' '2 " us :he mists dream, ITh InirtauitV ef the Mowing P'pit1 ,,rin W ecieotifie puoi and play opon erord., will es pecially commend it te our ecientific reader. ; while, in theae'daye of universal reading, there will be found few indeed who do not understand 'enough of the vocabulary of acieoce, at lea.t to appreciate, in aome degree the fun of the thing. Ujt from the JCoickwbiiNJ. , Ueihougbt I wi. exploring e bidden recesieeof an extensive cave, whose wind rrg parage, had never before echoed to StrZi of human foot f With e.er-fresh .dn.ira.i6n and delight, I l jjj the thousand wonders winch the flashing torch-lighl revealed on every aide, each Ilep of ?..v progress, when a strange sound, I, of the hum of many voices, , fo.l upon my ear What such a sound could mean Ml auch , place is more than 1 could d.v.a. Curiosity led me on in the direction whence H cmn.-. Tli buzz' of ronv. Ration, cheer-fulfil--would rrm frq.rt the occasional bursts of merriment that wore heard, grew more and more distinct, until Jbe dark " narrow passage I b.abewiUlowii sudden; v opened upoMmeof tfiose magnificent took parlors, ol wnose grainieur -acrinii..n can convey hut faint idea. A flood ..flight illuminated the archmg root With the vast columns of stalactite sparkling .with crvtl 4ht titjrted r ' fl,ct d wiih impnsinifW. cl from the huge heeUofll.es3.no material, of "the purest while, that hung from the ceiling in (jr.ee ful but substantial drapery. I stood in one of nature's noblest l,..lls but not alone. A straive company had ga'hered n"c pi..b .,.,;... and white, blue spirit and ...... ,.,.. l.rfore me. A fstive occasion h..i'!.mM.rin iovous mood and in boli day alt.re of the ririt born of creation, the Elements ojhing. ; Ih dreams .nothing- ever surprises us. It .,! rfntl untiiral to see these fairy forms m thai strange grotto; so, accosttnir Without hesitation, the one nearest to. mo I apologised fortov intrusion, and wasa'.oul to -withdraw, f rout my new -,v, i.:..;..l.,i rnr.I.iil a H el'otnc, ami bo earnest an invitation to become a partaker in their festivities, that I could not .deny mv teir the pleasure of accepting the hospiUMy o kindly proffered. . I waa't-Kin informed that some of the lead characters among Hie Cements had re Solved some week, before on ba.ii.K vr.l picnic dinner party. F.fi-i f'y invitations l.;l accordingly been sent out, one to each of the brotherhood: and prepara tions for the feast made upon a mo-t extet,. iveseale. Sea and land had been ransacked for delic.fitw.niHl every thing was put in re nuisition ih..t(rouldmi...sterlotho splendor , of theei.tsriaiuinct.tor to the ci.joj uicul ol 'the occasion ,, At Hie hour I so unexpectedly came upon them, nearly all ihe-g.ie.it. with their fam- ill. hid assembled in the Strang drawing room I have described, awaiting the .sum mons I. the banquet. Span.o.isas .hilt, raw n room was. it was nearly filled with these interesting chrld'ren of Nature And here Ihev were; seen, not as in the chemist a la boratory, writhing in the heated crucible, or pent unW"?' prison; or poem.-.' out ol Ls holders ami Florence flasks, but arrayed in their native beauty ; each Irce s a.r. and acting s impulse prompted. I here were those presentof every hue, very si vie ""rew, every variety of appearance-. 