After Every Meal WMttEYS Jwork or , it gives poise and iness that success. Ips digestion* thirst, keep e month cool Ist, the throat es relaxed lant and the at ease. > immc\ Are the I Snap Beans / ••the BestTfieldingjY Garden Peas / •~the Sweetest ft Cantaloupe 0 The Select-Rite Charts in tHq < 1923 Catalog of WOOD’S SEEDS Show at a glance the varieties of each vegetable to plant for earliness, yield, length of bearing season, or for whatever purpose is most desired. ' The most helpful catalog we have ever issued is ready to be mailed to you free on request. FREE FLOWER SEEDS Our 1923 Catalog tell 3 how you can have them without cost. Send a post card for your copy. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen • 37 S. 14th St. Richmond, Va. . sold: everywhere Rtzon BAKING POWDER I you use /ess of furs. Prompt W.W. Weaver, Reading, Thirty years in fur business. UMB COLDS <H24HOURjy PPIUBES LA GRIPPE ,U 3DAY^S FXTROtL W-H-HU-L. CO* MICHIGAN^ CARTEK BOLL WEEVIL MACHINE SAVES 60 to 75% of the cotton. District agent 3 wanted at once. Carter 801 l Weevil Ma chine Co., 401 Wheat Bldg., Ft. Worth, Tex. Bristol Chicks—The husky, hardy, healthy kind. Big-boned mountaineers of seven pop ular varieties. Hatches every week. Free catalog. Bristol Hatchery. Box L, Bristol, Va. 12 200-Eb. Prolific Poland China-Duroc Sows, farrowing 30 days from reg. Poland China boar. 100 shoats, same breed, 40 to 90 lbs., crated, 10c lb. B. S. Williams, Norway, 9. C. Eespedeza and Carpet Grass Heeds—Perpetual year-round pasturage; hay and soil builders Get samples, 'iterature. America’s largest dis tributor. Sidney J. Weber, Baton Rouge, La. Remarkable Voice. At a recent meeting of the Austrian Society of Experimental Phonetics in Vienna, reported in the Scientific American, Doctor Rethi presented Mr. Michael Prita, forty-four years of age, whose voice possessed the remarkable range of five complete octaves. The deepest note uttered by this singer was a bass F, corresponding io 42 vibrations per second and two octaves lower, therefore, than the deepest note whicli can be produced on the violin. The only previous record of so low a tone in the human voice is that of a bass singer named Fisher, who lived in the early part of the Eigh teenth century. Screen and Glazed Door. For store entrances a Californian has Invented a combined screen and glazed door so mounted on an over head track that either can be used to suit w’eather conditions. Sure Relief FORJNDIGESTION IHWOE btOHj 6 Bell-ams Hot water ’HP] Sure Relief Bell-ans 25$ AND 75$ PACKAGES EVERYWHERE El| HURT? burning or mea&y IM*.' / j&Pu >»•) to r,li«T« |nfUux»m«- / /•Ttl°nandßorenMa.oMMitehell / / V. Js By* Salvo. according to dirao* / / Hons. Soothing, healing. ' / MAIL * KUOKSX. _ . lAT Wararly Waaa ■aw Tack BLACK-DRAUGHT OVER3O YEARS "Saved Me Many a Sick Spell,” Says Texas Farmer Who Has Long Known Useful ness of Black-Draught. Naples, Texas.—“l have used Thed ford’s Black-Draught for years—l can safely say for more than 30 years,” de clares Mr. H. H. Oromer, a substantial, well-known farmer, residing out on Route 3 from here. “I am 42 years old, and when a small boy I had indigestion and was puny and my folks gave me a liver regula tor. Then Black-Draught was adver tised and we heard of it. “I began, to take Black-Draught, and have used it, when needed, ever since. I use Black-Draught now in my home, and certainly recommend it for any liver trouble. “I have given it a thorough trial, and after thirty years can say Black- Draught is my stand-by. It has saved me many sick spells.” Mr. Cromer writes that he is “never out of Black-Draught,” and says several of his neighbors prefer it to any other liver medicine. “I always recommend Black-Draught to my friends,” he adds. This valuable, old powdered liver medicine is prepared from medicinal roots and herbs, and has none of the bad effects so often observed from the use of calomel or other powerful mineral drugs. Black-Draught helps to keep the liver in trim, helping prevent or re lieve such troubles as constipation, biliousness, indigestion, sick headache. Be sure to get the genuine. Non-Inflammable Rims. For some time back there has been on the market a non-inflammable mo tion-picture film, made of acetate of cellulose instead of the usual intro cellulose of celluloid, says the Scien tific American. Because of the many dangers incurred with inflammable films, France has passed a law where by all films used in that republic after June, 1925, must be of non-inflamma ble stock. Undoubtedly many other countries will soon enact similar legis lation, making motion pictures safe. SHE DYED A SWEATER, SKIRT AMD CHILD’S COAT WITH “DIAMOND DYES” Each package of “Diamond Dyes” con tains directions so simple any woman can dye or tint her worn, shabby dresses, skirts, waists, coats, stockings, sweaters, coverings, draperies, hangings, everything, even if she has never dyed before. Buy “Diamond Dyes”—no other kind —then perfect home dyeing is sure because Dia mond Dyes are guaranteed not to spot, fade, streak, or run. Tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed goods.