1 ' . -j - . - . t t- " 1 i x ' . ' .; - '. .."- .- -.I . A - I i -:'--!--: t .-- ,.4- , iA;j''W'3V;ypSi'! ?;:i--f':;-1 - . ; ". . ' I " " Y. ' ! Y - .- . ; - - '-Y -. -"' ; ' ' - . ' ' ?.:::V4Y:;-'-.: Y' Y v , ..;.::; . ;..--:;....;. ' :' -.. -i :-. - . : . ; ' . ' . . Y ' ' . " . ' .. -J . . , v. : i - ' ' ' - . . ;YY-Y'S,;,. Y Y- ' . - ,Y ! .- Y. - " j I . -- - t.;l , . j '.. . -.'v.: -i . iiY :. ... - -Y ' I : s . ' . -! - -j ..! . : ' ... r;. ;y4'- .'... j -'v,f..fi:fci ttOUE,8 ABE THE PLATES OP FAIR DELIGHTFUL 1F.ACE,' C.WARP'd BY fARTY ?AGEr TO tl VE WKB-BHQTHEKS. V 'I I ' l.vl II 11 VI.YI IJ.LI 1 J -.'i' I IA 1 Yl 1 ' l.t - I II .s l 1 .7; 1 I Y- I 11 ll I- f II r I II 7; I il f -r--.l--!-n Irl J XT M J I' 1 1 11- II V m o r n y m m i i w Hi hum n . m mm s m m rv . Y irWtl 111 III i lit HI l'J-r CJIIIEJ IU! ffff XII I imJC , r f ( P-4f 1 31 . I St 1 t - v - ttr - ci'.iy11a Cli (X EJH U . Y . . . ' V .-it- if I IT rES TO N i R U ALE StVr ' ' ' . " V- j j ? ITOR, AXD rKOP2IETOR. J -JBrtf i 1 1 u. ,m'iii.i!'TU"n,uarzs: FRIDAY, FEBRIAM 18, 1 842. 1 1 Suwiwi??pr Ihe Semi-Weekly Rcgisterf $5 peiruniium. For thd Wqekly $3. ll.UU All , t I,- :. Tuesday, Felimary 15, : 1 (Jtj- Hjs Excellency,' Co. Mobehead, will be ab-' en't lipm this City far fortnight or three weeks, on a Visit K) Guilford. 1 ' 0C5 Owe or TitE Peofl," being the first of a series of political esayr3tamitiini the character of Mr. HbkjitV XJetfei of aeceptaftc, came to hand too ; lateor lUtft paperi but shall appear on Fridayv ,r-yw RELIGIOUS REVIVAL. ; ' There , at this time, a strong Religious excitement in several of the Congregations of tliis City. Many I have.already made qpen. prolessiou of their faith, ami the. interest seems to;ic:rease, rattier man auaie. - ! : y V CONFIRMATION. : . "The Order of Cdnfirnivion .was a J ministered on Saoday last, in Christ Chubch, Raleijjh, by the 1 Rt. Rev. Bishop Ivks. J , ' . ; j; j SUPREME COURT. : Opinions have been delivered "by the Judges, since ; ohr last 'Report; in thp following Casts: 'V-H:Fer'RiTiwCi.i.', In Spencer v. Speijfeer, torn : Hyde jnffirraing the judgment below. Also, in State to uWiof Buchanan v Mcintosh from Chatham ; af Y firmins the Judgment ilpw. Atso,iu fortescus r. Spencer, from Hyde j (two cases) ; affirming the judg werit below. Also, irr-McReynold5 . , Ha'rshaw and 1 otbersPin Equity ((iba Cherokee ; 'affirming the'de , sre appealed from. ; , Vei, Daniel J .'iri TJuvala. Duval, in Equity, from Surrvr: afBrmins the decree below." ALo, in Sim mons W SikeV; from jTyirf ell i affirming the judgment below. ' ; ' Per Gaston, J.,f in Deayetf p. Parker, in Equity, : from ttavwood. dismissing the. bill. Also, mXacock v. Mullen, from Perquijmons ;'af(irnirrigthe: decree. Also, in State ex rcL Silanl y . McGowen, from Dp i lm ; directing tfiis Court below" to proceed wuh the cause. Also, in Tyson p. Tyson, from Moore ; di- t . V '.''i" 7.f '- Y. - . Y - - - M.iinn nn nriilirV. .': In Reed . Barnhart, In Eqnky, from Cabarrus, the 0 oyrt diiects certain jssiies to be tried in the Superior Court of Cabarros county. j FOURTH OF" APRIL We are gratified to see thaQur Whi mahv counties in the Slate, are -callinw meetings to appoint Delegates to the Convention, which, in a very short time, is to assemble in this place. We call upon every true Whig to do his duty, and we shall have on the 4th of April next, a Convention of ''good' meii and true," calculated to infuse confidence in our Party throughout the State. Are we willing to be de- j fcated ? Will it be no injustice to him who, in the j laie contest, gave up so much ol tws time and talents to onr cause ? Are we willing to give up the Govern or: the Legislature CoDgressanda? No I Then wduappeal to every Whig! ''Hang out yotu banner oiiie outward wall J'' 1 .