1 he Metals, the Gaseilhe Salts, the Aods, the Oxides, now b, tb. Urorueter. PST n9. tbProftrssof of qhmUlry,wbere,it teemed.inch h pir , tf wllej & p-. ,t te my ooDfualoo,' I had fallen eleeB Juring the , ,g of Chl,rc, Rewliug. Frow bisiib HAZLITT'S ADVICE TO HIS BOSr.. now or ne r i. .'l"!! .! bv the way, then who " ".' :;: .:.. b- k M stern old Uon, baa naru w -VVT Ti A strange character surely wm le pbN pkr of Xomrnon power, of fle rfjjl. veriest busy-body in the worW ; efl. wJ the art of healing; psacticalmalgamaon M . o .h.. eompl't. factotu Pot. I TU, brilliant looking follow, u,an,fe..ed Uh, mech levity in hi. deportment to win reaps. A, and was p?onounced.iy those who knew him best, to be ra-her In grw&y. PI,iou '"Tm .d all the company; in natural brighiuew. Tin was outshone by few. " When Oxygen arrived, and hi. bght elastic tread was beard, and hi. cle.r, transparent coun tenance was seen among them, a murmur of con emulation ran round the drawing room, and in. voloniarily, all assembled rose to do him homage. He was a pntriarch indeed among i hem ; literally a father to many of ih. younger.gue.ts. Hn ar rival wa. the signal for an "J'nraB"t. .' V banqueting roum. where of right ho took hi. .eat atuieneauui ure ' . , Touching the apartment Ml.o entered, , i .h.t ,i una rind bevond deecrtp- .,, it aa. hnfiteJ up with the radiance of nWn.da'y, by an arch of flame intensely daizling i a h. . M.rlnn, annaratu. which Galvan in these matters, had contrived fur the occasion, out of some materials with which his friends Zinc and Copper naa lorn.sneu .ml wreaths of roses en- . . i . l 1 .Ka wIwiIa circled the alabaster columns ami mi - look like a hall in Fairy land. ; n,, i muai siAanrinn mm lauiu inu it" i.'n'uP"v nalia. The preparation of the viands I mean the baking, boiling, roasting, stewmg. ana ine i v I...:- .l.Iii. hjil like hau been committee io i ..rl.nnil in that deuar'tnent, i nobler of the Metals had generously lent their costly services of plate, while Carbon united with i r.. .;.i. .ho ..Intrant steel cullery on the run lu luitn. - . . occasion. Alumina provided the fine sel of China that graced the table; and Silox and Potash, without solicitation, sent as their contribution, cut glass pitchers and tumblers, ot superior pai tern and transparency. a. .m., tl. of Nature there is nh era ving for artificial excitement, Oxygen and Hydro, gen. (who. by the way, have done mors for the Cold Water Societies than Delavanpr Father . a :. 1 al. a A mi mt Ir Mathew.J werecomtniseionea to proviu ables ; asd what beverage they furnished may be easily conjectureU. Carbon, wi n waj.. -Hydrogen, found most of the vcgtables ; and Nitrogen, whose assistance as commissary here, was indispensably joined fheor in procuring the meats, under which the table groaned. No taste but would be satisfied with the variety; no ap petite but would be cloyed wiih the profusion of good things. . Though the liberality of the four who bad been named. Fefl but linle for their associates to con tribute, still some individual offerings to the feast deserve to bo noticed. Thus the oysters. Car bonate of Lime had sent in the shell ; ths pyra- f i k. .i.,.n.i worn nrnvided mius ol ice cream i"r mo - r- g ... - u.... ..t pi.!,,,;,! mil Iludroaon. the1.. oy ine uaugenor vi unwi -.j- c Dreamtd a dream in the wo w mj mmv MsntcAtCoixiei, CwMMiim. . MONOPOLX AW ARlSTpCttACK. m- n...,; i; an extract frort the .peecB de in the llouw of RepreTivae te Coa- grew, in 1933. by Hoo. Z m. vnloBM-k. anti-tarin btll Boston. . P" the SDeecb were true rna anruniwn1" vww --- aod unanswerable then.. and they are so now Tfien, sir, we are told of favorea ciasje. ; o favorsTof rich men not being content with equa protecU and having bcought the Go.er.me, t io make them richer by ct. of Congress. S r. deny the fact. I deny it in toto. When -did capital ot capitaTists.sk you to regulate the mm. phWmenj of their capital ! Never. '1 he me r ' ....A i m favor ot tree opposed to .hem 1jf"3K . r ri 1 u . ntn ilia business ol view to lnaucn a : . ...I aaul ink. IAL US S manufacture. . i ue cpn.." . ... H . amir w. on elrengin l0.ne". ' VlT.r:.:, . Like the channel of WHICH i capi.a.... , ; - Ml(liI., uuon teTnaudnt.chinery. IIIIUM'UV W , - . which can becomerted to no oiner Pu,y ,v. -. ... .1.