ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 19,1878. SOME RAILROAD CHANGES. V:' i* : 1- I 00i - e Central Railroad AgtUu Sold— -Messrs Hurley, and* Koss Purchasers —Bennett Local News. * Bennett, April 14 -Mr. W. C Br( .* er has soid tin Moore, Cen r ra ;. t.iul to Messrs <> • . and Fran.; ! of Carthage :..m Arthur R| 0 f * Asheboro. This wa> - formerly tli-r j 1, ,]oh and Cwu. •Viand railway •inc .'Oinetime ago purchased by \li Brewer and*ot:«t s* and the name ; ,m. Mr. J. M. Brown, of Hemp,! . “ al < o one of the new purchasers.] * understood heie that Mr. J. C. H , ‘ , y will be pres dent an*l Mr.; Fra , ; K Hurley, chairman of the board. Mr" Koss will be president and gener al manager of the road. It will be re men‘be re d that Mr. Ross sometime .ought over 50 per cent of the of the B. & W. Ry-, the road Juni.lng from Bennett to Bonlee. Mr M. H. Burkhead at the time o{ t e purchase of stock by Mr. Ross vva < made superintendent of the B. & \V. and has put the road in better than it ever was before.. It is 'no\v believed these two roads will be linK . a together, giving this section of cb; * u im county a better railroad ser vit, han it has heretofore enjoyed, an . will mean much for the farm er, business men. especially tae n; ..icturers, as well as put tiiis ' the count, on a boom. \Y. C. Bu v< v is the son of M ■' Brewer. > ar Bennett, and V ,_,.v.p. htisiiief' man tnat has be material In-ip to the entire <ec; \* a round Benin >.t. His untiring € {T ami business ‘ ty has been of groat benefit to t town. V. are informed that the new ] Ur du of the rrb . 1 are men of go . us'ness jiub and that t y hr.- me a great * al for their in d], • coipmunit >\ The Messrs H are success fu cotton mill men cf and Mr. R - associated with hi> hers and ol'r r business men, in boro, has bought .and shipped va- .. antities of dumber from this L ?ec - 1 * " . . f ' ] ners are pure ising ! til. for sprin- . 'anting and this w 1 f much corn tin : cotton will be put the ground. We learn that a j gr • deal of tobacco will be planted in • section this year. M' Jennie and Adelaide White, of Greensboro, who taught school here five years ago, visited our town last week.. Miss Swannie Jones, who I is b school at Buies Creek, also vis it? ':rr parents here for a few days. At a meeting of the citizens of the I town one night last week the follow ing eket was nominated for the I town election to be held on May 4th: I Mayor, W. S. Gardner; Commission- I or?. W. C. Brewer, *H. F. Brown, P. I C. Brady, C. E. Jones, and Dr. H. A. Denson; Chief of poilice, W. R. I Jones; Clerk, Ed S. Phillips, w Tne school suspended for Monday in Border to give the students a holiday ■■or faster picnic. They seem'ed to en ■* ! The first, entertainment for the I school closing will be given Saturday j I %ht by, the primary department.! I The teachers .of .this. department are H ■ -Misses Burgess and Sue Ellis. I Commencement ‘proper will be the * a st of this month. We hope to get I Tie.program... outxnejft Kt plait of Wheeler’s History. _ ' I T'le repriiA of Wheeler’s History of I distribution- -dearly -in May as an- I firmed Jjy the New York Publisher, I Fr fVrick HitchcpckdA The book I contains valuable information I the early days and families of I*. 01 ’ 1 - 1 Ca^oii^,.., of which is ■ j our:( i nowhere else) will be a fasimfr*- I e 0i the original volume as publish- I e d in 1851. - , 1....!ba150 haye sopie new and;in ■ - 1 - ?ihg feafW/ a- 'list of ‘ v ont State'Officers and mem -1 l - >e last Legislature both' y State Judiciary I Go- *• C c ‘ and " ‘Senators, I tiri : ' :} 'om to" ts h present ■d: - ! , ?,; ’ mes °f counties• added' Jo;'i *4 r . ' . .5 ■ c ' g t-l] 200‘copies avail.? Ifc'r " f UllCeu subscribers at ?4 00 t” ?.*' |stv v p- '‘f te Mrs. Sh.ifa a,, |X r tcrian » D. A. p.. Ilkkci ;*r ' ’ si - ‘hese are exhausted /. .c ■ df. . ll<) '’T- s elling price wil* take ' V - each. Mr -*■ * «»»■... ______ ■ • , B to i'svoH 1 t P* &L. has gone Kt tevill e . The Chatham Record -"•A. • • A.../ -‘ V '’l I/.. .......... ... ;V - • v HONCCRE NEWS ’ f I Moncure, April 14.