-. ! fjt- A Memorial has been presented to Congress hy Mr. Washihgtov, from tins tate, praying for tjie establishment ofa.Marine Hospital at Portsmouth, Carteret County. i 4 ; DEATH OF AN EDITOR. t The Norfolk papers announce the death of John Thompson Htll, Esq. Editor of 4The Portsmouth Times and Republican" (a Whig paper.) Hedied cji Sunday afternoon, at his residence in Portsmouth, aged 29 years. The Norfolk papers speak in the highest terms of his virtues and character. ENvr. I SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. J This body held its last meeting- at Charlotte, N.C Tjhe meeting, we learn, was characterized by great h.irmonv. A rolWlion of ttliont SfiOO was tnken ud , j;, , . ; -J - - The envy that grudtsa' the successes for whic U i id of the Missioriary Society, and the religions ex would wantthe courage toonterJ, was well rebuked ejreises, and psrticularly the closing scene, is represent by the Fmich Marshal, Lefktrk Orte of his friends, 4l as of the most -affecting character every heart was expressing the most unbounded:' admiration of his f eltcJ ies flowed apace. magni&cer.t residence exclaimed-" How fortunate f In lhe Tntellbrenccr of Wednesday. Judse Up- ,. vj ( C3 - - shur promises to reply to Mr. Dolts as soon as he ob tains his proofs, which he says he must draw from the same parts of the country that Mr. Botts has drawn his. I CC Hon. Waddy Thompson, of South Carolina, hs been nominated by the President a3 'Minister to Mexico. " you are f " I see you envy me;" said the Marshal i ' hut -come, you shall have all that J possess, at a much cheaper rate than I mysell paid-for it; tep down with me into the vard, you shall let me fire fwenty rriusket shots at you, at the distance of thirty paces, and if I fail to bring you down, all that I have Is yours. What, you refuse," said the Marshal, seeiosrtbat his friend demurred -" know that before' I reached my present eminence, I was.xtbhgcd to stand more than a thousand muxket shots, ahd those who pulled the tjiggers, were nothing'like thirty paces from -ras7' - POPULATION. , The proportion between the sexesaerms to be gov. ; . i: . 'u. 1 ilr the influence of what is called the South. It is cmtTu uy u ueueiai whi perinauetn law, . wuicu, uuuui- -r. , . . , . . bnninn thm nt th JSnnth thprf- are fommil less, keeps them at -the standard best-adapted for hu man happiness. W herever accurate Registers have been kept, we know that the number of males exceeds the ftmaiej&.r And yet, owing to the greater longevi ty of females-r-to the loss of - male life in the MJitary and Naval service to emigration and other circum stances, it is found that the females eceed the male Tn fiiio lYni Cr r t? rf lin9 rtf rrt ni 1 n finn xaft mfA a M n.i ntifir, nfAr, .nh.rin'1 An.lmff Pmvi, I fThe reports of thc.Iutelligencer are, so soy those who d. nee of a common Father, who, making no dis- know, eualto those of any Journal on either side of lmilinhi'nf miitr n. atiilinn onlio(a iKa nhUlf fimi V I llM of mankind -lo the same paternal control. . " 1 THE OFFENSIVE PASSAGE. 'fhe 'National Intelligencer'1 givea the following a the remarks of Mr. AnLMSwhich induced tfie Ed itors, to decline the furtherreport of his Siteeche: i As lo the external auxiliaries of the member from Albemarle, and of the conspiracy, I will jirst spenk of the press, which, as is wen Knovn, is in mis city un Am- the influence of what is called the South. It ii well known thai at the South there are committees of vigilance, who violate the post office, take out, aftd without scruple burn whatever they c nsjder as in its nature incehiiiary. What is the natural effect of tliis on the press? t he effect U, that whenever a debate of this kind occurs, you can never get a lair report of it's and in proof nf-this. a-st-riion I give tha r p:rtof jeslerday ih the National Intelligencer. There is no 'report of that debute which .deserves the name of a rc- ' PAINFUL DEVELdPEMENT. A Memorial has just been' presented to the Legisla ture of Virginia, by the James River and Kanawha Company which developcs facts at once startling arid mortifying ; and which, if not satisfactorily explained, will cver:with infamy a man who has, hitherto, claimed to be the very soul of hondr, and pink of chiv alry. : . i It appears from the Memorial, above alluded to, that the President and Directors of the ; J ames River Com- f We understand thht it is stated by a delegate thft fnco toco Convention at Raletgh that the reasort; Mr. Haywood kicked Jr tn ni.MA tKa un.iwon that he." feaiin' ifcat ohless he did something of the kind, he woutf hia office. ?;WilI!tlw Register inform ua what of- ' l- U...v,Kn'l,lj f .Cj4-Wgg'r? thg atgt itTJtttfrorn the last - Charlotte pany , p4oyilAKi.T9ir, formerly Governor jOOmal, UIU 4uoivi v.'iiv'.".' - - p wuurvaiuuiiaf Mtiwvmuii'v ... ww..b.wWt w have before intimated, that the Loco Foco, party, Y an Agent, &c. to negotiate, for ahem in England, a although they dare not' come out manfully and avow; portion of the foan, authorized by the Legislature some ihave ft confidence .irt Mr. Hatwoobp's politifcalh yeara mnce. .T thia - end, they-entrusted him with ALAotW. n1 An idetermiried to shake hirit off- gtate Tonds to ffie iuwrabt of 55W)00, when on his UltllODBIUUDl www . y -r , f- V - . 