The RECORD, • household word Chatham for forty- , seven years. FSTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 19, 1878. coach will be awarded as PRIZE TO BEST SUBSCRIPTION SELLER Everyone Wins” Is Slogan in Chatham Record Campaign) Start Is Important. Campaign Open To All. Enter Your Name or That Os A Friend Today \ ■ . The Chatham Record today an nounces the most liberal circulation campaign ever inaugurated in Chat county. Desiring to enlarge our cheolation list quickly and also to secure renewals of present subscrib ers we are offering $2500 in prizes iaiul commissions to energetic people this community to aid us in our Sf.uci’prise. We want good work and Wv e willing to pay liberally for it. The Record is determined to ac quire a circulation as near as possible ICO per-cent in its field and has se lect'd the Salesmanship Club plan as being- the most satisfactory method to dnat end. Experience is not necessary. All that is necessary is a determination and a willingness to put forth some concentrated and well directed energy taking subscriptions among your nds and acquaintances during your spare time in the next eight weeks. With the quality maintained by a community newspaper such as the Record has established, the manage ment feels that the community should be interested in its development and is augmenting that spirit by offering some wonderful prizes to those who participate. Open to All The Salesmanship Club is open to ?T men or women, boys or girls* yang or old. except the ownefs and 'v immediate families. T+ - not even necessary to be a subscriber t" enter. The prizes are free p/nd will be given to the club lumbers who develop the best sales. tv--ship ability, thereby earning the -rest number of votes. This is an nr nortimity to cash in on your Sibil— it” prd industry. Vou will find it ex r v ’onady easy to sell subscriptions S° )lir lecal paper, w An Unusual Campaign ?~his is mt a “popularity or beauty f n-,+ es t.” Tt is a test of salesmanship ; \ "tv r-'-i everyone entering and who "nst for jmt eight short weeks v.q bf rich hr paid for every effort rnt foH-h rT ” will be no losers — WINS. In addition to a New SSCq r 0 Essex Six Coach and as Ford Tonring car. several other at t- ;t - prizes will be awarded and E <• - : b- G non-prize winners will be d 10 ner cent commissions on all . - ycriptlons sold. Short Campaign i he campaign will be of only eight cimation, beginning Thursday, p : ember 10th and closing Saturday, February 6 cm. Think of securing prizes in that short time that would require months, even years of savings and self denial to obtain. But it requires immediate decision and action. To put off en tering, even for a day ortwo lessens your possibilities for success. Act, and act quickly. A Wonderful Prize List 'leading the list is the New Essex Six Coach, value $865.00. This new model, combining the features of both, a closed and an open car in one, has taken the country by storm and it embodies all that experience has shown to be needed and desired in a motor car. Coupled with its super-attractive ness, is the proved merit of the Es sex as a durable efficient car, re quiring a minimum of upkeep, and giving service that is distinctive of Essex alone. It is a prize worth work ing day and night for when it can be •secured in so short a time. It will be given on February 6th to t<he can didate securing the largest number j of votes. It was purchased from Perry Motor Co., Sanford. The Second Prize is a Ford Tour ing car, 1926 model, value $442.00. The Ford has become a universally popular car. It is attractive and ser viceable and many people who are y ! Fill in the entry blank below with your own name or the name of 5 r some man or woman whom yon think would like to have one of these j valuable awards. Mail or bring it to this office. 