ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 19, 1878. «iler city faculty I School Opens September 7.—Mrs, Hadley Entertains —A, Batch personal Items. v Siler City. Aug. B.—At a feccnt | meeting of the school board the op- B ening' Tor the fall term was set I for Sep:ember 7. In adition to orders I being' go-on for a number of improve- I merits bring made about the building land in me way of equipment before I school opens, the personel of the *ac- I j-ity was made complete. The names Icf the teachers in "high , school and I grades mv as follows: S. J. Husketh, I juperi .o dent; J. H. Moore, Clinton; I y/ssi—-:-i, history and athletic coach C. 0. Small, Siler City, mathe ■ lartie.-ee. English; Miss Willie Eve-j ■ ]yn O<>wder, Wocdsdale, Latin and! ■ French: Miss Flosie Siler, Siier City, ■ Science. Miss Nell Thomassen, Park- I ton, domestic science; Miss Louise I Curiiiiiignam, Apex, music, Miss Eu ■ j,ice Pet.nett, Virden, Manitoba, Oan- I ada, seventh; Miss Lillian McArthur. I Clinton, sixth; Miss Allumee Watson; | I Easley, S. C., fifth; Mrs. Helen P. I Whitley, Siler City, C; H Mrs. J. E. Fox, Siler City, fourth; I 3lrs. C. C. Headen, Siler City, third; ■ jliss Zella Dew, Alchua, Florida, pri- i I mary C; Miss Alma Worthington,! I Winterville, second; Miss Mary Joy- I ner, Denniston, Virginia, first A; I Miss 31elene Congleton, Greenville, I first B. . A most delightful social affair was i enjoyed by the Methodist ladies Thurs j day afternoon at the home of Mrs. j W. H. Hadley. The guests were re- j quest to bring needles and thimbles and were presented bits of bright colored material out of which they | made ‘sunshine bags”. In these the j guests are to deposit pennies for ev- | ery sunny day before the first of the '. nev year, the sum to be given to the j J Jfeasurer of the ladies society. In a ! contest Mrs. O. B. Reitzel was ' awarded first jorize, a bag of mints, ' while a lemon in a bag went to Mrs. Junius Wren as a consolation. Re- , ' freshments were in paper accompanied by ice tea. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Paschal, of Foyt < Worth, are spending spine ' ; time at the old home place of his ] mother, the late Mrs. Mathilda Pas- j , dial, whose death occurred two years : ago at the age of 9S years. It is with ; interest and pride 'that old friends j 1 and neighbors of “Bob,” as Mr. Pas chal is c 'Jed here, learn of his recent , appointment to the p° it ion of mem her of Texas state text book com-i f. . < misit i, which appointment was macb jy “Mu’’ Ferguson goveror of that,, State. m addition to this work. Mr. - will continue in his prifes sion of superintendent of the high - schools in the city of his adoption. . A sumptuous barbecue dinner was | ?-ven yesterday at the Betsey springj 0111 farm of J. R. and Wade Pas- . chal ; was attended by those whose lami is leased by the Chatham Coun ty Reserve together with a few In- i vited friends. 7 . |. Two picnic parties went from here to Kimonsville lake yesterday arter no°i' to partake of “dips” and sup- P ev Cue was the Sunday school class 01 Vk - A. Thomas, which was cba:.- eiv^( d by him and Mrs P. 11. Elkins, tbe otiier a larger party given i Mrs. 0. I. Hinson cmtary t° or daughter’s guests, Misses Mary . ro 'vn and Miss,' Mary Bynum, of ’ Raleigh. j j - annual stockholders meeing of - rimer’s Alliance store was held sterday. After hearing a sat- ! y report the owners df the copor?tion were paid a dividend of 8 j P er cent. R. W. Dark was unanimous- 1 !y reelected as manager, the only f c ! ”ae j n the old board of directors | being the addition of J. J. Jenkins t° same. ■ j M -es Mary Moore Dorsett, accom- Panitu by Misses Frances Dorsett and i er hr.-ise guest, Miss Sarah Dorsett, °* Spencer, left this afternoon for i>e;ei ’al days at Wrightsville Beach. Miss Roberta Harrington of Salis “ry is expected today to visit Miss Ule Ford Hinson. dav Thomas and family are to y Ending the minion of the , r ' ' . —.•—- The Chatham Record TV >T" T'k ■§ .1 "k ■» _• ~ “** **” ********l*W^——i BENNETT NEWS LETTER [ am J°° Late Part of Corn Crop Stfelk"* 1 * Team SM “ ° n Winning Bannett, Aug. 10.