s?- . t av sis s Ss 1 ' I. II wwmiu I I X'1" Published every Friday, iiy Wkbtox It, GALK9tBUlor ami Proprietor, at Tlwee Dollars per Aum.uu FI1IDAY, FEBKUAI2Y 23 1813. ' NO. 20, RALEIGH REGISTER, KA LEIGH. N. cT Tuesday, February 18, 1815, CAPTAIN RYNDERS. Tht Democratic Press is -very severs in ill com ments on this gentleman. The News calls him the keeper of a Roulette table, and Gov. Wright baa re fused to give him the lucrative office of inspector of Pot and Pearl Ashes. The " Express," which was most active iu'exposiiig the true character of the Cap tain in the recent campaign, when the Democracy of New York countenanced and wed him, very happily reminds the-iu of the past, now that tbry abuse him. Tiie " Express" informs them t hat 'lie Sad'Captaiie. COMMUNICATIONS.' SUPREME COURT. Opinion! have been delivered since our last Report iu tlie follower case : By Daniel, J., iu Cox t. Brown, from Kaudolph i was by the aiwemuieu ueiuocracy ul iaimiiany, se jodgtnent of the 8. C. reversed ; judgment here as in lected a Delegate to the Syracuse Convention, to the County Court. Also, in Etheridge v. Bell, from uoiuinuto ' a cauuidale fur Governor" that he Carteret; directing a venire dt nova. Also, in Clark ' went there, and in association and deliberation with I. Quin.from Lincoln ; atttrmiug the judgment below. ; the delegate: , helped to throw Houck overboard and By Nash, J , in McGto t. Houston, from Duplin ; nominate Wwoiir. The " Express" drily remarks affirming the judgment below. Also, iu Moore r. f that if good enough to rrpreseut the CominerciaJ Eyi- Gwynn, front Caswell ; directing centre dt now poriuin in such an assemblage, he is good euough to rents, but by the) late appropriation of our Legis- FOH TIIS REGISTER. BEAK AND DUMU. Mr. Gales: 'J'he late Legislature has done more lo acquire lor herself commendation in it vie act fur llie instruction of Alules, thau all sue his done from tho commencement of her Legis lation up lo this time in the way of true yeney - olenco Next to the blessed Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the gift of his written word to Man. this is real Philaiithropliy. To take rational be ings, who in this Slate, up lo tins lima have been shut up in awful iiiiuciicsh, Imt to their parents, to the country, and above all to Iheinnelvea, capa ble of doing nothing but to give a few aujiia to ena ble thetu to make known their wants to tbir pa view, a picture on wcli a visitant from a happi. r sphere might least his eye inexpressible del.jfhl. We re,Kat, H.,ilt, that ih.s ttrreno a bode ! mortals is 81l,, a c1L.ril.B1! w,ei i. A, ..I .!,, .7, ,. , . Yie.Pi.r.i ; K-i ill lie h tea over to UieClia an ol the .luint . ...... n ,,,,u H(MV II , 1 MP lit ill Its h.t. r.i iloia takinp (),e ,raU prppar,,, fr,lrm. ''he n rk of the Senate liud in cli.nge ilie I'o.x coiilaininif tin; r. hints, which llie I'r. s. lilt iil of the K nale oimneil iiu, handeil tin- nml wnv..a lnu 1.... . . ...- ... .1 i ..... , M:i nrp "li r HIP R-iii I'l.ilif ,, , nature, thef! is inucniu please the cyl-, an. I i;i-, ,n. ate the mnul. N.i'.ii'e is mver devoid .it beamy i ! one, Who in a true admirer. Hot sin. old we be ; cut olF trofil Iho i'i,ii:i;inpl itnni ul I lit scenes ul beauty and grand eiirlhat dehht and atiunsh us I in the notvr'it ifnr!,l. nillce, Air. .ilki r, of MisstsHipiii, hu rtiul tlieiii 111 the hcatiii of the two llinis. s. Air. Walker roe, u ln-ii tins process w a- emli il, an,) uitid, Iho ( 'onimitu e h.itp c "I ihe oti s and ilirecteil me to I1.1111I the re- Mill lo I ip I'r. .I,l, ,.l ,.l II,.. s. .. ,1.. Ai M iu.H,,, 1 1,, ,. nci.MI null Ul.r IIHMIiini" . IU:,) rn.,i.l, 1 aim coiiicinpiaiuni 10 inn rtis m ,ir, vvliul), m i rind, -J many nisiu.'ces excite emotiuus ul pleasure 111 no 1 lv. I'nll, Alto, in Allen c. Wood, in Equity, from JolmsUm, di recting lift bill ts be disniLwed. THE CONVENTION OK 1767. The names and characlera of those devuted Ke- pubticans who signed the Declaration of Indepen dence, have been perpetuated in every furm of illus tration by the Press and Engraver, as well as the Pencil and the Pen ; whilst the Patriots who trained be inspector of Pot and Pearl Ashes. Captain Rym- lature, thirty odd can now have the opportunity ukrs was a delegate to the t ouvenlion lo nominate 13 members of Assembly, and he was chosen to pre side over one of (he largest Democratic meetings held iu the Park during the late campaign, and was more loudly cheered and welcomed, than any other npeak- of being taught, to think, read, write, and all the higher branches of learning, when they will be no longer 1 lax lo their parents, but be active enterprising citizens, capable i f entering into an v