ran . -T- '--, ITT ai .. i ' -f i - , --m 9W . - 1- Published every Friday, by Weston 11. Gales, liditor and I'roprietvir, at Tliec Dollars per Annum. r - t " - llll "'I"11T-Trilimiii ii imiii.iuin.il i. ii.i VOL. XLY. FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1841. Cy-w CoUecJp ovu - NO. 38. BPgmi.111 ! ililM II "'IM 1 U A LEIGH, N, C. Tuesday, June 18, 1844. MR. BENTON'S SPEECH. V- We. believe wo pertoru) a most accepiduiu nei- vico to our readers, by republishing Mr. Benton's Speech against the ratification of the Texas Trea ty, about half of which appears in this paper. It shods a flood of light upon tho whole question, and we beg tho attention of tho public to its de velopments. The wonder is, after such a Speech,, that oven sixteen persons could be found to vote for suck a Treaty. Mr, Benton, himself, it will bo seen, is in favor of annexation, when the measure can bo accomplished without " tho in famy and crime,", which he openly charges would aUach to the ratification ofthc Tyler Treaty. HISTORICAL SOCIETY. We understand that tho .first meeting of the " IL) is, to all intents nmJ ptoses, the cmalulnte selected by tin- spontaneous and unsolicited voice ol llie people, Slimdai d. From a paragraph in the last number of this Jlnhus PoILus .sheet, headed "James K. Polk,'' we quote the above. Now, it is well Iwiown ly every observer of political events for the last twelve months, that a derided preference was expressed by the people in their primary assem bles, fiT Mr. Van Bckfn as the Loco Fuco can didate for President ; and, it is an insult to those, win thus expressed their preference, to say now, that Mr. Poi.k's nomination was the result of a spontaneous movement of his political friends. By the way, if Mr. Van Buren made the re mark abotit Judge Saunders", attributed to him by Mr. Bj:ow.; viz i"lhat ho thought himself the only person in Norih-Carolina, lit to hold office" the Judge has paid him for it, and with interest too. Mr. Van Udren is more indebted to our Representative, for tho unceremonious manner in which ho was thrown overboard, than any one else. The adoption of the rule, on Gen. Sai-APEUs' motion, requiring the nominee to ob- NEW BOOKSTORE! Book s at Red need P rices I'OR THE REGISTER. Mr. Gales : In your last paper, I see copied an article from the Standard, which reia"h to j Col. Hoke's Speech in this place, on the 8th inst. ; and the reply that was made to him by Col. Mc- Leod, together with some remarks of your own, 1 in which you say that Col. McLcod is misrepre 0r.nin,i ami vim sav ritrht, for it can be easily nrnvpd brro bv Democrats as well as Wliii's, that ' sr" lhal t,,e l" dity of the ii.iolis, as well s the low prices, cannot fail to p!c,aw. lie humbly solicits a"har f lIIE Subscriber would respectfully announce to the Citizens f Raleigh, nml Slate Jfl of North Carolina, that lie lias just arrived from New York with a largo and choice selection of SrAHutim Wiiiius, School Hooks, Uihlui, 'J'jchta m t nth, mid Wttionhv, etc. wliichlio will fo at jfrcntly reduced pnccM lor Ca-h. Haviiii Ijecii in tho luint'M lor severul years, he flcittorii Rim- NOTICE. WILL OFFER lor unle at tho OoOrt House in Sintesvillr, on the 3d Mond iy in August next, il. followina TK.V'.)TS Or ..nv or o muca tliereif iib will pny llio Txe due lhcrio forth. Year 1(M2. NaincH. Aero of Land. Tax. Historical Society r,f our University, was held taiti a two-thirds vote, settled toe hash for the .loi-trxr th lain Commencement of the Institu- ' little Magician. tion, and jJ(08 opened by nn Introductory Address from BishoplvEs, which enchained the attention of a numerous and highly intelligent assemuiy forabouCiin hour. We are gratified -to loam, that" it wiiFsliortly appear, as tlie first of the se ries of publications which is to bb presented to the public under the auspices of the Society. SUPREME COURT. William L. Long, of Halifax, has becKadmit ted to County Court practice. And, James W. Lancaster, of Nashville Nash County,to Su perior Court practice. Or Michael Francis, Esq. is the Senatorial Candidate in the District composed of the Coun ts of Haywood, Macon and Cherokee. Vjjcfore God and man, Henry Clay stands istanaara.. jUrintmtialli1 with fllchillff from JOHN TYLER lJta8 thunder, it will be seen they are ra- up, for th thousandth anrorie time," tlie leto and long since refuted calumny of bar al and intricue, awainst one of the purest Pa- U, and soblest soldiers in Abo cause , of Re- . -. .n.. ininra ilm IHiaracter of Mr. A':;ri"hut additional evidence of the hope- lflssrsiof their cause, and tho recklessness of ..,nld.ha leaders. Tho Farmer of Ashland t..