PAGE SIX COLORED CONFERENCE (Rev. G. C. Roberts) The annual conference of the M. f churches is now passed into his tory. and the following pastors have of this section returned to their same fields: G. C. Roberts to Prince Chap el and Sweet Springs cricuit; J. W. palton to Mt. Sinai circuit; Rev. Cofield to Mitchell’s Chapel and the Evans circuit. Z. E. Hawkins goes to Durham station, while J. W. Ridley comes to pittsboro to take his place. G. W. Rosser goes to the Durham district, while W. L. Tyler comes to Hamlet’s Chapel to take his place. W. W. Long still presides over the Durham district A.M.E. Zion church. Rev. A, T. Sherrod goes to Hoffman cir cuit, while Rev. M. T. Scurlock is in the hands of the presiding elder. TR IBUTE TO MRS. WHITAKER Mrs. Arlena Whitaker, whose death was reported in the last issue of the Record, was a member of a Sunday school class composed of'young and iniddle-aged mothers, of which we are all proud. Below is a tribute written by the class president ants read last Sunday: ~ ' . “We, the True Workers class of Brown’s Chapel Sunday school, wish to express our deepest love and sympathy to the family of Mrs. Lena Whitaker. We have lost one of our true workers and, indeed, her death has made our hearts sad. We miss her at Sunday school and every where. Lena was always so cheer ful, and kind and good, and was so devoted to her class we feel that she has gone to a better world, where there will be no parting, no grief, no sorrow. You cannot come back to us, Lena, but we can go to you. MRS. EFFIE DARK. President.” BROWN’S CHAPEL NEWS After the entertainment and the Christmas tree and the presentation of some prizes and Old Santa’s visit Saturday evening, we met Christmas morning for Sunday school when more prizes were awarded and treats distributed, following- a splendid talk by Superintendent H. H. Lutterloh. Among the visitors to this com- j munity this week are Rev. E. C. Dur ham and family of Burlington; Rev. H. G. Dorsett and family of Wake Forest; Junius Durham of U. N. C., Kiah Henderson of Raleigh, Miss Pauline Knight of Carfboro, Leaton Mann of Burlington, Miss Blanche Henderson of Raleigh, Mr. Will Cheek of Sanford. Mr. T. O. Justice is improving af ter several days of illness. J. F. Bouldin’s 500- pounder and A. C. Whitaker’s 600-pounder are the biggest porkers killed in our community. The True Workers class of wo men and the adult men’s class held a class party at the home of H. F. Durham Thursday. Oysters and stewed chicken were served. Mr. G. G. Lutterloh dispensed cheerful violin music. HELP WELCOME PASTOR Rev. and Mrs. Shannonhouse par ticipated in the welcome to Rev. F. C. Hawkins, new” pastor of the San ford Baptist church last Friday even ing. Mr. Shannonhouse is pastor of the Sanford Episcopal church as well as that of Pittsboro. The other Sanford pastors also shared in the reception of the new preacher. Out of 6,000 convicts in New York state prisons, 3,000 are said to be idle, and there, at least the unemployment situation seems to he serious. Everything in candies, penny goods, 1-2 lbs, 1 lb. and 2 pounds. Special prices offered in quantities, see our broken mixture candy.— Brooks Eubanks. LEGALS ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of E. L. Lindley, late of Chatham county, I hereby warn all persons having claims against the estate to present them, duly proven, on or before the 23rd day of De cember, 1928 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons owing the estate will please make immediate payment. This the 23rd day of December, 1927. W. H. STOCKARD, Ad ministrator. Dee. 29, 6tc. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority upon them conferred by an order of the clerk of the su perior court of Chatham county made in the action therein pending, en titled “S. M. Morgan and others vs. W. A. Morgan and others,” which order has been approved and con firmed by His Honor F. A. Daniels, resident Judge of the superior court of the Fourth Judicial District, the undersigned commissioners will' on Saturday, January 21, 1928 at 12 o’clock noon, on the premises of the lands hereinafter described, in Wil liams township. Chatham county, N. U., sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, the following described tract of land, located in Williams township, Chatham county, North Carolina, and bounded as