branch of husineKfl. and 111 muiw him!:mi.: ti.,i er. When the " Enpreaa thou held up the t.aiiU; 1 . , , ' . , . .. out-strip those who have a. I u po.vers of and his clan in their true color;, ,t was iu danger of : . r bludgeons and mobs, and no Democratic paper - , a,,d Wkmr. ,n healthy scion ; and we the present Constitutiou of the United States, at the I jd iu, attacks ; but now the Captain liai luiished his Vt "lur- 10 Ka.v' 1l,at i'" lake any nuu,- headoi" whom was Wasui.nutom hiiuoeif. are not teu- job and the imrtv casts him olH Tiio " EAires.,"su'- i l'er "f AJules, who have received educat araliy known. Their names must be sought fur in ! gests that if llie Captain was good enuugii lo be thus and been" laulit lo work, u .:h a ,i!,e , nnimicr ...I... I.-,.-., ..I 1... I .1 . the musty pajes of some book, where Ihey have been usd iu the eanipaigu, he ought nut lo be now ihronn ; m kp ,p i t , . , aside iu this way. j ,,, n(HI,'uw.fu ci!i2e,w. rfn:r(or wili it not bo w sduui and true bpnevoleiic; in all our County Courts, to scare li out the Mutes, and at once, t.i iev y a tax of seven) v five dollar for pscii. allowed to r-niaiu too long in unmerited oblivion. The claims of these grsat and good men to the grattful remembrance of posterity aro founded, nevertheless, upon the substantial basis of the national prosperity, under that happy Constitution, by which the detects of lbs original Confederation were eileclually remedied, I sud the thirteen iudependent States wero iudisoiubly consolidated into ouo powerful sovereignty. OFFICE SEEKING POLITICAL SLAVERY. Sir. Polk, tin? President elect, reached Washing ton on Thursday last. The expectation of his arrival bad filled that City with hordes of hungry o.iice etkers, who swarm about the purlieus of llie Cupitul, importuning Aleinbers of Cungress lor their influence. Poor Mr. Polk! who does not pity hiiu Feelingly will lis(xolaim, ere he has been a Week in Washington, iu Ilia language of Mr. Van Huiien ' Our snlferings it intolerable." Such a scramble -for Ollice was never witnessed iu this Country, as will bo seen ul the Federal City fur the ntxt few mouths. And what j will be the consequence ? A perpetuation of thut galling and most huiniiiutin political slavery, which for now nearly twenty years, has made men subser vient, craven-hearted, the fawning drones of power which has induced even high-niiiiJed men " To crook the pregnant hiiies of tho kuee, . That thrift blight tollow lawutug." When will men, in tins Country of boasted freedom, wilk erect in native dignity, a. id enjoy all their rights u Freemen, without lot or hindrance SOUTHERN QUARTERLY REVIEW. This ably edited publication for January, we have had the pleasure of periling. The 0ieu:g article oil "d to have them ready lo oe sent up to Iv.ileijjh European Education, or rather a review of the late Report of tiio Hjii. Houach AlAjnt.Tjf AlaHsachusetts, VIRGINIA U. . SENATOR. There will be no election of .Senator for Virginia his year. The Locofocos, having a majority in the Stale Senate, ou Thursday postponed, indetiuitely, by 1 party vote, the resolution from the House to pro seed to the election. This ,., decisiv o that there will ie uo election this sessiou. is one of the beat productions upon that oubject we have ever read. That single article is wurlit the. sub scription. .'Eivp Dollars) for the year. The article on tho " Memoirs of Aaron Durk," is one of the moat impartial, and we may be allowed to mi,!. 0111; of tliu most just views of tho lifa of that citru.;j!U4,y.uiau ever published. POSTAGE REFORM. The bill fpr tin; reduction of lV,tat;e, as it passed tho Senate, makas every Ivllcr or package, weighing Ipps lliuu half an ounce, u si(e letter, and reduces the charge on a single letter for any distance to fire cents, and five cents a half ounce for any additional weiglil. newspapers 01 less than itiuu square inclies (.(! inches by 3d) are lo bo charged the same as at present, but carried Jtec for any distance less than thirty miles. Newspapers of over 19(10 square inches (there are none such regularly published j and Alaja- zines are to be charged two cents an ounce Printed Muttter two and ajialfceuts an ounce ; Cir culars, &c. unsealed, two cents each. The Frank ing Privilege is abolished, 11ct.pt Jot MtaUitr of as soon as Air. Cook returns ami gets the school into operation .' 