"t ck. tts J Ha, H. 4 Dm i w fav. Ik r Published every Friday, hy Wbston H. Galks; Ktitor and Proirietcrftt Three Dollafs ppr Annum. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 45 18 44. NO. 52. f a an- ,r ' ' . , . .v., -...: .'lV" , ' f - ' 4 H L' W ; .. . 1 . - 'j . ' --" , , m ill r ir r I IM TTTT7 TVQ T"TO TTlrftT.T"-':;-1 irs. .. ---i 1 . ' .L-. ... . . v H I I ,V ' A. ,V m ul ml 11 T1D-rmn 71 'I B al-m. . Mi.. . ,11' ' B B SB . .- B SB B . B B B B B B B e. - " V 1 a B H .. B J ! B M W OS-1 Bl B Br HtaAA. B BB B BBB. M. M m M m Mm III I m UU UJJ Lta LM 1 UA V Ml If Vim , m V IT POISONED WEAPONS. ' W regret to perceive a little bit of bluster, in the concluding portion of the AddreM recent l.put forth. "by the LocoPoco Central, Coinmii. tee. The Addres ny f , " " U i FAt-SE, cotiM from what quarter it mayf to Mcrtbe tools or to the democratic party of the Suuili, J betility ip the tJniorj, no matter 77 ,h. lans of fair, delightid peace, j what may beliiS refoft of or Texas neyolia. L,'J nartu faae. f? Z(i like 6wttefvH tionf. We reent it St an mcalt ; and an hono- - RALEIGH N C Tuesday , October I; 1S44. Our' " Vntoarp'3 XT We had the finst Frost of the SeMonee. terdaymorning'f ' SUPEJIIOR COCRIV - .The SuperiorCouitVor tbia County ! c aion, Ilia honor, Judge, Caldwell, jireeiding. We believe that for the first time iu mny yeara, Miere are no cases on the Criinal docket, of Capital nature. . . A CTThe Rowan Whig gaihcring came offafi. cording to itppoiiitment, on the 2Ut uli. ElTfC- tive Speeches were made by Hon. D M Babki.n- ser and N. Bovden, Esq. A LARGE BEET. Mr. James II. Mukhav, of tln City, sout ue a few days since, a Mammoth Bezt, raised in his Garden, which weighed seven pounds and a quarter, without the tops, and measured twenty one inches iu circumference. RALEIGH CLAY CLUB. We had a glorious meeting of or Club on Friday night last. It was called to make prepa rations for attending the Alleimfhce Man meet ing, and from the spirit manifested, we hope there will be a glorious turn-out from Wake on that occasion. A number ot spirited Mueectms were delivered, and amongst others, Mr. Lorino, the former Editor of the "Standard," was called out and made a most capital talk. He knows all about the Loco Focos, and the way he used up them, and their Polk-stalk nominee for the Presi dency, wji a caution. We never heard Mr. Lo- ItNO speak before, but have heard that he was both a fluent and pleasing speaker, and fie is to. He gave a very interesting- etatement of the rea son! which induced him to part company it h the ".Democracy," on of the chief of which was the new issue made up by them of " Texas or Dis. vnion." 1ble opponent in poirTiea? will not user the weapon he ir tn be poisoned. W go for l ho UNM)N AND TEXAS TEXAS AMD THE UNION but for tha UNION, TejtUKpr no Texas." ' We caimot, of course, 0et Wjh y that this Cotnroittee, or the w hoi.. 4J0Mdic!W& party gf tfte Sojith, are disunion,isti'.'T,l Chairman must certainly have changed vast!,, if he it one, for we- well remember how pjfro&d'lie once itradie us, by the noble stand he took against them. But chall we not say, for fear it may be pronoun ced " Are," that R. Barnvxll Rhelt, Langdon Cherts, and a large number of I'oLK and Dallas men in South Carolina, are rank disuninnists 1 And must wo not venture to breathe the fact, that.tbey are a portion, at least of the " Demo, cratic party of the South J" The fact cannot be disguised, and it is worse than fojly to attempt to , deny it, that tficro are mad disurtionists in South , THE "STANDARD. . Before the. Eloci ions in August, the , " Stand. td" uaed the following boastful language : " We i;an elect a majority in the Lepiilature, and we will. We can elect Colonel Hoke." - . . " The eyes of the democracf of the Union are tal f K0lT0R'S CORRESPONDEXCE N Mr. EutTOR : I would call ihe atteniiisof all r MURRELWS WHEREABOUTS. uvvr-cuniiueni v in n t n , n unnrmir m' 0...1, IIIMI III II1U . ... w, ..... iun. .u.iuv ui our ren. ri n-ii rirn hip t m ..rn. 'l ! 