4 j | J r I ♦ I Hereby Nomittate and Cast 10,000 Votes For # J Miss (Mr . or Mrs.) ■■ ■■■ ■ • •<<— f « 5 Address ' • , ! . ■■—.. m . / >j - ; « I |U. candidate in The Everybody Wine OrciMii j V , ' JWIJUhIfIMMUr • ... m *&&& V , ___ The Chatham Record able to afford more pretentious cars are burning to it as the car that’fills every need. The winner of this prize will be well rewarded for his or her time. Purchased from and on display at the Chatham Motor Co. The third prize is a beautiful dia mond ring, value S2OO, mounted in white gold. See it at Siler Drug Co., Siler City, where it was purchased and is now being displayed. The fourth prize is a beautiful dia mond ring mounted in white gold, value SIOO.OO, purchased from Siler Drug Co., Siler City. Early Start Means Much , The campaign is hf such short dura tion that immediate action is neces sary if you wish to capture the Es sex Coach or one of the other prizes. The first few to enter have the un doubted advantage over later entries because the firsts in the field get the cream of the business. Don’t, wait to > see what someone else is going to' do but determine to enter immediately and win the Essex despite any com petition and the first big important step toward that end is to enter your name NOW—Today. Fairness To All That the Salesmanship Club will be above suspicion as to goes without saying, but to doubly insure fairness an advisory board, comprised .of prominent men in the community will be selected to make the awards and to serve in an advisory, capacity. The campaign will be brought to a close with a sealed ballot box placed in a local bank. No one, not even the campaign manager will be able to tell how many votes any candidate has secured, thus" absolutely precluding mv possibility- of unfairness or par tiality. - . Club Headquarters Headquarters of the Salesmanship Club will be at Pittsboro, P. O. Box 18, Campaign Dept., Record. Full in formation, receipt books and all par ticulars can be secured at this office; or phone and a representative will call and explain the campaign in de tail. MORTGAGEE’S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mort gage deed executed by D. C. Huck abee, and wife M. A. Huckabee, May Bth. 1922, to secure the payment of three certain bonds, which mortgage deed is duly recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Chatham County in book FZ, at page 336, the said D. C. Huckabee and wife having conveyed the land described in said mortgage deed to Frank Green with the understanding that Frank Green assume said indebtedness and pay off said notes, which notes are due, and payment having been demanded, and refused, the undersigned will on the 2ND DAY OF JANUARY, 1926, in front of the post office door in Siler City, Chatham County, N. C., at ten o’clock A. M., sell to the highest bidder for cash the below described real estate to satisfy said indebted ness. Beginning at a stone, Dorsett and Walters corner, and running thence eastward übout 86 poles to a stone in the edge of the field; thence south ward, in a line with the Rosa corner, now F. M. Hudson’s corner, about 52 poles to a cedar; thence south about 26 poles to a stone in line; thence westward with {Dursett’s line jabout 81 poles to a cedar; thence northward about 50 poles to the beginning, containing a bout 33 acres, more or less. This November 30th, 1925. R. H. DIXON, Mortgagee. L. P. Dixon, Att’y. 'Dec. 3, 51. m T = PITTSBORO,•NfC., CHATHAM COUNTY, Thursday, December 10, 1925 * :l —•— : ; — : —— . MONCURE NEWS If—i- E >■ p 1 Moncure Beats Jonesboro; Mr. Holmes Returns; School Girl Marries; Goings and Comings Miss Julia Johnson, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Johnson on Route one, is in training at Wesley •Long Hospital, Greensboro, for a nurse. Miss Johnson was one of the high school graduates /here last spring. The basketball games that were ; played here between Jonesboro and home teams were interesting ones in deed. The score for the boys was 28-9 in favor of the Moncure boys, and the score for the girls was 11-4 in favor of the Moncure girls. Capt. J. H. Wissler, who has spent several weeks at Harrisburg, Pa., with his niece, Mrs. G.-W. Giede, has re turned home. We are all*glad to see the Captain back. Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers Holmes, of Peak, S. C., reached Moncure last Friday. They will be here for some time, we hear, for Mr. Holmes has secured a position with the Carolina Power and Light Co. On Dec. 18th and 19th, the Ten Commandments will be shown at the High School Theatre. Miss Fannie Johnson, the daughter bf Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Johnson* on Route 2 was married to Mr. Ed Moore on Route 2, last Friday. she has been attending Moncure school this fall. v Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Cathell spent last week-end with friends at Greens boro. Mrs. Phoebe Womble and daughters, Misses Esther and