e . i . ' ' " Ir, V - ' ' .1" ... 0 J)' V ..';;.r.H.' .'-.- ' r- T1' liiijjjiiiu II- -?& .,. !-s ' - .; , Kallisbed yery'Frf&yJjby. IVmtow 1U Gt:9f EiUtor and Proprietor, at Tbrc f)ol)ar Jet Animmi at t T I 41 FRIDAY, JANUARY , 181 y J t I ': ! NO. 13. ' ' .,. ,, ' " 1-- 1 1 f .. A JM-.-1 I U4 VI fc.rfl t,.l .''.... s - lew' -a. ai ... . .t ;- t "'f '".. .V 1 watHj , ' v' x "BB RALEIGIF REGISTER. :;RAtipHlN;t;: tedalBecembef 31? 1844. A.flfAPr NEW YEAR. . . 4.yhi yiiuf,'thiiyaiil ind jolal nttWUni and nttlurthened by tt Waiffbtiar cum of age we wiA a happy Bi-year.; f.' " . . '. , The diughter, imiiinj iu th tweet liowor iy hopWa--wia"i'hapy aew-year- t - jf", The Km, lailhftd to Hie Vind jdmoaiUotw uf paren- : 4a) lore, bWAng pronpeat of "ttay and oooaolation . U hit falW and mother we wish a hnfpy new-year. " To PareoU, with their imiiing offspring arouni the happy fireaido, looking up to them for the guidance of kindest eounael and persuasive admonition we wish a happy new-year in the faithful discharge of tho most happy nd responsible of earthly trusts. To tho aged) whoso bosom companions have been fathered to the tomb, and from whom to separate, it soemed as if tho silken chords had been sundered on. earth we wish a happy new-year, in your trea sured anticipation of a re-uni.u in a world that shalj never pass away, ' To tho debtor, upon whom misfortune has laid hi heavy, hand we wish you a free release from all 6700110, a toutting board, and' a happy new-year in t&oir peaceful enjoyment ' . . , To tho Merchant, witi his risks and adventures, wo wish a speedy escape from ail commeroial embar rassments, and that ho may realize our desire of a happy new-year. ' j. '','. To the Mechanic, with abuuduice of bnsiaess and good 'prolhtsr wot cordially wish a happy newyeir. To the Farther, a golden return of plenteous har vests. Health is turned from every furrow, and in dependence is sown jn every seed. Upon your toils, we depend for the food of necessity, and as the dic ate of our heart-felt emotions, we, indeed, wish you happy new-year'. . " INAUGURATION.. 4'' Hod. 'Wifxranr A. Oiaham, Governor elect for tho ueeeeduig two yean; hat reached this City, and will be InUigureted in the Commons' Had of tho Capitol, to-morrow at 12 o'clock, M. Indies, who desire to be present at this interesting ceremony , hadbetterse- cure seats at an early hour. O" CAPTIONS, containing a true account of all the Acts and Resolutions, &C , (with proper ei planations) passed by the present Legislature, may ho obtained at this Office, at tho. end of the Session, in ay quantity. Price $2 per hundred. THE GREAT MAI I' ll is now reduced to a certainty, that tlio Groat Mail has been transferred to the Raleigh and Gaston Road,,the change to take place to-morrow, The aches running henee to Columbia, arc to go at the ls of six miles per hour, including all stoppages. PENITENTIARY. A Bill has pitseed tho Senate, and will most prolt Hy succeed in the House, proposing to submit to the People of the State, at tho next election the ques I'm ""Penitentiary," or "No Penitentiary." It wu accompanied by a very able Report in the Sen ate, which w hope soon to find room for. 1 SUPREME COURT. This Tribunal commenced its Winter Term yes terday tbe Judges being present. GEOGRAPHICAL ACCURACY. A friend of onrs, whs has recently made a tour of ' are necessary, for chaste orirameut, or apt illustra Europe, states that, whilst in Taris, he looked intoa j tion, tliey cdme at his beck. They appear without Dittiomrit Otographique, and read the following j an effort, and never slay to wean- the ear of taste. (translated of course) : " Rm.kiuh, the Capital of the Canton of Wake, in North- Carolina, eight leagues West of Smithfiol' All the world will certainly know now, where Raleigh is exactly. "TO THE VrCTORS BELONG TH E SPOILS!" The President elect lias.iesr.ompteiety suiroiin osd by "cringing, tswning Olfice-srekera, ever since 'lie remit of the Election became known'. It is staled ibat the Town Where he resides, Columbia, has been rompleiely overrun willi tliem; and so expensive and troublesome have ibey become, that ihe Colonel had t shut up house, remove lo Nntfmlle, nnd take . iii r --. rooms si the bin for ihe balance of the time lie re- : . i . .