fol lows : Beginning at a stake on the Chapel Bill and Fearrington Mill road, run ning South 83 degrees W 38 chains to pointers in A. Wilker’s line; then t 1-2 degrees W 12 chains to a stake, Walker’s corner; thence S 60 degrees E 8 chains and 20 links to pointers, A Walker’s corner; thence 25 degrees E 11 chains 5 links a *take and pointers, Walker’s hne; thence N 77 degrees E 50 chs arU 50 links to a stake on the Chapel B' and Fearrington Mill road; then x \ 1(1 degrees W with the road 24 chains and 50 links to the first sta tton; thence North 83 degrees E 30 chains and 22 links to a stake in ■ B. Atwater’s line* thence 60 de grees W with Atwater line 33 chs. T -° the Chapel Hill and Fearrington Mill road in the middle of said road; thence N 8 degrees W with the said road 12 chains and 50 links to the beginning; containing 115 acres, more or less. Saving and excepting from the said land, however, 50 acres, more or less, of said land heretofore allotted to Jennie S. Fer :rell in severalty; and ma,king 65 acres, more or less, in the said tract of land to be sold. This the 14th day of December, 1927. H. G. HEDRICK, H. A. WHITFIELD, DANIEL L. BELL. Commissioners. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE UNDER FORECLOSURE Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in that certain mortgage executed to the undersign ed by Thomas C. Ruth, on the 4th day of November, 1919, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein describ ed, the undersigned mortgagee, will on Saturday, the 21st ,day.of Janu T ary, 1928, at 12:00 o’clock noon, in front of the court house door in Pittsboro, Chatham county, North Carolina, offer’for sale; to the high est bidder for cash, all that certain lot or parcel of land lying and be ing in Hickory Mt. and Gulf town ships, and described and defined as follows, viz.: Bounded on the east by Henry Allen Fields and Charlie Phillips land, on the south by Pete Burke and Pete Oldham land and F. L. Pil kington’s land; on the west by F. L. Pilkington and Walker Rives land; on the north by Tom Moses heirs land and Rocky River, on which land I now live, being a part of the T. C. Moses land, containing one hundred seventy-five (175) acres, more or less. This the 20th day of December, 1927. C. F. HART, Mortgagee. Siler & Barber, Attys. . NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain de cree entered in the special proceed ing entitled “C. C. Brewer, Admin istrator, vs. Essie Smith Tally, et als,” now pending in the superior court of Chatham county, N. C., the undersigned Commissioner will, on Saturday, the 21st day of January, 1928, at 12:00 o’clock, noon, in front of the court house door in Pittsboro, Chatham county, North Carolina, offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash, those two cer tain tracts or parcels of land lying and being in Chatham county, North Carolina, and being more fully de scribed and defined as follows, viz.: Lying and being in Bear Creek township, adjoining the lands of John Cheek, J. R. Gilbert, J. D. Stone, et als, and BEGINNING on John Cheek’s line in the center of the Bonlee and Western railroad, and running- with Cheek’s line north 4 degrees east 99 1-2 poles to Gil bert’s line; thence with his line north 87 degrees west 194 poles to J. D. Stone’s line; thence south 4 1-2 de grees west 34 2-3 poles to the old Sa*ndy Creek road; thence with said road southeastwardly to the center of said Bonlee and Western rail road at Blue Rock flag station; thence with said railroad north 72- 1-2 degrees east (from end of curve) to the beginning, containing 106 acres, more or less, same being de as No. 72. Adjoining the lands of J. D. Stems, W. M. Brewer, I. H. Dunlap, J. W. Cheek, et als, and BEGINNING at a knot in J. H. Cheek’s line, I. H. Dunlap’s corner, thence north with Dunlap’s line 79 poles to a knot and pointers, W. M. Brewer’s line; thence west with. Brewer’s line 202 poles to a knot, W. N. Brewer’s west corner in J. D. Stem’s line; thence south with Stem’s line 79 poles to a knot, C. V. Tal ly’s home tract of land; thence east with Tally line 202 poles to the be ginning, • containing 100 acres, be the same more or less, this being a part of the tract of land that was conveyed by J. R. Gilbert to W. N. Brewer and C. V. Tally, and known as Harper land. This the 20th day of December, 1927. WADE BARBER, Com