Hettie, are visit ing Mrs. Womble’s son, who lives in South Carolina. We are glad to state that Mrs. J. Vance Ray, Who has been sick,/ is much better. There was a good session of the Episcopal League last Sunday eve ning. Principal H. G. Self was lead er. Subject was the “Golden Rule.” Mr. J. K. Barnes, Misses Elizabeth Farrell’and Lillie Hackney, and Mrs. Queen Farrell motored to Liberty, 1 Mebane, and other places last Sun day. Mesdames Daisy Lambeth and Ren- ' ny Holt, Mr. J. B. Wright and Misses Annifr. porothy. Roberta, wmLMary Helen Lambeth motored to Fayette- 1 riile last Sunday to visit friends. Miss Lillian Jourdan the 7th grade teacher spent last week-end at her home at Merry Oaks. Honor Roll for Truth School Mary Gadys Cotten, T. F. Ragland, Mary Gadys Cotten, T. F. Ragland, Nell O’Connell, Perry Cotten, Hayes Ragland, J. H. Cotten, Jr., and Clyde NOTICE OF LAND SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Chatham County, North Carolina, in the special proceeding therein pend ing, entitled: “Lucian Clark et Als vs. Mrs. Alice Harper et Als,” the under signed Commissioner will, at the Courthouse door in Pittsboro, Cha tham County, North Carolina, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1926, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tract of land, to-wit: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at Na thaniel Alston’s corner, in Perry Thrift’s line; thence South with Al ston’s line 90 poles to a post oak, Strawns corner; th&nce East with his line 60 poles to his own corner; thence North with his own line 90 poles to Perry Thrift’s corner; thence West with his line to the beginning, containing 33 acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT: Beginning at a , post oak, Degraffenreidt’s corner, running South with his line and j Richard Webster’s 226 poles to a black jack, Cook’s corner, Webster’s! line; thence South 89 degrees vVestj ■ f 7§ poles to a Post Oak, corner of ; Mary Webster’s line; thence North) with her lin£ 92 poles to a stake on i Alston’s line; thence East 23 poles to a Red Oak, Alston’s corner; thence North 136 poles tp a stake,; John Degraffenreidt’s corner; thence j East 55 poles to th fir taining v BB 1-2‘acres,- more or less, j Place of sale: Pittsboro, N. C. i Time of sale: 12 o’clock, NOON, j Terms of Sale; Cash. This the 2n<j day of December, 1925, i W. P. HORTON, ■ Commissioner. Dec. 9, stc. y MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND Under the power of s-, 1 contained in a certain mortgage dec J executed to the undersigned on the 28th day of February, 1893 by Henry Waddell and wife Chesney Waddell, to secure. ( a certain indebtedness, said mortgage., I deed being recorded in registry in | Chatham county! Nbrtld Carplina, in ‘ ■Book CS, page Jdef ing been'mad? in the yay ; ’ d indebtedness the i: r v gagee willjen „ L iMONDAy, 4, ,1926 at 12 M., at hobse door in Fittebbrp.- :Uorth Carojini, offer for fc cale to, highest bidder for cash, 1 the certain II Oakland townshipv for* aj c&seription of which is re l 'b fr&l Ido the " afcove mentioned hod!: of < .the Chatham., Conntv “ this ‘Dec. 3. !«W „- v . JOHN, R. BRIGHT?- M^tgggee-. SILER CITY NEVVS Siler City, Dec. 7. —In response to a telegram from the police authorities of Spartanburg, South Carolina, sher iff G. W. Blair accompanied by*W. H. Hadley, manager of Gregson-Dorsett wholesale grocery of this place, went to Spartanburg yesterday to investi gate clues leading to the possible ap prehension of the parties who robbed the above named firm last Wednes day night of approximately SBOO worth of goods, principally cigar ettes. It is reported here today that a suspicious shipment of possibly these goods was made from Goldston same being consigned to Spartan burg. The authorities, there it is stated were notified to hold the party or parties calling for the packages. An unverified report current here to day is that one arrest has been made and the party held until the arrival of Sheriff Blair and Mr. Hadley. There is a strong probability that the robbers operating here last Wed nesday night are the same that re moved a large quantity of goods from the stores of Dunlap-Waddell and Langdon Drug store at Bonlee two weeks ago. An ugly cutting affray occurred here late yesterday afternoon in the mill section when following a dispute Charles Lifmens was severely cut with a knife by