ONLY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD HAVING A CIRCULATION THAT IS FOUR TIMES THAT OF THE POPULATION OF THE TOWN IN WHICH IT IS PUBLISHED The Chatham Record ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 19,1878. I FASTER MECHANIC HERE Preparing to install Latest " Model Machine ii* Pittsboro \r r W. Huie, master mechanic Brooklyn* N. Y., was in Pittsboro f.Lt Wednesday and Thursday over hauling the typsetting machine in The Record office and adding a few new inventions on to it. * , The machine that is now being used )V The Chatham Record has about reached the limit of its usefulness Jrith the paper, because the paper lias (/rown to be such a good one and in such great demand that it is neces arv to place another one, and editor Codn G. Shaw has made arrangements to place a C. S. M. intertype. The new machine that is to be pur chased by The Record is the last word ; n type setting machines; it will per fonA almost any duty that is ex acted of it in the printing line. It takes the place of half dozen men and to be installed at a cost of more than five thousand dollars. It is a tremendous expenditure for a small town like Pittsboro, but it is absolute ly necessary to take care of our busi- The new machine will be built es pecially for The Record, according to purifications, and will not reach us until about May 15th. At that time we shall greatly improve The Chat ham Record. MONCURE LOCAL NEWS Moncure, Feb. 18.— Dr. and Mrs. j. E. Cathell spent last Tuesday in Raleigh on business. Mr Allen Moore spent several days at* Jonesboro last week on business Mr Wm. F. Bell, the son of Mi. John Bell, of Moncure, has been promoted from a retail salesman tor , the uaker Oats Co. to an expert salesman and manager for the same company. His headquarters is at Chicago, 111. This is saying vei> much for Mr. Bell and we hope h.m great luck. _ _ , i Mr. Johnnie Bell, Jr., Ruled carrier on Route one, spent last week end at Richmond, Va., on business. > He visited Miss Cornell Cam, music j teacher at Moncure high school last year, while there. Mr. J. Lee Har mon took Mr. Bell’s place on the route while he was away. Moncure Boys and Girls basketball teams played Goldston Boys and Girls teams last Wednesday afternoon at Goldston. The scores were in favor -of Goldston, but Moncure boys played i so well that Goldston beat them just l one score, the score was 22 to 21. Misses Margie and Sankie Perry, teachers of Moncure high school, spent last week end at Rocky Mount visiting J. T. Canady, who has spent ten days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bryant, returned to her home at Victoria, Va. last Sunday. The last entertainment by the Ly ceum course was given at the school auditorium last Thursday evening, Feb. 14th and was much enjoyed by the crowd present. __ Capt J. H. Wissler, Mrs. Geo. W. Giede and Miss Sarah E. Smith, motored to Pinehurst, N. C., last Sunday. They report a delightful trip. ' ■ We are glad to state that Mrs. E. F. I Watkins, who has been sick for a I few days is some better. Mr. E. F. Watkins has bean very I feeble this winter, but we hope both H of them will soon be well again. The show that was given at the ■ school auditorium last Saturday even ing was very much enjoyed by the ■children. There was a large crowd ■present. —' m > THE FIRST PRIZE ANSWER. (In addition to drawing the squares Band solving the mathematical problem ■ correctly to our puzzle in our issue £eb. 7th, Miss Erma Elkins, of ■ Burlington, sends the following:) week's puzzle, you see I missed. U ll not be stupid when I answer this. ■1 shall not stop until I get things ■ nght. K° ' ou , wa nt to know the reason why ? , m . a little Chathamite— l lin Bur Hngton doesn’t make any ■ difference, you see 811B 11 ? things doing in Chatham that ■ interest me. i' om e of our papers come early, some ■ come later, I look for is the good old Chat ■ ham paper. B* lVe ns puzzles and make them snap ftpy, Someone will get them and they will ■ happy, I t ßactor SCHOOL POSTPONED ■ The Record last’ week announced B tractor school to be held in Pitts ■ ro by the Case tractor people, con on March 4th, sth and 6th. BJ 3 , school has been postponed in- owing to the fact that Mr.. A. Bynum, resident agent, has ■ h Promoted to State Manager and Bth Atlanta for the* sth and B March to attend a conference Southern office. The school B r be held at a later date and Will announced in The Chatham y^ec ■ k iUi - Bynum succeeded M . W. B as State Manager. 