( mtlvS in the Stale He was at Naihville a few days ance, ami beside the personal applications he re- 1 eiiv.d, it 1. slated that bis po.isv. bill for but two i ays, was something over farty-two dtliaii MASSACHUSETTS CONGRESSIONAL ELECTIONS. Another trial for the choice of Members of Con- Ps in the Hd, IVth, Vfh and IXth Districts of MBusetts took pta on Monday. The Boston j of yesterday has returns which show the fol- 'owing favorable results : "d Durraicf. In all but three towns, the vote nds For King (Whig) 4,701; for Hood, (Loco) '- ; scnUering (Ab.) 833. King ia elected by a ojority of at least 100 votes over all ether eandi " Ho'laekod 50 votes of an election en tbe first a pretty substantial gain. ""th District. Returns complete. Bcwamt Titr0!, (Whig, elected) 5,206 ; Paswenter (Lo i) M07 1 scaitsrwg (Ab.) 525. Thompson' ma '"i'yover all, 334. At the lest trial th majority P'T1iu was 84-HBaking a net Wbi g gain since " '" 1180- Th Abolitioii Vote ha fallen Js&Mwarly Uro-tbJrd iac November. Dnrraicx The vet m Worcester stood for (Whig) 8J1( vi. (Lecee) 370 1 teaiterinj 7Vbit timKwi Voaabr of 131 ! The . h eoandsot that Hndsoa h erocteet 'tiTw.rr.town heard from-Hale Wif) Ml ; WUnato.' (Ubco) 718 scattering 166. I "hig gaUJ.i.o. Noremker. 123. WiJUana. led the rfiisthet at tho JSrot trial 573. wai 4miu .Lui .u-Jlv . , vm rnmmm mr, iismh wsi cam ""fiT anlUtui. l:' ' ...nl - , - r" eieciioa. aswiw truu, may ioesBfuL5 . $ E N A J O R I AfeS K E T.C H E S j COL AjfDREMJCryNEll Z Thera Jo not, peSapa, ooifth of Mpaoni and Duron's Unc, BoioiiiBiioAfjM Uemauj than the Senator fiam. UalifaJij For -maay year a Senator) and durhig a portion of tho time, Speaker of jflko BodJrJ nfl than oiSjoy "Jarget hare of tU ostecm and respect of all around bun. This has fallowed In Iht tracks his course, as naturally as effect follow eanse. With respect to the finances and statistics' of tin State, and the condition of its Ihternal' ImpFovements, we presume few are more deeply, mora judicioanly, or more correctly verted. . This is apparent in Jus Reports, on these mtarestidff seAjecU proceeding from his pen, and this Informa tion give forco i his argvments, wlien callenJ forth to defend these Reports. With talents, more of the useful than showy order, no one enter more indus triously into tho Investigation of matters before the Senate,-than tho subject -of this sketch. .'. HUGH WADDELtT Esq. Wo recently had an opportunity of heating this gantleman address the Senate,' under circirroiaances of most exciting interest ' As a debater, he stands deservedly bi&i, in the body U,. which bo belongs His manner is graceful and eregarttv handling bio sub joel. With tho ekill 'of a logician, land strewing his course wkb tho choicest flowers Of Rhetoric. He sel etan employs tho aliafU f satire against his oppo nents, and, when he does, he wreathes around them od many roess, that the wound is seldom felt and nev er taakkm fn short, his address is so bland and gen tlemanly, that we may apply to him with propriety, the remark of Iioacc Dutoe rkle.utem dulce loqucntnm. Ho presents to the eye a felicitous combination of the $uaviter in modo, and the far titer in re. NATHANIEL HOYDEN, Esa. Perhaps, there is no member of tho Senate, gifted with a larger stock of what is usually denominated nant sense, man me ocnaun; trom uowan and wane. npeaK, wnen no may, a stream ot souu, in tellectual vigor runs tlirough his argument, which, in its overflow, gives fertility to meaner wards without impoverishing its native bed. He is so deliberate in hit speech, and his arguments are so connected, link by link, that a practised stenographer might report him, word for word. His faco is keen and hla fea tures full of points ; and the peculiar rxpresxion of Kj, cournanee, with a nipping frosl'iuo. ' of tone, when he addresses the Senate, are wnrninr; indica tions to the hapless wights, who may have unwnrily exposed themselves to his "harp and unerring lush. His practised eye. searches out every opening in the panoply of his opponsnt. and who ever it discovert one -" through that penetrable part. Furious he drives the well-directid dart.' MICHAEL FRANCIS, Esq. Almost, on tho vcrgo of the segment of scats, to the right hand of the Speaker, there sits a Senator, whose lordly dimensions are sure to altraeJJic alten- I lion of every spectator. Disdaining the little arts of some ajpirants after fame, who have reached that ' midway point from which they cm just peep into the future, his manner is wholly without pretention, . his movements withont affectation. As a debater. Mr. Francis is a great favorite with us. At times, it is true, there is rather too muqh of veliernrnce iu j his manner, resembling somewhat the impetus of ! one of his own mountain torrents. H it still, lii.him, I it does not appear either overstrained or unnatural. The materiel of his Speech is always good, lie j marches directly up to the question at