Ci' i. f - 'Si' TTDTOim , - "v, i ' " t 't IIS foc iK pen hlei NORTH CAROLINA GAZETTE itiorl yal ,t C ni, "dttBV ARE TUB rt.AW OF fATK DfetlOHTFt't PeACA, IbJRT'D tfT rXHlV A0, fO tlVM URE BROtHCl all', TV KH9IIBB bvkm r i . HVESTON R, OvALBS, S 01 J 1 RID AY, A PHI I, ia, I 844, ... II r - r M A IX I VA l 1 T J I i I 111 I I II y I I ia I I 'i I 1 VILJ I 1 ip . ; a it v ' ' m m m m av m l a a k ji a a - - - " k a mr - 'V. ... - i i; If te lEli :n4 r lid iell igfr ploy 'rali ill Imp !e'V Da not di. d it the ace (fpif lC((t iff The ing c lave vers iced ot I wit th uliU l hall Do, e of toU: 4 c lo V tol bare wiili! lilea buii kof mo. ;ae the lay i re her, boat lipai tact )ini, wts bolhl 9 Oil tind k oi hit lyeil ngro icck iver, ioui the irna id tol e re- lure, that! iriv d. th M nt ,nl4 "vitiJ f lb J fci ire i' U ! id w c. 57 tl m4 i rt ion') Mf rt,H a wis BIi; "Ipablnhta Weekly, at Three Dollar per annnra : RALEIGH. N. C Tuesday, Ajril 9r 1844. " MR. CLAY'S ARRIVAL. We are sorry to inform our readers, that in eonsequeuce of Mr, Cla' indwposiiion at Co lumbia, he wae unable preach Charleston M i'h hnn dsv a was exfioebed. 'J'hia will and! prevent his reaching Wilmington until Wednes- flgy morning, where lie win spenu uw kv, consequently cannot arrive at Raleigh until Fri. da the 12th. Saturday, therefore, will bo tlw great day for the people, fiuteadjrf Friday, at wai anuoonced ii our last. CLAY BANNER. 4 " The Ladiea of jRiligW wlA...tht patriotic ar dour which hie eer distinguished them.have had f prepired a aplondid B innef for the occasion oi Mr. Ciay's contemplated visit to thin Miy. ; was executed by that beautiful and tasteful artist. Mr. Charles Doratt, and the design is as follows : On 'the. riSht of the Picture, a female figure, robed in the Rational Flag, is endeavoring, altho weak and exhausted, to raise herself from the ground ; he is surounded by heivy dark closds, ind near her in the bark'groiuid are representa tions of Discord, Envy, etc In the centre of the Picture, a full length figure of Honry Clay, with hie lef hand assisting the female to rise, and with his right pointing to the right of the Picture, which represents a clear, beautiful sky j a view of the ocean, crowded with vessels, ships and boats discharging their cargoes on a beach cover a with merchandise. In the foreground, a rural teene, with ittle,-mpleiiiU of husbandry, and people dancing, an J fcposTrtg a ft e r t lm I abors of th (Iiy. The landscape represents a sunny day 'in eprmg. The mot! oat the bottom-" Lebon tempi teritntlra." (The good old times will return.) The picture is in a golden Frame, supported by twe large goldea figures, representing on one ids Peace and Plenty, on the other Justice with the appropriate ornaments. ? DOMESTIC INDUSTRY. ' We were shown yesterday, some beautiful Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs, manufactured byMra. Ma IT H. Colburn, of this City, a lady who hadis dietinguished' herself b her ingenious "handy work" in this line. The llaiidkerchiefsarehea y, knd must prove durable. They lo"k, as if they would outlast two or three of the ordinary JBahdanna. Of Course, Mr?. C.raieedthe Worms, weled the silk, and wove the material, all within kwtelf. , Gov. Morkhkad has appointed Fbxdertck C. Hill, of Wiliiiington, one of hi Aids, with the rank of Colonel. JT Dr. Fitzgibbon, of the Norfolk Lyceum, ha commenced a short course of Lectures in the Court House, on Electro-Magnfitism and Chemistry. The Apparatus made by Mr. 8. N. Botsfobd, of which we have spoken before, will be introduced there. Dr. F. stands hi g h ai a Lee turer in Virginia, and we hope the citizens will avail themselves of this, and perhaps the only op portunity, of witnessing those boautiful experi ments. RIGHT. We are glad to tee the Whigs of Congress en deavoring to Mcure an early adjourn men t.of that Body, ihey bnd that it is utterly impoesiDie to do any thing of advantage to the Country with the present Loco Fuco majority, and are unwilling that the Country shall be saddled with the ex pense of a brawling Congress. The Whig ball i gathering velocity. The Whig are roued, and the Locos must clear the uaelt .