'J'he friends of the poor who "are not able to educate themselves, we hone, will An what they can to forward this heaven directed c inse, ami we think that the woahhyof our Slate, 111 the -lilfrreiit counties, will only need to know, that the school is open lor the reception, and in struction of their children, ami that Ihey will at once embrace tin; opportunity of sending-' !hir children to Raleigh where it is" heal'liy, anil at all times can have easy access to thni,. anil after a lew years have them return to the bosom of their lainili.es, the most active, kind, inlel'igent and in. duslriotis of its inmates. I 1,111 only wish, that we cojild at 1 Ins tune, have it. in otirjjowerto in vite the attention of ihe Iriends ol llie Iihnd to educate their children, Out we fondly hope that they will booh have the opportunity. FRANKLIN. way inferior Iu those prudiu ed by a survi y of thu woiks of ojliire Not liut the u oiks ul An are equal to iIiuks ol nature; but .from the fact that the emotion excited, in eoiitfnpl.iti;i,r t!m luauli- lulnd hiuslied productions of art, is a pound feeling, arising from the acromp -iiiymg idet, lli.i: he, who is the author of ihilt hi, h delights us in art, n lim-se!i', tho creature uf llu Gicat au. llior of nature. We lei ii-.e in this Metropolis, have before u, I a fiui.-iied spi'cnnen of an lu:ri-iii-,i beauty, in our in iuilii-ent Capitol, mi which, iho.-e ule. ad. ! mire bymme'ryof lorui. Ion un-js of lies ,0, ami p . j egance i-t ex...i-..iiu..i, can 'ize, wi Imut s.itit-: ; j and should 'no eye ue t.O ;Mi"d in llie conteoqila- : i lionet th.i f-.jm.I, ed.iiie, it iii.if itii .iree.ilny- j relieved i.v sicpp,ng u,lo ihe siu.oi brick ollice i on ti.e ( apit .1 hipiare, and ,'a.iiig with aduura- tion i.pon the ele...',iui, .111, 1 vpleudidly exflciiled j p:iiu:nij, ol j 'n- ac, i'mpl;.-:icd Arils', Air J. Uahi', ihiw 011 ,1 vi.,1 lo ,,11: (jiy. You will meet vi li a reception .-' . 1, ;i ,, 4 ,, ,',,-,, . ,U(,f t ie most ford, tl aii.l giei-.ibie ciiaracter s.ich , as a gent t manly aflist cm 'ivp, and be permit. ' led to le.isl your eyes on pam'tngs whit-li are rare. 1 ly surpai d, it equalled, by any artisn of our dy, 1 or any otliur, 111 the opinion 1,1 A Lovrt: ok Jlifi DfAl.'TIM'L, RlLntuil, Feb. lljih, lil'j. I'-, proct cded Willi a for- I'tion ol.tlir liail.iliiti'. anil roii- Witli ilor ai.i.oiiiici Mi nt thai James I I'lini si 1. noil (in, roe Al. Ilnl. 'I I 1 ui.i 1 ortte una, ueif t 1 1 v t lerli il I'r. . fiilrul an, .,. i)( ,hf t' St.il. s, j lor four yean after llie till of March, Afltr which, adilressuiei linns. If lo llie !Sri,a. , lors, he situ), the S,.aio Iihiiii.; prrloimnl ill " hiisnii ss lor w inch they "fuel, lb,. House will now return to lln-ir ciiauib, r. The .sieaker ami llie melllliets lin n rr.s,. and re. maiiietl sluiiUiii' until die .Senators lu.l tired. ''he proceediiiiri ' t(. coiiinntlso on the iarl ol Hie House wi re then eooriirrrd in, an. I a Ri snliiiniii u .iS adopted for 'oiniiii.' : ( 'nllMllilli'O In tyinl 1(11,11 Mrsnrs. I'olk ,'Ulil l.illa- an-l inform lliein of (heir flection. Anil Ihe Iloiiso inlionriieil. re- F MORE, NEW STATES. On Thursday last, a' bill passed Ihe House of Re iressntatives, for tho admission of two new States nlo the Union, to be formed of the Territories of ;iorida and Iowa. The passuge of the bill is more loubtful in tho Senate. Qj Recenlly tho keeper of a Li pior Store in N ash rille, Tennessee, enticed two brothers, the oldest tbout 12 yoars old, to drink whiskey fur a wuger, to lach an exteut, that one of them was completely tupiued, aud the oldest died oil the spot. The villain uglit to be " tattooed" all over once a mouth, and Ave cayeuue pepper rubbed over him. A FLOATING THEATRE WHAT NEXT On the North River, a large Steamboat is at pres ent undergoing transformation to a Theatre a float ing Theatre with galleries, boxes, pit, scenes, and machinery, us well as with commodious Cabins for the dressing rounis of (he performer.,. 1 This Jliililln dra ij.ii ira is to be ready iu the early Summer, to sail up the River, and to amuse the people of the interior, who-'e residences lie upon the banks of the Hudson, and so 011 up the line of the Canal, and pefhap lo tho great Lakes, themselves. The concern is to pro ceed with a Priming Press and compositor fur the punting of tho bills of the play- ID The D.invilli RiiiwiTKii is offered for sale, )r. Atkinson, its Proprietor, being too much engaged therwise to attend to it. The paper is 'published in )anville, a flourishing town iu Virginia, and in the lands of an industrious and competent man will be ouetless profitable. V The Hon. Lewis Cass has been chosen to be a euator of the United .Stales from the State of Alicui in for six year from and aficr the 3d day of March ext. .. .. ID" Tiio Hon. John W. Jonks, of Virginia, now is Speaker of the House of Representatives of the ailed States, positively declines bouig a caudidute r re-election to Congress PERILOUS FEAT. An iucideul illustrating the fearless