CUTS-SORES | Cleanse thoroughly—then, without robbing, apply— VICKS ▼ Vapoßub Ovtr 17 Million Jars U—d Yearly •■■■■■wnasKfunaaiaMMMMMHUi Danger! When your heart flutters, and palpitates, v when you're short of breath and dizzy, when you have smothering spells and faint spells, look out for your heart I DR. MILES’ Heart Treatment has been used with marked success for all functional heart troubles since 1884, Your druggist sells it at pre-war prices sl.OO a bottle. 4 NoW aiting Here; I We now have an expert assistant on Saturday of each week and there is no waiting for your work. We give real sendee at all times at our barber shop and we appreciate our growing trade. Our shop is conveniently located; we have a good, oew equipment, and we ask you to call. H. H. Hackney, Expeit Artist. Pittsboro, N.C. professional (Bards W. B. CHAPIN, M. D. PITTSBORO, N. C. Office: Main street, Dr. H. T. Cha- Telephones: Office, 43. Residence, 39 pin’s former office. TOD R. EDWARDS. Jeweler. Kodak Films Developed and Photo graphe Work, Repairing a Specailty. Low Charges. Siler City, N. C. DR. ERNEST BROWN. —Chiropractor— -109 South Steele St. SANFORD, N. C. DR. ROY T. HODGIN, Chiropractor. Siler City Office Hours:— 2 to 5 p. m., Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays. Asheboro Office Hours:— 9 to 12 and 2 to 3, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Also 9 to 12 a. m., Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays. DR. J. D, GREGG, Dentist. Siler City, N. C. Office over Siler Drug Store. Hours 8 a. m., to 5 p. m. '• VICTOR R. JOHNSON.! Attornev-at-Law, Practices in all courts—Federal, State rnd County. Office C' n r Br oks & Eubanks Store, Norther t corner court house square, PITTSBORO. N. C. LONG AND BELL. Attorneys-at-Law. PITTSBORO, N. C- J. ELMER LONG, Durham, N. C. DANIEL L. BELL. Pittsboro, N. C. A. C. RAY] ” Attorney-at-Law. PITTSBORO, N. C. PILKINGTON PHARMACY. Prescriptions, drugs, medicines and toilet articles. KODAKS. f FIR E~INSU R A N C E! We write all kinds anywhere in Chat ham County. Strongest Home Com panies. H. D. GUNTER Pittsboro, N. ELKINS FUNERAL PARLOR, Siler City, N. C. Offers Superior Funeral Service. Laskets, Accessories, Coffins Embalming Separate Hearse Service Maintained For Colored Patrons. 1 & SB3&K JSB2& 88K3& & | WANTS jj WHEN YOU NEED OVERALLS, work shirts, pants or socks, see T. M. Bland & Co. SCHOOL OF NURSING —Accredited school, 3-year course. Entrance re quirements high school or its equiv alent. Text books, room, board and monthly allowance during training. Write to Supt. of Nurses, Mission Hospital, Asheville, N. C. Mch. 6-c. WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES for chickens, eggs, butter, hams and other country produce. Bring us your cross ties: we pay you the price. Con nell & Johnson. i SECOND HAND PIANO for «ale cheap. See Mrs. Powers, Dormi tory, Bonlee, N. C. Feb. 28-c. WE CUT THE PRICE and sell the goods. Your moneys worth or your money back is our motto. Connell & Johnson. WANTED TO BORROW three thou sand dollars on good security for 12 months. Address “Money” care Chatham Record, Pittsboro. T M Bland & Company’s line of gro ceries is fresh and as near complete as can be found. NEW FIVE ROOM Cottage, with one or two lots, in Goldston, for sale. Terms. 