issue, nerer ! deviating from his course, to lug in tropes and figures, I for the mere purpose of embellishment. When they (Sketchet to be r.ontinntd.) (T7" The bill to locate the Judges, was killed in tle House of Commons, on Saturday, by a vote of 5 to 55. XT Mr. SiiKARjN, whose, resigwnlton as a J;istice of tlie Peace in Halifax County we recently pub lished, is acquiring euite a aoloriety. Many of tho Northern papers are publishing his letter, with com roonts, among the best of which are the following from the " New York Tribune" : " He is a wise man who never wanders out of his own proper orbit, or places a false estimate upon m ' v. "i u ..ii I.. Hi.. ..nuoiiia , aim m;ai ,:i;i y icm mit i. ... i. -i; a,:.ir i . :,; t'. -,i.,i. i,; n.n :.... ...I il. . I . A 1.. I- . '", .ii."ifi muisvil 111 pwillllll in I nilll.ll he is unfitted by his character and talents, fraakly confesses the mistake, and yields his place to a better man' , Trre are menthat we wot of in higher sta- lions man mai ui J usiice oi me reace, won, u iney wer to follow the example set by the author of the following letter to the Governor of North Carolina, would entitle themselves to the thanks oi the pub lic, and acquire a reputation for wisdom such as we ft" they wi" nev" earn b? "" bel Proce(" Tha ABOLITIONIST " head quarter." in Bantjor, Maine, was ILLUMINATED m HONOR OF ihe election of POt.K .rl DALLAS'' MR. CLAY i , Tb " National Inielligencer," after remiiidiiig the publie, lliat Mr. Ci.ar does not posses llie franking privilege, says1: u V add, on our own iiiforrnation, derived from the friend of Mr Clay, that hi postage is enor mousdwelled, we are (hocked to learn, by ex ulting and insulting letter transmitted to him. a well a by letters requesting his autograph, iic., and by other correspondents. We are sorry to leant that his pecuniary condition is uch as ta make the praciice of great economy an indi pensable duty." W regret eioeedingly to hear this. It is neither man ly nor just, 10 write abusive anonymous teller at all; but to add 10 these the annoyance of leaving postage enpeid, is in the higliest degree contemptible. W would he, indeed, pained 10 see any eminent eiuxen of our Repubhe, much Isa Mr -Clay, treated in so shameful a manner. We regret to learn that the Hon. Mr. Bakbin gp.r, of North Carolina, ha been so much in disposed fur some day past I to routine him to hi room, aad of course to prevent his at tendance in the House of Represent: :ves. National Inteltigrnetr. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION THE PpPV- ' LAU vpTE.-- ;'. : W copy trom this Cnltiniore Arherioan tbe fcljow jng statement of the popular rote In tlio neroro) State at tho late Presidentiia Bieatioli.' -Tho full ejfctsi eoto given iigittcn StatH, and reported and es timated majorites in the others : ' !j ' -!.';. Char. Polk.- Br. Ttfaina-r. ., 34,346 ..43,719 4,rH37 New HaaBpshin j 17,866 37,160 '' 4.KI ' . Mastachueetts 67,768 332(3 . . 10J)27 Connecticut - 3sl,83i a 3;U4l I AW Rhode laland 7,322 467-.. . .5 Vermont ' . 26,77(1 - a. 18,041 3,984 New York teB49oiei)t ac t ever per tinned br the Cenimon-KmimmrBAlB--MlliS . 3I- I wealth iv;.nxvui - I6i2i)3 rajas . ' lVuoj'lvajie I6U03 167535 Ueutnare Maryland ' :" Virginia Ohio , Kentucky North Carolina South Carolina, Georgia-. Alabama Indian r-Ultoois,..- Michigan . Miawaippi Teaneewe Louisiana Missouri Arkau'icn ,967 r S,SC5 S5J9err-33.6T6 ' "lSMIr57 119,115 8,050 10,000 .' 4332 39,087 .(Chottnby Iht Ltitlalttre. 43,1116 4-1. 1 35 12,000 70.1H1 llJ.ttOO a7,7U3 23, m .r)9,H17 CH7 b.Otn) 3,000 C7.8G7 21,237 17.9M 60.030 S.106 3,633 1,0817!) 1,113,33 57,754 Mr. Polk's majority over Clay, exclusive of South Carolina, i 31,7-14. If to this be added 20,000 as the majority for Polk in South Carolina whose vote is uot included in the above, tho Legislature of that State choosing her Electors Mr. Polk's ajgregatc majority I I over Mr. Clay is 51,71 1. ! The Abolition vote, us stated above, is 57,754. I Add to tftis, 2,500, the probable vote for Mr. Iti'ney in lliiimis, and the total Abolition vote is 60.254. Th- Aholitifift VfltP. fhtrrfnra OtfAorla Mr- Pn'l'u niaiirll ir j Mr. Cliy by 85,(l voteg . and pok cou. .j been elected President of the United States by a minority of the pop,ar vMe P03T-OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Th Poatmaater General's Report states that the entire Income of the Department for the year end ing the 30th of June last, was $4,237,285 83, and that the total amount of expenditures during the same time, was $4,296,807 70. Iirregard to a reduction of postage it says that