1 iher orofess indeed, !thobgh their organs, to reganl Way to England In 1840. By depositing $470,000 of ? During the Presidential canvass, and while they were seeking for power, the Whigs made liberal pro niise3 to the people. They led them to expect, in the event of tht-ir success, general relief to all the real apd fancied distresses pf the country, which they had oAr.Ric.nW ascribed to the mal administration of the Lteraoc'ra'.ic party. They led them to expect, a refor mation of the currency ; an equalization of the ex changes; financial ami commercial prosperity ; an economical government ; Tght taxes aud a wise ad-, irjinistration. Have their.vaunted successes wruught tlie mighty charm of universal prosperity ? Have tlteir splendid anticipations been realized, "or their specious promises fulfilled ? On the contrary, the dis orders of the currency and exchanges continued una- LfattKl.' Is fotO JivhirMK -- ; r- ? There is a vqry brief and simple answer tr; th'ia eloquent tirade against " Whif mts njle,"and that is, that the Whigs iiavci been in, power only one short month id the last I.Svears. Durini? that time, no Congress vas in session, and the VVhrgs had no means of rrpairihg the ihnfjrrrerable evils which VEKV GOOD. . . Some of the Boston papers having tecomnwBJed the practice of fencing with the small wpr j as a graceful, salutary, and healthful exercise, well adapted to deve lope the physical powers the Kennebec Journal recommends-splitting and sawing wood as equally salu tary, and much niore profitable. STATE OF F RA NK L A.N D. We learn from the Nashville Union," that the proposition to create a'new State, out of portions of Tennessee. arid other States, to be called the ' State of Frankjand," has been put to rest, for the present at Jcast, by a majority of twelve votes in the Houe- ' For the Uf gUtee. CATECIIISljFQR THQSF. WIIO CAXSOT. READ. Mi- Gai.es: A CAXECHisaTis now for.f ale at the Book Store of Messrs. Turner &. Hughes, and at other places' in the Diocese, designed to be taught Oru,lt to those who cannot read. It was prepared by the Subscriber, as an aid in he religious iusfruction of young Slaves from 4 to,12 years of age ; and found to be well adapted to this end. It embraces the es sential truths of the Gospel and is calculated id show Masters their bound en duty a duty enforced by the discipline of the Primitive Church to see that all ten with wliom God has entrusted them- are L jilace in a state of Salvation by Holy Baptism, and trained up tn the nurture and admonition of the Lord. 1 lus, as a question of self-interest, is every way important to our Planters. Nothing can be moro cer tain than the gub&rdinating and trntujuilizing eflectsof the Gospel-system of faith and practice 7 while It is-equidly certain that every effort of the Master, made in Christian simplicity and sincerity, to instil God's truth into the minds of Slave thildren, will be most amply rewarded in the increased contentment and grateful attachment of such children, and in the de lightful conviction of his ovvn-'breast, of having done what lie bmild for the soulsMs well as 'thj bodies of his slaves ttle irou lite the colored children, unemploye'd on the Plantation, or in the do mestjc establishment, -and fot at) hour, three or, four tunes in the- week, teach them to answer together? the questions' here furnished. The process will -at first t;e slow, but after five or six lessons, it will be ra pid to a degree to astonish every spectator. hava myself witnessed the experiment, made by a young lady. Should the plaster and Mistress of any of our Plantations b'ndiiced as I pray GpD they maybe to make anieffort in this behalf, it will giye tne hap piness to co-operate with them to the extent of iny power. , King Louis IX, of France, catechised bis kitchen- boy, and when asked for his reason, replied" The boy hath a soul which was bought with Christ's precious blood as well as mine. L. SILLIMAN IVES NO. Acres. ? 