f RALEIGH REGISTER. " Oat' art the plans of fair delightful peace, Vmearp'd by party rage to 'live like brother.' RALEIGH, N. C. Friday, June 20, 1845. DK.vrn of geV jacksox. Tbis event, long anticipated from waningstrength, occurred at the Hermitage, near Nashville, Tenn. on Sunday, the 8th lust. General Jackson was iu the 79th year of hi age. We can nay with all" sincerity Rett to liia ashes, and Peace to his soul ! We shall not sit iu judgment on his character. He fa no longer accountable to man for his actions, though th .American people must fe he influence of these actions for years to come. But law in the darkness and silence of the dust, to which he is gone down, his ear will bo as deaf to the Toiee of, panegyric, or of censure, as his bones will be insensible to the warmth of the Sun that shines on his grave, or the fury of the tem pest that howls over it. Though we have condemn ed, most deliberately and conscientiously, many of the public measures of the deceased, wo shall not ndeavor to pluck a single chsolet from his brow. His death will create a sensation not only through out the Union, but tho world. It is by extinguish ing in an instant tha great lights of the laud the men whose hands have held the reins of power, and whose minds have ruled the destiny of a nation it is by extinguishing these in an instant, that Death makes his p-iwer universally known. In the grave of Lord Nelson, at his interment, were deposited (be colours of the victory under which he fought, nd felL and yet coBnuered. In the grave of Gen Jackson, let the banners of Party bo deposited, and with them be forever consigned to oblivion, all the animosities of his political opponents ! BE ON YOUR GUARD. A Bank Note of $50, ingeniously altered from a $5 Bill, was presented at the counter of the Branch Bank of Cape Fear yesterday, and instantly detected. It was a Note of the Bank of the State, of South Car olina, payable at Charleston, to C. Wicbb. CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION. Our Election far Members of Congress, in North Carolina, take place on Thursday, the 7th day of August. Tho following are the Candidates iu no. initiation : Districts. Whigs. 1st T. L. Ciingmiin, 2d 1). M. Ilarringer, 3d A. H McMillan, 4th Jonathan Worth, ) Alfred Dockery, 5th 6th Thomas D. Meares, 7th 8th R. S. Donuell, 9th David Outlaw, Loco Focos. Charles Fisher, David S. Keid, James C Dohbin, James J. McKay, J ll. J. Daniel', Henry S. ( lark, Asa Uigga. THE AMERICAN REVIEW. We have just received the J;i::a Number of this able Work, and think it b..is fair to cause its oppo nents, as some one has said, to " ulh their pens anew." The political article, headed " The myste ry of iniquity," shows iu strong colours, the crimi nal acts occurring during tho great political contest of 1814 ; and we regard as highly worthy of peru sal, tin Essay from the now well-known pen of " li Secretario," on the character and advancement of American Letters. But there is one other, entitled " Modern Criticism," containing opinions to which we must express our unqualified dissent : being, as it is, an Eulogimii on tho character of the Writings of Madame Duvsvant, or, as she chooses to call her self, Gcovii! Sand. We think no writing, more prejudicial to the morals of a community, could well bs introduced than those cheap, yellow-covered Pam phlets, emanating from the pen of George Sand and Paul de Kock, and now inundating the streets of our lirga Cities We feel surprized, that the tokens of disapproval, with which their publication has been met by enlightened and liberal critics, should bs ascribed to a narrow-minded desire to prevent the freedom of speculation. We must espcially repro bate the strong language, which is used towards the u t. i . .. r . i V I ,, arts .wrrcsfuiiiiwiii ui liio 1,411011:11 x niBiiigoiicer, in saying as the Review does " Bjt his hostility to this writer in particular (Gjor3 Sand,) occasioned, pissibly, by some personal slight, breaks into a mor bid virulence, and "resembles the reckless rancour of the bigot." The white article, as it soemi to us, wauld be mjrt befitting the ago of VoLru.iv. and Tom Paine, than the ' Age of Iteason." EXECUTIVE CORRUPTION. Nothing has a more corrupting influence on the human mind, than political power. It is" the lever which changes the external situation of National, as wert as individual man. In Monarchies, it is a part of the official duty' of Ministers, to carry all their measures, whether of ambition or interest, by tha application of a panacea, which puts to flight all the scruples of political consciences. Republic are too pure to sanction such barefaced peculations ; at least, the douceur is given in a different way. Here, Members of Congress are