—THe following , : people came home on Satur- j uAV : to spend Easter with their p 4-1 . .ents: Mias Virginia Cathell, Btate» A rmal College, of Fredericksburg, | /a., Messrs. Jennings WomhVe, , ” d Clarence Crutchfield, and Jim , .ey, of Elon | Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Self;, ajid* •U .; Mabel Self spent Easter at p i City with their parent*. : * Mr. and Mrs. Farrell dpii, Jr. sen J | Leister, of Pittfboro, spirit F j Monday with his/mother, Mrs. Wi 0: J -Farrell. ' v .Y Misses Alice‘S itee| : Northcutt and motor- r i ed to Farnklinsville, N. C., on Mon- i . •* ' * • i ; dayi • Mr; W. W. Stedman returned Sun day from Columbia, S. C., whore be attended a meeting of the County i oilicers of the Federal Farjp Loan Associations of Nprth Carolina. Misses Hilda Wilkie, and Pauline Ray motored to Durham on Monday and spent Easter Day \yith friends there. Easter Sunday passed off very iuietly in and around Moncure. There : were services at the Methodist ; Church both morning and Ivening, ; Rev. C. M. Lance preached two good sermons. The morning service was a real Easter Service. His text was found in John 12:24. His theihe was. “Storing or Plant i lug our Lives.’* Thfe Epworth League met at sever! o’clock in the evening, but on account of church services at 8 o’clock, there was just a short service. Mr. Lance gave us information on the rules and regulations of the league. Miss Catherine Thomas, the presi dent apointed Missr Hilda Wilkie, Ep worth Era Agent. A club of five subscriptions have already been secur ed. The text for the evening service was Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” John 14:6* We enjoyed both sermons for they were facts concerning the Resurrec tion of Jesus and also the resurrec tion and the immortality o£ the soul as the word of God plainly teaches it. This lesson, contains the greatest*ef fort and consolation to all ftvho Re lieve in Him, when we stand by the open grave and see those whom we love laid away. The great Easter les son to all of us is that we Shall live forever, if we trust and have faith in Him. We therefore need to live close to Him, so we may be pre pared for the life that awaits the children of God. A good number of young people and other ones spent their Easter on the banks of the rivers fishing. ; Some had luck to catch some fish, while others did not; but getting ready to fish, preparing bait, secur ing reeds and corks were enjoyed as much as fishing itself. Many of the younfg people; and. citizens of Moncure motprpd. tg • Ry num to witness the ball!l>.e- r tween the Bynum team and the Boh ! lee team and also enjoyed. the picnic, there. /’ ... ..... j Another party of young s people, ! chaperoned by Mrs. J. R. Jenks enjoy ed fishing in Deep river at Lockville awhile Monday " bight. It was an an ideal day and everyone‘seemed to enjoy the evqnj ; tq the^-f uHegt. ; The junior apd pnmtary .the v Methtodist .c^iurch, three o’clock* Monday afternoon? r enjoyed an egg hunt whiin .was given by their teachers, Mrs. W. W. Sted man ants Mrs. J. E.'Moofe. * ""Mrs/ Mary Barringer, who is so- interested,. in the . Lord’s . .work and the happiness of children sent a*box of Easter eggs added- tp..our egg,hunt apd t double portion of eggs. We are sorry that Mrs. Barrin ger has beep kept away from Sun day school .past ymr.,Qp ac-* count of the s ckness of Tor aiged iffother, 1 MT^r- : L>jis*Wofiible. s,. Bar ringer-loves chi!dltin<and th» hildron 1 ove her. •We .are • alstf. sorry - 4 i at. Mr Sam Womble was not. abH bs. al church last Sunday. He w.-?. raised vary_ much ~ *■ ? T T V {' Miss Berth? T/'' P.-e, e F he T : £ :-e Mm “ - ' fl n-iri, v * F W -v. !• f T'i kS -;kj tie Sunda; s'/: « confer ce .