THE CHATHAM REGORD, PITTSBORO, N. C. W I Feedstuff I For Hay, Oats, Sweet Feed, Ship Stuff, Cotton Seed Meal, Corn Meal, Poultry Feeds, Oyster Shells, Laying Mash and Scratch Feed, See us. We carry a Good Supply at Reasonable Prices. Give us a call and be convinced. BLAND & CONNELL Little & Farreil Pay Highest Market Price for Chickens, Ducks, Eggs, Rabbits and All Kinds of Country Produce. Little & Farreil. Do Consider BANKING A MERE ROUTINE. WE CON STANTLY ENDEAVOR TO HANDLE ALL BUSINESS WITH PARTICULAR ATTEN TION TO INDIVIDUAL REQUIREMENTS. ill t itfiTlLvfciiF COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY. Banking Loan and Trust Co., 3ANFORD. M. C. R. E. Carrington, W. W. Robards, J. W. Cunningham, President Vice-Pres. Cashier. SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA JONESBORO : I. P. Lasater, Cashier MONCURE: J. K. Barnes. PIANOS PLAYER-PIANOS PHONOGRAPHS -AND- RECORDS Write us for catalog and terms. DARNELL & THOMAS CO., RALEIGH, N. C. EAGLE "MIKADO" Pencil No. 174 ASK FOR THS YELLOW PENCIL ViTi: TILS RED EAHD EAGLE T.TIKADO EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK Farms That Pay In the famous Shenandoah Valley of Northern Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. Rich, level, smooth, loam, blue grass Stock, Dairy, Grain and Orchard Farms of 25 to 1000 acres, with good buildings. On or near National Highways. Water-power flour mills and business openings. 228 acres, 10 room res., large barn, good orchard, 100 acres heavy blue grass pasture with running water, 20 acres heavy oak timber. Near R.R. town. $45 an acre. 300 acres, 3 excellent houses, 3 large bank barns, build ings first class, land level, smooth and very productive, 2 miles city, on National Highway. $20,000. 122 acres, splendid 10-room brown stone res., electric lights, furnace heat, running water, large 50x100 ft. bank barn, 2 large silos. Near city, National highway, $100 acre Perfect climate, abundant rainfall, pure water, solid roads, cheap farm labor, low taxes. Near the largest and best markets of our country. Write for farm bargains that will make you money and good homes. 35 W. Water St. 1 W. T. BIRMINGHAM, WINCHESTER, VA. LION BRAND WORK SHOES Prices in BOYS' Shoes $2.50 to $4.00 Prices in MEN'S Shoes $3.00 to $6.00 STROUD & HUBBARD Largest Shoe Stock in Lee, Harnett, Moore and Chatham Counties i LION BRAN MILWAUKE RALPH MOORE SERIOUSLY SHOT. Local and Personal Notes From Our Bear Creek Correspondent. Bear Creek, Rt. 2, Nov. 20. I. H. Edwards has moved his saw mill from near Hillsboro to his place near Bear Creek, where he will do some sawing-, we are informed. C. G. Sharpe has purchased him self a Ford car. G. G. Burke, who has been living at the H. H. Stout place for the past year, has moved to Joe J. Cheek's. Messrs J. A. and E. J. Woody car ried a load of tobacco to Sanford last week. Mrs. J. H. Nail, after spending sometime with her parents, has re turned to her home at Pomona. Rev. J. Tysor, or Sanford, is spending- some time with his father. Mrs. W. I. Paul and Wilbur Wil liamson, of Sanford, were week-end visitors in the home of T. B. Beal. M. F. Norwood was off last week n business. Ralph Moore had the misfortune, vhile hunting Saturday afternoon, to hoot himself. It seems he became tired and sat lown on a log to rest. When he and lis uncle, who was hunting with him, ot up he pulled his gun toward him self and in so doing he pulled the lammor against the log but not far mough to catch, there Tore when it lad passed over the log, the hammer vas released, driving the plunger for ward and firing the gun. The loud entered his left shoulder. At the time of this writing, he is rest ing ei?y. but he is in a serious con dition. He has good chances of re covery. Mr. Moore is an -ideal young man. We jom his many friends in wishing for his speedv recovery. PHIL. Box Party-sat Moses School. There wil- lbe-a box party given at Moses esphcl, house on Saturday night December 2nd. There will be other at tractions,, given as. well. The proceeds are to be used for the benefit of the school. The teacher and pupils extend an invitation to the public. Jas. Waon Says, "I'll Never Forget : When Father's Hogs Got Cholera." "One '"morning he found 20 hogs dead and several sick. He called in the Vet.; "who -after dissecting a rat caught on the premises, decided that the rodents had conveyed germs. 