ax, A- . ' as ,i:r-rs;s WKILI KMrmrTiiriD 111 W orkt Raleigh, '7. ICS it in tnv m en King tht, yPuWislied ever. FridSy, by Westo.1 II. 6ms, Editor , l-roprietur, at I)(,ll s per Annum. TO!,. XLV. FRIDAY, JULY u, 181 4 W IVI (I i TTfl j 1M MOT 1 JffiBO r mi : 'i ' I I I II I I VA NO, 41, 1 li. Sno it Mil- iom . UkI fop iflfBlff. lES', wake t. nd wife, Equilj, case, I e floor u oilowuij lilh, i., it w4 Raleigh, c on tiiii From fourth pagt) Irtioiw When introduced, the first resolution asserted the extraordinary heresy that the Sena, tot in Consrrett is the & mUnr f th. i The Whig denounced this doctrine, and carried M amendment, affirming that officer U be the Senatorof the Stale. Th i 1ftg ieblatry offered to General Jackson, and of C j 5 SSiIult on firm and upright Judge, who had dared to bring a victorious tJeneral under the level oi ins law, used in the Resolution concern, mg the return of the fine, imrmRl at' Nnur Or. I leans, received a proper rebuke. The language I was changed and rendered more suitable to the I taste or freemen.; and the law abiding character , of the Old North State, was spared the burning I name of degrading, in the person of ano;her,lhat iiiucifeuuenca ina integrity which constitute the glory and pride of her own'einipteneTTuik These were, the-trinmphs -of- Whig discussion, and, in our opinion, do amply repay the State for the little time consumed in exposing the alariri-wg-enwsi'4- - i . 'Another amendment which, in it,n n,...,:c portion of the House appeared to be highly essen tial, Was the proviso to the first Resolution, to which we will presently call your attention. Upon the right of instruction, as claimed by the Well may you ask, and repeat the question of ten too, what has the Legislature of 1842 done to secure our confidence, or to merit our approba tion ! The; jiUniwt the Whigs could do wan to oppose the mad schemes of party power. The size of the Journal will, no doubt, correspond with the length of the Session and the Printer's bill ; but you will search, in vain, therein, for anv ev idence afforded by the majority, of promises ful filled, pledges redeemed, devotion to your inter ests, or sympathies for your distresses. If a pro. per regard for your welfare, and a becoming res. pept tor our common country, did not forbid us the wisn, we could most sincerely hope, that yoy may find more pleasure in perusing its contents, than we did in witnessing the preparation of the material, of which it ia made up. ....... .. Signed by the Committee. jron and I p.rty, we do not intend to offer any elaborate ar- Cii ff ' uccih u our auty to present, in ' cLr f iv f?rMf ProPositio our v''ews on the subject. . iV it. t" y - HA LEIGH N. C. Tuesday, July 16, I S 14. iVis-S P00Ple- U 8- 1st. That the Senators in Con(irri im ur. vanta of the people of the State, In re-'ard to Fe deral power. 9 - Tnat tlie Lejis'alure i4lio servant of the ptople, in regard to Stale powers. 3d. That the people have never made the one aet of servants, master of the other set; but do retain their mastery, themselves, unless it is ex Jirpssly gralitaJ away. 4th. That it is the duty of the Senator to con form his views, aa nearly as he can. to the deli berately expressed views of the people. 5th. That for this purpose, the Senator may and BUgljt to consult the most authentic eviden ces of the people's wishes. 6th. That when the Senator is .itifi.rl ih Legislature do not sneak the wiahftn nf thn ,.. L.I - k- L. . , . . fv" MB, ire nugut act io nanuun. 4ha people-to- the 1 ct , .. , jicum alu twice 08- riyeu. 7th. That every Legislature, as a body, has the ight to express it yievvs of federal policy, and to wiui, uui uoi to control omer servants of the THE LAST LEGISLATURE. Just before the adjournment of the last Legis lature, the Whig members held a meeting, and appointed a Committee to prepare an Address to the People of the State. This was accordingly done and the Address was generally circulated at the time. It has occurred to us, that its re-publication, at this moment, will be of signal service to the Whig cause, as it is impossible to present the folly and humbuggery of the Terrapin Legis lature in stronger or more vivid colours, than they are pourtrayed in this Address. We accordingly give it in this pajjer, and commend its perusal to both Whigs and Loco Focoa. If there be a man who can rise from its perusal, and vote for any candidate for the Legislature, belonging to the oco party, he must have a stomach so strong, that nothing can turn