rewarded with splendid embassies, Cabinet Offices, &c. while their partizans and retainers choose their own share of the political spoil. And fully to compensate their subserviency, the sturdy dogs, who will not doff their cape fend bend their knee to the Idol, are pushed off the log to make room for these disinterested Patriots. A LONG LETTER. Mr. John R. Peters, jiin., who accompanied the 'American Embassy to Chins, arrived at New York On the aath u'lt, in the Bazaar. He informs the ed itors of the Commercial Advertiser that the -Emperor of the Celestial dominions has written" a letter, ior'the ChieeJ .d Mantchoo. languages, to the President of tha United States, which is six feet 1. ng by three feet wide ! Mr. Peters saw the letter;'" It fa written en yellow paper, inclosed in a yellow silk case, nd is now in the' hand of Dr. Parker for translation. It was expected that it wold bo taut in tho net ship. THE FAY ETTEVI LLE FIRE. We have recerved a temporary sheet from the Of fice of the " Fsyetteville Observer," whose Editor, with his proverbial energy, bat contrived, out of the scanty materials in his possession , to make quite a respectable show in the way of publication. The' Editor will, however, iu a very short time, procure new materials from the Nsrlb, and the "Observer" will rise like Phcimii from its ashes. There it, io the sheet now received, a very particular account of the Fire, but it varies to little from that already given by ns, that we deem it Doaeeewary to re-publish it We are glad to learn, that with a few exceptions, the sufferers will be able to stand up under their loss. The " Observer" says" A check for 100 was received this morning from a venerable and distin guished gentleman of Raleigh, as his own contribu tion for the relief of the needy sufferers. LAND SALES. Why is it, that the President of the United Stales has ordered Sales of Public Lunda to lake place in six or eight different new States about the same pe riod of timet The design cannot certainly, be to en list the attention of Capitalists, became it is not pos sible, that they cau possessthe power of ubiquity ax1 be every where at once. The old plan used to be, to have sales in 'different Slates, in different months. Why is it changed tinder this Administration ? The only motive we can conceive of, is, by distracting the attention of buyer, to have no sales at all, and thus throw open the rich lauds of the new States, to pub lic entry, at a mere nominal price, to the great detri ment and wrong of the old States ! Ws should like some apologist of this present proscribing Adminis tration, to give a plausible, reason for this simulta neous lacririce of the Pub.ic Domain. We pause for reply. INCENDIARIES. Nearly every exchange paper we open contains accounts at successful incendiarism -or attempts at arson, from ttie numerous conflagrations m nic North, it would appear that a set of scoundrels in fest the larger cities who make arson a trade. In the South, too, these burnings are becoming quite too frequent and it is somewhat remarkable that they occur mostly at a season of the year when the weather is so hut that fires are not needed for comfort. DEATH OF DISTINGUISHED MEN. Eminent citizens connected with tjis Government who have died within the last four years: Preyident Harrison, Ex-President J'drckvou. Secretary Upshur, Secretary Gilmer, Attorney General Legarc. Judges Thompson and Baldwin, of the United States Supreme Ceiirt. Seiiator Southard, New Jersey ; Senator MeRo berts, Illinois; Senator Linn, Missouri ; Senator Por ter, Louisiana ; Senator Fullnn, Arkansas; Senator Bales, Massachusetts ; Senator Belt's, Connecticut. General Macomb and Genera! Eustia. Commodore Hull, Commodore Chuton. Commo dore Shubrick'.'Cummodore Porter, Commodore Ken noti. Judge Rowan, Kentucky ; Judge Buchanan, Ma ryland ; and Judge Gaston, of this State. Add to thete, the following distinguished citizens, vvho have played no unimportant part in the history of the country : Bishop Griswold, Vermont ; Rev. Dr, Chaiining, Massachusetts; Rev. Dr. Brrckenridge, Louisiana ; John Forsyth,, ex-Secretary of State ; General Porter, ex-Secrelary of War ; Nicholas Uid- dle ; Thomas Morris, ex-Senator, Ofu'o ; James Lan- man, ex-Senator, Connecticut; Johq Holmes, ex- Senator, Maine ; Judge Cowan ;' General Morgan Iewis ; Asher Robbimi, llhode Island ; Virgil Maicy ; ex-Governor Mason, Michigan ; Governor havanagh, Maine. COL. JOHN HOKE Died at his residence in Liucolnton, on the 9ih instant, of Pneumonia, at the age of 97 years. The large concourse of his fellow-eiiizens, who assembled to pay the last sad tribute to his memory, gave am ple svideiico of the high esteem iu which he was held. RO'PARY PUMP. The last Petersburg