- .. Get out or the wsy, you're all nnlm-ky, Clear fhs track for kl Kentucky!" THAT ROAST BEEF. The " Standard" is eternally harping about the " two dollars and roast beer promised by the Whiff, a he ays, in 1640. Loco Focoism never ptamised even thai. :TTieir motto was "JEight cents a day and bean soup" " Hard money, the Sab Treasury,-and tow wages." VYa give a few gem from the Loco FoCo Orator ' " " I desire that thi country may attain the same inppjr tuiiun ' " - jL of a purely metalic currency"- Senator Walker of juus. " Reduce our- nominal to the real standard of price throughout the world, and you cover the country with blessing and benefita." -fludtou an' Speech on the Su- Treaswy. " Although tinder pretecUve Tariff the me chanic may receive higher wages, he will neither be happier, nqrrichn a- he would only drink the more and work the less." Senayr Woodbury. Exrjrtsrti The foUowing, which we cut from Jb TJoston " Bee," is decidedly the very beet joke 'of the session : ; ' - A tody antered Sir good, ttqra, in,Chape.' reet fie pthrjpay, after inqtiifinjf for rarie f pf article, he requested the clerk to,.ejihw(W bme cambric of "a hay color t" He ioqdired wUh om uirpris what she meant by thapjor ! Why aid-he, "cambric tht ptkktfytmr irmaenl" "You are mistaken madai, I don't ear any.f!j And it wa some, time bffor she eould make him understand that, she alluded to awe atore fixture. VISIT OF COL JOHNSON. We learn from an extract of a letter from Col. JL M. Johnms, that he intend visiting our State during the next month, in compliance with the invitation of his friends. We wonder if the Loeofoco.wiU eall this an electioneering tour, and telllople that he is coming to 14 North Carolina In i person to beg their vote !" If he hourd be received with military honors, which he will' undoubtedly be, will the Standard beg the Whiffs who belong to our volunteer Compa- nies to etay away, and not stand up there '"in oniform, before the Hero of the Great Crowing,. " to be abused and tongue-lashed by the groat eleetioneererl" We trow not but an appeal to our magnanimity will be made, begging us to laf aide, at least for a seasoivall sordid, acrimo niou party feeling, that we may ail unite, fellow-countrymen and citizen-soldiere, to do honor to the scarred old veteran warrior and Pa. triot received on the blood-stained battle-field t This is aH well enough it is but just and right and we hope such will be the caee. But is this the way limy ct towards Mr. Clay! He comes to our State at the earnest solicitation of a respectable number of North Carolina's most favorite sons, and to the gratification of a largo majority of her entire population and yet these fastidtmiSs self-styled " Democrats" talk of his polluting the soil of our revered old State ; call ing him a "fxxblko-private visiter" a "political pedlar" an "electioneering speech-maker' ! and denominating his thousands of admireis as "man-worshippers" "looking up to di n as a God." Out upon such base prostitution of every holy and ennobling quality of the human heart, to the morbid appetite of party malire. So help m Heaven, were- we-er member of the "Demo cratic" party, we would refuse to keep our place io its rank?, to be chained, fettered, bound down and dictated to by malicious, implacable, party hatred. IIUUR 1 VDIX COMECTICt7T. ''Cilear the way for Hurry Clay!" A WHIG GOVERNOR! WHIG HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ! AND A WHIG SENATE Wilis Opien, No. 3. . " Another touch of that same old tune Another sight of that same old Coon !" 1L " rtf 1? The contest in Connecticut on Monday lat wa conducted with great Spirit, and drew out an unif ally -large vote. The election wa for Star officers and members of the Legislature, and the choice of the latter is regarded a highly imported there being two United States Sena tor to oe chosen at the next session ? and most gallantly have the glorious Whigs of Connecticut redeemed their pledge of the 22d February last, in sweeping away, "dike chaff before -the . ind" every vestige of Locofocoism. Honor to the Whig of Connecticut f SevenTinticTbeingTil but one) have been heard from, and Baldwin's majority over Cleve land is 1,670! Windham county had not been heard from ; but it cannot give Cleveland more than 100. It is probable, therefore, that BALD WIN, THE WHIG CANDIDATE, is chosen Governor BY THE PEOPLE ! At any rate, he "cannorhaveles than l.fJOOover Cleaveland, and will certainly be chosen by the Legislature, if not by the people. In. tlie"seven counties heard from, hU majority over both Loeufoco and Aboli tion candidate is 431! So far as heard from, the Senate stand THIRTEEN Whigs to five Los ; and the House EIGHTY-NINE Whig i6.fftlljtK.