it. THAT SAME OLD COON. ' out the Binr xvakui ! GLORIOUS-WHIG VICTORY!! The Loco Pole bp gins to bend, 'J'he Hickory nuu look black ; , I.oi'isiisi'i spoke, I he ires is broke, Tb nuts, thty will noi crack ; The leaves have spread throughout the land, They're nothing else but trash ; The People say, Polk's not the man, They'll blow him all to smash I Th New Orleans Tropic of the 2d ah J 3J In stant irings us the glorious tidings that at the late Election, the City of New Orleans, so late the theatre of the vilest Loco Foco frauds, has been gloriously redeemed by the Whigs, who have elected seven of the ten members of the gialatureraud te of the elite'n Delegates" to the Stato Convention, by an average majority of One Hundred votes. The result was unexpected by many of the Whigs, who apprehended that, owing to the Texas question, the anmnl miration of the Whigs for the summer, and the fraudulent votes created by Judge Elliot, We should be beaten. But these causes have all proved unable to re sist the progress of Whig principles. Poik and Texas have been routed by Clay and Nation- al lloNon, and the Whig banner waves in triumph over the Emporium of the South. The Tropic states that 500 Whig voters had left tho city for the Summer, and pledges itself that in November next Mr. Clay will carry it. by a majority of 800 votes. As for the State, tho Tropic puts it down as a "fixed fact" that Mr. Clay will carry it by thousand.., and it has little doubt, judging from the election in New Orleans, that the Whigs have now elected a majority or TtrriJroiri.sTature. and two inpinWa T... . THE TEXAS QUESTION. The chief argument used by the Locos, why Texas should be annexed to the Union, "now or never," is thai Great Britain wants her; and they covertly Insinuate, if they do not openly charge, that Mr. Clav and the Wings are wiUinglo a'.and silently by and tee Texas wrested from Mexico by England. Whenever this assertion is made, let the Whigs give it a fiat contradiction "from the Record." Here, is what Mr. Clay says in his admirable Letter on the Annexation project: " If any European nation entertains any am bitious designs tipoiX Texas, such as that tif col. onisintr her, or in any way subjecting ,er, I slimild regard it as the imperative' duty of tho Govern ment of (lie United Stales, to oimoso such dp. sigiVs by'llielit'irrtiiTnd'dnteriiiiiipil reistanre, to thr r.rtcnt, if necessary, of APPEALING TO A R.MS." EE." " HA UK I NG UP Til E WRONG T We have a Ifttcr on this wise : "Mr. T. Lniiny: Dear Sir: lam rerpiesiocl to ml your tnilepinlf nl iil- pn tier had; id y ou, a your ilo li;n? won't tin hire ami you will, I Hunk, tiiul mil wln'ii loo lait.', hs lie viilttr buying i, " you liavo har ked up ihc u rong'iree. " Wo have really a personal regard fur onr tilil friend ol K'nlirs county, who wrote the abo-ve, and are sorrv to nee linn still in the "house of hon- dae." lie will please to recollect, however, that wo bark up a tree ol'our own chnoshitt. while he is obliged to hark up any tre: at. vlili hi$" master chi.osi s In !,. ,t. liulcrcndt nt. EDITOR 'SC0U R ESPONDE N C E. THE WESTERN RP.SP.nvp, Mr. Giiaiiam in Buncomhe ! ! Two consecutive day$ for the Whigs of the West, I cannot expect to givfl ari adequate idea of me ricti banquet at Asheville, prepared in com memoration of tho day that gave birth to Ameri can Independence, but they are the proudest days in the history of Western North Carolina. Tho Western Reserve assembled by thousands) to partake of the hospitalities of Old Buricombe, and lo enjoy an intellectual feast emanating from sev- ....! t.i Carolina s most gilied song. The number ut individual present has uo( been cttiinaled HI less than Bv6 thousand, the largest concourse ever assembled in this State, West of the llluo The calm stillness of the morning wlurh ushered in the eixty.eighth Anniversary, of our Iiiclepen dt nee was broken by thirteen rou'ndd from tw,. pounder, the first cannon mar ever echoed by tho Mountains of Buncombe. At cloven o'clock, a procession was formed, and the assembly repaired in a itMvo where a slan.l and suit M.E. 33-ti post ll (liij lively iHillTOI eisiow, lurt, tin! in thii therefore I If in lln e wffki. ! and f- ie Court i Aug"' nur, and it ol iM default,! d Court, C. 0. 