Republican says: We call the attention ol our readers to the advertisement ol Messrs. Williams Si. Co. in to-doy'a paper. We have had the pleasure of examining one of tfiese'Pumps and wit nessing its operation, and we do not hesitate to say it is superior to any thing of the kind we have ever seen. It is a suction and force pump combined, so that, by means of pipes, water can easily be carried to the dif ferent rooms iu a building, or in case of fire, thrown upon the roof. IT A correspondent of the National Intelligent devotes one long letter to an appeal to the sense of propriety of all right-minded men, to pay the postage on any communications they may have occasion to address to Mr. Clay or Mr. Calhoun. Neither cf these gentlemen are entitled to the franking privi lege, and both are seriously and inconveniently taxed for postage upon their extensive correspondence. The writer of the appeal in the Intelligencer sug gests to them that they make it an absolute rule. not to take a letter from the Post Office unless it is stamped " paid." The adoption of such a rule is, we fear, their only protection. IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE. Banishment ok Santa Anna from Mexico. The Charleston Courier of Friday last, contains the following important intelligence : FROM HAVANA AND MEXICO. The Mexican steamer Neptuna, Captain Parkin son, arrived at this port yesterday, in the short run of 3 days from Havana, bound to New York put in here for a supply of fuel. We are indebted to Capt. P. for Havana, papers of the 8th inst. Capt. Parkinson informs us that the Br. mail steamer Medway arrived at Havana on the 7lh iust. from Vera Cruz, which port she left on the 1st inst, having en board as passengers General Santa Anna, lady and family, who had been banished from the Mexican territories. Thev were id nro. cecd to Venezuela, Geu. Santa Anna was received with every demon stration of respect on his arrival at Havana, being es corted to his lodgings by bands of music, while little attention was paid to Gen. Bustauiente, thus shew ing that popular opinion was quite unfavorable to the newly constituted authorities of Mexico. ' We have no positive particulars aa to the course pursued by the Mexicau eovernment, in banishing Santa Anna, but Capt. Parkinson informs us that he understood the decree prescribed an absence of ten years. Bp.AnTtE ci? ' Ra'TIxr. i'iif N. Y. Spirit of the Timee, in speaking ol Peyton., enys : "Bar ney informed us that on the 4th mile of tin ac ond heat he was fearful that the race w- lost. He had been spurring his mare so em-nrtwively that her lacerated sides became callous, and he tlianged his teat in order to get at iv.it ptsh I He rotild not have won the race by one inch rnore than he did x" , EDITOR'S CaRRESPONOSNCg. U. SL Hotel, PiiitnoruHiA'. June 13th, )tW5. $' My dear Sir ; It really to me is astonishing, that people should lite contiguous as North Carolinians and Pennsylvania now do, when expedition and cheapness are considered, a ud know bo little of each other. But one thing diminishes my wonder, and that is the eagerness of the American eye for whatever is distant, foreign, or exotic. Our wayward and ever wandering imaginations are Constantly in search of scenes, events and incidents remote, while the beauties before us are overlooked or not appreciated: If there be a land on which the Southerner should delight to gaze with more rapture thau on all other, it i this. Hera it was, that the philanthropic Pknn, persecuted by his own country, discarded by his own father, for the expression and maintenance of religious sentiments, formed the first Treaty with the rude sav ages of the Delaware andiiiisqtiehaiiah the onlyoue without an oath the only one which was never viola ted. And here now iu a stupendous and magnificent City, are seen and felt the benign iufluencesof his mild councils and beneficent administration. If there be a land, on which a patriot's soul should feed with more patriotic emotions of delight, save " on his own, his na tive land," 'lis this. Passing from North Carolina, the mother of Inde pendence, he iroes over the hallowed soil of the "Old - -, - o Dominion," enjoys in the hospitable Town of Peters burg all that his ancestors before him did. in their early trafic with that commercial mart views the basin of Pocahontas, in his rapid visit to Richmond, her tower ing Capitol, from which the irresistible eloquence of Patrick Hknrv caused every Delegate to hurst forth with his concluding words, " Give me liberty or give me death." Is thii nothing to be proud of ? Should we not cherish iu our heart s inuermosf recesses inch reminiscences; all of which so nearly prrtaiu lo the causes of our glorious Independence enjoyed by none but