—M-s. J. H. S . left Saturday for Durham to visit relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Veinie Welch of Ramseur visited their parents here Saturday and Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. W. yW. Auman visit ed Mr. Auman’s mother at Ether Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Bullard of Greensboro are visiting Mrs. D. R. Smith. Mr. A. C. Jones and family motored jto Wrightsville Beach last week on j a pleasure trip. Bits. 42-el Phillips visited her grand : mother, Mrs. Haywood Brooks at Brush Creek last week. Mrs. L. E. Peace of Thomasville is visiting h>r son, Mr. J. R. Peace. A large crowd as usual attended the beginning of the revival meeting |at Fall Creek Sunday. Mr. E. A. Livisington closed a successful meet ing at River Side Saturday night. * The children, relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welch, sur prised Mrs. Welch Sunday by coming in a swarm with bountiful baskets. It was a birthday surprise. Rev. Mr. Granger, pastor of the Christian church was there ,and conducted the devotional services. It was en enjoy able occasion..' Business with tjhe merchants is picking up, and they seem to be well pleased with their trade. Since a few good showers, crops are looking bet ter, though we hear that some of the farmers will cut their corn down for dry feed, as the dry weather was a hurt to the grain. . The local base ball team won two games last week defeating Coler’ge 10 to 2 and Greensboro Revdutic fc 16 to 5 both games were played here. The boys will go to Greensboro Thurs day to play Revolution. The team here has played 22 games this seas- j on, winning 18 losing 4, Mr. J. W. ! Bean is the manager of the team and has a good team of well bih:.v;d boys which makes it more ecourag ng and enjoyable to the epee at _rj. ED. PHILLIPS, Cor. i Bad habits must, be catching. The The Record foße (tc4 iViav f their windows, and sometimes doors open. But it is unusual to see the j window of a bank left open at night as happened with our neighbor the Bank of Pittsboro one night lately. j But even if a fellow got in there he would have one time of getting into that fire and robber proof vault and safe. Petty family at Cool Springs. S. P. Teague hais returned from a visit to Guilford College. Leland Lindley of Charlotte is at his old home north of here spending 1/s vacation. Mrs. Abby Smith ©f Moncure is the guest of Mrs. Nannie E. Thomas and other relatives. Mrs. H. P. Bell and little daughter, DoDrothy, cf Currie arrived this week | to spend some time with her parents, 1 Mr. and Mrs] S. P. Teague. | Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. | J. I?. Paschal this week are Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Harward and children, of SaniVj?d, Mr. anc. Mrt. G. S. W dir, Mrs. t>cra Johnson Mrs. Kate Sin clair and Miss Fleta Johnson, of Greensboro and Dr. George W. Pa£- | chal of Wake Forest, j- S. P. Wright and family have mov ed from Eural Hall here, Mr. Wright having accepted a position as clerk in the depot. j Mrs. J. E. Pritchard of Henderson, Sis visitingTieoMbrother, H. O. Vestal, and other relatives in the communi ty. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Elkins and sons, Karl and Hal, have returned from a camping trip to White Luke. , J. H. Scott is a business visitor to ! Durham today. Joe Boling of Atlanta is here for a few days visit to relatives. . , • - IP' iw. - PITTSBORO, N. C., CHATHAM COUNTY, THRRSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1925 -L. * V revival at MT. ZION. Revs. Lance and Goodchild Win Plaudits for Earnest Endeavors. Last Sunday evening was the close of a eight-day revival at Mount Zion church. Rev. R. C. Goodchild, of Burling ton, assisted our pastor, Rev. C. M. Lance in this revival. Mr. Goodchild did the preaching in the day and had charge' of the ‘singing at all the services. His sermons were pre sented in a forceful and effective mannei. His singing was very im pressive and effective, filling the people with the spirit. [ We think Mr. Goodchild is a fine t Christian Gentleman and any pastor will be fortunate in securing him as a helper in a revival. Bev. C. M. Lance preached in the evenings. He certainly did some fine ' - preaching in