-mW ' .... a i f it i'..i i i i i i t. r.iTT. . r-r a-."-,. t --'.'--. a. , ... - - 1,1 E, 111.71 U T,:i il'l TJ MM rw W r-' - nTl XT TXt TTrr -rz , ' l is j -avw J IKI tf.UU -'I i , I't IT. - . . I-.-C SM Slit I '1I f. J y IstVWWa . I .4i r 11 1 . F III I ff 1 " 1 II f! " a if Vl 1. .-. .. . I I "l A Brail I T -Mi .1 . ... ...... . ., ,.,.. ............ ... . ... .. r. .T .... . . ..,.- . . - .. - -.v- ' i 8"nnTrt o- fit: m;REG!STEB.; ' Tuesday, JFebmafj? lVl845i $fr ft coont, piimp-WdlCT quite ,ftiouaiy7nJ:liffttTro ul wftit llwsaT Doe not birfi.. powtr n;ulat th weatUr, odf wjqwUM hiffoodueM? Airluli'aj;o, and tbcocnplamt wu pom UM 0jrniv btat ( Apim. W. am lika the frog, in th fable. Finrt, it wti Kinj ; tbea tt- WM Kine Stork. over ye Vaatbr nim. W ; for wbat causot be cured, muat be endund. Depend iipoa i, wbetlier yo " (rruinble or upt, th 1 hermometer will uot tdl a ingle deret,io cone- aiieuce. Ifia MMHUMkMvUI illt. U . .1. . Tl - 4 (.j, nm Mnwww int Hwirt i tk.' . . - - . . . . , r , . - ''euriuifs-WKKtsruNUtNUC.-Mi 7 'ar (ZZLlU, Wamgto. o ft. " aulU!. for Ship UtJl, 3. til,, -TfWht 41li M.i4fital'T6M. i EJ-l,l. H' Iwl,icaiIii" ,IW ffaxtl-a-Ter cJaiaatt Cdurt rfoliae'. but a Terv soar Jail.' ' Xfanirrtnenla are 1 Tnl" Dutilltrioa, but the roost extenaire en it Iap-tbebadi,(Bailta tlioir dMtillatuia oa The Efiuwepak ffhajirji atueJI,, bui avvry :iieU, ynU ftbe Princ'Pl f nl J ate nwhra ol.er taat-rTnio?ty; w ita at ytcr nt aWmtioiii. Thf tfthW Clitirhe ntit-ht be called an Hiine' -:eL. ww, v.uurenea,or WrHUMMMdly i(uoir what name Si thtm, Tbre are seraral ALrl bedanaar thik A)br P ramiiied andfwod it to be tka ncbwit deiila ef Sheila, I evr niet WiUh lTia fcd had DEA.F AiyjE INSTRUCTiaN. We aubliah in lh pape'r, th, .Lie Report mad to the lait Iilaturet by Mrs Oeram, f Rwn and Ii, en the aubjeot f vUyhiM fe tit laaade, for llie Bliud, ami for the iea imd Dumb. Additiaual flitereat ia giveu to tliw Report, from the prompt aitd elTiaient' manner) i wtiiob k waa seediidecf by tlie Iieulature, an regard, two claseca at Teaat Wtfite ibrttiaataa wttlt Wliich o"ttr cautitryabotinde. ' VTe had bat a fairtt eonceptrou, mitiLyefy receiftly, af the almost incredible dilftrefifca bttweeB the uned ucated and the edtlffated deaf Mate.. WilJiout dea eendinj to partioulari, which would atrikinrfv ill,,,. trafe theliraatlmaWa'adTantdji of'auch inalruction they may be summed up In a few words. M'liile the liftedudatel Deaf and Dumb wend their weary way through i life, the" eddcated Mutei gladdened by Mie genial ray of knowledge; and fitted for the diatharge of duty, takes' bia statrort u a" member of the great human family, enjoys the WseuCand is tauo-lit how to prepare for the future. It leaches the immortal. spirit tocomniune with its maker, and cheers it wit. the light and comfort of the Christian's hope. . ' 'fhare are ix Public rstabliahroeut fo; the' recep. tion and educatiou bf Deaf Mutes in the : United State, in successful ppcrntioo. 'Bhey nro situated, at New ,York;PhUadelphiafc Urtford, CouuecUcm.; CoJum. bus, Ohio; Dauville, Kentucky j and Staunton, Vir inia. To which may be added,,'oi. i Tennessee, and one in North Carolina, shortly to coniineuco the busioeas of iastruclion. In connection with this subject, we refer lbs reaJ. tr to the Adortiineut, coutained in to-day's Regis- lar, emanating from the Literary Board. seated around the Bar-mom Ere. cloujir in. ilia, ra with a lund of srmi-cucl. . ufl down-caller ant tered, whe Would measure i ftt in his stoekmgi at niiy time, anil advancing towards the firf," lie laid hold 6f a Chair, which he 1roiight aloajj ytilh, l)imr aayuig wall gaufelmeit, sjvoa wra make tu-circia higger, I want to put. my booh, to the fire too", lie look his seat, aud t hnintiivg. hia long !). uwards the fir he east a ry enquiring glance into averv one's face.Ho see if tliefe was any eiAirice of speculation. Nothing however' was said y vany one.- li then tl)rew bis bead. bp, and relied bis eyes all over the to be foil ad. Tliuitow-'nli quits large. I baa about t j5it)r or Htrty Worm, five OinrCliea, a Court Uoaae awl Jail' Tho fiv Religious deiiominatioiu are Ea)jatiana,. froabytariana, Methoiatj. Baptists, aikT' Roriiaa Cathalios. , Tlie speppal CongregationnaUioft tho, largest, and the interior of the Church ie most beau tiullydentUd)atw-hig.tliego.i taste of the LaoUea been cohsiiirabfy worked, nd k po Mr. HcJrftl'i lpf th Society. ;HttVo' Yard"' surrounds, the Plantation. Ohe eveuiitg oiler Supper, several gcn'llameu, were" phiirch'on 'imary ydo' except tho front, which im- r. that render, tlie Visit doubly iiiU'rvstinsr. Nma iittk leave tyashingtou without pecial the town. regret, ea- haa uiiugled with the good Society of Yours NORMAN. I extR.va(;anci:. B. Speech. delivered by the Hon. Ctvs Jauwo.v Mi in Utilise ot Kepreantaliv.