1 1 mmmm t A. . rleB 0 "on 9 hi... r wi idea, lean, build Hurt, pot ure of id. 7 the Jog in rioM ndihg watt sriou nsion uuce Cob. ten frotn 1 by by a liiate I not re it lu lea nuch ' for iar- kh. wUk iy i my ck, I and k t g of Jorn icb, liner and I me and 4 Published every Friday, hy Wes.qn 11. (jALnM, K.'.jfc" ,. p-;; VOL. XL, VI. ee Dollars per Annual. FRIDAY, -MjtflCH 21, 1845. BALEIGH REGISTER. RALEIGH, N. C. , March 18, 1845. IMPORTANT DECISION. It ia currently rumored in tbia City, that the Su preme peurt of the State has come to a decision in lha important ease of Stater, Rivet Indictment for i tearing; up the Portsmouth Road from Margareltsyille lethe Roanoke. The opinion of the Court had not keen filed, at the time of writing thia paragraph, but Wa learn that the decision settle the following points Jet. J hat the sale made under Mr. Rives' Execu tioa, was not valid, because it was not made at the Court-house. 2d. That the interest of the Company in the land and euperstructure of the Road, and-in all personal property, may be sold under Execution ; Ijut the fan chitt cannot be sold. 3d. That after the Road it sold, the Company may i r--""" ""'"'"s " mcir v. mntr, nave nil- same land condemned for erecting another superatructi for the Road. THE NEWSPAPER PRESS. Oftbe whole community, there is no class of persons, on whom so much depends, particularly in important crises of National affairs, as on those who conduct the Newspaper Press; and who, by these ready and fa miliar vehicles of communication, can inspire their private sentiments and feelings into the bosoms of thousands, and hy an unsuspected ascendency which they gain over the judgment of their intelligent and HONORING PARENTS. "Honor thy Father and Uluher" was one of the commandments given to the Israelite. It is not ouly a moral obligation, but the breach of it is one of the highest offence against honor. In many national this respect for Parents is carried to such an extreme, that it is considered highly dishonorable to apontalize from the creed, or to deviate from the customs of Pa rents and ancestors. They are not onlv considered .1...:.-. j winr ej ea with SO. 24, independent, readers, frequently infuse into theirj ""tilled to the highest reverence, but aa vested f'R Tllg REGISTER. cruel sport. Doctor Tl p....e exh.lMi.on f ,,,, d"VU- 1 Tu " motly group .f 0)J, ofall sorts ami sizes, ,,, tu ,10arv llt,ad lo U e small b,.ys, bettins, blusierinir. -wearing ,,.,1 .... a savage deliirhi on tl. tr... a- ...... liny. ,, Ma. Editor : ID" The Address of Mr. Ravvkr to his constituents, and that portion of his Speech accompanying it, con tained in this paper, will richly repay the reader by their perusal. The residue of the Speech will appear on Friday, so as to embrace the whole in the Weekly paper. ID" It is a common saying, that the human con stitution undergoes a change every seven years, and that the crisis of the change is peculiarly perilous. He that has not strength to endure it, llrencefurih sickens and declines, while be who survives it, has a fair prospect bhonger life as if our tenure in these " houses of slay, that are crushed before the moth," were on seven years' leases, renewable by paying a fine. Be this as it may, there are periode of change in the constitution of the human frame, aud there air periods of change, in the conatitution of human society. Nations, themselves, like individual!., have their birth, infancy, youth, decay and dissolution. They are sub ject to diseases that vitiate, accidents that distuib.and fatalities that destroy their system. We regard the present, aa ous f those eras of change, that are preg nant with the alternatives of ruin or exaltation to the AjteM'ftatioi!. God grant us a safe deliverance ! minds; the colour, tone and character of their own opinions. I here exists no medium of circulating knowledge or information, so rapidly and so effectual ly, as through the Press. The voice of Congress it self, is heard to no less advantage through Newspa pers, than within the walla of the Capitol ; and though It might be considered a breach of privilege, to say that both Speeches and votes are inrlueuced by their liability to be published and commented upon in the papers of the country, it can be no breach of privilege to think so, as mauy persons do and, for the best