49 id for being si, offeu s situated , 4 milei V. Forest ffcm the , with i ., with out bou fnfl rale nfu l purcbaie purcbaae sure m foctrtj. will bt JNN. do so, unless in the name, and on behalf of the jpeople.: and, if any Legislature should undertake Mhis, without the fullest conviction of itsbeimr the will and wish of a majority of tho people, that it hould thus instruct, it is rruiltv of a naln.ihln ami iobnoxioua usurpation'; and lastly, we hold, that ine lata legislature possessed, Irom lour guber natorial elections, evidence, next to conclusive, hat a majority of the Deoole did neither will ,,, vish Mr. Mansrum to abandon Vhi:r nri iee,'OJ fir vacate his seat. We have given to you our views on the doc rin? f instructions, in which we are more than ustainod by Mr. Madison, in his excellent num. tiers on the Federal Constitution. We now re- urn to the first of the Instructing Re passed by the Democrats of the rocent Legisla te neii it was luiroauceti, it rearfas follows ; "Resolved, That the Lesishture of this State have a risht to instruct their Snnafnra thenever in the opinion of the L'jgislature.'they isrepresentthe wishes of the Stat". or il.o mn. Ilituda of the occasion shall require such instruc tions; nd that it is the duty of the Senators to fcbey the instructions given ; or to resign their leats." After considerable debate, Mr. Bra of North. Itnpton, offered as an amend nent thereto, the ijiuvisu, which was carriea witnout dis tent, the Whiffs publiclv remirkinrr that thft, Jvere willing the party' should make their Reso. utions aa suitable to themselves as possible ; but hey should be discussed and when objectionable oiiid be opposed f irrovtded, the instructions to be given and eyed, require not tho Senator tor-nm mt ftjonH,lthe'-Cpnatjtutioii or KljiUmtlXurpi- a What an extraordimrv ciiiiimntori7 ;. i,nr0 ,r Hbrded on mandator ere asserted, ia, nofthat the Losrislative bndv aaa the right to exact unlimited obedience of the Senator, but, only, when the measure asked for, utu an one. as (Ions not .rfuminH of i m t ,,. ms of an unconstitutional act, or an act of moral iiirpitude. By the Drovisn. it is .-wlirilttpiL that annolbPlere is danger of the Legislature, so misrenre. 1 rtfit,-. U , .... ... r. .. . -y..w..s iiib peopie, as, Sometimes, lo be guilty of Cibmmandintr thn ItOrkltlu'a bulaFulaa.irr.nlD to the Conatituiion and do a mean act, an act . 'urp'tudo of vileness. When the instructor hnita this ignorance of Constitutional law, and Jch incapacity to determine whether an act is ne of turpitude or not, think you, he is any Ion- i 10 instruct otners ! And, this admission is ipecially insulting to the people, if the instructor uns the right, on the ground that they (the peo e) jo will and so wkh,- Th ed the resolution are reduced to a most piti f18 dilemma. They claim the nVht of instrun. f n,either on their own responsibility, " as so THE ELECTION. The ensuing Election will probably be the most important which has ever occurred in the State, and the issue, if favorable to the Whigs, as we are certain it will bo, will have n moral effect upon the nation, which will, certainly, exert an important influence on the ultimate result in No vember throughout the Union. Let every Whig then, be up, and doing. . Our Candidate for Governor, we believe to be invincible, and cur Candidates for the Legislature are active, able and zealous. Dut let not the con fidence of success lull us into apathy, for we have to contend with a foe who nutgoncralj us as far in discipline, as we outstrip him in numbers. Let us all bo up and doing Let us make a long pull, a strong pull and a pull all together, and vic tory, will crowr. our efforts. ngress. .-GUI xi Term, .hanf' litiou 1 ibereoff its of W P. nr f. H- iremit said pi"' nontlf mg that mtit' ;tbe Mill ,eyb Ten",' MJ so U5. 45 VUIV Citizens : nr. thpv claim if. nn lioholf ople. If, on tho former erou nd,"rtSnvtliev"are iltyof a gross usurpation, in exacting any obe- " t ; on m lauer, men, iney say when V read ire an nnconslitntioml or viln art fko PPle have done it and not they. 'ui uie doctrine of the Resolution becomes su nwly ridiculous, when, by the proviso, it is re- " ine senator mmself, to decide whether instructing master haul not ordered In he Hnne. at the path or honor of the servant forbid him to 11 such be the ooinioiiVif the servant, then be nttructed NO T to obey It!, , CONCLUSION' P'ow-CjUiens, we assert, that there was not I leaat necessity for the? anuaual extension of .oeasion. Tha important acta of necessary 'latlori. WCra o'thA simnloal bin.t ti, toament f jnembers for the House of Com a, OXed, as it ia. hv rortatn Annultiiinn-I fJWjfWJ application teguire but a vera fed knowledge of the easiest arithmetic. The f'iOnmeikt ni nnniiAnt&iifr. i. iU d ' fc - - -","'" an tine UUftLr ou P 'l perplejtity. The Cbngreastonal'appoi'. fninent, we admit, was mattev at, some diffi. v r out, nearly aU the embarrassment wWd MR. GRAHAM, IN RUTHERFORD. Mr. Ghaiiam spent the 4th of July at Ruther fordton. The " Republican" says ho arrived there the evening before, escorted by some twenty or thirty gentlemen, who went out to meet him. At a very early hour on the 4th, the people of Ruth erford, and the adjoining Counties, poured in, in such a manner, that it was compared to a little avalanche, continuing until the hours of 11 or 12 o'clock. It was .