oursehes on earth, and which is viewed with jeal i ousy by every Prince and Po'entsle, as tending iu their onward progress, toshakw the scp'res from their trem bling hands, and toller the diadems of royalty fiom their impotent heads. Why should we turn to the page of ancient history, to read of a Roman soldier's noble daring on the bridge of the Tvher? Of the a.'lant Spartan who sought death liniler the shsilr of Parthian arrows I There is no reason for here, in a day's travel, ure present to our view, fields on which, siucj the veil has been re move I that bound nvjokiml iu superstitious awe lo Pa gin idolatry, feats as daring and noble have been per formed. And this for the enjoyment of social liberty and enlightened freedom. No savage rovenge, nor brutal courage was the incentive. The effulgent rays of revelation had dispelled the dark gloom, and irradi ated the path of Christian warriors. Who can ascend the ancient Potomac, without call ing to mind the days of ancient times ? What heart hut thrills with gratitude, as it beholds the venerated Mr. Vernon looks on Four Washing ton, and gazes on the lofty rising dome of the Capitol of his country, where freemen assemble to make laws for their own guidance? But, Sir, I muot Rtop this strain, else I shall grow too tedious. In Washington, we find magnificence, hut not Republicanism. All is formality : An Irish Porter guards the entrance to each Department, nor could 1 see any, from the President down, but the plain and courteous J. Y. M ason, boru ill Vt: ;in;a and educated at our University. At the U, S. Hotel, ki'pl by Biscii Tvlbk, you will bo well entertained, and from that City lo this, all is correctness and despatch iu (lie transportation of yourself and baggage, while tho scene is truly beauti ful and enchanting the whole way ; pleasant dwell ings green meadows and thrifty herds feed the eye with constant delight. On your first approach here, you are struck by a view of Girard College a building perhaps unrival led in the world for taste and magnificence, and a de scription of which; with many olhers, I will hereafter give. In front of my window stands that chaste and classic structure, the U. S. Ban!;, with its twrmy steps rising to the entrance, under eight aeat ly fluted col umns, and it grieves me to hehuid " Collector's Ouice'' written on the portals uf an Institution, designed by a wise and compieheiisive policy to succor the necessi tous, and encourage tha enterprising. Tins Motel, if not corresponding in its exterior to the nohlo buildiinj that fronts it, at iea-t within, contains all that-the. gentle man of taste, or I lie fastidious epicure could require. T. C. Uka, the Proprietor, is an easy, pleasant nay, an accomplished gentleman, and all of his superintendents and servants bear his charscter istics. I have much yet to learn of life, and our Landlord, yesterday, was of some service to inc. All old Irish woman, with a red and protuberant noe, and teeth which looked liko they could bite as deep inU a melon as a common jack-knife could Out, was annoying me to purchase her Oranges, whvu he passed by, and she not knowing but he too was a visiter, though in his own house, insisted that he should take some. She, said she was a poor woman by the nanis of Lyons. No. said Rka, your name is Hot Lyons, nor are you a wo man f you are a man by the name of Isaac Monday so be otf with you '. Did my time and health ad mit, I could write you much more ; but for the pre sent this must suffice. Yours, very truly, W. S. R. rOA Til RRQ1STIR. Ms. Gales: The following lines were written for the Album of an interesting and beautiful little Deaf, and liumb girl of Norfolk, Va. If you thiuk them worthy of a place iu your paper, please insert. C. W. P. Sce'st thou the Rose, when first it blows, The dew-drop on its leaf? 'Tin blushing cheek of maiden meek, Moistcu'd by maiden's grief. See'st thou a Star, which shines from far, And twinkles all tho while? 'Tis maiden's eye, all bright and shy, Set odf by maiden's siiine. See'st thou the Dote, as from above, It seeks the parent nest ? Tis emblem sweet, ol maid discreet. . Close by her mother's breast. See'st thou the Lamb, so meek and calm. But yet of -joyous lace I Tis Christian maid, her hope full stay 'd. On Heaven, her rasliug place. . When scanned with ear, these line appear An Image to disclose, Tis maiden jVute, without dispute A Dove, a iamb, a Koe. A heme on high, heyond a sky, A happy home for thee, Li Eden'a bower, a bliaafuj jkrw May Fa3t mt bat tT In a Tract recently published" bt the Ma rUml Tract Suciely, the follwing pa'snnge oc cur ; contain tru'h that will bo responded to lJ every one : "Oiieof the $rropt neglect of youth, mking salcul,t,lc"iiiicliu'f and ruin, is in the