reason iu the world because they cannot help it. Nor is it any disparagement to legislators, to he thought liable " to the last infirmity of noble minds," the desire of merited appluusc for their best efforts to serve their country, and of which they would receive little enough to keep them both humble and idle, were it not for the royal way to fame through the columns of an " Intelligencer," a " Globe," or even a Uecr. ister." ,1 :. r 11 . with authority to declare to their offsurimr. what onin ' ""W"' ""' "av" ta"llt lu "d. ions they should believe, and what custom, they ! ' "c" '" There ia should follow. Hence, we Hud individuals nf .vlrv I T 7. S a','"ar " ,;., l. ,., . "I""iwiiicii pervades th cl. .u.cu ui. aicouill ui uieir Ketigiout " mli .. Uia...p, uvivuutiig iv, im ay arguHig us reasonable ness and truth, but by declaring that it is entitled to their belief, because it was the Religion'of their Fa ther. Out our object is not to write' an enwjy 011 the duty of filial obedience aiid reverence, but simply to introduce the following touching story, which we mid floating about 111 the Newspapers : As a stranger went into the Church-yard of a nret lv willurra I... kul.l.l .1 . .I ll .1 e infernal reiiuin. an the at. to n,v.re the lower animals with lha malign;, ii i dispo'ii.ions which characterize tho .0,t degradi'J of the human species. That such a cruel and Jigstiu(f practice- should prevail iu a Chrisiiuu comnnuiity, is a reproach to any country. At pa;, 1G.'I, We wcie not a liulc niortilied Mr. Editor, to lin.i 1 11 H , ll.i H (Mill ti-il, Sim: 111,- i U'Kvry ,KVT;t .Hhli,! i nr. it in ,, feet I v rs cln ron at a newly made i o i own ' .Nurlli I'aiolina" Jim,;, I i.i...p.i T? " auu 10 all Hie uoilJ, aj th liuiuaur dinuMeinenlH. ill ml- al w ,IV,1 or nut an i But to expatiate on the incalculable importance of these swift messengers of good and evil tidinn. would be irrelevant here. Such, however, is their authori ty and consequence, that it may be said with .'real plausibility, if not demonstrable truth, that the nation lies at the mercy of Newspapers. Thoe who think that we estimate too extravugantly the momentum of these impelling agents of opinion, must ircollect, that the language of the New.-papers is the public conver- nation of the .country, in which individuals or Dai lies , lane their share, and without voice or sound, make uieinseives heard and understood through all ranks of society, and to the uttermost comers of the Republic. If lllft I'rue I.a tl.;n ...... ' ii ... inui engiue, an will agree in the sentiment of a distinguished .Statesman, that ' he whb lends his assistance to demoralize, and render it mercenary and impure, saps the foundation of his country's existence." grave. j uoy about t, u years of a;;e was busily en gaged iu planting plants of turf about it ; whilst a irl Who aDneiirert h ur ..,,. . . . . . 6 ' , j j,ui ouuger, Held in her a- pron.a few roots of wild flowers. The third child still younger, vvas sitting on lh grass, watching will, thoughllnl look the movements of the other two 1 hey wore pieces of crape on their straw hats and a lew other signs of mourning, such as are sometimes worn by the poor, who struwle between il,.,r tyBnd their afflictions. r" ' ", '1'he girl soon began planting acme wild flowers ! around I he head of the grave, when the stranger ad diessed thein: , " n nose, grave u this, children, about which yon are so busily engaged ! ' ' .Mother's grave, sir," said the bsy. ' j oiu jour rather send you to place thee flow .... ihviuiu gnr uoiIkts irrave theatre ,,(' s,lrh I'illl.O HENRY CLAY. We almost envy the placid happiness and quiet re tirement njoyed by the distinguished gentleman what, name heads this article, amid the shades of his own beloved Ashland. Let the ambitious and vauntr ,f t craY. tha flattery and fawning of the ycopliao Jie mMiMlimjS'.itjUuy can, the de ceitful and. hypocritical caut of the selfish crowd; but, most certaiuly, if there be any exquisite enjoy. mem leu Dy mortals, it must be by those who have erred their country with most indefatigable zeul, un tiring energy, and indomitable industry. Satisfac tion does not always flow from profit, nor ease of mind from worldly aggraudizement but the quiet, satisfied conscience belougeth only to those who having known their duty, have performed