53 106 225 100 127 145 63 72 126 297 to 100 226 106 268 133 52 250 .113 46 779 230 150 100 52 47 95 14S T 19J ' 15 63 11 1 Persons Names. Sy. whom Lis'eil. On or near what Water Course. Tax. William N. Alexander, Margan t ILirris, James E. Pugh, Stephen Alexander, Robert Garrigan, Samuel K. Sim, JSaraji C allace. Nicholas Ciok. Itiraot W. Hudson, John Liteckex, Jr. Maigaret Slough, -. Paul Harnbart, Wirttarn More, . John J. Sjihf r, Capr. t-xaa'c West, Jacob Earnl art, Ge rge Miller's heirsj En Midvr, : George Dry Moes f. - Archibald,. Fanny Cheek, Beverly 'ry, Jr. John W, Man, William Watson, 'yharles Hai;lr, (of Anson,) M illiam M. Cook, lfretl Stougb, On the waters of Reedy Ureek. 4 it i 4 On Coddlrt Crrek. On the waters of Mill Creek, On lh waters of Coddle Cvek, On i e waters of R.tky River, On tiire mile Branch, On Iribh Buff doe Crr.k, U I M On little Cold -Water Cecek, On Big Col J Water Qrcek, t( It u On little BtilTJoe Crtck, On Long Creek, On little Hear Creek, O.i RiH-ky River, . On Muddy Creek, On Caldwell and Reedy Creek, On Roi'ky River, On Irish Biilttloe Creek, On Big Cold Water, Cjl HERIFFUf iLrwiU fell it the; Court hotse In Concord, Cabarros County, on the 3rd Mori. daVvf March next, thlfoilowing tracts of Land.: or so ftjurh iheTeof, as will le necessary to satisfy the' - tv. State ahJ "Poor Tax.'' due thereon1 for the ear 1840. and all continceiit exreiir." to. wttV: ' ' f DuaL ' t:ts. 2 1 5 6 S 2 2 1 2 i 4 1 V 1 is 5 1 3 1 -53 ' 43 93 04' 85 1 fit '2S S2 14 01 lf 3.1 90 54 36 50 3D 12 2 77 21 9! 18 Ot 35 54. Unlisted and subject to double tax and supposed to belong lo the following persons, to Utt vt:-.. u 1 On lt-w.tr Hroolr. I I 8fi Eliza Howie, Johu A. H rwie's estate, J. Barns. William E. Mclvee, . John A. Bruinley, Georje Biiri-kfiertf C. M. McKinley, Owner unknown, Campbell. February 117 "1842. Oo Back Crrek, On Back :e k. Qi th water of Kotky River, On Hamby Run. On the wtt rs of Rcky River, On CMldle Oeek, t)n Anderson Creek, tract No- 2, On tract No. 2, Aderon's "Creek, Oo Irish Bkiffaloe- Creek, " - .A I fnce Adv. $14. . :. - 86 1 . 72 ' . . 1- 34 4ft 53 . ST 14 20 B KRIMMINGER, Sheriff . 13 Tnis Cateehlsin may be tanghtyWitb very lit hie. A young lady has only toemlite' tlie a inn rs:i siiAfiKS Of Stork of the Bank of Cape'Far, are o.Iieteu for sale on gOii wrms. ;-; . ATPLY TO THE EDITOH. Ra'eiah. 12h Ftbruarv. 1842. 14 w4w , i , V m ;.V flSOLlrTI01 The firm of LirciiFoai jjj? & hit has been "tlisoWed by mutual con- sent, nd all those indebted will filesse cme forwtri and pay up! JA.ME LITQff FOli D, BOURBON SMITH. Bourbon ?isii!U AVING taken the old si and,. opposite tbaPet Oflice. intends carrvincr on the TAILORING UftlNESS in all its various branches, and solicit a share of puM'c patronage. , Fely 10. A TEACHER WANTED To take charge of JO. 000 of bonds which Morrison V. Co. hold. j The u Journal' aVs. what oflBce. Mr. ffajfwoqtll pon(jg wa hypothecate JIamiUon with a I'll- A. TT la TTftorl ftfatM ALtOTTICV for ih l)l?-iri.:A XX tKa rvrnfU Af it hVA hom di- Mr. H. is Uniled States Attorney ior we yis- tirt of North : Carolina,, which he took 'under peculiar i Mm.u Ka rvnnftt ha well exolained without k V"sli-. - Ant'iwrnt wliirh. 'as it has been. XcnsigtKd to obIiiott we are willing there it shoold; remain. He took it however, to relief a tnenii trwn an unpleasant dilemma, arid so far fromr betng desi roua to hnld it, wehaW nodoabt he would be especially .verted from the use of the Company to his own indi vidual use. The amount received on account of these Bohd.,"andahe 4erma on which he disposed of them, are ndt khowhr-and consequently it cannot be ascer tained wliat loss, if any, the Company, will sustain by the operation.. Letters have been received freni Gene ral HijiiLTOX, admitting the.mtsapphcanon of the .JJioalii Fl- v 10 Y1S02- 7 UUI 40 A'SIU .V, J Mwrv " I fill, TV L I 1. 