(says the " Republican,") beyond the shadow of a doubt, the largest assem. blage we have ever seen convened at this place. The number is variously estimated by those whom . e.J,ia.vviPfe com iuteaifcaittsv-i) t, tiireij thousand -some stated idatour thousand, but that estimate was too high. From all the ob servation that we could make, it is our settled opinion that tho number was between twenty five hundred and three thousand. The gentleman who furnished the Birbecne stated, that 1000 pounds of flesh were cooked, and hardly a fragment of it left. Few men would eat more than the half of a pound of wear, ami in -a crry'wd tke this would not average more than the third of a pound. About a third, if not a larger proportion of those present did notparta$e of the Barbecue at all, so we may safely compute the number at three thousand or thereabout. The " jRgptibMcan" speaks in the highest terms of Mr. Graham's Speech, on the occasion. PATRIOTISM. How proudly swells the heart of the patriotic, true lover of his country, when, at " the dawn's early light," his ear is saluted by the wide-mouthed artillery, announcing that another National" Sab bath has arrived that another Jubilee of Nation al Independence is upon us ! And how purely and devoutly ascends that voice of thanksgiving and praifco to the donor of every good am) perfect Kni, mr ing.Tounesa and mercy in preserving and J perpetuating the glorious and holy Institutions of Freedom',) chosen land I How it invigorates the nerves and (ires tho soul, as the ear-pirrini fife and oul.:irring drum the glitter -vJ arms. ami the tramp of met fled sfeeuV proclaim that a fide, a .ai.Jiur, a piOHpulUUS flllll IKIimV .people are about to assemble, to offer upon the sacred altar of God and their country their united orisons, to Tim who holdeth the destinies of Nations in his hands, for his unnumbered mercies and kind nesses. Then indeed does the Patriot's heart break forlh with the proud ejaculation " This ii my own, my native land." The gny pennant is proudly floating o'er our heads, bearing the bright galaxy of-gister Stars comprising our national firmament one ami in divisible ; We gaze in unniinglcd satisfaction, and exclaim is there one so base who would winIi to destroy, or in the least, alienate the affections of this-glorious confederacy 1 From our heart we say, unnerved be the arm and palsied bo 1 1 to heart who, in the most remote. manner, could harbor so direful a design. And yet, the humiliating reflection comes over our mind yea, the disgraceful kimu-ledge, that ,M&.WMa.Jhlit.M&te-- are .llio3e,...whiA.,.fcc, pafty purposes or insatiate personal ambition, would destroy the last, vestige of our glorious Republic, and dismember and set at war the heavenly concord of our inestimable Union ! And they bear the name of Citizens of the 'ni'l States, and rally under the "Star spanolod ban ner ! '" May Heaven preserve us from their d:s- organizing maclnnatmrs ! We trust that nutocofoco is ton rrahbod to lau'rh t this advertisement f nun the Southporl, Wis consin Territory American. REWARD! "FUGITIVE FROM JUSTICE." Escaped Irom the custody of the Locofoco Par ty, by whom he-was hold, professedly, to await the '01181100" which the Whios of the Union were preparing to visit upon- him, a little fat Dutchman, known by the name of Martin Van hook, alias S.tgo ot l.mdcnwolil, alias ijlippcry Elm. He had on when he escaped, a Free Trade Coat, Tariff small clothes, an anti-annexation cloak, and a hat sadly battered by service in he campaign of 'la A liberal reward will bo paid for his return to tlja peeping. ol sai.i Locofoco party, or to Thos. Hart Benton, high Sheriff of "Old Hunkers," where " Justice" can be admin istered upon his head. 'As strong suspicions are indulged that ho has boon Polk oil off liv foul nlav. a farther liberal rewird will be paid fur the dis covery and apprehension of the aiders and abet tors iii the nefarious transaction. THE SAME OLD COON. Loo Cauim, Ides of May. SELECT Classical and .ll.