| i - t 'ford last Tuesday evening and |h - ; v.nesday. v .. \‘ r * . Mrs. F. A , Schneider and *- 1 Eriddie, Mrs, -L. •F. Sprow, | rs > Brooklyn, N Y . are spending 4 ; time with Mrs. B. "G. Wcmble. “I , PITTSBORO, N. C., CHATHAM COUNTY, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1925. [TOWN OFFICERS NAr/INATED. Mayor Ray Renominate S“-Beli, Gris-i fiiv Hackney, and i f Johnson for C mis | ... . A; , •- Iw accordance wits ~*tbe call pub lished in this paper imall group of Pittsboro citizens i at the court house .Tuesday evetniig to nominate hcandiilates for mayor and cam mis* on ers. ! ’ i\fr. A. £. Ray was. renominated for Arn&yor. Cither names were put in 'nohiinatjqn but there was a general ideclinatidil to b« a candidate. Mr. ■ Ray himgglf appeared not overly anx • It waS the expressed wish of Mayor 'Ray that Mr. D. L. Bell t>e relected a commissioner as his services as clerk have been so satisfactory. Mr. Bell got evei-y vote on the ballot. For the other positions quite a number of gentlemen Were suggested. Dr. Far rell and Mr. W. C. Johnson insisted upon not being named for another term. As in case of the mayor, very few seemed willing to serve as com missioners., The first ballot elected besides Mr. Bell, Messrs G. J. Grif fin, T. W. Hackney, and F. P. Nobet, with a tie between Dr. Chapin and Mr. S. D. Johnson, which after two more trials resulted in the nomination of Mr. Johnson. » i— CRINTH LOCAL NEWS NOTES. (Delayed For Last Issue. ) Corinth, April 6.—Miss Ellen Pen ny, of Duncan, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Horton at Corinth. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Allen, of Star, spent the week-end with Mrs. D. A. Clark. Miss Zeffie Cross spent the week end with Miss Erma Austin at her home in Duncan. Miss Austin is .the primary teacher at our school. Mrs. S. W. Harington has been quite sick for a few days. A daughter arrived in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Morgan at Charlotte one day last week. The lit tle lady hi a grand daughter pf Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Clark .and a-great grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Cole, of Moncure. We were Indeed glad to haye the Brickhaven ' Christian Endear or . So ciety at Buckhorn last Friday night for their weinie roast. Most every one was on hand and all seemed to have a good time. We would like to call the attention of all fishing parties coming -to Buck horn thaf it is in open violation of our state law enacted by some' sepcial legislation some 12 * years ago, for any one to fish with any kind of a net in Buckhorn creek. We now have a deputy sheriff at Buckhorn, so no one will likely do any netting without being caught. Every spring Mr. T„ H. Buchanan always broadcasts many wagon loads of fertilizer from his barn yard, over his farm land. This year he had & time digging it up, on account of dry weather. 7 After trying but 1 several plans he’ filially went about the lot arid dug sihall holes. In the bottom of each hole' he placed a hand full of shelled Com.' Then he turned in some long, lean, Hungry hogs that had run out ahd*~ riinfi&bf ’’fbr ‘ themselves all winter The hogs Short ate up the. corn But they‘*left the fertilizer com "ptetSHy dug 0 up bad ready for Hand ling. At least that is what Mr. Lon rtiShi cMftfak says’, *ami what Mr. Lonnie say&ifeg -usually: sb.' y « - L JHOVI ES^LAU NGH E D.~7 ; / Messrs Moffitt and Phillips have* ' successfully launched their ' moving picture show. They have run several evenings with, a good attendance,, »The contest is.- -o!efeed;*ivrft at this writinng neither the • winding, name nor the winner of the pi” 7 t s ! a .. . /; . w *.i Mr."and- Mrs; *A*. V*: ; Htill?’*' *4 r Jsi‘‘d f thildrerf arid Miss Muse, - of C" l %•' are spending Easter with *••** V ‘Vd Mrs. V. H. Hilliard. • "* Mrs. Hr D. * McPherson, ' ' rt > - leston, S. C., is visiting her 4 r -Ts* mother/ Mrs. B. Gi Woi '** • •'week. ’ * • ' * - 1 ‘ Miss Inez HoR spent las . .end j. .' .Raleigh visiting her grr . v ether. ; Mr. ' John McCracken 'luiteri .. Moncure. ‘ j ! Mr. Claude How? 11, wh' ’• 4c been , - irking for the Carolina 1 er a?- .- i •T-. ght Co., has completed >._h w- - ! returned to his home *. Deic ... ' | Yr*. C. C. Tcnmas Bp nt tod;,.' 