a forceful and effect- j ive way. We think in highest terr of our pastor and we have confi dence and faith in him. We feel that this revival has ac complished much good. We feel the church members have been re vived and their spiritual lives have ben strengthened and that they will bo stronger men and women for Christ. There were several coversiors The prayer meetings which were held each morning before preaching inspirational and a help to each one in getting in closer touch with our Master. It was very pleasant to have both Mr. Goodchild and Mr. Lance visit. in the different homes during the week. Mr. Goodchild complimented j this community very highly, which 1 w e appreciate. We too, are thank ful for our community friends as a whole. We like their progressive spirit in doing things in the best possible. We admire more ; strongly their love for God and their determination to trust and love God more in the future. j Mrs. W. E. Smith and little daugh ter, Dorothy, of Raleigh, spent sev j eral days last week visiting in this community and attending the Mount Durham Friday evening. The par.-; Mr. W. B. Thomas, of Raleigh, has been at his home- here for several days on a vacation. We were glad he was here to attend a part of the revival'. Pie returned to his work as engineer last Wednesday. ' j j Miss Claytie Harper, of Raleigh, ! , is here on a two weeks vacation to ; visit her parents. Miss Carroll, of j Raleigh, acocmpanied Miss Harper , to her home and will be her guest ■i | this week. I Little Misses Camelia and Ruth , Stedman spent the week-end with' their grandmother, Mrs. J. C. Har mon. j Mr. and Mrs. Jpe Willett, -of Gold- ston, spent a day or two last week visiting Mrs! W. B. Thomas. j Mrs. Frank Petty has returned from a week’s visit to her brother ; in Durham. MR MORRIS ENTERTAINS Pittsboro, Rt. 2, August 10.—Mr. Charles Morris entertained a large number x>f his young friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murph Cooks last Friday night. Mr. Morris served as a refreshment, ice cream. It was the most enjoyable party that has ever been in this community in a long time. ffenry Petty and Mr. 0. T. Williams made plenty of good music for all to enjoy. I think every one present enjoyed the party. Miss Daisy Mann spent the week end with Miss Linnie Johnson. Miss Myrtle Tear is spending the week with friends and relatives with Mr. Johnson and others. The good friends of Mr. Rufus John son gave him an enjoyable day Sat urday as it was his birthday. A large crowd was there and everybody had a large basket with good things to eat. Mr. Johnson had plenty of ice cream and music for the ones that were there to enjoy. Mr. Johnson liv: es near Sapling Ridge church. The Silk Hope Base Ball team play ed Manndale team Saturday the score ' was 8 to.B in favor of MarrdaJe team Mi nndale has a real Base Ball team, POUNDED PREACHER n'A Successful Revival—Local Team Slightly Beaten by Army Boys.— Mrs. Marks Dead. e I Brick Haven, August 10.—The re vival sendees at Buckhorn church ■ | closed Saturday; night. The Series • j of services have been well atended. II The pastor has V done some strong l preaching. It is the general opin * ion that this was the most success- I ful revival we have had here for ! years. Saturday evening the peo ple surprised Mr.. Duval with a gen erous pounding. His car (was full and overflowing with good things provided. A series of meetings began at Christian Chapel church near here yesterday. Theie will be two serv ices a day. One beginning at 2:80 FM. the other at 8 P. M„ Everv , " ot; y is cordially invited to Services. Mr. J. 0. Seawell spent the last' few days in Moore County with rel atives. While away he attended the , marriage of his cousin, Miss Mayme ! Cagle, of Pinehurst. Mr. and Mrs. . T. Overby and lit tle Jewell Lane Overby have return ed from a four days’ stay with Mr. I Overby’s parents at McCuMers. The game with the Camp Bragg Nine at the Sanford diamond Sat- resulted in the score of 4 to 6 in favor of the Camp Bragg team. The game was very interesting and was attended by a large crowd of ball enthusiasts. | The community was shocked to hear of the death of Mrs. Lewis | Marks, of