-s, he fiiriiisl.es a listot books furnished, for the use of members of Congress within a. faw. 'years past, which cost $G87,550 46. and adds, that others have been ordered whiz win necessary that tb Proceedings in Consress. e , " Uw 8uTh Tuesday, Mr?'Evn. fn.rn th. to""U.M n Euu,10C,,Ppr,ul ttml lh6 , " ",H:" " P l"r ronsidera!i.n , " m"W "r '"'"' po-ueinont. Aftor ilr iwriMetio,, mnch -nin.p,,-nt-,niinn,a, III ienaie reaumed the conal.iori.ii.tn nf.,w ., - Wbill f wdi arter some utiimri am am.M.d' I " lH" JVhfi et',."1! f tlw 'bil!, vie. to make luchti, tha bill was-woorted t th 8-ai. .. ! 0".u""r of pootam for all ttr carried ,umg question of ijnendiiieiit. the objpet tf which wou restore the franltm pririlego to members . - ""'"""i!." "j ai9MBMasaaosaMaiBaaBS9B ' .Tim question then 8 t,(M,n Mr. Siinmona' muendmo.)., ,K.lt,lve IIlclllberi unjlj(,d right to frank llie.r let.or, and rpocchea. The fcen.tpr. could ut 10p uikjng Bblul lbi ,iut flwrthey had do.., tha Vea. and Nv wrc called, and the frnkm(f privilego Was gwon up a vnt of Vea 18, Nnyaaa- The hill aa then ready to be reported, when mr. amiinona ihoved a very important amend -VO. 19. T I"or tlu IWinf uul IW. w lii; i.ueiarv UuarJ. nn.i:.ii. ' . . ' r-u.F inniuuneo lo 1 i I.IIC, that.m i.r.t.r.... itk . -x- eu at Ihr Ii s.-:.. .Z .1" Hwd. .,,.! '" iierM AssetnWy.ttha M e tl "' r ''"!"'' ration . School f. he of cart, l'uu, wH i,ej,t' . n ijwmvw. , .. ... , l , . ... er.-" "" "i wmicn sir. Alien mmle a wtninif .rjfunre.il M. Archer inleri..d to present to the Senate lhr-wprrt of tlie Cointnit teeon Foreign Relatione- on the aiibiect of tlie nnne.vation. of Tcxai. Tho rport concluded Willi ! UVl Man . . .1.. a r'...s the Titor wiltea rt of ml.nr ...... """' , '.;- o. met, prop.. . . 1 '".To rt' tct tho. Haul !,,. ..f n r j - . wo.., mwi,. t it. c iiouee oi Kepri'.-entativeo, nd tho com sstw.UUU. It is certaii.lv ceUjug and walla, showing that he waa restless and work, useful in 'legislation.; but w-e do not think that uneoey. Over the mantel-piect han some old UOOK Purched at the public expense should be- . p,(T pruperiYoi mourners, at leaat to so extravagant anxtent. Air. John made onoaiate meiU, whieh relleoU diacredit on the member mifltv of tho practice, aud ehawa the abuses of, the avals m He sid that "he baduiulersloed. that m".. ,j ...J members of the House, after the delivery of ibe booka were.(m,the ljal.it ofselling them to bookae'llen, about the City for less than, half price, and these booksellers kept them ready Uj.re.sll to the next Congress, for the supply of the u. member,. te thouifhl this, state ot things was intolerable, and ha hoped the members of the present Congre would, put an d to it. THE MAJ4EIRo. Ther. are now tr New Yik rkper Mail duo; Tho ltter Mail cam through, for the first time in throo day, yeatorday, We learn that ther waa a teriiWe Fir at New Vork, on Wednesday morning laaM A o!olock, that morning, a deatructive Fire waa dlscooored to bo raging in the block of buildings occupied as tlie Tribune Printing est iblishmeiit, or ar of Spruce and Nassau Streets. Exery effort was siade by the Fire Companies to master the rA"inir lairht?b.t tOiio purpooe.aad in the course of a cou Die of hou rs after the notice of the 6rst blaae, the Tri b iae newspaper cortceru, the Periodical danotof Mr. V. M. Graham, the Bookseller .and Stationers' estab lislihiieht of Janaei. St Bell, the Liquor Store occupied tyMi, rfewnedy, and the German establishment of tho UfuUtke Se-rWpnw German Journal pftblish tS k ttiat City for: the last Havie years, with a large ftbclfrof Books, cWiwajre totally consumed with all. Hiey contathed. Mr. Grahl:n.loat hot only his stock, Iwt $(00 in Cash aiid his Gold Watoh, and narrowlv reaped With his life by leaping ouf of; an elevated window upon the deep enow beneath. Some insu rance is effected upon these buildings, but nothing like me actual lose. ' ; rasmonea rmits in frames, which hud doubtless. been publislied fifty years befwe. - Ills' cw finalfw rooted upou. one of 'thorn, 'and he gaied at it for fuli fifleen minutes. "That pieler" said he, '.'calls itself Euaore; but if the same artiat was to paiut one now, I think ho would chaugo the design. Vdu sec, thore is re presented a woman standing, with a carina copio, the month upwards, and her left hand rcsiin anmn-r the; fruit and flowers. A precious emblem that a nlentv Jor.the rich,b,utho poor mut go to the allier.cnd of me Horn. Mer right arm rests upon a pile of books, wlMle she is looking t a Wobe which stands Hear by, as much as lowy, Harrogate to myself all knowledge ini am jiist looking to see what part of the earth 1 shall wanfpex-t. 