it well. We love to ponder over the character of Hew Clay. And while wa do so, we know hot w heih.r first to admire his splendid intellect, unrivalled fame, and lofty genjus, or whether to congratulate him on bis happy exit from the turmoil of base nolitical war. fare. Certain it is, however, that while America holds a name amongst the Nations of the earth, that of HENKY-CLA Y will be cheri-hed and remember ed as on. of the most gifted whom the Great Author of Light and Knowledge has ever blessed with inJel. lectual endowments. RALEIGH AND GASTON ROAD. The Stockholders of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road Company, held a general Meeting in this City, on Saturday last. Will.am Bovlan, Esq., was ap pointed Chairman, and David W. Stone, Esq., Sec retary. Amidst the melancholy reflection?, which the loss of so much private capital, exnded iu the construc tion of a great public work, must produce in the mind of every liberal and public-spirited man, h is somewhat consoling to learn that the Road is now in better condition, and doing more business than for a long time past ' Whilst many of the absent Stockholders seem to have given up their Stock, and the Road,it.elf, in hope less despair, most of fhose who were present appear still to retain a lingering hope, that this ill-fated Road will yet see better days. The following Resolution was adopted with great unanimity, and the meeting adjourned, suhject to the call of the Chair: No, sir, Father lies h.., i,. .,,.1 uvu.. . . . u. . , ...i.c . in y ana his-ftr Jane. J " When did they die1" " Mother was buru d fortnight yesterday, sir ; but .rather died last winirr; they all hV here." " Then who told you to do ihis !" " Nobody, sir," rep.ied llie girl. " '1'heu why do you do it !" They appeared at a losjf for an answer, but the stranger looked so kindly at them that at lemnl, I he emeu lepueu, as the tears star.ed to I " U, we did love them, sir ! ' 1 hen you put these gra-s turfs and wild flowers where your parents are laid, because jou love .hem '" " 1 es, sir," they ail ea.rerlv What can be more beauiiful 1I1.111 such an exhibi tion of children honoring the memory of deceased pa rents T Reader ; aie you an urpha.i ! Never fo cl the dear Parents who loved and cheri-hed von in your uilaiitdaysl Ever remember their Pu.ental kind ness. Honor their memory by doing ,,u!e ,m Which vnil knmu .i.,,,U l ,1 " 6 .. '"" p.rsc uit'iu were iney now WlutlMilONi, MiKCH a. Ue are al,t!,..ns,, , ,,,y ,,,, Mr. Meare h accepted tho i,,.n.,ti Cn.rfss teiulrrod I""' iV lh VIo Omvcii:,,,,, fr ,h I),str l, hul.l at WV.rs.iw ,, tl,,- 'J.' J ult. I, ,,. we Ul.d,,. ,Jl l f Mr- M. i.r.-s, iu canvass i.n r i ijiur,, uglily, v-iy iUHy of n, be. '" ,"" 1 '!. I .1 i V in Ano-ust ' "Inch h,. will Thus 'Oii, ,iin, V,.,r nrincinlcH , ! " .ippe.,1 In all lire I ''"ir bet" in bMialf ,,l I v .mr uppo'icts that we I h..pr, d ininiii limn" in I l'.i,;i:. th,. ore.n wr,;MVrt I'T in ihu re. enl Nation,,! ) Hi'raiis ,. r,. j mr wills i,r an cuiti'i-i i(; st .1 I lit I. vi. Ill t II. alti fu t i eyes : S-li'll Wlllrf llirl, n( 1 tlie g.,.ii rausH. s'lil pussies r.'s linl'l.- Inr ' , - r o ib. ii !.) ,,ur ii,,,,i, ci.lilf s', i.iiil l j i ri si.irr-ie, :h,, t,, r s'i.iratL. II V II.it yrl K. he c.i ruiiir ii, (,f vi' ii.'r n .u, , y i .11; .f his j,.,.,;, ' ll.l s' ronaesi ma i lair field vw;h , ,1 I)., .i Sh. iv., .. .. I i IM.I the (.r.rtnlincr Wt;ek 8e! , M l!)t f ,.,.,. t.fiitw gntiscilrern fro,,, t,-k inuh.n.. ,.Z I lurwiirde,! g .moil,, r nllch W(, coin, i in m),. ii in healih fl u,.. n,..,, A, f"t llllllc IlllUt ll) (Ittll ttltt .ier,,.i "ivl aihis,. our rimers of llie numher. ' 'h' li f Ii i v i - f,iii,,i...l it,., t.j i i ..iu ...ii iiiiu ninrij I'lraxtirr In ,iiinee tin; ilijil.r to I.h (B'-.it lh.it w ho can !) T,iS 'lyuiccii, niakis 15 siilmcrilli rs pro. or tu-.i il.. l. .. (.:... i ...i I,,,,, I a ,, , .' ' "J " lend will) III "'I' ll Kmc klmrl...... .... . . 1 I ii. y iirt; in r- K.o. fur the c.sh. . I,.., , 1 ... I .. ,,r ., , i , ' ' ' i . ii" or; i - IV ol it hi . on., !...!.' i an i t i o 1 1 1 nai. I vt.rr, ami ,!,e t... I .... ' 1 " ; ' " ' 'nily nnrihv of ' ' ,n" 11 '""'Ii stihscrih, I'.'tilor .4 lie. lit h .... lll.liiK our I,-,,, '...ii., , ., V : ' r. turn 1 V- M,,,r.- tl.,l l. ,..,.., , lt.,.llv,. n. ..