- outlived all the slanders of low-minded poli ticians, and they might as well tea their re- vilings. GOOD ADVICE. Now is She time to circulate Whig Newspa. v. nd to spread before the people political in rnPmation. and thus essentially aid in securing the ...... -....... f tho Whirr cause. It docs triumpnaui uv.. o but little good to circulate papers just on tho very eve of an election. Let light now be given to of them wisn 10 uo . i ,(, i; , l i I,: r,.-: i ...: .c...: . ,. I t- . '..,. I i "1 H'l; lUl'.K il.iUOO.f'U, UIIU IMUIICI, IIIIII.UH III li I V UllieiUI BUI I l .11 IIOII . the totatularcl s Wlioie ...uw- , uat ju,,,awu i 0ii1ch from :i()rouJ lhan.!uy rcccivcJ) an , irompy Bttnj,., ,0- Gllo nnly pofkmI aml forwarded nilT flnil f)!ir. RXLUIJL lliai v. 10 u v.uiiuiuii,v. I will state the facts as 1liey occurred, that tlie public may sec what confidence there is to be placed in the statements of the Standard and its informants, and if any person doubts the correct, iint of this statement, and will Hike the trouble to uny pari of the country, as per order. Kalcish. June IS 11. All UooU liougbt at this Establishment, are vnrnnied perfect. 4 9-If OST On tlie I3ih ofAo.il last, my I'OCKFU IiOOK. vviih the f. .Uowiurj papers, lo-vil : one iSoteon Albert ISryan (or Forty Dollars, dated tho di PROSPECTS IN NEW YORK. The Editor of the " N. Y. Tribune," who has iust rottirned from a Convention at Ulica. where J he saw numbers of intelligent men from various parts of the Stale, says that tho Whigs, with proper exertion, can carry the Empire State by a majority of not less than Twenty, and, not im probably, Thirty Thousand rules. A CONFESSION. The "New York Express," in coinmenting on'tbe doings of the Locofoco National Conven tion, says that the selection of another than Mr. Van Buren, after all the outcry that has been made against the Whig victory of 1840, for fraud and pipe laying, is a.virtual confession that such charges were false, inasmuch as Mr, Van Buren is abandoned solely on the ground that he cannot get votes enough to elect him, not that tlune is any objection to his dewtion to thorny, or that he is not every way a capable man for thereto run. . ' CONGRESS.. This body doubtless adjourned yesterday, pur suant to the joint Resolution to that effect. Wo bjoin a synopsis ot uie rasi iew uaj - . il ,V otilmr I !nl.. 1 luLci or Dr. J. O. Watson. I October, 1842 ; one Nolo on Joiinthan ftoncil for l.w LUU wi viii-. - r n , ii i i i,. H,,t tle.v will Ik. satisfit-d l.v the I e Dollar, date not recollected; statemenl that cither of the gentlemen named would give, for let their prejudices be as strong as may be, they certainly are above counlcnan ciii'T such falsehoods as that of the Standard, in relation to the meeting on the Hsh instant. But to the statemenl. of facts : Col. llokc ar-. rived in this place on tho niurniiig of the 8th inst. and about P. M. tho pe. plo Went into the Court House, and listened to a two-a'nd-a-half hours speech from him, with as respectful attention as ' . , I IV' l. anv man ever received any wnere. isor v,.h oc intcrrup;ed a single time, though he several limes luliod contradiction, and asked for it. There were about bi) persons prescnS-nnd as nitmy Whigs as Democrats. After Col. Hoke took his seat,Ccd. McLeod rose and said that he did so for tlm iiiinmsn of rclievitiir the Whis:s from a base charge that had been attempted to be fas tened upon lliein witliin the last day or two, viz : that tho report that