'At herfeet, you see n Quadrant, as much a to say she is Mistress of .Die Seas alao. Wall, I have seen Wagging piotara' afora. but I never aeed any that could, out bray that one. Hanging close to it, is Americottone by the same -artist That plctoft was made "by an. Englishman, or I. am- no juflge of human naUr'.. See, he ha rpresented a vwnnan lost in the- woods, seekmg wUd flowers. ' The suu' is just agoiog down, but !. seems brut on finding the j aeeper gloom, es toe roresL t)H.'. yu, no doubt the atnpid artist though tliat America Was doom to plod on, and that tha aun waa fast setting. It did act, and ii rose at umiKer Mill and at York Town. I'll be darned if ever look at such picrbrs. without gitting man. ivnenever you lookatau Englialunan you can v, v.v,. , Huiuiiig ia as goou aa it is in England nothing like Englkdi. Now look at them two pictures first England, Commerce, Knowledge, i ienij , ana large possessions. Very modest indeed .' Now at the other ; America. The Sun sheddiiiir its last beams, and the Genius of Liberty wandering into darkness, "with it back always to tlie Sun." Our down-east friend hadexauated hinwelf and waa silent. The company seemed rather, pleased with his talk, but one by one they broke off, ami' retired, to, their rooms. However, I remained, and felt a curiosi ty to know more of our new acquaintance. '' Stran ger," said I, "liavfl you.ravelled'farlo.dfty T" "Only fifi...,. m;i. . ....... -i...... , , .... . ........ .....,, auuu.s, atuu ne. i nau a apeculatiou in-viow upon Fiahuig Creek, and I went to look after ifc. There is, (aaid be,) a Skeleton of a Whale in. that stream, and if 1 succeed 4n getting enough out, 1 know where it will bring me the Cash." " Where did you any 'this was, in what part of Fishing Creek ?" 41 You don't want to go into tho speculation too, do vou r . ooaiimi. to ln on, tha table ihe aeveraf prorwnttooe nf tit NP,Mi. . well as the reanliitiflnni Wstw-leo-i.lntuw. ,i the petnions to the Senate, for and aiinet an. ncT.iiioii. ajr. M..rohe.id moved to omit ft! 000 extra ropicg of tlie report ; which qiieation Was. rele-rci to the C.iiiiiniiiee on I'nniin.r M, Bur.l.:...., .rin , I..- .... . . I (: ..."nr .i uiieii; .'.ii to mane a imnornv re-tw.rt. The l'.t-oMi,'e lull was then ' resumed, and Mr. AII.MI voiirlude.l his romarlis Mr. Buc Inoan noxt 'obtained tho hVsir : and th.. Sonate then adjimrood. The i louse i.Kik up, and rnnrutr-d in the R.- rtJillion of ih,( Senafo received yesterdiiy for the appomiineiit of a Joint 'Coiii.iiiitPj;, i cnt the l(oies fr President ami Vi. e President of the United Staurs. Tho House then resolved itacll into Committee of ihe Whole on th ,:lie of tho Uinon,.and reiHiinodHhe-cuowdemivw ol the bill W'g.rdiiaie and. mduoe the pr.ee of the Public Lands-in f.ivorof actual setHero. Mcfurr, Cary of Maine, Stewart of Pennsylvania," Seymour of Now York, ami Thounasoii, 'oj.posed "Kie'bil!, and Mr. Bayno upp..teJ it. .' ihe mail and fixing this rule at.jffw cent.. A'ftnr a ,..;.. .1 , .. .....,,., uiecDssion, in. vol. Was ken and Mr. Himmon' bold iimreiMAt Waa earned by a vole of Ayes 33, Nay R The Senate then went into executive tcgaion nd anerwarda adjourned.. IIousK of n iiiHK8RNTATi vks.- Mr. McKay moved t int i i,.i. i . . . ,. -- uc 1p.niicu and that the ouse revive itself into a Colm,liu,0 f lllC '" ".u"o was agreed to, and The Committee resumed the consideration of irm Annual Indiiin Appropriation Bill. i r n .. vvr.fi .mi. . i. . : iu ... j,re,a icn.rtn a,H variety ol amendment iWie , t) opil-wMl beSieirporyci- B..a.din1r.-.ir... :rL.rM" mt?v " - utinrii. r ,, , rl' "-J s''oo.rA. (.d f0f iWj'u I"1-- I tloi.K and U.u :t .. . . . U ..-II ... I, . . 