1 1 '"K' Sei'lem,'r W I- inf contest they h.tve to' contend amet the ' "' d.'piedatioiw of MurreJi'g uung of ur .1 inietided inP haie had hoiho "m hod m my coinilned force of ihkiecoalhiinn, m." unmin. H?N';1 f"''rs H.it h tew-yei-a siftkat tUiieu uitsoruuulous in tlii.ir r"" wnen writing, but n io irksome to . cfuJed iff tlieir shim IH" UUSVJI III Ihniinhl. f-i J . . I . - I . I . i. ;.. 6 i"i which iiu inn iu 1 urc,i, inure iiaii(jprnu in 1 tipir tendeiu irf (Hn Wten one, that 1 . Will fVlHfiW tUa piirrcul f,f ., Unl htT u-li.r It .....I.K.. I reuoon us. ShaH w. Ji., in, ih-w t fcU.-. J , . .. . ,y . --v y. fMuiu .in pvrrii.iii'iii 11 is evdr i. blow at the Dictator ,7 Aud'" " '2.ZZiT " ' preliininary, is binnHon tfeljrforiwd between t)jtiiocM - audi ... ... . . - .1. rarv h fiiiA au tttut lit wi , 1 1 i. t i . . i - a correspondent Hfik f Worth Carol na w 1 1 "V ... iorcHK. -nj urni pr-vc irup hi August, lis MAY DCFBND UPCH . ." 1 rj'r'! ,'v . ne secret oj m. jne.uu w( EnfelW n(in hand : .lumi .il. il ami jiimicp st.dehmcf .1 th8ijwem Mf f ""r couiury. ,M..t f ilif?m,vvor9 finally capttf?. I'd iil ;Hl,ilslie,J, j,!,! ifo ri'iw o.Tiiiatinjf their i-niod' in various RiitetifiBifcs. XluiTeH' the Caption, and uh6 of tJt niort dsrniir and adroit lrebooter that this or any other country ever ri)inced, mafJsiroit, h.nvevpr. 10 Mrans. irn.J hr. .-.v,.p i.tr. jriviivTii, isemocrai'Y aiHJ uisuiiioii. iMiiinracv t . i , - j i . .. -nt" rr-- n gold. Own with I be Tatif siy the I " "-'cuouw ina over (iut tx-en fliach of a Sn'SIiid un.in ha ml : dmiVii-h il. '-I!!' 'Iviug ind utress vverea marvel. I 111 ClarlinviHe, r M s ) SSr.ndiWfl h. .t k.i .In. fieo mm out, am " . .hi wi.iti.il I.. , . - .- v ivi4iw wtiwut; . i! er. Hli will lw im. kiwi. ;.. i v.. , KUUI others feel what etui u r.io .. r.i !..!..!.. IT,.:.... t. . . j ..... Wnil II, I1IW US I HU 1,U- CT - - ..., i. K7T7I . Ulir V ..I. i H, L- I DC Ifk.in. j ,., .... .. .... ..... i , , , v . . : . . . . . j ". ....imjoui iiiiiiiriii.i v itiinc a ;i i mil im i um .. 1 . f . ....r; uU Hn teeis -honored in t)eir.) one ; wniiqg, or 10 imerest otners m what vou say.'is to Hie oiIiit, hile tho ut,.l.. i,.r ,nA .,i, .... ... r f ' ' '" " ln"r ,ie wes a the iTrt ,., .he phalant of Slate, to' .lr.ke tlia b inierested ... what you av. ' : the G-vL.tnl ,V , J i , ' f?W ''""' It"blm'' V r3'' W Trinitf doath-blow at Henry Cluy." . - 5 n, l 1 . u"verll,nf"'t ore brought to aid imj tfrovinitt fiver, Tw. " - - . -7 After the E!ecthk or. fimllmr .h. ah.'f lifH,;.U i , ... e "ur feruest ...tcre.i. - n . .l,fc(-T ii' -ITTWCITl 4CIWUIOT PJ5 "-i ; - 1 k.,1 L.i il,-l;i. i... na - . . amnnuat na Alal L 'jyi . jl. .j, . .r, I ' " Raflftf'l' lit" an,iai '... - " lw iji,iamii uy niajoniy, anil lost i """ 'i"ujjii um unt'pw cirigiintii w v tin iMM'tn. "" Carolina, and that there are many such and they are not insisrnihcant, but men ot high character , . , . . , 6 , fc . nor, and urge hm election on the grounds tnat he and talent, and every man of them Democra's. ; . nr,j ,', i, , .. , , . . 3 ' . oppoked to the annexation of Va,js while the .,u u.i.ai .,, " ' same oartv m sunoortincr Ja,. K v.,r i. il. their Governor, he says, " vveare neither did I heartened or discouraged ;' but calls upon ihe , umimcracy to or?nn,Ze," and says-If "eve: the thought, of hers, tnat -his Lecture,, t j ry uemocrat will ao his whole duly, Henrt , withstanding a some hat uhforiurfale maimer of j Clav will not and cannot get the vote of North de,'very are some of the most intruding and in. j Carolina." ', '"'"e ever delivered in lhi,eily. . $mi know It won't ,!o Mr ?i, Ur f i j 1 hB '"Jucetl a maTied lady to runaway "mid leave j It n t !o Mr. Standard -yon have ,W , farn:ly nlu or(c of J ,,,, jn yourself a false prophet, and all your prediction. England 1" lie is graceful -roumry. clown, will avail nothing. mid old eiio.ijrh to be a grainlia"tbjeV."erhaiii bo . j .. .. . i tauglit her As' monrny, his favuri'fe Science, until LOCOFOCO CON'SISTENCV ; she was m..ii.rtrui-.k,' and carried hcroirduni'c 1 he Lop.oloi'o party of New York are now run nine Silas Wriirhi. as tlmir ivm,!,,! ,t rnr a,. thinker fi.ma.eir, yet he hat such fund of genef .'f . ,,,v ' ' Una sne.iliBc knowtedge, and capnal'tiirt in TZ.. " ,hV e'-v 10 trtfrM-aAiriilliafiooneres to r mem like the lollowihv. Ii i k mt eli-fi ui Ji.e new Leaislulure', tlwi h knowledge, and capttaftitrt in ' ,,,u"r"" "'ii very ol to mid the gmy.tire-l ';" eHnJKte tor l nrpeuiW of engro-.t..ii TS. condensing and popularly prnitng I "ZLTr'fr! 1 . ' ' T9-,m r is oi tue country. But to lm suiry : proach them for their madness and folly. Let tfie Central Committee deal out some of their Presidency, upon no other grounds upon car:h except lint he i in favor of immediate annexa- .1 I... . . . l. -..