his brother-in-law, Ike Jordan. According to policeman Pickett, both men were intoxicated, their quarrel growing out of a trifle. Jordan was arrested and placed in jail to await trial. Linnes was at tended by Dr. W. Clyde Thomas, who today stated that the man was not critically hurt though his wounds were of such nature as to require 15 stitches. A most distressing accident occur red on the farm of L. Me. Stout 2 miles east of Ore Hill early Satur day morning when Dewey Joseph Hicks, age 2 1-2 years was accident ly shot and instantly killed by his brother, A .Colon Lee Hicks, age 7 years. A gun had been left loaded in the room of the home the night be fore by an older boy of the- family J for the purpose of shooting a dog which had been, prowling about tfee premises. The morning the two small boys gained possession of the gun before it was replaced on its usual high rack and in the act of playing with it shot took place. The mother and father Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks were so | completely overcome with grief that neither were able to attend the fun eral service which was held yester day afternoon at 1 o’clock at Brush Creek church, the service being con ducted by Rev. Mr. Weaver, pastor and Rev. Jonas Barclay of Pittsboro. A big birthday celebration success fully planned and executed by neigh bors and relatives was staged at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Daffron on Pittsboro route 2 last Saturday' honoring the 72nd anniversary of paffron. A long table in The yard was required to hold the very boot and most tempting of viands, a beautifully browned turkey which graced the center of the table sug gesting the near approach of the Christmas season. Notably also, was a large birthday cake artistically iced and bearing the necessary cradles. Among the neighbors pres ent were the Woodys, Clarks, Jones, Shaws, Pickards, Fergusons, Elling ton, Websters, Selfs, Johnsons, Campbells and Carrolls. From out of the community were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Long and family of Chapel Hill, Mrs. Albert McCauley and Edgar El ion of Carrboro, W. W. Clark and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Gaston See it "and Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Elkins of Siler City. f R. C. Upchurch and J. W. Emerson I i iave opened a Chevrolet ! sales service, here. They with Mrs. ■ Upchurch, who is a sister of Mr. ' t?-.—will move here this week j to the residence now occupied by Ed. C.o.’i'o £YJ family who will move to- I yvj orrow to their attractive new bun ! gnlow on highway 75 just west of this ! place.' Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Fox of Mt. - - -vq expected Wednesday to j spend a few days with relatives. 1 Misses Mary and Margaret Wrenn returned'' to Greensboro College this cxtciinoon after spending week end ft home. They sang a duet as offertory last night at the Methodist 1 - h y--:se- congregation is always pleased to hear these talented young 1 O 'll p C MRS. P. H. ELKINS. Siler City, Dec. B.—Following their summons to Spartanburg, S. C. Sunday to investigate parties sus pected of the robbing of Gregson- Dbrsett grocery here last Wednes day nighty Sheriff .G. Blair and W. HI Hadley returned here at a v late hour hast night bringing with them--a mm giving his nine as Jasper Odom a?/I, a wcniian elailrmg to be his wife. The police authorities of the Smith Carolina town held these two parties hn suspicion wh<jn they Were found disposing of various merchandise ‘nn that community, j a small amount of whfclj wa»_ positively Identified by ■ .Hadley aV being Jibe** pr<§>erfcjf of 'the firm robbed TievYVrrto of which he Practically nbthing ! rcrvfr.ld in the possession ... - ~ SPRAYING DEMONSTRATIONS County Agtnt Will Use Six Orchards in Coiinty as Examples of the Value of Proper Pruning 4 and Spraying ■4 Much interest was shown through out the county this week in the six pruning 4^ m onstrations put on by the County' Agent with the help of Mr. Morrow and Mr. Fant of Raleigh. Coi Thursday afternoon one of these demonstrations was held on the farm of Mr. W. A. Copeland. Thursday morning the orchard of Mr. P. H. lElkitfg on Hickory Mountain was in spected and primed. Thursday af ternoon demonstilfcions were held at the homes of Mr. Gilbert, Mr. Terry and Prof. P. H. Nance. The total attendance at these demonstrations