inmnm. incalcu erpeiMliiij, ,. pveiiifijf. Uarknee ws rrral.'d forgmo ; vwtC is the plate of quiet. Darknee Is tempi hi i,)n ,n uiiav.imduri ; euhVrintf the young to be out when the light of the dydin not restrain them from misconducij training thfitu to tin it. VVf have already an abundant harvest of this aeeding. ,Pnots,tiinbs,criiiic,givin) fearful fyrtf boduigs, re the rrWt. of youth liPcoming fit a-flr-rits of outrage by runtutio; unrariM ffr uu cv;. niHiTs. What we so in these reitnerig is ili-nln. -rableenotigh; hut what i thm imipared wuh what do not eci niultitutli'S ilisking ihotnsHlvi'H inineTuhl and noxious in this world, and what in that to come 5 " I'arenlg should look at the trull) thut rvpninrr pICHStirflj find riTreatiutie are often ilr;n!v pur' chased; the price, llitir own iinp.nrod co'nyfort. and tlm b!iolncl proseorfs ol their nd'-nrui mil! bp obvious that, in tins imit'er there c - no he no preecriwtl rule. J lion- cnnlic mi interdict of all pveniiijf recreations ninl employments ; yri, hen; is an evil not only d,;st nii tive to vuih, Inn planting; thorns in winy patii, and rnveruig ma. oy live with desolation. The n format). m de ma tided iminl tocenj. from jiulgoiKiit nod cons cience, and o this purpose judgment niul runs cienr mut e enlisrhtet1. 1 lemlt of families1 must learn lint the place on earth b-Ht ad ipieil to h,. a hleBsini: is home ; and hy example ai d w hole, some res'raint lliey must teach this'trulh to nl1 under them. Especially should lnuiie durintr Hahbath hours be consecr.HPil. Sabbath inorii inir and evening lire blessed indeed whn thev gather the fainilv into the circle of converse anil instruction ; and parents niul children, musters and appreiitircp, and servrnts, in lh presence Bnd liv tliegrarenf God who h is made them ami placed them in their respective pUiIitis. raise lhem.f!vi s tmhe exalted level of truth thai thev are tnwsioii wiwi canaci'v aint niiinjniion in their i rPpel i ve coii'li' i"up .ipi-iond I lir in hv.)n all vv ise iVovi'lenrn. ',t help each other inv aid to hm or. glorv, and innn:irt ilnv ; eterniil life Su's per. ish in (ver'is'ieg riea'li ; th"V ensh hrntiuli negler". Vliorvcnil(l stand ;'l tlm jn'le-inent f the (Jie.-.t D iv under the imputation of Hint noj lect. I l.i yau say ' not I !' Then, think ol those things " A eem lotn in from lllailen rotin'y inform ifs lhat the frost of the Isl of tins ninnih was severe enotiL'h to kill tliP com on Ins plantation which was nearlv three feet high. Ileh.nl ploughed up a thirlv sere field of corn of that description with the deioini of re-pl.mnn;r I'. It 's swamp land m a low situation Wi!mit!lnn OirutMe. .ut it. Junk 11. IS 15. The influx of iniin'grains at. ibis port still con. Unties. I'prtiiids ut two ilioiiand hive arrived u'l hill the last three days Tle'y niav he seen in ereit niitohers in th" sirents ieadio" to the IN river, anl before the (ierniin and Svvies hoard nip houses. They are ",,rl ho most part, t hrilty aiiH well-clad pooile, ilioijoh tiiore ar" some auioior tie' m, doubt less, bo nd! soot, become candidates lor our alms lioon's The (Jreat Western, whn li sails to morrow, will take out favorable account of ihe state of our cotton niii ket, iih'ch li no! a? ye! been al lecled hy the fill nl prices in lverpool. VF.ltV Sl.NCtJLAIL A Negro woman in ibis 'I'imii was taken en Saturday with a vomiting and threw up an am inal resembling in form a doe; about an mrli and u halt long w ith tail, ears ami every tiling .l.-'e, ejrcepl hair, heloning lo the canine race. On Sunday the woman was eeized with alioiher vomiting til, and threw up four animal of the same description as the one thrown upon Sat urday. The: rarmiiits, which ivrro seen by the fore, man of tins office, and many (itie(s, were alive when discharged from the stomach, and are now preserved iu spirits. Th,s woman has nn'icipaiej the days. r s 'i ,v r.r nleiliiicncrr. HOH.NFI) .KF,. A sp'cini'u of this rare and il.iiigarnua rejitile (which is l y in my cot.siilereil as hav ing no exis tence except io fable) vv as .recently killed on ihe plantation ol Mr Wit W. M 'otip;, in this cnuiily, ahum 10 Hides from Tuskegce. A genih-niao ,v ho assisted in killing the sn.ike I c e ribes H as Ivivinv; been between (isnd 7 leet long ; colored much like the rattle. sn-ike ; having at the end ol the lail a horny spur, resembling in appearance that cf a dunghill cock, except that it was cleft and capable; of being; opened, from which protrit- deil a aharp instrument, supposed to he a sling. J The corpent above named is believed in be idem I tical with what is sometimes called the Hoop j Snake, from the fart thai it occasionally assiiune j the form of a hoop anil propels itself forward in ; that shape. It is lobe regretted lhat a specimen , of this snake could not be taken without mulila. ! I ion, to ho submitted Iu 'lie Px.niiinal ion of iialu. i ralisls, and ultimately depnsred in one of our pub- lie Museums ; and it is hoped that the publication of thia article may aid in producing such n result . ; M irm A ' ) HrputjH.