The Chatham Record IrABLISHED SEPTEMBER 19,1878. ■ great tile plant I FOR CHATHAM COUNTY 1)000 Company Organized Xnri Beginning Preliminary W work Between Gulf and Cumnock, is big news that a $250,000 Xpany is already at work, prepar ■ the grounds for the establishment ■a great tile plant on an 800-acre ■ct in Chatham county, just north il the Cumnock bridge across Deep 1 H r * , . «V| e s ite includes the property of llmormer Goldston Brick Company, lie tract is in the heart of the E ss jc shale bed extending across 1 and Chatham counties. The Triassic Shales. If the great shale deposit an au- Jrity, in an article on the shale losits of North Carolina, wrote as lows: ■One of the most valuable deposits I shale in the state, and in fact I en tire South, is located in an l a of which the growing city of Biford is the center. These deposits ■end from Carthage northwrd to Erfsville on the Southern Railroad ■ween Raleigh and Durham, in a It f*oro ten to fifteen miles wide. Kforfi is fortunately situated in | eelter of the area, where the lie reaches its highest quality. Ihree distinct shales are found in K area, having slightly differing ■sical qualities. These shales are ■ red burning. They are naturally fit and therefore easily mined and Spared. The working qualities are Kually good and the shrinkage la ■ of them is very krw. They bum I dense body at the comparatively fi temperature of 1800 F. These files are especially suitable for the fisfacture' -of . hollow*" tile** T ttha sing brick,, and drain tile.f ' we area is traversed for practdcal fit? entire. by the Seaboard. | Line and is also crossed by-the ■antic .Coast Line, : Southern and, ■folk Southern railroads ,thus fividing * ; an* unlimited number- of Bit sites* and a distribution to all fits, of the. State ijhpt could hardly ■excelled.' } ■ . ', ■lie cehtral. location of this area Bes a possible distribution to all ■the growing cities in the Piedmont, fition, as well as those on the coast ■plain.” fihile the quoted article places ■ford at the center of the shale ■> it seems to be generally admit- I that the area about Cumnock, fi particularly the location of the fiposed plant, affords the finest and Host readily accessible supply of ■A fire-proof material. It is true Kjtthe company will have headquar ■Lin Sanford, which is only eight Bp distant from the plant. But the Bt itself will be in Chatham and I contribute to the Chatham tax ■ The Organization. fihe following dispatch from San fi; under date of Feb. 11, gives ■Oculars of the organization and fi* information: ■Sanford, Feb. 11.—Plans were fipleted here today by the promot ■ °f the Carolina Fireproofing com fit 5250,000 paid in capitalized fixation, the plant to be located ■Qinmock. officers elected - today are as Hows: President, I. Hechenbleikner I ew York and Charlotte; vice fi! ents, p. g. Gilchrist, of Char- b. M. Wood, of fi^ ur er, G. B. Chapman; secretary, I ‘ both of Charlotte; local I** 1 manager, C. C. pavis, of H*°°d; superintendent, L. M. Ber ■°* Gulf. 7 , . Y,. ' fi^ e first unit of this plant will be ■operation within 90, days, and will fih n Capa .^ ity °fi five cars "per day Hr tl ' le and fire-proof material, H three more tojbe added |tj ea( i of ;|ie Corporation, fiino''\'' 1C ' e^ner » is as successful liis " lr, \ !1 ’ folding many patents fi/ °f* n ' nveß tion, active vice pres- H ° L - !e Chemical Construction Hee/f 01 York, Chemical en ■ 01 tne Duke interests. The K O /r Cei ’ S are execu tives of many fine/! 0 ' 05 ’^ lrou ghout the south. fi°rk Un(h ’ ed an(i twent y men are fi s j. ° a location making ready ■hin° d ° r buildings and the ■ bee/ 1 Contrac t f° r 30 houses ■■Nvv""’ le machinery will l c J n '~ r r get his j •{per plea -e ; ' •' notify us. J •k ’\TTBF VI’ER, A BIG COURT AT CORINTH. - 4 " Varied Lot of Law Saits Settled By . Squire Mclver—Local and Personal News. Corinth, Feb. 16.