-WMi&hMnr.ilt.coiialifi-la be heard froip, will not materially change this result. , Thi w glory enoagb for eno day ! Notwith standing tne INTRIGUES and FALSEHOODS of the Locofocos, that ball still roll on, To elear the way fot Henry Ctay." SteambcIat VotiKo.-pIb the lower trade (says ihe St. Louis Era,) the captains of steamboat have found rt necessary to prohibit votes being taken on the Presidential question Mwng the passengers, by dividing the vote Vn the two ides of the boat; because the voter on the Clay side of tl boit o far outnumber and outweigh those on the Van Buren side a to endanger the boat try upsetting. The Pennsylvania Keystone, in abusing Mr. Clay's personal appearance, ays that he bass "large and ugly mouth." This is a feature of Mr. Clay's face, which needs; no defence. tpeakt far ititlf. Lo. Journal . t IHJ, 4 Thb Catastkofhb or the Princeton--Our whilom friend and neighbor, Rev'd E. H.Chapin, no of Charlcstown, Massachusetts, pseached a most eloquent and appropriate dneourse on this calamity, the Sunday after it occurrence. We have SrVeeTved a handsomely printed copy of it in pharophlet form. The subject is the " Suddcr ness of Death." We select the' following passage rather for its completenes than for being the best in the, address " But, my friends, in contemplating this event, we must not forget its practical leitsom. And, lirji i he fact, last alluded to, is f the, teaching brought homo to ua hat it ion. nor talent, Bffr diznity cansnteiu iromium wng rwuui on the pale horse, shooting hi ajrows among men, and trampling down, al I ranks and grades i n t ho dust ! . Iiieucli iiislanoe as tin-which we now commemorate, his operations are more m.-jrked, and although lie i continually aretind us, we reali-M hi power more, and foel lbath ia verily in our midst. In yonder lowly liouse there lietli one at the last gasp his dim eyes straming for the light, and his breafli struggling to be free. And but one mourner sundu by lum. dropping hot, faet tears, and takes the hand she hue long clutig to for weal or wo, and feels it cold and re laxed in lirr own realizes I he awlil truth, pierc itig to her heart of heart., that deilh is cutting asunder the dearest tie thai hinds her to earth. And she alone, with the few lYiendVlhat can pare time Irnm their hard toil, will follow him to his lat resting place. Only in her wiihered heart will his memory he cherished. The world heeds not death a.s it is saen in thi instance. And yotider lies an infant,. like a white bud in June, wi:hered with the lirst breath of earthly air: and the multitude carra not and knows not about that. Ai.d us vve ride along by nigh', up in chamber windows we see dim lights, that flicker out upon Hie lonely streets, and tell us that within' th?rn death is doing his work. And by day, in the noise and movement of. the city, curtains are drawn, and muffed feet mi about in the darkened rooms, and sobs burst from breaking hearts, but the world does not hear nor see these thincs. These are the common work of death, going on every ii.otiient, but they are felt only, by a few hearts, and Lhev liardlv rea'd us alescon. Iliit when men who stand out in the broad-glare of the world. whose activity has stirred the central soui ot a nation, who have climbed up to lustrous honors and laid their bunds on the very keys of fame when these, in their tall stature, are -stricken down before us into thedus , then, then werea ize that death i mighty ; death is busy ; death lias all seasons for us own : and that we can w-eave no charm of circumstance, we can depend upon no peculiarity of position, that shall shuthim out. He will knock at the door of our fancied security, and we must let him enter. Nay, he will not stop to knock, but, as now, wilt" sweep,.unwarn- ed, upon ua with a thunUerboll and a whirlwind, and where are we !' . . SENTIMENTS OF HENRY CLAY. EXTRACTS TROM CLAY's SrEECHES . " I shall stand erect, with a spirit unconquered, ...kilcf liiv nndtima. TpaAu to sneoiid the exertions ol the People in the cause of lAltrtu, ihe Union, and NATIONAL