1 U I DUUlUilHg . u..tf v.uwwi.w. v - SMtiBed-'tf Mr.' Ttfie&roM reniovehim. Itis rather I fundswiih assurances, however, that he had made a drawback than a help to bis practice, and that mind or wa3' making ample provision, to re-imburse the must be microscopic ptidced, r , that could attribute Mr. compdny and save them harmless.; These assurances H's tate independenfj iand honorable couree to'such a bae n0t proved satisfactory to ;the,. Company,.and motive as lae.reieaiiuu i v-! "r, I nence tney appiy w iuo ucsiaiaiuc ui lucaua i ot wnien nuuy lurcusu utj.a v.." ft- IP ' TIIOS. H. BENTON. " It wilt be seen frorn tne Congressional "proceedings iri this paper) that; "er Ttresday last, the Senate of the. United States', wUictil heretofore under all the biuer;-. ble 4hem to make gootl the deficiency, and preserve their own and the jcredit of the Commonwealth. The Richmond Enquirer" tjjuly characterizes it as one f the most mortifying transactionsj which these extraordinary times have called forth. nets' pf Party, has maintained a becoming dignity, yr& disgxaced by one of those scenes ot cusower ana row- which have, Juring the last three or four years. The'qnesliort whether the Aet jof Congress, in rela Kiinnt "rlpiiprnps our commendation." i It was that condact of the ally of the Ikjcos which nrevented the settlement of the currency 'a'nfl thp. roiisenuent restoration of thfi riotintrv :to" Drosoerity and reposes It was fiat conduct landed by the Locos, and re probated l)V the Whigs wruch has protract ed and aggcavaiea me sum-Tiny, wn-n cofocoism began, and which will be continu ed until better counsels prevail. The Locos, .v... inofi't pinllpd ihat conduct: and as i jt i was the cause of the coritinued embar rUtncnts of the country, they cannot es cape the responskbJlUy which : attaches to that conduct. -The conduct of- Mr. Ty vt was thoroughly LOCOFOCOISIl. If Van Buren had been in the Executive Chair, he wonld have acted just as Mr.:Ty jpr did. -Under -him, the afflictions of the imd wrtuld have been, aggravated to some Extent by the operation of the Sub-Treasury iQVl imw th neonle are to be relieved by d rAsinration of that system we I e aye.. for Locofocd wisdom lo expou nd. Rich. Whig ftfT" The difficulty of crettino; Ilorses from a Stable where surrounding buildings are in a stale of conna";ration, is well knowhv and that in consequence of such difficulty, aris rnrr from the animal s oreau ot stirrino- irom -the scene of destruction, many valuable Horses have berished in the flames. A ffen tleroaji, whose Horses had been in great peril from such a cause, having iu vain tried to save them, hit uoon the experiment of ,4 having them harnefesetl as though they were ffoine to their usual work, when, to-his as- imiiAhmentJ.thcv were led from the stable j without difficulty. KlCfl itlO COUK. ot' Iredell County, N.C willed te his and his wife's relations! S'Nesroes. and his money, to iVe disposed of hy his wife Lrrcy, amongst his and his wife's relations. His wife Lacy distributed the 5 Nerrocsto twtrBrot 'ers. a Sifter and two Nieces of tr ' . ... . Richard Cook. leawrT the money in the hands ot x country 8ch.ul, 8 miles Westofmith- wcusru .ooKs oxecuor ui u.sp..B?u . y Johnston Coui.tv. Communications ad-Ires- Vook, bxecutor or Lucy Maury nnu r.xecu or jd Jo lhc R D RaU.ihi (-post paid J ill John Cook, summing Executor of Richard Cook, i ,0or to lhe' 8Ubscribers, a SmilUfield. havirig received from ihe .Exe.-utors of Richard Cook. Tcs1JnoniaU of characler and 8UiQ,y W fafiltbe sllU thft nart not dixnosed of bv Lucv Mabrv : and havinu L ,, . . , , . r - , failed to notify the parties interested in said Lstate as the law diit cts, U illiam W. Rcavis and other do make this Proclamation to the parties interested in the said Estite, to exhibit their claimi. well attested, to the Supreme Court at Raleigh, that there may be a final derision in the ease of William W. Reavis and others vs. James Cook, Exei-qtorof Lucy Mubry.dec. WM.W. KjA V IS !tt) othehs, oy February 10, 1812. 14 It Febroary 11, 1342- JAMES TOMLINSON, J, C. SMITH. 135 A riltn The attention of Carolina Mer- fa chants, Seventy-Five Dollars Reward. TTfa ANAWA-Y from the subscriber about the 15th JTHof February last, his man vv AsaiwoTflsf. wIm mVi ory KrTy fcjwr; Irom &8 io 5 years f ge, in complexion very black ana sieeK, tectn wnue, lu sta tue about 5 feet uinc or ten inches, straight an.lwi-H- fnrmpl in rwrnn ihnnith vcrv Bliohllv inclined lo bfl . i l. I 'i-t r j n j. ----- Shin Owners, and the Durcnusina com- u.xnA nnmhi ih,.m l.sn nr ifin 1Kb K I.apo mmtilv in o-pneral. i resnerifo llv called to the Fe- i ... i.