-.tiieui.'uflra'l Sclsool. HE Subscriber, huvinir reKiirncd the - chares ol the Hillnborounh Academy, conteinphttos open ing a Stltel School, Iwnlto miles south. .west of II ill borough, and the sitnm th-junce, went nearly, from Chapel Hill. lli lemhii;; in .live in to educate his own sunn in the country ; and hid soleclion has bten tuutle vvitli special rderi'ii in tins object. For di'luils apply tn him .jMtet pmd at Hillsbo rough, till November nest, when the School is lo bg'n. W. J. lil.NUHAYI. II ill-borough, May R. 41 rnwfnn CTATE O(;o ID" The far-seeing Editor of the " New York Tribune" has made another visit to the interior of New York, and says, " this trip has strength, ened our conviction that Mr. Clay's majority in thie State must exceed 20,000." MASS MEETING. The time of the Mass Meeting, at States ville, has been changed from the 25th to the 22d inst. on which day Mr. Geaiiam had made an appointment to address the People. The Whigs of Rowan are preparing to go tip to the Jubilee, en masse. .PHILADELPHIA RIOTS. ""No further -dist urbairtcer have" occurred ' at Philadelphia. In alluding to thejse riots, in our last, we spoke of them aa'hatri'J occurred be tween the Irish and Native Amqricans, but we find, on examining tha accounts more particular ly, that although the riots originally grew out of the contest between these parties, yet the last conflict wae between loafers and despera does of the lowest class, and the Military au tliorities called out by the Civil power. OF NOUTH CAROLINA. Ws'vne OCounty. Court ol Kaniiv .Siirinu Term 1H-14 James H. and (irorciamm C. Whitfield, infants-by their next friend, Chapel MoCbufchill, James Griswold, Administrator of Philip Hooks and Washington It. H inks and others. It appearing to Uie sniifn'i ion of the Court, that the Dt'leridam, Washiniit.m R . Hooks, is not on in habitant of lhi Hla'e : ll is ordcied that publication be rnada for nix weeks in tho liiileinh Itngitler, a newspaper published in thn City of ltiileiBa, notify, ing the afoienaid U'o-hinnlon It Honk to appear at Ihe r.ent Court of Ktiuitv, tn be held for said Couniv ofWoynt) at the Court House in Waynrshurough, oillhefiistMonday atici Ihefnunh Monday in Ki'pteui b6r,it4j feeu j ihn a plisad, atlBWeV Or demur tq the Coinplainaiil a suiJ Bill, other wiso the same will he liiUen pro coofiMo. nnd tii'-iril ix parte as lo him. Witi.ess, Jamiw (iiiswidd, Clerk nnd Maslpr of said tourt, nt Odiee, in sa,d County of Wayne, the first Monday alter tho foutlh Mo-nil.iy in March 1844 JAMES Cltlrt VVOI.U, C. M. K. JuneS. l'r. Adv. K5 62 1-!. 40 fiw TRANSYLVANIA UM VEHSITV. i, C . l 1 . rt" . Ij ,J' diatricta, aa to enable a minority part? ieu CT"!r ti Kreal body of the people. Its eaien did riot occupy a d iy ia either- Houae. O Hon. J. R. 3. Daniel, of the Halifax Dis trict, is out in a long letter to his constituents, in the " Globe," in which he takea his brother Loco Focos of the present Congress severely to task, for not making a purely party point of de feating the Tariff of 1842. He cornea out"flat footedr" for a low u Revenue TariS"," and scouts the protective prineipla aa an "enormity." W hope the friend of ihe, party will settle. any dif ficulty between our friend Daniel and Mr. Polk, that may grow out of their conflicting views on thia Tariff question.. 00- Diseaae is prbdneed by some obstruction in die abdominal viscera, or sn inactive Slate of the liver, cauaiitg deranged secretkiin ; the blood then is render ed impute, unhealthy bile is ibrofvn out, indigestion or dyspepia immediately follows rhe whole syjiem partakes through the medium of (ympiiiheiic action, and ihe patient (inks beneath hit acuiimulatini; tuflei ing. To remove these disorder, u remeily has been sougbt niter and discovered, whi , has been mved in tlmusands of cases, patronized and sanctioned by tlid highest medical authoriiy. SANDS' SARSAPA RILLA will remove and effectually cure diseases ori ginating from obstructions, unhealthy action, irregular evacuations, retained perspirano;i. female derange ments, cutaneous eruptions and various oilier diseases lo which the human system is liable. tot further particulars and conclusive evidence of its superior value and efficacy, see pamphlets, which may lue obtained of agents gratis. JTemred and sold, wholesale and retail by A. B. SANDS fc CO., Druggists ami Cbemists.273 Broad way, New-York, Price 91 per