p,>« signal (Bards BKOWB. ,09 South Steele St. SANFORD. N * Q ■ •- "TT^dTgregg, £\ is t* Liberty, N. C. 0« n1tl> c am ., to 5 p.m. Hours h a - m# » r ~ i rSliu-Fixery f ) “ r ve your shoes mended. •II save tiuving a new pair. Lam hardware co. Pittsboro* N. C* M. D. PITTSBORO, N. C. * Main street, Dr. H. T. Cho Office: ... former office. phones: Office. 43. Residence, 39 m LUTHER C. ROLLINS. List Siler City, N. C. See over Siler Drag Store. Hours Ba. to sp. m. m HP o|PM wmrnmmmmmmmmmmmm ,CT0 R R- JOHNSON. 4ttorney-at-Law, in all courts—Federal, State ,ctl ' and County. * over Brooks & Eubanks Store rtheast comer court house square. PITTSBORO, N. C aTcTr ay, Attoraey-at-Law. PITTSBORO, N. C. StfTFUNERAL parlor, nrate Hearse Service Maintained P For Colored Patrons. Embalming Ofers Superior Funeral Service. lAets, Accessories. Coffins Biter Otr. W. Cn (few Way to Stop [ Night Coughing Those who have suffered the tor tures of sleeplessness due to con tinual coughing at night, and who as a result often feel utterly worn cut and useless during the day, seed no longer permit their systems to be weakened and their vitality apped by this distressing ailment, lor through a very simple treat amt the trouble can be stopped al- Mt at once, and people often get Stir full night’s rest undisturbed liter the very first trial. Here is the method: Simply get a bot a of the prescription known as Dr. Eng's New Discovery from any good irjg store. Then to-night before re tag take one teaspoonful and hold It in jour throat for 15 or 20 seconds before sallowing it. This prescription has a touble action. It not only soothes and -:als the soreness and irritation, but it piickly loosens and removes the phlegm ttii congestion which is the real cause ts the cough. So your throat is left wonderfully soothed and cleared of irri tating gatherings, you can sleep soundly cid restfully, and the cough is usually {one in a very short time. Dr. King's New Discovery Is a remark able remedy for coughs, chest colds, coarseness, sore throat, spasmodic croup, Bronchitis, laryngitis and bronchial asth k At all good druggists. Ask for |iiiaisaaafia« | Old Folks’ S | Ailments g In'? J e £ an taking Black- m 8 JJBWght over fifty years ago gs Zm? ex Perience with it g| i SJJJes over a good long em I & Mr. Joe A. Blake- g? s anJr a Civil War veteran B I‘ ormer Virginian, who if §» I pilj a prominent citizen of “? LS’ fe ? as - “ lt the best B •Dunni l76 1 klloW 0f f ° r M gft \ a^ p e ' * • f B°od many year* J Iret’h-? hrginia. I used to B | «et biaous and I found that gp 1 Thedford’s 5 lack-draught Hes i^ 16 and quickest re- B to 7W 011 ? £ et * Since I came fth attacv? s 1 " ave theße bilious J a i cks ev «y now and theit- B wheS. n wdl .bilious any- Bb I find J •oon a Black-Draught B After { f t J a g^t€na m * out * B not: P w d ?‘ es ’ in bttle or J Tuf, iJ? al i *ififbt again." • thedford'g Black-Dmught H medici?: rF ' Iy , v Wtable liver mm ov er £ ,Vf USed ** America for J the stom ty v y f. ar, ‘ » acts on B in a bver and bowels tm natural way, as ihvfte s2,S5S^g ' A HOME in pittsboro. f STRANGE AND CURIOUS. • '•. -■ .V* . r*vs^*ivv Peculiarities That Will Astonish Almost Anyone. Another world war is predicted for 1925. A monkey in New York eat $l2B worth of canaries. Payrolls in New Jersey are now’ being sent by airplane. Sixty thousand Ihomes are to be built-in Paris for the poor. A ship’s cargo of 75,000 eels re cently arrived in Philadelphia from Canada. A woman in New York starved her self to death grieving over her dead husband. Mrs. Ferguson, the next governor of Texas, is making her own inaugu ral gowns. Caught driving a car with one head light, the mayor of Poplar Bluff, was fined $lO and costs. While being operated on, Sanford Dreyfus died from fright in the Lincoln hospital in Milwaukee. While preparing to commit suicide, Daniel Hinnersholt, of Reading, Pa., dropped dead from, heart disease. Henry Martin, of Baltimore, talked in his sleep. His wife listened. Now Henry has no wife. She got a divorce. Thomas Lawson, of Boston, at one time a great financier, is now a to tal wreck in a Massachusetts hos pital. The