missioner. Siler & Barber, Attys. NOTICE of resale of bran SON LANDS - Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a judgment entered in that certain action pend ing in the Superior court of Chat ham county, North Carolina, entitled “In Re: Wm. M. Branson Will,”’ the undersigned commissioners will, on Saturday the 7th day of January, 1928, at 12 o’clock noon, in front of the court house door in Pittsboro, Chatham county, North Carolina, of fer for resale, to the highest bidder for- cash, all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Bear Creek tonship, Chatham coun ty, North Carolina, and being more fully described and defined as fol lows, ' viz. Tract No. One —Beginning at a stake in John Branson’s corner (said stake being 338.2 feet north 7 degs. east from a n ash tree on the west side of Rock Branch, the said stake being 3 feet east of a pine tree with pointers) and running thence north 82 1-2 degrese west 1924 feet to a stake and pointers, and running thence north 7 1-2 degrees east 3577 feet to a point in the center of the county highway leading from Bennett to High Falls; thence south 82 1-2 degrees east 1880 feet to a pine knot; thence south 7 degs. west 3582 feet to the beginning, the same being a portion of the William Branson “Hugh Place.’ Tract No. Two —Beginning at a black oak with pointers, Bud Brew er’s line, and running thence south 84 degrees east 749 feet to stone and pointers; thence south four de grees west 1049 feet to an iron stake (Moore county line) thence with Moore county line north 87 l-~ degrees west 644 feet to pointers: thence north 2 degree? east 200 feet to pointers in Loler’s Spring Branch; thence with said Spring branch north 78 degrees west 180 feet to Loler’s Spring Branch; then north 72 degrees west 147 feet to i pointers; thence north 2 degrees E 158 feet to post oak; thence north 86 degrees west 500 feet to a stake thence south 7 1-2 degrees west 144 feet; thence south 4 degrees west 370 feet to pointers (county line) thence with county line north 87 1-2 degrees west leet to a stake; thence north 4 degrees east 1880 feet to a stake; thence south 84 degrees east 1365 feet to a dogwood thence south 7 1-2 degrees west 02 feet to the beginning, same being the lands known as William Branson “Homeplace.” This is a resale of the above tract of land and tract No. One will start off with a bid of $2750 and bid on tract No. Two will start with $2765. This 17th day of Dec. 1927. WADE BARBER & W. P. HORTON, Commissioners. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the pow ers conferred upon the undersigned in a mortgage deed executed by E. D v Cotton and wife, Maggie Cotton to J. L. Mitchell,-and by him duly transferred and assigned to W. L. Goldwin, which mortgage deed is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Dees for Chatham coun ty, North Carolina, in book FX at page 564, and default having been made in the indebtedness therein se cured, the undersigned will on Sat urday, the 7th day of January, 1927, offer at public sale, to the highest bidder for cash, at the Courthouse door in Pittsboro, North Carolina, the following described tract of land, to-wit: Lying and being in Chatham coun ty, North Carolina, Cape Fear town ship and bounded as follows: On the East by the lands of Zed Law rence; on the North by H. W. Good win, pn the west by Edd ,Cot£op, it, being 20 acres of land cut off the lands I bought of C. C. Harrington in 1913, and the line to be run North and . South across said laud. Place of sale —Pittsboro, N. C. Terms of sale—Cash. - Time of sale—l 2 o’clock, noon. This the 2nd day of December, W. P. Horton, A tty. Assignee of mortgage. 1927. W. L. GOODWIN, NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND UN DER DEED OF TRUST Under and by virtue of the au thority contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Daniel J. Wil liams and his wife, Mary E. Williams and recorded in the Registry of Chatham county, in Book “FI”, at page 412, default having been made in the discharge of the obligations the holder of said obligations having secured by said deed of trust and requested the sale of the land de scribed in said deed of trust, the undersigned will expose for sale and sell on Thursday, January 5, 1928, at 12 o’clock Noon, at the court house door of Chatham county, in Pittsboro, North Carolina, at .pub lic auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the said land conveyed in the said Deed of Trust, the same being described as follows: Three certain tracts of land sit uated in Chatham county, North Ca rolina, the same being more parti cularly described as follows: Bounded on the North by the. lands of C. J. Bright and J. H. Luth er, on the East by the iands of W T . T. Hunt and N. W. Beckwith and on the South by the lands of J. E. Sw-ain and B. J. Goodwin on the West by the lands of C. L. Johnson; Tract No. 1: Bounded on the east by the lands of George Bolding; on the north by the lands of Needham Beckwith; on the West by the lands of Altney Ann Johnson and on the South by the lands of John Wom ble, containig forty-two acres more oi* loss. Tract No. 2: On the waters of White Oak Creek, adjoining the dower of the widow Daniel Johnson and others, and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a Spanish oak running N 105 1-2 poles to a stake; j | i Happy New Year! I; I 1 I Resolve to turn over a new leaf by having us in * spect your car OFTEN. Jf % This will be one resolution that will be easier to o % keep as time goes on and will make the new year hap- \\ i pier and more prosperous for you. J Have our expert mechanics inspect and test your .<► ♦ car REGULARLY. This will make it worth more. ]► 1 Let US care for YOUR car. i ! 1 Weeks Motor Co. ! % • | PITTSBORO, N. C. t t t THE CHATHAM RECORD thence W 75 1-2 poles to a corner of Widow’s dower; thence S with Widow’s dower 105 1-2 poles to a stake, thence E 73 1-2 poles to the beginning, containin gforty eight and three Sights hundredths acres more or less. Tract No. 3: Beginning at a pine on the Fayetteville road ap said road 81 poles to a pine stump, then N across White oak creek, 25 poles to a red oak, thence E 135 1-2 poles to a white oak, Howell’s corner in T. Bowlin’s line; thence S 104 1-2 poles to a stake, James Council’s line, thence W 116 poles tp the first station, containing 84 acres. These three tracts join and to gether contain 174 acres. J. S. Williams lot No. 3 in the division of the lands of J. G. Williams, boun ded as follows: Beginning at a stake in Williams’ line thence W 55 chains to a pine stump, M. A. Farrington’s corner, thence N 5 chaains and 35 links to a stake corner of Lot No. 4, thence E 55 chains to a stake in Williams’ line, thence S 5 chains and 10 links to the first station, con taining 28 acres more oF Idas. This December 3, 1927. E. RANDOLPH WILLIAMS, and CALE K. BURGESS, Trustees. Cale K. Burgess, Atty. Raleigh, N. C. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE UNDER FORECLOSURE Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in that certain mortgage executed to the undersig ned by W. H. Burke, et als, on the 10th day of March, 1923, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein describ ed, the undersigned mortgagee will, op Saturday the 14th day of Janu ary, 1928, at 12 o’clock noon, in front of the court house door in Pittsboro, Chatham county, North Carolina, offer for sale, to the high est bidder for cash, all that certain lot or parcel-of land lying and be ing in Gulf township, Chatham coun ty, North Carolina, and being more fully described and defined as fol lows, viz: Beginning at iron stake 62 Bar ber’s corner; thence north 62 degs. east 6 poles 19 links to iron stake; thence south 20 east 33 links to iron stake; thence north 86 east 6 poles 13 links to iron stake in Moffitt’s HAVE YOUR EYES EXAM INED BY AN EXPERT— IT COSTS NO MORE Dr. J. C. Mann, the well known eyesight Specialist and Optician, will be at Dr. Far rell’s office in Pittsboro, N. C., every fourth Tuesday and at Dr. Thomas’ office, Siler City, N. C., every fourth Thursday in each month. Headache relieved when caused by eye strain. When he fits you with glasses you have the satisfaction of knowing that they are correct. Make a note of the date and see him if your eyes are weak. His next visit to Pittsboro will be on Tuesday, Jan. 24 His next visit to Siler City will be on Thursday, Jan. 26 line; thence north 35 west with Mof fitts line 5 poles to iron stake Sam Moffit’s corner; thence with his line south 80 west 3 poles 17 links to stone Mbffitt’s corner; thence north 20 west 3 poles 17 links to a stone, Moffit’s corner; thence north 20 west with Moffit’s line 5 poles and some links to