-'trt M. Caliwun's Fhis-Mm The removal of Mr. Van Ness (a friend nl Mr. ('.illuuiu, and a Hrmorrat of course) from tho Cullp-riorehip ol iNevv Voi'k, withoul caus'i assigned, and I lie sub. siitution of Mr. Lawrence, " whose dish is alwai right aide up when il rami porridge," genuine Old Hunker, appears In have had more effect iu opening the eyes of the Chivalry to the true state j ol ihiiijfs, than any preceding fad. Accoinpamed i or preceded by numerous removals made on I lie same principle, ii announces in terms quite an- : dible and intelligible, "that the door of office is ' closed .for ithe remainder of the adoiimnraiion ' against the friends of John C. Calhoun. None ! were mom active than they in securing Mr. Folk's election, but they are to share untie of the hon ors and rewards. But for their exertions, Mr. Folk would have been distanced, but they are driven forth from the feast v. Iiirh lliey had spread ! Yet thi is by no means nil or ll'e worst. What is doing is but an indication of what is to he done. The proscription of Mr. Calhoun's, friends i declaration that the whole weight, influence and patronage of the Government will be exerted in faVor cf the eucceesion of Silas Wright lo the I'residertfy an event a certain as that he lives and the Government ami the Van Bursa party cartefTtiCt il. Richmmd White. . Phairwokth v LiaeaAurr The memliers -of the br in the city have raiai-d by subsi -riptinn nearly one 1 lioue mil dmlars tor the relict of the widow and family pf the Isle R. S. Wilson, whose suicide, committed in the lark's few weeks aim e cauaed bo much excitement. They were in a m i deelittii wiridition, hi h i now happily allevia ted by thia tftut arie worthy r;nerosirv. N.Y. Cmriti. NEW YORK. New York i like the famou tower of Babel in two respects it nie, and she confusion of it language. Ii la a great bazaar, where pen pie il every hue, ehmire, clime and tongue, ct'norejr ite pell melt, all rushing aflt-r oitff great pf1it.i money-, (is religion are a nuinemu a the nations from winch "ii citizen are lo arended. The correspondent of the National In'olligen cer give tho following interesting sketch uf tlit;ir various rreedsand churches ; " A cur'ous volume might lie written descriptive of the various chinches ill this city, the religions taught in them, will) ihe characteristics of the ulnciajing preachers. You limy liml sects here. of every Chris tian creed, who have rcgnlar meetings on tiie Sab bath, ami sincerely beheie lhat they ai-wMie fuvnred Ones', who liave the truth, while aii I he rest of the world are groping in error. The prafaf the orgun I in the tine Catholic Church in Canal street, disturbs j the pliilu ophieal lufulel, who i harnuginng his biei Ii - j reil on the iH Mnn ol evd and ilie ileliii,ni oi ihw lt:t,l 1 in Ihe hall hard by. Mere iiipiI Ihe Mormons, .or ' j l.aiier Dav Saints, nun. a few doors further on, ou may li-ten lo an rUnuent Unilurian, who has one of l'ie most inte lleclual audiences iu the city. In that diney Intle building iu liioiiine street, a plain'. looking man is preaching a discourse iu the Welsh language; j and come with me to this old hulk of a ship conVerl ;edmioa Bethel chapel, niul moored to one of The j crs in ihe Nuitl, Uu c r, and you may hear the Itev. Mr. Iled.-innn, a cuiiutr man of PredenUa Uremer. I preach in Swedi,!, ,,,,,. ( his sen-luring brethren, i ihe 1'iviicIi language irciv he heard in three of our j largest ehurrhes, two of which are costly and mug j iiifieent slrtieiniss. " Tliro. are two Swedeiibprgn societies, which uie s,,id to be increasing in inuuher ; and the Lutherans W'ui In lie n itupiM-tn ol sect. I A" elegant Morgan chapel lias recently been erect ed iiNlonslon street The lluiunuiiK ,,'ie putnmi up a Huiiusuioe iiiucn in oiouu -vay near I nurt s' reel Hut none of our religions sueielies li.ie yet l,em ah.e lo compete with the I'lote-tant Kpi ci'pu.um in the splendor and sijte of Iheir hoii.sc. oi w.irlup. Timi ly Church ut the head ol Wall slicrl , "inul ( lr.ice Chuicii, near I'niou Place, are now h fur Ilie mo.-t j tasteful uud oinaineulal liiiildilig-J in Ihe eilv, .ilih : it uill he nearly a ear before they an1 lm.li cuoi- pleted. The lonner is built of brown fieeslone, and I liio filter id' unpolished marble." 'Mis Brown, I have hi- n to learn hmv to teli f.irliiiKsi.' r- ml ayotinj; lellow ton brisk brunette. 