siVh " songs ot tne Dygone ua; - Over at Bvnum a bridge contractoi his crop oi tooacco "'"' , employed many men and among them then, we had to return withe employed maiii Orlando, which cast a sadness over the ceed- i m i:i i was one Diom nu-nuui , i -- Since we corrected our mail list . . lai,v biaci man. He goi ing sei-vices. last week, we have received subscrip- "- r . . .fU i Dorcas, and As we went to Putnam inesua. i !, new friends acquaiin-e-. nx.a. - , , , r f1rnvp vv Beu a tions tor icucwaio learnine that sne was a wiuow, anu kiuw. ..v, - from Indianna, Virginia, Tennessee SJSfcSI she had much of this worldV and spent an hour with oi - n..r made love to her. friend Capt. n.. x.. bamuen, OUR REAL FRIENDS. th Carolina. Also f rom towns 1- !-, rt Tier friend CaDt outside of Chatham county as follows: g, nH I' the fair widow our kinsman and a dear friend of oi Raleigh, Greensboro, liberty, aanioru, about three or four weeks ago. Colon, wenoei, ware x -xc .v, the happy event toolc place at nei Camp, and Carrboro. in remitting xox . The coiored elite of town, were renewals we receive many compn- t table of the best foods was . a.U ...nilan on1 invited P"liestS mentary messages. One lady says we can't do without it. Anotner says as long as you keep up the present 'standard we will take it forever. Others say it is the best paper in North Carolina and you have surely improved the paper. Certamlly helps to hrao- on us. we work harder every ktime somebody says something nice and still harder when a Knoci-er ap pears. The following are put on the list this week: T. H. Harris, Katie V. Brown, Mid C. Cooper, W. A. Stewart, Dr. I. H. tv,-;, Miss Alma Osborn, M. HineSley, Mrs. E. S. Pickett, June Tnl.n enn . W. Ivv Bubb. George 1 homp- son Isaac Ferguson, J. B. Stinson, t. 7i u-.nUn p T. Mann. J. M. Johnson, Brown-Buick, Gaston Alston,! W. M. Lindsay. A. uimbm, a t vinkowlcnn J. W. Smith. Mrs. Clyde Pickett, Mrs. Matilda Straughan G. G. Ward, and Frank Paschal. The Chatham county Fair will be a success ONLP if you take something to exhibit, tf Hard to Correct. T -n c-t ll'Ool- We attemDted to make a -.i- statement as to an error that had occurred in a correspondent s let ter the week before. The boy in the office pulled the wrong linotype slug and made a worse "bull" than the for mer grievance. Here's hoping nothing will happen to this little notice. Are you preparing something to ex hibit at the Chatham county Fair, tf o.t and the waiters and invited guestf enjoyed the occasion to their hearts content. . . , But alas and alacK! Mrs. -jorca:-placed too much confidence in her newly found husband. He told her o many things he could do if he had a certain amount of money, and one day Mrs. Dorcas listened to v,;. tale of monev-makine and let him have $300. so the story goes. The darling husband had to go away to m .,,. the 8.3(10 and since then Mrs. Dorcas has heard neither hair nor hide --f Vi m Sunday she hired a car and went to Durham to looK lor mm, out ni ...Viat we nan learn. Mrs. Dorcas will never see her husband again, nor her $300. Moral: Never marry a man you know nothing about. Orphan dogs, cats, and horses, and those deserted because of old age, will live in peace and plenty on a 150-acre farm for homeless ano ageu ai""V; that is to be established near Wash ington, according to the numane ru ucation Association. bovhood and whom we had n in a long while. That was a - re freshing hour indeed. Then we tr, see mv own dear mo i . .7 Each citizen of the United States should receive an average of 112 let ters a year, according to the post of fice officials. , Rub-M-Tism, an antiseptic other loved ones at Bear Creek, tak ing supper here. Wednesday mgnt was spent my good friend, Prof. John Wil ;.. - son, who for tnirty years wii of the foremost teachers in Moore county. A few neighbors gain i with us and we had a prayer-meeting service in which one young man converted. We expect to baptize him at the next meeting. Brother William son now conducts the Farmers union store at Grassy Creek and is one i the most congenial men we have ever met as well as being a consecratcu Sunday school and church worker. It in his home and we hope to have t it pleasure many times hereafter. Last week from Sunday mot to Thursday night, with the except i I of the Monday night service, it is the writer's good fortune to att d the great Bible school being con ed by Doctor R. V. Miller, of Hend r sonville, N. C. Dr. Miller is a tc er who knows his Book. He is tc nized as being the peer oi any u.me scholar in this country if not the su perior to any, and it is doubtful whether we could find his superior in the world, yet he told the writer frankly that he never attended any college, seminary or university or other institution of learning at all for single day in his life. That is, (Continued on Page N ). .. . rtm Willetts PHIL.. v r-

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