-.i ,).;. .n k;, i;r j ---j j x 1 1 ur el i viiiy i a i ut i 9 niiu voi i ia uui-i v mo tersburg Bakery,. which is now in full ojieration, and j disposed to dress dashinely and be very genlret- in . i . . - . . z r r ll..1- . .... .... his demeanor in general, lie wnsro.setl in tue Plane family of Martin County and was purcnasea o! Mr t-i? Slit,, he House pi Represewtaaves down to the tionlo bankruptcy; sweeps away he benefit of the in- rej)1v .to Mr Behtori en the effects of the Bankrupt bill', and charging the; distresses of the Country (and that very properly HP idie success of the principles of the Missouri Senator. the eats of the grave LegisJatprs were saluted with 'Wj;-iwfttotBl-biuatenj(jg, bul ly mg tot'Va;'-" its false.' The Chair called tq order. V Mrrepea(e(f, in-. tlefiance of the call of the presiding Officer and hi tlie very teeth of the Rule of Ordef4' False sirfalse W-" This he ejaculated for'the fourth thf tlwugh fepeat .isfliv called to order.! f The New Tfork Senator priser? , ved bi3 temper and igeemed "no way disconcerted bjf tne ruaenes ui mc pjii;m uABtya .4. buuiu had coma in contact? t We have always redded Mr." Benton aaapproaghiog nearer-inharaoter t6 sorpe of the blood-thirsty leaders of the- Fff nch Reyeluticn than any politicaUDcmagpgue of the day. . ; His cond ucrqn- tW,a tv.mann forniiltH Kir One lirOOr of 'it. We trUSt, bat we may not have added to carr already almost ia- supportable di3graee i the iieep,, ipe ovterwueumng mortification of teeing tha SewAT that great coft servative branch of our Government that body , wlrit h so gallantly resisted the tyranny of Andrew Jachton, degraded and. b?bVvctdwn tathetnst, by th -dic tation and rowdytsna oi sucu men os. i lt?iDe iZTOur Town was airain disturbed, .TuesdVv-. night, last, by Ae. cry of fire. - BtoagiH,itie-Mu .,,.r..4. -rr -z . ; . . ; 4. . , , About s x o'e ock, the renter s noiei, uc- lowest point of al degradation. It appears that- soivent .s about to be testcdaryland. The C V Bron, was tliscor- whiUtMr. rmawai addressing th6 Senate, ia- 'Bft Sun.tfates.lhat nee tfte Aet of Congeas fif buJ fore .the alarm be- ''ir. '"Rm' 'on tha effects of the Bankrupt haa come, into operation, an bidet to the Warden of. pr . v ' : , v ., i . , . ; marv (TOnPfM. mrp.fi fOlLH (Jll IllCll. BaHimore Jail, from the Commissioners of insolvent g? , aHd--Carver'a hati debtors'to produce before them the body of a debtor I i .. . . . nnA UA.A hr firo. so confined m that Jajl, has been disobeyed, the warden: La . . the Ertffine9-.ot.-therei the being in dobt .whether His lawfolf for him to obey y. wa30,jt. In consideration of tlieic meri- therder ;of thAUm the re-. (JfjQUS servces the cilkens. have presented quest f titaebtoi'sCounsel.ijju three men witu.a newautl cdroaA;loth ,irfrinhiwi"-to show cause why.: ihe farish prerogative f . ' ,rr,l'vr'it'mpnt and 'anxiety" occasioned tmll niA. isrtrnnmnnarvibrifr him to : r-Si. tvn riifrht- ffnr Ihf. ; wiud .was blPWinS & Vni.UI (HKJaUI"0 ma, raw- .--p , I 11H1V 1 1 4, - 't. - J f " prodAice the body of tfee dehtor before the Commission al6 f r0m t he North-weft,; BDOUld pe a er- Mothetily love. Last arhoiijr the char acteristics of woman is that sweet motherly love with which nature has gifted her ; it is alrnostindooendentofeoJd reason, and wholly removed from all selfish hope of reward. Not because it is lovely, does the mother . ' .... . - . !. Jove her child, but because it is a living part' -of- herself--the child ot her Heart, a Jraction of her- own nature. Therefore do bpr Fntratis vearn over his wailius; her .hpart beats Quicker at his ioy : her blood ----- . - flows more softly through her veins, wtien the breast at which he drinks knits him to UrT Herder : Mrs. Austin's Fragments from-German Writers. NoRTn Carolina Coal. Josiah Tyson, F.cr. bns nrpRP.ntfitl u with-a specimen of rnn tafcpn from the Mine o his lands ort Deep River, irv Moore County, of superior qwarity to any that we have seen SoHth of Pennsylvanra, . Indeed it is very smmar to the Anthracite coal of that fctate, l here is an -inexhanstible supply of it, antV; we hope that the day will Come nvhen it will be brought into use.tayelftviue uoserter. vehfTf mav lu lisul .ver-a.4J4.4irr; i ition of Crackers and Biscuit, cut by machinery, at the lowest market price?, wholesale and retail. Also, Cakes of oil sixes and patterns. GLEAN & CO. Petersbura Feb 9. m THIS beautiful and thnrough-bred Stallion will stand the ensuing Seas n at my Stable, 8 miles South of Raleigh and et Raleigh. The Season wilt com mence on the fir.