spirit of the w York Firemen, occurred during the binning of 1 Tribune bailding on Wednesday last The rail s', which tdjtd the roof of the True Snu building trout, caught fire, aud woAld in a few minutes have ifflmunieaLsd the flames lo tho interior, wheu Mr. t-VSETT, foreman of Engine Company 22, being on rotf, seized the rails and endeavored to tear them . Finding them too hot, he threw anew upon ' and finally succeeded in wreuchiug away the in railing. H was left stauding an the eoss of WoTnlve stories from the (round, in danger of Pping from the yielding snow to the ground ! He fwnUed away from his perilous position, and his Wly foiee was soon beard bid Jmg his gallaut fel w laborers to be "careful how they moved the (L.r Tho veteran Editor of the" lliilsburo Uscuider in oiiteiiiig upon the lilh volume of his paper, says " Il has been a subject of remark, that piibiiciilions iu this country are geusrally short-livrd : that they are kept up by their projectors a few brief years, and then lull through fur the want 01 patronage, while their publishers are driven lo some more pnililable mode of obtaining a livelihood. It has been b no slight degree of perseverance that our publication has been saved from the lot of so many of ils cotempora ries. Having at ens time three-fourths of the county politically opposed lo us, surrounded 011 all sides willi difficulties, and with only dark prospects ahead, few would have borne np before the norm. Rut our little .hark pursued its way through all these rough water and now, alter the toil and labor of tweuly live years having overcome niauy of the difficulties, wo are full of hope that we shall be able to go 011 through lha remain der of our voyage with fairer winds and a smoother sea. ' Thanks to those of our frieuds who have stood by us under all our difficulties aud triuls from the commencement of our publication to this day We are happy to lind on Our list many who were Sub scribers lo the first number which we issued, and ma ny others who are but continuations by the sons, of S ib-scriptious commenced by their fathers twouty-tive years ago. " We think we can with confidence appeal to our readers lo say that ours has beeu 110 liioe-ssrviiiir course. We have battled against majorities when we thought them wrong, hrmly and zeamus . . little regarding the loss to ourself in a pecuniary point uf view. Principle has been our polar slar, and we have followed it, despite the changes which nieii might irrakev And after laboring so unceasingly in Ihe cause of principle, we have the consolation of believing that our labor has not beeu in vain. The principles we have advocated have gradually gained friends, and now we have the gratification to know that a majority of the people of Orange are with us that a large majority of the people of the Stale are with us yea, that the honest voice of a majority of the people of the -Nation is with 11s. Truly men may change, but principles, are eternal." FOK Tilt KKoJSTER. Mr. Editor: This magnificent old world, in which we live, lias a great deal of interest in it, after all that has been said in its disnrai.-e, and to uher J ng disparagement, by misanthropes and ancho rites. Religionists, who are strangers lo that at tainable degree of piety, which reconcile! Us pos sessor to all the alilictious and sorrows of this life, ,and which causes "all things to work lor good to them that love God, are constantly abusing, and persecuting the world, as unfit for their abode, lly such it is frequently culled a gloomy wilderness, a barren waste, a cheerless desert, through winch they are compelled lo tra vel, on their pilgrimage to ih.it happy clime, where the bluBsems ol Paradise shall'blimni around them in perennial freshness ; where: the verdure clad : hills shall bask iu unclouded sunshine ; where ' Ihe sighs of anguish Ste never heard, a:.d v, here 1 the tears of bil'erness never fall. There isanoiher class ol persons who are eipf.d. ly severe in their denunciation of this ealumui. atod dwelling. place of mortals : 1 mean niisan thropeg. Few men or women, are. naluralli, 11, is- 'romi;h;$; in Congress,. On M outlay, lint Senate, passed tin; bills Iroin thu House, making ipiunntioii.. lor Ihe payment ol kewiluiiouary ami nltief 101110111:1.4, iur Hie I'nsl Ollice l)niurl incut, ; due k ii'id for it-i.iirinn; ami building lorn lieu I ions, . lor Ihe year iniling l!u: ;iOlli June, lHPi. .Several other lulls were cnnaiiltied, und or. den d lo lie enioss-eil lor a third reading, .among w It ic li was the hill lor the ascertain iiunl ol llie claims I'or French spoliations prftir Iu 181)0. 