7 ''JS'J). Chairman of a ; of length red. kin.,,.. .niii were auoineu aml o:Ii.t8 rrj.vtod. Duriiig the iltaciiMion, quite an ncriuioiiiouK I lierooiwi oonimverey nroee butiveeu Mr. Ilia. Ii, of ia., and Mr. Cwddingj., of )h.,. r. (i. g;ll(i , ho reinarka of, Mr. H. wore tow and' dirlt,. Mr. II. replied that no gem le man could even look at Mr. (i without beeoinmg "low and dirty." A gre.it oimy cvprewiona f a (imilar cliaracler were bandted-hetweeii tlieiu, uiilil Mr. McDowell, of Ohio, nod Mr. Burt, of South I Uoirulina,. interposed and called Mr. B to order. 1 . .1,. !.... ., . .. ' no JoH-ea oi toe C.un.y Court, j required in m. each l. ha.rnmn .,f . I' . ' " in nor i ii,. s,... ... i.u,: ' .. jr e-r n,.ii, . ..i ,T . "le Acl "lorwaid to th. noil. ot (lie Juulirn ,.f it. r r. ... . Term, hrrrafter, when a m.jprity snail a. present - JVTTu" l' -hat num. l e, ot lieaf and lln,b.n, Blmd ,t,.te persons, (d.- till 11111 unir tli m...- . .v i . ' ' V ' . " """'"i "'eriran.l under 3( yaara of ur, there may br i such County, . who; or wh.wa. la.eotH. .re unable pvfllr,.ire,IUOi 'on. A,, wie.hor the four, will levy ,, ,4,. (he am,)Un a lned l.y I.ow f, th-ftKlucion, orth of , of "";"' " mmuoicate th a.m, ,hi. Bo. 'aiiy a praciioublo. Ihe ,i,.,utof appro,,ri,.iio for tlie mnj " ' .M,.w of ,!,.. ,ruc.,n of thirtyl. kI, I r, 7 "'''' ,ruvUI-'1' "'" Ooonty Court, m im 7 ""i T ''"'m "'"mies. the r "':M'"lk' l'.w..wi: Ser JZ I ' l ,,' rnn.ci. nii'iil to nciivr lint a ..... -.w, jrom men juamut li-.-Httr numt,er shall an. I irrm! in Hip ply. I ne cele.ti. in curs i, e.u.1,1 r... ..... canon uill he made h t..r ' ' ' ' c"u' Tub Ntw fi.iiooi. J,aw. Tim tho public,, anil particul n lv that of Coumtkrfmt JJtU. A' deeire having; been expre.eod, by .omeof the North. (farolma riaper., 10 be furnhdied with a list and dcacripfion Tof th. Counterfeit Bill, of'tlie Bank iu.ijouth Carolipa, in order to prevent imposition,,, conaiderable portion ef the circulating; medium of North Garw. lina, being composed of South Carolina bill we have applied lo ono of the officers of the Cm. tnercial Bank, who has politely handed us the niiipwing list : S2U's Bank of Charleston. sionoi'T ir... rre t, A. (j. Rose, Calner. nsvablo (.. T s,r, and dated 18th Nov. 115. The paper is softer' tlMiiner. and winter than in the genuine jotes, which have a slight rell.iw ii II-. ... , ..... ii mnrtaiiy, tut . Mr. Benton spoke in the Sej.ate, and threw himself upon us indulgence, toallow (lie bill here, tofore submitted by him iiir the aniiovn.,n .,f Texas to be taken up ; which privilege was grantee Mr. B then moved to lay that biiljipon the ta ble, and'asked that the notice niifelit be dispensed with lo enable him to ofTur a uhsiiluie, which waavalso gjiiledi. Mr B, then briefly related the outlines ol the new projectile wa to oiler Tex as to he admitted as a State,. with two Repreeen tatives and two Senator, and all othcradvantages which appertain to the old States a soon athe terms shall be agreed upnii by. the Governments attention of tlie County Courts, is directed lo the fact. that. un.W H... Coniiiion taivhool Law, us revised at the last iSes. sion, Supormtendeiite are lo he apiointed in every Couoty at the Curt immediately preceding the first Monday in October, and the Com.nitteos elected the last Saturday ill Henlntohur . A ,t the Superintendents aiid"(Jomniitiee men already appointed will serve uiinl that lime. Consequont: y no appointments u( the kind w ill bo in.ido the j lira! Curt utu, tl.n 1... 1. , ... io. jMiiu.iry, as n as hoik; under the formor Act. Ureemborough I'atriot. , a--. UWIIIV I" . . ... . J inis cause the einniving, which i rather coarse, f " 1,10 '"'ed ttutcs and Texas ; that the sum of looks loo black. They may he readily delected 10,W0 be appropriated for the exflenoeo of uy tlie letter run the word "or" l.of..ro "hr" In the oeiiume note, the extreo., inA ,ri " ' 7" . l" m3,Ue UP SlPREME COURT. Sincp our last Report, Oautiou have beon deliver. d io'tit ftowhig Caaea, viz : ---Mf&mrrfyGtlit&-iuunrtt wl;m- Johuoou Kf'ril. it alia Bquhy, from Warren ; direcUne- ac- couau tT!4eU '.Cj. . Also', In Morgan. r. Allen, frsna Hitdeou ; judgment reveroed. Also, in New maa . Tabor, from Rutherford ; affirming the-judg- uisnv , aioo, iu bh e. roarey, from Maeop ; revers i the judgmrut ajjd, dirocting t;wmt; ke note, iu-, In- Willuunsoa, ai. r. Chilo, frem, Caaw.ll ; Mtmont iiilA judgment for the PlamUfls. Also, ia Wetefel Scttrfrbm Cherokee ; affirming the judg. siant boJow., AUo", in Cawaa r. Tucker, from Ire H judgntoot rororosol and a new trial granted. 