The Chatham record ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 19,1878. COMMISSIONERS IN SESSION LAST MONDAY Ajl, Rountine Matters Engage attention.— Many Bills Ap proved. j(, e commissioners in session Mon ‘ approved the following bills, x M. Bland & Co., merchandise for L county home, $85.09. Chatham Hardware Co., merchan dise for the county home, sl.lO. y[ Ti ' J. T. Henderson, merchandise for county home, $25.03. Mrs. J- T. Henderson, merchandise for jail, $6. * 1. r L. Bryan Co., supplies for sher iffs office, $22.71. paragon Press, printed envelopes, $19.00 Bank of Pittsboro, car load coal for county home, $142.36. A. B. Roberson, still, $lO. G. G. Pickett, still, $lO. C, T. Desem, still and worm, sls. j. B. Stinson, still cap and worm, 115. John Bums, jail fees conveying prisoner to jail and washing for pris oners, $100.03. Carey C. Griffin, 10 cords of wood, 330. Turner Pettey, sawing three and one half cords of woodj $3.50. C. C. Hamlet, 2 days service as com ri»i-:ner, $lO. Pittsboro Meat Market, meat for the county home, $29.30. Sherman Alston, janitor, $25. Eliott Fisher Co., repairs on type |jfriter,s24. - I Bonlee telephone Co., $21.05. I Everett Waddey Co,. supplies for registers office, $131.60. I Seaman printery Co., books supplies, ■etc, register of deeds office, 131.60. I Lanius Brothers, sawing 15 cords of liood sls. I Connell and Johnson, merchandise HpAuty home, $101.15. ■ Connell and Johnson, merchandise, county home, ~' ■ J Dewey Dorsett, 3 cords wood for Hoi's office, sll. " , - BJ. Dewey Dorsett fees received, I Connell and Johnson, 3 months each Mitchell and Major Lambeth Mi DeWey Dorsett, salary, clerk hire, fc stamps, $l9O. I l Dewey Dorsett, ledger for office Ml Dewey Dorsett, insolvent account ■ate vs. Vannie Dowd, solicitor’s fee ■&SO. Left off through error. ■ Paragon Press, printing, $1.71. ■ Edwards and Broughton, printing, Will J* Johnson, coat and pants for at county home, $9.. Bhmes L. Griffin railroad fare to re ■f* on r J- H. Thomas and John B. ■aomas, $22.32. I Farrell, help hauling coal, $.50 I Disinfecting Co, disinfectant W ' the county home, $17.50. B* 18, J* W. Johnson, washing for home, $10.50. I bt. Brown, work at county home, Brown, cooking at county BPmig. Farrell, hauling coal for home, $12.50. ■ •'ha Brown, pulling fodder at ■ % home, $6. licF B' ras s board for Bp*?® and coffin and case. $13.25. ■ Ramsey, auto truck burial two ■“P&s, $9. ft J' eserne > taking Britt Gattling I^° n Trainin S school, S3O. 1.. n?ton Pharmacy, drugs for «inf 16,40 * B • London, premium on policy, Ir! meat and work ft.w j ounty home ’ s l4 * so * ■W Oh J- ?or ‘’ superintendent, coun- B. $75. ® arr * s » su ih clothe for Pom ■ blu Pes,s3. ‘ ftjlj^* hauling coal county B[MB tj^ Vin ’ coa * * or county ftj' l P * an4, hauling coal for the BZ ho *e, $8.50. io^" a ' e ’ coa * * or coun * y ft' *lO 50 es> Was * l * ng f° r county L^ ar4wa re Co. Burial and y -Snipes, $25. PJ n L? io |* Asssodation meets church next week. DEMOCRATIC SPEAKINGS. List of Appointments for Demo cratic County Candidates. . Appointments have been made as follows for the campaign speeches by Democratic county candidates and other speakers: Tuesday, October 14, 7:30 P. M. Kelly's Store-Messrs. Wade Barber and W. P.. Horton John Dawson’s School-Messrs. Dor sett, Bell and Poe. Hickory Mountain-Messrs. J. L. Griffin and G. W. Blair. Mount Vernon Springs-Mr. A. C. Ray. Thursday, October 16, 7:30 P. M. Teague’s School-Messrs. Wade Bar ber and V. R. Johnson. Bonlee-J D. Dorsett and J. L. Grif fin. Hickory Grove School-Messrs. Blair and Horton. Asbury School-Mr. Daniel L. Bell. Sandy Branch School-Messrs. Ray and Poe. Friday, October 17, 7:30 P. M. Brown’s Chapel School-Messrs. Bar ber and Johnson. Hank’s Chapel School-Messrs Blair and Horton. Liberty School-Messrs. Ray and Poe. Fearington’s Station-Mr. Barber and J. Elmer Long, candidate for lieuten ant Governor. Pittsboro-Senator Charles U. Harris. Bennett-At 2:30 P. M. Mr. Harris will speak at Bennett. Wednesday, October 15, 7:30 P. M. Carolina School -Messrs. Barber and Bell. Monday .October 20. 7:30 P. M. Moncure-Hons. A. F. Seawell and Wade Barbey. Thursday, October 23. 