1 1KK ‘ S IT BETTER EVERY iWEEK ■akf 3' Harrington aft Merry Bchar! Vllt ? s us * n re^ar 4/ r ro making ft tbn? v Jn addl T ss A>f his paper ft day earlier fte < T® Uje for it to b# Bery it is getting better fc, a man down/ and he fills BB nst his 1 SILER CITY TEAMS LOSE Local Items of Interest From Neigh bors at Goldston Goldston, Feb. 18.—Who said that the 13th was unlucky ? Well,. you can’t make the Goldston high school Basket Ball teams believe it. The two teams (boys and girls) went over to Moncure Wednesday the 13th, and the score will tell why they don’t think the 13th unlucky: 21—20 in favor of Goldston boys. 35 —12 in fayor of Goldston girls. Thursday the 14th the Siler City girls came down and played our girls and again Goldston beat by a score of 23—5. Next Saturday we are expecting Moncure to come to Goldston for a game. We are proud of our team, in fact we are proud of all our boys and girls, We are proud of our school and our teachers and while we need a larger building badly our teachers are doing great work and we are living in hopes of a enlarged building next year. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stinson and family motored to Hillsboro Saturday and spent the day with their daughter Mrs. M. E. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Goldston, of ■ Camei on are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Goldston. Hon. A. C. Ray, of Pittsboro, filled j Rev. Barkley’s appointment here Sunday, Mr. Barkley having gone to the dedication of a church in Golds boro. Mr. C. W. Womble is visiting in Reidsville this week. Mr. N. F. Barber who has been confined to the bed for some time is improving. , Mrs. O. Z. Barber who has been sick for some time is improving. ■■ » mm SECTION ABOUT ANTIOCH Cumnock, Rt. 1, Feb. 18. —There was a good congregation at Antioch Christian church yesterday, at which time Sunday school was organized for the coming year. The following officers were elected: Superintendent —F. M. Farrell. Assistant Sunperintendent—A. F. : Gunter. Secretary—Violet Johnson. Organist—Beadie Oldham. Everybody is invited to be present next Sunday, at which time the teach ers will be selected. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Richardson and little son spent Sunday in the home of Mr. C. C. Poe. , Mr. O. M. Dorsett continues in bad health and it is necessary to sit up with him. Mrs. Dorsett has been very feeble for the past few days also. Miss Bessie Poe, of Gulf, spent the week end in the tone at hear uncle, Mr. Duncan Dowdy. „ ... Miss Mattie Eva Dorsett, who is teaching school at Asbury, spent the week end with her father, Mt. O, M. Dorsett Miss Mary. Lee Beal, of Gulf,-spent the week , end in the home of her grand mother, Mrs. Peggy Dowdy. Mrs. J. H. Alexander has been con fined to her home for a few days. We hope for her a speedy recovery. Mr. Jim Dowdy made a special trip to Siler City Saturday to have some dental work done. ' Mrs. G. B. Hart and Miss Nma May Thomas were visitors in the home of Mrs. Jim Johnson last week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lemmon and two children are visiting in the home of Mr. Pete Dowdy. Miss Belle Burke was a visitor to Mrs. Pete Dowdy’s recently. — ii BELL’S SCHOOL NEWS Apex, Rt 4, Feb. 18.