-ii' ... :i.L. .a.. """" a'""1 ""e" "ley ml0 '"0 t,on. But this i, not more inconsistent, however, country more service than by all their big talk , ., llle ac(s uf ,)e p;)r(y u(hjii fp ollur wmi puiNncu wuaF.ua. w measures now before the Moreover, being "honorable opponents," we trust they will not hereafter, themselves, use poisoned weapons. We shall hear no more of that exploded, disproved, and unmanly charge of "Bargain, corruption and intrigue." That is a weapon, which tbey know to be poisoned, or, if they do not, we pity their ignorance. Being " honorable opponents," and not ignorant, they will please to- write falsE under that chargo hereafter, " come from what quarter it may.'' country ; for hile Air. Polk is held up in the South an the Free Trade candidate, and opposed to the Tariff of '4:2, his friends at the North declare that ho is a better Tariff man than Mr. Clay, and have it inscribed upon their banners, that they are for "Polk, Dal. las, and the Tariff o'i'l" "This is very beau tiful to come from a party who profess to go for the interests of the whole country ! . - REA0 J READ! ! We hope that tha Address, issued last week by the Whig Central Committee, may attract Universal attention. Whether viewed as a pro. mulgation of simple facts as a successful over- Before finishing the business of the meeting, a throw of a highly sophistical attempt at defence motion was made that the Club adjourn until this evening (Tuesday) an j that a Committee then report arrangements for attending the Orange meeting. The motion prevailed, and there will be, therefore, another meeting uf the Club to. night, which we hope will be fully attended. MALLORY'S LIFE OF CLAY. This work, in two volumes, comprises the only full collection of Mr. Clay's iSpeeches ever ppb lished, containingabput eighty Speeches is all, and nearly fortymbiished in no oilier work. They art elegantly bound, and beautifully print ed, and are embellished with four handsome En gravings, vise : Ait admirable likeness of Mr. Clat aieviMfhi birtbjace in (he Slashes of Han over County, V. a representation of his reei detice a, A8hlandi,nd of tha Munujuent erected in honor of him on the Cumberland Road, near Wheeling, Va, This work ia for sale at this Of-Bce-rrlse, Fke Dollar. AN AMERICAN SENTIMENT. We recommend, says the Editor of the Bal timore ClippeMnat the following sentiment'be inaeribed upon the banners of all parties, si fencing the American spirit which should ahi- f mat. all. f-or a sound exponent of the motives which should actuate the Anierican people in the pres. ent contest we think this paper unique. We have read and re-read it. Our sides have ached with laughter, caused by the -quiet satire, and we have been filled with admiration at the patriotic sentiments which pervade it. As a master-piece of sound reasoning, let it be stu died, We eay, let it be copied into every paper iu the Union. We go for no half-measures, but gay let the man, thus proved to be the descend, ant of a Tory ami not n Tory because his opinions coincided with those, of the mother country, but,from the basest mercenary motives be a indignantly rejected by the American People, as though he were the descendant of Benedict Arnold. The odium which -atraclli'MK.lXRii'a' his ancestry, might have beeu suffered to .ink into ofehktaFHufor- tor. perti roc ion "e tfrftf of his misguided friends, to" call attention to Ihe fact'. "' And now, that his ancestor's crime lies ex posed irt all its enormity," we do hope that Ameri cans, the descendants of those whose sufferings in the eattfe of freedom yet cry aloud for re venge, will not place at their head the descend, ant of one who eravrtil.y deserted them in their " hour of utmost Heed." O The "Signal" announced to its readers, some time since, that DisreL Wimtir had I made a Inng political