Col. Hoke had been called home, was a fabrication of theirs, to keep the peo ple from coining to bear him. Col. .Mc Leod then called, on Col. Hoke to stiite, whether there was any ground fur the statements made in the papers, and what those grounds were. Col. Hoke said this was a sore. .subject taJium-butiUwas-a-fact that ho had been called homo by domestic afflic- -tion in his family, and that he intended to Have gone home, but received intelligence that causeu him to decline doing so at present. He further said, that he hoped this subject would be dropped where it was, and nothing more be said about? it, for it was an unnleasant theme to him. Col. Mc Leod then remarked that if those present would, give him their attention, he would answer some of Col. Hoke's arguments, as he had challenged contradiction ; and further, that it was due to himself to re one Judgment ngaitist Lucius Liryan for Sixty-live Dollars and Ten (cuts; one other Judgment on ihe name, lor Filly live Dollars, or thereabouts. There hail beon Atlach- mdiU issued on both of ihe Jiiilgments. All peisons are hereby forewarned not to trade lor said Notes and Judgments, and those owin? them are cautioned ajjjiiwl paying them to any one but myself. JOHN li. 1JKYAN. Wake county, N. C ) .lime 15, 1811. 5 J,40-w3- &1utc of oi1!j ioH5ia -.Ioiinsto-, t;oontv. (,'ouit of Plea and Quarter Sessions, May J'orm 1"11. Elizabeth Stcvrris it ul. VH-' YilIiam II. Slccns ct ah, J'lliliuii fur d.'risimi of Slaves. It appearing to the satisf iction of the Court, that William II. Mevens, one of the defundanta in thu cae. is a non-resi.lent of ibis Stale: It is therefore ordered hv die ("nurt, that publicnti n be made in Hie Weeklv lialrit'h Keaister for six k iccessive weeks. notifying the mid William H. iSlevens to lie und ap ncar at our iiext Court of I'lea and tjunrter Sessions. to lie held fir the County of Johnson, at (lie Court House in fSmiihlield, on the fourth Monday in August next, then und there to plead, answer or demur, and to sliewause if any lie hath, why the prayer ot tho Petition should not be- craraoiL;, or, lu-lalauH,- ludament will he taken pro confesso. witneos, Thomas Ua?lcy, Clerk ot our saiu vvouri, at Office, tho fourth Monday in May. 1844. THOMAS BAGLEY, C. C. C. Pr. Adv. $5 62J. 49 nlv. i uiMf"imjjlfcerr nrriorC!TEI . .loni.rejy U.).euk v-- .... . , that Col. HoKO naq oibv" -- - - ry brief manner, showed the fallacy of dl. Hoke s arguments upon the Tariff, the U. S. Bank, the annexation of Texas, &c., and particularly ad- verteu to tlie recent proceedings ot tlie Demo-. craiirConvention. Upon all these points, we thoim-ht that Col. McLeod showed ftimseu a match for Col. Hoke, if not more. 1 he btimuu says, that "Col. Hoke did not notice McLeod, but every man that was present did, and seemed anxious to upset th9 impression iUnt Prtt M 1,9, imw e. HoasKeUlI ooi. Ji.wv.uiv. have supported Mr. Van Bnren's election if he had been the nominee of trr Convenuon, mo, ,v, lmrillv nslrnd. before it was answered in the negative. Then why manifest such zcai m nis behalf! said Col. Hoke. To which Col. McLcod i;.t .w thn eommon neoDlc may Know now thnsn tlunrrs arc done. Col. llokc exaljiinicd " . ., i . ii ,ni tnouirui .vo but common, . or i Colonel McLeod , for the jieason Jhat he was a can- e queatioris su ceedings. Mr. Benton introduced his bill lor the annc,xa- tiett of Texas to" the' United Slates. Its provis ions, wo learn are substantially as follows : 1st. The boundarvbetwccn the United States and Mexico is fixed'in the desert prairies of Nuo ces, and along tho highlands which separate the tributaries of the Mississippi from those of the Del Norte, to the 42d Ocg., north latitude. 2d. Mexico to give her assent, by legislative or other form. . . 3d. A State, Texas, not exceeodmg in magni tude the largest of ours, to be admitted at once in- tho I Toinn. 4th. The rest of the country to be called the Snnt liMOKtern Territory. 