if Congress will provide, by an- a, .nHV,.un. , ,ne -.reusury, anout lau,- mm, ana m Des.oes protect the department against the abuses of the franking privilege, and the inroad? upon Us revenue by private expresses, that then the unco ui jnsiage may oe aaieiy reaueed. .Tne aliu- siou to tin, abnscs of tit franking privilege' ' comes ! rather ungraciously from a pi.blic otliuer, who as the head of the Department, bound to watch over and pro tect its interests, sinned so flagrantly in that way himself, during the late Presidential canvass. Is i'. not a rlniuge morality which allows an individual to practise an aduiiUed wrung, merely because tlicru is no law to punish him for it ? THE DKAF AND Oi'M B. A highly interesting exhibition ol tlio mule of imparting instruction to tho Deaf and Dumb, wad made before the Member of the Lejisl iture, and our citizens, on Saturday evonin? by Mr. William D. CoiiKK. with his I'upii, Danii.t. M. Albukiht, a n.iiive of Ciiceiis'jni'o'. in tins State Ttie Exhibition was of a nvi.n grainy nig chir-icter, and produced a sensatioD id the crowded imt'in blafe, wii.ch we tru at n iii not pass away w i li tin; occasion that gave rise to it. We may hive a thousajid exhibitions, proving to our entire satisfaction, tlio imparlance an i practicability of uc!i institutions for imparting instruction. 10 this unfortunate class of our fel-W-ci:izens. Wo may have our s"niliilitiea aroused, and our eyiupathies deeply enlnt 'd i'i their behalf, and then sit down, lamenting ihat wc have no such Institutions among us, and conclud ing that, we cannot have, and thus dismiss the subject from our minds. Uut hy can we 11.. I have them ? What cp.ii be done! Every thing 1 hat needs to be done at present is to make a be ginning. It is kiHiwn that the annual income of the Literary Fund of the Slate, amounts to n:i.e 90,(K)0, and that il is constantly increasing. This is a great ami iu bit- benefaction of the 8tae to educate their people. Dut there is no provis ion whatever made" for educating 400 of our-popu-lalion, who can neither peak nor hear who, if j they are suffered to remain in their preent con- dilion,,must live out a miserable existence, a bur. den to themselves, a burden to their friends and relative, and what is worse than all, living '' without God and without hope in the world.-' For it i well ascertained that, with their senses locked tip in the darkness of night, until they hnvo their minds opened by those who are competent to afford to them tha mean of receiving ins1 rue lion, they are abo!ute!y ignorant of the very ex. j istence of God. I it right that they should re- mam in Uim deplorable condition, when, by Ihe appropriate mount anfficaent to beiu.. School on a small scale, to educate 20 pr 23' i'upil. . What injaa lice would tfo dene to any Ought they not by right to come in for a share of this Fund J Are iney nat nnjr wiut otiiers. propor objects of t lie benefaction of the Slate? It may be said, ; that in proportion to numbers, they need a larger ' mount of meari for their education thin others I Tui i readily admitted. But their condition is I pculir and that very condition furnishes a suf- ' ficienj reason for granting them mean in propor- Uon to tlieir necessities. I be necessary appro- , prntinn for beginiui.g ucb a School would trench i oesiowincni oi a nine aid, it could oe easily re- I , nllTe "ov 011 l,,B "oanoae, piymir oeiw. rn , .l(0l e,ini,on. rue moved! Suppose tben, the present Iffialaiure. . i,"m"11 an i 'ron aieameix. i ve- . ()J w- 1K(K.kej , fioDIU, trom ihe ample Fund set apart for the nrD 7 Te kT i.. the premises, i. am, l Vol r ' UK) Itslea nf Pnltnn anil III In 15 1'ssse Hire rs. ' . . r '. . general purpose ot tsjucaiion, appropriate an - .. ; . . ! ot L,an.l, on ma ruira io sosne extern, but divided a it gubernatorial mantle upon aurh man as W il wouU be amotigjt70 Counties, the diminution ot ! ham A. Graham. The houely and incorrupt ibil their aespeeiive share would be o very nainall, I iiy evinced by oor people in the elertioii of that none could justly complain of U. J uc'i men. i truly a jusl and wonhy cojninenu- AVerepeat il, a beginning should be made, and j ry upon the virtue and patriotism of Niwtb Ciro Bhould be made mm. Why put itoffany longer! li'na, and well entitles her to Hie enviable char W'hitever dtmcullie exist t present, w'lll, in ail I acter (he ha attained for great infen'y and probability, iucreas iustcad of diminish, in time ' jut apprecutioa of merit and wor'.h Au tcnwui to ntttt. Let m one en v,4hat becnaso (he mean fur founding a Urge and expehstve Establishment