- nueat DOIIltot pro- ryn.g coinpemioo . , - r that we are grasp . . Mn....-- - ::us: erha;Mom-.yr ;rirg enough, per- hasi:n:srmayre source, fro... which these scntimenta .naye been drawn, t.or from now 7-p.. ..... been he d up to tne view oi in.n - i ocen ne u k nrim- ii e. of revolution nonuce litem itifnt""'-" e- . , f , . ary radicalism ; I hey are mo - " Cayde ! they are the principles Frane i J ",u I . T , ,:..':.. l. imam in the worst period ol me revo - .be cry of 'rich aristocrat r me . f L toaterne." and consigned the uuhap, victim to a near lairi.t post. .. ..r . mii nri inert be carrieu om and we need not trouble ourselves about preser vin r the Union. It will not be worth the pains It stnkes at the root of the prn.cipie .i sec..... ladon the very foundation of all civil.ZHliou. - Sir. we have heard a great deal of rich man ufacturmg corporation. : of overgrown corp..r tions. as odious, dangerous n.onslers. On Ih . ooi.it I have a word to say.' as o. no aubject. per Los. is there more general m,sappreheitsK.ii - VVJiM is tle laci : . , , . . r f..i,.roa urn nrC.duCOO OV modem ayW fl o. .-'-"--- - This combined actiol,. i---- . ' -nilfa!lure is more e.pectal.y me ce . of cotton. What, then, ts the . flVct of those cor Duration, or joint aMck companies .' bonply t" ble people of .mall or moderate c .p.tal to qom into business on equal terms with the rich. For myself. I know no more ingenious mode of pars y iii the d.rectand immediate .nfluenre of wealth than those very corporations. I ue pn.pm.j e rich capitalist. ,f he be rich O. taken , ron. hi. controUnd placed in the hands o .he more ac. tiv -nanars of the concern. I he mere cspi MgM, no more command of it than if it were . - t .u .i It mav bj worth :un8 in tne Doiiom . oic - d I is lunufc of , i sun, in in" "" - . . i. the 1 . :i. !.,,. ,ro l,ow these corporations ari "J " i i ; ik. I . . ..'L.r... ..,, ilio rnmuoneut parts bride of Sod.um,who was out aevera . . y , up. "ave . . the Alkalies all wefa mere. r.o. r.;ul.a il..ntiiof ocean even, tney Itar com'ei; and a gay.r asmblage, a more ..Hmaied eccne. my eyes had never bebel.l. Many of th lad.es of the party were niot . . , ii.. r.l.l.rin wore a ben.tl.fill sreenish yellow roue, timi u.a,...., nueeit.like form Jo good advantage. L e fair daughters of ChrmtMom particularly at traded .! auction, w ..h their gay dresses of the liveliest golden yllow and orange red. i .1 1... Inot nrri vd. ami was not louine in". j ' , f etHrsenc.rwl.ered of ah unpretending onier J . r .,rav that euvelopeil her per- io,, ; but the warmth of the apartment soon compelled her to throw this aside when she I ...... ..fill... ir:ill7P. appeared arraveii in a vtsiu.c b ----- t i l .,J.. ni or imnffiuable ol me mo. ij"--i" --.- - , Carbonic Acid was tl.err, but not clad in the airy robe, in wb.ch I expecte.. .o se w.. tuf- f ih iron band of adversity A lie iimas'ri v. had been up.... her, and now her. alt.re was plain ; simply a dress of snowy white; Ihe . ! . i .i. .u. n.-iliinpit circumstances Deal wiiien id , ...u.-i. .1 1...1 hP.i reduced allowed her a wtliuii an" ,i to assume. Quite a contrast to her was mo h- r...u .um nu would have sutHMiseil lo WJ miwrii) w j . be a widow in deep mourning , wbobad taken the black veil, so .able were her gar.per.ts, ... gloomy tier .com in. had not her ear-r.i.gs of polished jet, and i .1 . r'.i a ihal olillereil on he CirC.ei O. mm""""- - n . . i ,iwt mU hail not vet altooelher renounced the vanities of the world. 