1 Since then I am never without RAT SNAP. It is the surest, quickest rat destroyer I know." Three sizes, 35c. 1 65c, and $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by W. L. London & Son, and Pilking- 1 otn Pharmacv. Pittsboro. Nov24 I i TARA NOOK HOTEL Open Year Round. Special Rates. Good Table. Warm Rooms. Screened Porch, com fortable and warm. Mrs.W. H. MUNROE. Southern Pines, N. C. FarmviOe is Now Coal Glen. Coal Glen is tbe name of the new town that is building up at the mines of the Carolina Coal Company. For merly the community has been called Farmviile, but as that is the name of a prosperous town in tne eastern part of the state the Coal Company, to avoid confusion, decided on a name that should be exclusive. Lawmakers Again at Work. Congress was called by President Harding to meet in extra session on November 20th, two weeks in advance of the regular session. The call set forth, as usual, in the form of a proclamation, declared the extra session was made necessary by public interests. o A rope 19 feet long and made of 3 000 g.ound sqirrel tails, was recently shipped to the Bureau of Biological Survey of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture. It was made by the blachfoot Indians who live neai Browning, Montana. Fifteen hundred of the pests were killed by the Indi ans during the spring and summer. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS is often caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing. Unless the inflammation can be reduced, your hearing may be de stroyed forever. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will do vh&t we claim for it rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrii. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE has been successful in the treatment of Catarrh for over Forty Years. Sold by all druggists. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. LANIUS BROS., CASH GROCERY. Fresh Groceries and Fruits Received Weekly MENS NOTIONS A SPECIALTY Your patronage Solicited. " " LANIUS BROS. CASH GROCERY EAST OF COURT HOUSE CECIL H. LINDLEY THE PURE FOOD GROCER Pittsboro, N. C. Always on hand the Best and Freshest Heavy and Fancy Gro ceries, Canned Goods, Cigars, Tobacco. Snuff, Etc. POUND AND FRUIT CAES A SPECIALTY. Fruits Vegetables. Main Street EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. O O O O O O 0 O O O o DR. J. D. GREGG o Dentist Siler City, N.C. 0 Office over Siler City Drug o Co. Dr Shamberger old Stand 1 I o o 0 o o o o o o o ' Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of J. S. Thom , as, late of Chatham countv, North Carolina, this is to notify all persors holding claims against the estate o the deceased to present same to the undersigned, duly verified, on or be fore the 15th day of November, 1D23, 01 this notice Will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate of the deceased will please niake im mediate settlement. This l.'th dav of November, 1922. J. D. THOMAS, Executor. A. C. RAY, Attv. New Hil!,Rt.2 Pittsboro, N. C. Dec 22 ' I BUILD A HOME NOW! DIAMONDS We have formed Connections With a Large Diamond Impotrer We are Selling on 10 Per Cent Basis This arrangement gives yon an opportunity of buying a Diamond at parctically the wholesale price J. P. COULTER CO. Jewelers, SANFORD, N. C. DR. J. C. MANN EYE-SIGHT SPECIALIST Will be at Dr. R. M . Farrell's office, Pitts boro, every 4th Tuesday in each month Glasses fitted that are easy and restful to the eyes. Cross-eyes straightened without the knife. Weak eyes of chil dren ani young people a specialty. My next visit will be Tuesday, Nov 28 zCrotessiona B. CHAPIN, M. D PITTSBORO, N. C. Office: Main street, Dr. H T. Cha pin's former office myl5 jONG & BELL, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Pittsboro, N. C. J. Elmer Long, Durham, N. C. Daniel L. Bell, Pittsboro. N.C A. C. RAY, ATTORNEY AT-LAW VICTOR R. JOHNSON, LAWYER. Practices in all courts Federal, StaU and County. Office over Brooks & Eubanks store, Northeast corner Courthouse Square, PITTSBORO. N. C. JR. R. M. FARRELL, DENTIST Offices over the drug store, Main st. Hours8 to 5. PITTSBORO, N. C. P. MORTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ' iTS JOPC. N C PILKINGTON PHARMACY Prescriptions, drugs, medicines and toilet articles KODAKS NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon me in a certain deed of trust executed by S. A. Tilley and wife, Emma Tilley, dated March 19, 1920, and duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Chat ham county, in Book F. S. of mort gages, pages 258 and 259 and being requested by the holder of the note thereby secured, I will on Saturday, December 9th, 1922, at 12 o'clock noon offer for sale to the highest bidder, at public auction for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: Being a tract of land lying and be ing in Chatham county, North Caro lina, in Williams township, adjoining the lands of Robert H. Clegg on the South, Fayetteville road on the East, J. H. Williams formerly Franklin Da vis, on the North, and Brush Creek on the West, known as the William Long place, containing ninety-three acres, more or less. See deed from R. O. Everett and W. J. Brogden, com missioners, to S. A. Tilley and wife, Emma Tilley, duly recorded in the of fice of the register of deeds of Chat ham countv. This 4th day of November, 1922. R. O. EVERETT, Trustee. Dec.l.