4—? .f», JJfcJj aEppi; • / UPPER CAPE FEAR NEWS | m - . } Mr. Drake. In Bbspitai; Misses Cope land finUrtaiii—Lacal News . 1 New RiiL Rt. 2, April .12.—John *■ W. Drake imderwerit an operation; in * a Greensboro hospital one day : last, week for His parents Mr. j and WL A Drake knew nothing j of hi A illness tntil tliOy receßedj the'i news that he bad undergone an; eration. Mr. Drake id getting along l nicely. !. ■ - it Mr. aqd Mrs. J. L. Goodwin, Vada j Goodwin. Bailey and Rose Sturdivant spent Wednesday in Raleigh. j t ,. v Mrs. G. F. Carr was in Raleigh Wednesday shoping. After a long illness, Miss Lizzie Eubanks died at her home in Durham on last Thursday, and was laid to rest in Pleasant Hill Baptist church cemetery, Friday afternoon. This church is located on £ittsboro route one. We are glad to know that Mr. W. A. Drake, who is in Raleigh having a cancer treated is getting along as wel asl could be expected. Mr. William Sauls has been in Raleigh several weeks, where he went to have two cancers treater on his leg. It is stated he is getting along very well, but is not known how much longer he will remain iq Raleigh. In their usual gracious manner Misses Grizzell and Alice Copeland entertained a host of young people at their lovely home on Saturday night. Mrs. J. C. Lasater and daughter, Hilda, are spending a few days at Greenville with their relatives. Mr. and Mrs.. Claud Bland, of Morrissville, spent the week-end with relatives in this section. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Mann and chil dren spent Sunday in Raleigh with Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Mann. Misses Blanche Holt, Maudle Mann •and Edgar Holt were visitors to rel atives at Hillsboro during the week end. Mrs. P. F. Letein and three children and Miss Vera Drake, of Richmond, Va., were Sunday guests of Mrs. W. A. Drake, Miss Drake returned on Sunday night. Mrs. Letein and chil dish will remain for a longer visit We are sorry to know that Mr. R. L. Trotter is confined to his bed, we sincerely hope he wil soon be > wel} again. Miss Janie Carr, teacher of the Card Class,,at Sunday School, “treat ed” all her members Sunday Morn ing. Quite a number from this route were in Siler City, Saturday might in interest of the Chatham News Contest Mr. and Mrs. Edward Woody and children, of Durham, were Sunday guests in tihe home of Mr. J. C. Las ater. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Holder, of Durham, were week-end - -guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sauls. Mrs. Dewey Smith, ’’* little David Smith, A. M._ Puryear and Douglas Puryear, all of Raleign, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Puryear. Misses Catherine and In#* Morg an, Miss Nicholson, arid Mh Estus Morgan, of Apex, route were Sun day afternoon guests of the Misses Websters. ,* Mr. and Mrs* Roy and Mses : Annie Poole .visited , Miss Jack 6oejd win on Sunday. . v ‘ Vr As I have seen of many visits; the has nva<Js. .through Chatham, we would bu. .glad for. him jto. f make ,9 in v pur ,^qun.d .pear tbe-. Bqrke Schooji^quise,. •. . ‘.j ( . •- , >0 # . i ■ •> * '■ SOON BE OUT OF HOSPITAL 7 P ‘ports from the hospital at forci state that vCausoy .Phillips, +r%\ i hr.-., oon a. ./ver .since, he ; \ s&V. |&; . is .rapidte , tr- ■ trpent.fyy,bis ;, ■ . f|ij bv. he; shaL .-M .s£>. By, tate jjhat- ts/Y - # bo abke N ‘ tu: ,his. : y ,w\ .Hy,. ChaCy; r o- nsy. few ;/;•!i : .Mabie J county je..i Fwu? PhilhTyy cmJC 'u'H ... .. .c-o i-kyJ' ] ' Mr* 7 - ’ bi . ‘■awYi*'-’.... *,- ; .*i j; !k.- ! ! ■!><*; t-.'YC - ?i [F/iv 1 : 4 i ■ yv. rb ; • : 1 m \ '- .' - h 11 V' r - j r , -.-- ';b^tK,r7' a.- • r , , * - NEWS FRC-X-. BRICKHAVEN - j Brickhaven, 14- -Advantage was taken of. t, & ideal, picnic weat’n- \ .yesterday by qi .the resitlems 1 ; hyjre* • Some 'aWij j - bah games, ; j ivSent -g, qy‘ >spe»y ? , the r'-'day.’ [with xqddJuci- UjMe while i„ill other spent this tiriHfc *jv,.orii.g from.jihvc-. S to .place,. jil J. .hi, hi. going-,, so to speak, .. q'dhvily ’lit •h’dme-or passed : the . tima-gardexung. . Anyway , the f*tVA ; day was luvlu Tor any occupation 9? ! pleasiMs* brie inity have desired. Mrs. A. R. Lawrence and little Pauline and Forrest Lawrence spent the'Ekster Hdiidrtys at- Aberdeen with. MIA Garland Farirell. ; ” Mrs. C. H. Marks delighted tyri? youngsters here with an egg hunt on last Saturday \ afternoon. It is al most an inspiration to plan enter tainments for the little folks, for their expression of. pleasure and ap preciation are always so spontaneous and sincere. Mrs. Marks should be complimented upon the success of the afternoon. « Among the holiday visitors here ..were* H£r. and Mrs. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell and Miss Jecsie Max well, Mr. and Mrs. Frye and children, all of Carthage, who were guests of Mr. 0. C. Kennedy and Mrs. N. 0. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Atleigh Hannon, and children, of Pioehurst and Mr. Albert Mims, of Raleigh, were guests of Mrs. J3* C. Mims. Mr. and Mrs. June Hackney and little Miss Kitty Marie Hackney. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Marks an nounce the arrival of Master Luth er Avery Marks, April 7th. Mr. J. C. Seawell spent the holi days with his father, Mr. J. W. Seawell, of Carthage. Mr. Grady Truelove, who spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. L. Lee, of Raleigh, returned to his work here yesterday. Mrs. P.. J. Hannon who was called home, several weeks ago, because of sickness, returns here today. Mr. Han non holds a responsible position with the Cherokee Brick Co. and it was thought once that conditions would not be so he could resume his work here, hut the community is very glad that Mr. Hannon is returning and wishes him continued success. ? *./ Mr. O. J, Peterson spent a short while here Saturady. Our people who are practically all readers., of “The Record” were glad of the opportunity of meeting. Mr, .Peterson and will be glad to, have him visit here, again. Mr. Shannonhouse,j rector of the Episcopal church, of Pittsboro/ will conduct services at the Brickhaven school here next Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Everyone is cordially invit ed to attend this service. r . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Overby and •children have returned fronts a short visit to Mr. Overby's.; parents at McCullers. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Kennedy and Miss Ruth Kennedy accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Harrington; and Miss Louise Harrington motored' to Raleigh yesterday for the Wake Forr est game. /•■;'• • Mr. T. J. Harrington is haying his home remodeled and is adding a coup pie of rodfiis, Which is going'to) add much to the appearance and comfort of this atractiye v home. ,tqo. The stage, at the school 'has b&en moved to the southend of the building, thus allow putsidet exit and ie mprp-aatik*' factory in every way. JURORS FOR MAX. COURT- 7, ’it j. h •* * j,'. i*. 4# . .'G criminal- court xqeets here the! second Monday in May, with His Honor Judge W. M. Bond presiding. The following. jury, list for the term, of pn e . Wepk; ”4 v .' ;• • .•/ Albright—Randolph Buckner, C. M. WeVsier, W. B. Teague. wV 1 Baldwin —C. E. Hackney, Tom Har ! rife : • ■ P*.-«W.- Marin;: ’ ' E" 4 * Greek —H. I. Carter, M.: M. B • *• r, L. L. Smith. , * * - • . s Fear—J. D. Mclver, W., D. v" t • •. *•*?. r ’> ~W. ‘F. tieard, jack Brirni, . " *" v ?iLee:' R. W. Hackriey. v ; ' J % ’ ? J. D. Willett, E. M. Harris V. ,4 *njukes, 7- M, Wicker., ; - ‘ E-v: : -4-4e. L. L’ridley, J. W.LLbd ( J. . Bzsx<. -v. Ostia Perry, j .7 ? v-r— v ; T Utley, [_ “4-b.T- Mpu~'-;..rt -.Kesley *Th.rv »- .bnbi 'i , ■ 4 1 v ...v; .'Her, T. H. IV. I .-a Smitl. R.- D- Smith, Alrre j yv; : '”74. ' { ‘ * **.7' ' ■ t • | ~ r>* ' >bpsi.N.' J.‘ Wilson,' ,J; W/ r -b'.ts, - 7 M. Poe. f. ' . -T. M. Cotton, R. H. Bob- J; ' ' ' - . •.