5;h. This latter territory to be divided into two equal portions, and slavery to be loreverexctuoeu from the north and northwest portions. fVli. Om-rress to decide in what case tho as sent, of Mexico may be dispensed with. 7t h. Other articles, to .bii adjustod-by treaty The President returned to the House of Re- presentalivesi (where it originated) with his ob- it.- TWr.la he ffroat mass right, aM flSefwilTTIo wTlf properly informed :. .'-o-i tho truth, to embrace it. ik..imnf ivhiil lu iv " ' I . ..... "Tri vvhi, then, see that his neighbors jeotions, the bill which had passed both louses Bl"D' . . .. . ... nf Co.irrress makimr appropriations lor certain mi " v 1-1 a . - - uown hrase as the Eastern Harbor bill; and the they only want to'read the i .ninaA upa ' Tor have the means oi in.orm.nK v..-; , - &c hub I . rood is to be done 'in rest assured, much way . . - siflClDE. Mrs Cannady, tho wife of Mr. Dorris Can- I NA?Y of Ss County, committed suicide on Tues viayhsi.by hanging herself with two hanks of thread. " familiar p uucstion being taken on again passing it, (tho President's objections notwklistaiiding,)'the 1 do was sustained and. .the bill rejected. Mr. Adams asked leave, on Wednesday last, to introduce the following, which was read for intur mat ion : liesokeJ. That the power of declaring war is ovnresslv and exclusively delegated by the people matt irn TO THE COUNTER Tho Standard" recently stated in its columns, oj. (;overnmcnt t0 the Congress of tho United ., . ..r .u-Jlininir condition of Whig Sl,,e!j. and that any attempt to involve this comu ViiJuuI)Ic Properly for Sale. ''HE Suhscriher, desirous to remove bis Printins; J. matcriali and carry en his business in tho ni i);h boiliood of i!ie l.'ily, early iii bo ensuing year, otl'ors for sale die' Houses and Lot on Ilillshoro' Street, win re he at present resides The principal house has 12 rooms, ieiile the wo rooms nneil ua u I mitim Oliice, ai.d Lditur's ofhco, the, (arrest of which would be an excellent diiiiu room, or could he converted into scvi'uil ..Ici'jiiiii; rooms. The situation ias ia well known here) is in ihe most pleasant part of the city, and the mc nee-arc admiralty lilted for a I. idies and 1 ami 1 v Hoarding House, for summer, ami lor punuc accomm nlalioii durinu tbe winter und session ol Hie (Jeneral As.-.eia'ilv. Tbo cellar of the housit is lathed und plastered "; there is a uo.v brick kitchen ; an excel lent well of water ; c.o..d stables, cani.ige house, &r. &.C The price will be nmilewto ; a small part of the purchase money will he required when the tulcls c;i- ven, nml tor l!,e balance a credit ol one. two anu tnree years will l.c allowed if desired, on bonds bearing; i ierestlrom tlie delivery of property, with satisfactory ctliilV. AIO, The llousflimd lot contiaunusto tlio above, former ly belonging lo Capt. Hunter s Estate. i liero is a nod two storv House cm the premises, Willi slalile and all necessary out houses. This is a very pleasant and desirable family residence, and will be sold low and on vry accomni"duting terms. Should both or either of the above places remain unsold till the first of Jauuarv next, they will he of fered lor rent. THOMAS LOUINU, -June IS, 13 L 40 2m. Joshua luscoro, Martin May, J. C Buxton, Hiram Yell', -Alexander Long, Thmnti Moss, J. D. Conlcy. Isaac (iiMituey, Manly Mill-aps, Josupli l'ope, (lea. W. Coiilyj Jao. W. Conly, Kuau MOm. ' Iiujh F. McKay, Banks Mcltei, Isaac Jluker, Allen Daniel, Elijah Meadows, John A. Murehiso'.l. William Smith, John Long, William C'lerc's ir.f. Andrew Davis' int. E. It. Johnson, N j'banicl Tester, W. 1,. Davidson, Absalom Sberril, Moses W.. Sherril, Mllus liagarly'a hit. James (iailher, Isaac tireeH, Thonifs Duncan, Josepli tJenlle, John T. '1'omlinson, Jr. J. Juna 31. 1811. ro $ i 6i 00 8 I0IJ 1 89 194 r 1 26 130 3 1G 155 1 15 12-1 - 66 80 1 12 309 1 16 I S3 1 23 150 1 53 105 ' ' """"" 88 57 J '30 C,SC 2 31 IUO ij .14 101 1 01 lCrt 1 08 135 I 14 C,0 1 14 172 50 75 94 1 09 3! 152 3 43 280 t 1 17 104 I fill ii.i 1C 92 202 8 70 S33 2 50 80- 1 08 100 52 141 78 118 52 20 8 133 2 31 JOHNSON, Sheriff. 