-oniially ,,,,,1 ,,,., ,.,. th.Hi. Bl.:rili rn, all . f , w,tl, s,,,, ''Jl-tio,,, a- iv..,..ar,, ,r,. Whu-s-whos,. lo lliiir t)rini'ii.l,.j . 'i mlvcrs,. ,, (Vm( t,,,,. , .,.., j victory. These are llie Whi, for M,,. j ho ncvir ,;,il or tl.. , o. ,. ,,,. ,.,r j,, .,,r;i.l, s more, not ,.f S ! ",r 'w a", I o,,r,.sse, by (H,i,t- ':"' win. lifHi. w, lht. -;,l!).trj wUn ...r sn.,,,1 L.m,s oillw,on Sl.llw urn cvrr nrrvi .l fr il... In It I. ... , I ... .... I I . '" ""III III IM ii 'lorn "iHiiiii.n.iiiy tl,,. , alfakl'S llli. in. In, ii mil s II I I" ' I"".' I" I Will " ",r '"it Inr lli,. t , i ,iiii,,h .nr.,. L. ..r .. . . ' " ' " " ' in ion 0lr ... a i 1 1 -, SUCH U lllir.s ,.v K l ML'h.KII In I,,. J J,. Tor Kalurdiiy, April , 1815. 8,00 s tO.OOO. l ,0g, irIM 1I0,0!0, 50 do. of ioooi AU'sniKlria Lottery, 14, for 18in. To ,b. ,lr.w ., Alexandria, D V,. Saturday, April d, 1845, by aud un.i, ,h ,,rec.,oi, of Co.nmiin ei app.i,i,i,,j fr ,1,,,, (llU,))ae M ammoth scheme. 1 grand prize of "I Illlll (lllollllll lr,rl r the sin war 11 lie irt -w h' 1 n . 1 1 1 v ' M fi. 1,1 iil I linn sni nun Inr us nml t"l Hills IMIIsr ''otic' U i- ihuso in Ki.c. Mil.'im Chioni, ': 3 :i .ri o 1. 1 jti ro rn) i:i: ti." O.'i (i:i l.i() Jlii) AM i.-r, 'Jl H JlMtl -(Will 1 do 1 ll,l - prucs of do do do hi di to do ' ) yiUMK) I4.IW3 10.000 8,(HH 5.(KXJ 4,000 a.ww 1.3(W 1.200 I.tKKt rw 400 -T)0 200 100 bO 0(1 00 -It) ;io i ,wn, p bfii'-v.'. w In. in to ,r 'If HdM-rsc p.r'y. We'Tlopr '"iy rut, ,o.tiii. .(lljer.. Ins b.-eli i' L'j ' u wish to sou hiiri- ' n' h-H p i r i y in ih Didiru-i ii ar,! , i CHup,,, iir. . Wimtiiiiliiti Chronicle. DfD Si;iTl'Klt.MiMi WINE It in iy ni.l bclillnwn ti. I" my i, I our iv.uh'r. 'hat l.y i Iih C'ciihiih i, l-j(l, it appears tiiat ynry nearly ..in. fourth i.f all tho w mo iiinic in i,,. ij ,S H'es is l he M I. , 111 "mi v .ri.iina. 1 no w' o p pmdiir'ii.r, o aiive. bya particular regard to their dying counriaiids, 1 "le lit 1-J40 ih l;l8.7l g i IL.tis. i.f w ,.h North (,'iiri,,na, quaintly is in J 'en nx y I v.i rur. vuiiuiif on ineir n .n.s nl n..f.. - . . ,. iirentM Knuw,! . . . f . . .. ' J "t ever treiu ilii in as you h ill wish you had done, when you stand a lonely orphan ... ....... g.a.es . now win a remembrance ol kind af- feciionaie conduct towards those depart el friends, then help to sooth your grief and heal you H ounded Remhed, That lliis meeting, believing that if the contemplated sale of the Kail Uond can bo delayed for a few years, its condition and prospects will' be essentially improved, and the interests of its creditors, the Stale especially, be thereby promoted, we do hereby request and require the President and Directors to employ Counsel, with instructions to use all legal means to postpone and to prevent tl .suiJ tale. was railed to u.lis was appointed REDUCTION OF POSTAGE. A man, " pretty well in for it." want in th. P. Office of this City, on Friday last, and snm.ir.H if 'here were any letters for him. " Yes," said the accommodating attendant, holdincr ud one bei .s his dexter thumb and fore-finger, " here's one, all th. way from iWissouri." " What's to pay," said the en- quirer, who drunk as he was, had an eye to the majn chance. 'Twenty-five cents," was the res ponse. ' r.wenty-flve be d-d," said the man, "you can't (hiccup) come it over this child, that way, (hiccup) no way you can fix it, (hiccup) if you can pity me. Don't I (Itic) read tho (cuv) Dane. n,t ain't postage come down ? Hero's leu cents, (hiccup) nd if you're a mind to take (hiccup) that for it, very (hie) good, and if (cup) you aiu't. vou (hiccup ., I keep it till the first of July." .,. NEW APPOINTMENTS. e,ioiiowiug appointments have been m,! k.. the President, by aud with tho advice of the Sonata : Alexander H. Evoott. of ... r:nm:,: I China. ' io following William. H. Polk, of Tena . Char t w.u. Mr. Jewett, of Alaiue. Ciarm. to - oL Armstrong, of l'euu., Coiuiul to Liverpool. Benj. F. Huiinr. It . -a ... .u. ... .. P.j - ivi me oouinern "InctofNow Vork. Wjah F. Purdy, Surveyor of the Port of New York. .. D"Tb. "Globe still p-oes it slrono, fn, . I " a ' "j, ( ti arguments in favor ef rotatiun in ojJUe are "read wiyj rei, .,rua,,n. n. ux:....: ; . aa. t'laUIAUUI- with theM Glob. precepU before it, remark.. " revard to the - - correa- iZ! L"a?u ,o " ,hat ,h G,ob' "f8 - r w. last tiftrrn