€l)t CjjatJjam iSrcorp INDEPENDENT TN POLITICS Established in 187$ by 11. A. London. Entered at Pi.ttsboro, N.C. as Seco ; rrp 0.0 . 1 s orted that he feared that this strange microbe would never be found. There upon Pasteur at once stenned to the — i m JUf ■;.:•£ SX§». : 1 : ';■;■••'■' \ * S^WcS ,- *I:V POLICE DESTROY DRUGS. ETC. ; 101 ! °! f n i™3* ine » o P\ um ’ cocaine, opium pipes, hypodermic of the N Y* p^r* $2,500,000, (which was seized by the Narcotic Squad bv the sound n^ Ce B ept j! dur . m g tll9f P ast year and representing 2,478} riaids S P“ ial deputy Commissioner EpnW pli a^ Pohce n He ?^ l, - art f rs under the supervision of J dope into the <»& *B blackboard and drawing what we know as the streptococcus, said ,‘Voi la la figure.’ (There it is.) And that it was indeed. 1 What has been the result of the re ' searches by which Pasteur demon strated the cause of childbed fever and how to abolish it? Every wife • arid every husband should know these facts and treasure Pasteur’s memory ■in their hearts. Instead of every 18th, every fifth, or more than every second mother lost to her husband, her children and the community, puerper al now slays only one motther | in 300 to even so low a rate as one mother in 1,250. And in one conse ; cutive series of cases numbering 8,- 373 not one rnother lost her life from puerperal fever! “When the usual mortality from puerperal fever now in the maternity hospitals and in the practice of lead ing obstetricians is only one-tenth of one percent, it is not a tragedy that in private practice its often two per cent or more; that is, 10 to 20 times greater than it should be. The rank and file of the profession must be wakened, up to their delinquency in not using antiseptic and aseptic precau tions.” Instruments of precision: “Among the most important means by which ' medical research is promoted are in struments of precision. When I stud ied medicine, a few, in fact a very few doctors possessed a microscope. Strange to say, the medical colleges had none. Only those private stud ents ‘who were so superstitious,” was one of the striking things of that day and few preceptors ever saw a micro scope, much less had the chance to use one. I doubt if there were half a doz en thermometers and hypodermic syr inges in the whole army of the Poto mac in the Civil War. A number of years passed before self-registering thermometers were made. The first short clinical thermometer I ever saw was brought to me from London by Weir Mitchell in 1876. The first book on medical thermometry was publish ed by Wundelich in 1868, three years after the Civil War had closed. Im agine the plight of the mother, of a family today without a thermometer.” v _ 1 Point? of • Resemblance. 1 There Isn’t a whole lot of difference I between the fellow who didn’t know It was loaded and the theorist who never knows when his theory is going to explode. t Professional Qarcts VICTOR R. JOHNSON. Attorney-at-Law, Practices in all courts —Federal, State and County. Office over Brooks & Eubanks Store Northeast corner court house square PITTSBORO. N. C. a LONG AND BELL. Attorneys-at-Law. PITTSBORO. N. C._ J. ELMER LONG. Durham, N. C. DANIEL L. BELL. Pittsboro, N. £. A. C. RA Y~ Attorney-at-Law. PITTSBORO, N. C. DR. R. M. FARRELL. Dentist Offices over the drug store, Main St. Hours, 8 to 5. PITTSBORO. N. C. . PILKINGTON PHARMACY. Prescriptions, drugs, medicines and toilet articles. KODAKS. * * * « * % ■* * * * ♦ + * R. F. PASCHAL, * Attorney-at-Law, 51 * Office over Postdfiice Siler City. * * ‘ * * * # * * * * * * * • • j 11 I I DR. J. D. GREGG, | | Dentist. Siler City, N. C. j 1 Office over Siler Drug Store, j Hours 8 a. m., to 5 p. m. | tt : jjj Kghslls probable Candidate 2^ /or |ieutei\ai\t Governor £ Signs That Command* Attention. “Drive safely. A fatal accident oc curred here.” A number of signs bear ing this inscription have been posted on' a Massachusetts highway near Boston, at points where persons have been killed by automobiles. 