Thursday. December 29. 1927 TOWN & COUNTY BRIEFS The editor was delighted to have q , all Christmas even from Messrs T. \ Council, W. IX Beckwith, and L. V j'oe, of New Hope township. The government estimate ol the tton crop in Chatham made De iber -0 is 7,156 bales, as opposed ! V'the estimate last year same date ,Vt 8,673 bales. Union and Cleveland , , the two counties in the- state ! ( , t t made considerably more cotton n in 1927. Mexican big boll is rown considerably in those counties \vhich may account for the smaller i by boll weevil, and which has added a cent to three cents a pound premium on the price of the staple. V hint to the wise is sufficient. Deputy R. G. Perry and other deputies, captured Eddie Alston, col or d, last week, just when he was ready to make several runs of booze. \ copper still, complete, and sever al stands of beer were seized. Al gton made bond. It is rather strange that a negro can make bond f 0 the sum demanded in this case. Another negro was present at the still but escaped. Messrs. R. G. and G. C. Perry carried about 1500 pounds of tur key of their own production to Ra legh last week, which brought a clear check for $540. Some of the g 0; b lers weighed as high as 22 pounds. There were about 120 birds. These gentlemen consider turkey raising- more profitable than raiding cotton. Mr. W. W. Booker, who recently bought a part of the old home place of Mrs. Booker, formerly Miss Ward Eubanks, is now located on it with his family. Mr. Booker came from Burlington, but is a native of Or ange county. Mr. and Mrs. George Hogan, the former a son of Mrs. Booker, are with the Bookers for the time being. Mr. Hogan is suffering with rheumatism. Mr. and - Mrs. Homer Frazier, ; of Charlotte, a daughter of Mrs. Booker also visited the Booker home this week. There are some good folk in Chat ham county, whose response to our statements have been exceedingly appreciated. Several, among them R. B. Clark, H. S. Parrish, S. J. Fields. Mrs. J. ; W. Mclntyre, appre ciating the difficulties we have had making it this year after being burned out, sent in $3 checks, pay ing for two years. Mr. Frank Bouldin is reported to have killed a 500-pound porker last week. Messrs. F. M. and W. A. Griffin spent Christmas with their mother, Mrs. J. T. Griffin at Durham. Mrs. F. M. Griffin would have also gone but was not quite well. Mrs. J. T. Griffin, who" was formerly Miss Ly dia Thomas, is one of the readers of the first copy of The Record nigh onto fifty years ago. Mr. J. K. Cryssman, who has built him a new home in West Pittsboro after two years in Edgecomb coun ty, moved in December 21. just two years to the day since he left the county. He expects to make some more of that high class tobacco he used to grow on his place four miles from Pittsboro. The Chrysler car stolen from Mr. Van B. Elkins some weeks ago was found down in Montgomery county somewhat the worse for its usage, but as the insurance company paid for the damage Mr. Elkins conies out whole. It seems that the item about Mr. I. M. Gilmore’s two big hogs failed to get in the former issues; so here goes again; Mr. Gilmore reports the two netting about 1150 pounds, which were some hogs. A lot of the fellow's are renewing, but there are some folk we expected to hear from before now. Come right along and you will be in time to help us even up for the year. Misses Mary Lou Burns, Sadie Johnson and Camilla Powell, Pitts boro students at N. C. C. W., are home for the holidays. Misses Elizabeth and Mabel Thom as, teachers in the Raleigh schools, are with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Thomas, on the Sanford road. Miss Elizabeth Burns is home for the holidays. Mr. and Mis. J. L. Griffin and Miss Sarah spent Christmas eve and Christmas with Sarah’s mother in Sanford. Pittsboro has had an interesting visitor the past few days in the per