jre not at hand, and we cannot have a full grown Iwtitution at once, wu see rwj wy fnr having it t ail. Kven if there were thousands of dnlTara m. Ihe Treasury unappropriated, it ig notdesir i. bl 10 launrh out ort an e.traviriit and majiiiti cent scale. What is wamiuir, is m ntnke a. b. atninmr. on a hmtpri and ,.,,n,,,,..ii ,.i.. on a I united and ecnnmnical a, the usefulness of such an liiHt'ituliuii wonld J loljifie become more known, anil be more .lulv nporeciaico, 10 enmre us- Fppre or nperatmns Lei it be a pradual work. Let this legislature hein atone, and have the honor and hich dk- tiiiiou Df being tho urijriiutors j ooe of h nmat " Proceedings in Congress, Saturday, Dt. 21. The Seiiaie wag not jrv session to-day. " House or KEruKsKKTAtivts. Mr. DrumT goole submitted a resolution for closing all debaic on the Suh-Treasurv jit two hours after the lluiise took up the eubject in Committee. On tins Mr. I), demand.)!! the previous uiiestion, upon wliii h the vote was Ave 5(1, Nay 45 no quorum voting. Then followed motion to adjourn, to have s call of the House, Six., iic. Tbe vote, however. w as aguin put on Mr. Dnmigoole' motimi, nnd this tniii! it w;is eocuuh d Yeas 78, Niy $j, mid the n.'soiiidon as adopted. Tin' House then p.iiwd into Committee) of the Whole on tlio state of the Union, Mr. Cave Johnson in the Chair. Mr. Hunt, oi New York, entered upon la bored evpnsilion of the di lccts of the Sub-Tmas-ury scheme, arguing from its prcviou condem nation by the people, as well as ii inherent de-f-.v , that it ouplit not to be ad pted. Mr B.iily, of Virginia, declined entering upon the general debate, but spuke at some length up on the bill itself, nskmg the VVhies whut was their plan fnr taking , care of the finances of the cou ntry, since a National liank was nut of the question. Mr. Clin(.'man,of N. C., rote, but the Chair gave the liior to Mr. Henley, who went on with hi speech in defence of Mr. I'olk' election. Ills speech is sullicientl characterized by aarx that it wa a stump speech Mr Mj,inc followed and bunched hi i ,.llnjer( aUo affain8t lho WiiB p irty. In the I ll(Jlft of hit rieech llte hour ,or r(Jiinr )ie lfm j J bato in Committee came round and tho Speaker I reaua4.iu .Chair. ' ' Some member moved the previous question, j which was seconded and tho lJonsu was brought j to a d.rect vote. The Yeas and :V:i vs w ere then ordered upon Ihe engrossment, w Inch resulted Yea" l'.'f), .Wiy (JO. Momlei, emley T3. S'l n rr Mr. ( 'hoate in' rod need a bill waging aiprnii nil inn lor tin' iinli'.iiiuly ol el. i.ciio of Ihe ( L'. S. lio MiTercd by French spoli.iiions. .! A -i-ngu was reci'iwl Inns tin; I'resident, . ill answer to tup resoiii: ion aj - (t list wees, calling fur information rnl-.tive to private sp' cu latimis in Tov.ih lamU, Mr. A resolution oln-rnil bv Mr. II 'irimi. calling for 4 a t.iteni'.:t ol th innt.b 'r id i i uji -s and 1 rninn. als fxpi.rted n i,i.i counirv, wan .: ) . I A rtiumbT of p'-'Mtti'ii-, ask.og a 1 Ii in, !'- in llm I naiurali.:.!!.,'! i 1 unr'.- n.';i'iVii't! 11 1.11 vai.ou.- j mil. ti-rs and r. -1 r r-.I j After lli" '.i-.poba! nl some imiuiport'iiit b'isi- I i nrss, the Seiiiie went i i'o I'vi iniun HMrn.11. am tl.en adjoiiriu 1) to Thursday I lol'S UF III CHtst N fATIVK M r. . .V. llri'Wll 1 repurted a bili to i,riaii'7.: a '!Vrr Inrial Iihhth- ! ern- ineiit to Oregon. It wn 'n ice I'm and 11) ton c.uiiiiiiltee of llie ,lio,'. A r"-"b.'f!i w.i:- ailonlod, ' .Vinn 00 tin' post Masier General !i.r a I let ol a1! Ihe Sip nnlioa' and-rail road lines mi winch 'lie ma, Is are r.iriied ; also .n hether lite tniiipensio.iiii csmn 1 be re tltiu'd'. - A res-ohitinn was adopted, direrlins an enquiry into llie expediency ! iMTiinliing ni-ivspapers ni ue tranni.itled Ire.' of(,osi.ige ,n tlio cilaics where they are puhli-lfd. Mr. IiigerKoll prpsenterl .". p-tilioii nuinerons'y signed by citizens of Pennsylvania, asking a I chancre" in ihe cotisiiliitaio, so thai ihe public l.,nd's j may be appropriated for 'lie iniervion of all s!a " 1 ui tin,' United S ate. Ii-; inow-d jte rincre.ice to , the jmlieiary committee. Mr. Cave Johnson in neil to ! iy 'Ir.; pe tiou on the table, at.d liie -motion rrtati. d. eas 1 1 7 I Nay 49. A resolution was ofii rcil by Mr. J W. Davis, instructing the committee on ways and un tis lo I consider the expediency ol reporting a inn repeal ; ing the duly on salL It-'V.as laid on liie tjiile by a large vote. A joint resolution was introduced and adopt ed, requiring that all llie dig tai.eri ui bailie from foreign powers, slnll be placed in the I In. tunda. It was read