Speech, in which the name of Henry Clay was not mentioned. We have j now the gratification of informing the "Signal," that Mr. Webster made a Speech on the 19th ultimo, on the Huston Common, in which he did mention the tinmeof Mr. Clay, anf used the em phatic, expression " I give my rote heartily for Mr. Clay." He not only sjmkf of him, but he advised every body to do as be intended to do, to go to the polls and vote for him, which recom mendation produced shouts of applause from " whole acres" of Whigs assembled to hear him. j the hallucination. " The llisTom- or Tin: CiinictiES." How much more lbs Mechanism and Merlmn ical environment if tli.ngs are examined itt.our , dav, than llieir inward being ! With how much inon? interest it is generally asked in what jlac do they worship, r.itlier l li,in w heiher in reality they u-nrMp anywhere. W hut Tailors and Re"-' spettiibilitifcs are about a man, rmher than whist pint is in him, and how apt We ure to palrmiie Religion, when we should live, move and have a beinir ;i ,t ? Thcsfi thoughts were suggested, perhaps unfairly, by exiimiiiiii(r a work now hi iho course of publication, which ha fur its title 1 he History ot the Churches." It it written hy" AuHWglljIbawe who threw .deepen their . I fllE rUICrS" . mo vjicaii, nig inans .Meeting in . -ihm. new y ui memurauie I4lli ot Ausiust. w is Uun ..... I -,1- yi..: . . . r. mi.ium nuj living nil EKllllll street, n of Filtbi Anxiiua i. ctintribiilii her r i OP ORANGE, CHATHAM. HANDOLPH w i ii.nnui, tviMi fcl.l, ORAfi vILLE PERSON, AND WAKK, Wnl nm. t in cmincil on ihn Olh nd lOlh f Oeta-1'i-r on ih liiiile (irJ t, lUattdWirln 1he """ l"'t "I ()rnn.,r. Kri'i un n of IKfwrti.ai are rc"!'ivit,,Hy rnirif-ir,l r. linn- wifh o. A nomS 'i otilie moM ,l -niuMiishf,! Orator nf our ivn mill of i fir ml, ,,(,, s,,,.,.. il!lv i. .,'i.J tic finl , I". Will 1 tiftf owu hanrfnf entirely unaided, she i.rt-j:t r. -a ( a boji'ititul repaU mwla'iipnf all lh a-jiiMi mi i , and delicacite .U8 Ht'anoB dlliirdi'd, mi. I vh.mi sroail upon her hopitjl.l board, vih i oiimioinl aolu gria.-iiic.atiou slieiurvart'cd her contribution I.. Sllirtniii Ih n iiiirtv. to vt-tiicif in all lier I l.i ul,i Ii ,n nnil ie miwrifihn mi I g.ini nreuly all her energia, Sh-' then Sfnt . Th.- mrier of nn II.-m..w,i f Nfuwians, it tufth her nous, with directions to brnisf to linr t.i. 1 expec p,l, mil w yt-me io unit vim die comon'nv " i. ii ginju uigsi aim not to return w i r i j """""i' "t am' ib uiiiii ini't ouiuotir. At th diiliu hour ftfteeii ror tvianty s;.ut meii Hd ttue'' sUKid at hur b;ird, wIvho i.Ih i line br'fly ml thriJuiigiy addi-.-snud : " My i,-.i..,.u, WO jre,,';ait VVhigs I WlwnjiJii n home -ny fMloeigtiborH that at thereat Muss .Vl.ic-i "g Wlrtga IN 2,iiicsvilie you vvi?ro tlw iji'.' is -i km ttld MfuuutB he.nl vvfin while wild ihe muivvs i "r.t. ISA I. i Ai I) KXTHCTS. rjHn Sitliscrilern Imvf juhi opi'iird a bpnuliful Si Belci ii,m of g nunm ('krittiraU ami Kxtractt ."immsiiHa; in part ol thr )..i,iwju(r, w : T)f various Cghly-lour winters ; that prepared, solely i Zu'T, '";-"'M'"' ,'T ,"e' M8rtmr' With herowi, l,n,J,, all th,t i- spread belore you. I ""'"""V l'"'' '' '''perine, .a it may be th ,:,.:, of a ,J a,rttady e,L. iZZ: X rZ unli a greW variety of th. '"'"I 'in-- in.-rau liliiil it'll lieill : Li Mil III ur i,;,. i ..t ,..:.i. ... .- .. ... .u'u i.i irniN, iinj,. i hit PALSIED BE THE HANI) which 'receives BRITISH GOLD, i. 'M- TO PUT DOWN AMERICAN IN DUSTfty. HON. WILLIE P. MANGUAI. . V regret to leafn from bis Physician, (says ft Hillsboro Recorder,) that Judge ManCtCm is till seriously indisposed hia residejice on Flat ilurer. Hit disease affecting; hia lungs, entirely precludes the idea of his attending the Mass Meet, ings in the different parts of the State, aa he wm extremely anxious todo.aod will probably prevent him from soeakimr in nnblic for month to coma. We hope, however, b will be sufficiently rocov- erwltt attend th Alenunce Mass Meeting on u Oth and Ifth of Ottober, even if it should not b advisable fcr hirn to apeak n the occasion. Calb Saboo ia tb name of 'the Whiff Candidatele iW Camden County, ata not Co'Wbcs G. Lamb, aa heretofora ubhahod. i , . MAINE. " At tho Seconal Uial for Uie lectioa of ReDraseiu "vea to thitatf Leg'ahitQre) from the town oi 1 out Aiift sjsj Monday 1m t, ihe ..