(oe*dh*r '6. TW27. I City-County Briefs m' l-rz'i tiry f business college: at SAlis- R« nter | t Rev. and Mrs. Frown, B° rII ‘ lhe i r home in Bynum, I Mend 3 ?’ all( j Mrs. Cooper I a firl ' the fame date, a girl. I flitm 5 tnt Civile Bland is having the - Alr ' if ' the building recently oc insule,' bv t ], e Farmers’ Bank re- I fUpI ,j ‘,,,1 will conduct a case in ■ nl odeleo »■ • fn,u son of Mr. and Mrs. m ini*** 11 ' r petty drank a dangerous I Ed- Kerosene oil Saturday. I anl ° Ul Ltp attention by its parents to,m f r r hv P-r. Chapin. I and l» ter ' _ -he voung folks home’ Among 1 * ‘ i . upre Miss Mary Sue Poe I SCdith. Wyeth Connie Bynum, pharmacist osf I Wilson. S Webster, an old Chat m ‘ u.,. for 12 years a resident ■ Samite 1 1 W ’. p, ir i u; ir . was a Pittsboro visitor I He talks like coming hmu. He owns a farm in I Hope township. . . r ,j \ii c. Frank Pearce, who \ f j u ,.; r honeymoon with home j , , v . t't a few days ago for j ! Wts:. Fla., where Mr. Pearce j j,, en ter upon his duties as ! t mechanic of one of Uncle [ ; . „,•< erreatest battle ships. )Ir. L. W. Alderman, in charge of I -; ltr Oxford Orphanage singing \ , reports in the Orphans’ v r iend last week a pleasant trip I several Chatham towns. He states the proceeds from the sev ,,.aj points mentioned as follows: Pittsboro, 5125.30; Bonlee and Providence church, S 86.00; Siler I City, SIIO.OO. Mr. W. C. Caudell. of the Golds- I ton section, left Sunday for a visit 1 • ;r two or three weeks to the home " 0 f ji r and Mrs. W. U. Richardson ?oing by Cincinnati, Chicago, and Kansas City. It will be recalled that Mr. and Mrs. Richardson were here last year. They have been gone from the county nearly 20 years. Mrs. Jordan, at the old Peay place, has enjoyed for the past two or three weeks a visit from Mr. and Mrs. X. M. Alston, of New York, who are accompanied by Miss Er mine Peek, a niece of Mesdames Jordan and Alston. Also, Mrs. El mer Long has been with her for the past ten days. Governor Long, too, spent the week end at the old homestead, passing through Pitts boro Monday morning for Hillsboro, where he had court business. Mr. Andrews, patrolman on the section of highway 90 from Pitts boro to highway 50, has moved,with khis family, into the Womble house, •sharing it with Mrs. Effie Sikes. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Faison, of Roseboro, spent Sunday with the latter’s parents. They were ac companied by Miss Hoover, a teach er in the Roseboro school, who vis ited her sister, Miss Ethel Hoover, one of the Pittsboro teachers, at the ■ borne of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.’ H. Brooks. BARCLAY—MATHESON. A gerat number of friends of the bride were present at the Presby terian church last Friday afternoon to see the marriage of Miss Laura Barclay, charming and cultured of Rev. and Mrs. Jonas Baglay married to Rev. R. H. Mat ll‘eson» pastor of the Thomasboro Ft-sbyterian church, Mecklenburg county. Th L le church was beautifully deco “ ri tor the occasion and the cere ; Rv wa,; solemnly performed by . bride’s own father. Miss Vir !nia Connell sang appropriate se lection* fnv 4-L. u ‘ loi the occasion. r nds here and elsewhere wish for tL #i ut ' young couple the richest ul' lest life together and J •? and happy wedded career. 100 GOOD TO KEEP. or found the following typewriter Tuesday al> Hear Mr. Peterson: ■- m rt in your report of the ~ i v 'cner meeting written by * rV | that the talk received most fowl;, p ‘ 1 y was made by herself tit V U * ec * ‘Parent’s at toward the school.’ ‘Mrs E v orton » secretary P.-T. A.” n 1,1(4 Fastest woman is not dis- Pieased w „ a i- Praise but there may be w s ‘cause her own husband in Publ-r 1 employed MRS. BELL ENTERTAINS . . LEGION AUXILIARY • tM e J A Jaierica n. Legiou .Auxiliary met with the president, Mrs. D. L. Bell,, Sept 24, lS27y " ;r ' The. meeting was opened ’’with allegiance- to the flag. After the I singing of “Star Spangled Banner” and/‘America,” the preamble was read in union. Mr. Brewer, rehabilitation chum read a very interesting letter from our soldie.r a Oteen. It was decid ed to send him a chuck for Sep tember. The auxiliary discussed the plan of giving a prize or picnic to the school children who will memorize perfectly the “Star Spangled Ban ner”, and the preamble to the Cons titution. The flag and pole for the school is to be ordered right away. An account of the meeting at Washington was read by Mrs. Bell, j There will be an election of' of ficers at the next meeting. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. DISTRICT MEETING OF* THE WOMAN’S CLUBS i i A fall revival of Woman’s club 1 work will be launched at the an nual meeting of the 18th district of j the State Federation to be held in! j the Baptist church at Zebulon on j I Thursday, October 13, the program j beginning at 11 o’clock and closing) at 4. Mrs. Clarence Chamblee, of Zebulon, is chairman of the district and Miss Susan Iden, of Raleigh is, secretary. There are fifteen clubs in the dis trict, including the following: Apex, Woman’s Club; Bonlee Woman’s Club, Chapel Hill Community Club, Durham Woman’s Club, Durham Study Club, Brickhaven Club of Merry Oaks, Pittsboro Woman’s! Club, Raleigh Council of Jewish Women, Roxboro Woman’s Club, Siler City Woman’s Club, Varina Friday Afternoon Club, Wendell Mothers Club, Zebulon Wo i man’s Club. A prize will be offered to the club having the largest per centage of members in attendance. In addition to these clubs, the Home Demonstration Clubs of the district, who are affiliated with the State Federation through the Farm Woman’s Bureau, are expected to send delegates. Each club will pre sent a written report of the year’s work and much inspiration will be gained by club members in hearing what other clubs of the district are doing. According to the usual plan of entertainment, delegates an dvisi tors will bring box lunches and the Zebulon women will serve coffee and dessert. FfrrT 1 ha er*t —-l—. if —, AN is undoubtedly car [yf nivorous animal. Ask a: y ■ riousewife who has oJen d her lord and master, or the son and heir, a pick-up supper, or d dainty little luncheon consisting of a souffle or some other airy trifle. She was probably the recipient of many black looks and loud pro tests. By the same token, to the mas culine mind a sandwich is not a sandwich unless it contains some thing as heavy as horn, tongue, or at least chicken. Offer a man one of the feminine favorites, sveh as lettuce, egg or olives chopped with mayonnaise, and he will look upon them as mere piOie and eri a dozen at a sitting without feeling that he has really tasted food. Can you not imagine how much more ingrained this taste for meat would be in the con firmed bachelor who has never felt the deterring feminine in fluence where food is concerned ? There are no meatless days on the calendar in hachelordom, nor in clubs wh°re it assembles. It is or one mind on that point. Even -when life wi'.h its dc mesr bliss and the feliciries of che home has passed him by, >.vh'vi the .ioys of single blessed ress have begun to pall a bit erstwhile rapture of “wine, vonen and song’ s CADILLAC. 26 m0de15,53,350 to $5,500. The standard of the fine car world. 90-degree V-type engine. Bodies by Fisher and Fleetwood. 500 color and up holstery combinations to choose from. i (ALL PRICES F. 0.8. FACTORIES) GENERAL MOTORS "A car for every purse and purpose ” —CLIP THIS COUPON-—*"— General Motors (Dept. A), Detroit, Mich. Please send without any-obligation to me, your illustrated book let( “Where Motor Car Facts Are Established,” together with information about the particular General Motors product or products I have checked at the right. , j" , . set, the form is removed and a solid wall remains, a adfifttUig. tfejs method* states Dr. Stuckey, the waste stone on ! practfeklly aft‘farms WesfoffHe i fall ifne m&y-'fee -used' tcu -share in the economies of vast production. We invite you lo learn more about these products by sending in the coupon below. Mail it today before you forget. No obligation, but interesting reading. CHEVROLET □ OAKLAND □ CADILLAC Q PONTIAC □ BUICK □ FRIGIDAIRE □ OLDSMOBILE □ LaSALLE £] DELCO-LIGHT □ * Address ... -SS b ' . . .■ . , ■ v • " “ : • • -*V How the women must laugh at ‘ : ' -»Vr »v. . .the men. ~ " . -• •• '•* r- Unneessary solemnitjfrjis funny tc> anyone wftjf is 5 giitpd£44|h a sense of hunfcu*! 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