0. S. Alexander, Goldston, N. C. Feb. 28-p. JUST RECEIVED 400 bushels 90-day Burt and Spring oats, recleaned seed; also 200 bushels recleaned mam moth yellow soy beans just in. Will have 25 bags Cobbler and Early Bliss potatoes in the latter part of the week. See us for all kinds of garden and field seeds. Connell & Johnson. IMPROVED —40-acre farm for sale; 6 miles of Siler City; cash and j terms. Morris Brooks, Siler City, N. C. May 15-c. SEED SEED SEED—We have Fer- 1 ry’s. Rices and Crossmane Flower and Garden seeds of every kind also Field j seed. Burt Oats and Red Clover. Our ! prices are always right Connell & 1 .Johnson. IF YOU WANT A CLEAN SUIT For a dirty one, mail it to The Peo- I pies Pressing Co., Pittsboro, N. C., j L. R. Sturdivant, Prop. OMOLENE,~COW CHOW, PIG Chow, Chicken Chowder, laying mash; in ; fact every kind of feed for the farm- i er at reasonable prices, with a guar- j antee with every sack. T. M. Bland & Co. | BRING THOSE OLD SHOES TO The Chatham Hardware Co., and have them repaired by an expert on electrically driven machinery. Prices reasonable. Feb. 14-ts. WHO CAN BEAT it—Peerless, Oco neechee, Elizabeth and Sunflower — every sack guaranteed. T. M. Bland & Company. FOR SALE OR RENT—Good 2-horse farm near Pittsboro; high state cul tivation. Write Farmer, Record — Pittsboro. Apr.-15-c. LUMBER OF ALL KINDS and qual ity. Florida kiln dried ceiling and flooring; we buy cross ties standing in woods or delivered to road. W. F. Bland. ts IF YOU WANT THE MILEAGE and best of service, get your gas at the Square Filling Station in Pittsboro. THERE IS NOT ANOTHER store in Chatham county where you can come nearer finding what you want in feed, flour, Field seed, groceries and hard ware than at our store. We are anx ious to kfriow your wants and be able to supply you at the most reasonable prices. See us and be convinced. Connell & Johnson. IF~YOU HAVE LAND TO SELL we are in a position to help you if you will write us giving description of the farm, lots or business property you wish to sell. Address Mr. Land, care of Chatham Record, Pittsboro, N. C. ts. SUGAR TEN CENTS per pound at T. M. Bland & Co. WANTED —Men or women to take orders for genuine guaranteed hos iery for men. women, and children. ! Eliminates darning. $75.00 a week j full time, $1.50 an hour spare time | Cottons, heathers, silks. Internation al Stocking Mills, Norristown, Pa. Apr 3-p JUST RECEIVED seed oats, w rust proof and ninety day Burt; these oats were bought for seed. T. M. Bland & Co. LATEST ELECTRIC MACHINERY for Shoe Repairing; first-class work; best material used; in business in Chatham many years. Prompt atten tion to mail orders. Mail your shoes to me; prices moderate. The Electric Shoe Hospital, Bynum, N. C.. R. A. Heame, Propr. Feb2B-p T. M. BLAND & CO., have any kind of feed you need for any kind of an imal. We have quality and the price that suits the feeding man. YOU GET SERVICE and satisfac tion at The Square Filling Station in Pittsboro. Give us a trial. ONE SEARGENT SAW MILL—I - foot log beam, good shape, for sale. W. H. Gilmore, Rt. 1, Cummock, N. C. PURE-BRED WHITE WYANDOTTE roosters for sale; one year old, price $3.00 Miss Dixie Hackney, Rt. 11» Bynum, N. C. Mch 6-p. • _ !MY FARM PLACE, containing 100 acres, 42 clear; good six room house, barn and stables on place; good water; near school; located in Gulf i township, near Red Hill; near rail road, good land for corn, wheat or tobacco. John W. Sanders, Box 135, Tatum, S. C. May 1-p LOOK AT THE LABEL ON PAPER.! TRIBUTE TO MRS PATRICK Local News of Interest to Our Read- i ers From Mt. Zion Moncure, Rt. 2, Feb. 25. —Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith and little daughter Dorothy, of Raleigh, spent last Sun day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Carey Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Farrell and son, Les ter, of Pittsboro, were visitors of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Griffin last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. B. Hendrix and chil dren have moved to Lee county. They j have lived here on the farm owned by j Mr. Oscar Petty two years. Mr. Petty has sold his farm to Mr. Carey Griffin who expects to build and live there. . Mr. Clyde Griffin attended the Ford son tractor school at Charlotte last week. He reported a very pleasant time as well as an instructive one. | The people of this community were deeply grieved when the news reached us that Mrs. Victor Patrick was dead. She was Miss Betsy Johnson before her marriage, the daughter of Mr. j and Mrs. Gaston Johnson, of Pitts- I boro. Mrs. Patrick was well known here . 