Thursday, January 10, 19g> Dies At 113 Ritchfield Springs, Is- Y r ., an ' J , Mr s Delina Filkins, one hundred and thirteen vears old, believed to have been the state’s oldest woman, died at the home of her son. She was born in Stark, Herkimer County, 3\lay 4, 1815. _ Are You sl7 Richer? New York, Jan. 3.—The Ameri can Bankers’ Association announces that in the past year there has been an increase of $1 < n person in the United States. If you are not that much richer you are victim of an ill wind that blew someone else your sl7. _____ ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix of the estate of Mar garet Mae Riddle, deceased, late >ol Moore county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned at Carthage, N. C., on or before the 4th day ol January 1920, this notice will be pleaded in bar ot recovery. • Those indebted to the said estate are urged to make prompt settle -111 This, the 4th day of January, 1929. (Mrs.) M. A. PARKS, Adminis tratrix of the estate of Mar garet Mae Riddle, deceased. Feb. 14-Gt. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE I i Having this day qualified as ad- 1 ministratrix of the estate of Sarah : Emma Riddle, deceased, late of - county, North Carolina, this < is to notify all persons holding < claims against the estate of the i said deceased to exhibit them to the i undersigned at Carthage, N. C., on , or before the 4th day of January, < 1930, or this notice will be pleaded i in bar of recovery. 1 Those indebted to the said estate i are urged to make prompt settle ment. This, the 4th day of Janu- i ary, 1929. 1 (Mrs.) M. A. PARKS, Admx. ] of the estate of Sarah Em- ] ma Riddle, deceased. < Feb. 14. Gt. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator \ of the estate of J- E. Sturdivant, late of Chatham county, I hereby ; warn all persons holding claims against the estate to present same duly proven on or before January 10, 1930 or this notice will be plead ed in bar of recovery. All persons* ] owing the estate will please make ] early payment. This January 3, 1929. i S. P. STURDIVANT, Administrator. ] Jan. 10. Gt. p. TRUSTEE’S SALE ! Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed ( of trust by L. G. Wright, (Single), ( to Wm. B. Linstead, "trustee, dated June 22nd, 1928, and recorded in the ( office of the Register of Deeds of , Chatham County in Book No. G. U., page 516, and default having been made in the payment of the amount secured thereby and request for fore closure having been made of said trustee by the holder of said notes, the undersigned will on SATUR URDAY, , FEBRU ARY 9, 1929, at twelve o’clock Noon at the court house door in Chatham County, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder* for cash) the following described property, lying and being in Williams Township, Chatham County, in said state: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at a stake in the middle of the Chapel Hill and Riallo (evidently intended for Raleigh) Road in Marham’s old line; thence in a Northerly direc tion with said road 225 ft. to a stake; thence Southeastwardly 141 ft. to a stake on the bank of the branch; thence Southeastwardly with said branch 427 to a lightwood stump on the bank of said stream; thence Southwardly 84 ft. to Thom as Horton’s and Beckwith’s corner; thence Westward with said Beck with and Horton’s line 349 ft. to the first station. See Deed Book “EF,” page 187, in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Chatham County. Ihe deed herein referred to is from Ihos. Horton and Mary E. Horton to Sallie F. Beckwith. SECOND TRACT: LYING on the bank of New Hope Creek, known as the Tearring (evidently intended for T earrington) mill property and bounded on the North and West by Mis. Bettie Stone and on the East by Valter Stone, on the South by the Landham Place and Walter Stone said land containing 10 acres, more oi less. See deed in the office of the Register of Deeds for Chatham in Deed Book “EH” at page 239 (This deed, referred to is from John W Atwdter and others to Sallie F Beckwith). * THIRD TRACT: BEGINNING at a stake in the middle of the Norfolk and Southern Railway tract in the line of C. L. Diggs and running thence North 89 degrees 50 minutes East 310 ft. to a post, W. E. Stone’s corner; thence South 5 de grees 50 minutes East 388 ft. to a pine, W. R. Stone’s line; thence along Stone’s line South 34 degrees 45 minutes West 612 ft. to a stake, H. M. Lewter’s corner in W. E. Stone’s line; thence along H. M. Lewter’s line North 89 degrees 15 minutes West 375 ft. to the center of the Norfolk and Southern Rail way tract North 23 degrees 30 min utes East 1039 ft. to the point of beginning, containing 8.78 acres, more or less, including the right of way of the Norfolk and Southern Railway. It is understood and agreed by and -between the parties hereto and their heirs and assigns that the : Norfolk and Southern Railway has I a 50 ft. right of way included in the ; property herein described on the J western end of said property, said , right of way extending in a South easterly direction 50 ft. from the center of the railroad tracts* and be ing a portion of the propertv con veyed to \V. Q.