ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 19, 1878. Moncure News Notes The School Faculty—An Auto Acci dent — Numerous Personal Items I Icncure school opens September 7th The following is the list of teachers for the coming year: H. G. Self, Principal. High school teachers —H. G. Self, "Miss Marcia Foust, Snow Camp, Miss Olivia Harmon, Pittsboro. Elementary teachers: 7th grade—Miss Lillian Jourdan, Merry Oaks. sth grade—Mrs. H. G. Self. 4 Lli grade—Miss Virginia Cathell, Moncure. 3rd grade—Miss Effie Thomas, Moncure. . . _ Ist grade—Miss Daisy Bland, San f°6th g^ade—Miss Jourdan and Miss Cathell. . 1 2nd grade—Miss Bland and Miss Thomas. „ _ Music —Mrs. John Bell, Jr., Mon cure. , Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Powers and son, Graham, have returned from their mountain trip, where they visited chil howsie, Va., Bristol, Tenn., Whites burg, Tenn,, Glode Springs, Va; and Damascus, Va., enjoying the scenery of the mountains. . Messrs. Walter Snyder and Ludwig of Douglassville, Pa., spent the week end with Mr. J. B. Powers. Miss Lizzie Sasser, the clerk in Deep River Store under supervision of Mr. J. R. Ray, left last Saturday f or a two weeks’ vacation, which she 'll spend with her parents at Mt. <'Head, N. C. Miss Amey Womble, ihe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. ' om.ble, is clerking in the store while rbe is away. Mrs. S. W. Womble and Mns Amey Womble spent last Sunday at Reius ville with Mrs. J. J. Ratcliffe. Mrs. C. A. Brown, of FayetteviTe, v.'lio is visiting her sister, Mrs. Daisy Lambeth, celebrated the eighth birth day of her little daughter, Mary Jean, one evening last week, from six o’clock to eight o’clock. There was a goodly number of children her age present and thev enjoyed playing many games on the lawn. After enjoying them selves for some time, ice cream and eak a were served, which they en joye i \ ery much. A little basket of candy was given to each one present. Mary Jean received many nice pres ents. At 8 o’clock the little folks said good-bye, wishing her many more happy birthdays. Mrs. J. E. Moore, and little daughter, Melba, have returned from a trip to Virginia, where they have been visiting relatives. 1 Last Sunday afternoon near Lock- - ville, Mr. Evan Ray, who was driv ing his Ford, was run into by a Sauls ] boy, who was also driving a Ford. ] my,ere was a gash cut just above "Evan’s left eye and five stitches ] were taken. No one else was hurt, j but it was a narrow escape. Hope Evan a quick recovery. . * Miss Lillie Wilkie and her friend j from Raleigh are visiting Mr. and 1 Mrs I. D. Wilkie this week. ■ The revival at the Baptist church i begins this evening at 8 o’clock. Rev. J Jesse Blalock, of Aberdeen, the pas- : tor. will do the preaching. < Mr. and Mrs. Eubanks, of Glen Mock, N. J., are visiting Mr. and i Mrs. P. V. Budd on Route one this 1 v'eek. Mrs. Eubanks is Mrs. Budd’s s sister. The Epworth League met last Sun- ] i 1 ay evening at 8 c/clock. Miss Ainey 1 Womble, the president, presiding. J "’he secretary, Miss Pauline Ray, was < •present. The Scripture lesson was i read by Miss Amey Womble. the and then prayer by Mr. W. s W. Stedman. The subject for theh rvening was “Work and Play. An interesting program was carried out. < MT. ZION NEWS J Mr. and Mrs. Turner Petty gave ( their little daughter, Irene, a birth < ay party last Wednesday afternoon j om four to six-thirty o’clock. Irene ] vas nine years old. There were ■, < shteen of her friends present. They . • -ljoyed playing games and eating. Delicious ice cream and cake was ( c , rve d, after which they enjoyed a rde in a Ford. , j Irene is an attractive little girl and , v e wish her many more such happy , 1 rthdays. ] Mrs. W. G. Goodwin and children Raleigh, spent from Monday to v Vlnesday with Mr. and Mrs. Turner Lot tv. . . , Miss Thelma Goodwin, of Raleigh, r.l a day or two visiting relatives i* this community. little Miss Lucile Woody and Eastors Roland and Talbert Woody, , Hickory Mountain, spent last Sun hila . of Miss Ola -Harmon delightfully en : tertained » number of people at her i home last Monday evening from eight ; to eieven-thir y o ciock in honor of hqr guest, _ Miss Gertrude McKay of , Philadelphia. Miss Harmon m e; th e guests at the 1 front dooi • * ( „ they were received in the parlor and introduced to Miss ■ McKay. After all the guestg had ag _ sembled, sever*.! lively games were olayed, after which names were drawn for