-Whig ehseted "r otjaidte,'thr ia Wtnher. " ThejrVsjr, f BajoHrj ia jea rly a fittn Jred vte. ; '. V - v ' ...'.-"- 4 tTIlAT LETTER." Every, Demoafratic paper in this City, more t especially the "Signal," is constantly demand ing the production of the Letter, said to have been written by Mr. Clay to Francis P. Blair, fully establishing, ' as tbey alleege, the charge of.! Bargain and corruption,'' so pertinaciously advanced by them as the greatest bar to his el evation to the Presidency. This charge, with which the LocofocoK would now make the very heavens re-ecbo, ia no fresh discovery, but was as much discussed in 1328, when the whole sub. ject was investigated by. the Legislature of Ken. tucky. Mr. Blair was then examined by that body. What reason did be have for withholding me Loiter; no an mtenta and purpose, he had already xlwcloaed its contents else why tins universal demand Cur "tba Loifer." It may be considered certain, that trnlosa he were noy con scious that all the aiijarf which could be inflict- ed,had been already perpetralajd by this dishonest abuse of confidence, and that it would fven gath er retiewed atrength from the mystery in which he seems disposed to clothe it, he would not con ceal the shadow of that, whose substance ho has already betrayed. So far as relates to the past, bearing obj the charge of Bargain ana eorrup. tiorC'- Mr. Clat in hi reply to the Administra lion Central Committee of Kentucky, dated June 5th, 12, aays-" f roust decline, therefore, au. thorising tho publication of our correspondence.. But the Central OHOrhittee ia at liberty to exhi bit ttfthe rnepection of any gentleman, of any pa-, ty, all rueh "portioni 0i4t aa relate to the late Fianiialltotion. And I will do I he aame upomny neb application to tiw." tT At a large meeting of the Whigs of Rich mond on Friday evening, Wm. 11. AIacFarland, Esq., who had lately returned from a vint. to the Western part of the State, "assured the meet ing '.hat both from personal observation and from information derived from tbe most authentic sources, the Whig -vote would be greatly in. creased over that of 1840 ; and that although the Leco Foco Presses were . bngging very largely as to tlieT'olk' majority in Virginia, lie" had,, beeri, Mable .o, diecovjsr,.anjt .sigtis .whkh. could insure their confidence, but on the contra ry, audi as to subject them to the apprehension of a tnost signal and merited defeat." THE GAME OF Bit AO. Those who read only the " Standard," can come to no oiher conclusion than that there is not a Whig left in the country. The brng game i. played off by that paper unceasingly. It is true the same game was played in 1810, and with as much barefacedness as now. Some idea may be formed of the result of the game played by them iri 1340, from the following statement : They claimed 22 Stated, and they gm 1. They claimed 261 Kleoioral Voian and ihsjr gcit 60. i nr y Kiiuii.Ku rrnn.yrva.Ma, aiui losi it bv 349 oi.n They elaiiurd Maine, and lni it by 411 ' 1'hcy claiinod UJuware, And lost by 1,093 Tliei claimed Michigan, and lust il by 1 .802 ' They claimed New Jersey, and loji it l,y 2.317 ' Thry claimed Munisaippi, and lost it by 2.54.1 ' They claimed Loni-nann, and, Jim it by 3.880 ' Tbey claimed Maryland, a rjil' loat il by -l,77ti They claimed Ueofgis, and lost ii hv 8,321 ' Tliey dunned Tcnne&jce, and lost il by l.i)2 ' They claimed N Carolina, aind losl u y I2.5S4 1 They claimed New Vork, and lost il by I3.2U0 ' They elaiuied Indiana, and loin it by I3.6Q3 ' They elaimed Ohio, a.od l.mi it by 23,375 ' Tbey claimed Kentucky, and tow it by 2i,M7.t Rl.knn ,.f ,1... i: i . . . .. """Ir '" 1'iocajse, ana treats, not ot the Ilia tory of tho Church proper, neither of its outward and visible form, or inward and spiritual eraee, but of its cfo(i', i. e. the buildings in which it meets or worships. I am not disposed to quarrel with it ; far from that, for.it deserves high praise, in having faithfully nnil well dene, all which it pretended to do, ami il is worthy the attention of all who visit New York, and are interested in the subject, being "got up" with great care, and ha ving a finished Engraving uf the " earthly taber nacles." It speaks well loo, for the outward we' fare of the Church, that a costly work of the kind honld tiffm ia, depiaUity i:pp.r'iKl"'to h'rt part having reached a third edition before the last is published. 