'Fins was ordered lor en. grossinc'iit, bya vote o Itj to L". The (looso was occupied on business re- lalinu- to Ilia Territories, lis a sixciul order, together I se,era' hosniess lulls, providing- lor 7't-r- j niuriiii luipniveiitt'iiiK, vveie l.ivor.ilily acted ! on, ami laid nsnlo lobe repniled. The Coin- I nil I ire (imk up Ihe lull providing lor Ihe adinls- ! sion of low, 1 and Florida into llie. Union on ; a 11 equal footing vt 1 1 h the ol In r Stales ; mid, ; suit some nine sjiriii m 111 i,.ii iiiereon, tin: i I Comiiiitiri.. rose und r ported pluoress. The j : House tlicii adjourned. WASHINGTON CEI.EI1R ATION. 'fulfil. That Saturday, 'J'.'nd lost., (Wash- i mgtoii's Uirlli-d.iy)wdl be ,111 appropriate time lor every Wssliingtoiuan, ol tho Teinpernht 0 annv, I to show Ins colours. AVWrrv ihfri fini1, t hat we will coiiiineni'.r. ' j llied .y, Providence permitting, by a I'rvo ssmn , ami inure, or Aituresses, sinieii to the occasion at the D.iplist Church, at II o'eioik, 1'. AL, anil thai all th" friends of Temperance bo earnestly invi'eil to 11,111 us. ! n.'i ,',, lh.it the' Popris in our City, be res- peclluliy requested, through .the Sccictaiy, lo . pubhsh-the. sine. JOHN R II MilMSON, I're.'t. 1' AIcGowan, Sec. V. T. S. Kaleigh I Dili Feb. 1,15. 1'. S. Fur lorniing" I In I'rucpsniou, (lie f 1 1 n ml are requusled lo timet at the Town Hall al :l o' i A Ciieap Classical and Englisli fcT'IIOOl,, Commenred this day St RinsoTTOX AemtMt.K milPs Soul li of Italpih, on Ihe fctisgs Uos'l lend e r ,m Kalrigh to Payplipville. It is Intuitu by a (Jridusip ot lb University of .North Car oln.s 'wl,.iconie linthlv rreoinmeniled for the Liter ! r.v """iniii.'iii.. moral habiu and genersl ijualific lions, iiive.snry Inr eten-ive iisplu-iir in s Pecep lorol -111b a .-rbiHil. Terms : Reading, Writing and 1 Aiithmeii.', flK i,p hnjber leatirhp ol Ei,glmh,7 5t), j riiissira and M iilu inaoe-, 5f I S. per Session of livo 1 month. (j j- .NnMn.dr,,, a,miri f, , P te,m th in two in,, nibs unittn butt, or from ibe time he cu ter In ihe end ol llie Spni,n. flip Academy is l.icate.l 111 n heshhy rei-ion, and in lb mid -1 of a moral and highly respectable neigh builioitj. Hoard ran Ise tud cHiiveeieui, in good Hnuies, with respectable fai'inlirs, Ivr fimn $4 to $b per month. WILL'S W-JI ITAKER, A. G. RAN KM Peh. 3. H4.V I I 3w Proprietors. l ariityiivf dollar K;tarri. A atv iy frnni die subscriber ahoul lbs last of Vi .Noveuilier list, n ni s'r.. uul uuilieU hnziii, ah. ut eicbieen or ivveuiv y irs old. Mie epeaks ipm i. und is ladirr over ihe nnlinaiy lieit;l,t ol must women. I espi-il she mil try to p as free I will "r ii'w.inl m any per.-mn tbiti will d' lier u mv ri -ineiier 111 liranville coiinlv. IV. of ii'im.iii' her in ai.v la I. itnit I net ht-r. liesl d. ii.e )ni the .-stuie n Mr E. V drier. R. II. t OI.FV. A.lin'r of TIIO?. CUEEV. dee'd. Feb. 0. tsiri. 13 It. her 1.1 ATI: III' NiMflll i:Klll.lN.tlKnr- niiin I'ue.s r- tmptiior t ourl of Law, Fall 1 erin, It. I I. Elliabeth WilliforJ, rt I Ni.tih W ilhlord, . Vrl'itimi fir Ihnirrt. It appearing lo ibe Hatist'iefinn of tho (a)urt, that the 1 1,-1. -u, l.ini Noah H ilufoiil, is not no inliiiliiimit of this .Ni:1ie, it h or.lried ill il pul liriiiion br made lor three m, nulls in the lining!! Keui-ler and 1ml- pemlelit, published III the I by uf ' ileitib. llnll the )p. Ii-u.boit q.pe o at Hie nrxt 'I rim of ibis Court, to be held in ibe Town of V mien, on the fourth Monday in Maieh next, ami pie id, nnsiver, or demur, 01 ibn .-aid I'eti 1 ,1 hi will be hoard ejuirr, and drciee made aeenohnir lo ill prayer ibcreol. Winies. William D Valentine, Clerk of our anid C I nl oflief, thu louitl, Monday uf Nrpiriubsr, II. INI4, and in ihe tlllili year of Ameiicaii I11 depeiide nee. W M I). VALENTINE, C. H. 0. JtfSS Tlirnei' V (IiliftloM !ut-p f.,r .tV, (irKSTlllNS Hill SI'U- 1' A ll fill S, reeommeuited bv Ili-hup lv,s, i,s iiuhI excplleui in itsi II. and purlieiibiily auioil le to ihe snu ol Lent. , l-'nee I H (' eenl-. Also, Senn.in of lii"bnp Ivt.a', ul (ieneriil Coiivinii.,n ol the 1'ioiest Bllt I. piseop.il Church Price I -rive ulul a hull ernl. Also, I iileelieon, by sinne auihor, to bo laught oiallv. Killelnh, Feb 17, IN-I:', .." .IT A Ti: ot Worth C'nrliua.- (,3 tounly. I unit ol I-.qiiity, James A. Uunlels, AUarii On Tuesday, BluCl, Ill-ill of til next, when Mi. . inittce ,ui I' , bale. Sevei were passed he Senate postponed tho run. T-.'.is quest ion till Tim,Hil.,v M01 eheiid, on ihe p.iit of llie Com. 1 -ivel.ilirui.-., will open III,! do. I bills not of oeuernl iiiuioi linicr. ; anions which us lliat i.l unking . . . . a I l .1.1.' . 