v. .. I a ..... Ir anaam. w' ' ' of ih. . P"um th. estimate is not wide urE,ud vet ' lbs enr SUPREME COURT. OeiNtovs have been delivered in th Cases, since our last Report : By Ruffi.v, C. J , In State v. Harris, from Terson, declaring that there is no error in the judgment of the Superior Court. Also, in Hughes v. King, from Cherokeee, reversing the judgment and directing a vmre ae novo. Also, in State, to use of Jor,lr. ,- Poole, from Pasquotauk, directing a renire de now. Also, in Collins t. Beubury, from Chowan, affirming the judgment below. Also, in Summers e. Flowers, from Iredell, affirming the judgment below. By Daniel, J., in Waugh v. Hampton, from Sur- ry, aOirming the judgment below. Also, in Trice c. Turrentine from Orange, directing a venire de novo. Also, in Wilkinson r. Gilchrist, from Richmond, dis missing the appeal. By Nash, J., In State r. Newsum, from Cumber laud, declaring that thero is error in the judgment be low. Also, iu State e. Clarissa, from Pasuuotank. declaring th-t the indictment ought not to be sustain ed. Also, in Williamson t. Dickens, from Person, di recting a tjcnire dc noio. V. i still fr more." ID" During th. recent great crowd at Washington, the Pick -pocket. Were very busy. The following capi- iai incraent is recorded. An Office-Seeker had arrived in th. city, with a large pocket book full of letter, of recommendation from various gentlemen of distinc tion in his neighborhood. Thi. was stolen from him by one of the light fingered gentry, no doubt "under the impression that it contained some money : a mis take which ought to have'nim turned ont of the craft. Thi. was truly filching from the office seeker hi. fair name when the thief stole the pocket book he took that which did not enrich him, though it made his neighbor poor indeed. The pickpocket may now turn round and trade on borrowed capital. TOWN MF.!.TI.Y(7. A meeting of the citizens of Raleigh whs held at the Town Hall, on Saturday afternoon last, pursuant to notice, to consider of the propriety of taking some steps for the establishment of a hue of four hr, P.., Coaches from this City to Columbia, S. ('. On motion, the Intendant of l,i,: me Lhair, aud .Mr. W illiam H. Jo, Secretary. Ti... r... ' t. me .onowuig tiesotulioiis were presented, and al ter consideration, uiiuniinously adopted: ll l,..l Tl... , , ,,,- i.overnmeul was instilu- io i, uuu uie .nan established tor the benefit of the .v.,u,e uoiiirnuiiiiy mr the interior, as well as hea port Towns, and we claim to have our share of bene fits, as we contribute our share of the funds ol the Government. ad. Retired, That Columbia and Halehrh-llie two Capitals of the two Caio imu. -the mie-iueihaie I owns of Camden, .Cheraw and l-'avcHev .lie, anil iITe lowiw and Villages in the interior, connected with all those places, are justly entitled to met eased Mail and travelling facilities. A daily l,e ,' four horse Post t ouches, to run in quick tune, between Kale,,,!, and Columbia, would afford ihos, f.o.iiu,, i ........ K. , .-vMiuujuiviiai- .' promo e the public iuiore.4. Jd. Hemlved, That the establishment of such a line of Post Coaches, would enubie tho l'ot ( i!ioe Department, at all times, to resist any atie.n.u i ... tort extravagant prices for transporting the (.real .Southern Mail. 4th. lientred. That such a line of Post Coaches would, before the ndol the present contracts, stile bv experience the much disputed question whether the Metropo htan or Steam Uoat Route would be, upon the whole, the best for lhi l;i 'la... .... l.- . , "aveinuir anil " l'a"OT "community, while bolh routes were in operation, would ue either, as their interest or inclination might prompt. 5th. Revived, That for these, a ,d other reason, which might be slated, we most respectfully cull the attention of the Post .Master General to the subject and urge the establishment 0f such a line of i'o,t Coaches as being justly due, boll, to the interior of the two Carolina.!, und lo some other parts of ihe South and South Western Country and to the best o.ie.esi oi me rost umce Department. 