Latham briefs |u..,, v n Alston spent the ah friends in Lillington. vlo ] to learn that Mr.. G. |e back home and in ■ u ttev‘ 011 u ft health- I j ry (Chapin has a bunch of ■•'•‘■/’n the streets. Is it ■ found 011 , ■ if , , ?rs j. J. Brooks, of Mcn ■al "o ?pe nt the week-end ■ Eol X..;; n ,'v Mrs. W. O. Petty. I v r p. Griffin and little son, M air- visiting Pittsboro Kulianks visited his ■ ; h . aiiu Mrs. Wm. Eubanks, Bek- I Goo( bvir..of Pittsboro route beer , -instating on route past few days. B, peGiai'eninreidt, colored, K about «P with the white ' Blrinrinr in a cotton blossom, Wl 'v ith one Saturday evening. 1 B, y r -. William Connell who J vf k the former’s pa to their home in mP- B vi.'Nooe and children are isl . '-’.vay. S. C., to visit her MTu. K. Pilkingtori, and oth -9,,. and friends. B- he given a Hiawaian ,B , ll’s school, Fri- M; Charges 15 and 25 cents j ,qB 0 f t‘ proceeds goes for ' M of the school. ■ n : e! t.. Bell has moved in tßw office up stairs in the : M buihiing. Farrell’s Case bKund handsome quarters on Mfiir, The building is a real oßto main street. Hh Day exercises will be hßdory Mountain Methodist dß t Sunday July 5, The ex §Kl be held in the morning, pBl. Hinson will preach in tli^Pon. High and Sanford Rotarians at the Phoenix Power P]B Moncure on Monday af teß participate in the pleas-* given by Messrs. Joße and Albert Kirsting. 68/- - - j had a distinguish j night last week— t B Tucker, of Richmond, j honor at the J meeting at Bj i lof Haywood, j ilossom on Sat- j red one, inch-j Dined on Friday on Wednesday, i id. Mr. Johnson ! about Haywood ;' \v that Billie i hapin, who un at Watts Hos-1 'or appendicitis,! condition. How-4 have, reason to ; ;oon see him in 'e visited the; county, though | here been en- : ghly wet the City, v/e are in- j rery dry yester- j ial, one of the | teaching in Tex- ; ill arrive at Sil- i 1 visit relatives, i his nephew, At- j al. The editor ; dlege frienix will j ttsbore and let’s some and fat as j ier or more con *n the Lee Hard- j Sanford. That ; «elf with what j and then tells the : p *d the success 0 f ! es the wisdom ox business. This 1 , the y have a car- i or canning. f nest Farrell en iS]t to Ifew York | -Farrell was 1 ar( l Oil Company as to his phsical Partial recovery stained a year one of the Sfan ’* trucks Mr j UertAf' and C? r e »4"; r wh f, re |*^ s Probable now j nU ? 10 »av 3 Wtfi3rs - Let’s [ .V - lwu.l X tfUL-N. V* Hen the of a Presoy iiliobivJiA ill i->i. wvZ.i. (Jt-*xixO x.o tue lor ci lcauicr lv>i‘ iuS bciiuOi iiC viSxted DavrutoOii | Volitge, ami scanning the records Ox wile xcCcaiw CutiiS, uCCiU* ed to oixer uie pv/faxtxoii to lar. Arcnie itay, WHO giaaudf;a Vvltll ulSfclliCtiOil w*. txic iwwwiit commencement,. iti.. Ray has not decided as yet, we be iiwvC, ud tU lixo awwCp CtliiCe Ol’ lii.l acceptance of the position, one wouiu give a spieimxd opportunity ioi* usexuiness. i —k- Major McLendon to Speak v It snouid oe a great pleasure to the people oi Ciiauiam to nave the Lxii w/ to iicar a v oui vii ox Jmy auvuxbs bj XllajOi* lx. x. llxciLellUOxx. Hie ilia jOx lias pxOVcU XuS patiiUwSin. xxe vv wxlv aoxoau ana sexved on tile oawtie line so erxectrveiy and gm lanwiy tiiixw lie was pxomv/teu to ’ule caixtcvxiicy or artiueiy to a majority, xic is a lueiiiecx ox me legislature and has proved ids ability as a states man as wen as a lawyer. The Rec brq ekvChus, in benaix ox the people Ox Pittsboro and the whole county a hearty welcome to the gallant ma jor. Xxcw everyoody come ana hear him. Now a Registered Pharmacist. Mr. .J. S. Glenn, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Glenn, of Pittsboro, was among .the twenty-four successful candidates for pharmacist licenses two weeks ago. Mr. Glenn has beeif employed in a Chapel Hill drug store, but since receiving his license has accepted a position with the Golds boro Drug Company, oi Goldsboro. 1 The Record congratulates the young man ppon his successful passage of the examination which floored a number of applicants for license. Paving in Pittsboro The Hagedorn Construction Com pany have completed the stretch of road from the starting point a few miles below Pittsboro to the Moncure fork and have started at the north ern border of Pittsboro and are work ing back to the Moncure fork. It is good to see hte work in progress, but it means while the street is torn up. However, it should not require many days to complete this section. > 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Petty and family and Mrs. Ham Bright were iin Durham Friday, shopping. Miss Sadie Mims and Mr. Lee Mims spent Thursday with their cous in, Miss Louise Petty. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Petty were vis. itors in Raleigh on Tuesday of last week. . ~ Mrs. Tommie Cotton, widow of one of hte deceased miners, was a visi tor of Mrs. J. F. Petty’s last week.. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harmon and children visited relatives in Rox boro during the week-end. Well, cotton blooms must be found in all parts of Chatham. Mr. C.. M. Covert sent in one from the Siler City section Monday—a Sunday blos som, however. The president’s father has had to undergo an operation. The President ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Cle Ora White, de ceased, late of Chatham county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the said es tate to present them on or before the 4tli day of June, 1926, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to the said es tate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This 27th day of May, 1925. NOTIE WHITE, June 4£o Jiliy 9 6t-p Administrator. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS is often caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian ! Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing. Unless the inflammation can be reduced, your hearing may be de stroyed forever. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for it—rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE has been successful in the treatment of ■ Catarrh for over Forty Years. Sold by all druggists. I F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. I : \ i <«ve 5 s . ) £ J oow<r -ro «-i.D S \MV COMPBfn o«-{ // , WASHINGTON, D. C. AND RE- TtJRN SPECIAL EXCUR SION . Via i - SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Tickets will be sold for all regular trains, Friday, July 10th, ONLY. Good returning until July 14th. From Round Trip Fare Sanford • $9.00 Raleigh, SB.OO Correspondingly low fares from oth er Points Visit the National Capital and it’s magnificent buildings; see the Con gressional Library, the only building in the world with a “gold roof.” For tickets, Pullman reservations and other information apply to nearest ticket agent, or to S. C. High, C. T. A. 1 W. Davie Street John T. West, D. P. A. Sir Walter Hotel ♦ Phone 2700 Raleigh, N. C. BUSINESS LOCALS J Ten Cents a line far first insertion. Count six words to the line, including figures and initials. PLANTERS AND CULTIVATORS^ NEW BUTLeITIOG CART—If you want one at a bargain apply to J. M. Hammock, Pittsboro. Jun 25 LOST—BLACK AND TAN female hound near Mount Gilead church, Chatham County. Name and ad dress on collar. Please notify W. E. Wells, phone 885-Y, postoffice box 784, Durham, N. C. and receive $25 reward. 2tp U. S. TIRES AND OTHER automo bile accessories at A. B. Filling- Station on Court House Square. Free air and water. Prompt sendee with best gasses and oils. PURE- BRED big type poland china pigs for sale. Will trade for cat tle, or good grade shoats. A. R. GLossom, Bonlee, N. C. , SEE US Before buying your next tires. Auto Service Co., Pittsboro, North Carolina. WE HAVE OPENED AN AUXlL iary store at Reach’s crossing, Ha gerdon’s camp, where you can buy groceries and other Supplies at same price as at our general store in Pitts boro. Connell & Johnson. Wx^NTED — “A-l Cedar Poles all lengths up to 40 feet. Only strictly first class timber wanted. If you have any write Carolina Power & Light Co. at Sanford stating what you have and your prices. WHEN YOU~TAVE~GLASSES fitted by Dr. Mann you have the satis faction of knowing they -are correct. We can fill your needs and meet Mr. Anybody’s prices. Chatham Hard ware Co. BUY WHERE your dollar buys a dollar’s worth. Come and let us prove it to you as hundreds of oth ers have already found out. Con nell & Johnson. FARMS FOR RENT Two, three and four horse, corn, cotton and to bacco. Good houses, ba,rns and pas tures. On New Hope Valley road at Chatham-Durham Ccunty line. —Phil- lip Hutchins, Chapel Hill, Rt. 4. 