bottle .' six boules lor if. . For sale by Williams & Haywood Rahr'sb, R. C. A SHOCKING THICtf SKULL. The Raleigh Standard ol the 3d instant, reite rating the assertion that Johft V. I McMahoH-ef IJaltunore had gone over to the iniquities of tlie Loco party, berates the Register for denying the fact. Mc&Iabon under his proper aignature, pub licly refiited the report several weeks since. He is for annexation, but he sees no cause in that for ceasing to sustain our good old Harry and Itio A- tnertcan system: rtrtsmoum index. The Lectures will commence as usual, on the first Monday in November, and cloc on the fiMtday of rebruary, under the following ' I IMLTV: BENJAMIN W. DIj'DI.KY, M. D., IWes.or of ihe Piinciples and Practice of Surgery. WM. H. KICHARDSOi, M. p., I'rofewor of Ob- stel ricks, snd lha Diseases of Women and Children TH08. D. MI TCH ELI,, M. I) , I'rofcsor of Ma- teria Medica snd Theraprutic, and Dean of the Faculty. ROBEKT PETEIl, M. D I'rpfeor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. LOTAN Ci. WATSON, M. D , Professor of Theorv anil Practice. JAME8 M. BUsH, M. D , Profusor of Spc.iol and Surgical Anatomy. LEONIDAS M. LAWsO.V, f. D., (Editor of the Western Luncet, and Lecturer on Theory and Practice at Cincinnati,) Professor of General snd Pathological Anntomy uud Phyniulogy. A full course of lectures costs 1 05, payable in. vsriably In advance: for whi'hsum, notes of good snd solvent banks of the States whence ihe pupils come, sre taken without discount. The matriculation, snd library ticket is $S, and the graduation fee 120. both of which are payable in par fund. The Dissecting ticket is H0 ; snd at this department will be entirely reformed, and practical natomy taught in person by the demonstrator, (: is earnestly advised that each pu pil lake the 'ticket for one session at leant. The Faculty have appointed E. L. Dudcet, M. V., to tb office of Demonstrator of Anatomy. THOS. D, MITCHELL, Dean. June 22, 67 LIFE AND SPEECHES OF HEN It Y CLAY; 2 volumes in one, neatly bound for $1 25. For sale at ihe New Book-store by O. L CLEVELAND Raleigh, July 9. Sfr BLANK DEEDS, Jttat printed and for aale : at mis orriea. arrtinuo. n ents had bee n tivule for public speaking. In fiont of the Procession, v:,s n largo and beautiful . -ruu uui iiu by mu iiil-ii i u one KIllC Ol W Ili'll ! .,.,.1 n.i. ... 'H I1MU trill u as a nnrrr.'iit nl h I 1 1. 11. 1 """ ' 1 fay it was '" ;"iiillf.iurs .'V.llKltlt.'AN INDt'STBV. (in the other sile " Whstern kesehve, Ci.av, KitELiNomtvsKN and Wm. A Giiaiiam ; nnd in smaller characters, the principles of the Whig arty. Thero ivero noveral other Ilannera, in scribed ivilhtnottos characteristic of Whig prin ciples accompanied with a Hand of Music. The giand Procession, and the immense multitude thai could not join tho Procession, arranged t homse I vos : round tho stand amidst tho roaring of cannon, ,u B-ibvivDi ouuiiis ui paiiiutic itiuic aim tlie deafening shouts of thu vast throng. Although tho weather had been gloomy, and noavy rains Had tallen lor several days precoding, uu tliis- or.c.asinn Jho-sJy---rva 4a-ftnd the.gfo. nous sun never threw his broad beams upon a more delighted assembly. Though disappointed in tho high expectation of hearing on that occasion a descendant of Virginia's ablest Orator, when it was announced that Col. Phkston was preventud by illness frum gratifying lint expectation ; nov ertlioless, evory countenance was animated and .every heart gladdened, when it was announced that a favorite son of North Carolina, a n.-itivo of fluncombo County, was there ready to nildresis them. Perfect order and profound attention pur vndod tho vast assembly as (Jov. Swain rose, and in a stylo poculiar to himself, delivered an elo quent patriotic, atid highly interesting Address. If Gov. Swain were a stranger in North Caroli rs, it miifiit be deemed an net of iimticn to hun. as well ns to tlie occasion, to give a inure elabo rate description of t! isellort of this renins, lint Iti own as ho is throughout the Slate, nothing need be said in his praiso in a sketch liku the piW'iH. Hon. T. L- -!linjman, being called on, rose and acl.nowlodged his inability at that lima to make a t-'peccli exclusively appropriate to tho Anin- venaryof our Indepondeiice. IJut, being solici ted in a munner that ho could not disregard, he should discuss the questions of national policy th;.t now agitato the country. This lie did in a hold, clear, logical and forcible speech of nearly two hours. Several Whig Songs wore then sung am dst loud and repeated chuers for Ci.av, ii.A ham and UuNcoMUE. lluro occurred an interval tho most aunpicious for an oiT-lmud ell'ort. That fort was rnado by Gen. Kdney, who was on the aland connected with the Music, in a rn 'St happy strain for fifteen minutes, in a that almust made tho earth trenil.l . 