The Chatham Record I ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 19,1878. 7HSS CROSS IS MARRIED^ 1 , on Another Jamboree « About The C#f Chatham Schools. ! r „ ri „th, Feb. 2. Mr. Charles Lang i (1 ]\ir. Hepburn who were here retime Pepper and Register were at the Buckhorn power plant ‘ are ago, spent a day or so with 1 st week, renewing old acquaint- U? 2 They traveled in a new Lincoln was equipped with a freak . it blew like the angel Gabriel h °j!?', all mortals to judgment. Some C he colored folks would hardly ® elieve that it was not Gabriel or the devil one. The colored folks pulled off anoth jjk one of their so-called oyster sup-' Saturday night down, in the Voung Prince section. The oysters must have been mighty bad or else the “stew” was too “strong.” They State College, and has recently been • promoted to Librarian for the Bureau of Economic and Social Research. NEWS NOTES FROM SILER CITY Brick Store Building To Be Erected Funeral of Mrs. Henry Siler Siler City, Feb. 2.—Active work has been begun by H. L. Terry on his new business lot recently purchased on i Main street. The plans include the erection of a modern brick building 25 by 80 feet. It is expected that the building will be ready in 60 days. The moving of the bakery from its present location will vacate the prop erty recently purchased by the Page Trust Company, who will replace the old brick structure with a new home for their bank, this being the insti tution formerly known as the Citi zens Bank and Trust Co. The funeral service held for Mrs. Henry Siler, whose death occurred Saturday, was attended at Loves Creek church yesterday dy one of the largest crowds ever seen at this old historic church. Rev. Richard S, Fountain conducted the services, the choir from the Baptist church here and other singers furnishing the mu sic. Attending from a distance * were Percy Siler, of Greensboro; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clapp, of Spencer; Mr. and Mrs. John W. Curtis, of Liberty; A. L. Gilliland, of Vass; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Green and W. H. Council, of Council; G. L. Whitaker and daughter, Miss Pauline, of Julian. Mrs. Rufus Brewer was- operated on for appendicitis at a Greensboro hospital Saturday morning. Her con dition is reported as fairly satisfac tory. Mr. Brewer returned from Greensboro last night. Saturday, her father, W. H. Andrews, and his daughter, Miss Cara, visited Mrs. Brewer. Messrs- Gilbert Shaw, Roland Far reH, Royal Shannonhouse and Hairy -Bell, of are visitors here today. piroißOßaSEFEA'rs sileroty In spite of inclement weather, mud slush and bad roads, a good crowd from Siler City and Pittsboro gather ed in the school auditorium Friday evening to witness one of the best games of basket ball of the season. The spirited contest resulted in' a score of 44 to 13 in favor of Pitts boro. The victory was due to better team work and faster passing on the part of Pittsboro boys. The visitors seemed unable to find the basket. Clayton Bean, Siler City’s center, led his team in scoring, shoot ing 3 field goals. Sam Beard, Pitts boro’s little right forward, was the high scorer for his team, shooting goals from all angles of the field with the precision of an old- timer. Capt. Lacy Harper followed next in scoring, shobting 12 goals. - Basket ball is a new sport at Pitts boro this year which necessitated starting at the bottom. Our boys have made a wonderful showing against schools of athletic experience, taking the small end of 20-29 score against the strong Chap el Hill team. The lineup for the game was as follows: Pittsboro, 44. Siler City, 13 Right Forward Beard (28) McLaughlin (4) Left Forward Snipes (2) Dark Center Capt Harper (14) Bean (6) Right Guard Shannonhouse Clapp (2) Left Guard Bell Brooks Substitutions: Siler City, Ferguson. — > Wii MRS. ELKINS SUCCEEDS MRS. WEBSTER ON WELFARE BOARD Mrs. P. H. Elkins, the Record’s ca pable Siler City correspondent, has been appointed to the vacancy on the county board of welfare made by the removal of Mrs. Olive Webster to Greensboro. The board as now organized con sists of Rev. Jonas Barclay, Mr. J. Q. Seawell ,and Mrs. Elkins, a most competent trio. An interview with Mr. Barclay in dicates that there are serious social 'problems in parts of the county, that the tribes of subnormals in some sec tions are threatening to become* a real menace through the productive inbreeding of half-wits. He feels that the eugenic marriage law is not ef fectually serving the purpose, and that a radical step is needed to stop the increase of mental weaklings. —^M - Mrs. C. M. Lance returned a few days ago from a visit to her mother, in Clinton. „ NUMBER 35*