was 53. According to Mr. Morrow and Mr. ; Fant, the prospects for fruit produc tion in thia, county are excellent. Ore of the principal reasons for this is the natural air drainage that was found in most places inspected. The county agent hopes to start out this .year with six home orchards as a pro ject. Six good orchards in different parts of the county, well cared for, pruned, sprayed and fertilized each year ydll go a long way towards se curing more and better fruit for home use. Some of the things rec ommended by Mr. Morrow for fruit production in this county are: prun ing and spraying every year, cover 'cropping and proper fertilization. In the case of old apple trees, he rec ommends 3-4 pounds of nitrate of soda applied at the time of the swell ing of the buds in the springs. This together with spraying and the cut ting out of old, diseased apple limbs and twigs should go a long ways to wards more and better fruit produc tion. Two terracing demonstrations were .held during the earlier part of the week at the farms of Mr. E. M. Fer rell and Mr. T. R. Lambeth. Terrac ing demonstrations for the week of Dec. 6, will be held according to the following schedule: Monday, Mr. Zeb. Dark, Tuesday. Mr. T. M. Clark, Wed nesday, Mr. W. V. Cheek, Thursday, Iv l r - it fe-Mawt. -• OraersTor Pyrotol now total around FOOO pounds. In a recent letter from Mr. E. A. McMahan, agent for Lee county, he advises that he is willing to pool his orders with those of this j county in order to make up the car j load. The agent hopes to visit all of those who have expressed their de sire for this explosive, and get *their orders in by the first of next week. N. C. SHIVER, County AgeqJ. NOTICE OF LAND SALE Under and pursuant to an order of the Clerk of the Superior Cburt of Chatham County, North Carolina, in the special proceeding therein pend . ing, entitled: “Margaret Justice et Als vs. O. B. Mann et Als,” the under signed Commissioner will, at the Courthouse door in Pittsboro, Cha tham County, North Carolina, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1926 offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the lowing described tract of land, to wit: Beginning at an iron stake in Dob Petty’s line, and running North 82 degrees East to the Graham and Fay etteville road; thence' North 45 de grees West 66 poles; thence North 31 degrees West 26 poles; thence North 15 degrees West 24 poles; thence North 31 degrees West 58 poles; thence North 40 degrees West 20 poles; thence North 27 degrees West 8 poles; thence North 40 degrees West 30 poles to Dry Creek; thence up said Dry Creek as it meanders 95 poles to a stake and pointers, George Petty’s line; thence South 1-2 degrees West 70 poles to an Iron Stake; thence East 40 poles to an iron stake and pointers; thence South 3 3-4 degrees West 108 poles to the point of beginning, containing 159 3-4 acres, more or less. Place, of sale: Pittsboro, N. C. Time of sale: 12 o’clock, Noon. Terms of sale: Cash. I This the 2nd day of December, 1925. W. P. HORTON, ' Commissioner. 1 Dec. 10, stc. y ] Main street, if it were a mile long, would be some street. The improve ment is already quite marked. The aldermen deserve commendation. Likewise, the improvement in the school grounds is deserving of com mendation. The Parent-Teacher As sociation, we presume, deserves the credit. money which was carried by the wo man. It is stated that Odom is a na tive of this county living near Golds ton until several months ago when he left for parts unknown. Both he and his supposed wife are now in jail at Pittsboro awaiting trial. Rufus Jones, 28 years old and son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jones, diedi early this morning at his home near Big Meadows church 12 miles north east of this place. The funeral ser vice "will be held at that church to morrow Corning. Miss susie Rabey of Suffolk, Vir ginia has accepted the position in *he liighl school teaehrng force made vacant'by the leaving of Miss Mabel' T* Best Advovl 1 tlsing Medium for | reaching the homes I of Chatham county. ! VOI* 48. NCk * BRICK HAVEN NEWS Books for Prisoners—The Christmas Spirit-—A Few Personal No^es Briek Haven, Dec. 7.