A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE AND WITH THE PEOPLE. LEADS ALL WEEKLY PAPERS IN CENTRAL NORTH CAROLINA IN SUBSCRIPTION AND LOCAL NEWS. The Chatham Record VTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 19, 1878. •LAY at moncure a success. Vmine Bell Badly Burned by Gaso * line— Other Local News. Moncure, April I.—Mr. J. E. Moore spent Sunday in Raleigh. He u —i NOTES FROM NEW ELAM. New Hill, Rt. 2, March 31.—Mr. and Mrs. David Goodwin spent Wed nesday in Raleigh shopping. Misses Swannie Drake and Clara Holt called on Mrs. Ernie Durham Friday afternoon. Quite a number from this section went to Moncure on the school truck Saturday night to hear the play giv en by the 7th and Bth grade pupils. New Elam Sunday school elected officers and teachers for the year on Sunday. Practically all of the old of ficers and teachers were re-elected. Mr. Favie Jones, ‘and family were visitors in the home of Mr. David Goodwin Sunday evening. Edward and George Carr spent Sunday night with William and Clar ence Durham. Mrs. Ellen Satils spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. W. M. Good win. Mrs. Ed. Holt spent Sunday with Mrs. Carrie Jones. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Carr were among several from this community who attended the Ham-Ramsey meet ing in Raleigh Sunday night. ill Card of Thanks. We want to thank all those who were so kind and good to us during the illness of our mother, Mrs. Julia Roberson. We shall ever remember one and all with a heart full of grat itude. JHERJCHILDREN. Mrs. W. L. Nisbit, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.R. M. Pittard, of Durham Rt. 3, died at her home in Hamlet last Thurhday and was buried on Satur day at her former home in Waxhaw. f.mmm DEATH OF MRS. WOMBLE. Other Itmes of Interest Around The Bonsai Section. Bonsai, March 31.—0 n Saturday afternoon, March 29th, at 3:30 o’clock the death angel entered the home of Mrs. Beckie Womble and called her to her home above, where sorrow and trouble cases. She had been in bad health for some time. She was preceded to the grave by her husband, the late George Womble, some eighteen years ago. Mrs. Womble is survived by her four sons and one daughter, Jack, Roberson, Alton and Exum Womble, Miss Elsie Lee Womble and one brother, Mr. Jeff Utley, of Raleigh. Mrs. Womble was the oMy daugh ter of Mrs. Chlorinda Utley. She had many friends. The writer has known the deceased for a long while and we can attest the fact that she was a good woman, and there is no question but that she is saved and with her loved ones. Her funeral services were conduct ed by Rev. C. H. Norris at the Bap tist church at Shady Grove at 2 o’clock Sunday. Many pretty flowers adorned her grave. Mr. and Mrs. Cal lie Jores visited Mr. and Mrs. Joel Jones Sunday. Mr. H. D. Jones, Mr. Joel Jones, Mr. David Jones, Mr. Callie Jones all spent Sunday with Mr. Donnie Jones near Chapel Hill. Mrs. Ben Jones and daughter. Miss Iline Jones spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jones. ... ■ ■ll'lgWi <1 IN MEMORIAM. Mrs. Julia Roberson, widow of John Roberson, died at the home of her son, Benton Roberson, March 16, 1924. Mrs Roberson was in her eighty-first year. Three sons and two daughters survive, John, William, Benton, Mrs. C. C. Remsberg, Mrs. I. H. Straughan, a host of grand children and numerous friends. Back in early girlhood, be fore the cares of life were great, she professed faith in Christ a"d united with Gum Springs Baptist church, where her membership remained for more than three - score years. Her husband died, leaving all the family responsibility resting upon her, but with untiring energy and faith in God, she humbly assumed the respon sible task. She so lived, and led the way in service and motherly devo tion that her children now rise up, call her blessed cherish forever-- the name of their sainted mother. “And while in life’s late afternoon, Where cool and long the shadows grow, I walk to meet the night that soon Shall shape and shadw overflow, I cannot feel that thou art far, Since near at need the angels are; And when the sunset gates unbar, Shall I not see the waiting stand, And, white against the evening star, The welcome of thy beckoning hands.” R. R. GORDON. mi j —i ■ 1 ■■ SANDY CREEK CONVENTION. Siler City, March 31.—The Sandy Creek Baptist Sunday school Con vention met with Beulah Baptist church on Saturday and, Sunday, March 29th and 30th, 1924. Brother Ed. S. Phillips was elected moderator; George Ernest Brewer, as sistant moderator and H. Adney Teague clerk. The programme was carried out in full. The following brethren were present and helped to make the pro gram one of much interest: Rev. R. R. Gordon, Rev. J. C. Ays cue, G. E. Brewer, C. R. Jones, Ed. S. Phillips, H. Adney Teague, Rev. A. S. Lassiter, Rev. J. H. Broom, Rev. J. C. Kidd, Prof. R. Clyde Dor sett, C. C. Purvis, C. J. Webster and J. S. Barrett. The interest of the meeting was exceedingly good, and the house was well filled Sunday. A motion opposing the Greek letter fraternity at our Baptist College at Wake Forest, was unanimously adopt ed. The singing was a credit to any church and the hospitality unsurpass ed. The next session of the Convention will be held with Bonlee Baptist church at Bonlee, one year from now. H. ADNEY TEAGUE, Clerk. BELLS SCHOOL CLOSING. We are asked to announce that the closing exercises of Bells school will take place next Thursday and Friday, April 10th and 11th. On Thursdty night, April 10th, at 8 o’clock exercises will be held by the sth, 6th and 7th grades. On Friday, the 11th, at 2:30 p. m., exercises will be given by the Ist, • 2nd and 3rd grades and an address by Prof. Holland Holton, for several years county superintendent of pub lic instruction of Durham county, but at present head of the department of education of Trinity College. At 5 p. m., on Friday a basket pic nic will be given. At 8 p. m., on Friday, the 11th, a play and drill by the high schooL Everybody is invited to go and en joy the occassion. Prof. P. G. Farrar and his corps of able assistants have much to be proud of at the closing of this term. De spite the bad roads and an epidemic of sickness, the school has shown a marked progress. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. ar*d Mrs. Sidney W. Stone, of Apex, Rt. 4, have announced the en gagement of their daughter, Lossie Belle, to Mr. George Harris Brooks, of Pittsboro, the marriage to take place the latter part of April. NUMBER 43.