47 19 County. Court of Plea and Quarter Sessions, May term, 1844. rscedham B. Sstevens el als. vs. Julius A. Stevens et als. Petition foP Partition of Land, It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that tai-nna- cine. ordered therefor that publication b , made in the Kaleiglr Kegister for six successive weeks, notifying him to be and appear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held fur the County nf John ston, at the Court-house in Smilhficld, on the. fourth. Monday in Auaust next, then anil tiurenlMit fljimiiB or demur, ahdU shew cause, if any he hathrwhy the prayer of the Petition should not be granted ; or.irv default, judgment will be taken pro confesso. Witness, Thomas Bagley, Clerk of our said Court, nt Office, the fourth Monday in May. 1844. TH03. BAGLEY, C. C. C. Price Adv. f 5 62 J. 40- " Common people, common people. 1 ain nm hnt a common man. rejoined You undcstand. what l mean, .Sir, mass of the pcople-the unreading portion ol the community. Col. Hoke then weet on to speak of Texas, in reply to Col. jncucou, a. u know if there were any old women u,u.-,..-. - children to be scared to death ; after wli.cn, Tne discussion closed. . , Now, Sir, the facts are hero, a.uri doubting Loco will take the trouble to call upon cither of . the gcunemen named, and ask thorn . I it is not true. .. , . , munnimon is. that this comuiunuy uau TATE of TVorlU Car.oliuu. WAKE I' I F.ntiv Snrinir Term. 1814. Henry J. Cannon, William D. Hayood and wife, and others. Petition for sale f Land. . In pursuance of a Decree of the Court of Equity for Wake Spring Term 1841, in the above case, 1 shall expose lo public sale, at the Cou.t-house door in Ualeigh on Friday, the 2 lib day of May next, (being the week of .uir Couniy Court) the following Ti.-.u'i-nnv I. -WD toivii : 493 Acres in tlio County of Wake, on House's ...!, H. lands of Itichard Smith, the ,,,.tR,..UJ n- . ,.. ..... :.. w.,.L. Misses Lanc.and.othcra. .. Most ounu-n.--"-- , ".. i : iii.; ih,,.n in f.mr miles ol halrtah. a more exalted opinion of CcSl. Hoke's abilities " tUnn Kmr havp before thev saw and heard mm, .-j ; nonnsed nnl a iiciii.i".-guC, "l ' . l , nr eaii'-iu o ' ii' - o . since. I had never su but it stuck out a feet when nB evidence u. McMahon, of Balti- Iry itl a rorcign war, with, or without the consent Tirosoects, that the lion, i oa. J,u n ilncrant v o at on of the powers more, President ofjhe Wfng r,auo . wiIl rcquirc of them tion of 1840, had " renounced m. wa, thS,r constitutional authority to vindicate their th Whig party, and gone oyer "J Uw.ul powers. Mr. McMahon has seen fit to coiurau tQ gllBpcilJ lhe acSt and rounder ry over his own signature 'e firm t)C abovc, was- rcjftcted by a party vote-Ayes gus. a is now, as no . , Whi NoM 103, and devoted su people," and tried to make capital out Li. i. ,,'nnld nrobably drop into Johns- jpportcr o. r: " t ihn Sonate. on Monday, the Post Office Bill was passed. The Joint Resolution submitted uy Mr. McDuffie, for the annexation of Texas, was The principles.' STATE ELECTIONS. . ,-ii!n list shows the time for holding m on the table by a vote of 27 to 19. elections for Sute officers for the year WH, 1 Qotna ! the severe y"-. ..... . n . nriinnvm n L;.i i,..mhl nrobably drop : a.. , We shall be glad to see ion aoain, una --- ... ,, . him, and if he should come, wo promise h.m that his arguments cannot-only be answered but up- set, by Col. McLeod, if he has equal time i i. ,i..i., ,opariii!r here again, foi lloke is too well acqued with men U : o ...u. Rpon and felt, that Col. Know trom vvnavm; . i;,:- nf McLeod is a man well versed m the pel.t cs o i e . ;rr.et views on national the country, and for correct vit policy, has but. few superiors. p July Aug. Aug. Aug. Arkansas, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Oct. 8 j Oct. 8 Oct 8 Louisiana, North Carolina, Alabama, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Vermont, Maine, I Maryland, SI .n.rl1 ......,..: this vcar. Tennessee holds msb"" ' AT COST. French Lawns and Bl7.arincs, Alapacca Lustre, Bombazines, Plaid and Plain Gambjpons, 4-4 French Chintz, 17 cts. yard, Virginia O.