1 ii mi , m glancing over its pages, that Tki.nj iy Om-Kui, Or, at least, the Church which first stood noon toe same site, and bore the Hiuno name as the present magmlicent edilire, was erected in !()!)(!, when New York was a mere ipwn in hi." ; and it was then tho only Clmrcli in l ho Ci'v, and ..,... Il, 11.. I . I r .1 ', , n,:ii uiu pir.ia.iiii uailhS 01 till! IHKIpou river." Old hom.es now stand where the Fishes then congregated, and three miles of houses and wharves extend beyond. The building wasde. slroyed by fire during tho great conll.iraitoii of 1770, when some tour, hundred Imiv tverc burned. The Church was mHiieiliately rebuilt, and in H41,.toni down fo mnke way for the pre sent edilico. The Church, as it now stand, w ths most proiiKlem object to bo ec.on on upproai h ing tho City (nun any point. Its Walls are Iroin six tu eight feet thick ; its lenglli is one hundred and ninety two feet ; itH breadthTeighiy.four led, and its height, including the spire anil cross, two Hundred -OTrt-fixTyiiritir- feor," M stiam 1 veUta t r. obse sin- was lor years an iiimata ot ihe (mnies il.i Hrhiiijjriim and juj learned fnnii tlie linn of ...,., .... vr.auKnin.iiia, vv niienica son ot intr-i "i u.i Hriiiiijfinii aim Jujicrsop, umi njuug ..in Hie lips oi inose worthies Us , Ji(,, ( Vunf Aconiw devf.. to Which ,h.v .- Inlhuviim f.ursi i : Hurl,. 1.03-Wmni.Srrsrnimima, H.vo-i.-lnni,l,'Hhicyrilh,P)av - e Tnrnti nm. Centum. s-Nis of geuuinr Whig D.jmocr.icy, she h.i ne er J il, mrsmion of phv-iefsna'smf othsr A GOOD SENTIMENT. The poliUcal friends of Mr. Fillmore at Buffs lo, on hearing of his nomination, proceeded to his residence, where he delivered a short address, in the course of which he said ' he" hoped that no friend of hia, however warm his attachment might be, would 'b,o guilty of any dishonorable act to ef fect hia election ao fiat the joy and happiness that Uiey might experiencewould not be marred "hy an unworthy or ji dishonorable reflection. He entreated them to enter tkja contest with al and enthusiasm; but as they valued the Sacredncss of their cause, and the stability of their pr.nci- ple,-t6 reitort to no unfair means ; that an hon- orable deleft wis better thun a dishonorable vic tory.' fascinating idea for the imagination t ( ge.Jdirni pass I rinrty Church w it hunt thinking of thin fancy, (low the bass, Ihe tenor, Ihe IreUle, swell out i isiby In gl.uri.oua harmony, in Die heavy mason ry of the foundation, in the beautiful proportion of th.towep, and m ttv; graceful lightness of its carving and (iolh'c windows ; and then above all, higher, higher, rise the notes from the " flute stop. See them lose themselves in thee as the delicato tracery in ihe spire, until Ihe whole seems some visible embodiment of a glo rious symphony. " f am not mad, most noble Festus." the above puragnph to the conirary nolwilhstapding. Tiunitv Ciiunrii is of the Gothic style of architecture, built of brown stone. and beautifully and elaborately finished, without regard tO-its cost, and is one of the fine build ings in the City. 1 say one, for w e have others Which will vie with it, of which 1 shall speak at some future time. I would suggest to visi'e.-s in New York, that they should, by all means, take an opportunity to "climb its giddy height," and behold the scene presonted to his view. The Rivers, the Bay, tbo City, Brooklyn. Jersey Cily, the Islands, the Slnppjng,&c itc. with thecoun try and mountains stretching away beyond all, form one wf the most picturesque aiidhiagiiificeiif eup d'crils ever behMd. while immediately below lies Broadway. TIo "Omnibus panorama," and the City's din, rise to your oars, strangely mixing together the roost sublime and most common-place of things. Your truly, F. C. nirgni uieui, nnu is tnereiore loitua ar tlns day m th midst ot the) saihs groat party wtith whom thosn RevolutioiiKry liitlmrH acted. Eatt then, foryimare weUioine ! And may the same sue ces attend