6lh. Retolted, That the Intendant of Police, be requested to communicate the foregoing Resolutions to the Hon. Cave Johnsos, Post Master General S.7-iJ g ill, m.s were ina.l.f 'in. i iih nex' lara-csi ti'i u ,, -t . -a tfiui.tiis. We . r ied to I,.,,!,- inni seij'ii. i. . ,,!' . rf'ce'i'ioii .,f Den, ii me ln.ni our good ' Lewis. K , ol iila.'loii win. v lis ii, l ! hs' ol l hose- l, i w II I ,1 At f.','l,l.,,hor,.', Wawio ul'liT ,1 most pjl.lllil llilH-H the l.la War of Iih mr. Mass., bin f, lino intellect , County, on ih,. T I ( int. , Arnold Hor.l. n, I!-,)., H, -a naliv , ul l',, ;,, ,., Illaiiv ) ears a resnl...,, ... .1.. . . I . ... , . ,,,,,, ,.,s .si ,n v as einiowe. w , , do Id do do (1 1 .1,1 ,1.1 do fist ilia n M , .l.s ,'ll a m I. ,. , t II 1NO ) do (!W drawn N,, ) do (hi. , other do. ) oo 7S Nnuiliei' Lnltery-L-J )riiwil n.,Ht,i4. n..le I uk. is --., Halve, u l-.'uhlln i'i I ? CiTtiiii iiie, ,, .,. U'.-of lick,,, i it,!. Lottery ran be l,t ,,ed follmv. ; of pinkaje. nf 2(1 whole urkets $'!) 'U H half do 13l dl -'(i quarter do B5 do VI) fi.rtot. s ,!. o r., Oolers fur lirfelj ..,..1 '. i .... '." -.,,.., Him eertincate, oP .' I,, the ahov. S,rndid r.,,lle, .ll .... prompt attention, a, Jn ,'re(,,, f ,t,. win in, seni iiiiiuriliali'lv after il tickets trom us. A, I, lies. Charters $i. lull, 1 '.Tl.lii'ul ll Do Do tl'.e ti.osi draw In J.I llu ordi' is over, t, moral, and lenmerate. was eiiei', To (he Medical Frolession, brr Is i vr and so i 'ion r.. I Hours s Illy lies: I -TO.. ,, inni ,.t In r tins iiitO'er in con. oeniijorin o Hi-,,,,. ug in. ml, David ry Icn.lly iu, ,i,)t: n . lie pres.'ii'i d a wn in iniilai turn. 1 1 'Il it - Wllic , of ,Ii':lrat.- i.le u lite, ie, oh. illy ,) ,,,, I M s "' ..r. cly to be ii:nimi"nB i,. ohj,., a s'ru l Teinperatu u man. (' in o w i ii n:-r it w hi i. equal lo ip'ion ot V inc. t. I,. ,ril that Hity is inni.. in ;, ,i,oi hy ,Mr. I, till.,! qilllu ,1 1 .1.' W I s o I),1 11. '. r.'r Ol,.-, , I'T. U'lINlilf cV lll'CIIL'S, would .especifully be,, leave to i all tlie alleiiluiii ol tJei.ih.in... ... ,i... til. .e Prolession. lo su.j..,l I,., ,,K , valuable Works, ad 8,.,(- i,lr ,,,- filllll', V, J Anatomical Alia, l.y Su.ith fV Horner, imperial 8 vo. near ( .all Fifioes ' Alison's I luihiies n fn ( h. or v I.. 1 ...I u U'Ulli.i.n on .M.nlai Kxuieimm and I u.ii.au.,,, II New W oik . .Iuiptii.iii on hurjcie on, I volume Do. on Fevers, Doipsy. nn,l (.'out, I :..l,enlei's II inni ii I'hyM I. pj-jr. . e.,. i.iiey l,ooj,er on llerni lolll oil . ) I'm,. i ihe Testis mid Tliym.ui. (Jl.,d I on, been Dm. use-., Chililien, in I vol, ' bun lull mi F. males Dllto Mnhvilery. D.uill s M de Fcil,.!!', Cratlalll March I'-1 . (JhLfJOIiV A C ., Manauer. VVasliiiigtun i j(v ) yt : ai Abdominal viscera in I vol Willi plates, fNetv JoiI'.sonun l'i. e,(i,,r , ,, .. s ,!,, , 0 . t .' r,--r, is tiio roo n tl,.. . mr ,r .I ol .Jr I'nlli. I ik.s lit lis . oliiiniis, mi, I run., il lis in a style lii I tcuiii.ls u- of h,. au'li.rol t. Kun bler.tli,,! the put, he now' r.-gnrd then; i!.. rumen's as worse th hi uastp p.tuer.jioHsessing all the he. ion oi romance, without us ml, 'rest, ami aiMinj. the sin of hypocrisy, to ihi. delud ,, t J u j", , , - js,." ait. 'hrr A WJIKi CDLI.KC TtiU l if with gieat" plea-iire, an,J not tliout pr.co. Hi i: we pooil le ,,K, i , ,, ,,,. teaderii In ihe Imlowioe cviileiice ol honesty an, I o , '... in uio iiisi tiar-o ., I his piiii.n: dtilic I'-x li.l.ector nl the port nf .New V Iroinofiice by the .,t... Admnnstralio s in an fii, rcifi'i'V'.'d j wi limit no. i wee, and upon ,,u other cuisc Unit he whs at heart a Wnio.- 'urfry. I, cal ."Surizcrv. 'lieinislrv. II e on tiie lUait. M iller's .".ureiy . Lawrence on llie E)t, Mil er' I'liy .i.fil.ny rv Tat lor , Me heal Juri prudence. i"v's ll.) d. Wtson'. Principles am.' Practice of Medicine n lilt.....,' l'aihi,,,Kv. V ilaon's Hum ,n A atmy. Mcliiiosh', I'ruclireol Me.iieine.hv Morton ('iiprr,. Di,,,e , ,,, Fracture,. A sail He woiks ol I) , Dewee,, l,er, Lhcrle I'oriijuiisoii nini oiliers, with all tl Mi, y are is.iicl lr .lo the I'resM Dole', Iron, a distance, thankfully leceived and promptly attended to. TURNER .f HCOIIKs, P.iulisbers' Ag.-nt,. i.iii.auo, riarcr, I on,. llie new works than ill'! sii-pn ion Sa!iu,il Intrll. lo ; filar, ntandaid and lii.l. pendent. " ''I'rtrAsrrry Dro'ATiTMi-Nr, CottPTROI.LVIlN tnil.F. .VCw.ui ."), I K... . V .... 01. . ,,,ii aecoiiinn o, l llsloins, ein'.r i,',l I luriuo your olfiei i I term, nearly Ii V .iiil!,ns of ! d 'liars, and y,,r acc.mtils lor your i,,l en,,,; j .inente, ,ie ?t, ,n July. I'll, il,,. per,,,,. I rthcu J-uitr i .Mi in I st'i tires us Coib-cur- ter,,,,,, , t" '.