-nsburg, Irish Linens, Furniture Prints, Bed Ticking, L. C. Handkerchiefs, Ginghams, Flannels and Blankets, 12-4 Linen Sheetings, Black Lace Cardinals, Lace Collars, 4-4 Blue Black Silk, 7-8 do Black Matleona do. Fancy striped and figured Silks, , v --. rniiAn Hnsa. from 10 cents nn. m jv ' tis-4 Cotton Sbeaiiag. Whit Linftn drilling, ,:Blaok Summer Cloth, 8ilS Yeatingv-' ' 'Black andj'ancy Cassirfleref, Black Silk Cravats and Scarfs; tvilh a number of other goods, all of which will bo sold at pott. iC J. H. JjECImqv n tr, or, CO.. lt ,l TO THE xNORTlt-DAlLY LINE. LJiTATUOF NOKTH CAUOLINA. Wayno County. Court of Kquily Spring Term, 1844. Bdward Sasscr and VVife, and others. vs. . The Hws fit Law' 6f Arriorica Killfngworth, the Heirs at Law of ftachael Reeves, tho Heirs at Law of Wealthy Peacock, and the Heir at Law o( Nancy Powell, Petition to sell Jieal estate. It appearing to the satisfaction of tho Court, that the aforesaid Defendants, viz : tha Heir at Law of America Killingworlh, the Heirs at Law of Rachael Reeves, reside in Alabama, and whoae names am unknown, the Heirs at Law oi Wealthy . Peacock, and tlio Heirs at Law of Nancy Powell, rwtae in -Georgia, and whose names are' unknown. It to y therefore ordered, that, publication bo madelbr w- weeks in ths Baleigh Regtater, -pape"r "pubTua- d in tho City o Raleigh, aMtfjini, tho afowaald l4C , pn&uau to appear at the next Court of Equity to be , held for tho Couniy of Wayne, at tho Court Houao ,V" in Wayneborough, on tha first Monday after tho J. , fourth Monday in Sepferober next, then ana tho'ro foS' plead, answer or demur to tho .Complainant'a tion, or the arae"will bo, taken pro conftuo, n . heard ex tmrte at6Whem.;"r . -h--s: 1 rZt " fi M6nJav"after the fourth Monday in March, Ii JAMES. ORIS WOLD, C.- M Br -Pr. Adv. $5 62$ 46t)r Aug. Aug. Sept. 3 Sept. 9; Nov. t' !.innl. lUISlBO'PH Ninio York. vr.:.rhiisetts,Nov. 11 AM. he was a " common man he was right. r riI. Tn,he "National Intelligencer" r . .. r n ncpntat ves by Mr. 1 Ex TON, een m tne ixouso u. .v-r- :., ,,:-. indepen- soon as the Su- of Tennessee, which lor n .,f'r.,. . .....v. ,u.orves to be copied into every nrnme bxecuuve anu nc-gisiaii.c pu... u. uence aim uuu,,,. tf Bnnrn c... ., nA...l.A'ciil rum Tvr.nl rtf Ttinov will ratity anucuiiiiniiic Dai ....1 following is the Resolution : "Resolved, That the compact of annexation, made between the Executive Government of the United States and that of Texas, and submitted to the Senate for confirmation by the President of the United States, be and the same is hereby ratitird as the fundamental law of Union between i Smith Carolina, Oct, 14 tho United States-and lexas, as soc Aug. 1 bouth Carolina, in Execuljve and Lcgisal,ve p0 AllClllg" " . 1VIOV. ation. On Thursday, the Senate took up Mr. Benton's bill to provide for the annexation of -Texas, ou his motion. He addressed the Senate for about two hours, in support of it. ' When he concluded, a motion was made to lay the bill on tlie table; upon which the question was taken without de- ' ...... -i - cr . : 'Pi ' . l . There is understood to be a IJIadk. Lcatl .Mine on tnw tiart. ., lin Aeres. in the County ol Wane, on uoo. Dam Creek, adjoining tho lands of B. P. Ouioli nn.l , i .i '1-1.;.. nl., in most V Kichard Pimtn, anu oiueis. , o.-, - Wood land, and is within thr.ee miles oi u;e v.iiv. i ft I ; reek, in inr li7 of Wake, adjoining tho lands ot Uavid elevens, num. Meddlers,, and Jonathan eticy. . 153 Acres, lying on the wa'ers oi ChaUiam Couuly, adjoining -tho lawla-ol-i hofflaa stit, and others. i.v t !,.,n And, on Saturday, the S-.tn. vsamc 'W offer for Mile, under the same uecree. . Lot-, with their improvements in me v.iiy o. ui. .. to wit : Lots, known as No's. 184 and 185, or. wh.ch Robert Cannon, decen-ed, formerly resided. On one of these Lots, there is a lar-c and commodious B well ing House, wiih all necessary ai.d convenient Out u i ,r,l W. !1 of Water in the yaid, 1 he sima.ion is one of the most eligible in the C.ty.hemg bounded on tho North by Hdlsboro' street, and on the East by Dawson street. It is, at present, in the occupancv of Jamks G Rowe. Also, part of lot no. 1C3. on Fayettevil e Mrcct on ,hi, h .l,L,.. is a larsrc and convenient Brick Wore house, now occupied by Bbwn &. IIin i I situation is in the mtot btwiuess part of the i-Lity . Term- -All the above Real Estate will be fold on a credit of six and twelve moc-hs-thc purchasers aivins Bond and Security lor ine porc.,. .