partnerships. Then an in teresting contest placed on cards was handed to eacn couple, when they did some easy mental work for a few minutes. Iheie vvere two couples who answered ail questions correct ly; Miss McKay and Mr. Claiborne Harmon winning tne box of perfume and Miss Mary Clegg and Mr. D. B. Nooe winning the box of candy, which they presented the guest of honor. The guests were then invited to the dining room where ice cream, cake, and mints were served. The guests were asked in the li brary where they entered their names in the guests’ book. As they reassem bled in the parlor, Miss Elizabeth Thomas and Miss Amey Womble played several pretty selections on the piano. Following, Miss Ola Har mon sang several selections, Mrs. W. W. Stedman accornpaning her on the piano. The color scheme, yellow and white, was used in decorations. The flowers in the dining room were yellow canras and a bowl of yellow dahlias and asters in the cen ter of the table with center-piece to match. The yellow and white paper were used as draperies. The library which joins the dining room was beautiful in pine and golden rods. The hall was attractive in yel low and white draperies and a bas ket of golden rods. The parlor had only a bowl of cut flowers on the cen ter table. The yellow lights were u£ed on the porches among the many potted plants.' Those who enjoyed the hospitality of the hostess were: Misses Gertrude McKay. Mary Clegg, Mary Womble. Amy Womble, Evelyn Alston. Sankie Glenn, Mabel Thomas, Elizabeth Thomas, Elizabeth Farrell, Lelia Jus tice, Pauline Ray, Little Misses Ca melia and Ruth Stedman, Masters Claiborne and Marian Harmon, V.u- TTT 1,1 ~ J. K-. son Womble, ana o. Barnes, D. B. Nooe, Jamison Glenn. J. C. Seawell, Allen Moore. James Thomas, George D. Harmon, Fioyd . . Harmon, J. Lee Harmon, A. O. har •non, Mrs. J. Loe Harmon, Mrs. W. Stedmnn. and Mrs. J. C. fiar- 1 mon. The extreme heat of the early part of last week was followed by severa. days of real fall weather.. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of H. A. Fields, deceased, j this is to notify all persons holding claims against the said estate to pre sent them on or before August 2 , 1926, or this will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate payment. W. W. FIELDS, Administrator. August 21, 1925. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER A'ND BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER of the Superior Court m Chatham county, North Carolina made in the special proceeding entitlec Chas. M. Dowd, Jr., and others Ex Parte, the undersigned Commissioner will on or SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER at T 2 o’clock noon, at the Lour House door of Chatham county, m Pittsboro, N. C., sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for casi e following described four tracts o land located in Gulf Township, Chatham County, N. C.: . , First Tract: Beg. at a white oaK Andrew’s corner on Indian Creek an running N. 15 W. 20 noles to a Span- L milling id vv . , ish oak; thence N. 4, E. 20 P oies 0 a stone pile; thence N. 40 V . 57 poles o a pine; thence N. 4 W. 136 poles co a stake, thence W. 104 poles to a stake, thence S. 100 poles to a hoin “ beam on bank of the Creek; tnenc up the Creek about 18 p° les 0 stake; thence S. 40 poles; thence • 96 poles to Creek; thence down e same to the first station, containing 117 1-2- acres more or less, save an except about 4 acres sold to Bascum Andrews. . r | Second Tract: Beg. at a stone m M. Dowd’s, Sr., line formerly known as the Snipes land and running wi Dowd’s line N. 31 poles with sweet gum and poplar pointers; thence b. 56, W. 26 1-5 noles to a stone in VV. E. Hilliard’s line with two hickory pointers: thence with his line S. o E. 25 4-5 poles to beg., containing acres more or less. , Third Tract: Bounded on the Soutn and West by .T. M. Oldham, on the East and North by C. M. Dowd, cor ! ners and distances given in a (I ‘ a T r . a ™ accompanying this deed contain i g, 105 acres more or less. stuT np Fourth TvoH: Beg, at a P ir ' r DoW(Vs j with pointers widow A- • i nft comer; thence S. With S ald “ ne , poles to stake on Cfjvbonton road: thence S. 85 E. with said road 118 | poles to stake and poin* ers - thence IN. 80 noles to stone nd e in fi eld; thence W. 112 noles to the beginning; containine- 56 3-4 acres more or less. This August 18, 1925. V. R. JOHNSON, Commissioner. Aug. 27, 4t.c. / * - j ’ NUMBER 12 Mrs. Wren Receives