7:30 P.M. Seawell and Barber. Satuf4fO*t denounce the backslider or other evil doer on Sunday and then turn a deaf ear to his suspicious actions on Mon day. A wedding among the colored folks took place Sunday. Magistrate J. D. Mclver officiated at the marriage of Pdarly Ragland and Richard Fike. They say Richard is a good industri ous boy, from about Pittsboro. Pearly had helped us in the home for some time and know her to beetaointaoi time and we know that she is a good worthy girL Roy Buchannon, of Raleigh, spent Sunday at his home in Corinth. School at Corinth i scheduled to* start up on Monday, October 13. Don't forget the date. We have seen some cotton lately that was much damaged. It had been picked and did not look like it would ran much more than 75 per cent sal able lint. * Mrs. Eb Cox, of Raleigh, spent last week with her daughter. Mrs, N. M. - : *«f Mr .and Mrs. Ed Miller, of Albe marle spent last Wednesday with Mrs. R. S. Parker. They were on their way home from an auto trip to Greenville, N. C. They had passed through Borne towns where the main paved streets were under a foot of Water for blocks. . Mrs .D. A. Clark spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. W. A Allen of Star. Mrs. Allen is new spending a few days with Mrs. Clark. In spite of' all the rain and much mud for the past three weeks the school. truck lost only two days and this was an account of the back water from the Cape Fear River. With the exception of two short stretches the road J from Corinth to Moncure looks like it would be passable in any and all weather. We appreciate this work by the commissioners, but hope they they can repair these two bad places before the winter sets in. It may not be customary to thank county commissioners publicly for a good deed. We suspect they get more cussing than thanking but a fellow, to be fair, should be as ready to praise as well as to cuss them when it isn’t due them. GOLDSTON ROUTE ONE NEWS. Goldston Rt. 1, October 7.—Mr. Fe lix Cole has returned to his home in Person county after spending a month with his aunt, Mrs. J. R. Wilkins. Mrs. J. A. Oldham, of Greensboro, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Oldham. Mr and Mrs. O. B. Andrews and children, of Sanford, Route one, spent last Sunday in the home of Thomas Oldham; ' Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Powers and daughters, Misses Estelle, Eulene, Mos sie, and Myrtle spent the week-end at the home of C. M. Dowd, Jr. Messrs. Ji R. Wilkins, Carl Oldham, and Glenn Hancock were delegates to. the Sandy Creek Association, at Ab erdeen from Antioch last week./ Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Waddell fine show-* ? T - Retnembesv that the fair continues ther balance of the week and people aH over the county especially should attend one day at least, and see what a grand show the old county can produce.. ... - MONCURE NEWS. ' MissDadsy Bland, primary teacher ef-ÜbUfYuiMn nihrefr spent last week end at Koine In Sanford.- Misses Janie and Callie Clegg, on route 2, were in town day I|st week. Mr. Edwin CatheH of Wake For est spent last week-end with his pa rents here Mr. and Mrs: .€. C. 'Thomas, Mrs. J. J. Hackney and Mr C. D. Wilkie attended the Baptist association at Ab erdeen, last Thursday. Mr r;: W. Utley of Elon College spent last week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Utley. * ’ Mrs. S. D. Cresswell and baby left last Thursday to visit her people at Badin: * J We are very Sorry indeed to state that Capt. and Mrs. W- H. Hunt and little girls Emnia, Lee, and Bernice moved last Monday to Sanford. Capt. Hunt was foreman of Moncure sec tion of the Seaboard. He secured the Sanford section -.which pays better He was a good citizen and the family was loved by every one who knew them. They will be missed. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Poe and family who spent the summer months on their farm near Moncure, moved to Pittsboro last Friday. Mr. Frank N. Nash of Corinth was in town last Monday on business. Several from Moricure are planning to attend Chatham county fair at Siler City v this week and the State Fair at Raleigh next week. Rev. Jesse Blalock, of Aberdeen, preached two good sermons at the Baptist church last Sunday but espec ially good was the one at night on the subject, "Why I am a Fool?” Pa rents and young people, take heed, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Davenport of Lake City, S. C. are visiting her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bryan. Miss Pauline Ray, who finish ed at King’s Business College this summer, has secured a position as general manager of Mr. Barrow’s of fice at Raleigh, and after spending several weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ray, left last Fri day to assume her duties. Mr. R. L. Johnson on route two, who has been in Watts Hospital at Durham for a long time, stood a suc cessful operation, and is planning' to come home soon, we are glad to state* Capt. J. H. Wissler spent last week end with his sister, Mrs. F. K. Boiv? den, of Goldsboro. ' Rev. J. J. Boone will preach at the Methodist churdi next Sunday/ Oct. 12th, morning and evening. Everybody is cordially invited. LOOK AT THE LABEL ON PAPER. NUMBEER IS BENNETT NEWS ITEMS. ■' 11 1 s A Little Girl Hurt—-Other Items oC Interest from Bennett. Bennett, Oct. 6.