-■ • • - i— r t\ J. Johnson, P. M. NUMBER 45. | SCHOOL CLOSES AT CORINTH • | Local and Personal Notes From Cbr* I . intk and Lower Cape Fear ■. ..Corinth, April- 13^--The' Corinth | school completed, .aifother creditable school year last Friday. Mrs. Horton, ■ the principal, gave, a commencement program on Saturday night, April U» ; which drew a crowded house and was well rendered the. children taking pajrt- Mr§* scholarship and atendance ..medals, Miss, Clara and Jay Cross won Jthe one for the best attendance... , ; Then prizes were in each room to the pupil .having. tried the hardest ,to come, regularly, been the most diligent in school work, and had shown the best aptness in .school spir it; regardless of any special aptness in learning; in Mrs. Horton’s room this prize was won by James Cross and in Miss Austin's room by Eloise Mims. . t Mr. and Mrs. McDougal, of Char- ' lotte, N. C., are spending some time here now visiting Mrs. McDougal’s mother, Mrs. J. H. Cotten, and her sister,’ Mrs.. O. A. Mims. S. W. Harrington was taken to the Carolina Hospital at Sanford one day last week suffering with very difficult j breathing spells. Since going to the hospital she seems much improved and we hope it won’t be long before she is back home again. A force of plasterers and painters are now at Buckhorn waterproofing the wheelpits and cleaning and paint ■ ing the interior of the Power House. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Are/, of Southern Pines, and Mr. and Mrs. • Sam Benson, of Albemarle, spent the , week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. ! Parker. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cross, of Ral f eigh, spent the week-end with reia ’ tives at Corinth. ' • i Mrs. • Raymond Baker, of Apex, i spent the week-end with her sister, r Mrs.- W. W. Horton* l Mr.Vand Mrs.'C. R. Dixpn,: of Louis : burg are visiting'-relatives in Coriinh. - ;-Miss Gluytie- Harper-,’ of. Raleigh, , spent* thg- Faster holidays with her 5 parents, Mr. and, Brs. W>; B. Harper, r • Little ..Caipelia and Ruth >. Stedman, of Moncure, spent several days last w«ftk with their grand .. mother,. Mrs. J. C.. Harmon; . .... Mr* Willie Thon?as spent the East i er Holidays with, his brother, Mr. Paul Thonms, .of Raleigh.; ; ... Mr. and Mrs; Carey Griffin, of Pittsboro, Mrs. Clyde Griffin and lit— I tie son spent Easter. Monday in ; Raleigh, with Mrs; W. E. Smith, their sister, who, has been right , sick. We hope Mrs. Smith will soon be well 1 again. . - ; l( - Master vClairbernp*and Marian Har mon, of. spent the Easter , hoLUJays.-with their grandmother, Mrs. J. C. Harmon,. * p • *• Mrs. Tabnadge • Harper, and little i daughter of-. Durham, *. is spending sometime with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hamper." Mia; .Harper came Sunday and ; .spent the day.* . * : Mrs. .Sykes had: been, on a visit to ; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. . Brook, and she and . her. husband ijfli Bur lington when they Had the accident. Mrs. Sykes received several Opuses ' but we, dog/t think /she: was seH oua r t ly hurt ; I'- -- > *-• ►. sh«. children in this .community had a delightful time at the Ea?bg£ egg hunt given by Mrs. J. Lee IjßrmoH ‘and- her Sunday- School Class last Saturday* afternoon at 2:30 o’clock in. the church grove* * *■ -White tHe* eggs • ytere • beirjjjfc. hid, the children were, kept in the yfeurch and were entertained by; „ New songs and ozones after which ’they the >, group wui huntedithefjeggs wj|h de •Rght* Jlfre one who-foupid the largest . r JjgbA. #-Jt . happened. ;Alma Lasater was the lucky-.oitd ashe was presented the “bupny’ J&veral : games' and*' enjoyed. We were glad to hatfe”' so-many •it at Sunday SeVx>! lasC-Sun to join in the tv lessen was a bc.-ai-t i ;u* one and lay an ideal one. Fh'’* worlpi of were in pature and ~werything- : - Our- pastor/ ReV” M- ,Dance, • preached an Easter serhym fojr us on the first gundpy. It was thorough- , ly enjoyed. It was inspiratonal and : no doubt helped every one present to spend Easter more quietly and in the right spirit than we would have dofle.

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