'mmune From influenza. There is one plaee always _ abso lutely immune from intliieiiza This sanctuary Is the cinnamon warehouse connected with London's docks. No employee has .ever been attacked by the d ! seasc [HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED! \ BY AN EXPERT—COSTS NO s . Dr. J. C. Mann, the well known I eyesight Specialists and Opticia £ | will be at Dr. Farrell’s office in | j Pittsboro, N. C., every fourth Tues- f k day and at Dr. Thomas’ office, Siler ( City, N. C., every fourth Thursday f , iin each month. Headache relieved! | when caused by eye strain. When j j he fits you with glasses you haves jthe satisfaction of knowng that! "they are correct. Make a note o£| I the, date and see him if your I are weak. I J His next visit in Pittsboro will | | be Tuesday, June 26th. | j His next visit in Siler City will 1 fbe Thursday, Ju ie 28th. «. .. . .. i .. w ... Efird’s Chain Sale Now Going On and Will Continue Through the Entire Month of June TELL YOUR NEIGHBORS, STOP WORK AND GO TO THE RALEIGH STORE AND GET YOUR FULL SHARE OF THE BARGAINS THAT ARE BEING OFFERED. THIS SMALL SPACE PREVENTS PRINTING THE HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS THAT WE HAVE TO OFFER, BUT IF YOU WILL COME AND LET US KNOW THAT YOU READ THIS AD IN THE CHATHAM RECORD YOU WILL GET SPECIAL CONSID ERATION. " ■ Below we name just a few of the hundreds of bargains we have here and we assure you that we have a rock bottom price on almost anything that you may want: PALM BEACH SUITS. Men apd young men's suits in slinks, ex ra sizes, stouts, and sport models in light colors, dark grays, flannels, etc. Every suit with genuine Palm Beach label, Sale Price : $10.75 DRESS SHIRTS. Vlen’s Dress shirts, SI.OO values 65c One Table men’s fine dress shirts, all sizes, new patterns. 79c Men’s $1.25 dress shirts, special at 95c Men’s dress shirts, values worth up o $1.65 at $1.35 Men’s $2.00 dress shirts at $1.65 MEN’S HOSIERY. Men’s 50c silk socks 35c 3 for SI.OO. Men’s full fashioned silk socki in black, cordovan and navy, 85c values at 50c Men’s very fine quality silk hose 20c Men’s cotton socks 10c THE EFIRD STORE * One of The 33 Big Stores X Raleigh, » - - North Carolina The Fastest Retailing System in The World ' I Fortunate Individual.. ‘Lucky he who has been educated to bear his fate, whatsoever it may be, ! by- an early example of uprightness, 1 and a childish training in honor. — Thackeray. J Riding Out of Pate j Ten years ago it was net an odd sight t 6 see many young boys and girls riding bicycles over the county, and even the men and women rode them. It was the better means of locomotion. Nowadays folks use automobiles and fast er methods of traveling. It is the latest and most mod ern way. ' i The same principle applies to Feed, Grain, Hay and Groceries. Ten years ago folks were not so particular as J •to the name, character or quality of things they ate or 1 fpd their stock, but there is a demand -now for better i things. Those feeds that have been tested and found to contain the most protein and fat to nourish the horses, mules, cows and hogs and reduce the expense of feeding! As stated in The Record before we are exclusive agents for the celebrated Pease & Dwyer feed stuff and we han dle it in every known article from that fed to the day old chicks to the old gray mare in the pasture. We also handle the very best groceries. We make no j • effort to handle a low priced flour or other things you want to eat, but we do sell the very best at about the I same price the cheaper material will cost you. Just drop around and see us. Tell us that you want to see and buy some of the material advertised in The Re cord and we will be pleased to show you through our j store. We have about anything you want and we have it > i in car load lots -and last but not least, the price is right. | OUR MOTTO: Your Money’s Worth or Your Money Back 1 | CONNELL & FARRELL | I Price Leaders Pittsboro, N. C. + BOYS’ SUITS, $3.98. Boys’ tweed suits, novelty mixtures, etc, sale price 1 $3.98 Boys’ two-pant suits, special at $5.98 All other boys’ suits at special prices dur ing Chain Sal£. BED LINEN” " 72x90 Seam sheets 68c Full double bed size seam sheets 98c 63x90 Pepperell seamless sheets $1.25 81x90 Pepperell seamless sheets $1.35 42x36 Pillow cases 22c 32x36 Pepperell pillow cases 35c All other sheets, wide sheeting and pillow cases cut in price. MUSLIN AND SILK All ladies’ silk and .muslin underwear to go in this sale at ridiculously low prices. Ev ery table to be marked with special tickets. KNIT TEDDIES. Ladies’ Summer weight knit ted dies, 50c values at 35c 18c gauze vest, regular and extra sizes, 14c ♦ One lot ladies’ gauze vest 10c F»rsfistuciy. U lCn A V j Tr, r Myself .i,uv, ai>(i ; 1 finder tire liijrhest th in „ Ull *- liU : nf facui^ "2m i vvu,Tl ««-»»»sNnre ß being dnl t Dd M jmvd; mill rhen do it. j