- King by J. B. Ma son and wife by deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Chatham County in Book of ) Deeds “FS,” page 190. For a more particular description see deed of W. Q. King and wife to L. G. Wright, dated December 18, 1922. FOURTH TRACT: BEGINNING i at a ditch (Mrs. Beckwith’s south east corner), running thence South 42 degrees 30 minutes East with said ditch on side of road to Mrs. Beckwith’s corner; thence North 70 degrees East 137 ft.; thence South 67 degrees East 427 ft. to a pine stump; thence SouiJfi 11 degrees East 108 ft. to a stake; thence North 3 degrees 30 minutes East 198 ft. to a stake; thence North 30 degrees East 708 ft.; thence North 100 ft. to a stake; thence West 750 ft. to a stake on the west side of railroad corner of Lot No. 6 and railroad lot: thence South 42 1-2 degrees East 150 ft. to the cen ter of railroad tract; thence with center of railroad southwest about 65 ft.; thence South 42 1-2 degrees East 155 1-2 ft.; thence South 46 degvees 30 minutes East 441 ft.; thence Southwest 50 ft.; thence Southwest 109 ft. to the point of beginning, containing 10 acnes, more or less, this being all of Tract No. 7 in J. B. Atwater and R. L. Strowd Subdivision at Farmington, N. C., a plot of same is duly record ed in the Register of Deeds’ office of Chatham County, N. C., to which reference may be had. For a more particular description see deed from J. B. Atwater and Berta Atwater and R. L. Strowd to L. G. Wright, recorded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Chatham County in Book of Deeds “FT,” page 597. FIFTH TRACT: LTIXG and be ing in the Village known as Farring ton on the Norfolk Southern Rail road and bounded by a line begin ning at a stake at the southeast corner of the lot known as the J. B. Mason lot, said point being in the western line of the Raleigh, Chapel Hill and Fayetteville Road, and runs thence South 38 degrees 22 minutes East along the said line of said road 299 ft. to a stake, corner of L. G. Wright; thence along said Wright’s line South 2 degrees 4 7 minutes West 277 ft. to a stake in the old Pittsboro Road; thence along said road North 71 degrees West 277 ft.; thence continuing along said road North 74 degrees 15 minutes West 655 ft., thence continuing along said road North 76 degrees West .284 ft. to a stake in the Southern line of the right of way of the Norfolk and Southern Railroad Company (formerly the Durham and South Carolina Railroad) ; thence North eastwardly along the said southern line of said right of way in a 3 1-2 j degrees left curve 828 ft. to a stake at the corner of the Lassiter lot; thence South 39 degrees 45 minutes East 50 ft. to a stake; thence South 55 degrees East 8 ft. to a stake, corner of said J. B. Mason lot; thence South 39 degrees 45 minutes East along the line of the said Ma son lot 100.6 ft. to a stake, corner of said lot; thence North 55 degrees East 100 ft. along the line of said J. B. Mason lot to the point of be ginning, containing 6.5 acres, more or less according to the survey of September 2nd, 1925, and map by Wm. H. Blanchard, photostatic copy of which said map is hereto attached, market exhibit “A,” by this refer ence made a part hereof. SIXTH TRACT: BEGINNING at a stake in the Chapel Hill and Ra leigh Road, Stone and Markham’s corner; thence East two chains and sixty-six links to a stake near the mill pond; thence West seven chains and five links to a stake; thence South 59 degrees East four chains and twenty-five links to a stake in the Atwater Road; thence South 70 degrees East four chains and twenty five links to the middle of said road; thence South 20 degrees East one chain, and’ forty links to the first station, containing four acres, more or less. This the 29th day of December, 1928. Wm. B. UMSTEAD, Trustee. Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Chatham County, North Carolina, in the special proceedings therein pending, entitled: W. B. Merritt and others against H. C. Merritt, the un dersigned will on the 12th day of January, 1929, offer for sale on the premises of the late M. B. Merritt of Williams Townshiip, Chatham County, North Carolina, at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described tract of land, to-wit: BOUNDED on the North by the lands of C. L. Lindsey; on the East by the lands of w . A. Cheek; on the South by the lands of W. A. Cheek; and on the West by the lands of W, B. Merritt, containing 56 ares, more or less. PLACE OF SALE —on the premises. TIME OF SALE —12 o’clock, noon. TERM'S OF SALE —Cash. This the 27th day of December, 1928 , W. P. HORTON, Commissioner. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORE CLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the pow er- of sale contained in that certain mortgage deed executed by Arthur Brooks and wife, Maggie Brooks, to S. D. Gilmore, dated the 20th day of November, 1923, and aulj' recorded in the Registry of Chatn am County, North Carolina, in Book GH, page 164, there having been de fault made in the payment of the indebtedness therein securcfl, the undersigned will, on Saturday the 26th day 0 f January, 1929,-at twelve o’clock noon, in front of the Court house door in Pittsboro, Chatham County, North Carolina, offer for sale, to the highest bidder for cash, all that certaiin tract or parcel of !land situated in Center Township, Chatham County, North Carolina, and bounded as follows. Viz: BEGINNING at a stake in the Maddox corner, in an old road, running south 87 degrees east 129 poles to a stake in the Maddox line; thence north 4 degrees east 104 1-2 poles to a stake, corner of County Home line; thence north 85 1-2 de grees west along the Count Home line 97 poles to the Old Goldston- Pittsboro Public road; thence south 24 1-2 degrees west 82 poles along said road to a corner; thence south 5 degrees east 32 poles to the BL NING, containing 75.6 acres, more or less. is*- This the 24th, 1928. JAMES L. GRIFFIN, Executor of the estate of S. D. Gilmore. Dec’d. SILER & BARBER, Attorneys. FARM FORSALE My farm located on state highway No. 93 about seven milos north west of Pittsboro near Brown’s chap el church, contains 71 1-2 acres of good corn, cotton and tobacco land, 26 acres open and balance timber land, Oak and original growth pine. Dwelling and outbuildings. Any one wanting a good farm at a reasonable price. Tor information write W. E. DARK, 433 40th St. West Palm Beach. Florida, to Jan. 10 pd. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA— DEPARTMENT OF STATE. CER TIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. To all those to whom these pre sents may come, Greeting: \\here as it appears to my satisfaction by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders de posited in my office, that the Pine and Oak Manufacturing Company, a corporation of this state, whose principal office is in the town ol Goldston, County of Chatham, State of North Carolina (T. W. Goldston being the agent therein and in charge thereof upon whom process may be served) has complied with Consolidate Statutes, entitled “Corp orations.” preliminary to the issu ing of this Certificate of Dissolu tion : Now, therefore, J. A. Hartness, Secretary of State of the State ox North Carolina, do certify that said corporation did, on the third day of December 1928, file in my office a duly excuted and attested consent in Ifrom your Cotton I T THY not decide now to make a real 9 . V w profit from your cotton crop? It’s not ||l a matter of luck. IP Ee sure your cotton has Chilean Nitrate of ||i Soda at planting time and at chopping time. You’ll make more cotton per acre and it will ||| cost less per bale to make it. Starts cotton off nj well. Makes strong healthy plants. Helps to set Mg an early crop ahead of the weevil. 13 Bales on 6 A Acres! ||| C. P. Ellis, Clayton, N. C., who won the title ]*§| of champion cotton grower in 1927,-used 100 U * lbs. of Chilean Nitrate at planting, with acid M| phosphate and potash. Then he gave his cot- HBj ton 2 side dressings with Chilean Nitrate, 100 llfil lbs. per acre each time. ■■ II I Hi 3 yield was 13 bales on 6.4 acres! |B| Now i& the time to make sure of your Chilean ]|g| Nitrate. Figure out your needs. Your County IHK Agent will help you. Then place your order |9m and be sure of a money-making crop the com- g» A New Fertilizer Book—FREE jjp Our valuable book i ‘ Low Cost Cotton” will w|l help you make a better crop. It is free. Ask * for Book No. 2or tear out this ad and mail it J|i with your name and address on the margin. |Bj| Chilean I Nitrateof Soda g "IT’S SO PA WOT LUCK* |H EDUCATIONAL BUREAU ■ 220 Professional Bldg., Raleigh, N. C. 9|lillll In writing please refer to Ad No. A-63 IHE CHATHAM RECORD meeting to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said con sent and the record of the proceed-, ings aforesaid are now on file in j my said office as provided b law\ In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed ! my official seal at Raleigh, this the i thfrd day of December, 1928, A. D. j J. A. HARTNESS, Secretary I of State. Dec. 27. 