'J'he crowd iho'n rn. paired to ;n:olhor Grove, where wo loainl In hies several handled l.xt long, groaning under tho richest luxuries of It.incombo County. Tlie 'cnglh of this nrliclo will notpennit mo to pay tJ13..."!L'l'i,'-''.J ributo!jJj,bJyftliiy1f. hai..c.h. izona It. was expected t Mr. Fjiam is wtitihl i 1 .1 . . . . . . auurcss uio people at the Court llouno al night, but being otherwise engaged, the meet ing was entertained by. Speeches of a spicy i lia racter from Col. Gaitiikii of Uurko, and N. V. Wooufin, Esq. of Ashovillo; and by Hongs and Anecdotes one particularly, told by Dr. Wii,. of Tenn. at- the expenne uf Col. I'ui.k, we may t.iko the liberty of telling wheu we please, bul fie- dtd-not authorrae its-paidicafloij. Was not this glory enough fur one occasion ! Migni not t no gallant W lugs have retired to their resjiective homes to take a cnlm respito until tho first of August ! No, verily. They saw iii scribed upon their banners the name of one whom most of them had never seen. Tjnty looked to the arrival of Mr. Ckaham, as the consummation of their enjoyment on that occasion as a rich desert that ahould crown a feast of fat things. Ho was met about six miles from Town, by the Cavalry of Buncombe County, under command of Col. UtAvea, accompanied by numerous othor gentlemen well mounted, consisting in, all of more than one hundred of tho freemen of the " Western Reserve." The Cavalry was formed in open order, Mr. CiiAitA.n received in the centre, and he was then welcomed to the "blue hills of old Buncombe," by Gen. Edxev, in one of his ablest and hap piest efforts. In this address of Gen. Edxev, af ter addressing- Mrs G. for some time, he turned in a very easy and happy manner to the Caval ry and crowd that received Mr. G., and told them that vae a son of Gen. Jus. Gkaham, Ute of Lincoln County,, w her, but a few years ago, paio uio aeoi oi nuturo and was gathered home to his brothers in the grave, carrying with him five wounds received in the Revolutionary strug gle. At the conclusion of Gen. E.'a remark, three loud cheers were given by all the Escort for Wm. A. Ghahaii. The Procession, tlien advancing ra rapidly toward Asheville, were met by a carriage containing a number of ladies, w ho joined in the chorus t6 the Whig songe aung by tlie escort. Mr. G. arrived .about 12 o'clock, announced by the salute front the twelie-pounjer which, Gen. Ednev said, was so glad, it could not keep its mouth shut' Mr. G. very aeon appeared at I lie stand. ' Uie personal apeara0e, which is pre jxisseMinj Ins urbanity .and sitn!icity of man ners, and his fine elocution; niade a decided im pression In hia favor. Dut he took higher ground. Me placod himself in tho proper attitude beforo the peop'e, as a candidate selected by his politi. cal Inends, to test tho strength of parties in N. Carolina, in t,0 Gubernatorial election. ilo argued all tho questionsat issue between the parties. It Js not the object of this article to putt air. d. I have heard all these questions discus sed before, repeatedly and satisfactorily, and bt some of our ablest .net.. It might be too much to say that Mr. G. surpassed them all ; but 1 must say, 1 never hoard all theae nueatlnn. satisfactorily diicussod in eo short a time. His reasoning waa so clear,, that scarcely a figure waa necessary for illustration ; Wfrgreeablo that no anecdotes wero necessary to interest or ettgag9 the attention, and tho correctness of hia own cnurso so evident, l hat others had not to be abu sed, in ordor tti make a favorable contrast Hencoj none of his tirno wae consumed Improper ly. Ho, make whatever calculation claewher you please, but put down for the Western Re serve as largo a majority for Gkaiiam as any other Whig has ever receivedj and probably it may be much larger. Hut this does not wind nn lli ,1 f .L- at Asheville. Wo u-prn r,Ml t rnoiinli to be uro. II, n m h ... rra mi, u. took his seat, Gov. Hwain rose, his object ap. pouring to be simply to pay a compliment to the patience and decorum th,,t characterized tho as sembly for two days. l)l(t slu i A .Speech ! It beggars all description. To form any concep lion of language and Sentiment bo inimitably grand, thu whole scene must bo passing before your imagination as it transpired there. Such a Speech I only want to hear, when placed in a situation to give vent, through every avenue of feeling, to the emo'ions within. j Eliiahe'Uown, July ), - DiR.