Wilmington. Lewis is a Chathamite, having been bom and reared here, and has a host of friends and relativej3 who sympa thize with him in his great loss. On ly a few weeks ago both Mr. and Mrs. Marks spent several days with, relatives here, and every one was impressed by the earnestness, and the sincere devotion of the splendid young people. Truly the thoughts and prayers of many are with the bereaved young husband. j j Friends will be very glad to know 1 that Mrs. A. R. Lawrence, wjjo has been taking treatment " under Dr.' Wright, of Raleigh, for the past several months seems to be very* much improved, and is looking bet- ter than she has ior a long whije. i ! Dr. Wright says Mrs. Lawrence is • one of the best of patients and bears , pain like the Spartans of old. Mrs. I Lawrence has undergone some very j painful operations', but not once has 1 j her nerve failed nor has she been under the influence of ether. 1 Some one has suggested that , one wishes to know how to have a j miraculous answer to an unexpressed j desire for something good to eat,' just ask Mrs. A. P. Harrington to re- * | late Her experience with a Cliathaih rabbit recently. Faith without works may be dead but some times a shot without aim brings down the game j A few more peach crops like the 1 one just harvested from the orchard of he Cherokee Brick Company’s farm here and Brick Haven will rival i the famous Sand Hill sections for peaches. In fact, the peaches were finer and better than many from that section this year, and were sold at a lower prjce. The demand was great-! er than the supply. Rey. Archie Ray preached at the Presbyterian church Sunday evening, l filling Pastor Barclay’s appointment, The young man made an interesting talk. i ~ “ ’ -- L _ ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE 1 Having qualified as administrator ■ of the estatte of the late H. A. Fields, j deceased, this is to notify all persons i holding claims against said estate to s, exhibit them to the undersigned on or f. before the Bth day of August, 1926, or t this notice will be plead in bar of : j their recovery. | ,A!» persons indebted to the estate y will (dense make immediate p&ynuar. e This August 8, 1925, tl j,„ ■; W. W. FIELDS l * . 1 j."’ Administrator Road Commissioners in Sees on . 1 The board met in a regular session last Monday with" all members pres ent. The following business was trans acted : Received from citizens on Brush creek road to be used on said road SB3. . | Re’jd from A. J. Wilson $2.03. I Re’cd from W. J. Thompson, Al bright $2.00. The following bills were approved: J. J. Thomas, dynamite, caps $14.90 J. W, Harmon, pay roll $469.84j J. W. Harmon, salary $150.00. R. A. Wilson, salary, $75.00. Dave Jones, salary, $65. Tho ra:, 11 h Jet, ss OV y $75.00. Siler Oil Co v gas, and oil $469.33. ! Frank Gattis, salary, $75.00. * ' Dunn and Ivey, gas, oil etc. to J. W. Harmon, $2.29. Dunlap-Waddell Co., 4 shovels etc., $7.00. \ Walden and Thomas, keg nails,* J. W. Harmon $5.00. T. M. Bland and Co., feed for Al fred Johnson, $105.75. * | Mann’s garage, labor on truck and parts, $55.74. Connell and Johnson, bolts etc., $6.1.5. * Connel and Johnson, supplies to J. 1 W. Harmon, $326.02. J. T. Harris, for 5000 feet lumber, $150.00. * Will Council, 4 days John Council, 2 days' work, $4.00. R. Harper, shop work for J. W. Harmon, $19.45. Floyd Sizemore, salary, $66.38. W. E. Hplt, lumber, labor on Al ston bridge. E. M. Phillips, July salary $75. Joe Phillips, 21 1-2 days labor, $43. Birch Phillips, July salary, $75. Aaron Kidd $1.60. L. J. Brewer, July salary, $62.50 The Hardware Co., Dynamite, caps, 1 etc., $129.50. * ; ! Chatham Hardware Co., dynamite, j gasoline and oil etc., $147.45. | E. F. Craven, for statement to July ' 24th, 225.23. . I G. M. Smith, July salary $63.50. j J. D. Mclver, repairs to ferry and I bridge, $13.95. , i w. M. salary, gas, oil shop work, $76.80. ' J. E. Holt for lumber, $30.00. 