4tc ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Mary E. Pearce, j late of Chatham county, I hereby warn all persons holding claims against the estate to present them duly proven on or before December; 20th, 1929, or this notice will be ; pleaded in bar of their recovery. All j persons owing the estate will please make prompt payment. This December 20, 1928. O. Z. PEARCE, Administrator. Siler & Barber, Attorneys. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the au-: thority. conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by A. L. Blake and wife. Nannie Blake on the 10th day | of April, 1928, ad recorded in bock ' H A at page 621 office Register of j Deeds of C.hatham County County, N. C., we will on Monday the 14th day of January, 1929, at 12 o’clock noon, at the courthouse door in Pittsboro, Chatham County. N. C. sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following lands, to-wit: Two certain tracts or parcels of land located in Baldwin Township on Pittsboro-Chapel Hill Highway about 6 miles South from town of Chapel Hill bounded on North by lands of W. B. Cheek; on East by lands of L. N. Blake; On South by lands of J. C. Bennett and On West by lands of R. L. Hutchins and S. L. Dollar and described by metes and , bounds as follows: First Tract: Beginning at a stone on West side of Pittsboro-Chapel Hill Road 18 poles from Bennett’s corner; thence West 46 poles to stone; thence South 17 1-2 poles to stake Bennett’s corner; thence West 49 poles to stone Jas. Riggsbee liine or corner; thence North with Riggs bee’s & Dollars line 80 poles to Dol lar corner on branch; thence down branch its various courses to pop lar 48 poles; thence Eastward with line of lot No. 7 57 poles sto post oak on Pittsboro-Chapel Hill road corner of lot No. 7; thence South ward with saiid road to beginning about 66 poles, containing 44 acres j more or less. S econd Tract: Beginning at Ben ; nett’s corner on Chapel Hill Roau, thence with said road 18 poles to stone' corner of above lot; then West 46 poles to stone, corner of above lot .(in diviision No. 8) thence South 17.5 poles to stake Bennett corner; thence West with line of . above lot ann J.Js. Riggsbee line 72 1-2 poles to stone pile Riggsbee corner; thence Southward with his line 40 poles to post oak stump, his corner; then East with his line 36 poles to branch; thence down branch to Bennett corner; thence East with; Bennett line 49 poles; thence North; with his line 95 poles to a stake Bennett corner; thence East with Bennett line to the beginning, esti- i mated to contain 45 acres more or less. j This sale is made by reason of the failure of A. L. Blake and wife, i Nannie Blake to pay off and dis- I charge indebtedness secured by | said deed of trust to the Greens ! boro Joint Stock Land Bank of Greensboro. A deposit of 10 per cent will be required from the purchaser at the i sale. i This the 14th day of December, 1928. Atlantiic Bank & Trust Co. of , V. R. Johnson, Attorney. Greensboro, Inc., Trustee I— - - ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of the late A. D. Far rell of Chatham county, I hereby warn all persons having claims against said estate to present then duly proven on or before the first day of December, 1929, or this no j recovery. All persons owing the es ' tice will be pleaded in bar of their tate will please make early settle ment. I This the 30th day of November, j 1928. R. T. FARRELL, Administrator. NOTICE OF SALE REAL ESTATE UNDER MORTGAGE ' • Under and by virture of power of sale upon me conferred by acer- I tain mortgage deed executed by J. | K. Barnes to J. H. Wissler whicih is j registered in the office of register i of deeds of Chatham Co., in Book IX. page 549 the undersigned Mort -1 gagee will on Monday January 28th, 1929 at 12 o’clock noon, at the court house do~ ♦ of Chatham Co., in Pittsboro, N. C. sell at public Auc ' tion to the highest bidder for cash, ! the following real estate located in ‘ Haw Riiver township Chatham Coun itv North Carolina: Adjoining