1 because she lived in this community | several years and attended Mt. Zion j Sunday school regularly. She was al- | | ways willing to assist in carrying on : God’s work in every way possible, ■ and was a devout Christian. Mrs. Patrick (Betsy as we knew ' her) had a lovable disposition, was ad j mired by all who knew her. She ! could win friends readily and was : always a friend. If there was any | thing she could do for others, she was always willing to lend a helping hand. j ! Her life was made short on earth, • but it is not always the longest life j that does the most good, she did her ' best while here and God called her • to heaven. —mm • w TEMPORARY RURAL CARRIER Mr. J. Lee Harmon has been ap pointed as temporary carrier on R. F. D. No. 2 from Moncure, Mr. Johnnie ; Bell having resigned as regular car rier to engage in other work. Mr. Bell has served the route faithfully , and has become popular with the pa | trons on it and they regret to give j him up. However, they will have a ! splendid successor in the person of Mr. Harmon and they will soon be- j ; come to like him as a carrier. We : ' wish Mr. Bell success in his new un- j i dertaking. LAND FOR SALE—46 acres in ! Chatham county; 5 miles from Goldston; a part of the late J. A. | Harris farm; good roads to town; | plenty of water; bargain for quick sale. W. G. Harris Opopka, Fla. 2-28-p MONEY TO LOAN—We have $50,000 to loan to the farmers of Chatham county within the next ninety days j at 5 1-2 per cent interest and from 1 to 33 years time. Chatham Realty Co., 1 V. R. Johnson, secretary, Pittsboro ts i PRESSING AND CLEANING done ; promptly by The Siler City Pressing Club. Mail packages given prompt at- < tention and returned postage prepaid. Located in Stone’s Barber Shop, Main : Street, Siler City, N. C. ts. < WANTED CEDAR POSTS, four inch es, up in diameter to as large as . they grow, by eight feet long, both ends to be sawed off even. Bring four and five inch posts on separate loads from the larger posts. No doty posts ] or those with spikes or nails will be accepted. Deliver to Nooe’s Planing Mill. D. B. Nooe, Pittsboro. ts. ■ and 4* HOUSE FURNISHINGS ♦ e®9 w ARRIVING DAILY X COME TO SEE US “V New Perfection Oil Stoves *m* and Heaters Trunks, any price *X* Sellers’ Kitchen Cabinets, the best sp; fij Go Carts. New styles,Jnew finishes *W» 4* : 4*j Lee Furniture Company *|* Si» Everything for, the Home. jb J SANFORD NORTH CAROLINA. j observations t By Rambler. ! “This is my house cleaning day,” said a Pittsboro lady to her husband, “#nd you get out with the other trash.” “Let’s go seining,” remarked a young man to another young man, last Friday morning, when the thermom eter stood at 20 above zero. A stran ger, standing near and overhearing the question, remarked: “Good gosh, man! Don’t you know you’d freeze?” i ! “It looks like horses and horse traders are getting like liquor,” re marked an old gentleman a day or two ago. “They are getting scarcer and scarcer. A few comes to Pitts boro during courts but nothing like they used to be. And you can’t find a drop of liquor.” “Pittsboro is freer of dogs now than for a long while,” said a citi zen. “It used to be that you could hardly walk the streets at night without stumbling over an old hound. I guess the electric lights has some thing to do with keeping them off the | streets at night.” “These are dark nights now,” said }an old gardner, “and it is time to plant taters. But this has been such a funny winter