—The better ment ladies, of Bell’s school, gave an entertainment, at which they served oysters and chicken salad, Saturday night, which was enjoyed by all who \/ere present • Misses Darious and Alma Yates, Hattie Williams and Messers Henry Williams, Percy Parish, Brodie Yates, Carlyle Hurst, Felix Umstead, Gear nie Barbee, Coley Horton and George Jacob, were Sunday afternoon guests of Misses Jessie and Tinnie Mas Oh. Miss Lena Holleman, of Durham, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. A. J. Horton. Miss Nannie Lou Chambers, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Mat tie Chandler, near Roxboro, returned home Thursday. Messrs B. J. Morgan and W. J. Wilson motored to Roxboro Saturday, on business. Miss Nannie Goodwin, from near Morrisville, has been visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Herndon. We are glad to report that Mr. W. J. Morgan, who has been ill with pneumonia, is now improving. Messrs Joe and - aron Council, of Durham, spent Sui lay with their brothei*, Air. 0. T. Council. DEATtf OF L TTLE CHILD V, r ■ - - New Hill, Feb. 18.—On Feb. 4th the deat an get entered the home of Mr. anc Mrs. ,R. G. Beckwith, and took th< iittl# boy, William, from their midst. Bje was eleven months old and very sjhveet little baby and endured nis suffering with much pa tience. He had bronical pneumonia. Every thing parents, doctors and nurses could d<a was to no avail. God saw fit t gather one of his Jewels home. Tie little body was laid to rest in e Bbenezor cemetery Mr. Mills co ducted the funeral. The c d is survived by father, mother ad kne sister, Pattie, be sides a r. of friends and relatives, whom hu become attached to him. - Everyone ousrht to measure himself I by his own proper standard. - -- - . .... ■— ■ - ■ - . '■ ' ■ — ■ • ■ ■ ' ■ - ■■■ ■ ■■ r. o PITTSBORO, N. C., CHATHAM COUNTY, THUR,' ?AY, FEBRUARY 21,1924. ■ S NOW SHARPEN YOUR WITS Puzzle For All The Young Petople or Record Readers. If you are a regular reader of The Chatham Record, regardless of where you live, and between the age of ten and twenty-five years old, you can figure oh the above puzzle and win a six monthe free subscription to The Chatham Record. The card as outlined was received by a citizen of Pittsboro and he was puzzled to know what it meant and he employed a detective to figure it out. The man employed had to work hard to find out what it really meant but he finally deciphered the code and told the man what it was and ever since then he has followed its advice. Following is the card the man re ceived: ELP EOP EMO HH TIW GNID ARTR UOY LLAO In sending in your answer, address it to Joe Snyder, care The Chatham Record, Pittsboro, N. C., give your correct mail address, age and full name. Tell how long you have been reading The Chatham Record and mention the features that you like best about the paper. In awarding the prize of six months free subscription, Mr. Snyder says he will consider the general arrangement, punctuation, penmanship and the cor rectness of the card itself. The award to our last puzzle will be found in another column. More than three hundred answered it and we hope many will try this one. Put on your thinking cap and see what you can do. There are no re strictions. You may have mother, father, uncle or friend to help you all you want and send it in. All answers must be in the hands of j Joe Snyder not later than Tuesday j night, February 26th. DEATH OF MISS MILLS Brickhaven, Feb. 18.—Miss Mae Dickens, who is attending school at Moncure, spent -the week end here with her parents. , Mrs. David Strickland, of Southern Pines, Mrs. June Hackney of Mon cure, and Mr. Walker Hanks of Pitts boro, spent a few hours in Brickhaven Tuesday visiting relatives and friends. Messrs W. J. Hannon and J. C. Seawell spent Sunday at their homes near Carthage. - Mr. Hubert Seawell of Carthage, spent several days here last week as the guest of his brother, Mr. J. C. Seawell. .Misses Mary Bland and. Laura Har ris, and Mrs. A. P. Harrington attend ed the funeral of Mrs. Patrick, Sat urday afternoon in Pittsboro. Mrs. Patrick was a sister of Miss Lelia Johnson who teaches at Corinth and Miss Johnson’s many friends here deeply regret to hear of her loss. Miss Della Dowell, of Franklinton, wast the guest last week of her sis ter, Mrs. O. C. Kennedy. Mrs. C. S. Harrington was a dinner guest Sunday at the home of Mr. J. A. Mims. On Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy entertained the following guests at a Valentine party: Misses Mary Bland, Laura Harris, Mary Lee Utley, Messrs Clinton Seawell, w. J. Hannon, Grady, Truelove, C. S. Har rington and Zeb Utley of Brickhaven, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Nash, Mr. Avery Ausley of Buckhom Power Plant, Miss Orlan Mull of Truth, Miss Daisy Lee Northcutt, Marjorie Perry and Lily Hackney, Mr. Allen Moore of Moncure, Miss Della Dowell, of Franklinton and Misses Lee and La tham, Messrs. Robin Phillips and J. F. Johnson, of Raleigh. Friends will regret to learn of the death of Miss Ruth Mills, daughter df Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Mills, of Fayetteville and a niece of Mr. O. C. Kennedy of this community. Don’t forget to come to the “George Washington” party at the school house Saturday evening. Come and bring your friends. PLEASANT SOCIAL MEETING. Mrs. F. C. Mann and Mrs. Louis Nooe charmingly entertained a num ber of their friends at a lovely card party, Friday afternoon, from three to five o’clock, at the home of Mrs. Mann. After a number of interesting pro gressions, top score prizes were pre sented to Mrs. Harvey D. Gunter for Bridge and Mrs. Reid Thompson for Rook. The Valentine season was charming ly emphasized in the decorations and refreshments, which gave a color mo tive of red and white. The favors were small red baskets filled with red and white mints. In serving a delicious salad course, with coffee and cream, Mrs. Mann and Mrs. Nooe were assisted by Miss Evelyn Alston. IT PAYS BOTH WAYS It pays to advertise and it pays to read the advertisements. There are many bargains offered in this paper, some of them in the want column and others in the larger ads. Always bear in mind that The Record adver tisers are reliable business men and you can depend upon them. It also pays you to tell the business man that you read his ad in The Record, wheth er you visit him in person or send in a letter. THE F ORD FOR A DOLLAR Tell Yc Friends About The Spe c Offer Now Offered. Don’' »rget that there is a spe cial off gm for The Record from this date a * lasts until Saturday, March Bth, whereby you can get The Chat ham Record for twelve months for on ly one dollar. If you want the Progressive Farmer and are not now taking «it you can get The Farmer for twelve months and The Chatham Record eight month for only one dollar. If you want The Record for eight months only, you can get it for seven ty-five cents. You can pay one dollar and have the Record sent to one person for eight months and The Progressive Farmer sent to another person for twelve months. Or you can get The Chatham Rec ord and The Progressive Farmer each for twelve months for only $1.25. The Record to be sent to one person and The Farmer to another or both pa pers sent to the same person. This gives you an arrangement whereby you may get one paper or both papers under almost any condi tion that you may want it. , Tell your friends about it. They are not taking the paper and will learn of it only by your telling them. Everybody wants The Chatham Rec ord so give them an opportunity to save a little money. Make your remittance by check, money order or registered mail. We cannot be responsible for currency sent in the mail. You will find a coupon in this paper that will help you in sending in a remittance. When you write be sure to state whether you want one or both papers and send amount necessary for both as stated above. This offer is not good for renewal subscriptions for The Farmer but is good for renewals on The Chatham Record. m • wm NEWS FROM BEAR CREEK Bear Creek, Feb. 18. —Mrs. H. D. Vestal and daughter, Flossie, of Greensboro, were recent visitors in Bear Creek. • J. W. Pierce is very low. He has been suffering with a cancer for more than a year. R. R. Dunn has been in a serious condition for some days, bleeding profusely from his >sse. Mrs. Joe J. Cheek was among those who went to Winston-Salem last week for treatment from Dr. Kapps. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Moody and Mr. and Mrs. London Rives, of Dur ham, spent the week end with rela tes on Rt. 2. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Smith and fami ly have been visiting at N. W. Hil liard’s of Durham and Messrs. 0. R. and L. L. Smith, of -Chml HUL , Miss Belle Straughan has returned to her home, after spending some time with her sister, Mrs. G. D. Blalock, of Siler City. D, A. Rives is working at the steam power plant, near the Cumnock bridge. C. B. Fritts went to Baltimore last week to buy his spring goods. ' W. B. Emerson has installed lights in his home. PHIL. THE SECOND I PRIZE WINNER. (Miss Leona Johnson, Rt. 1, New Hill, in addition to solving the mathe matical problem, sends this answer:) Leona Johnson is my name,* To answer your puzzle is my aim; To start with nine, Would make it fine; A. G. Holleman is my teacher, And he is a good old creature. My age is fourteen, And he has tanght me to count above fifteen, I attend West Wake high school, On New Hill rural route No. one. o SCHOOL TRUCK TURNS OVER Last Monday the school truck driv en by Clem Lasater running to Pitts boro from the home of Mr. C. T. De sera and also making a trip to Mon cure, was overturned at the intersec tion with the road to Gum Springs Baptist church. The truck had made its trip to Pittsboro and was enroute to Moncure when the accident occur red. In passing a car, the truck skidded and overturned, badly fright ening and bruising some of the twenty children in it. Miss Lois Womble is the only one to receive much injury, having her scalp lacerated. LOST DOG FOUND About two weeks ago Mr. Ernest Williams’ bird dog disappeared. He advertised for the animal in The Rec ord, offering a reward for the return of the same. He heard nothing from his ad and gave up his dog as being lost. Saturday, while the family were busy in the house some of them heard the bark of a dog in the base ment. On going down into the cellar they found the long lost dog. He had gone down into the cellar and the door becoming fastened he was kept a prisone.r The dog was in rather an emanciated condition when found in his prison. THE LARGEST YET The Record is this week sending out more than three thousand pa pers, the biggest issue yet. If you failed to have an ad in it you missed a great deal. Bear these facts in mind and don’t make the same mis take again. Remember The Record is. a good pa per. Watch it grow. DEATH OF YOUNG MAN Dr. Giles Locates in Siler City- Other Locals of Interest Siler City, Feb. 18.—After an ill ness for 15 days, Garfield Siler, the 18-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Siler, died at the home of his parents, five miles north of this place Saturday afternoon. -• The funeral was held at Piney Grove church Sunday afternoon by Rev. Mr. Talbert and T. F. Wrenn. Surviving besides his parents are two brothers, Eugene and Grady and three sisters, Thelma, Alberta and Martha, the latter being extremely ill today with pneumonia. - Os interest to' the community is the announcement that Dr. Rouald S. Giles, former county health physi cian of Edgecombe county* will locate here March 1 for the practice of his profession. His household property has already arrived and and been installed in the bungalow ad joining the properties of J. T. Fergu son and Mrs. , Jennie Edwards, where Dr. Giles with Mrs. Giles and two children will live. Friends of Dr. J. D. Edwards are glad to know that he is improving from his indisposition of the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Cooper and' little daughter left Saturday for Muscle Shoals, Ala., where Mr. Cooper will be engaged as civil en gineer. Mrs. Emma Wrenn, who is spend ing the winter season in Greensboro, is here in her home for a few days this week. ■ The Parent-Teacher association will meet in the school auditorium tomor row night. A special program has been prepared and every parent is urged to be present. A GOOD LIST THIS WEEK Good People of Chatham County Continue The Record The following good people of Chat ham county have entered their sub scriptions to The