'Just let me hive your hand, if you please.' La! Mr. White, hmv sudden you arc! Well, ; and ask my lull! IT "Fatiifr. taki-. Mk in" A ge nt 1 man I in t'ieavelanil. irot-nnlho o'Iot niormii!'. am lis covered a iiicp hllie b-ihy, hi a b isket, hi ill" door with ibis inscription pinned on us cap : " I'uth er take me in " Low ni'iiii ts, cAUsr.i) nv tiif. imif.s F. CF of iiiiiiire hiiiiioi s i n i he Ii ""il I e , o. is the' state ol tin' body and mi id lnch renders lucre c.rist nrj a hlessiit-r -iv tlii'-r i-li ,r't o ih ! is disc ise. and i, cause. I l.v the Ii i Ii om 1 al ion id ' i i ' r ! ii 1 1 h il iihiih in-1 h. blood, a I'd "'her iin es, hy noe lee! ol veirctable 1 1 1 ; r ir n. Tho cure is veiv I siuide ' pen the nutur , drains -d til'- ho lv whirh j ii it lire Ii is irov idei! lor I ho ( .in yi no '"it ail .'s on I purine-, and he ,llh U'l.l be sure to I -lloiv. Tins ran lie ace oi up1 h d without any i" venieiu-' , I oy ih" use of Uu Hi: , i mm; i mi's V i o i t a iii.i. I' MUHisAl. I'll. i, s, uliuh are known bv the expe. I once ol 1 1 i HI -1 10 1 -, to (eri'Cl ly ce,tlli the 111 mil Iroin all limine. s.s; n uiove every, inoihi I iir-'i'tioii, and renovate wed.,, n I "i. fee bled i o.is: ilu' inns to perl, el In u'l Ii ed i y-. r. 0 I- The lihov rills n-e eu hy l'""il II .-nt-.. ill nra ( 1.iii, y ol I lie Si ;ile, ,.) I.y WILL: I'LCK , lioieside und n tall A ,;elll, li. llelejl. U'rd Wasiiim.'Tun, June 19, HI'i i. l r Kt 'T to T ii ii m k m 1 1 1; v t : . s J M , sO Y. slrnleV , III pinsueliie ol tho order ol lo I 'l: LM til , V o-f the 1,'iiiled Si.ile. all ihe public o !i e- '. eio ( fused, an. I all ptibl c biiriin ss llieie II UOS, I during ,e day ip ning ol i he Circuit Coiir', 1 .1 Al kS"N ll IV tug Ijoetl mil by M r. Mm. I 1 1 , a uihe r i oil liv soon' apjiropi i ite ri in At tie he deal lllired I Hill III ks, and li I I the C I .iccolliMti:'i motion lor the lo'io.n ! been in ole, ( 'liiel .1 ii j l.eh ill ol 'lie Court, he ilj-hi r i . I lo the I loerV lee ( ot ihe ( 'mirt b ivn n A i il resioid"il i nd ordered thai tin iv lug r.ay are it as inl- jontneil mcordin..' ly I lll ll H I he oT , es ol ihe Corporation were nl looming by order of ih" Mav ill puldie ho. mess therein si, rein under id th" day. ypsierdav (i'y, ami dlt Olr th ol ih" md'.'i! i shut Th several II inks of the-City were i i hroiiab'-ti the dav Mat Inlrl. At Little Rock, Arkansas. (Jell. Folon Holland, Senior Kdilor ot llir. Aiksn-as Haulier, to Miss Mai v Isabel, only daughter of Mr. (jeuigo Melboiiine, of Ihut l iiy. In V arren. on the 7lh iust, by the Ilev. R. O lluilon, Ur. William II. Joynci to Mus Suiali Ann ( 'hilltop. DifO In llalifii county, Va. on the morning of llie2Flh lllTiinic Mr:. Stisaii W'JViiha'sViiT." James ,aiuiei.uu, of (be Noiiii Caioiuia ( 'oiiference. In M ii i on , Mis. Mar) .N icliols, (f n inerly of Urange coiiniy,) H:i jearsof age. Mie died in lull hope ol' a happy uunioititliiy. In .Noiloik, Va r.liahelh I'elton.only cbihl of Rev. Edward and Ann Kliza Wadswoilii, aged IU uiuulhs. Uu the tilth nisi , in (iruuv.lle l ouuly. ui llie'JIst year of her age, Mrs. Martha C lletliu, wife of Rev. R. T. Ilelliii. . r u( hm a,re. William Robert Jatlray, one of the oldest Merchants in lhat City. II L sib AG'O A.'W LARD for sale as well i. tuuar, Molu,ses, Tea, Coffee, Uutler, Hull siller, Ac, dec, WILL PECK. . 49-.:li June "0. Removal, W. J. It AMSAY rtesprrllu l) iiiIoiiik In-old customers and the i;!iltc in ueiiemi, lhat he has rrmov. ed Ins Jewellery llh tih!iilllll(llt to the: Xorlrl Carolina Bonk Kiori!. He will devote his en ure utieniion to llepuiring all kinds f Watches Chicks and Jewehy on terms losul ihe dillicubv ol Ihe limes. All work warranted I" perforin well' Vt a ches sent froin'a distance will L punctually sl ide lea t .. Jucen, 1845 49-Gt Jlrs. M. 'A, Ramsay f W iemovedher Millinery Estsh whrnent lo it llo k11 house, on li .ii,lh side rtt I ! ar ijoll HUeei. two .r.Kirs Iwlnw ihe i-nner. firT'W'ilm nif j lo.i Mlreet, where she w. uld ho Kind lo ee hsri.ld j customers sod friends. Owing in ihe d'l?ic-o.' , the times, she has laduced bsi prieee foi wvfrk. ! June 30, IMS. 41 It ' v Wr are requested to announce John V. ifloorp, as Candidate for the Su perior Court ClerfcshiD of Wake Count r. June 19, Ib't.V ii ii - ' f s VVK are requested to announce Wil I i a III Stringer ns a Candidate for the Office of Superior Court Clerk in Wake County. , Raleigh, June 1,1. We are requested lo announce JnillCI T, Marriott, the present incumbent, a n candidate for the Office of Couu.tr Court Clerk in Wake Couuty. June 12, 1S-15. " jirT""iii'Xri7ivi:'i, A large lot of SALT, and FAMILY GRdCERIES, U lii !s will be told Idw fer nth. JOHN R. WHITAKER. . June 10. 1S4."i. 49. 