—Advertisement. Good to His Folks. “See here, Jones, why don’t you sprinkle ashes on your icy sidewalk?” “Because I don’t want to deprive my family of any pleasure. You have no idea how it amuses the children to see people slip and fall down.” —Boston ; Evening Transcript. Half a million in cold cash makes a thin widow nice and plump. Many a seemingly successful man owes It all to his wife’s father. HAIR STAYS COMBED, GLOSSY "Hair Groom” Keeps Hair Combed—Well-Groomed. "hair"" GROOM t .SB TMMHMKMa Keeps Hair v - fcv )■ Millions Use It—Fine,for Hair!—Not Sticky, Greasy or Smelly. A few cents buys a jar of “Hair- Groom” at any drug store. Even stub born, unruly or shampooed hair stays combed all day In any style you like. “Hair-Groom” is a dignified combing cream which gives that natural gloss and well-groomed effect to your hair— that final touch to good dress both In business and on social occasions. Greaseless ; stainless “Hair-Groom” does not show on the hair because It Is absorbed, by the scalp, therefore your hair remains so soft and pliable and so natural that no one can pos sibly tell yon used It. _ HE SAID A LOT Wise Old Egyptian Prophet Set Forth Great Truth. That “New Robes Ml Befit a Man” Is as Pertinent Today as When Chipped on Granite. Centuries ago, when England was a swamp, and our progenitors threw stones at each other, instead of using machine-guns to kill people off, a wise old prophet in Egypt chipped away with his chisel and mallet at a huge block of granite, says London An swers. Time was kind to the granite, so that we can today read what he wrote, and benefit by his wisdom. He wrote in his quaint pictures: “The eyes of a woman see beneath the raiment. New raiment never alone won a heart. New robes Hi j befit a man.” Today, when we are advanced In civilization until we can kill man by touching a spring when they are so ' far away as to be out of sight, we ! may still read what the old man wrote. His wisdom has come down 'to us through the ages. What he would have written today on his typewriter is probably: “Do not wear your best clothes when you propose.” How much easier to touch the keys than to chip things out on a block ol granite! But how much more lasting is tlie granite! And one would take good care that one had ! something worth writing about be fore spending weeks transferring it to stone. i Yet how true are his sayings! Women have changed but little since the days of the Egyptian kings.. “New raiment never alone won a heart. New robes ill befit a man.” New clothes mask the force of a man’s personality, for only clothes to which one is. thoroughly accus tomed can bring out the full force of the personality. What do new clothes do? At best they <lo nothing but add an extra smartness, which Is probably worth less, for no woman is captivated by mere dandyism, though the pride of acquisition which most women pos sess will often give the dandy an ephemeral success. A man in new clothes may he very, impressive from a sartorial point of view, but he is little more than a tailor’s dummy; his clothes have not become molded to Ills personality. ! A hat that has been worn for some time becomes part of its owner. It ! becomes an expression of him; it is ! possible to tell what sort of a fellow ihe is from it. His individuality is not hindered but helped by it. He Is perfectly free to talk through it! That wise old man knew all this, ! as he toiled away so that you and I might read it. Millions have lived S and died, and never given a thought to the newness of their best Sunday suit; but he thought it all out, and let us know about it. Os women he writes nothing. Per haps he realized no man can under stand a woman, or his time was too j valuable or granite cost too much. In any case, he does not tell us what a woman should do about her clothes. The modern woman needs no clothes to bring out her personality; she relies on her physical beauty, and she certainly does not attempt to con ceal too much of that. New clothes | have no effect on charm and bodily j grace in so far as masking goes; on the contrary, they help to show it up. So the teachings of the wise old man do not apply to the fairer sex; and, in any case, no mere man should profess to lay down the law. Let women have their Hew hat and gowiis. We men must remember the laws of the wise old man: “New robes ill befit a man.” It Is unwise to try to impress a woman with a display of untarnished raiment. So if you want to make love do not wear new clothes. Russian Writers Organized. The Dom Litteraterov, which was founded in 1918, is an organization of literary workers which includes many writers whose names are known out side of Russia and whose works have been translated into several languages. It maintains its own club house with, a library of 60,000 volumes find a co operative kitchen where cheap meals are served to the members. The latter number about 800 and are divided into two classes. About 550 are full mem bers, those who make writing their sole occupation. Two hundred and fifty are “candidates,” with whom writing is a part-time occupation, but all of whom have had something published. The Dom Litteraterov is receiving reg ularly each month a number of Amer ican relief administration food pack ages without which the most needy members would find it very difficult to support themselves and their families. Women and Cigarette^. A woman, on passing the French frontier on her return from Holland, was asked by a French customs officer the usual question, “Have you noth ing to declare?” She bad six boxes of cigaret'tes. The officer explained to her that il she wanted her cigarettes passed she would have to rf pay about ten times their value. At such a price the trav eler preferred giving up her boxes, but she noticed that some gentlemen nearby were allowed twenty-five cig arettes for their own use free of all duty. She demanded the same favor; hut the officer replied to her, gravely; “Madame, In France a woman can not ‘legally* smoke!