8f DaltrJ., in TrVomso e. Youn, in Eqoity km Iredell J "directihg the il( tt be dUmiased. Aloo. " Cono e. Morgan aud Margaa t. Cone, in Equity from Nash direetiug ir decree for" W. C.1 Alo, j,. . AtUn, from Anson, affirming, the judgment Also, in ForrandrAdmr. e. Howard, ExV, w Equity, frohi Jones.: Also, in Goedon. "t. Hoi laid, 'a wiiyfrtini Bcaufbrt rBTanrlng th decree-. ByNAiJWft sFl0m'mer . Brandoni in Equity, tiring Flaintiff antiUei to. an.aa wunj ani' directing a Hferoaco. ' Also, in' Slate Ma, fromStaulyi affirminffth. i,,,... t-i -a-..-.uVoiow.. Also, in Bnggs . Fnans, foan, arming tbo Judgment belo).. Also, ia StlfC' f?? HeademosH affirming the i-iTrfirii''' i ( ini'iii , i L ' ' rtTfONAL MONHll!Wr fir"-,'" - '0 " " ' -a. . " - OJVTV'lC I 1 ' S 'Ty4 'rf nf th. "Oh No, I merely enquired for information." " Wall, if that's all, I can tall yonaome more about it- About a mile from the Wilmington. Rail Road. in. Fishing Creek.ther lies a huge skeleton of some Fish, probably a Whale. When the water is low you can walk across the. stream upon th vertebra or back bone, which is perfect about seventy teel. and. th. .Jiead teiua4.iMtnk of taneV The bono at it largest place a over one loot aaiojiotf tWokrOii) a piece of rib, which! took out, measured over 8 feet, yet I should think it waa not more than a third of the rib. Il i a very groat curiosity any way." "How ia the world such a fiahcouid.harrgoftfiers at all , is what astonishes me ?" " Yoe see stranger, Whales are hardly ever found this side of Gulf Stream. ' They would. eaitoet. but! that stream is oo warm. for. tlienvand it ia only when a SwqrdrfUih. and. Thrasher, get alltan Uiera,,that they break for the Gulf Stnsam thinking it w a disagreea bly TOtm. to thsir coeirae a themselves and, by this Hieaaa get oViveu-aeroaaaoin timee. It might have been so. with, this fallbw, and some convulsion hat driven himrp this Creek. Any how, tho skeleton i tlwro, anoVaoj on aan.ea U by taking tha trouble." j -Mi-i"eoltouud svBustintolligratma,aod hall rivhi opinions of tlie Stata aodito-IhstUauon, in some future- letter: Aster leaving. Tarboro', I Ti. ited Greenville. This is the County seat of Pitt It baa a tolerable Court House of brick, situated ia th enre of. too town. Thi village oontaiu about ouo hundred houses, and reral Store. Near the vil lage passe Tar River," whieh is quae wid at tai pohrt. After yon leave Greenville, in passing toward Washington, yon will observe the Fine Trees boted, as it is termed, to procure Turpentine, which, h) an ar of great importance in trad. TJiaj'bojiag'pro eeaa is merely cutting a deop oioh iu tho tmo, about a foot from the th ground, and then hewing away the bark fbi-about fiv feet above the niche ; th crude I tttrpeotine' ooie from the tr., aad whon, it has iccu. Iniflated' ufrlciently, it ie aoraped off and' nut in.bar freli Wr rfrtttV'EM WeHinrsoon kUI tho-tn. Washington i a delightful place. 0;te srdjof tho- p---iuoy th.i1bHTei' liichio T wide, and tha Wharves and Shipping giv it th appears ac (urns down with a dot, whilst in the spurious ones it turns up. 810' oii. the Planters.' and Mechanics' Bank, signed Daniel Ravlnei., President, and S. T Robinson, Cashier, payable to T. Ileri,.ii ...,t dated May 2h, I84'i All that have been seen bore are ntunberfd.i wo hundred and odd. There are several marks by which, they may be ii,aj. bly. luwvwv iu the Cashier' sinnature on tbe genuine notes the last stroke ol the capital letter "It" descend below the line and surround the "0" neat lo it,, metead op their being joined in the usual way, as in the counterfeit The ri.rht hand onuNof the good notes ha waved water lines above and below the word "Ten." and a sleeve is presented on the arm of the hand that holds tlie hammer in the centre of the I all whii h are wanting in the counterfeits. ' 9 )'' Bank of Georgetown. Tho signatures Of the President, J. VV. Coachman, and ihe Cash ier, D. L. McKay, art very well imitated, but otherwise, the b.lln are altogether unlike tho genuine, the vignette in the counterfeits being a house with columns in front, while in lite genu ine notes it is a female mitin.r. ami l.,n ,,,ir full sail. The ink is blackM-Vicl the etmrawn.. heavier than in the food notes. 