KTtHAM BRIEFS' r . po s'^r« nd ’ taters - I Ko "' „ Connell’s ad about flour , Griffin spent last Fri- . , I ' StamP , rttsboro. in Chatham have been dis- m will hereafter be ontinueo. id ~pr ri prs ened bv rural route carriers. Sanford has been suffering with ra id! mania. Three were killed sere the other day, but not before a ttle school boy was bitten. Mr? J S. Wrenn and Mrs. E. R. Mon and children left Sunday for alisburv and the western part of he state for a continued visit. Mr. C. E. Bryan and little son have eturned from a trip to Florence, S. 1 Mail on route No. 1 was handled y Mr. Walter Clark during his ab ence. A Pittsboro father was awakened he other night by his young hopeful ailing out: “Pap, I want a drink. “Go to sleep; I've been wanting one or two years.'’ Corn yields may be more surely and asily increased by the use of good eed than in any other way. The way o seelct this seed is from the fields [i the fall. Now is the time to get the winter arden started. Head lettuce, onion ets, carrots, beets, turnips, radish, ibbaee, collards, celery, and various Teens may all be planted now. Mr. Frank Gilmore spent the week nd on route 3 with his family. He as been at Carpenter, N. C., but is ow located at Morrisville and will love his family there this week. Raleigh’s fall festival was a grand fair. Many went from Pittsboro to itness the big street parade and o h r sights. Miss Alice Cheek, of Hen irson, was chosen queen of the fes val. A farmer in Perquimans county re 3rts a profit of SIOO from his hogs 115 year as a result of a feeding de °nstration which he conducted in spiration with County Agent L. • Anderson. Mrs. Ell a a. Clark and sons, Wil -1 and Coley and two daughters, w Juanita, were dinner guests f- and Mrs. L. E. Cole’s Sunday. “7 wll reman at Mr. Cole’s ai d tend high school at Pittsboro. J* Taylor Johnson captured a Saturday afternoon rri . , n “ lck °ry Mt. township and; ill J. 1 ' °y er to sheriff Blair. The arfo e J- a^ou t JO gallons ar.d was it cov A c ? pper * No liquor was found I 1 out gallons of beer were pour- j I kickimr 0, e * b Ra V tried to crank ’ icker \v , tlaick the other day but the j eked to ° (~ U ick for Wyeth and } >ne in his breakin * a . small l ie bonp a arm * T)r. Chapin set ■°un —N i y%l G*. tlfe 3feM an, »*ifci aMiS? /£ ssfegß & | DIP pALL 0P« || fitj %i OUR FULL LINE OF FALL AND WINTER FURNISH- Pf k $ Jiff ■ INGS NOW ON DISPLAY— ft j|jK P I I Staple Dry Goods, | Ij| ! H L|| Cantons, Outings, Suitings, etc f jg | I Winter Suits, Overcoats and Odd Pants o*2 ' /“■' fc' (!H j For Men and Boys f #ll THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINE WE jd|g* ll * s "'« HAVE EVER SHOWN g**®* *| Beds, Dressers,Mattresses,Springs,Pillowss §§ )sf| Everything for the Beautiful.” . j|| SJt ' ft! WE ARE PREPARED TO SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS AND WST »| ® rl WILL APPRECIATE THE OPPORTUNITY OF SHOW- f|% &*§ ing YOU our great line. M ft? Iff WRENN BROS. CO, M S'Aj il; 8 IN Business 45 Years. We Sell Most Everything |l D jj'Sfc I; 1 PHONE No. 34. SILER CITY, N. C. g Jgj !Our stock of NEW FALL - if GOODS is now complete. M Give us an opportunity to i 1 show you our stock. Lat- if 1 est Styles. Low Prices. 1 I W. L. London & Son I PITTSBORO, There are few matters in the world ' so urgent that they can’t wait until the train gets past the crossing.— ■ Portland (Ore.) Telegram. Barber Talk In this first-class shop you will not find any Yaddie, Kaddie, Kiddie, Kaddie Koo, nor the Liv ery Stable Blues, but you will find a first-class Barber Shop and “SERVICE” is our Motto. Find us here any time and with the very best instruments that make you a comfortable visitor ever after. Come again, You’re next. H. H. Hackney, Expert Artist. Pittsboro, N.C. |! Stop! Look and listen! ij i; We have the most complete line of— |! i| LADIES AND CHILDRENS COATS, SUITS, DRESSES |j ever shown inSiler City. Let us show you our lino of piece jj Goods, Wool Crepes, Poiret Twills, Silks, Etc, We are glad ij ij to show you whether you buy or not. j jj Woody Bros. Quality Shop ij E. D. Woody, Manager j ij SILER CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. Season’s Best DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, NOVELTIES. We Sell for Less. See us when in Sanford. J. P. CoulterCo. Jewelers, Sanford, N. C. R. R. RAMSEY^ Heavy Hauling or Drayage of any Kind Passenger Automobiles at your Service day or night. Phone 23 Pittsboro, N. C.