1 he belle of tbe room appeared to be N.trous Acid, the graceful daughter f Nitrogen; airy in all iior. movements, and with dress of deepe.1 crimson, inai "i- "-" - ; with . lip and chetk rivaling the ruby tu the tr redness. Among the lady Metals, too, there were many of bright faces and resplendent charms : but I must pa, on to a description of the .i ....... r ih. niirtv. Siilnliur wore a uivofrnode.t yellow plush, while Pfiospho. roa quite disconcerted some of the m,.rde corou. of ihe matron, present, by inak.ng i.: ..r.nr. in a pair 'of flesh colored .'i.hia. PU.huretted IIydr.uen, or a. be " Will..rf ll.e.Vi,. " .tariled la iiica-naui .... - ,, , . . mo by flitting by in robe of living flame, . - j :.. ...t.;i. ih graceless voiinjistcr is tne uress tu '- .. . ."id lohsualchurcb yard? and marshy places, . . Ii.in I V il laai Unfa . playing hi pranne upon pu. .- -Th. Kingof the met.WGold, w.. arrayed hi .... - ihuucrh it mu.t be con- iMaa4 tbsjre was a glitter apd wr of bghtk paa about bim, from which you would tura wMb plaasor. to tbe mili.iweet face of bia royal tar Silwr, wno, ieae op"" i -." -Mttiuaumins creature, of alerling worth. Mereory wa ?ra, aa livajy" and .a veriatile . 1 . ! raauWa. beine 1 aow b v the tber- jMBMUr, noting the .ubterraDtaa Utnoeratur. J snow engaged in freezing them ; and the almond. and peaches came from the conservaiuty drotyantic Acid, the drugirist. Alter grace had been said by Affinity, who is a . r -i.m.Kin to the Elemenis, having officiated at the wedding of all married ones nf tlmeom- nanv. a vig.Hr.Mis onset was ms. b " , ilnngs before them. At first, all were too n.ucn eng.ged for conversation, but the dessert appear ed at last ; as ibey cracked .he nuts the jest too was cracked ; toast and song were c...-u w.t and innocent hilarity became the order of the day. Even Oxvgeri. who naa preemeu an air of dignity, relaxed from his sternness, and entertained the younger ones fti tne .ao.o . - t .nU. n thA many a tale of hia misciuevou. pr..n. ... .i fu T-iiior m.aos. when Time and hun- elt were young. Strange tales they were, too, .l i. ...:.u nhirh tlmlrmen and he I oi ear.n(j..-.Ki.a wnu .....v.. j - would now and then frighten the lcthyaui and i i i r n Megaiheriaof the ancient worm; ..u ... .....- irrations comical, as ot Old vu.caua - f " ... '. , K iLa OA. anvil, UirHilmg them ueiore nis eyea . . I . t.n .l ry bolt he was lorgtng. - iniB,iw"i. ded. with a slv glance at his utaid partner N.tro. gen, who IV near, "wa. nemre omBn berea down hi. apirira, and Umcd bia impetu OOP , . I U-..a ar.ira 1(1 rfiron C B IIHIIW J IMVV v-v- f i.- n.iMn'1 4nrlv vouth. nor any ot "1W aay ng. and doings of others of the party on ib.s memorable night. Ei:e wn.nu . lou. .tory Nickel bad to re'ate. of a falbng out i.a,l i h the Man in the Mon, and of a IC I'llVB ..... journey he was consequently under the necesst- ty of making in hssie io tne earn, mi -would 44-4of he d rolleriee of Nitron. Oxyde. lhat funniest, queerest, craziesi oi yuu..a-.c.., and how Phosphorus made a flaming speech, and Potash a caustic one ; and bow Mercury proposed ... i i .t tr unmn -i-h n.inini l'rnieEBiiui " as a umbi, "o we say, - Use us but do not abuse us. I must i. . nr a curious nine oi-n. SpVHB. ."V.t.. - - u . Ill chanced to witisss. ; it was a flirtation that rruiniT on wiih Hydrogen, whom. much to my surprise. I found seated among the. M-talii. and uuile at home among them, too. tu. tnitn ft rnmrui uct d - P T.. S Mernnnrk Manufac u r ng Company. w..h a capital of 1 500,0(K). divided into shres of 81 f ': The whole nn.her of proprietors is WU of which 1 o are am e e women. .folding 55 share.; II 7';: fift shares : 20 trustees. Ij.nlili.iff I9M share. ; 10 inc. hauics, workmen, and agent. ; df mer LtZ'h.d.lin,. WO share.; and men retired from business, holding 240 ?"-- A nroot thai me ru ,c "" , P . . own r.ir one share tors, there are w.J I - .