820's arid 50's Commercial Bank of Coliim bia In these no attempt hal,een made to imi tate -She genuine hills, of which the counterfeit. ers seem to have not even had one before th in w'lten completing the false notes; for they have the name ofiJ. Ewabt as Cashier, whereas all the good note, are signed J. A. (,ll iwrriDit 'Pirn , JJt?.?C W. CpiuiiercwL Bank Ja auother State has been usej and ihe word r..inn.L,. n.i Carolina, appear ta,nive been added vhaptv 5 s Bank of Camden, old issue. Tho enra ing.inthooeis,aenoiiie,tiie note, having been loston the way front, the North to Camden, be fore they were eigoedt Koine are cirrulating en tirely blank ; other have the name of (he Pre, went and Cashier, but so poorly imitated as to impose- en. no one wW i at all familiar with them. t t s uank or the Stata of South Carolina, aigued Tho. Sj.MONp, Pres't, and I) , Ie,Sau. asuRP vaatmeiv and dated Charleston. Tuey seem to be lithograplicd Iron an old bill with the State Ilouae as a vignotte, and on bad ppper, ao iinuugii i no general appearance ol the gen uine bills is- preserved, the least attention will discover their baseness Columbia Ckroniile. . tj'iestj.in nega- THE SOU I, OF WIT. .. .New Tear s verses," are as a general thing, Very long, and very flat But here ii one that is ery short, and very good. Tlie best we have seen. " Another year is past and gone, And 6ria are sad, and some are marry ;, """Kff'Wy-fiVe was born at dawn, And Forty -four dead very.. Bold winter's eoms in Icy form, Th storm unpltying pelts ; W want good fire t keep u warrrii Aad don't waafc- nothing da." " ' Richv Fmrbaiiis X.1845. Thi WiAf jifcu .,M RiMrt" Tttrzsj over Wednesday highl Whw Me.v.1 Bryge - cir. cumstance tflot has jwt bappeneoV (in night) .inc. the Digf,t of tl !b Febr-.ry, 188f), and frorn tradii ion wily ohct beftWi0ce'-reeord. haw, been kept of ucoveju (T5.V in tbe winter after the aurrendcr of CmwtMw, mimm-ii la i one night ao hard, that-loaded wagon, drove ovip tbe Mat morning, at Coutta Ferry ! terms either to be submitted in the f,.r.n of a trea. ty or iu article to be submitted by the President to Congress. The bill was twice read, and on the of reference r'Mf. 'Berrien was constrained to oppose the mo. tion for laying thie bill upon the tabic, and in the abenc ol too Chairman of the Committee of Foreign Uolatiomvthe duty devolved upon him fc moving its reference to tins committee. Mr. Benton Imped this motion would not be persisted' in, because he saw no violation of par liamentary rule in withholding from the Commit, tee nanifR1. a hill againat the rubstanoo of which they bad'alreudy reported. Mr. Bagby opposed ihe reference of the bill, beaausc the eil'eel would be to smother it. .,,'i'he' Veae and-N..ys- v,v..re theo called ,.n tl.e motion to reler,. and it was decided in th live, thus : Yeas Merer, Borrow, U'lyarrL Brwien Clay- torn .Crittenden", Dayton, Kvans, Foster, Francis, Huntington, Johnson, Mernrk, Miller. Morehead. l'earcePliel.s, Porter, Kites Simmons, Uphain,. n.MT,.uu. vv of.uuriuge Nara Mr Alien, Ashley,. Atchison, Ath. erton, Bagby, Benton, Ureese, Buchanan, Col. quU. Dickinson. Dix, Fairfield, Hanncgati, Hay. wood, Huger, Jarnauin, Lewis, Nile, Sevier, Sturgeon, Teppan, Walker, and Woodbury 23. The bill was therefore luiil on the table. IlotrsK nr RfKREsE vf i f !VB "After I lid read. ing.of.ihe Jounial. ihc II out,., went into Commit tee of the Wbble and contibund the disciieaion of the bill to graduate and re.'uce the ptauo of, pub lic lands, to iIkj hour of 1 o'clock, P. M. when I the debate, by a Resolution adopted yesterday, war- to end. .The ijouee then proceeded to vol. on the a metidinent,. Tlie on olH-rcd by ' Mr. Wtewarl, of Peniieylvania, for ro-etiaiHinir the law for di'stributing H.o pMreo.l of the sales of the public lands among l)i Stale, ftaa ;ej.;c. leu. Another amendment was- rejected, when an amendment ufl'.. red by Mr. Carry, of Maine, which is a a;ibiittit f.,r the bill was adopted. The Committee then rose and reported the subs ilute to the Ilmise. It. provide that when any Public land shall have been unsold more lh..n twenty years, ft may be entered in quanlittee not exceeding one hundred sod sixty ai res at ono dollarper acre. When unsold twenty, and less than thirty. ar, add seventy. five feu's. VVhen upward of. (dirty ywar. at fifty cent per. acre. J he-acl-not to apply to laud in the Territories. The applicant to mike oath that he enters for his own exclusive benefit, patent not to issue for five yef after entering. Mr. Vinton, of Ohio, moved' to lay. the bill on the tablev Carried Mi to 9S ' Mr. Madison's opinions Among tho many wise thing left by the illustrious