- V h f a , lllslril at"lhe 'I'rei.s, re .1 ' IT Mr. Aa.o.v V, Brown (a Representative in the last Congress) has received and accepted the nom- nation of the Democrats of Tennessee as their can didate, at the ensuing election, for the ollics of Governor. m, unite uf $: ,, ,,,n,d ;o he (! (.'.iiled States I ha..' re,j it New Viuk to p., y tli.,t s,,ii Wit. border, hat in' neen cli .ro a- C .ili'c or nl i tu; Port ol .Ww ih's day finally i ii.tsi.'.l mi i j,, p, r-ury. Very resppctfullv, J To EhWAHD ('. C' IS, Jv-q. Lile. Co,, .,,, V-ic ' to vo r-.l l,,. to y, ,1. Vo n Vork i ' C!'l.! ,. n the ,;iect,- order ; ;.,'iir,t- I ii Tie.i- nil The Washington correspondent of the Richmond Whig ay that the hungry aud canine crew of ool-lar-men, nnzxlintr evervwhere. tracklmr everv arrni -"v uvain el lh. T.n.rhl. n. . . f - -t r t onneJ i .k w .7 . ana tawning about every hand that cau be JT f p luieingenoer of Satur- hoped to help 'yeal T.beUr 01 P"1"' nd - Option in th "k Kpeiml -orth .A .r. k , 4 S0.Tl,en do? ,mea - "-echoes through the streets. m, lv rs... e 7.r a"- iT VMe V from their retreat. : l-Witf... a ' TOponsiDie st.tiou ef " -n nngni blaze their supplicating eyes, Mwt" Geral wiU. dirtingiuahed fj- SuVhe'TJhind et"1 their jojful cries: " w inn ha... mm j. . . . ,ua wuu w in nAna ami . . V, n.aie. .-th.Tethy.arof hi..ge. i P,in. th. jWS, them to a scrap, reminds one of a de- th. Rejected Addresses' : dog", meat NEW HAMPSHIRE ELECTION. Th. election in New Hampshire on Monday was a closer contest than we supposed, lu the Boston Atlas we find returns from 14 Locofoco loss of 637 on the election of last year It is possible that Steele, (L, F.) is not elected Governor by the popular vote. . Ther. is . Whig gaiu iu the Legislature. 8 Saoacitt of a Duo. In the rerent fire which dp.imyed the d .veiling ,Jr Mr. Thoin(isi.,i, in Weal Haven, Ire waa imlebled lor the Dr,'wrvaii..n of -tnir ovi if life and that ol In. tamily to u,.!,,,,., i i ...... . ... J a..., ooeiuy , msoif. i i,,,, ,t ,iierviiy the pmgres. nf the fliuwn, leaped up,,,, ,f,e ,j whr.hi.nKiirrwa. mill asleep and m,f, .,,. .us of danger, and by lo.nl ami rnctiemu. howim.' awakened him Irrin hi. danger.. .Iiimr,..r, jtt time in enable him iu escape unnij.ired from hi. butrntn .(wnment, and arouse the other in. i male, of the huuM Airie ilastn Ceuriir. ' . (From IIooJ's Ma ; umr.; LINErJ TO AN INDIAN All!. H. .'JONCK TUN .UII.NES, ks,j , I. Sl'jinber, ii,t.T. ! sluaiti-r O i thy mo h"i 'rt bre ,sl j Kifsp- wi ii, .ii I niiiuiier K .in upon i by riis! ; Fair lin y fall Irooi many lips, B it froin her's ihe best. kS'itniber, iiiliiut ! similiter On thy iii,.ifr'n breast. r-'l;i,nber, infant ! aluuiher On the er'h chl breast ; b't.ssnnis lAi h.oit iiutuber k'' B'.-e the .1. '.i; thy r, si ; ' . Nat.ir., w i' ten thotm nid .miles, Meets fi, ,ie ,r ;ust. , Hl.joii.f-, int oe ! itMiher ' Ou l.e e, nh's c, Id brcaet. Klnmher, o f .nt ! sluinbcf 'in a . aiu'e ' hretts' ; tihlr e w iilniiii lino her Co'iioTratr. tliv r "si ; fiw iT joys Ih .n we can kaour VV'ni. upon the bi- sl, Slninher, iuUut slumber Iu thy htav.uly rv:. Valuable Properly for Sale, IS TIIK ( ITV OF KALi:iCif. 7"Il.l. be sold positively without reserve, on I ocUy, the I l of , o, j M,.xi ,..,. .., ;, , ; day ..I the "up. mo Com!, (if ii .i pienuly di-po-ed j ol si pr.v ,le sale,) ihal large :i ,y XtV Itrick , ZItlil4ill)i, nearly f;iM,.ets,,uaie,an,l f,) leel It,, .I, I "" u, "r Payetretille an, I llarcu streets in , 'he centre ..f the I ,ly, ,,, f,.rmi, two , ,)c j leueiuents ir)llalei4t, lr y kind f business. It ; has a l'a.,iue of H leel tlir,,gt, the centre. fr,,rn one ; end to the olher.upon each lloor, , ihatevrry Ii,,,,,,, , , the House may be approached wnhotu having i ! tlirKh .,n; n,io number. Ileside the p.,.,,,K,. ,, , r,"'ond ll"i. two eleKant Wiore Rooms have been constructed tu the very best stvlr and al (treat et l-ense ; underheaibani two fine dry Cellurs. The : .M and 3d Mlnrirs are divided by passjrrc, into 2 ele itanl T.iieinents designed for Pamih residences ,... ! Jvmg 1. ami the oiher Ii airy and eoinmo.li ,u boom-; and n the rear of ibis building, there is a new Kitchen and oilier Out uue.. Tin, valuable lluildii.i! is catered will, Tin, and