you" now that regarded ilia hemic struggles of Wastiiiighjii und his unity Whig pntrmts" The old ludy's (jtiesls were from our -rater county Oiienisaty.aod we will warrant then oltin is ' from 1 1 1 ia, limp i ilia- ft rr-t ol Noveuib'T will tell well in tho Whig majority of our neighbor. y.'tnr-siulr Urpilhlli III. J ' TRlf I'll, AND- EJ.t JUIJ ENCR. j The lollo.Miig elevated appeal is from the Ls.. inton liilellieiici r. j "-Mr. I.'i.iv is now in ilm sunset nf I, jj ihvs. His. life in Us morriiny loiijiancy, iu i)r ne'iniiao glory, anil its oiorp lompeiril umi ileclunn.' rob- ' ncy Im been ppenl in the s-rvice ol Ins conn- j try n an honest, upriehl cm.'eiivor to protn.iio her iiouor, tier irho v, and her iiriHperilv. Il ever diintr;, had a laithtiil son, a luilhtul servant, thm cotiotrv is our that son ami ueiviint is IlK.MtY ('LAY. On him on Ins n.iljle and rndl m ic i i lic (l pal not i jiii Ins ill: i i r Hi a ii r, w" hai e r"lied in every crisis anil peril, anil our conlihoiee bin never been misplaced we have never been .do c.etved, or lound him inieqnal to the urcmnii. lliri n uiu; and Ins fame are inlenvmeii wph the history of our cininiry lor tio.irly hnll a etit ury ; they are the brightest umrkn. upon its p nii, ami will I'.. rover, not only illiiH'trnte ltif)ii, hut on;a litem 1 1 io bisiory of man, and sparkle in every ro irmn w Irere iniinl, 'iior il lilit and pnlit ical h , oi ly are known and appreciated. In the course o nature InS loiiir slirnnjf ami ev"nllnl iiln mud! siioii come to a clorifi ! This in the I, on lime In all human probability, yes, the (', thai he ran wver appe v beforo Jiti.cuuiit ryuien (ti ii caiuhdatt' t UTITir &. I'Est. l. l). Dr.ur Just reafil a tarrja .ujp'jr ol Uulphat. ijuiurt,., nd now crop JNirkey ()oilm.T . if Jh.. , Boxes soap. r,0m 33 m 45 iL-X St IS cents by the Bnv. wir.r,. rune. linloigh, Oct. I 79 3t ICON. A K I hit, and of g,ro, quality, V e wiah to .ell it lor ihe m-h. WILL PKCK. Raleigh, Oct. 1 7,.:U A l''si Snjtjil OM Till fOA! f . r. ,. ... 1 inn ea, ml,ne I 'ollio train 7 to I 7 cent I 'heeac und Null, .'i.;i;k, rufrnrt, si'W.r., ftil.K r.KAl'IIKH. 1.1 to -it c,(, Hnhw mill Kip Slims, ('all' and l.miij ,!,., Unrl Nbne 'J'lueiol. All will he mid f,,r ,K,t (,ir JfmU, , . , vn.i, i'bcic. Raleigh, (M. I, IS It. 72-31 N Piirsiiiinn- efn Deed of 'Crust, to me e. rule hy V 111. ., ( , r,,.M, beaiuiu duln (he r,il, IWI 1st I, and one l earieir d..l tlia- -JOili May, 18-11, both 'Inly reclined in th,. Ib-i-,,.,'. OHUv ol tirnulort ''Minty, l,.r the ptirpo.e I ., mri, 1 ,h k,, '"I lite 5 llt1 ,;,v ol OciohereoM, (, casfr.ai thAuii.e ol mid Wilmim S. t:,.r,v., ihe valuable land and I'Uiitation ni ,aK t'onlen, rmitainiiig Iwti hundred scrii s.ljoinina the lands of U.yan WinlielaJ, Jnh l Q Adams, mid olln-rs, with l.iny-fii'e u, tiny acM cleared inel improved ot U be stiipf( in point of r rhness of soil ley uiiv lan l m the county. On tbe same day and place, I .hall ..-II onoi, ih nn)s l, serves, in one ol her wor 1iSeTniSenusir-fl7..tl rt'no. a 'f rVS"r '"'' ' ',,b: 'lV!i.!fT,Tl'1.1 ''.'",',l,'',""lr"' servant, 1 1 r ins lorn' (i.-votion in them n,, Lm"ir inU'rests. . a r.n-,vr is (oieo co.-r " Finm Ilia Koonn l une., Dec, 2, (2 T.V Sanimi's Hau.!juak.ii.i..v Tho rxtrionlu naiy sueeHll W,rh. wha h this piepumnoir nieeis, orcw't ot in eicelh'iir A. 1 he ba,,,e o it d uly rx leielin O'i-II in a Inrye circle, Brol cmaj "I ihe moat remiiikHbli' en law pf(loeed by its nan nre eonatTinly coooon moor knoU"iJ. L'll'olioiied telOi,oi,iH lldsJS, '""O'r, nwni inn inlli'SI Hu niOleU.II .le IMHII'','S yn- u oik in u.on ,oe j,nino,or nnu venOer. ,l , , rxcellent spcciNi: . Veiy lew, however, we ho- Ii:.. py 10 say, me eifrclolom in to lhv man eHn a.-y of the .Vles.-is Sio ds'i, Sarsapantln re-OMinty looewho ImV" ever imei! il, " p h k oilierw ir ihan lavornbir o it. For turlhnr p.'irlin,lra hm,1 r-oo, lnftive evidence ol its superb vnhie mill Wlir-sey, e pllllllola,-whi,.'b limy b obluilied of Bga-nn )rHli. . I'repHb-il und sohL, wl,r)li-,ile am! retail lif A. 11. SANDS At, I 0., DniKni.n and Cbennais, 273 ft.aai.l wsy, New-York. Price $1 per booh-: , lr-,oc. lor . . For !e by tVilliairn . Haywood, nalejh, N. (.'