-wj except as to such amount as Jgay " eovel costs of Petition in Equity, which wl he ic- quired obc paidin Ca:h MlB; Raleigh, April loth, 1844. rrv 'Yi jvliovo Sale is VJ-I . . . Rummer Akuaxcemest, 1S1L I Via the Portsmouth Road and Bay Line. E would respectfully inform tha travelling Public, that the above Line (despite all efloris to put it down,) is still In suiccs.ful operation, run ning the following schedule : Leave Wcldon, immediately on the arrival of the Stages from SLKDOK's.and the Cars from Wilmington, reaching Baltimore as-early as hy the Great Mail Line. Pa-scmrers mnv be asstifed, they wid meet with no debi" by this Line, ; wo will always.wail the afrlvar"ol"t!ie'"f;i'ric3, r'finulng "in 'connection with us. Wc a-k a tdoiro of patronage lo sustain 'us in keep ing down the monopoly. ; ' ' V .. vv.nil.l call the attention of tin; travelling pub lic, to the ditii-rciicc in fare, from (iastor. lo Baltimore, and from Oaslon to tins place alter the btago Lino 'J'lic i'iirc ('rem Sledgk's to.liaUinu.ro, same at nil Fare fiom Sledge's to Porlsmoulh, $fi- v from " do. -And return within 4 days, y - ' - - -"WM'.'M. MOOI5Y, Ju. Agent. Oliice Porlsmoulh and Uay Line. Wcidon, March 12, 1814. sA-ji &v?teJLb ri-.ivra OcU 2 1 Delaware Oct. 7' UBBTTY FAIR . . m,ro,i i nremium for any bat8f anj decided in the affirmative. This do In our last paper, r , 1m txas . If vour RDace Whig newspaper in me c u - . should permit, will you please i. vi " Regier," and oblige, a subscwber. r W . f-w Intelligencer" of the l o iia-j-n m flia ti um . ... - . r,thv.r . . ... cwriber" will turnisn ' June, but H , I us with a copy, it "ill allora s I nlv with hi ronuest.1 'Ed. Kec- ' rv - . i . , ...;.h 1IAT.LA9 word that would rnyme ..., ....- ;,Pfiniiivelv for the presen: session cf :.hiiaii u. 4 iuui u fiiiir-ahi--i - jaauvu, l-i LEAF TOBACCO WANTED, . f.. iKb RrfiTSTER Was morning " rr ... j,. , h;, of Da. Consress. i. w. Jnw.mv with a waici, -4 " ' Biuv." - - - ir"lr--Rcfc K. SpEEt i 4he Whig CinoT-" 32 ts IjOSt- poncato SatuiMlay,thc27tlul:0' of July, when it ill positively take )lace. - 50 DTLY LINE TO THE NORTH rmm Rnttian. Tla tlii" Urc-rnsvUlt and Roanoke and Petcrsliurg Rail Roads. r,.,m Huston to PetrrsburR, is now I ft OO.' a..l from Peter,bi,r to Baltimore, by . .V , ... i n iii .-ill. iTi,. .,4i-l. l ie nail i.oao, .7,4 vj,,, .. , . . ur.,i,.i,fi and f ridavs, tne late Un .vionua.s, j ... - , n ' fr.,n, re., rsl,nrK to Baltimore, by the City Po. it Ra n-.r .-.i t:,, liiwr Kleamb 'als. is lfr'7 OO. these Bonis. PnssentfCrs are now earned from I fterv ... t..,i,n,,iih or Noifo k for ?l 50, from Gaston,' which is ft 50 less than by Sleoof. and the Portsmouth Pad hoaa. . l)n Wednesday; a Sieand.oat leaves City Point for Baltimore, the far. hy whan w to .,, or from Petersburg, making JS 80 f" "n- v . j.A.nr uuii'o.i.". cnt G. & R. R- R- Co. June 15, 1841. 49 lm frr Standard, Greensboro' Patriot, Oxford Eiatn ihrV: Warrenton .Reporter, Danville Reporter and Milton Chronicle will each copy one month. A I lis III .4 OLdR F A KH IOII SA'IX. HP Suterilr nffer for sale a dcsirat.le t arm, IvfiiiT within three miles of thi. Ciiy. on ihe Snige Road leadin; to Smithficld, and a.ljoininj; uip land, of Messrs. Haiit and Houoha-. The I ract contains about 300 acres, one hair of which is w el 1 timbered with sk and ilTckory, and the balance cleared, ready for cultivaiton. ,'.,,. surtrcicnt lor a arnaii fcjTATH of mourn C4I10HXA.1; RICHMOND Comity.,., Couit of Picas and Quarlcr Sessions, April Term, 1844. - , Mulcom blue, Ex'r in behalf of himself, afld in top port of the last Will and Testament of Daniel Blue, dec d. vs. Archibald Blue, John McGoogan and Mary hit wife, Duncan McGoogan ami Isabella his wile, ounsuan Blue, John Bluo, Arehitmld McFarland and Flora his wife, Daniel McGilvary, Elizabeth McGilvary, Catharine McGilvary, Mary McGilvary, Malcolm McGdvary and Angus McGilvary, minor heirs of Jvlartin McGilvary and Sarahjhia wife,, and Daniel Blue. Caveat Will At this Torm of this Court, psper wrilinir, pur- - ...v ' . i '. " -1 ll I 'I'.. 