i. one , f the he-t, most romeni. nt and elnjanl e tai.hshiiients ,n ihe .s,ai, B11,l Uein m Ihe beafl ol theCiy. w.lh a, light alteration, inigl,, be envened into a sol. ndid Hotel It to-! , , e.cciiou. togelh er with ihe ground, ihe sum of $1 l.'JOti. ALSO, one other n. w lo Storv Ii-I,.L n..;i. liilK, o, Hiliningl.m ftierl, likrwine In or about the cnire of the City. On the first floor, ihc.r , two encell. nt Store Rooms, and alx.ve are i comfort- Ida Rooms, divided hy a Passaire. Tin, House ia a,, consirucled aa in afford ac.omtn.laiion to two bus . ness me,, anil their lamihes ; and cost loKeiher with Ihe around, upwaids . f 3,6llll. The whole, or a. y part of the above d. . ril.ed Properly, m,.y lie ha.l at private sale on .pphoiiou i. eilher ..( the unde.slitned ; an.l to arro.uin date pur cb i-eis. will brdivi.led an.l old in separate Ti ll. -menls if they should .i frr it. I KK M : Approved neootiai.le paper at the Dank ..f the niaie of North Carolinn si I.' .I..uh. v VI HILL. Jo HI fFU.OE, JVt) Traveller 'oiiig North, UK INFORMED that ihe Euro fiom Gaston to lialiiuuire, ihrouiih retorslmrir. Richmond a-hl. tlloll l,y, $J,,B ,;llllB ,,v g,,,', l Wetdvii iUld ihe PofUmoiiih UaiJ'Koa.1.' Persons wi.hiutr lo go to Norfolk or Portsmouth, are in..rnied (tut on cinulai s. TiJBadvs. Thn. I tli.i-. Pass, one, s he init-.l by the way of Pe- v"- , "''"'"''I.'. i, which is lvm , ,y ihe Port. . ,. no ii.ni,,. ler-ons who am travelling In ej. 'In r ol th se piuc, ar,. 1 1 , lor,,,,.. I . lit,,, they can I.jvo ! ("'-"" " "'' l'. I'- M i Petersburg ihe net j iitwnmi! alter breUkl,r. by the City Point Rail Huid, , ,aint ll, , u take the splendid Nieiinihoat. Cciitu Pick, I and iea.li Noif.dk al nn early hour in the afternoon,' nearly lis soon s by . ', , mi,t , j a J. ! ror l 's'ke;s and fur, her iiibumation, apply to j JAML.S Oil KM I AM, Agent ; (reiisvii. Sc , Head (.'o. , O.islon, March 8. jo j m I '' ' '"'laiidard one month fnrh. SPRING (iOODS 1815, HALLOCK, M0UNT & BILLINGS, j 173 prJ Slrwl, (On. door above Pine Street,') ! NE W VOI1K, ARE now recei.ing ,y ldU nmvals from Europe, and Iron. Homo .VUimlaciurers, a lrae ,i,,nri. m i " I l'ai y and f(llc Drv Ooodw, .. ..apte.l to Ihe .S,,, -I'mde. winch Ihev offer I,, th. j piece or package, on favorable trims. j Their--.flock ron-isls In j nrl ,.f I Cloths, Cassnneres, Waltinets, Veilings. V inrricnn Prims nf all style. ! Moiwn and b leached Munhni, f'ttces. I- Insh Liiienn, Linen I awn, Hrnfrh CliiiLhiims. ' Crimed Muslins and Ln new styles, i HaUofini'S. Alpaccaa, Luslies. "ilk and (.'oilnn Work. I ."iilk and Cot on 'ci.ots. j Fancy French and English f Jiimbroons. , piilig Tweed, -,in gin u,,, d.Hible width, I Check Hingham. and Menno Cassimere ' Drab li'Kies f..r auiiinier wear. Ameririin I'lititalo,,,,, Wi ulr. Iliowri Hollands, Stle-ias and Paper Cambrics. '..Hon Hosiery Idea. In il aiid I ii, nn. . I'anry nml Silk Handkerchiefs, Ribbon., Sewing and S,lk slid Twist. Corded tikiiU- Table Coif is. Linen Thread. Jaconets, Cambric, 01, vi . &r. Ac. Cjr- Merchants buyiim goods for Cash will find it for their interest lo buy of us. M',rrh 7- 19 4mis various tiyle. aa t il. ot WILL SEM,, n ,he Court Hou-e in Carth.ie, on Ihe f..urth Mondav in March hen llie follow. it Tri lav of t and, or so much thereof, s's will salisly ihe Taie, due Ibereon for'lhe yfar 1843, and ll.e lontingi nl fipri.sea of tatd sales I 1 it Ralsigb, Pcb. 4, ISO. HUll HINS. DAVID CAKTElt II T. ULAKE, W. L. OTEY. 10 U 1'slnr Sf who. l.lilra or On or ht , 1 Acs. l-mal. ; ow.i.rt. w,..ri- . .a... !H 0 150 J.5III, VV iu. Hancock ,leep River 182 IStt t'ha, K.lly. il.ick Creek 77 97 d. do' do do I .'J l. a II VV in Oliver Pajchei, Creek 16" 1 25 1 60 eill J,.ncs Little Poekel ir'k ,S -05 SiiO 150 Gi,J. Jieawcll', h's Richland rreek l68 suo cm uo a.) Little Kiver j 13 U)t) I Ml John Jones Little Poeket cr'k 1 35 :M0 .'UOJoiVri. Cole Serai Dianch 7 1 . 70 3Ht do do i'lW, Urancb S 1 liU 150 Stephen. P. Kin.! I for self and oihera Serat Branch '5 6$ 12.-) 125 Ihslerick .ud Johnl j I I lleihune ' I ,!, J0 It 49 8r 282; James John,..ii .Killel's Cieek 69 ' ALEX. KELLY, Late Sheriff of Moore Coantt. Feb. 3, Sii. r. Ad. $9 13 . v- . -T- ' 1 BLANK" DEEDS, Jti.t prm'ed and for taSo -T ytii orma. 1 . V ,.-.. -.

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