PROSPERITY.4' " The colors that float at the mast head should be the credentials of our Seamen." " No portion of your population is more loyal to the Union, than the hardy freemen ol the West ; they cling-to it as their beet, their great est, their last support." " I he glorious Bannerol our i.oumry, wnn its unstained star and stripes, still proudly floats at itm mast head with stout hearts and strong srro, we can surmount all our difficulties. Let us raily around that Banner, and firmly resolve to perpetuate our liberties." ' I have no fear for the safety of the Union ; wh 1st our liberties are preserved,-it is a tough and strong cord, as all will find, who shall pre sumptuously attempt to break it." The' Whig Prize Banner in Baltimore, is row completed, and is really a magnificent affair The following description of it is given : "The principal painting, congtitutingthe front nf th l.:.,mr ovhihits in the cant re an excellent portrait of Honry (,'tay, of the-ize of -life, sup ported on the rightiiya temaie ngure, repn-sem-ing Commerce, eated on a bale of merchandise, wiUranoffing in the rear and two ships, one com ing up in full sail, the other more remote, depart ing : the loft ia supported by a female figure, re. presenting Agriculture sealed upon a she;if "I grain, and in tho rear a spinning wheel, and inure remote a lactory in operation, and a locomotive, wit hi t s train' ot Ca rl r f rftr piCTrreis euernrned in its breadth benoatb by two cornucopia?, opening ... u.a r.l.t 4,11 rtfaoatiiir,. &n aKiiinhinee ot rilitl- uinnniUP, miu .o i it i. ..... -. TaWfTmi5ffre being exquisitely pauueu. inccircio ruiuiavmij the (Mrtrait is surmounted by an eagle, in hostile attitude, farming trr iteelf a feature which, apart from its connection with the whole, bears the stamp of the artist's excellence. Under tho pic ture, appears the following motto, in gold letters, " in all assault! our turest signal." The re verse side consists of a large circle, formed of n chain (l the Slates, each link of which encircles a painting of the arms of one of the Suites, New York occupying the base and Pennsylvania the uppermost position, as the kef stone of the arch The space in the centre of the circle is filled with the following words, in gold letters" Tlie Union our strong defenee ; impregnable to foes, price less to friends." The banner, which is about six feet equare, is of the most superb satin, will be tu-h bulliuu I notf e. aud or namented with crimson drapery ; the triiiirrliug, we believe, by Mr. John Gade. It will be us ponded frmn an elaborately carved gill scroll. nd upported frM the beak of an eagle at each ex 4remity. The pole will be urmonnted with the Roman face and battle axe, bewily plated with gilver the whole constituting one of the mot beautiful and unique pecimeus of the art that has ever been exhibited in our City, or perhaps in the United States. Flora ih Hartford Journal. a. "YOU CAN'T COM BIT" BT CAMAIN L. S. ' " One of the Banners in the procession had a device, representing a Martin House, win the door c osed and a fat Martin striving to get in. The rhoiti " You can't come it Martin." ;Tii ram as flonrr aotind yoarr safe Four wMy cmxy Mario, For jron will net-r en er in, w, , know that kx xr'iav CONGRESS. , Jlfondsy, ..April . Senati Mr. Plielps addressed Thtf Senate in oppniin to Mr. Merrick' bill for the reduction of postage. He was opposed l it in tntn, and found insuperable ot.jsetions to it. The commit, tee, as it appeared tahim, had entirely mistake" evil, and, of course, they had mistaken the remedy. J lie great evil in ilie ioanaj;emnt of thi Department Was in the transportation of the mail. t " Mr. Merrick replied briefly to Mr. P.. and nsked him how, when 11,000 memoi ialists prayed for a reduction of the rates of poslate, the committee had mistaken the evil, when they had brought in a bill fur this very purpose 1 Ilol'SE of Refbesektativm. the two succeeding It, vvero set apart, by a pie- vious kiso of ihollouMt tor the consideration of tenttorial business. A resolution was adopted calling on the Sec. ret a ry of War to say whether he had complied with the law allowing West Point Cadet t be appointed I roin each Congressional district. . Tuesday, April 2. Senate On motion of Mr. Evans, the pr' viou orders were pntponed and th? Scnmte