—Last Saturday was an eventful day for Corinth. More people in town than ever be fore. Both white and colored. Boy Prince, colored, had his oyster “stew” trial; E. T. Spence sued I. M. Car penter on open account, and the Lu ana Pollard estate was transferred by deed to Herbert Carroll. Squire Joe Mclver presided on all three oc casions. Boy Prince was arraigned on a charge of assault with a deadly weap on, to-wit: a bottle, on George Pat triage, colored. Boy came back thru ' his attorney W. P. Horton with the accusation that George was the owner and dispenser of the “stew” and that he, Boy, did not even throw the bot tle. They brought Pate Battle and Joe Pattridge, Jr., into the mess as witnesses and in spite of the elo quent pleadings of Attorney Horton, Boy was held for the superior court under $200.00 bond, while Pate, George and Joe were each put under SIOO.OO bond for their appearance as material witnesses in the case. Wonder if the people of the com munity don’t think ft about time for these drunken brawls—so-called “oyster suppers”—to be stopped; we surely hope thay. 4* V - The case against X. M. Carpenter brought by E. T. Spence* of Duncan, was started as a civil action. Car penter owed Spence $89.70 on open account and would not pay. He offer ed to pay $69.70 to square the ac count but no more. Squire Mclver tried hard to bring out what the S2O. reduction was for but all he could get was that it #as for an “empty jug.” Everyone thought that this was too much of a reduction just for an “empty jug,” so Mr. Mclver or i uttered A judgment, against the property of I. M. Carpenter to? the full amount of $89.70. Then Mr. Joe wound up the day by writing' a deed, .conveying the Luafia Pollard Greek,; from thOr *• Herbert. Carroll,' a grand- sop of v M*.-‘Pol lard. "riV j." A. T:; Mclver and. .family, -o& JJuhA : can;;;ap»nt Sunday , with Mrsi. ' .erine Mclvefc . ; .Mr. *^nd ;, .Sapi' Bensdii f and .Boyd Albemarle*, . spent Sunday' ’ M?Si -:Rv ’ fev ' ; Mri Jeffries, whb., suffered .. .a, stroke of paralysis some -•« three weeks ’ago f., is., able to sit up some _' ■ •- ... .• Mrs. 'T. F rr : Cfoss ds very sick this weekY with iattaric riieu- T Mr. and v Mrs, Dewey Dickens, of Raleigh, spent Sunday -with relatives in Corinth. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rollins, of Diincan, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cross. Jack Mann was seen this morning with his square, line and stakes, lay ing off the plan for the home to be built by Mr. B. N. Dickens, for Mr. and Mrs. -W. W. Horton. Also Ed Marks was working and dragging the “streets” of Corinth, ■while Mr. S. W, Harrington, Mr. B. N. Dickens and Mr. Lonnie Mims were building new bridges and cul verts. They say that the funds to cover this expense are to come from the excessive “fines” that Squire Mc- Jver has been imposing v of late., Miss O’Neal and Miss Hadfield, principal and assistant of the Truth school, spent the week end at their, homes near ‘Wake Forest. THOSE PEACH TREES. ' . 7 .. .. ' We thought pu t / readers would jump at the chance to get The Rec ord and seven choice peach trees for $2.00. They is, on ly a few ' did. . But we - believe we have, found out why—they didn’t be lieve 'they 1 could get “seven, -fine nursery, peach trees for 50 cents.. example, Mr N. A.’ Wright of Siler City, Rt. 3, told the editor the othei day he would send on $2.00 this week. He had seen Mr. P. G. Maul den’s and had. been, convinced. H £|ggr-' could time us and get Thfe Rehord yea| and seven of qjie very finest grown. j Mr. Loraine Singleton of the Uni* I versity, at Chapel Hill, spent the week-end with Mr. Wyeth Ray. [PLANTERS GIVEN SOUND ADVICE Mistake to Change Brands of Fertile izer Each Year—Stick to One Best Suited for Growing Need. By J. G. McCORMICK. Secretary and Treasurer Acme Manu facturing Company ~ Every year at this time, you are beset by a score of bidders for your fertilizer business. All sing more or less the same song, praising their own product. You don't know which brand to buy. Now it’s a mistake to change from brand to brand every season. When you find the fertilizer suited to your need—one that brings the results you want, STICK TO IT. Never be influenced by any slight difference in price. What you are after is not hopes or promises, but CROPS. You want quantity and high grading, too. A fall-down in either quantity or quality will soon wipe out any small difference in fertilizer cost. There isn't any need to guess about Acme. This company has been mak ing fertilizers for 42 years. It is right here in North Carolina, at Wil mington, a home institution, owned and operated by North Carolinians, with a newly-rebuilt factory equipped ~ with the most moderilimadihiety’Jat* Acme, & rod aife invited to in sped? this plant. The formula® are open to all. You can see the in gredients, the best obtainable in the world, kept in perfect condition, and always properly manipulated. In dealing with the Acme Com* Stny, you are dealing directly with r. Gilchrist and myself. There is nobody "higtier-up." If there’s ev** ; * any trouble, you can get right to us, without addressing or talking to any one “m between?' You are deal -1 ing with neighbors. . You can find out all about Acme r from your owir local growers. Now, for goodness' sake, if you , have been using other fertilizers and ought to get better results, settle on : . Acme ,for> this, when anybody tries. to shove a?substitute on yam. : ‘ > - v V .H. L. Boon* - well - known tobacco ? planter--at-»Stokesdale, N.- C., wrote this .last fall .about Acme fertilizers: *‘l have been raising/' tobacco for [ 25 years, using brands Os fertilizer. Last year I usted'Acme •fertilizers and ‘I. have a fine * crop --is curing bright arid smooth: Ani well pleased 'with results of -Acme:'' Acme foriiHaers will give ybu: good , results,- t9o ; : * % If you Want any specialized 9r ! technical advice, write me, , care of Acme Manufacturing Co., Wilming i ton, N. C. Adv. B, Elkins Hostess To The | Junior Study Club. •; Siler City, Feb. 14.—Mrs. V. B. • Elkins jwas hostess to the Junior Study Club last Thursday afternoon at her lovely home. The guests were , met at the door by little Dorothy Elkins and her iriother, the former being dressed to represent “Little George.” A large portrait of Wash ington, draped in national flags, was I the most effective decoraton. After a brief business meeting the following program wes rendered: The Early Life of George Wash ington—Mrs. Joyce Edwards. Recitation: "It was I,” —"Dot” El kins. Latter Life of Washington—Miss Grace Rietzel. Attributes . to Washington—Mr® Clyde .Fore. Rook and bridge were enjoyed by all during the social which followed, the. high, score prizes, lovely boxes •of- candy, being awarded to Mrs. GeOrge Knox iot rook and Miss Grace Reitzel for bridge. The hos tess, assisted By her sister, Mrs. J. Wade Siler, served a delicious salad coSrse consisting of marishino cher ries,: chicken salad, wafers, cheese straws, pickles and hot coffee with whipped cream and sugar. I’hfe score • cards, ' effective with’ cherry decorations, and the marischi no cherries were gentle reminders of the famous "cherry tree” owned by the father of our- country’s first pres ident.. , There were a number of invited quests. Several new members were *; added to the Club roll. Governor McLean has written sev eral governors of Western states protesting against certain bills that if passed by the legislatures of those states would hurt the sale of cotton seed oil. NUMBER 37.