I don’t know what’s ‘ going to happen in March and April. Who ever saw such a February. No , snow, not much cold and only three or four days of rain. I am looking out for a water famine next summer, and those who have any kind of plant on the rivers of the county, had better be preparing for the drouth that is I sure coming.” I i “I hate to poison a dog,” remarked a Pittsboro lady, the other afternoon, as she started to her coop to gather up the eggs. “I have been getting ! a dozen or more a day.” She stopped i talking and peered into her hen nests. : Not an egg was in sight. “Well, I’ll be dratted to ding dang nation,” she exclaimed. “Here’s where a dozen good eggs have gone down the throat of some dirty, sneaking hound. I’ll fix him. I’ll poison him.” Sure enough the were a pile of shells lying around where some dog had sucked and left them. mrn 9 wm ~ MISSIONARY UNION OFFICERS. i Other News of Importance From Our Neighbors at Siler City. Siler City, Feb. 25. —Circle No. 3, of the W. M. U., of the Baptist church had a great success with their dinner, supper and old-fashioned quilting last Frida, y Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Rogers and fam ily, of Burlington, spent the week end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cheek. Quite a number of the music lov ing citizens of Siler City are planning | to hear Sousa’s band in Greensboro i Monday night. | The Junior basket ball team de- , seated Meadow Creek last Friday by i a score of 26 to 4. Mrs. E. H. Jordan was a visitor in j Greensboro last week. ( The Womans Missionary Union, in J regular monthly session last week ) elected the following officers: I President —Mrs. R. S. ountain. 9 Vice-President —Mrs. W. C. Thom- » as. * Secretary—Mrs. W. S. Edwards. J Treasurer—Mrs. R. S. Clark. I The Senior B. Y. P. U., is plan- j ning to have a social Tuesday night. I < i » l Some men never tire of doing good i —because they never do any. * vyTfyfyyfVTrrmyfvvmnmmfTTmyfmfVTfyyyyy?? ! 1 : j There’s a Difference j : l j; 3 l jj Between ‘lnvestment’ !j 3 Ij[ AND SPECULATION I I t1 I I :.' - 3 ► Some people buy beautifully engraved certificates in dis- J ► ferent propositions with the belief that they will get rich J ► quick. The “glib talker who sells the stock pictures big re- J ► turns.” This is speculation. Others, the more conservative, * J J. buy certificates too, but they KNOW exactly what their J returns will be and that their money is safe. 5 ► « ► THIS IS “INVESTING.” . 3 t “A LEADING INVESTMENT.” J t < t Standing well out in front of the entire list of invest- ◄ t ments are First Mortgage Bonds. No other investment * t carries the security, safety of principal and soundness of J ► a good First Mortgage Bond. < ► J ► Alamance First Mortgage 6 Per 3 ► Cent Gold Bonds 3 t : ► form an ideal investment. Secured by First Mortgage on ◄ property, paying Six Per Cent interest these bonds merit « ► the investment of the surplus funds held in trust. 1 *! I ALAMANCE j t INSURANCE AND \ t 3 t REAL ESTATE CO. : l BURLINGTON. N. C. j t 3 £ Capital and Surplus, $350,000* ◄ ► 3 ► C. G. SOMERS, W. E. SHARPE, 3 t 3 ► Field Representative, Manager. 3 ► 3 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaa A Winning Num- Comfortable, plenty of room, | yet the “fit” is perfect be- rapr cause every garment is Cut if l u. Right and Built Right. "V* «• k | Kuppenheimer Suits and Ov- I ercoats $40.00 to $50.00. I Other good makes S2O. to S4O. ~///wjkl “Come and See Is all I Ask” * C. R. BOONE “Good Quality Spells What Boone Sells” DeLuxe Clothiers RALEIGH, N. C. s < ► I Musical Merchandise j Os Quality I PIANOS—VICTROLAS—RECORDS. \\ I Darnell & Thomas A “Our Reputation Is Your Insurance.” 118 FAYETTEVILLE ST. RALEIGH, N. C. |

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