took up Ul) bills from the House asking appropi i tions f ir tho Milit-iry Ac idehiy and fortifications These bills were reported without nmerirlment The first was passed, and the latter la d neide. to give (fr Sevier, of Ark , tinie lo prepare amend ments including appropriations for several forts on the Western Irontier, which were entirely left out. TOST OFFICE RILL. Mr. n.innegan rose, and opposed the bill in a , setspeei li. lie traced ihe operation of tho change adopted in the English svstem, and inferred from the result there that the ralculnHrms upon an in creased amount ol revemiK here from a reduction of 'postage would equally fail. He endeavored In . show that this bill would cause a deficit of at least 100 per cent, in the revenues ol the Department. HorjsK of Rrpiti-sF.NTATtvr.s Tho follow ing was read and referred to ihe Committee of the Whole: A bill to enable tho people of Iowa to form a "State Constitution, with a iew drbei ligHdmitted" -into the L'n.on. The bill authorizing the sale of reserved min eral lands in. Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin, was tauten op again, and, alter debate, a motion was made to lay it on the table. The yeas and nays were called, and the motion was rejected, ayes 65, noes Hi. The bill wa then postponed until to-morrow. Weine5iiiy, yiprt! 3. Senate., The Fortificniou bill, was taken up. and Mr. Sevier moved to amei d it by iddi ig the t'ollowirtg ilems, vii. : For s Siniih Gibson, and Towsnn, Ark,mra3, tevera ly, 110,000, 15,(XK), and 1(1,000 dollar. Mr. Barrow moved further to amend the bill by n-iviir .Vi lKMI. instead of 40.00(1 dollars, to Fort Livingston, Juisi,ina. Mr. i. demandetl the yeas and nay on his amendment, and (hey were called, and stood yeas 12, nays 17. Mr. B. then moved to amend by adding an ap propriation for Fort Jesup, which was entirely left out, of 8,000dollars. This amendment, also, was rejected, and the bill, as amended by Mr. Sevier, wa ordered to be engrossed. CtJMBF.KLAID OAD. A brief discussion, in which Messrs. Brecsc. White, and Buchanan took part, was had upon the hill appropriating a certain sum for the ron- inuanceol the national roan, but without conclud. ng anything upon it, the Senate adjourned. House of Representatives The House w as engaged durii.g the whole silting on private matter. VALUABLE MANUFACTURING PROPERTY FOR SALE. WILL BE COLD to the highest bidder, nn Wed neaday, the 1st day of May, 1844, that valua ble property in 'he town of Milton, North Carolina, bebinuing to the Miboif Manufacturing Company, viz. 1st. The Colion Factnry building, and all ihe ma chinery contained in, ,r belonging to it. The huild ing, which la nearly imw, is ut brick, and is 82 feel 4ng by 46 leel wide, four stoniea high. od lemuvg uoJ a Very superior and rosily hewn lone foundation. The whole building is ronslructed in ihe best siy'e of Workmanship, of the very b. st maleiiaU, and is co . red with a metal io .f. The machinery, (mad ey Mcswa. R oners, Ketchnm and Or,n.venor, of Palei son, New Jersey, in their best slyle, and on the in. -at modern plan) is also nearly new, and in eiccl leni ordei. Il consists of IT Cards, 2 Pickers, - -- 4 Sp,nliir, 3 Drawing rrame, 3 Hailrnad Head t9 ttmm,"eommrmg W2-WTp-Biifdte,--- ' 5 do do 11)2 Killing do 3 double Reels, 1 Spooling Prnme, 20 looms, 1 dressing do .1 Warping PiSnv, 1 Lalhe and Tools, cVe. &e. Willi all I lie various geering, milchinr ry and appur ensncea nrcesssry lo orote the i-an,. td. The Urist and slaw Mills and Cotton Gin. The Cri-t Mill ia wooden building, '4 foei long by 40 feel, iliti stories h (th, and buill of eirellenl nalrria'a. It contains i pair ot Uorr isi.mes f.w W heal. and I pair Coloui e dillo for ('urn ; with all ibe usual machinery ami appurt, nances Ivelongina lo large manufacturing mil's The fttw-Mill is adjoin ing the (irisl Mill, and is conlructed for two saws. Both of the Mil's have an eieellent custom. All those M"d Is, viz : the C'nib.n. Grist and Kan Mills, and the Coiton Gin. are driven by wuier power hel.Htging le the Ompeiiyi and which is belieed-tfl be equal to ny in this section of Country. 