--t of March, and termi- n iho fif nf Jolv. MELZARE will be let to uatu via n v " - - i Mares at $20 the Season, and $30 to insure, r or particulars see large hand bids. U. OI Iii illjiiou.i. Feb. 10, 1842. 4 . mlflammotli Scheme : 60,0002 5,000. lS.OOO 11S.OOO S1O.O0O. 10 of $1,500, 0 of 81,200, 50 of 1,000. UNTO N L 0 T T E It Y , Class NoJ. roa 1842. To be drawn at Alexandria, D. C on Saturday, the IShh Marcli, A. Maer some 15 years since. I am disposed to think he has, or will attempt, to make his way to the North, having understood that be had- purchased or other wise obtained papers from some free npgro. If such is the ca.e,'he will most probabN assume the name of Sladeor Mae I will give $75 for his oppreheo sion and snfe detention, if taken beyond the limits of the State, and $50 if taken within the State. JOSEPH B. G. ROULHAC. , Windsor, N. C. Jan. 20, 1842. 8 3m ; . - : WHAT -NEXT ? r : - " - A CoirresBohde tit of the Nai'votml yIteHigeneer, irlia aims himself 4'A-- Member -of '-the South Caroli na IisJaUrre, delietlthat the NuUineri ever con ,'v,nl;i1n "rliRSftlutitin' of ifa Ciion T- 'We ahaU faexfeK asseftl next, that be sole oioecthe ersj in order that the debjot hray take- fte benefiVof: iroflfo to Qt..cai?ens, . tp use the ut- h!tLaws-oTMarvland.! The Court apboinifi most caution about tftett ores. , inpr ig Let: tbetn. re- tedtSatarday last the day oa which f& hear an ar4lace sbotild never slegp gumeni on uio suiyuu '. j lit'. 7 V ". : i L .... o -O-f- Th.ivav subject ' j ' ;.-.'. . '.-'; : '.4 . ".. t - jrtU th Methodist Church, and. two y (CP I we rarely ouutn we ;r aaatoxu. . .or hf6----. lll . K:hnl t Month," Wlhefoltewwrrotop-oncBwLerfoii, MPS ous, "u"" f f i i . K u I they were fortfinateh na- tlie suburbs o istoo good tube lost; r , ; . J Tl T "KWcn haft been arrested m nAats nro erv much worn, narbculan v at the eU viSi v x tA -trloi- fr the incen bfiws, andate .comined-wiuVa thuunj tubstanjee, s ; ? v - ' gives wemaery glossy appearence. Anm ;. ( Careliman. rU4la UU VT II IU9 ptuo, mv ' - v " " 4.1 :. w.:,v, bV.nUHv imteni at tha iZn 1ft HiTt Thfl threc-eornered Cocked Jiat uuuui of irj . . i rf--- . - and weliaeseeitt.-whwnba 81Pf Rwas worn in France, in the last .ceatttry, ol d .oitytiLi;ipS!i0 j. the quantity ucn a si2e that it served as a ritrstl a opicwu. - j'.- mne waather, art timbrel tar tn caseoiTwn, inkaow witli Wown spots of a mod color, thrown im 1; . - iA-v- f J .... I ...-;'. .UI L.-.r .'.4 .L'' ...l.t-. 4 quite lrregutartymna: we- n . frtimes h bmb frfnOTeil"HH t. " From the Ration Post. Truly surprising is the iijgenuily of man. There vs no bwunds to fas enterpfise. He no sooner accorn piishes one object than his mini! is bent upiitt another, from accomHishing which he will not desist .until, he lnc6eeds. w were leu to rnese reureui njp - .-t;ii.s several of our acquaintances h truly beatrtiiui niacK hair, who, whea last we saw them,, were perfectly; gfeYv Cccasioned by iHoess, or toine other cause not knownyand findhig that this was done by the ap)li catiorr "of the East Indiaair Dye, which we were tokl was applied witbool any uauger oi pwonng iue ,MiUri.inen. This we thotight wertlt giving puwie ntiee of, as we know mwt who, were tttey cognrzaqt -of Che fact, would hastily avail themselves of this ua rj The alwve simple vet vaiuanie pn-paraiion, is tobhad of COMSTOCK & CO. wholesale Drug cists. N. 71 Mawlen Lane, New York v and m this . . ik-v'T' HflTTJ Uity, of the Agentja.upuw'r. . - Richmond, Feb. 11. The LEGisLATrRE.-In the House yester day a great number of engrossed bills were --AA'-hirA timR and riarssed. The follow- inf Gentlemen were vnammously re-elected. to the offtces opposite "their names : James Heath, f 1:5; auuuou -t. Jr.'Secarid Auditor T.FFonn in Paeksk, Register of the xaaiiu uiui.) "--7 A j. . ;WlI. " H. .KlCTCaBPSOS, oecrewry "' CT J.-Q.' GREGORY & CO., M axageks. b n 1 Ltr ANT scuvws. . $30,000 25,000 . 