- bul lW() arh and thirty-eiani - Shares each. Sk. I hope we shall hear no more of these aristocratic corporation Friend BroadbriiP, . : - l w. hiii.- tu Iuh master, a run saiu eH..- -:b . ..,!, can Quaker ol u.e c -y -; '- ' nlM1I1.tlde not eat of that leg oi muuou - "'"l day- . ....... ,v, n,l Quaker Whereiore nm : " - , i, .!. .IMD-Ihatanpcrlaineth to lh.it son -r mI.I,o, the worU calls Lawyer .- craft, ba.h come intomy parlor and stole it-yea. and he bath eateti it op . f , Beware, friend z.eFna...B... wiU.e.saa.n.V.hy neighbor. Art thou jure U was friend foxcran . '"'' - , . Vea. verily, I saw it wun m. - was Lawyer IWraft's dog ; even Pincheni -UpoT. hat evil time, have we fallen !" sigh ed the harmless secretary, a he wended h way m his neighbor's office. - Friend .Gripus." M.d .IaUaUephed the scribe, laying i 'CK. f-"d ,ha,1 -y, do?, S gone .n.o nry neighbor', pantry and stolen there Fom a eg mutton, and 1 saw bin. and could call him by name. What ought I to do! Pa, J the mutton- nothing be clearer. . . iv....Qii. ihv di. even from my Pry a leg of mutton of , he just value f four .hilli.ig and sixpence, which 1 paid for it S opiniontbt I mustpay for it. and having done en, the worthy fried tur- ned to depart. . , R ,, . r.ed Tarry vet a nine, im- the lawver "Of, verity, 1 have ye, further to y unto thee. Thou owesi me s......s. .ice to bt aoaoo going1 hwne 'irom Whooi, w. . . . .n : I. ..... s . . i. A- Mieei in lonewmg . -, . . To HSnSvUtf PO. OTJ"l vui"ni .Atlii Lioaaunn for. bad a. it may be, it 1" tn best we have to live in here. It railing would have made it better, it woutu nave oeen re.i.u, liwff go J but a. thi. ia not to be hoped for ereeei.t, the beat way i. W .hde through it aa con : ii j : .....i ma. . The worst lenieuiy uu ninubvnuj i- -. - fault it u.s, ia want vi charity ; and calling kna ... :ll . ... .kid iBliinit nvafooi at every mm win w " y Consider a. a matter of vanity) that if there were . ' 4.' .J Ll. .a am find. HlO WIS. noi.iimai.v i' : r and hefteat would not be those rare and .timing chr.ciT. that they are allowed W be ; and (a. a m.ttf-of phd.ophy) that if the world be really m.ke one .ad. not angry. We may laugh or weep - . . ... kHoa im .ifyht In at the maunes. oi uiaimniu , o ii- .; vilify (hem, for our own ke. or their.. W isan- ... i' . - r . I .irtA n, tii.niiin thropy is nol tne o-Fgusi m u.b nature, but with haelf ; or it i. laying it. own ex-ag-rerated vice, and foul blot, at the door of oth. er ! Do not. however, mistake what I have here aid. I would uot have you. when you grow u, adopt the low and .ordld fashion ot palliating ex isting abuses or of putting the best face upoii the worst things. I only mean that indiscriminate, unqualified satire can do tittle good, and that those who indulge in tbe most revolting speculation, on human nature, do not themselves always set the fairest examples, or .tnve to prevent it. lower degradation. , ,. -! . 1- . l'k.n urs hnhitliallv disregard those thmga which we know will ensure me tavorau.B upmiu" " - lhat opinion at defianceor consider ourselves above , , .11. 1 .,th imniillil V. All 111- ii, win. n no one ever uiu r - -- attention to our own persons implies a disrespect to others, snd may ofien be traced no les. to a ... I .... . il, .n ir mwul aene.-r- I he oil! wall! u. fiHiu iiaiuic in-.."1 , ll'tl maxim .Desire io tleow, and you will infallibly i i... .i... '...i,,,io ..ijupr. It there 16 a tendency lo vaniiy and affectation on this side o ' . . ' I ..II... f ...l.la anil the question, there is an equai "jr ' -..ha.lnm-v i.n ih ..nncsite one. I would not have i,....,....,,. tmiv ii. enter a room liroo erly, stumble at the very threshhold in the gH) ra'ces of those on whom it is possible the fate ol vour future life may depend. "Nothing creates a ' ......... ..ulnui nnv one than-awkward " a .......... r. ..i... ! rnufiiaed in manner u ml llt-na. n pcipun t iresmre seems lo have done aomeuimg w mug. or as if he was conscious of no qualification to build . - i i.