Madison in his writings, we know none so just in its sentiments or so finely expressed as the following passage, winch we find in his " Letters of lielvidiua." Nothing could well be more opportune to sub. jert now. before the pnbllo :: "War in, in f.irt, the true htirae'of F.recufive aggrandizement. In war a physical force is to be created, and it is the Rvecut'ive will which a lo direct it. Iji warllie public Ireomire ar to t, uiilocKcd. aml ii ir the Kxerniive hand whJrh -lo dispense them. In war the honors and the emoluments ol office are to Uu inulliplied, ami it r-.veculive paironnce under ohioh lliav are to be enjoyed. It i. in war, fi.ial'y, ih.it laurels are to be gathered, and it is the Executive brow they arc to encircle. The mroiigeM paions ,m.J nt iiu.Bi uaiiivroue voiiiiiieys-,,.. I . in..,-,.. breast ambition, avarice, vaniiv, the honorable or venial "love of fame are all ii consoiracy against the desire and the duty of peace. ' " Hence it. has grown into an axiom, that tho Rxectitive is the department of power most dis tinguished l.y its propenwiv to war; hence it ia the practice of aD States, in proportion as thr-y are free, to disarm this propensity of its influence. "A the heft praiie, then, that can bo pronoun ced on an Incentive Magistrate is, tjiarhe ii the friend of 'ace a praise that rices in its value an there may bo a known capacity to shine in wHr n it imift be one of the most sacred duties of n tree people i,. ui.irW the firm N in the' socie ty of principles that may stimulate the hopes of nil other Chief Magistrates, of another propensity, to intrude into qiiemions on which its gratification depend. If a free people he a wige people, aUoj they w ill not forget that the danger of surprise c.u .ice. uc A,, jjii-iii rs wneii r ne advocates if r the prerogative of war can sheath it in a symbol ot peaoe.'" h,..'h person apply, n,r t.i be admitted na . hrne fi,i. ; ..I in Brat will lie reipnre.l i produce a .ej.ilir.tr of Ihe Uum, t;, f hl. ,;, ila heal and wnli the iR,,aiur of n. C,.,k, ,Mini( lal ihut such applicant i r.'.idcnt of .uch l-OUOIV. nd. Thai he nr ,li ,trt.,,vr,. TSt.r not deemed to hp uliolic or lunatic Jul Thai ihe l;ut ..f ,u, h' applicant, or of hi or her I'u.ei.la, iir i,,.l aullic,,,,, enot,a hm r hep In py f.r rduralioiv. The Honrd lm ..peiicd n r.irreapoiijrnce wiih an nr.iv'.'il rii.ro.,.1,.1,. ;.. .... .... .. . . . ' .... ". .....nr ia,e, iof in., rduratifln. ! el the lllmd. ... enuble it to deie.mine whether the apripriati,,!, for I lieir benefit ,n I., better expended in ..pi ling a r-chu.,1 tur ihem wilhin tbe Male or by "ndiiiirlhem i.li.on.1. It, ,,r mean time, it j. hoped, that every County will make reiurna to Ihe Board .,f the number, wj und of i', destitute blind per auua within its Im.ilw. in ihe mnonei already indicated WII.I.IAV1 A. (iliAIIAM, ''"itirm tJt t'jticio liiturary 0,.ard. Teh 3rd, j Hiandard, Hi9hland Mraaenger and New I)ewiin. ai i.irrtiiin each. thi; ia.i;itit ati:i wtallIjoy, FmnoitiMl Truslce-, 'J'll It. !i(e of ruHhnin. ihe churnpii.ii of ihe Aiitori--ran Tur, will aiand ihe nnweiir- Min n. u;.,L. Pordv Vai. uml will lie lot lo marea at $30 th ea foo payahlo brC.ro the Mure i uken away Marc will ho hid ar;ntj rent, per day.. All Mare, that do n,.tnMurn in H i,..iil .ondilion, aowhen sent to the hoiM,, will not mil be. harmed f,r the feed of the Mar IfOllliltT JOHNMJN 1IV8I.OP. P.'b. S. IS 6t In this City, by Ihe Rev. Mr. Wwarda, Mr. Alex ander llardie lo Miss Elizabeth Woodward. lo w l ouiity, on Ihe .'.Hi int. by the Kev. J. K. Eilwurils, Mr. Spencer K Kiddle, of I'iilsboroiigh, to Mira Mary 'IV White,, daughter of. tho Jut "'William White. Near Louiburg, on the ,r.th iuat. Uy Ij,v. J. )uft Mr. James Tin ner, of Cri cnville County, Va. to.Mi Elirubeth It. dadghtor of N'cthan Patterson, 1. uf Franklin County. Near Wilmington, Mr. JSme M. Stephen to Mi'(.'hritiana, daughter of Il.'miel Handera. Ksq In Carteret, Mr. Iletijaintii Iecraft to Miss Mary K., daughter of Itridges Arentlell, Eko I., aj ,i i ... .. .. ' in iiew.ocro, nir. jonn r. ti. fllcLotter to Was Narcirsa E M. Paul; 24, 1 Tbie anaendment allowed members to oeud fl fre letter per diem. la (inilford ('ounty. Col. James Nely,. at an ad vanced age. Col. .V, roprefHanted lhat County in the I.egilature soma years ago, aiid waa on of ila auh slunUal cilizeiia. In Oiutlow, Ur. Joaeph ('.. Wallace, iu th 37l!r jtear of his age. fn Newhern, John B. Dawson,. Esq. Sheriff of (Craven County. T.ITK Of Norlll Carolitrd.