15,000 . 12,t)00 10,000 9,000 7,000 6,666 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 - J,S00 . 1,250c - 1,003! 500 ' 250 K . 2Q0 100 ... .; 80 60 : 00 ' 40 1 grand capital of . 1 splendid pfi2e of 1 ' do 1 do. 1 do 1 do . . 1 do . , 1 do .2 prizes of 1 3 do. 5 do - 5 : do , 10 - drf ; 20 ' ' do . 50 ' & ' 50. do T33 (any 3 nos.) - 6& prizes off 65, do .-; 65' . do 130 d 260 ' io - 260 - - do -4225 dd git ate of Wortli Carolina. Nash Coun Cwurt of Equity. Filed iu Winter vacation, 1841 and 1842. The Bill of complaint of Caswell Drake, Bicbard Drake and Loota his wife, Henry Mitchell and Penelope his wife, Richmond Doner arid Martha bis wile. John Srrews and Po4ly his wife, of Polly ireen and Rhoda Green, ebildren and htirt of Elizabeth Green. ' ' . ''r VS.. ' : Jacob Ing; adm'r. wTfh the Will annexed of Edwin Drake, Temperance Drake, Sally Drake, and Wm. J. Drake, Wdtiara Rieks and his wife Patience, of Ihe State of Jeorgla, Richard Olive end wife 8al Iv. Joeuh Embry and wife Nancy of the ttiaie of . MUsisippi, p4limny Drake aud Edmund Drake, children a ltd heirs of Henry Drake of the 8iale of Tennessee, lletsy Nichjdson, Polly Nicholson. Jo- srph Nicht8on Job n; Nicholson and Abby Niih ols .n. children and. heirs of Cloey Nicholson of . the Slate of Ter.nessee. . '. ' In Ibis cne it '8jpeariHg that the Defendanta Wil li im If irks wnd wife Patiinw, Richard Olive end wife Sally. Joseph Embry and wife Nancy, PoTimny lir..u.. m..t Edmund Drke. children. 'and heirs of Henry Drake, Belsy NkholTi, Polly Nk-h.klson, Joscjih Nicholson, John Nichols.Ki gnd Abby Nirhol (nti'are non-resideriU of this Stale ; H is ihetf fbrf irdervd ihat-publiratioft be made as to them in the Rateith Rjieier for six weeks to appear. betV.re the lionrabi Jutlfe 4 our Court of Equity U be held for ihe C4ittrj ef Nash at the Coqrt House in Nash ;u An iiu ihirt Martdsv of Msrch nett then and - j - t - ltUeto plead and answer the Sai! Bill ef complaint. , or Ju4jwr! writ lt tenoereo pro epnyesr mm i wfi Wirnasis Ssmnel W. W- V it k, Clerk t,d Mater in Equifof the County of Nash, at Office in Itthf vilte. the 50th dyf January 1842. ' . S. W. W. VICK. C. M. E. ' By tt. H. BLOUNT, !)p. C M. B. Jan. 25, 1844 " Pr. Ady.'tS 8 ud color,tbrown 04 MM 4.... .... .rz iWfl. RicijiBPsbs, -.SeetaTjr o ri ;'Ly jj? ' t' . - - - yy; - . rt- - - . . '. ' ' , ! v". ' . ' . I - 1 ;j "I ' ' . 6,240 (3d or 4th or 5th drawn number) 25 16,640 (any other drawn number) v 20 ?a nnmWa 13 drawn ballots. Tickets only $20, Halve 10, Quarter. 5, .Eighths 2.50 Certificates ot packages m, jh Do do ' 28 half ! r4d 140 p -do 26qtfarWtdfl 70 n An 26 eiehths do 35 -a - ' " t- n4 certificates df i packaeea m w above magnificent 6chemer?oaslaotly for sale, r - - - . if- 1' L.-. rt.nY.4T;. Af I tk I in Hie gteatl sariety 01 jrwmwn, mv n Mrragera,-next door esst ef Gadsby. Hotel, Wash; inglon. ' . j - Onlers from a distance wW receive the moat prompt - T,- -1 L- .W- -JrnnirilT ! M Hi If. altenuon,4 ana as mntm f tr, . - - 1 eoant of it wUl be sent ti ailwho 'ff"01 Ty I Address. G- UREUUKX "Ws!Ka . . Feb, lv WsshinetAtl Ciff i TATE OF NORTH C ATM) LINA-Nash coun ty. 1q Equity, Novfmber J erm 1841. . Samuel L. Arrington, - - ' ; VS. - William Cooper, administrator of Richard Armstrong Drake and Benjamin Screws and wife Mourning. - Original Bin. ir, iiiU cu it aouesfina llist the Defendants Beiv jarniu Screws and wife Mourning, are nw-residr-nta of this State." It is therefore erdered that pwblicairon made in the Raleigh Register foreix wek. nrti fvtB" the said Reniarn'm Screws tnd wife Mournmg tn appear betire the nonoraoie juoge our u. Equity V be held for thi County of Nhal tb Cwrt Heuse in Jashvitte 00 we "bird Monday H March Best, then and there to pleaJ and answer the sai4 Bill of complaintor Judgment wMl be wderedore confesn as ta them. . Witness. Samuel W, W. Tick, Werk aaJM aster in Equity for the County f Nash, at Office in NaabTiHe. the 20th day trf Jaiuary 1842. SAMUL vv. W. sr, By B. H. BLOUNT, Dep, CU M. JEk f.4 19 Ii Ii J 1 0 '.I- ' 4-. . -V7- " ' - TM Nit ..i-i.i'S 1 . -i ... . - ' --4 IYY.ifi .YifYt jaw,! 4 V - , . ,i- ;..v " Y " . j -- '.im,-,T-'"f': 11 .1... .1 - mm !" 1" . "ii - 1 1 -V B .....:..r,- .... ... " , ,

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