** SINGS WITH TOY WHILE AT WORK Mrs. Banes Says Tanlac Ended Indigestion, Sourness and Pal pitations and Made Labors Light. “Tanlac has helped me so much I wish everyone suffering like I did would follow my suggestion to use it,” said Mrs. Sadie Banes, 2037 Washing ton St., Kansas City, Mo., the other day. “Before I took Tanlac my appetite was so poor it seemed beyond cultiva tion, and the little I managed to eat gave me indigestion and caused awful sourness and palpitation. I was simply miserable from nervous headaches, diz ziness and knife-like pains in my back, always slept poorly, and felt so bad that at times I just had to quit my housework and lie down. “Tanlac was so well suited to my case that it has only taken three bot tles, half of the full treatment, to restore me to perfect health. It makes me so happy to be without an ache* pain or trouble of any kind that I go about my work humming and singing. ; I just can’t help rejoicing over what Tanlac has done for me.” Tanlac is for sale by all good drug gists. Over 35 million bottles sold. — Advertisement. Plan Honor to “Anzacs.’* It has been suggested in Sydney, New South Wales, that the Tasmanian sea, the waters of which touch Aus tralia and New Zealand, be named the ! Anzac sea, as a lasting memorial to the soldiers of both countries who took part In the landing at Gallipoli. Aspirin Say “Bayer” and Insistl J f^J Unless you see the name “Bayer” on package or on tablets you are not get ting the genuine Bayer product pre scribed by physicians over twenty-two years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” only. Each unbroken package contains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Asperin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid.—Advertisement. Man of Merit. Dan Russo, laying tar-coated wood en paving blocks in Boston, looks up and claims he is the fastest block layer in the world. Probably he is right, for he lays a block a second, keeping 12 men busy bringing the blocks to him. Add Dan’s name to your list of useful citizens, on whose toiling shoulders civilization is being carried ahead despite public affairs, lunatics, rogues and loafers. —Aurora Beacon News. ✓ Is Just Like a New Baby Says Fond Mother One of the most remarkable fea tures about Teethina is the quick relief so often observed soon after giving it to a sick and fretful child. “She was just like a new baby in a few minutes after giving her Teeth ina,” writes Mrs. W. M. Murray, of 1329 Oansler avenue, Gadsden, Ala. “In fact,” continues Mrs. Murray, “I couldn’t go to sleep at night without knowing I had Teethina in the house.” Mrs. Murray states an important fact that should interest other moth ers who worry because of their little ones* fretfulness. With Teethina at hand she can banish all fears and take her own rest with the assurance that baby is well guarded and is safe from trouble. Teethina is sold by all druggists, or send 30c to the Moffett Laboratories, Columbus, Ga., and get a package of i Teethina and a wonderful free booklet , about Baby.—Advertisement. * May Be Something in This. i Next time you make a blob, and feel like cussing someone, don’t pass ! the buck, go out behind the bam and i give yourself a good bawling out. It i may do some good.—Exchange. That One Word. \ “A woman is always wanting to do . something.” I “Else.” —American Legion Weekly. I A man may be able to laugh at a joke on himself, but he is never able to mean it. DON'T FUSS WITH / MUSTAROPLASTERS! Musterole Works Without the Blister—Easier, Quicker There’s no sense in mixing a mess of mustard, flour and water when you can easily relieve pain, soreness or stiffness with a little dean, white Musterole. Musterole is made of pure oil of mustard and other helpful ingredients, combined in the form of the present white ointment. It takes the place of mustard plasters, and will not blister. Musterole usually gives prompt relief from sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheuma tism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it may prevent pneumonia). 36c and 65c, jars and tubes. Better than a mustard plaster SfBS BABIES LOVE . j| MRS.WINSLOW3 SYRUP The Infants’ and Children’s Regulator Pleasant to give—pleasant to WBSaan take. Guaranteed purely veg etable and absolutely harmless. \ It quickly overcomes colic. K £ 7 flatulency and The open published , formula appears on nKjjj I, s g&s Clear thinking! W -normal digestion restored ®.