- Wayne Couniy Coun ..f Pleas aud yuaner Sewtoii. .oenilr Term, 1844. !m. Peckine and Joal.ua Blrnra, r, Uaina Peacock. Original Allaciment. It appearing lo Ihe aaliafartinn of the Curl, thai ( Barna Peacock, the leefondant in Ihu ca. is not a. inhabilant of lbi Btaie; It i theretore ordered, lhat publication bo mad. for six week in Ihe lileigh Ue- 1 gialer, nnlifyinil sid Debjmlai.l lo Iw and appe.ir br lure th. Juaiice of tl Court of Plea and Quaih-r neaaiuna, at tlie Lourt houae in Waynesboro , on th third Monday in February next, ilieu and ihrrr lor plevy nr plead to i.aue, or judgment final will l rrn derrd sain'.i him. and properly levied on cohJenin ed to Plaintiffs claim. . . ' " Wiine-. John-A Grron. Clerk of our aaid Curt, (OT JkVK Ol' NOHTI1 CAROI.I1V A KT wii. C'oim-i r. In the Court ol Equnv,, Autumn Term, IHM. ' William Trace, Plaintiff, Aftinfit John M. Peace and oilier I.'rjlndunlt. XHE DILI., snd amended llill, in tli abovren- idled cause, aria forth, in aulwlani e. iliui il,. t.i. J.epli leaoeot v uke t u..ly, died intealate, and ' without iu, leaving ceilxio pcra.in haiud in the aid Dill, a 4 llKtcndiinta, toa beira al Law, and wnh. ihe I'laiiil.ir, entitled in ce.t.on rigtits, and proportion lobi. 1,'unl i;tmo lhat he died 'poa.oased ol certsirt' lanJa fjiccilird in Hi bills a a lenanl in com mon with the Plainiirr, and of cerlin otl.ar land in acarrolty ; and the hill prays, for reasons ael forth me. em, thai llie ai.l lafida may be aold, and Ihe pro reeda passed' lo the punie. according. to Ihoir reai.ee lire inlerrats in the .anl land. And, ii appearing to ihe aaliafuclion of Ihe Curt, thai ccriain.nl ihe Uefendanta in the aaid hill, named, are' not iiihabitunta of ihin Wiale, and cani.ol be served' won prnere, thai i. lo .ay, Kzekhd fuller and Nai.rv hia wife, John (I. Ilsr, and Margaret Harr, HolmrV U. Poller, William Kint, Campbell and Blia a!th (late hhwibeth King,) hia wife, Vfarhariah ' H.irinijii and Harriet hia wife, I'leaaunt M. Mask, and Hsrnurl' Munn and Cathariiir, his wife, Thornsa LM.ra aiid Juliet hia wife, Cbrisiofihor C. Il.ll, Wilham P. Ah, Iuimw aud Martha (la's Martha Aga hia wife, Hardy Clement, nd Maria A. hia wile, liherl L. Prge and Harriet K hi wife, Jamoa C. Uoi and Elisabeth N. hia wife, Wiuit U. Lyon and .Lucy U hia wife, and Charlea I'fjftfuro Il ia, i heofore. on motion, ordered that an advertiwment iiic'uiadr in Ihe Iwlfiilh Keaistrr a newspaper publialied si the City of Kaleigh, for six week., notifying ihe said 1). fendants-of th. cope ..f llie aaid hillav and warning tb.m, and each and Cverv of ihem lo tic snd appear in this Court, at the (Joint llou,iii I!aleirb, on the fir-t-Monday after ihe lourlh Monday of March next ; then and thereto anawer, plra.l or demur, otherwias the, raid bill will be taken for confessed by them, and heanl ex pari r. Witne-a, Pr.am Hiais, Clerk and Master of the mid Court of Equity, the first Monday after lb fourth Monday of Keptember, A. IV 1844. PERKLN 11U8UEE, C. M. B. Pr. Adv. f0. 12. fcjtTATE ol .oi th Carolina. 3 County. Cour " -n " Tur,day Feb. , Tie Poet office bill waa then taken up, when M. Merrick expressed a hope that it would be Wted tfpoa and not talked about, so that it my be finaTly despatched thi. day. .HV, Buchanan' amrnJinent to the amendment nfM.ai.w-.. .... .,,.t.t v.,. it v .. viine-. jonn-A Urrn, t-iera ol our aaiu i-.oun, aaiai.ounoi equity at olheec I ti . re ected-Yea. 17, JWy.l,, pffice. ,h. Uiird Monday in November. A. D- ISO. lb. 4tbda, of February, 184$ Maari ouit ol Equity . Jmea A. Uaniala, in Robert Perkina, ft ah. To Mr. Uobrt Porlwn end Mr. Jeremiah Prrkina. Sin- You ar'a hereliy notified, peraonally lob ond appear lf,.r the Judge olour aaid Court at lb Court ' House in v illiamaiorh on the hurt Monday of Febru rv . Dif, li en snd Itirr, lo snawef lb several adc. ' (talioo. of the original Kill of tbo aaid Jame. And further, you are enjoim-d and roairainod from roller nng or authorising lo br collected from th aaid lame, a certain bond i ecu ted by him to Robert Prrkina, for Five hundred and twenty-five dol'ara, and dated and duo 8th of July, 1 843, under penalty of on Ihonaand dollars: Wit nc, C 0. Haaacll Cleik and Meter, In oor aaid Court of Equity at ouW. and under eJ of office Pr Ai ft ti1. ISO, A. QUEEN, Clerk. .1 e. rt, HY8SEM.,C.M. 12,

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