11n,il norlinir to be tne last rem aim mmiiniiiii wwuv. ... fll... Blue, dec d. was ollerrd tor prouate ty iviaicom vim, Ihu Execulor thea-ein named, and Archibnld Blua ap peared in open Court and entered a Caveat thereto : Ami. it appearing to tjic Court, that John MfGoogan and Mary bis wile, Duncan McGoogan and Isabella his Wife. Daniel McUttvary, MIMIWtn wcunry, Catharine McGilvary, Mary McGilvary, Malootn Mc Gilvary and Angu McGilvary, minor heirs o Marlin McGilvary and earau nis who, anu unmu "'""i side beyond the limits of this State : U is lucrcioro ordered 'by the Court, Jhat publicatioiTbe.mailo.iu lhe. wci-klj Kalcigh liegirler lor aix weo, uoii,;..,b Baid non-redcnUto bo and nppcarat ihf rieitTerm of this Court, to be held for tho Cotfnty of Richmond. at the Court House in Ihe town or ItoCKingnain, oi. tha .-Tj-M-mJoy-of" Jn-y nexCTSnd Triake themselves parties to this suit ; otherwise, it will be heard pro confesso as to' them, and the said Will dmm lo probate Witness. Graham A . NichoTson.Trk of. our said Court at Oliice. I be 3d M on Jay of April In ihe firtth year of American Independence. A..D. 184L . A. NICHOLSON, CO. C. 4(1 Pr. AdOP7 . . ,ii I ii V I W ,1 I V A . iii. .vuili II ua'"'!""" - (illl- Courl of Equity, Spribg 1 trui, V vi lis County 1844. , , , Eleanor Haywood and oilier, rs. Tlmmas P. Hawkins and ollicra, I', i, f.rr llit sate of Land. In this ec, Samuel S Downey, the purchaacr of the land, bavins at this Term fibd hi Petition III wrilinir,' verified by hi- affidavit of the truth thereof, and thercin slaims that before htaid purch-of the premises, lie had duly purchased, and obtained vroper conveyances from the Defendants. Thonia Jaw kins, Henry H. Hawkins and Denjamin F. Haw kiifo' of all'lbeir tiiiht and title in tbe said premisei. sn.l'prHVftn- lhal the share or portion of tho aid pm--i.,- i nbieh the siid Defendant, noon the pleadings, appear lo he entitled, as representing thm 'leceased lather D. njamin F. Hawkins, may be parti to him H " ordered that advertisement br made in the Rah iah Re-Ri.ier for i- week., no ifying the ttid Defendants of ihe matlfr and prayer of the .aid Pe tition, and that they .ht-w caue if any ihey M. ajainst the alTowance thereof, at the next J etm f 'h Winws, Thnn as B. Litllejobn. Clerk and MasUr of the said Couri, at Oliice, the 2lb day of May, A. l8H' THO. B. Li rTLEJOHN, C. Vf. " . M. E. 6 , . ...u:l. itw biahest mar- Of a good qtjalitt. lor 4kexprw,llbe.paid,mcarn t'pyeTie""'-'-cr - , aTiTATK OF NORTH CAROLINA.-Joun-?04 axes County: Court of Equity, Spring Term, 1844. John G. Gully, r. Daniel Boon, Administrator of John C-Guy. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, hat Daniel Boon not a resident of Ih.a Uf : II therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made in the Raleigh Register fo, Vui!V!?nS noiif.inrr the said Daftici Bocm lo appear helore the honorable Court of Eouity. a, the -hm e " , .g M a e-,ensive and valuable ulpUr(, wth',h gre.le.t r,ety of 8mUhfieU.onU.en..on , Mr0, building, sumce.u .or . ...... '..' W Xl,! arid there to plead answer or oemu.,. rh If.milr. . , ,1 '' " . , .I... M rmifeuo acatnvt him. I ,.. nresents a fine nnonmir fr a profita- ; e irtf prepared tietf4Jie """"i w- ,viv n. m. k. ""h-t-v .v. iki ... . -. ,.ttr P Ad 15 G2. HO!"' and Utry tt. y ..m i in iiii Hint it i i ,. - t - - a-vi.i I-.; -; .rT'-- I , a .yic i.,io,,o R. W. May. 27. JOB PRINTING ' Neatly executed at tii.s Od.ce.. R.i'ci-jh, J pen ni w ii)bw m,i i"-- , 1 w word that rhy.-..cwitli Dallas, Tbe oniy . 0al. 0 . date for the Commons, in Gates. 'Raleirr' h. June 1", 1-X IfT " '