twice and referred.' Soiae dozen bills of a priv-ilc ami local cha. racier were introduced and rclnrred. The House then Hi'journeil lo Thursdiv. so there will be oo business transacted in either branch of Congress nil t.'iat day. Extract of a letter, from Northampton : They run from Norfolk to Halifai in fiO hours, and from Halifax lo INorfolk in less than V) hours. Thy carry freight at leMS rates than the Rail Itoads, and will afford to the Farmer and the Merchant, in the interior of this rttate the Merchants af Raleigh for instanee an expeditioiis, safe, regTilar snd cheap mod of transmittinr their Goods and Producs, to and from Norfolk and other Atlantic Forts, Iocting our eye over the Union, if would be a rirn igbl indeed, lo find lb jExecutiv.' chair of any State filled for the lorm nf eiMhl vesrs br auch nien a Kdward B Iudley snd John M. Mr-ehead ; and they too shedding iheir In W ilmmgion, the Kv. ArclnbHUI Baker.of Rich mond Cotini), lo Mil Sarah K. Jmite, il:uiKb!er of Hinion Janus, Ki AIhj, Mr. Ahuiimii H . Catirt, 10 M Caiharm j. lliirii-lielil, Ali, Mr. I1miU N. Aikms, loiHiss SurHli t.'urirtl. In KHyetieville, Mtijitr Jolm H. Cook, Merclinui, loMinM. M. , JuMgiiu-r ol Mr. Jolm i) Stnrr. In Luicoliiion. Mm Hev Wm. J. Lnuj.lon. nf iVi ! ry' "l Ml" M,"K"rl, nt-bhd lUnr-hu f tU Kv. i ' Lnilr. s . , XjIfUa In Mecklenburg, MrsJaiie. Davkiion, consort "f 1.M. S. M. Ilavhison,' aiul daughter of James G. 'lorrenc. K(., orjed about SI, leaving a hiib,iiid and one child. In (irt't-ne County. Sjirmi,! V. P- , ,i. -ro,i. venr ni ,i ...... .... ..i . ii,,., ii ' 7 . . viMiMUMcr Miexeuii t nv ;i ru tkninn, hit grvni lio.iuilny m iirHii'in Hi'l In, n.la. ml liia charily lo tl, iwi,, Ki,ve In,,, i,.,,,,;.,,,,,,, .,, IkiU lin tilt iillei-uooa Ol III. ln. .(l,U,r, nn.l n .umihih acnOiiiiilaoces ilmi Ikw'-.'Nii liu.e in mnnn. Wilrmnjiion, on Uie. 17il, mr Mrs. S.iruii Vi gle, K'J 80)tar. Also, Mrs. A mm tIr,,ti,iUr(,tlJ., 66 year. 3 In Newbern, Mm: HAWAII K. MARK. 28 yearn, wife of Win. VV. t'lurk K.,i , mid dunirliur "f the lain Moses Jurvis V. I j iviii,iol j r'SHW l.luT The coii'rnient Dwelling acics ol Lnnil atlarhril. Ixdonirinii lo ln. Vut- tl.rw p-haw, and Imnlv occupied by Jos T. iiunti r, tin. For t.nns, apply to JAMES M. TO VVLlvS. December .10. c.ri r..1 linKH -On hand, a I.U of new Ft it Hers, vt Inch will be told b I'.i-I. JAMrJS ,i. TOW I Derrmlier .')(). New and' Etemt (ioods! K have mi limid an cxccll, nl mii.lv rf ' t'.mli. mcrc, (.'.liliaieic Del, .lines. t ni-lnii". .. pacca., and ."Silks, smueol winch ion leally spli'iniul a. to at i lt and ol the very iiesi (pnlnv i A I.St)! Fancy IVinH. l.'i.rds.l ad Vlmim llj'ifp, Nhawls, Cravais Fn neh (.Vpes. Lace t'.ip llonnrt and .oi k li'il'li.'iis, tiuii-s, rimiti'A, fJInve-, VIihh, lieu. I oriiaineiilH. .Mi,nl I'ms. Ursce l is, Snk tin, Lea. L'ard 1 asi'S, Milk Unrated and Ui'iMn Hosiery, anJ many oilier fed t,,o tedinua 10 pcrity A I lie at'UMim is Hilvmicing i kIisII seli oiir entire stork, whuh comprue a v,ny general ami extensive asorunent, at unirard i.f lt,iv price. We respectfully inuti-tlie allentnni of buyers, and request them to -iu.il and essinine our uiuds tieiuie supplying themse'nea cl.evVliere. - KL'SKFU, ,t i:si;i;ii)(iC, Next dour ub.ive K. Mirn. Haleich, Deo 2. 1115 Dt 'S'ar and .Standard, each live insertinn.. A V VH2J. MONS. CHARLES E. MAIILY, . Attice a Franccy JKsPKt.TFI'LI.V nil'.'.- Ins Sir.i.e,. , . .L l'"'"'-h ' caclHr, to II,,' fll...-iis nl It..'. iHh u,..i ., ,. nil,-. .,, give private lessons. Pupils nl lie :ii n.li il ai.itieir I 11 1 , . 1 1 . 1 .. I I . - - re- .ecl,ve.-, n.)n.. 11 ursireo 1 errns, $10 per (Quarter of eleven w ctk--iinre leshoiii. a unit ol an Imur tiicri. I I.i.ki t nl ire or mine Pupili will tie I nilil lor f4 a I'lipi1, 'i liiu t." nr if 1 '1 jii'r rii s-inii ol live nn'i'li s. Tnnni.i lo lie paid in a.. vni.ee Inr I'tijnti t mlii t v ilu' lmir ler, and hall in advanre hv Ihe r-rs-nin. Fiiriln-r inlinnuilmii ran lio obtained of Mr Si attire !'ity 1 1 old N. U. Nil lesson will be vrn, imlc-s a miPi.-icn! unrulier of .cliolit Teacher to .cllic llec 2:, ISI1 , 1 i . l 1 1 1 . . I 1 1 1 .. 1 1. ,ci:iiiiii'n''y in 'll.ia plai e. I'") raisii: M'R-ixtJ s.i:s!j'..f iin i.