3w CONCERT. A 'acnl nnl ImirUjiK'tital fonrfrl ryll be given by Mr. C. II. OA K KK, assisted bf ihe members of the Km, kioii Ci.kk and IvSTIII'MKSTAl. Soi'lKI V, ill (llr ('itll Hull, on 'J'uetltru Ercuiti. .1 uue 'J i, lbs!5. O'it'ers of lrrjtnri : Iir.XliY I). Tt'l! N llli and W.M. STITH, Tsars, luiomi I ii:.- I. A'i lis March '-' Violins, Viola. Flute and A'pue ?tl a roll nee llo, I .let- ,-.,( our Violins, Viola, ours vvnii fo tilh liainer. r'd spray, ' ( -I VMiep .. i Se'.ei !.., (,.,111 ll 1 il l, i I hstr:n,,( nlevenson. I 'peia of tiie lU.liOllilan Balje. aijrn, Aiiber '.. Mr. t takes, Kaluicoda. Mild I Were : Hu ih-.'. i.ilie filing. 1 ruiid Itlietto " The Minnie (inn ut Sra." iilt7.i ( t.illnp Instrument d. I. inner ij- llcroldi Son "The Moon's on the Luke" eele. brated Senlch Soutr of Hie " t.atherin of Hie Mai'tiregnrs," f, I niei illusion "f I n luiiinten.) rAiir li. I I. March of Aostiia, ( f.lsl rinuciitn! .) ' Stnvis. 'J. Ti io o p, ni." fiV'i. It nlfr. 3 tjuiek Siep -y Wrecker's dioighter, 'Kief. I. Ssoiig M Ltin is i, iv llnnis, ' nWi Melody. .'. Marseilles 1 1 inn, 1 1 n-l ruin -ntal,) Fiemh Air. ti, tilee ' ClHitl.e Si.,:e," Hutchinson 7. ( Hm-'-'coich ,v l. i li Hel. L'liinpi'in Alelndirs.iVe M I'lNii.r ' nlil Lang S ne," vinli chorus. !I I'm keis .'ill rents, id. rating u Lady nnd (Jen t leiniiii to he h.ol .il. the Ilonkstores ; mi.le lickels oil emu Coiieeit id i iiininener at H o'clock, pre ci el). Poors open nl a ipuJer prist 7 o'clock. si;u.!(; OTF AT COST. vo:i c.isn, CPtrAT BAuGMNS TO BE HAD ! ! -rpin: s,d, liiiiiii tlf'U'Miiint'il lo rlf'na I'1!- pen -I. w i 1 If m it ml "atVtT iti.it iljtt sell tli'eir tit eint m i 1 1 t i f 1 1 i v r Slock i Byy 4oo!Vi---At i ont I 'Vptr -oriin'U m! l-r ttnM.,1 vf rv i rue, i nil'rar;n(f t hf ik irt s! mitt i)tf ti,hruhic -1 am! imti'ril t'V iv V miicip umi.iMt k (ii in I'-l.ilih-hrii "I tti Kn il, W c 1 1 vile jMiit 1 1 'i mi iri Uiv 11 uim! t uutAty u j;ie I ii i it' r v Mer-loons in ivuril of pn. ds 1 In fill up" would Hud ll nn'ii'lv lolfoir inlere-t Irt look SI OUT Roods. i;i;-i.i.i. a ikkiik;k. iext dour above li NmiihV Ju e IS. I "11.". di-lf NOTICE. H we sre desirous nl i losing uor huiness in (Ids o!irc ms .nun lis iossil'le, we rei-jiecihillv re al' indebted lo us in rorne lo'vvanl ml rnttko meet. HCMltiU, 4 IKUll)iK. uc IH. A'J-lf A J.i PLOUGH POINTS COME AT LAST ! Crsf rcreiwil slow supply ol is I Points to QZP I; oil 111..111I s riouuh'. Ai- Weill constantly on hand I,, out Midr tor the ssoie. I' irinrrs -I on d .re ..it their I'loueJis do not need li t- Male, ss with jul Ibem they may lie ruined very sou,, J Mli.i M. TOW Lr. tune "0. 4U-jf. A 1,1, pe'nns with i.r c I 1. 111 determined mis are ho'ci.y 1'iwsriieil, irnrn trnouia iitiy lesly on my iiicouet as lelermoied Oi liny no ilel'l conliseled in my , name wiilo-ui 11 writien coder from ine 'J'his de lei nuuiiii'in, I sin ic ohitetv resolv. il In adhere to. W ILI.I l A. COKLE V. V nlie Cooiily, June 19 I HI-''. 49 3t T .Hi: ftlatc ol .1IiiKiiii MO.ROB ( UIM 1. I jiruii Cniirl April 'o,m, IS15. Samuel Thompson, ft. William Chnmhers. Attachment ,'i?IWI 00. Or.leird l y the Conn ilim puMirfitien ,ti made In ihe l( die'ih lieinstrr. aoewsp.iier puhfrhed in Ihe Cnv ol haleia'i, .N.rili Cur hna. mice s we. k f'l fin week, sin 1 e.sively , noiil' nig the fM ndsnt of f liF 7.ui.lefioy "Virifiis npjif Soon e hv the rrit trriii of ibis Couit. I" he hel tleii at the Com limine, in the Town nl' Athena, on tiie loiirih Monday ol Oeiot er i.eit, that judirmenl finsl wd! be rendered sir tiii-l him, and the property sliin lied sold lov.iiisfv Ihe I'liiiiilHti 's dem 011I. A copy fiom ihe Mimi cs 1-stir.l Mith Mav. 181.1. Test, A L'd I LN PHI. LA Ml) Cle.k. June 20. I .5. 4!l-oaw6w IIUUSKS AM) CAUKIAGES, AT AUCTION, On Tomorrow! I1H K liin'ersifrned will sell sl Au. tion to the hifh. 1 et bidii. r, ! Snitird y lbs 2 1 -1 uist. ihe lollow irig po.'ei hi l -r ihe heiirfji of ihe uwueis', who bas no turiht r use f- i tlim. I. A psir of U .hiiiiore Ma'ch Day Horsea, said to he Is. ir. . well biuke. , soun.l ami Joung and eicaU lent irmelle'rs. 2 Two other lnre. well'lirnkeft, aid 1 .( a nod .pi.ihtv and m,e ol ihem a veiy h.sl Holier in haroess, :t. A Kanulv Co ach. Iiirc sod eleiiniil y fini-red. of Ktiribem msnuf iriire. ami used oi.ly a f. w veeks, t gether wuh the llainess to suit. 4. A Carry. All in.d i'-e'e Man ess, snd a Horse Csrf snd (o'dr, all nearly new suit in gocd on'er. . The sile will he positive and without reserve, and will bemsde on Saturday he ii, aj 4 o'clock, P.M., in front ol the Coon llo.-siv in litis City, rn cedit . .if six momha "r Hpproe 1 noies made ucjutiatle and payable at the Hank of ihe Mate of N. '. VVM. PiiCK, Auctiarnw. ' UWi;b, June IS, 164&. 4V

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