E , tA BI ISHED SEPTEMBER 19, 1878 ■Prospects for IfURNITURE PLAT P ,,i:,t Manufacturer I nterested - Engineer To | ome __Pitlsboro Folk to Be \iked to Take Stock. | pffrSBORO ADMIRABLE i location FOR factory I oak and Cedar of the County I Afford Mach Adequate Material. w s> d. Johnson, who sees I possibilities for Pittsboro as I point and is constant- I the outlook for means of de- I Sloping the town and county, hav- I Wteterested a High Point Furm- I Zi manufacturer, hafc received I fetters recently which indicate I 1- the gentleman is more than I willing 1 to meet Pittsboro folk halt I *Ten or fifteen days ago, a brief I note indicated that an engineer I * , u ld be sent to look over the field, week a long letter, dated I August 12. was received, which is given below. •Supplementing our letter of the tenth regarding the organization , furniture plant for your city, U i would suggest that you see f me 0 f your leading citizens and f those who would likely be inter red in taking stock in a proposi nd before our engi neer calls to see you. By doing this it will be an easy matter to get a number of your citizens to gether and go over the proposition in detail. “You are of course aware of the fact that the manufacture of fur niture can be started on either a small or large scale, depending on the amount of capital that could bp nisei For your information there are 'ome lines of furniture very much in demand that would not re quire a great deal of capital. How ever. sh'»ukl you desire to go into the manufacture of bed room or dining r, . m furniture this of course would require more capital. d e trust that you will take this mat: r up with some of your lead ing citizens and advise us just how they feel a out the proposition and Me w;li be very glad to have one f t oui engineers call and see you i immediately thereafter.” -or. Johnson stated Monday i •mg that he had already talked | with several leading citizens and i -hat all had expressed a willingness to do what they can, and he has written the High Point promoter send along his engineer, it being l ' i;fe Purpose when he comes to call a meet ing of citizens and discuss the situation. Pittsboro is an admirable point fcm the location of a furniture I'h-mt. As the Record has insisted, shiham is one of the best timber counties in the state. True, many ' e ‘ '°‘ tutting have depleted the a ‘Ppl. considerably, but the new }, apid and constant, and tae *' ire hazard is practically nil. P- audition to the constantly re producing growth of oak, the cedar tvould supply ma ce plant making chests “ f ' -r appropriate articles. For Jarvis Boone esti ,i‘du ' ic;t h e has bought and ship- L ■■’!! cedar logs the past year. • out the three car loads ogs ranging from five * •> inches in diameter at ’d. and Mr. Boone is only r.i-, Pper of cedar among while from other poir *5 i Minty much cedar is 1 i SWIMS 1 \KE W ACC AM AW ‘a Gregg, charming j J. D. Gregg of Li ‘y of this county, won • ew days ago by fj v ‘ 1 a across Lake Waccamaw, kind the first feat of the for „ * tc ° !( * e d- With that record sonn -" tarLer » the young lady should t li'h v dble to com P e te with Eng channel swimmers. X Kp Chatham Record Rogue Wrecks Car West of Pittsboro X Two Other Negroes In Limbo For Helping Him Escape The Officers. A negro whose name escapes ev ery informant as to the mattei stole a car from the grounds of a negro church several miles west of Pitts boro Sunday, drove it into an ob struction and wrecked, and then had the effrontery to go back to the church. A small boy, it is stated, identified him as the man who drove away the car and the fellow was given a good beating. Later he was taken away in a car by Thomas Mitchell. The com plaint had reached Deputy J. T. Johnson and he undertook to arrest the rogue. Mitchell prevented the arrest. Another negro, George Chamber, cranked Mitchell’s car and told him to go ahead. Johnson informed Sheriff Blair by telephone and that officer headed him off as he came toward Pittsboro. In the meantime the rogue had left the car and taken to the woods. Mit chell undertook to resist the offi cer and got a pop on the head. Be ing tamed he was lodged in jail on the charges of assisting the other negro to escape and resisting ar rest himself. Chambers also was put under bond for his part in the escape. —— ‘ | SCHOOL MASTERS’ CLUB FOR CHATHAM At a meeting of the High School principals and superintendents with Prof. Thompson and Dr. J. Henry Highsmith, Tuesday August Bth, it was unanimously decided to or ganize a School Masters’ Club for Chatham county. The organization | was perfected as follows: . Mr. J. ; S. Waters, Pres.; Mr. J. H. Moore, Vice Pres.; Supt. W. R. Thompson, general counselman; Mr. W. G. Coltrane, to serve with the Pres, and Vice Pres., as program com mittee, and Mr. H. G. Self, re porter. All superintendents, principals, and mail teachers of the high schools of the county are eligible for membership in this club. The first meeting of the organization is to be held in Supt. Thompson’s j office at Pittsboro, 8:00 p. m., Sept. 10th. The purpose of the organization is to bring about closer coopera tion between the schools of the county and to work out a uniform ! and standard system ,for the va i rious activities of school work. To show the needs of such uniformity, it was learned that the passing mark in the different schools va ried from 60 percent in some schools to 75 percent in others. It was readily agreed, however, that a passing mark of 60 percent in some schools might be even higher than one of 75 percent in others since there exists no uniform sys tem of marking and testing. A part of the time for each meet ing wall be given to such routine matters of business as may come before the club, and a part of it will be given to the study of some pure ly professional topic. The club expects to have meet with it, from time to time, some of the leading educators of the state to assist the local talent in working out the professional problems that may be undertaken. It is felt that such an organiza tion as this is a most progressive step toward increasing the efficien cy and usefulness of the schools of the county, and it is realized by the members of the club that its possi bilities are unlimited. Reporter. Insures Employes. The Carolina Power and Light Company, through a contract with ' the Metropolitan Life Insurance, has provided life insurance for its employees on the cooperative plan. Under the contract each employee who has been with the company at least six months is insured without cost to himself for §SOO. This con tract, effective July 31, covered im mediately 1,700 employees and will ultimately cover the 2,200 men in ‘ the employ of the company in 350 communities.