1 O. H. Welch, lumber, $2.50. ! Connell & Johnson, feed to Al fred Johnson $297.82. \ j Howard-Bobbitt Co., onions, J. W. ' Harmon, $6.00. i J. M. Hammock, shop work, Alf. Johnson, $19.75. j Willie Brooks, plowing soil, $.75 | Brodie Johnson, salary, $65.00. L. D. Johnson, salary gas etc $77.80 . E - Johnson, hauling lumber/$5. A. B. Filling Station, oil, spark plugs etc., $9.75. j A. J. .Little, 8,246 feet lumber $247.38. j Standard Oil Company, statement ; to July 28tli F $233.69. j The Hardware Store Co., mds sl.ll C. C. Hamlet, service as commis- I sioner, clerk, freight, express aiid C. | O. D. packages, $68.2&. Chatham Motor Company, auto repair Alfred Johnson, $8.90. Chatham Motor Co., auto repairs, J. W. Harmon, $ll.BO. • Wi{l_ Hargroves, I_abor, $42.12. Frank Copeland, wbrk, $1 12. ttaier Hath'. J 3 50. dc: rnie Jackson, labor >23. r O. y.-iiTcey Neal, labor, $29. “0. Caiey Griffin, labor, $.23 70. A'vis Griffin, laoor, S2O SC. lied oan, labor, S4O 7s. "W iliam Sturdi/ant. labor, SlO f>o Gene Gray, labor $9.00. John Wadkia.3, labor, $9 .00. I'M] Lea, labor, $39.8 7. Ml ton Harris. labor, S’l.oo Joe arrar, labor, s3fc 00. Harry Eubanks, labor, $45. . Henry Williams, labor, $4.50. - Blake Baldwin, labor, $48.60. Comer Headen, labor, $44. „ Floyd Norwood, labor, $24. Lat Johnson, labor, $3.38. John Clark, labor, $3.38. . tragic death of child i Four Year Old DiDes of Scalds—Per sonal Items from Upper Cape Fear By ALICE WEBSTER New Hill, Rt. 2, August 10— i pened last Friday Kerning we 1 1 ° ne ol: ' th « saudest acSdents hap »oj'n in a log time, when Hubert Sauls was fatally bured. Mrs. Sauls .ms mother, was scrubbing the and nad a bucket of boiling water sitting on the fgloor and' saw the child was very near it and told i tte llttle fellow to get away from the water as he might get burned, mid m a moment he had fallen back ward in the water. Dr. Upchurch , - was called immediately but he real j*? ed it was impossible to save the | itte lone, who was relieved of his suffering Friday night at 2 o'clock. This little boy was four yeare olli . There aS * Pr6tty and bright child. There are several o(;her . 1 for i Wi>S ‘b 6 Center ° f attract ion for the whole family. Only a , week before he awful accident fiapt' Pened the mother of the child told if 6 ,"' nter she and all of the ami y almost worshiped this little hoy and she always had a r that they would LJ -- f* Ca,vin * Hear» e ; 01 Little Rock, S. C wpp eek of relatives in thi " Mr. aild Mrs p ! Section and Mrs. Vernon PMr Philli P s ’ Mr. daughter and Miss it-**- iittie a i ! Greensboro' L -‘»* Wlth Mr. and Mrs. w nigh t Mrs. E. D w rj A ’ L C. Lasater. withers. Legi nning last Rev ' Walter Farrar , 6 y “ g revive services ’ conduct-. “ diSt cbu «h, Sunday fl '“! 2er Metb V the pastor, fi e v. Mr cl Mr - and Mrs. Henry R ,neSS ' , dre n of Chapel Hill and chil ■ f Webster and G. Tn ** Sunday. 1 nomas last j Mrs. Dewejl Smith and litn , D avid and Douglas p, ® son ’ pigb spent the °" Ra ~ and Mrs. J. a. Pur ;lr Wl ‘ h Mr - Pleasant W Hili an B IC !. Cream £uppsr a t ' Saturday SL r ;: 4 BY p u e r fW the bene «t Os the ! in attendance aid a W I ag0 ° dCrOWd 'ey realized. a -m of mon -1 .J' 16 , reViVal ciose d at this church with!* T ~ d aPd -2 I tne church. Rev. C . H. Norris is Pastor and delivered n, 18 in „ ~ delivered the sermons dur the week. look: big masonic picnic at Vernon Springs « i dr j Tne 13th district will have its An nual Pilnic on Thursday, August 20 ■ at this beautiful resort. Program will . begin at lf):30 a.m. Every Mason will | have the privilege of inviting one Friend, either lady or gentleman, who . is not a mason. , j Each one is asked to carry a bask et or box of lunch. There will be no further financial obligations as we propose to make it a basket Picnic ’ free to all. Ihere will .be promient speakers to deliver Addresses on var ious masonic topics. Come and let us have a good old time and enjoy | a day off. « *jj The Mount Vernon and Bonlee' Louges will do all they can to wel come you. B. E.STAN FIELD, D.D.G.H- Mrs. Henry London has had as her guests recently Mr. and Mrs. Isaae London and children of Rockingham. Mrs. Fred Jerome and Mrs. James Cordon and James Cordon, Jr., of Raleigh. _ - -#<‘4* W. J. Brance, 1 . Justice iddle, salary, SIOO.OO \fW Siipon Burke, $40.80. Alfred Johnson, salary,( and hire of mules and wheelers etc., $225.0Q j NUMBER 10

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