-V Jj luuton, under the i are oi Vli.;onl Mra. liV, will connnctice no (lie LI1I1 ol .lamnry Hoard sod Tllllinll ;.a beretolore. ' be services nl Ml'sp. W.t 1 I'chiih tj.i vt liccn n.;:iin sciuitul in ihn Mu-te. .1 neil I piriinent. I'ltt recrnt .a"iiiii.tinii ainl furilicr cor i rolioriii-H ihe nptnioti pre nri-ily e-i.rejed by 'l.e M'lnrd ol Trustee', a- I ) the eiiine cipaiulit v and Imlli. fulriens of llie Teacliers. Tne l.'iaia.'s w e rumj. . locd not on any particular Ic-.ori or si 1 of leKorfi, j mil (so Inr r.s the Innilid Line uilmied 1,1 the Winter I Uxaiiiinalioi, wunlil allow.) on cvrry ilot; wl.it I, 1I11 v ' had paaacd uvcr during tr, f,-rt...ni. VI e have no J hesilalittn in niraiii recoiumemtinir. (lie Institution to i llie palrona.M ol the public. a n He'innl 11 vvlucii lim I Pupils are IHnrnunjhly and laillilully lanijlit. j Uv onlir of Iht Hoard id Trustee. I li'Dlli'. .f. Mil AW, Sec'y. I Dec 11. Hfl. 10! :ivp i iyy 7Sr. Itny's Male School will eoniini ine n . ill.- sdllie djy. ! ! A;rs. IlIylll'MV notiiy the public, that I have coiiaii. luted Mr John ;.'. Gardiner my Atirul al Frank lutloii, Krnnklin Uo, .N. for llie purpoae of Ur . 111. Pnzing and M.iiiiilae:uiuiT 'I'obwco. i. "i-ttiil v, t.LH. F. HILL. " Pi ier-buru, V a. Not. I I, I n 1 1. I nil. I w For Safe or iase, noil or Ira" ilir ilw lin;; hon-ct n w or- rtii.iril hv rrt at tlie ioijtli cinl ol V'rrt,iiinn i in li.t'Kting i a ry. rrttnTruriil tin t romrn ulimt two lory llnur.p( ffMittfiniri trfi iii- nn nl n pun kp, layf'Uief with u b4fiiient or fllir, Jivji mlo loiir Hi .flnipfiti. I hr- I,M m Inrg' nfn! vveil i ni-l.wd. I nnJ at c ninoil.drd with al i he riprcKmirv out-liuilil- I iiit KncMipn. i.otuitilry. fn'kp Monsf, ir Hohk, iSUlnlry, Irtalilea. (,'ow lltHise, t,'urriai;e House, Crib. rc In the yard is a laatelul ( ireen H(Hie, and also a Vt ell of e.i elenl V at. r. All nf ihe improvements are m (lardell is larae snj ipro.luc- rilli Fruit trees. Attached ill tract of fifty or sisty sires part of whicli la Hi lyota lor eullivMton, the 1 balance hi.ing ulticiaiit limt sf (or lire-wud. 1 . Tito wiah.u; a siiuaik'n for a healthy and p'a. i am resilience, there la none mure leiratle. It la , I tonveiii.nl to tti Male and female Aeademiee of j ! the Town. The" navnnls will be areotnrmidiilma : and pwaaassiiHI can b bsd when required. THOMAa WHILE. Wsrrenten, .V. C. IW. 17. 102 m TH K rU KM IX RE in the shove dwellinir. whirh . Is of food quality, will lis diapusrd of, sillief wnh or without the House, (T Tbe Tsrhoro' Pre-s and North tal VVbiij, will insert 4 weeks anil send srennnt. lo Ibis OfDu;. tannff in aT.nr.II lllartderu. fUST received 1 superinT neW srlicle of Senlcli Aoud. arrsnlrd anod and if mil approed. arm. be returned sad 4ne money refunde,l, price US ceni. rx r pound or S pounds (or 1 Dollar; for sale si the Cb'sp U'car Store. r . Sr. M II.T.Eff, ' FsvelU'ilUatiasi, vppotlls I'ily id all. SHADY GROVE SCHOOL rixHK Sl lisCKIItKh twn. enured H.0 srnires 1 il y'MJlir null viioeoine liluhlv rcrominrnileil ly Mr. m. J, Hinyihami of Hiltsboru will rerucn 1,1 Hcho.l mi ilie U.ii nl J-munry m-xl, at ln iw. dfiiiv in VVwrrn :.. ,ii miles Ktrt- of Shuccit 'vPhiis, in n iifiKtili.M-hiiil )i--rfiHuinlPif for tiealih uiul i!""l ' ioi v . Tin' Miil'tinber pleihree biraelf, that mi paniH lull .,! ,ir llie lu..ral. as wel'ss int Ib eiual inipr.iveiortit ..f thoe intmainl i.. hi j care, anil Kif tli f,.rm:.imu ol'h.ihitsot usefulness and reprii,hility. '' he roursr of n'u.licn will be strictly pcrparatory . I.'iiiwrsity of North Carolina, nnbraring ihe I-k'-I. Ilin (Jnek '.ingiMij, ami Mihemaiic. I ran secomiuodite si x or eight bo.iriler, who will ! be treiiti'il in alt ri,.ii-i m mri nt nB in,;iH ....... uuj.ru iht pi'-Miiu oi iir luuniiiH. enuir.u &iu Juhh fiO (K). Tuki ii. for Laiiu.igea $15 UI) j er . .oii. cngusn uraucnes iio no. J. OIJ.VIO. WILLIAMS. Her. 9, 1844. - 1 llt-7t MTATI! OI' SOU Til i AKOI.1 1 A- Ji'luiMniCiitinty i ourl lif'l'lom sml Quarter rsn.iis. No.rmlK'r Term, in4t, A. I). .N.irijunn, l ri. Levy on LauJ. .ailian A William. J '' Tl"'"'"! I" 'hi- ir'.iiii.in of Court, that Na- iii.ni .. m nil ii, n, n,r I I. I, n, . i T. tIIM ,-niei, resides ti.V.ml the IhnlUnl llie M,.: t ,. liioiof.iie onlir. i .l ill ii i iilih.-.i-ior. ., iii.n!,. m n; KaliMgh Keir niter l.ir n ivi-cNh, ,r il,e :..,., '.,, appinr at our iicjl Curt. In Ii,. IuM !.,r i1'- Cuniiy ,. J.,hosion, ill I'll' C.miiI M in i' in S, llr.nl l, mi Hit, l.iuilh .Moni'lay ol I'sbiuiiv ii.mi, lln-u mid lline to .bevv c iiiii-ivliy the l.imU ..IhmiI.1 i, nt be ml j, , I to the ri.