-4t. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND. SERVIC What It Really Means It means Genuine Ford Parts, 50 per cent of which retail for less than 10 cents. It means a Repair Shop where expert Ford Mechanics perform the work. It means giving Honest, Cour teous, Prompt attention to the Ford Owner's every need. It means to constantly supply you with a Ford Service that will make you and keep you an enthusiastic member of the great Ford family. We are Authorized Ford Dealers. We can supply you with any pro duct the Ford Motor Co. makes. THE CHATHAM MOTOR CO. PITTSBORO, N. C. Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon me in a certain Deed of Trust, executed by A. F. Riggs bee and his wife, E. S. Riggsbee, on the 26th day of August, 1919, to Mrs. Mary McCauley Lindsay, Trustee, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Chatham county, North Carolina, in book F.S., at pages 67-68, to secure the payment of a certain indebtedness therein described and default having been made in the pay ment of said indebtedness, and hav ing been requested to do so by the holder of the notes, will sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bid der, at the court house door in Pitts boro, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon on the Saturday, 2nd day of December, 1922, the following described land to-wit: Lying and being in Williams town ship, Chatham county, North Caro lina, beginning at a rock and point ers, the south east corner by Harriet Riggsbee, on the line of the heirs of Josiah Riggsbee, thencenorth west with said Harriet Riggsbee line, 13 chains and 83 links to her northeast corner, and south east corner of Da Josiah Riggsbee, thence north west 32 chains and 38 links to rocks and pointers, David Riggsbee's corner on line of J. B. Oldham, thence his line south 76 degrees east 35 links to a rock on east bank of branch, thence east 8 chains and 18 links to rock, his corner and corner of Alf Minter, thence his line south 1 degree east 23 chains to rock and pointers, Alf Minter's corner and corner of Eugene Riggsbee, thence with his line S. 1 de gree E. 21 chains and 83 links to rock, Eugene Riggsbee's south west cor ner, on Josiah Riggsbee's line, thence with same west 8 chains and 3 links to the first station, containing 36 acres moi-e or less. This the 1st day of Nov., 1922. Mrs. Mary McC. Lindsay, Nov. 24 Trustee. CV ft szi- m a c I a'Coming and Very Soon. Hs the days grow shorter, we all know Christmas is not far off, and that starts us to thinking "what shall I give?" We have recently added to our store a Gift Shop, which will make the gift selections easy. Come in. You will find the choicest gift articles in the world are here for your selection, and charming pres ents for every one. We are sending you this invitation realy early, so that you may have plenty of time to look over these excellent gift goods and make your se lections without rush or hurry. IT'S WHAT WE SAY IT IS W. F. CHE AR S SANFORD, N. C. BANK of PITTSBORO wants you as a custo mer. Do your banking with us. WE APPRE CIATE YOUR BUSINESS A. H. LONDON President JAS. I GRIFFIN Cashier W. I FARRELL Asst. Cashier Fall Suits Our Fall and Winter ex hibit is larger and offers a greater variety in choice of the styles, fabrics, pat terns and colors than we have ever shown before. But the most important news we have for you this Fall is the mesage of great er value and lower prices as demonstrated in every gar ment from the house of KUPPENHEIMER Good Clothes From $35; $40 to $45. C . R. BOONE "Good Quality Spells What Boone Sells" DeLuxe Clothiers RALEIGH, N. C. FURNITURE CI, (THE OLD RELIABLE) SANFORD, N. C. HEADQUARTERS For all kinds of FURNITURE PATUC Talking ORGANS Machines and Prices as low as the lowest, cash or credit. Goods delivered by truck, $50 worth or more, in or near Pittsboro. We have an Auto Hearse and a full line of Caskets and Coffins. -FOR- STOVES, RANGES, CHURCH AND SCHOOL HOUSE HEATERS, SEE LEE HARDWARE CO., ? SANFORD AND JONESBORO r I A 1 HfREARE THOSE km- mn pills Trl ! iifl Mi i itm "I don't need them very often, but when I do, I 'need them quick. One or two and the pain is go"e; tr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills I will relieve yon quickly and safely no unpleasant attcr ? effects no danger of form King a drug habit. Next time you pass a "drug store stop in and get a box. . Dr. Miles' An'i-Pain Pi ! contain no habit forming sg5S drugs. PYour Druggist Has Them.