3d. Some It or 14 budding (with suitable lots a-ti-hed for each! f..r tl'e farm lie to live in, whoa mem' -era are emp! -ysd in tlieeaiablisbment ; Hesrly aM of which bare lieen erecU-d bill few years. In addiiinn to which, there is a rofneienry of unnceupied oround belonging ts ibe remise, on. which lo erect as many more such houses as may be n, dd. As ii is presumed that no person would pun base soeh valuable properly wiihout a ronl inmin. lion, a further 1le-eripiton is deemed unneressery ; and lbs Directors or Agent.of the Company, will, at sll time, with pleasure, shew ihe properly In ihnee who fcay wish h purchaser give sny informaueu which may be requned. . The ei.tire pr.-periy will be sold on a credit of ene, two, three, lirur and n yesrs eqosl pevmenta ami th whole fo bear mlere.i after on year from i he da) el 8li ' Th this to ihe properly i unque lioosM. By Order of lb Presidenl and Diicetors J. WILSON, Agent M M. Co MiiUn, H. C. Feb. 30, 144. . If-wW VAttf ADLSI F.STATU FOR SALE IN 'HIB CIT OF RALEIGH. BY virtue of a Deed of Tru-t etecn'e.1 ly B, I) MmitiT tor certui purposes ihereui expresseil I will sell wiih-Hii r,serv to I lie hig'iel llddrr. Hi 11 "d 12 Mioinhs cn-dil. on ihe lilih May ihf .-.-u.v "' Kaiemn . one new arm -"""' . neiny leei wyuwr. i ' lenenirnl-mid a !(. ,,n-s.iup on ea h floor, at th ! enner nfFinciievillc unci Uiiryei atreeta. This HoilkC 1 common 1 3 uri!p hU"iiih anil it'i a sliirlit ftlliS ati "i I rniaht l convened into a -iil.-ndicl Tavrni : imd he- I inp josi in Ihf h. uri f the liny, with all th.- neressa This day and rv otH-tion.fs aliached IhereM vvnul.l irive it an d. i iau in ili, re(Kt, i"r nnv o-i t-r tlo ptmw I I lie whi- e i.itiiishmen e-i ih- pmpri. i,u f U'.tiou, Also, one oihet two story llrirk-house nn l'"e,ta vdl si, eei, ill pre, lit occupied by I sleli Msione us a H'nre, snd i an enceiteiit iittn.l for tho Mercantile AUrt, nee nther twoUlory (trirkdiuildinr, with iwo g-ld litis less rooms on Ihe tlrsl flour, and niH..,r- with four eire'lvui rooms uImv,-, on Wilnnuton street, immediaiely in the rear ol the laige House ul tile ci'ner. These valuable Buildi'ilp are all silus'eil jn-l about the centre of lliel.'ily. Pensnn" llicrelore iv.-hin secure eligible siands fK bu-iness ot any kind, w ull do well lo mien, I ihi Nsle, for sin h an oppoituniiy lo sure vulu dde property in tbist 'ily m -y not o,ii ajain (HCur. Approved piper, neiioiialile nt U.uli, will be reijuired "I the puirhaseis logeiher with a hen on the properlv at ihe opiion if ibe liudersiRiii d It M. tiALNDKU-". Ti ust r. April 9, lS4t. At trillion ! siiai'lsi. Parade nt the Cnpiiol ipnireon fi i.iiy nett, nl 2 n'elnck, armed mid r,iiipn il. m Winter Uniform, with thirteen rounds of blank cnrtridues. By older of ih t;a(itain, i'. H. SNOW 0. S. Privaie rne,'tinq; the preceding evening, at 7 o'i lock, al the City Lull. Ksl.uh, AjiiiI 81I84 I. 1"IFE ANI)"SPKL( HES OF HENRY J CLAY- A fnsli lot just timiu to hsuil at the North Carolina Rook K,,re. T UK. Mi It & lll'Olir.S AprilB. , 29 I'NIVKUSITY ' Of North Carolina. Pi" Liler nOl'O.I L8 will be received for erecting two nick building., auiialde for ihe pin poses ot ibe rary Societies of ibe University. They are lo be attached to the Lasl and W ast College building. a- . Isiul til teet stiiiaie, 1 stories nign, incuiuinu me i,ns,i. ment ; and to lie covered wnh n inelnllic rooi I ue plan and siecifications are in tho hsinls of His L. cellenry, John M. Morehead at (!alen?h, and of the President of the University at this place; to eiiher of whom, applications for ihe cnntrncl may be made on or before the first day of May next. ROUT- H. COW A.M. lr. WALTKK L. KTKELE, WILLIAM HILL, JAM. ft JOH.nTO., JAMRS O. SCOT I', ItEUUKN O. SHOKTER, Chapel Hill. April 6, 1H44. (f3 Standard 4 limes. NEGlioES FOR. SALE. WII.I. DE SOLD at public Aueiinn, in the Tnwn of Hillsbor.iMtiti, n J'ueiulay, the I4tli day of May next, llie lollowing Negroes lielonging to ihe Estate of Uie late Jotin W illiams, Esq. (I, c'd viz: Cesar, a fellow in the prime of Id's and wi ll known about Pittsbornunh; A my. a woman far advanced in years. 'he shove Negroes will lie sold on a credit of six months, the purchaser giving DonJ with ap proved Securiiy. . J 17- I. I ll IIVIVCII. Eiefutor of Jno. Williama, Esq. dee'd. April 4. 