1 e . , anltiropic. liut mere are hundreds of causes 1 " ,,,:c "" V ''"'" r.aaiein nraiu n 01 the which produce misaiitlnopy. iSomenines it is the 1 ,ll"hae. 1 he u ,1 regulating postage belweeu jMK lllideri-litlie'l have iiasoeiiiled tbemaelvea to. getlier Iur llie purpose ot couducllm' u ueueial T'OIIIIIliaeiioM IlKNillfNN, under llie linn innl style of Itii'i isr, VVii.i.iiina A Co., anil taken llie hmise on .Sycamore atreel, nett door lo Vlesr. Painful V Lea's. Ii'r.pi'ellully len der 1 ng 1 heir yri vices !,, I hi ir , on 1,1 1 v 1, 1, n,l an, ,,. public ueneially in the ,ale ol Tiibiieeo, flour, Wheit, Coin, ,1. o, Ihey pie, lile slnel peisomil iitleutioli lo till husiiians eelitlsleil In them will ninlve lit.etut t,, vaiices tm eon-liiimii'ii'a ul (iioeenes nod- Prodi, , e, and a n'r 1 iniieuliir uMeniion lo iteiivin and loi wardiug piodiuu and no n ImomIi-i-. KWll. 1; HAPI'IST, SAM I, U II.I.UMS, JOH N (i. 1 1 I II l 1; V. eisbios V , Feb I.l, IS.'. 1 I a , om Hubert Perkins, et all. I'o Mi. Robert Perkins ami Mr. Jeremiah Perkins. .Vim Von are In reliv notified, oeraonallv lobe snd appear before ihe Judup ol our anid Court at the Court I House 1,1 V illuunvio 11 lb lu-.t Monday of Febru ary, IH Ifi, I hen and I tiers, to Answer llie Kpferal slle ! eiiiioiih of the original Hill of the innl Jamrn. And lorther, you are enpiinrd and rpatrained from culler. tniL' or nulbiii 1 ini! lo bo rollrrled from the said lamps, a rrrlaiu bond pxecuted by him lo Itobert Perkma for Fnr biindree and Iwenty-five dollars, iiml daieil and dup flth of July, 1 84o, under penalty ol one thousand dollar. Wimp, C. J. II a -,' I, Clprk and Muster, in our said ( ourt of Equity 111 office, and under seal of ollice the 4 th day of February, IHifi. C. II. HASSELL, C. M. E. 12. SlierilPs Sale, lit. I, al the I'-iert I luuie in Curthnsre, lurib Mon i.iv in March next, ihe lollow- J'l'JirJs of I.JIIKl, or so mueh thereof, as ali-lv llie' Tatea due Ibeienn for the year 1813. und the 1 imminent et penara of .-..nil aulp : ffl W il l, M n '" ibe I. nil ill , result of disease ; nol unlrequently of disap, mu led ambition,, .and almost as often Ihe effect of some, supposed, unfortunate mishap, in what is very significantly called "a love si rape.' Hie u. Males an.i loreigii cniiuiries w,,s consid ered, and oruered 10 be eiigrocst-d lor a llnnl reading.- Tin Dubuque claim was discussed, and on motion of Air. Phelps, indefinitely postponed. Resides llie characters mentioned above, there 1 l,e business of the .,., .. Ui pu-.-eiil.iut.i are divers others, that are such i,uiidii, ri,.i it,,,i I 111 e:W p.ot of Ibe il n, vi as ul a in I it is impossible to arrange them in any particular j '''aractcr. The IVsi-Ohue b.il Inuo tin- class. 'Ihey are sucn as sre erratic in llieir j e wa lweu : linuiah n e.,riy a'ages, ami umveuienls, vascillatino; iu (heir opimuiis, and ! r';f''"e' the sppn.pr.a'e Standing Comni'ltee. impuisive in their feelings. Persons of th s ; ''solutions of the Legisiafori M ol Al one, I l,rns description, are frequently in an ill humour with ' a"J i,,tlt"' were presented on various lupus; Ihe world to.dav. and nerfe.-i lo ,lb.,l,irt,l I "'"I slso of the Leoinlature ul the Territory ol A Now Store just opniei!, AT JOilNSTON BUSScVs OLD 3TAND, , V heco the Sulisi-nbe'r inteiids ke i-o, i-.-uaiuntiy on I hand lor Lah, a iatge lol nt , Ory ! v ir'4,ri,, l.'urtluurc, mul 'rM'l.'ry. 1 Tho Good will be sold as low as III foilt-ih, mv lie. I "''"i;'''"'"u' neiliL' snil, llial I am eoi.tlUeul I hoy as low ii iinjitiiMve m iuih'idi- And -I do hope fy mv slricl iilli'iiliiu an-l ilevullnii lo llie ahiTle bosliicsf, Hint J shall ret cite a fue run ol cusloiu. nr f as-, sure lluise who may lavur me wnb iliPir cusiiim, lhai j llollilna all. ill be wauhpli: nil ll.y palj, lo plea-p, bolh in pru r and qualily . .My .10, k- consists 111 pail uf the j lollowiu Ultlelrt : ! Br wli. r,l , l.lU .lllll V III. Il.ltil ,n k tsi ; 1 Ai ur, '00 von :tno ;tio .tin Utl llrep lliver SI) l.u k Creek J ' Jo do' S 7 Ji Patclirt's Creek I CK l.itlhi Porkelrr'k 0 Oft I (is) IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO. 4enti received from New Orleans, by tbs Ex MaiI. Pt tw in possMMsion ef intelligence " Vet. Crtn to the ?d of Jiauary, by whicb ws ' tJ might have been anlicipatasf frum the ?Pkxnrfprenow dVices, GsneraJ Biirr Aata seen completely overthrown and captured by tlie 01 the Coustitutioital Government, in whose ds k is a Prisoner awaiting his trial, which is lo !Uce befon the Coinrress. ST. VALENTINE'S DAY. Mrs. Fan (a good Whig) of this City, wife of Mr. Richako Fan. (Democrat) preseuted her husband to day, witH two bonncing boy, who already rejoice in the names of Polk and Dallas. The Parent are poor, but the fortunes of the little folks axe wads, els there is nothing in