. At Moniiroinery Hill, ItnliKvm county. li , HJr. Alex. Mi I). I.uuisden to Miaej Lucy K. Tunslalt, daughler of ihe late Col. itorjio J'. 1'utisJalI. In Oranville rininty, Mr. UurreJI Taylor, to Miss iSarah Jano A , eldest daiishter of Dinjel A. Pascha-ll4-E--. Afsri.- W, "Robert Langford to Miss Ann Ehzn Mullen. In Orange, Mr. John (.'. Lutta to Miss Sarah Jane Duskm. Also, Mr. William Riley to Miss Patty Bowers. Valtmhfn 8 H nation for sale. IK .-ulsenlsjr wish., tu sell hi FARM in Challmn Cmintv. conisininir five lnm.lrawl an.l nity Acres on Nnr h EhsI (,'reok. lying on Ihe Ma Ro,, tvn,y mde. from linleiah, ,,l fight from Chuprl flifl, form, rly owned hy John MtiHion, sml long kn .wn a plarf of Entsitaiitment, and it one of ths best tsnil for thai business in this country. There i largo two stnry Hnnar mm buihlinf, soo ther small House, rd a gfiod Kitchen ; s food rn am! Stables, and all oi her oece.ssry Outhouses. I'sr snn down the count rv. nd ill others wi.hintr to bur We can't get our folks to attend a Whig I "lof1 citizens, and for iweiity-liver ilrnv years, 1 " """ nealihy snustmn uM do well to co.nn4 meetiniT va.rv ...b .airi . . . 'endant odker on the Grand' Jurie art our ' '""line v thrm-elvs. immeJii-ly. th Sub-erl- meeting every week, said a business man m a Conrtl,. lur min,N to wll tie flr-t fir nPp. nnnity. s.,ai movai neighboring shoemaking town ; - they are all so In Ctiath.iiti Coqnt y. on the 2It -ultimo. John ! to ih' M '" XlTRZl MORINtJ. full of work now that they kuce notAnr." j Mring. Esq., atfed eW years, an old and resp?cta- .ndH flr wrW!' Tfw H Wk k ' It!!'! f I innttpiimtn. i s . .1 i i ui if i. in ujii snin wvny, how WMJt ii HSU J In Newbern. Mrr Thorns Rm.or i Ta tha Hemlsani nfl t. " Tu Cleiiimonsyilie, JoTin . Willums, eldest son of ' of ComntODS, Evaider and E'iza Mclver, srred nine ves's. THF undersfiiii.rl rrwr ra..ru...rr.,ria,.i?iaika,,,... Dftn. In this vicinny, Mr. Isaac Hutchins. one nfour anil W.iet-n. also Ibo-crarpiif corn rami! mi the farm this year, fod der, ,te, 1 - On the mill ofdrt die, nral ,i( the t.Viirt'liou.eiti " ashinittoo. for ca.h. Kla! ,.!, for the abnvs nam d purioair,.f'ourteri Id'ely mrnes. consisting of mtn, women, boys arid Kiils. rAlao one eorrei niare. gnrt bost snd harnifs. I'l.yini'nt ,;, repined twlor. ihe property is rhnnrjerl. JAM Em VV. STCI!V KM., Ttu.te. I.rnrli til'e, hert, it. ; i t. . . 79wt- i i.iu:vim.-a VOI.NO i.Dvrh,', ha. 'had I'Tpern noe m teat !, inn. is aliwiriinai .i. oliiaiiiinn n iliiaiinn as (ioverne, in a Family, lh. Would niiilerlske the entire i-,liif.iuiM..f clnl(freo un der twelve years .if K, Knyb.h, in us rrversl f.raneh. es, mrhidini Wiping ami Anil. indie VUtsifi on I he 1'iaiin Fnrtn, nn.l the rurlimenis .f Fisnch Iwr first ohject heintr In form the ia.ia.dii ,f her pupils en ihe hssis af llehai,m mid Meoilov rhi. trust, her svs tem will obbun for her th ifppriabniion irf ihoiis who will rommit i import-mi n charge to. h-r cure. 8fi. ' can 'ive the mo.i uneaee,ii,,unt.J rsersnces and hijrb.-st lesiimeniil. fir e.p!,, i,v. Aildres. S. 0, U. Cure of the Itev. Doctor M.imi, ft.Jeijjh, .N. C. Sept. 2S, lul l, 79 Jt ' H'r Nt'"n.l Intelliaeiicer ii,krrt Uire. limes srnl forworn! bill. " Oh 1 then we had a meeting every night ; nei ther employers nor Woffcneil had any thing else lo-de."y- : In Oraiajasi, Mrs. Mary W Long, widow of th. to the Members of tbe enttiihg House of Ceo, f late J..bn l.nj, Sa-ir. ,fs,e',s-d Sbn b-lop -red , rrmns, that belli eandl.la1i. fnr A!tar llnrar. Aa'aTtT,' n.n1l f' 4,a 14 tTtlr .,f T. Il t. - - - i lea ihsarM!,! nf Krisaaad nnri wa. an .aaouhla. am! tra..,.. tr. aa... I I.. aa. - : no , . v"l "VII I .wo. ici a y" unaa Lra.ldS UB elVC- r . . . . - ..... . ... , ucy . 119 IS 3 mie IV nif, OOl r.s.rfiipni laoy. ted while yrm are too busy to attend to politics, and then you'll have time toattend a Whig meet, ing every night again." .V. '. Tr76it7j& witCif eleft(d, kenri asiinnnh Heaa In mat tra Janth In Chathun wStWiff, on Ihe 23.1 inst. af 'h! tsui. sides warm. - , deuce of Gen. Robprt W. Hayvi-od. in ! JM-fc . 'Wft$C. MOORE. year of hi" age, fr. fnnry rariJ.yin. T?a'ftt'r.. ff' rrs, tOCt. ,aM..w.vBwiM,-w"'ia.. .. urn- ". -str a,. M Vf i s s5 ' . V