—Misses Cecil and Geneva Seawell were the week end guests of their sister Mrs. Frank Calfee of Raleigh. Mrs. N. T. Overby and little Miss Jewell Lane have been visiting rela tives of Raleigh. Wtfbur Dickens, an employee of the Cherokee Brick Co., had the mis fortune of crushing his left foot while at work this morning. The Sunday school here has de cided definitely to have a Christmas tree this year. The Christmas pro gram will be in the hands of the Misses Seawell, the teacher of the school, but the tree and presents will be furnished by the Sunday school. A special collection will be taken next Sunday. The Junior Christian Endeavors have answered the call of the Prison Library and contributed money for the purchase of a book. This money we feel was well spent. The great crime wave that seems to be sweep ing over the country is not confined to the ignorant classes, as some of us are prone to think. But to those who are capable of reading and thinking and who should have access to books ■and periodicals while in prison. ‘"Man’s misfortunes are God’s oppor tunities,” and we should be glad to do what we can to make life more pleas ant for the unfortunate inmates of our prisons. As the Christmas season draws near we hear and read a great deal of the rush and worry of preparing gifts and remembrances for our friends and loved ones at Christmas time. There is nothing sweeter or more satisfying than such works— but if one gives gifts and sends cards from a sense of duty or because be oe she is expected to give them or send them, then indeed, is the beauti ful spirit that characterized the first Christmas years ago lost, and it be comes a season of unrest and unhap piness. It seems that it would be well for all of ua to read again, at this' time every year, that beautiful story by Lowell, “The Vision of Sir Launfal,” too, the article in the A merican Magazine for December by Edgar A. Guest gives one a sane and i happy feeling about how to spend » Christmas. Would that all of us at this season, could experience the feel ing of peace and good will and hap piness that should prevail every where at Christmas time. MT. ZION NEWS Rev. C. M. Lance preached a power ful sermon at Mt. Zion church last Sunday. ; Mr. and Mrs. Luther Oldham and fcon, Anderson, of Durham, last Sunday with the Misses Clegg. Mr. Clarence Barham and Master Marion Harmon spent the week-end in Raleigh. Mr. Barham has charge of building Mr. A. O. Harmon’s home. He is progressing nicely in erecting the building and hopes to have it complet ed in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Harmon spent the week-end in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Pleasant, of ’Durham, spent a while Sunday with ,her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brooks. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of a certain deed of trust executed by Frank W. Atwater and Bertha Atwater, his wife, to H. G. Hedrick, Trustee, dated April 11th, 1923, and recorded in Book of Mortgages GE, pages 378 and 379 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Chatham County, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured, and at the request of the holder and owner of the said indebtedness, the undersigned Trustee will on Saturday, January 2nd, 1925 at 12:00 o’clock noon, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the courthouse door in Pittsboro, North Carolina, the tract of land described as fbllows, to-wit: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing 67.5 acres, more or less, situate, lying and being • on the Fayetteville Road, about 12 miles South from the town of Dur ham, N. C., in Williams Township, County of Chatham, State of North Carolina, having shape, metes, ‘ courses and distances as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof made by E. H. Copley, Regis tered Surveyor, in April, 1923, which j said plat is recorded in the Office 6f * the Register of t)eeds for Chatham *• County in Book EN, page 653, and be- ; ing bounded on the North by the lands of J. L. Horton and the R. H. Beavers heirs, on the East by Henry Womble, on the South by the lands of J. W. Crutchfield, and on the West by the Fayetteville Road. This being the same tract of land heretofore . conveyed, Atwater and John Atwater by deed of A. J. Parrish and others dated December 14* 1813, w* j corded in Book of Deeds PC, pftge 389 in the office es the Register of •Deeds of Chatham Ceavty id wffich reference is hereby uasfa This the 3rd day of December, H. «. HEPlTrustee. •% ■ ■ 1

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