a Haste. Money or not, a man's a man, See its proof, in oar own Dick Fa.n Two at a tini ! Beat him who con ! XT We are much gratified, as we have no doubt that Ins numerous friends here will be tu learn, that Mr. ' Win. D. Cookei of this place, has been appointed Principal of the North Carolina school for the education of the Deaf and Dumb. Mr. C. te certainly well qualified for the station to which he is called, having had considerable experience in his profession. He was-for some time connec ted with the institution at this place, and did much lo advance the imprests of tlie Pupils. We as sure) our North Carolina friends, that they have secured the services of one well calculated to briii); aboOf'llie favorable results ihey so loudly auticipata.. Stauulyn 'irgiiua) Dcnur.-'ttt. 10-morrow ; railing against 11 under some rin uin stances, and exiravagiHit in their praise of it un der others. Bui, we started by saying thai tin. mundane habitation of ours-. .is not altogether as uarren 01 interest as some are disposed to repre sent it. We contend thai there is much around ue, to delight and regale a well regulated, and contemplative mind. Every where, and in every direction, there are objects of interest, and of plea sure. Who can survey. Without Ihe most pleasing emotion, the pictures of beauty sketched around us by nature's delicate pencil : " Where the rie.co!ours soen and unite. And sweetly melt into just shade and light," bringing out an exquisitely finished painting from Ihe hand- of the Ureal Master Artist ! What, this side of heaven, is more lovely and interesting, than one of our rich and beautiful evenings in Au tumn, embracing the sunset aud twilight hours I The rounded and" full-orbed sun rolls Ins burning chariot, on golden wheels, behind the circle thai limits our vision, leaving the whole Western sky, glowing with burnished gold, fading into crimson and purple. The fleecy masses of pain led ciouds, all saiurant and radian' with mellow light, move alonjf the verge of the horizon, and ascend the sapphire vault, like groups of happy spirits, mounting on their celestial plumage to tlnf quiet home in heaven. The stillness of the hallowed bour is broken only by the dying echoes of day, or The liquid lapse of murmuring streams." The rosy curtain of deepening twilight settles down upon the hilli and vales, while the fading pen cils of light, and the finely drawn lines of shade, melt softly and sweetly into each ol her, concealing Ihe ruggednesa of the frowning precipice; blend, ing the summit of the distant mountain with the back ground of sky against which it was just uuw relieved and spreading a mysterious and heaven ly charm upon the whole face of nature pre seining in one grand, harmonium, panoramic r lorida, on the sutqect ol its admission into the I I 111011. Many territorial lulis, vvbc h 11 ere y s j lerday acted upon 111 C'oiuimtieo of llie Whole, 1 were passed through their final staues, and one winch was designed to pay the Imva nub 11 lor their seivices wlh.u called oul l u 1 ri the d,putc oe twee 11 that Territory and At ssmiri. 111 l:i!l was laid on Ihe labie by a jar.-u i'iL,jnr,iy. ' The bill for the admission of Imva and Florida 111I0 lha Union as Slates occupied 1 he r 1 1, p; ol lb I day to a late hour. Il was i,c-o,r,.,-u iiy Messrs. Vinton, Bolacr, Levy. .V V. Po'ouu aud o' hers ) The proviso to die second section, v. iio li was lo I to make provision f. r llioserrrimu of a second State in East Florida, u 10.11 liiaf p. r of Ihe, Territory should have a p.i,ui!.i',"ii ul :.'),( M I, was stricken out by a majority ol -i tu 57. And I amotion made by Air. Morse lor ibe ..uuiiuai ol j a proviso lo prescribe certain terms wlin h should i be complied with before tin lull, when piK. il, j should 90 operate as iu admit Florida, into tho I,. I niou, gave ri-t; to a warm d scuss.un. The terms 1 were, dial the people of Flofiua should hold a1 iry lioodv. ('alieops all pnees; ( ,i,l unit Pai.t.doon Clotb. ; C-iat 'I'miiinlULS ; lileiiehed and unhb ache, I Ctuib Hum . 10 lo eeuls ; s-ilk und I'utlon Ihiiidkerebiels l'-ax and (.'ollioi 'f'liri..nl. all euloia; (aliibiH-k and .Muslins; Emeu; Ki,nii-! and Ituum-is ; piiucko,(Mt all pricp uii-l qtialiii" -. Cbivei,; e a oi lk ; Tu- k and Mide C.i.ulis, llrd Ink 10,4; Check; I'm.; Meai hed and unlCea bed Jem, and many ulbcr aru- elt-s 111 the Diy (ooii hue. j ro'Tiei. j 'Smj.ir and C"l!ee, ali qui,!iiie viel ptin a ( Pepper and Ali-pue; (iiner; liiee and M-'lis-esj 'Peas; 1 ll , -nps, ail qiinllln s ; Powder ami hol ; snd a 1 irp lul 111 flour, eoii.talllly nfi tiaml, ot all qualities Eh is K. lly. !l d-i do I. 