Burn’s corner; thence south 50 west with his line 2 poles and 12 links to center of well; thence north 85 west with Burn’s line 1 pole and 8 links to a stake at east side in the center of the smoke house; thence south 33 east 5 poles and 17 links to iron stake in Burns line; thence south 26 east 3 poles and 8 links to the be ginning, containing by estimation one half acre, more or less. This Bth day of Dec. 1927. BANK of "GOLDSTON, Mortgagee. Siler and Barber, attys. NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Clerk of the Superior court of Chatham county, North Carolina, in the proceeding entitled “Annie Horton es als, vs. O. L. Powell,” the undersigned will on January the 7th day of 1928, re-sell at public auc tiop, ito the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door in Pittsboro, North Carolina, the following des cribed tract of land, to-wit: Beginning at a white oak C. C. Atwater’s corner; thence northward with his line to a stake 168 poles; thence East 104 poles to a stake; thence South 21 1-2 degrees East 108 poles to a stump on Branch; Good Service ~, What it means here :: 4 » Ajt this bank “good service” is more < * than a convenient advertising phrase. !. •It is demonstrated every day in the J \ prompt attention, courtesy, and a J ’ whole hearted endeavor to accommo- < * date you in every way possible. < ► BE A GOOD FELLOW, but don’t be a good thing by spending all you make. Start a Savings Account the < ► first of the new year and keep it up. J; We pay 4 per cent on Time Deposits. J; < * The Bank of Pittsboro PITTSBORO, N. C. ;► A. H. London, President J. L. Griffin,. Cashier < ► W. L. Farrell, Asst. Cashier !! <► A Short New Year’s Message A public speaker once said he had three invariable rules. He always stood up squarely so all could see, he spoke plainly so all could hear, and sat down quick ly so all would be pleased. We try to adopt a good bit of that in our advertis ing. We try to display our words so all can see, write clearly so all can read, and quit before the reader tires. Our message this week: “We want you to do business with our bank next year, because we will render you the best service obtainable.’ With thanks for your patronage Hie year of 1927, we wish you prosperity for the New Year. THE BANK of GOLDSTON • GOLDSTON. N. C. t < ► <► 4 ► ! ALL ABOARD FOR 1928 | !► 4 ► <► < ► As the New Year begins, it behooves every one ] [ o of us to determine to make 1928 the greatest year jj <► of all in the development of Chatham county. Its o !t true that we should like to see big manufacturing J t Jt plants erected, but few of us can have a say in such J ► matters j ► o <► It On the other hand, each of us can determine to <► Jt do his very best in the development of the/resources JJ ]► at hand. new agricultural promise is <► something that concerns us all, and a thing in which <> we can all play a part. <►> <► 12 Flan to improve your soil as well as gather a crop T in 1928. Watch your timber areas. Consult your £ county agent, get every new idea possible, and let us ♦ help you in any way we can put them into effect. i I I ! The Bank of Moncure ! ♦ £ % % | MONCURE, N. C. ♦ ♦ X ♦ ❖ ♦ * Thursday, December 29, 1927 thence South 74 poles to a stake; thence West 146 poles to the bogim ning, containing 141 acres more eat less. Place of sale: Pittsboro, N. CL Time of sale: 12 o’clock, noon* Terms of sale: Cash. This 9th day of Dec. 1927. W. P. HORTON, Commissioner. Dec. 15 and 22. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrates* of the estate of E. J. Mclver, late «£ Chatham county, I hereby warn alt persons holding claims against Ike estate to present them duly proved on or before the 15th day of Decem ber, 1928, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their reeovmyw All persons owing the estate arUt please make early payment. 19 This the 13th day of December, C. J. Mclver, Burlington, N. CL Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of A. J. Taylor, de ceased, late of Chatham county, X hereby warn all persons holding claims against the estate to present them to me on or before the 15th day of December, 1928, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of tktir recovery- All persons owing the es tate will please make early payment. This the 13th day of December. 1927. ’ Chanie Scurlock, Administratrix. Dec. 15, 6tc.