//Dr. KING’S PILLS -for constipation *«■■■ —■■■■■ ■■■■ ■■!■■ ■■ ■ .1— Nothing to Nothing. A parvenu is an upstart. In othei words, a parvenu is a man who has risen from nothing suddenly and be come nothing suddenly. Heat generates motion. If you don’t believe it pick up a redliot poker. Travel may broaden a man, but others can stay at home and get fat. Mrs. G. H. Campbell Have You Indigestion? How’s Your Blood? Perhaps This May Interest You Atlanta, Ga.—“l had been suffering a good while with indigestion, also very frequently with shortness of breath; and my blood was undoubtedly in very bad condition. I was losing weight and getting weak and thin. My aunt recommended Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery and I had taken only a little when my health began to improve. I took three bottles, according to directions, and by this time I was relieved of all those ailments. Therefore I can cheerfully recommend Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery.”—Mrs. G. ]H. Campbell, '685 Woodward Ave. If you need a building-up tonic for stomach or blood, obtain Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery from your druggist, in tablets or liquid, or write Dr. Pierce, President Invalids’ Hotel in Buffalo, N. X., for free medical I advice. GET RID OF THAT “TIRED FEELING” DO you feel run down and half sick all the time? Are you thin, pale, easily tired —no energy, no ambition, no “pep”? Now is the time to take Gude’s Pepto-Mangan. It will brace you up, give you a delightful feeling of vigor and ambition, enrich your blood, build firm, solid flesh, and bring the healthy color back to your skin. Your druggist has Gude’s—Liquid or solid, as you prefer. pcpto-^angan Tonic and Blood Enricher Rheumacide Have you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? Take RHEUM ACIDE to remove tbecause and drive the poison from the system. “KHinUCIDI OS THE ISBIDB rum bhbubatisb on the outside” At All DrngicUU Ju. Baily A Sob, Wholesale Distributors k Baltimore. Md. Halt it with If pyx Dr. KINGS NEW DISCOVERY thi family cough syrup "vicfiMr RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles are most dangerous because of their insidious attacks. Heed the first warning they give that they need attention by taking LATH HOP’S The world’s standard remedy for these disorders, will often ward off these dis eases and strengthen the body against furtherattacks. Threesizes,alldruggists. Look for the name Cold Medal on every box and accept no imitation Shave With | Cuticura Soap The New Way Without Mug I ■ ■■■ 11 1 . DRIVE MALARIA OUT OF THE SYSTEM BABEK A GOOD TONIC AND APPETIZER TgtlPill? P CONSTIPATION Hs»ir Thin ? EEKSS AAC&IJL A HAH • and t° grow new hair—it vitalizes the roots and stops hair falling out fills bald spots rapidly. Try it! At all pood druggists, 50c, Or direct from HF.SSIG - ELUS, Cbemiita, MemphU. Tenn. One’s True Self. The noblest thing you ever did, the noblest emotion you ever felt, the deep est and most self-sacrificing love ever in your soul, that is your true self still, through all the baser life into which you have fallen. —Phillip Brooks. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reports from druggists who are constantly in direct touch with the public, there is one preparation that has been very successful in overcoming these conditions. The mild and healing influence of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its remarkable record of success. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview on the subject, made the as tonishing statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance are re jected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the large majority of those whose applications are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp- Root is on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a ■ample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.—Advertisement. Ancient Industries. The art of tinning iron appears to have originated in the Sixteenth cen tury, and tinplate , was first manu factured in Great Britain in 1070. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria Chess and Music Mixed. Sir Walter Parratt, who is ahom to complete his fortieth year as organist at St. George’s chapel, Windsor, is a:* enthusiastic chess player. On one oc casion he undertook to play two men (in consultation) without looking at the board, while he himself played a number of pianoforte selections. The game lasted an hour and Sir Walter won handsomely. When you have decided that the Worm* or Tapeworm must be exterminated, g®’- "Dead Shot’’—Dr. Peery’s Vermifuge, an>‘ you will find that one dose will expel them. Advertisement. We all have a great deal to do, yet we manage to do very little. Happy is the rounder who has no wife to square himself with. 'BmtIDINF Night and Morning. Have Strong, Healthy Eyes. I! they Tire, Itch, tor JP* Smart or Bum, if Sor** Irritated, Inflamed or YOUR LILJ Granulated,useMunne Often. Soothas* Refreshes. Safe * or Infant ot Adult. At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Boole, ffsrias Eje Rea*4y Co., Cldcsss

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