-niiiid's ili iintntl. W linen. li.imiis Oakley, Clerk f uur s.ii.1 Couit, at ol'u e, the I , ill !)i" imhi r, 1 1 1 I . Til ox I! VI!. KY, ('. C. t:. I'r. A.lv t J fiw I'.VI'K OF MttHITf C SKOf !. A Hsiit. poii 11 L'ut'.trr- iSoninnr t'ourln! Law, Fall I i i in IH44. Klinil.eih V.'lllif.rd, iNnnh W iPinrd, I'ftitiuti f.ir Il.vurrr. Il e-ppcn-iiif; 1.1 (lie s,,iit.ii ii,,ii of the Court, thai ihe lb'li'udiiul .ou i v 1II1I111 I, la not an inliubilaiit nl ihtaSiiii', it ia nr.ili retl linn publicaiinn be ma la Inr three uhjiiiIh in lie liiilenrh iteuler and Imlc pendent, published ill the t nv of It.ilemh, that the I g. lend nil iiipeai nt llie next Term of itns t'inirl, to ha held in the J'own of VV niton, on the. fotiiih .Vloii.Uy 111 March next, and plea. I , answer, or demur, 01 the aul I't-tiLiuii will lie lieunl cxpnrte, und diciee made, accordmi; u, ill,- (iniyer lliereof, Wiineas. Willi. mi I). Vab iilinr, trjerk of our said I'otirt at ollice, tlie fniitli Muud.iy of eti'iilciniter, A. 1'. IWH, and in llm ti lth year of Aineiiaiii In dependenco. WM. D. VALKNTIN K, 0. . c. Midway Academy, . ,tf; Sl,,f,.lil)(.r . j ., ,... ,,, peclfullv iriforiin llie public l llie Hi In,,.!, I ho I ll,c con- .!' - - - ' 1 ; ,, , , , , .l.u fl , .ur,,, i vie, m nl )t Jinv II. IIhiIuw, has iilriiinn, w tin leceiver) lu e.luea- ,(,.,, will, Mr m l 1 il-m ,, (,(, llm I'lam, nl llillaliiiru', and ii.I'.'m', in whom reference In' I1.1 I. v'li n-ni i I to lim iiioihI it liter. irv ictcr, .v lli-i.-e v ,'.i iliittlrc it. v'r. lJ.,rlMP .1 -1. on lilt. 'J,J !on 1 .1 v til .1 lilnnrv t S-l 5. I 'he .-Ste irepminn I I'i1 r I n Ua .-u s' lien. 11 l:i- ill will be 1." .ii v H.i.11,1 can lie I. i, nt a j r j rt. i'iI ,,r I- 11, riling ) and in ii a and al a In r p .11 i s coli i al r'i i'1 per inoinh, l I'i parlrui'iil,i.r s. , f 15 0.) tlie r-nl 111 Ml. I.'., il i na tit M ilu I'li'liun in Lo if U. Li A.a.li-l t;: ifi. lo. I.n Jn.ll do. ll ). HH) (II) Ma'lieiiniiii a nionc, Jn. o Too 1 ... ill .idv.oice. 'M. 1 IJllAf.'ll. .. P Mi.i;.v is situated st hall way ji.riii.nd lie t'.veen I ,nij:-i'ur rt.,,1 iii,- Hlin'-cii Spriiii. , ni a neiS huh Kid ii'leb and la its lieallliliiltiess and Inr Kin uiiirul.tv id it eiii1-in. ISitboy ol .itsiipatcil iiauil 1 will be rc lined eiilier in a boarder ur !Sloil, nl wnhoul ipcelv lelin ma i ni. KraliKlin I'l.uinv. Ai. '. 9." St tun: or tomn i..om.- III. I'K i.DI. , I'V iN,ieinl'i I'm 11, lii. J ,1.. 1 iliyoii, J.niii'u liryrio, VV Jhiini (J, Uryuii and A. J. IJryon. j Joshua Ilrynn. sod nile Fliabelli, Osj. Ilaarr), I sod wile vt. y, sod Henry Woolen and i wile .lane, j lii(in fir fail, liun. if Real Enle. It sppeunil' lo lho .,nil.n lion of Una l.'nurt, that ! (ienrc Haiiid and wpo Mary, and llonry Win, ten I and wiln jne, ii-:p iid. nl" ol ibis Stale, 11 is j therefore or.ti red, ill" I'tililication be unde f.r nit ; week. nei (sively In Ihe l( aleijjh Kegister, kkiii I imui e to die said n in-ii niilftiits lo apedr si llie next j Term nl iln' tmurt (n be !:i'ld . I'.r alio Uounly nf i' Ilia leu, al iln I 'ml rt lluue, 111 Fdiz.lieili Town, on Ihe first Monday in Fclifuaiv. and then snd 1'iere, ' piesil auawpr tu ilioniir, olln rwiae, llie Petition will il be l.iken p'n wtfrisii. and he ,rd enjinrtc. W line-", ll ivnl Louis, (,'lerk (it salt! Court at I llTiee. lir-t .VI.'iioi.,y in .Navetnber, !M1, r 'IV.t, D.l I ID LOLTd, (Tl.tk. i Pr. Adv. S3 l.J. llil-fiw LOOK HERE! I!K Subscriber iiifmds removing lo the VVeet. nud inhr 1 sale tin valuslile TltACT of la, ui U , c Cuun'y. lyinij on the sraien of .Neu. tuvrr, and on holh bkIm of ttlg Lick ami Lah- rrl ( rct-k- ctniiiiiiing alouT 2,000 Acreo, divided m- 10 init-e rnrm, ana wppn troutnl iuthciht lor the employment ol eizht hauls lo auvsulsge Fach Pliinnnion is under uood fence. '1 he Eat and Went Plaiiistions have, ou ilwm common hmires snd out hiiui , hut tlie miihfie one, whereon. I live, has a goml lellirl; House and all necessary Oui houncs. Il hen i imed.ately An the direct road Irom Fishdam to I' ileigh, ttid r tieen miles west of Wake rore Cnlh'ee. and ah nil the same ilis'anc from Kalrigh. More I han one third ol Ilu Lari.1 is first snd second low L'ri.iiiids. ail is, perhaps, sa valuaiil a T'rartof Iviiid sny in 'he Coiiniy. ami ia quire productive of Com, W beai, Tnlmceu and Bolton, c and all other tegeliMr pindetiuut It ia muesli hy lo.a- fin, rl.sps. s. any ih the 8i..t,tobsoHeer wiler (courses. J l,err i. i be b. l ol Waier, both Free and Limestone Sprinaa, sniicn never Ian It t also as excellent a siaud and vacanry lor Physician, a an n ih County. A I will ad n same low f .i Cash in part, and sit liberal intlalKt nre Utt the JWlsnre. I will slsn tstt Kerrnes, or W osier n Land, in part payment. Those that wish lo buy, can com and view tor lheme!e, bef-xt or afier .publicaiioo ceaaes, at I shall not arj isenise lor.u;. BE.NJ; KOliEK-'. Ree. 0, ISlt. l)0-w , .1SI.AMC UEUOS, Ja prime.! uiul for sat at rui vniit. - v X