Chatham Record during the week: W. G. Harris, Mrs. J. B. Williams, Edward Johnson, The Messenger, T. T. Elkins, A. J. Morris, G. L. Savage, F. A. Badders, Lilia Brooks, Brown- Buick, W. L. Griffin, John W. Bell, James M. Perry, Rev. R. G. Shan nonhouse, M. L. Gordon, Miss Eliz abeth Burns, W. P. Huie, Morris Brooks, Lambeth Brothers, R. C. Womble, V, H. Hilliard, Connell & Johnson, B. M. Poe, J. A. Parrish, E. V. Marsh, W. M. Perry, G. H. Hancock, S. W. Harrington, E. S. Barber,. L. B, Hester, Mrs. Jack Fer rell. v . . Wo appreciate these subscriptions and very glad to number them among onr already largo list of readers. "THE BETTER IT GETS’* Our good friend, W. P. Farrell, at Hew River, writes us a gdbd letter, in which he calls us “good friend’ and says he gives us this greeting because we send him Ike good news from far and near. Mr. Farrell says that when the present editor began with The Record that our work was good, but the more he sees and reads The Record, the better it gets. Mr. Farrell states that it appears to him that the people have lost all love for one another, and comments on the articles in the last Record of Mr. Harris from the Charlotte Obser ver and the reply of. “our friend” Mr. Bailey. He puts them both in the same class afid sums it up that those folks who are wanting office and seeking the support of the labor ing people, afid we fall out with one another because are can’t agree upon th«<£an{to|ffter the ciradidate gets the office he takes a rest and let’s us labor on. He thinks it so silly. Mr. Farrell has never sought an office; he has worked hard all his life and has made an honest living. He has reached his 58th year and he will continue on in his usual manner “earning by hard work and the sweat of his brow.” He is not far wrong and is a far seeing man. We appre ciate the vision and comment of such friends as Mr. Farrell. AN EXPENSIVE TRIP Lunam Overacre, Vance Crews and Jack Henderson of Pittsboro last Sat urday night borrowed a Ford car with out the owner’s consent, belonging to Mr. Robt. Perkins, and made a trip to Chapel Hill, returning it early Sunday morning. The owner of the car and officer Burns were out all Saturday night looking for the par ties, but they happened to go the wrong way. Monday afternoon the young men were before Mayor A. C. Ray, where they compromised the case. _ They agreed to pay Mr. Perkins $l2O, and also the cost in the case, which amounted to $6.00. This was a pretty expensive trip for the young men and one they will hardly take again. CUTS THROAT OF OWN SON Romulous Grady, 19 years old, is dead at his home near Kinston as a i result of his jugular vein having been cut by his father, William Gradv. I The Gradys were drinking and be came involved in a quarrel and the j father cut his son’s throat. A doctor was at the home at the time attending the young man’s sister, but it was . impossible to save his life. Since the i old man sobered up he says he is , very sorry. They all say that it never brings back to life the victim of assault. ! BUILD A HOMtf NOW! A MYSTERIOUS BURGLAR. Valentine Party at Mr. Kennedy’s— Local and Personal. Corinth, Feb. 11.—Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Harrington spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Ellis at Siler City. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Harrison spent Sunday with relatives in Clayton. Mr. and Mrs, R. S. Ashworth, of Fuquay Springs, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Buchanan. Mrs. D. A. Clark spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs, Morgan, in Raleigh. - *■ Mr. A. M. Pollard while at work at Phoenix Hill was very painfully hurt and bruised up generally by a skip load of dirt and rock that fell directly on him, due to a chain break ing. He was taken to the local hos pital, his wounds dressed and then taken to his home at Corinth, where he will be confined for several days. The Brickhaven correspondent never so much as referred to the Marks & Tally incident last week. So here goes for the story. Along about mid