An Elaborate Social Affair—Big Fish Fry—Other News Notes Siler City, Aug. 22 The most elaborate social affair given here this summer was the reception by Mrs. Junius Wren last Tuesday afternoon from 4 to 6 o’clock at her hospitable home honoring her sister, Mrs. B. M. Lambe of Tampa, Florida. One hundred and fifty cards had been is sued and during the calling hours the guests were greeted on the ver anda by Mrs. C. N. Bray and at the front door by Mrs. W. H. Hadley who introduced them to the hostess re ceiving with whom were the honor guest and Mrs. W. F. Womble of Greensboro. Passing through the spacious living room the guests were met by Mesdames M. M. Fox and T. D. Bynum who showed them the way to the dining room where they were cordially received by Mrs. J. S. Wren. Here they were served block cream, cake mints and nuts by Misses Louise Marley, Ellie Ford Hinson, Rachael Brooks, Evelyn Fox, Vera Peggy Wren, Mary and Margaret Wrenn. Presiding at the beautifully appointed table were Mesdames W. S. Edwards and L. L. Wrenn who sliced the cream and cake. After partaking of the refreshments the guests were directed from the dining room to the front hall by Mesdames J. C. Greg son and P. H. Elkins where they were bade goodbye by Mrs. J. B. Marley. Throughout the afternoon Miss Vera Campbell of this place and Mrs. H. W. Coble of Burlington furnished special music which was a most pleasing feature of this most de lightful affair honoring Mrs. Lambe , who is a charming bride from Flor ida. Attending from out of town were Mrs. W. F. Womble of Greensboro, Mrs' H. W. Coble, Mesdames W. P. Horton, J. L. Griffin, Edwin B. Hatch and W. R. Thompson of Pittsboro. Members of the study club, a de partment of the Woman’s club, to gether with their husbands as especi ally invited guests, enjoyed a picnic supper at Hackney’s Mill Friday eve- Miss Annie Lambe entertained at a bridge party yesterday afternoon from 4 to 6 o’clock complimentary to her guest, Miss Essie Glass of Mor , annual fish fry and barbecue . always anticipated with pleasure by those attending was held Thursday on the river near the home of Mr and Mrs. John Edwards. Skilled fishermen were amply repaid for_their venture along the bottoms of Rocky river for they brought in for _ the “fry” some unusually fine specimen of the finnv tribe. To Willie Thomas goes the credit for preparing barbe cue of the finest variety. In addition to these two principal dishes there was an over abundance of foods, melons and lemonade. More than a hundred folks enjoyed this ■eighbor hood gathering among those from out of the community being W. D. Underwood, Mrs. Flora M. Under wood and daughter, Miss Alice Un- , I derwood, R. 0. Edwards and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Dunn of Greensboro; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edwards of Winston-Salem; Mrs. Wal ter Clapp of High Point; Mr. and Mrs. John Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Causey, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Causey of Liberty. The local ball team were the reci pients of a barbecue supper last evening at Hackney’s mill, their hosts ieim, l number of citizens who have loyally supported the team during the season about to close. Present, as guests were members of the Prox imity team who played the locals here during the afternoon. Among the speeches were those of both team’s manager’s. , , Miss Dorothy Hadley of Phlla h del ‘ nhia is spending several days here t h her brother, W. H. Hadley and sisters, J. C. Gregson and ■ Vann Ferguson will return today ' | from White Lake where he motored , the first of the week with Misses Mary and Mary Wrenn to attend a 1 h °Mrs l)a A 1 ; y 'A. Lambe has returned • from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. n E Shaw at Broadway. Mrs A H. Andrew and three chil dr“ Os Crossville, Alabama are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. P ' R T< lf U Smith has returned from a vi S to relatives in the eastern part the slate and was accompamed home by his brother, Dr. G. A. c m ith of Black Creek. W LoS“'« ,Ston° X are \erefor r a few days .n ‘VrTj.V Dorsett of Spells j a guest in the home of Mrs. J. Q Sea "Misses Ethel Tesh of ML Amy, Ka^°Gariand° n compose P tt’me^ irrfofahousfpart/givenbyMiss A-. f’^„‘ e hi Fergutn -as hostess at^a'camn morn and L * , G Mfc' Frances Whitehead of Ham se,m is the attractive guest of Mrs. Herbert Andrew. , 0 f Dr. and Mrs. Ryan A Gyl