son of Miss Kimoko Yamanshiki, a young Japanese lady student at Louisburg College, who is the guest s . Relieves the congestion, prevents complications, and hastens recovery. R. M. KENNON Tin Sheet Metal Work All Work Guaranteed Box 154 Mebane, N. C. Phone 54 m is a prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria Mar 1 It kills the germs DR. LUTHER C COLLINS Dentist Siler City, N. C. »d|j|Wl rntif/im ■ < li » ■ * 1 * | The “M” System Store } I SILER CITY, NORTH CAROLINA 1 < 1 We sincerely hope that each and everyone will enjoy a very Hap- A , 1 py and Prosperous New Year. . . f , If you take advanatge of our good prices during the coming i • year, you will be surprised at the money you will save. A “Red Hot” Specials For Friday and Saturday ! | * ’ Sugar (10 lbs. to customer) ... 6c lb. | Flour (plain or s. rising) 95c for 24lbs. | II Tomatoes, No. 3 can 12c « 1 Coffee, fresh, bulk 28c lb. j Rice 4 lbs. for 25c | The “M” System Store | EarlWrenn Owners G. M. Honeycutt I beautiful lamp for Christmas, Mr. Pilkington went to Ridge way, S. C. to visit his daughter, Mrs. Henry Nooe, but before leaving he made his daughter here, Mrs. V. R. Johnson, glad by presenting her a baby grand piano. Mrs. Johnson is a capable performer as one may judge from her playing the Ripe or gan in the Episcopal church. Harold Perry, son of Mr. John Perry, had bad company for Chrisi mas. He was thrown out of a wag on last week with a pair of mules that ran away and got his arm brok en in three places. Mr. W. S. Goodwin was over Mon day with Johnnie Mitchell and Amy Thomas, colored, who wished to get married, but were delayed by the failure to find Dr. Chapin to secure certificates. But we guess Willie and Amy are now tied up all right. * • > Hi« Wife Was Gassed Monday Mr. Robert Williams and wife, who live in Durham were com ing to visit relatives in Chatham. As Mrs# Williams was not very well and the car was rather open, Mr. Wil liams placed a chair in the rear of the great box-like rear of his car and let her ride there to protect her from the cold. When they ar rived at Bynum, it was found that Mrs. Williams was suffering from THE CHATHAM BANK thanks its friends for their generous patronage the past year and wishes them and all the readers of The Record a— Happy and Prosperous New Year Classified. Ads YOU CAN get sugar and coffee cheaper at O. M. Poe’s. PROFESSIONAL NURSE —I am located in Pittsboro and offer my services as a professional nurse to the people of Chatham county. ELSIE LUCILE PETERSON, R. N., Tel. No. 79. EARLY JERSEY AND CHARLES ton Cabbage Plants; 560 for 75c. 1,000 for $1.25. —A. B. CLEGG, Moncure, N. C. EARLY JERSEY AND CHARLES ton Cabbage, Plants; 500 for 75c. 1,000 for $1.25. —A. B. CLEGG, Moncure, N. C. CONNELL pays the price and gets the cedar and ties. Try him and be convinced. FOR BEST price on Chicken Feed, see O. M. Poe. WANTED 500,000 Crossties — white and post oak; also 50 car loads of cedar. — O. M. Poe. 1 1 ■ 11 !■■■■■—— I i ii THE SOUTHERN PLANTER | it Semi-Monthly , , :: . jt| j; Richmond, Virginia ;•! o The Oldest Agricultural Journal in America *> ♦ 50 Cents For One Year t i v J J[ SI.OO For Three Years o o $1.50 For Five Years j| O ’*v "O' Twice-A-Month 200,000 Twice-A-Month J[ o * THE CHATHAM RECORD the effects* of monoxide from the exhaust, and Dr. Chapin had to be called. The Doctor says if the ride had continued to Sanford, the ef fect would have been very serious. Here is another example of the dan ger of riding in the rear of a car. Birthday Party Little Miss Lula Foushee Hinton celebrated her sixth birthday Satur day with a party to her little friends. The little Miss received quite a num-r her of presents on the occasion. Harris-Gunter Friend? of Mr. Claude Harris, one of the fme young fellows belonging to the engineering corps stationed ‘here the past year, congratulate him upon his marriage Christmas Eve to Miss Evelyn Cornelia Gunter, of San ford. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gunter of San ford and is a deservedly popular young lady. Mr. Harris hails from Roxboro and is a most likely and worthy young man. i The Record extends heartiest wish es for a long and joyous wedded life. Mr. G. M. Honeycutt of ; the M System Grocery store, Siler City, spent Christmas with homefolks at Chapel Hill. Congressman Hammer addressed the Rotary club of Siler City Mon day at its second meeting since its BEST FLOUR for price in town. See O. M. Poe. JUST RECEIVED AT BROOKS & Eubanks, another shipment of Ball Band men’s work shoes. BRING THE CHILDREN TO SEE the toys at Brooks & Eubanks. CONFEDERATE STATES MONEY —in quantities, confederaate pos tage stamps and envelopes, also old stamp collections bought. Mail material Dearborn Stamp Co. 1019 N Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. 3-t LOST—A BUNCH OF KEYS SOME where about the court house about two weeks ago. Finder notify A. T. Ward. REAL GOOD coffee at 25 cents a pound at O. M. Poe’s. Try it. FOR FRESH AND HIGH CLASS Groceries go to Brewer’s, Pitts boro. SEED OATS Virginia Gray SI.OO a bushel at O. M. Poe’s. recent organization. Dr. Van Elkins and Mr. F. C. Jus tice and other Siler City gentlemen are spending part of the week duck hunting in the eastern part of tha state. Mr. I and Mrs. J. B. Manley of Si ler City had as guests this vreek Mrs. G. G. Martin, Columbia, S. C., Mrs. G. D. Martin, Aberdeen, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dorsett and family o L 1 Happy New Year 1 To You j! , - This Hearty Greeting T: | !► !! * Is But a Slight Tokefi of • } t ]► o Our Deep Appreciation •' |j i \\ ’; Os Your Friendship ;l <► And Good-Will ~ ’i ! t *' May You Enjoy Prosperity . o And Happiness In As Rich \ • <► A Measure As The Pleasant ..i ]► o Anticipation We Have » ■ o <► Os Our Continued <► <►V A ► o Cordial Relations . R - I: )► j Lee Furniture Co.!; <► <► <► <► Incorporated SANFORD, N. C. f <► <► ♦ “Your Home Should Come First” ][ ♦ ♦ <► ! ALL PULL FOR CHATHAM 1 ♦ <► J[ Let’s all adopt the resolution to PULL FOR CHAT- ]► <► HAM during the coming year. The old county has <► <► wonderful resources. You have noticed what one bf o o the chief farm authorities has said about the dairy J[ i possibilities of Chatham. Let’s co-operate with our <► <► county agent in making Chatham known far and wide o <► as a cattle breeding section. Let’s help make it rich o O with dairying interests. Let’s see that plenty of food ![ o and feed are raised on every farm in the county. Let’s J[ J take care of the fruit trees of the county and plant ;► <► others. Look after the tree crop; save the growing <► o timber and plant the vacant spaces. <► <► U <► When every man thrives, the county as a whole will <►* O thrive. Work and economy should be the watch- -)[ o words. Save your money and deposit it it with us. jf We pay 4 per cent on Time Deposits. <► I; THE PEOPLE’S BANK & TRUST CO. ]| o BONLEE, N. C. V> Ox i * ♦ # ■■ ' ’■* j . ► i WHEN TTS TIME TO BUY j ROOFING ! •h For Chatham and surrounding counties, Budd-Piper Roofing Company in Durham is headquarters for all kinds of roofing. ? a The Budd-Piper Roofing Company can sup ply you, and supply you at the right price, _ with anything from 5-V Crimp Galvanized Roofing to the better grades of roofing for good homes, churches, schools, factories, stores and other structures. 'THE BUDD-PIPER ROOFING CO. m DURHAM, N. C. 9 $ * of Ralegih, also Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fisher and little daughter of Wil mington. Miss Martha Brag ff of Bear Creek township died the first of the week at the age of 91, “Aunt” Alice Grimes, wife of Ben Grimes, colpred, died Tuesday, after a long and continued illness. She was buried at Hamlet’s Chapel Wednesday. PAGE THREE