night, about 10 days ago, while Messers Marks & Tally were sleeping soundly at the old Mark’s home place, they were suddenly awakened by a rummaging around out in a nearby store room. The first thought that , ' came to them was that another thiev ing raid was being made similar to the one that had just occurred a few nights previous over at Lawrence Bros, store. Their next thought was to catch the thief “with the goods on him,” so they carefully refrained from making any noise in any way, w6nt to the phone, called up Deputy sheriff Henry Harrington and finally got him up and out to the rescue. The deputy came on the run, slipped in the yard opposite to the store room, got in the house and after setting the two frightened men somewhat more at ease, they all three shouldered arms made a sally forth, surrounded the store room and called hands up! Getting no response they closed in and as they came together in the dark they came near firing point blank at a good gentle milch cow that had been enjoying' a midnight ramble through the brush and tin cans in the back yard. ' The Valentine party given by Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Kennedy at Brick haven was one of the nicest mid most enjoyable parties we ever attended. Quite a number of Corinth people were invited. We all were shocked to leant of the death of Mrs. Victor Patrick lad her infant child at Pittsboro. Mia. Patrick was a sister of Miss Leila Johnson who is one of our capable school teachers at Corinth. ; NEWS NEAR* KIMBOLTON Personal and Local Items of Interest to Record Readers Pittsboro, Rt. 2, F&. %8 —We have been haring pretty warm weather and the farmers have been taking advan tage of it by turning the soil. It seems like sprfh£. a , Mrs. P. L. Mitchell, formerly Miss Audry Johnson, of Raleigh, is spell ing some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.T. Johnson. | Mrs. John Bowers spent last Friday with Mrs. J. 0. Womble. ( Miss Dora Clark spent several days > 1 last week with her grandmouther, Mrs. Ellen Clark. Mrs. Clerk has been sick but we are glad to say she is better. Miss Margaret Campbell, of Suer City high school, spent the week end with her father, Mr. R. S. Campbell. Mr. Harold Hackney spent Satur day night with Mr. Dell Johnson. Miss Bessie Johnson gave Miss Alice Johnson a surprise party last Saturday night at her home, in honor of her company from near Bear Creek, who spent the week end with her. Everybody enjoyed the occasion very much. Mrs. R. L. Campbell spent Monday with her mother, Mrs. S. T. Johnson. Miss Pearl Johnson spent a few days last week with Mrs. A. E. Cole man. Mr. Voilner Clark has returned to school, after having an attack of measels. Mrs. S. T. Johnson, Mrs. H. G. Johnson and Mrs. P. L. Mitchell spent last Wednesday with Mrs. W. R. Perry. FROM UPPER CAPE FEAR New Hill, Rt. 2, Feb. 18.—Miss Dora Holt was given a surprise party ! Saturday evening by a number of her friends. The social gathering was thoroughly enjoyed by all those who were fortunate enough to be present. Mr. Lonnie Jones has greatly im proved in health for the last few days he has been in declining health for sometime but we hope he will soon be completely, well. Mesdames J. B. Whitley, C. B. Thomas and Fred Thomas of Siler | City were callers in this community ; Saturday afternoon. Mesdames Addie Webster, W. H. Beckwith, Messers C. D. Webster and Robert Beckwith, spent Wednesday on Apex, Rt. 4, with relatives. Messers Claud Bland and Freeman Gunter, of Durham, were Sunday call ers-in this community, j Miss Blanche Holt spent Wednes day in Sanford. j Mrs. W. H. Beckwith was the guest of her daughter Mrs. T. H. Windham, Tuesday. ! Mr. Jack Mann and son, of Pitts boro, Rt. 1, were the Sunday guests of relatives on this route, j Miss Nina Sturdivant spent the week end with Miss Mozelle Poe. ! Mrs. Sexton Sauls has returned from Rex Hospital, Raleigh where \* j she had been a patient for the pest , several weeks. We hope she will im prove rapidly. NUMBER 37.

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