7-2-4 MAKE $75.00 to SIOO.OO WEEKLY— An old established company seeks a capable dealer for the entire coun ty of Chatham. We manufacture 100 useful everyday necessities, extracts, spices, medicines, etc. On market 25 years. Used by millions. Easy to build permanent big paying business. No experience, practically no capital needed. Write today for full partic i ulars. Heberling Medicine Company, Dept. 1610, Bloomington, Illinois. HAVE TWO CARS OF THAT GOOD Flour coming in this week. Every I bag guaranteed good as the best or your money back. Connell & Johnson. MONEY TO LOAN—SIOO,OOO.OO to loan the farmers of Chatham coun ty within next 90 days. Loans for 1 to 33 years at 51% interest. V. R. 'John son, Sec.-Treas. ts ’ t —v | « OHper ITOO.. eAowwK*. (is vf»>< %f u<. t o pot , n. I*t oven, ow c— - J Sy* ' -MoAMg y v / - . SPLENDID FARM FOE RENT—Six miles from Siler City; on good road 2 miles from Silk Hope School; j good home with two tenant houses; good pastures, well watered. Apply to W. A. .Headen, Siler City. 6 6 6 is a prescription for Malaria, ,Chills and Fever, Dengue or Bilious Fever. It kills the germs. Clean Child's Bowels “California Fig Syrup” is Dependable Laxative for Sick Children Children Love Its Pleasant Taste If y’our little one Is oul-of-sorts, won’t play, seems sick, languid, not natural—suspect the bowels! A tea spoontul of delicious “California Fig j Syrup” given anytime sweetens the j stomach and soon moves the sour fer mentations, gases, poisons and indi gestible matter right out of he bow- 1 els and you have a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers depend upon this gentle, harmless laxative. It never cramps of overacts. Contains no nar cotics or soothing drugs. “Cali fornia” to your druggist and avoid counterfeits. Insist upon genuine “Cal ifornia Fig Syrup” which has direc tions for babies and children of all ages plainly printe.d on bottle. iHAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED. 4 BY AN EXPERT—COSTS NO | : I Dr. J. C. Mann, the well known* eyesight Specialist and Optician will he at Dr. Farrell’s office in Pittsboro, N. C., every fourth Tue°- J day and at Dr. Thomas* office, Siler \ City, N. C., every fourth Thursday | rn each month. Headache relieved 'when caused by eye strain. When? the fits you with glasses you have| j the satisfaction of knowng j i they are correct. Make a note of I the date and see him if your eyes, are weak. j next v's«t in Pitts Doro will | on Tuesday, June 23. | H>s next visit in sder City will i on Thursday, June 25, | \ I ' ■ SliiffiililPl Home Office. JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE CO. Biggest Life Insurance Com i pany south of Philadelphia. A Policy for Every Need. VanWyLe B. Elkins Special Agent. ) 1 .. Siler City. N. C. I Williams'Selk Company I Ladies fast color, Fruit of the. Loom parasols SI.OB Children’s parasols, Japanese and fast colors fruit of the | loom, $1.50 and $1.98 Ladies imported gloria and silk parasols $2.50 to $9.95 Another big lot men’s and young men’s light pants $3.50 Big lot new figured and large floral voiles 40” wide j SPECIAL 39c Yd ' j Full Range Neat Stripe Pur jab Percale fast color __ 29c j 36” Sanford Best Sheeting. 50 yd bolt $6.00 | 36” broadcloth stripe, assorted patterns 59c yd New voile dresses light and dark patterns $3.75 to $9.95 j ladies’ House dresses, neat patterns 79c each New stamped art prices. Royal and other good makes j WILLIAMS - BELK CO j i Steele Street.- —.— Sanford, N. C. j fjjj I julyCLEAßANCEpricesi | if • NOW ON SALp AT 3. BERMAN'S P |(| CHAPEL HILL, N. C. M 'll Summer Suits @ !j| Medium Weight Suits @ $9.98 up. ||j i <p| Come and be fitted; we have your size &na the price on W i(j|l both men’s and boys’ clothing is right. ij^ l II Ginghams, Curtain Goods and White Goods @ yd__ 10c. M ||j Figured Voiles, values up to SI.OO, @ only, yd. 49c. ||| |j| Figured Voiles, values up to 65c. @ only, yd 25c. M lp> You must come to see them to appreciate these Bai- M gains. Special attention given to readers of The Chatham |j| ||jj Record. H I S. BERMAN 1 II n || CHAPEL HILL, N. C. jf| ' _ ~~~ |M T )inrt . n • I] THE FOURTH OF JULY. I I Yes that comes off next Saturday, and old Historic Pitts- § H boro, will be full of, people. Some will come foi a good time, and some wil come to make some purchases. We hope you will one and all have a good time, and we invite you to make our store your headquarters while here. We will do everything w r e can to make you enjoy the day, and remember we have the best selected stock g of goods in this part of the County, and v T e ask that; you be sure to investigate our prices and stock while here. ' I ★ ★ • J. J. Johnson & Co., Pittsboro ' riLS&inm | NO , ' ## V. - • i f * , tS*<eS£—••

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