the lands of Wm. Moore ! and now C. C. Thomas and the lands of the said J. H. ‘Wissler, and others, and bounded as follows, Viz; Beginning at a pine Avant’s . Eaglets Spread CASE HISTORY has been rich in developments of new and better machines. Starting with the crude threshing tools In use 87 years ago Case developed one of the first successful threshers. The Case Companj gave motive power to the gus engine by designing and building in 1892 the first tracer of which there is a record, This Company built 3-4 plow tractors as early as 1913 which me j with instant success, C«sae pioneered the change from wood to steel lit thicahc' const ruction. C.i?e was the first to make • \Lcn-ivc use of steel stampings and forgings —fircl to adopt adjustable bearings lined with alloy metal. » This Case policy of progressive development has produced power farming machines of superior design noted the world over for their quality cf construction and excellence of performance. Now, the acquisition of the Emerson-Branting ham line of quality implements, which hereafter will carry the famous Eagle trademark, makes available a Case machine for practically every farm need. This widening of the Eagle's spread means better machinery, better service, greater convenience and greater efficiency to you. Below is the present list of Case quality machines. It will pay you to investigate their exclusive features which result in increased efficiency, case of handling, long life and more profitable use. All of the new Case machines that can be used profitably in this community will be carried in stock here. 1 You are cordially invited to make this mm your headquarters whenever you are in town. **• 1842 J. I. CASE T. M. CO., Inc. 213 WALKER AVE. r PHONE 3256 GREENSBORO, N. C. CASE QUALITY MACHINES FOR PROFITABLE FARMING Tractors Skid Engines Threshers Combines Windrow Headers Steam Engines Hay Balers Silo Fillers i Walking Plows j Middle Breakers Sulky and Gang Plows Two Way Plows Tractor Moldboard Plows Riding Disk Plows Ridge Busters Wheatland Disk Plows Great Plains Disk Plows Marsh Plows Brash Breakers Spike Tooth Harrows : corner on the Lassiter road running !as said road north Westernly 54, Fifty to a stake in said road, thence north fifteen chains to a stake Avent’s Corner, in Moores line! Thence with Avent’s line south fif ty six degrees forty chains and fifty links to the beginning. Containing j one hundred ten acres more or less. The said real estate is being of fered for sale, under the said mort gage deed, for the reason that de ! fault has been made in the payment l of the notes theerin secured. 1 • This 27th day of December, 1918 J. H. WISSLER, Mortgagee. * NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE j Under and by virtue of the power |of sale made and entered in a cer | tain judgment rendered in that cer !t ain civil action pendnig in the Su . i perior court of Chatham county. N. ! C., entitled The Federal Land Ba*k , of Columbia vs. J. B. Dunn <fc Rose Dunn et als the undersigned com missioner will, on Monday, the 14th day of January, 1929, at 12 o’clock I noon, at the court house door in ' j Pittsboro, Chatham county, North ; j Carolina, offer for sale to the high- < est bidder for cash the following described real estate, to-wit : All that certain piece, parcel or ’ ; tract of land containing 95 1-4 acres | of land; situated, ling and being just j off the Bonlee Road about 4 mi?§s soaineast from the town of Bonier in Hickory Mountain township, Chai,- ibam county, North Carolina; having | such shapes, metes, courses and dis tances as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof made by ! R. B. CVl?gg, Surveyor in 1919; and j attached to the bastract now on file with The Federal Land Bank of t Columbia, S. C., the same being |bounded on the south by lands of McLaurin Bros.; on the east *by the ! lands of Bitts Norwood; on the west j by lands of A. J. Temples and Let ! tice Cook; and o nthe north by the j lands of Mrs. Sallie P. Dunn, Time of sale—Monday, January ! 14, 1928, at 12 o’clock, noon. Place of sale —Courthouse door in j Pittsboro. N. C. Terms of Sale —Cash. This December 12, 1928. V. R. JOHNSON, > Dec. 20-4 t. CommioiiAer. Spring Tooth Harrows Disk Harrows Clod Crushers Grain Drills Cora Planters Cotton Planters / Cotton and CornyVlanters Manure SpreahK Listers Cultivators PAGE SIX Lister Cultivators Cotton Choppers Grain Binders Corn Binders Mowers Sulky Bakes Side Delivery Rakes Hay Loaders Stalk Cutters Field Tillers

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