1844. WAl'CHES, WATCHES f ,V J Mi ir Ml Ij Ml V. The largest and mslplen did assortment of Waiche, in ihe City, ia in be found aC llie tkibscciber's. as hi: is conetiinilv riueivii g si) dn scriptions of 1HtM 1111(1 Kllvcr atlH'si oi the newest styles from the m inula. Hirers in Engl , lid, France, and riwiizerlund, he is en , bled lo oiler a larger assortment and st much less prices, at Retail, ihuu any ether house ' in America, (iold VValctu s, . I.Q w. .as 2 0 to 8$ l hil J a rs e , h . Wi i-he a) 1 1 U Jew elry exchanged er liouglit. All Wsie.bes warranjed I., keep good limo nr the money relumed. Wateheti jwd.Jsjehy xejrfiftilJtl lheiiesi iiummj.nil.vjMraBt-,J ed. by ihe l-st woikmen, and min-h low, r tlian s( any other place Gold and Oilier Pencils. Gold Chains, Keys, and sterling Hilier, for safe very low. G. C. ALLEN, Importer nf Watche and Jewelry, irholemle ami rrtnil. 30 Wall Street, AVw York, (up xuft .i.) February III, 1m44. H 'm S KU IMMIlkV! - A R R IV ED T If I S DA V . THE HERETIC, irans'aied from ths Rassfan, hy Thomas II. tlliiw, B.A , of Camluidge. '1'he Lile and Adveniuies of Jack of ihe Mill, com monly csded Lord O'lh'Mill a fireside story hy W illiam Howiil. The Unlo'Vii One a domesifc stnfy by Urs. Hofflnd, authoress of Ihe Czarina. For sale by TURNER fc HUGHES. Raleigh, March t. U44v .26 TATvTr NORTH C A ROLIN A. JIohs stos llountj. Curl of Pleas end Quarter Sessions, I'ebiuaiy Term, 1844. Daniel t Uoundtrre, V- i . Braswelt I'homss. Levy en Land. It appearing to ihe aalisfarlion of th Coerl, that the defendant. Braswell I'liomss, resides lieyand th limits of this Siaie : It is therefore ordered, thai publi cation be mad in be Raleigh Hegisiei, two weeks successively, (or the defend.! to apasraJ at sair next Court of flea snd Quarter ftesaiona, al the Cmiri House in KmiihlieU. op the 4 b Mond.j in My next, lilea end alters to shew eauee, stsny be has. why the Land of the d, fendiot may not be sulgrck te the Plsinilirs' demande. ' V Mness, Thomas Bagley. flerk of our raid Court at otiilMf(b, 144. TreOat. BACLEY, 0. C. C. IV, Ad, ta. t j I? J HE SUBSCRIBER hcaV leave- iesn-rt. fully lo (ii'tiiiMi his n'mifre tliwiiks for ilio vetyye, er liber il ilfni,ge he hm rrrei'ed from u e riiizen-of liatui.'li sml iis neihb'thaod, wil, now infiirm lliem tliiit the cann for Krrsh Oth lc mover; bul lie lias received I'lom Norfolk unJ pri-pari'd, a lot of Sjiiced Oyati-rn. jpresly (br llio occasion of the riproird vii( Iftmir I ii. of lha, inrtr ihv t(rtli-iiiiin anil I'alrnrt, Hon. Hmy Clay, ll'hs ()vsi,-r are put up in ond miiion ean-, n ml on b arm ! Io any d,lniue, living well si-cured from air. In ,. , dill- h In llinse (lyaiirn in (,an, I havfi,.me fp'ced Io ad to arc.m n.nUie th a-iiiiens by smad u.iIV( ,tnm , , u(1 (I a .,,,fm) . m , 1 ,,f vHiH ti nie of an i-icetliPK ipiulllv ; and wurrimt ihein lo I so. I'lente c tj&i it c i;beiihef, a for ni ly, two duura Nurlh of "e Tost Office, on Faj eiteville ; Ireei. -VfW a J- JOHN WILSON. Aprit!). - 2g MR. & MILS. BUR.VV ELlS F l ti A i: m:ii oorM lltllNboroii;li, IV. V. ''HE Rutimr session will Ix-oio oi Thursday the I i-'ld of May. Vacations her, after will be in April nud Oumlwr. TKR MS ritjnLa stir Hoard p, r aoiun, . $50 00 I on i, in, JV1 oic. Use of Piano, lfoiird can alii tliuci.nn viven I'lintim? m: 19, and IT 50 , 2ft (10 V 6 00 be h( In re.pec'ahlefiimilie. fn in 1 atm, FrL-iich, Draivjng and Aprils 33-na6w Stt mi's S a rsti pnviUa, Vorfhe fetnuvul and jrnii-uipnt cure qf all, tl ixi'ust h urixit from tin imp une stale of the bloml, or habit of the sytfttm. The removal of u(T iin- lieon the object nf tJis I pbihiiilhriip sl in even Hue -I llie world but lbs I lie p: ioi ii e of Ireau, ij iIim-,i e meies-ied liul slowly fur many lhnuni,l years, mv iif t.i tlie Inn! etl ine.ou of I o, (jiiir iij! ki.oi leilje; bul am, tiir toiio,lucn,,n uf ihe ii .iiug pr, h a d siesiu ciiaine It m ,y literal y 1 j .aid " l.iirhi has iliiwncd UnJi theuoild." Hud ilia miin,.iif Ihe iriliettrmb . KtlUl"t (ueae.sra eda.lgee l !!! h,i!' !" her neier did; III t-.iis g!'iJ!XSijlit!usitL nf kuou lediri., n iitrdte' jfJtaVOMii sotiiihl altor and J d(scijv,,3d in tli,LwiitjTtif.U)rrl"Ue.,j U.e veir,.t, a jcreulion e n'l'y ciilculaird lo cnmliine, neulr.lil I ami dispel - tlie subtls poison which rhllu-s a itself iliioouliiiui ihe gcm-ial system and prostrates man in tlie dust r-v, n n -,'s M us a Pa h i, a purely ei;e a- bb- bei n thoroughly le ted io a variety of diseases, a,,d is, from cxper