&).tA4--sietis-f'i, Uladon County, hold on tho Oth of July, to make suitable arraiigemouls for celebrating the Anni versary of tho " ll tttlo of Elizabeth Town." w ,'ere appointed a Committee tu make onquirioa toiauve to kio unto oi uio battle, and any circum stances connected with the Revolutionary history of our County. Judging, from a comiuiiuicaiimi which appeared in your paper a few inon'hs since, above the sig. nature of ".7fi," that you possessed tho means of those facts, we have taken the hb-i erty of addressing you, hoping that you will ren der tut illicit aid aa lies in If not en abled to furnish us with tho desired Information, you will confer a fovor by giving publicity to this call, with the request that othcrpapurs mil cepy, Wo aro very rcspeetf'ttliy, Your obedient sonants, H. II. ItOJtlNSGN, T. J. NORMAN. Tiio.s. Mcdowell. U I' Air. I't.i.K is; nhout to take l.'io hold in perJ son, to electioneer fur himself as l'resideiit.-a This is something new. What will the I-ucofo-ro papers say, that were so horriiiod at the jour iny of Mr. Clayto the South before ho was a can. drduto fur tho Presidency 1 men. lure lows the moiher of Im On Wednesday, the IDih nil. nT. ."o-years, Mn. Siirtih, con-on ol Mr. VV K. Martin ol FritiiMirt Coiuily. Seldom indi-Ml lias tln-ru ,u , .,,,,n;,.,. HM a dispensation ol I'rov t.leiiee. 'I'lie iinxiuut soho ilude ol miiny lo whom she was near iinil.dcar, and I ho most iiiiiirin cfloiis ol I'xperieni'ctl ineilicitl oul, liuvo been eluded by the (joi.p of .leailn Mrs. Murim, ero he had passed Ihe middle ol hei li'o, her ntotul ness, nml her happim,., Ims been lulteii nwny and ilia "place, whiih knew her, b,,, t,uv buraio mure Inmver." iiy tier ilcaib, ihu poor have bein dcfirived " ol one, whose bfiievolencu lots olien ifdi.eved .Ibifir wmiis'i her MHixGlju'rs huvu'loei u kind und oljligmg ' """i wiioiu ini-y un, wiiiront ext-cpiiori, loved ; live rdiililn-n, loo yoiniK in rjnnmie iln ir bereuvt-meiit, have been left destitute nt the irilhienco ol an iriMh lent nnd ulleeiioon'c Mll HKK'S love, end her bus hand has been slik-lo ti low willi i..- ,i, . Hie couitJiiniori ol lii iovs nnd .,,n,. . Ins childten : the inniiil.l,. r-(,,,,.. and devoted WIKE, with Whom he, had passed tl.s mominif of hie, and to Ahorrf fio wti, hoiniil by all lha itileciiutis ol lot nature. Olr! what a liioiunlul void lias Iweii loft in u contenieil anil hupjiy lainily! priitB,'tU sotace; The wefei" uT its liiipjniieis, she, who ' o pruiseworihily reabziwl the rrul ur,d aim of bet being, Is Kone of ever! . The last inutile of respect wos pmd to her inuiiiuiy on Thtirxhiy, the duy alter her death. Al'ti-r n toleinn ami alli-cting pennon by the Rev. Samuel Wait, her remains wera Inllnu.I by her friends unci nni)(lil.ors H ihc family ruve-yard. iiirrti unerreti. iiinoiijiii tier dealli hat spread a til""iii wherever she wu known, and grief lias burst forth uncontrolled, yet ihe confident and cono hn, assurance is left that she is a gamer by the change. She :s (jono lo a tetter and a happier world. W. MALL FAMILY HAMm-I,, B1l,litin t , olhor stotk of Uacon, aie just received. W ILL 1'EfK. 67 3t Ralpiij'h, July ffith oia kt, fl:icffi a a aotici:, B"l'-SuUcribers bsve associated wiih them in H business John K. Williams, and will continue ihe Drug business tit their old flaxid at the corner of Fayetteville snd llarSti Streets under the firm of Wi Drams, Haywood & Co. All those indebted lo us mi former account WrlJ please Call and make settlement. A, WJLLIAMM, F. J. Il.i Y WOOD; Kaleish, Jo-'y t.l, LSI t. ' 67 4n WilliatH, f J.i) Wood d: Co, are mhv receiving frmu Neur York and I'hiladrlphia, a Ir(je'li3 gen eral assorlmenl of " mug nnit Medlf'iiicK, Cliehilcals, PAINTS A NO OILS, D YE'STVFFS, f1 1. ul tl'lllli Tlinnn.inh - uunr ,1 a UL, I LSI UMIillI atg, Which Ihiyuare prepured to sell wholesale and retail to Physicians, Merchants, snd Others dealing in iheir line, at unusually low "prices. '1'boke witbini; to Irey, will find it to (heir interest to rail and examine before pun haniug elsewheie. Particular attention at all limes will be given fo putting up I'rt'strij.liuns, , well as tha dispeusing MeJicine. Kuleijh, July I84- H-tm- r I 'I- .1. T. 4 f. r t ;a y I ,t i1' 3, 1 1 If s-MSMs, WfflS1' . . a..' 1-.' w i