campaign fund of the Repub licans amounted to $3,063,952. There is a balance in the treasury of 1 $355,264. A Poland China pig was killed near Hagerstown, Md., that weighed I 1,116 pounds. The hams weighed 117 pounds each. singine “It Is Well With My Soul,” an evangelist dropped dead ci pulpit in a church at Independ ence, Kansas. John A. Hicks, in an almshouse at Los Angeles, Cal., is suing his wife for SIOO a month alimony. She is worth $30,000. A living skeleton, weighing 58 pounds, married the fat woman in a show in New York. The woman weighed 468 pounds. For 30 years Ike Whitebeck, of Masaschusetts, caught rattlesnakes and was never bitten. A few days ago he was killed in a runaway accident. K. A. Goodwin, of Salem, N. J., had hiccoughs for three days and was nearly dead. A fire alarm whistle sounded, which frightened Godwin and his hicoughs stopped. Harold Lester, of East Dubuque. lowa, out hunting, shot at a rabbit and mised it. Becoming mad at the shot he threw his gun against a tree, the gun fired and Lester was killed. COST OF HIGH SCHOOL INSTRUCTION GREAT. To old timers who ran private high schools and had difficulty in collect ing $3. a month per high school pu pil, the cost of instruction in the public high schools today seems ex cessive. Tabulations fund in State j School Facts show a tuition cost of over 39 cents a day as the average in the public high schools of the state, while the daily cost of instruction of high school pupils in Currituck coun ty was a little over 70 cents a day, ranging down to 22 cents a day in Lincoln county. In fifty counties the daily cost per pupil for instruction alone was over 39.3 cents. When the cost of transportation, high interest on investment, and a score of other items are counted in, the average daily cost of high school pupils is so large that the state should not be satisfied with anything but the very best results. Teachers and pupils, alike, should be required to cooperate in securing for the state real educa tion for the SIOO, or more, a year paid out for each high school pupil. The average daily cost of elemen tary instruction in the whole state last year was 18.1 cents. The daily cost of high school in struction in Chatham county was 32.9 cents, about 62 cents lower than .the state. HEALTH OFFICERS’ INSTITUTE. ■ V An Institute for the health officers of the state wil be conducted at Ral eigs by the State Board of Health for a week begining Monday, December 15. The Institute will be conducted by Dr. E. F. Long and H. A. Taylor, dep uty state health officers. The American ambition seems equally divided between pass ! ing another law and passing another car. L There is no doubt about taxes be ing certain. But there- is much un certainly about what is going to be taxed. B3F* SEE YOUR LABEL 'H COUPE 520.00 Hj H TUDOR SEDAN 580.00 ~| H FORDOR SEDAN 660.00 B 'H CHASSIS 225.00 M H TRUCK CHASSIS 365.00 |B ALL PRICES F. O. B. DETROIT B ■ H These are the lowest prices ever off ered in the history of the Ford i H Motor Company. They create a new standard of value for motor ft : ft car transportation. ft I ft 1 SEE THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER || The movie magazines keep talking about the reason why Will S. Hart - and his wife separated. Possibly Hart wasn’t the right kind of liver. nOGK AT YOUR LABEL ' . ONLY TWO WEEKS "TILL Shop early and buy your friends Something Useful Lots of new Footwear coming in this week for the wise “Christmas Shoppers.” NEW LIGHT TAN PUMPS. i Two and Three Eyelet Ties. New Black Velvet Pumps. Pretty Pure Silk Hosiery to go with any Pair of Oxfords or Pumps, all Colors. Priced— sl.so to $5.00 Our Silk Hosiery is the very best We don’t suppose the fact that! England (has raised the price of rubber means that she is going to give us the bounce. ' LOOK AT THeTaREL ON PAPER ■ .. ; v- -ft** ■ • I A man can’t have : much peace of mind when somebody-, else is giv ing him a piece of their own. Wouldn’t it he fine if onions just smelled as good as they taste? ... \ ■V || YOUR WEIGHT FREE— This is the best pair of scales made. You are welcome to use them. Call in often. WATCH YOUR WEIGHT j