eiu-n, known in be ale nod etleclual cure for Wi-rvfnln r i nlnruemini of I ihtf (jlnmls, Leprosy, tali Uhuum, Heuld H,d, llc 7,eins. Kliciimnti in, I'jilpi'aiiou of the 11,-an, and ,ther diseases oiiinaliua in un impure of droiavid ainie ol tlie blood or i!,-nmi;t'iiierit nf ihe d gistoe or ini i f proprietors are ilmlv i, eivnm written I ti'slimnritsls, gi-iog iiilerestir.g details of it- exita -r- diuary vir.iu i. lriginul maniisi lipis nf vanona I er tiliciiles, Lctiersol lie Clergy, Mat;!. I' utt-s mid p,iS'e citizens all eonlirniirig Ihe pre, ions slab mi nis are con-lnntlv received, and will lie cheeiltil y exhibiied on application. Fuels are rec, -riled siilhciently clear slid coii'incing to satisfy tho mo.t in ,edulous of ibe real mrril of this iiivahttible medicine. The following sr. extracts from leitere reomify reccived,and sjwciineus of ihose coming to hunt! daily : Gallatin, Trim, fell S7lh, 1844. Messrs. A. B. it I). ANIIS . Oeiiileinen I hue just recsi .ed a letter from my f,lher in Itussellville, Ky , who wisliw to puicl ate some your Marssparillii. I bavo no doubt he ran be the mesiis ol selling a grenl ili-l, a. it I a- pe-formed -, wnnderl'ul cure in his family. Lssi Oeeembt-r I wa sent for lo see Iny usier bet,,ie -he died, sha h iv. ing been in poor bcnlih lor sum iwn or ilneu years, anil at Ihe lime I went over lo see her she was at th point of distil with tlie si srlel fever end a ceueirnus olfeciion of th bowels, from which her ptiisielah thought she emild not possibly recover I carried over wnh me a botile of y ur ssrsapilla and with ihe con sent of her physician she cotiniiemrd taking it that night I remained w ih her three day, and left hrf radidly improving. cr hjisbiind sent a boy home with me for more of ihn r-swipanlla. I sent one dozen bottles which I believe will effort an enure tire. My father writes me to thai ellei l.nutl wishes thruojh me to procure so agency for selling your valuable midiciu in thai neighlHirhood. R.pecLfully, " J. M. OWENS. . Naw.LoiMetr, Feh. 13ib,1l44, Messrs. Si jins Il ia with hesrtfe'i grmilods to (im, and many tliHnk. to you for your vuloahle Me li cios. which has hi-en the ineius of resicring me lo health, and roubles me to (!'. yon an as'couiit of ray sickness trnm iny own hands My disease at first seemed light, and I did not think it necessary to call physician, but il soon grew worse and a pbtsician wuscnlUfd who utli leletl me (Wb monih'-lor the hier complaint. Two large lipiicbfs. ijieo ntade-tbeilApt.. 'jWiii'riiiM''o"nT-11idre of niy neck. I he Oect r said I had ihe M, r-dols i,nJ ( 'oiisiiinpiion. and he could d.unotbing mo' lot, I (lion took trui lio'lle- of lla'sain ol Liverwort, which Uelpcd.iuy cough si first, hullhisfaihd and I grew worse. Last" summer I was si weak, and I In- psin in my side an great thai the ihought ol moving a cliair was a buulen in me. In ibis enndiliori, given op by my fiiends, rud looking for relief myself, only in death I heard of your Osr naparilla ami Ibe wouderfuf cures it had srtermed, mid resolved al once to make a trial of its virtues. When I bad taken only one bottle, ihe pain in my side w,i much relieved, and my strength an mueh incieeseil that f went out unbeknown io mv fiiends, end walked i mije wiihnui much fsitgue. I sm still using Ihe ir-specille with increasing good erTvct, and the rcrnlfu;i is Ust disapieariiig. Yours, with great itspe, t, ESTHER D. Ricri. Fw fiirlher -pertieukm n4-eonetosie eidenee of its ti erin,-value ai d eificaev, see pamphlet which may Ii otusined of sgenla gratis J'repsred and sold VI holes ale and Retail by A R. it, u. ''nn. , Wholesale Druggist. 79 Fulton street New Tort. Ho'd also hy Drusit geneia ly. throouhotit the United Siatea. Pricefl tier hot le eix boliles for , 6. CQ 'I he fbh ase sesisscifully requested to- re meinber ibai it ia ."snd's Karssparills, thai has snd i sonsisi t y acliieviitg such remarkable rove of lb most dilficuli class of disrs-e to whteh ih human frame la subject ; and ask for Sand' 8JspriHa, and take no oih- r. f April I. IS) 14 99-tm ATTENTION CAYALKY. Day of parade changed ! 5&ARADB st the Capitol fiajuaie, on FiWy tho JStb instant, t 1 1 o'ek-ck. A. M. in full out kftb lbirte'rsind of blank caitiidge. By ovisef of th Cep-sio, . U. W, l. UUT( -HINC., P. . T i t v i. - 1 ii it tl -a ? " f