'ill Win Oliver (ill eill Jons lull (inl. Seawell h'r Kichlarid creek Hill do do l.ililn River I I nil John (one ,I.ii(lp Porkrt cr'k 1 ;i in John Com Nerai flunrli J ;iti. do do :'Pom's iJiauch S Snq lii-ii P. Kinuj 1 " ; for sell and 01 hers S,-rat Uranch 1:', li'oderiek and Jullll; I j lleiliune do do I Si H. James Jolirisnii Kill, l's Creek lli AI.E.V. KELLY, I, ate S'iriiil of Alooie County. F. b. .1, 1 sir.. :pr. Adv.fii,i 13 " On -111 s ; or t ti: Gsasvili.k Cm viv. Cmir! ol Euuity. NOi.'i'll AltOM A IjCUIIJOI I'. Itlg, Polly Piianlon. I'rlilinn fur tulr Dflttmi; Jilnl in iceJun. 3, 1840 1 lie children and heir, at law ol Ji bll Hliru. dee'd , ml of Kf ncliii II -KCa ilec'd.. nd "I EllelMler Johll aiiil dee'd., snd ol Cas-ander While, dee'd. li appvyoiiiK hum ibe pelilioii thai all the Delen dania 111 Itii j-sse, exeepi Allen Hnts and Green Kutiimi, irsiile beumd ibe limits ol tins Kute, ami alliibivu lheri'i.1, baviiiK leiu made Iwlure the Clpik ,d M eater nl ill 1 ! Court, socuidnm 10 Act of Assein- I i.ri, e. . h.,i, mid SippI : heather and !,.-.. ol I '" '" HU' " "" """ l'"i""' : fuhlirstion is ii.ilrr.-nt qualities; and a number ot other article 111 j 'ben lore doecie.l lo bp made in die lisleiiih Register, tin- Gioceiy line. ! U" 'y "''"easi"e wrek. for the said non resident Hardware j "' ''"dam lo appear al die term of ibis Court, to m I neiu in uie in nousr iu trip j own ot MxiorU, on j llie brat Monday of Match next, and plesd, snawrr. or inriniir, 10 iiip iu ppteion, or the aanir will be Nulls, ali size ; Puis, Ov-os. Spider and Hkillpts, tsbovei ini.l Spades, ev ibt- It'.idi-s ami (rsii RI. idea, I iiiseia and. A uers. Hammer, and (inn e a, If iiiyp al.d ( rewc, T..ck-, Awl blade and r-bne Krovea, v p.-ilimi lines, l.ookniir (iiaaaea, 'J'race C'haiu, Koi vp and Forks, Pocket Knivp.. I 'ollee Mi Ha, Curry Ci inbs.'l'al.le and Tea tiX'Oi.fi. Hl.ti knur snd Hrushes. conveuliun and erase Irmn the constitution of the ! Mteis, aud many other anicle not ei.uuirialed. p.copoeed Stale certains sottiutis iu reUlioo negroes aud negro slavery. Crot'kcTjr.. tJ FATi; of I Common and .Liverpool I kttea. Common snd Liv. i 5 loit Cnuniy lakni pru ctiiifrtm a Iu them, and h-rd ex pmle. illness, I liiiuni It I, nil, jnbii, Clprk an. I ,Mter of the -nd Court, al office Ibe Cth day of January, A. D., 1845. TIIO. B LITTLEJOH.N, C. M. E. Pr Adv. r5 '.M. 4 6w : prpo.,1 la. Dishes of nil sires. Bowls, M uas. Pitchers 1 sioi.s. On VVcd.iesilav, III- galleries of the House ! '''t"'1''1"'. ' 'oi. hauibei. and many other . - " 1 ..it. -la. it. l'.a I ri.L.tu 1,,, nicies ui the Crockery line. Till Ware. Wash Pans. Milk Pans, Coffee Pots, Cups, Large llsFins, 4ic 4c. All of ihe above (i.sids will, sold low for Cash, or ou m short rredii to those win, will pay when Called on. i'r.MlUX'r will be tskeo in payment tor Co, sis, .lorlfi MroJIun. Uru ( ourl ot Pleas and Uusrler See- Deccui i rprni, IH44. of ivepresent.il in s were crowded Willi per sons who cnine in witness llie cereihonv of counting tho totes of (he I'rtsideuiial Elec toral College. The Ivnlie occupied a l irgs pitnion ol In. Ill galleries. The Clerk of llie IIou'p "was directed lo P .; . r.. a . i "ilorin the mile thai lle llotle were fRl p.l.tsh Market price, sued a Bacon.- Lard, l-'sl. u l(. i-ier, for six cessive weeks, for Joseph lo pro) red lo count llie voles for I'resid.-nl (Joro. V1el, (if while and fine) Ciiuu. ViiX. Ve A c j U. .m y and wife Haniet anil Bryan Grist, to and Vico I'resuieiil of the U. Slates The 4 Tlie '"J.iliar'iber iiilend lo u.e evp.v mpoia in In appeal at ibp nexl Court of Plea and (juarnr Ses Seoalnrs SiOti ioleri-il I tie Hall of the lluifi , . I"'wer. lo plp.i-P a I who may faror him with ibeir ' iun, I'r Heau'u'' Co.uny, i ihe Comt Hot! in , , en orn , aim lie nniip ov in-so rt- bitim. .. ,-usi- ., .-iku-i.,,, ,np mst fy.onuav 10 iatpn clt FianLl.u Grist, by bis Guar Jiaueuben' Knox, . ft. Ann C.ibb, rJbi.dflh li Gri.l. Fred Grist, Jos. B. Blicknty and site ffairiet, snd Bryan Grist. I'clitiun to iivide Slain. It appealing in lite satntfaction of the Conrt, that fo-Wpb It. noi-lniey and wile Harriet, ami Bryan tirisi. aie resnlenis of Alsbatus: ll was therefore or- i'ire.1 by me ouit, thai publication be made in the 1 1 rM.'Ai Id 1 1 I.U , l,u S.Sr,li!,l,l 91 ' . r i c ... ne-, in a ery short lum-, l iwAe-a large mil .n.lg.llll. inr ; rr.a.s.ii o. ix oe.iaie, l.".. ru,lufn (j,,, ,nJ ,r vf.,v.. Mr. Jones, the j JOU.V U. llie Sivenkcr's chair, snd Sociker, occupied a at ou bis Kit, ih fcuu- sbinaiy 17, 14J vvh Maker. r-i tr M asliiiejioii on i hp first ft the" and Iheie ! ol an. a, swf-iv dre-ur. i-,- iud u.ent pru cnitft.s3u 'i . o. taken BAiimt idem. BE.NJ. M. SELBV, C. C. V. Adv. St 2J. - -i I