—The graded school opened with a large enrollment to day. Prof. R. L. Forrester, the principal, presided at the opening exercises. Rev. T. J. Green.conducted the devotional service. The other teachers, Mrs. R. L. Dorsett, Miss Sue Ellis, Miss Alma Burgess, wer also present and the school started off nicely. In the open ing exercises the school sang America Afterward Rev. Mr. Green read a por tion of Scripture and led in prayer, making also a nice talk to the teach ers, patrons and students. Other talks were made by Rev. F. D. Brady, C. E. Jones, Ed S. Phillips, Mrs. H. A. Denson, Mrs. R. L. Dor sett. The principal spoke to the school and the visiting patrons of their mu tual interest and concern in making this a good schooL A near serious accident occurred at Pleasant Grove church yesterday when Mr. Ide Hammer was fixing to start home from church in his Ford car. As he started Mr. Lacy Press nell’s little three year old girl ran in front of the car and was run over by both wheels. She was hurriedly taken to Bennett for Dr. Denson’s at tention. The injury appears at pres ent not very serious but the Doctor says he can’t tell at this date what the developments may be. The little girl ran so close in front of the wheels the car could not be stopped in time. Mr and Mrs. J. H* Scott came down from Greensboro last Friday and stay ed erer till Sunday afternoon; They • were accompanied by his niece, Miss Bera Purvis. Mr. Scott is having a water system erected at his home. Rev. T. J. Green preached at the Christian Church here Sunday nigkt» He Iwill come to this jchtirich one more time. Then he will take up pas toral work near Elon College, where * he is expected to move bis family, as he has two boys in school there:. ' ‘ * The school committee is haying a well dug at the graded school for the students, a thing which has been long needed. We hope by another year that we will have a larger building to take care of the growing number as we havn’t sufficient oom now to take care of all of the students. Farmers in this section are busy this week gathring corn, poking cotton, and taking care of the rough feed. The crops will be short in this sec tion this year. A good many farmers are putting lime on their land' around here this fall, as they have learned that this will help this land. Mr. W., C. Brewer started his new cotton gin up last week. Not very much has been ginned so far, as the rains delayed the cotton from opening and the cotton won’t be no more than a half a 'crop. Mr .and Mrs. W. A.. Moffitt are all smiles, a big 12 pound'boy. ■■■ > ■— SILER CITY ROUTE 1, NEWS Messrs K. S. Carter and Sonpie Curl have about completed the new bungalow at Siler City belonging to Mr. Billie Edwards.. Mr. Ralph Carter visited his brother Kermit last Sunday at Mr. J. A. Car ter’s. .• Mrs. Frances Bridges, aged 95, vis ited her nephew at Liberty last Sun day- * Miss Nannie A. Carter visited Mrs. J. T. Johnson and M. A. Dark, last Friday, near Siler City. Mr. K. S. Carter’s friendly dog, by the name Susie, mothers pigs and cats as same as she does puppies. Mr. Altan Bridges is visiting his father, Mr. Luther Bridges. Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Carter is visit ing at L. W. McPherson’s. Mrs. Ollie Pike, who was central operator at Siler City, is with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Pike. . -,j! LIQUOR STILL CAPTURED. Friday night sheriff Blair, accom panied by deputies John Bums, Lacy Johnson, C. T. Desem, went over into the old Pace’s Mill section and cap tured a 40 gallon copper still, poured out 400 gallons of beer and foiind three or four gallons of liquor near the home of Murph Odom, who was, , at the time somewhat under the in fluence of some kind of “fire water” He was summoned to appear here Sat urday but failed to do so. The still was locked up in the "archives of gravity.” ' ■ —— ■' BUILD A HOME NOW!