- t. il, a MtKor ihunil confidence in iiunscii upon. v... i..7 ...... ,'...Um a..lt.iiiiKetwiun. set oilier at lipt rillirnr.. iicsnv.li! - - r , ease with you by .bowing that you are on good . .. ...t. .r,,,fDoir 4.111 thertliino 1 would cau- lion you against is not to pore over your books hie a habit vou Will till you are uum i. ... - j never be able to get the belter of. and which you ,u,ll fin,! of serious ill consequence. A stoop n Ihe shoulders sinks a man in public and private es. . . v.... st nreaont straight enough .iitiaito... iuiv. . f , , . - . i n. Knliliipua and BUirit. Uo .IO. sou you win. , . . . - ih iiai of vour nubs, or the ll.uiK io wiw i ,. ,i .iiytirii, nf vuur muscles. As to an worhiiy advantages, it is to the full, of as much importance that your deportment should be erect and manly as your actions. Studies The study of the Classics is lest I to be regarded . an exercise of the intellect, than a a disciyhne oj humanvy. i ue -"-tageof Ibis mode of education consists not sp much in irengiheniiig the understanuing, . , - ing and rehn.ng me lasic. . b'", . " . view; it accu.lo.na the mind to take an interest i thing, foreign to itself ; to love virtue fo, -, own sake"; to prefer fame to hfe. and glory o " . . .i .,t,ia nn ih rfinote riches; and to nx our .iiu..b.. ., - ' . ' . nf n.irrnw and fleeting ana penimnu.i.. - - - - fl ...nl.na net il nftllCVtl lilt IIJIV :ie,hingreaiv great i--.-. i-the-rld. surv.vHig all IM sn.H! - , r .. 1k)vo that low and tion oi o uni'iii, biiu i.o servi.efiar. which bws "on y to pre.en powe and upstart suthorily. rvo,n a dace In the hisiory o. u.a. -.- IS L ",,..ni,il arrain. They were two cilir-e "c""' " ,,:m '..: nm be hid : all eyes have seen them, and their light .hii.ee like a .....urk nto the auyss o. uniiijf n - , Slill green with bays each anciem Above the reach of sacriU-gioua hands; Secnr. irpm flames. frn envy', hercer rage, Destructive wsr, and all-invuiv.ng age Hail bards triumphant, born in happier days, Immortal heirs of universal praise ! Whos. honors with increase of ages grow. As streams roll dowu, enlarging as they now . it is this feeling more than any thing. Ue which produce, a marked difference between the study P" I ...mlorn lamriiaircs. and which, y the weight and ilnporianceof the conseonences aTtacned to the former, stamp, every word wi.h a mtttal firmne... By conversing with the .. mn uiin unnw X'wTbeTouIe singly attached to those eugc. " , Klir, nr a(!rve us. ex- l he mina. . . ; which gives immortality to human thoughts and act ion.; and catch the flame ot enuiua.u. ... all nations and ages. V- From lbs Naw Monthly Bella AMmbUv ; ' THE POST OFFICE (4a .IrM SUtck. i i-V-H: i ewa- f I. !. V liallavo nrnliarit of almost all Irish tow., that tae wurist wite atHilli through them wun ni eyea anui .... up. ... can hardly fail to return to bia .inn. wilfi ... . II .Ll.li C . r n . o k material, lor pew or peuo.i .,.. ed by the lower cla. oi " iuuonaiMa, more eipecially the legg l Hei pictu resque face end cosniue ere well woriby tbe attention' of tbe arti.l ; while he who wield, the quill (a goose quill it ineligible for the .erv.ee), will find many occa.ioua to uM it, it noting down Ihe scrap, of coh versation that are carried on, for ihe benefit of the public around him. During a visit of i thp ihwn of N . in tbe oavill V nw n rr -- - 1 large' lotsof SALT, ai FAMILY CROCERIES. wars.tt nrllt aU laWr In. au.H , - ataq, , . .- . ' inllV rJ U'tlnrn... Jon. 19, 1845. SJ tATB OF JSMTU CAftQLlMli$ COP-Vrr."Uourf ofl'Ua snd quarter awua, May lerei, iaa... ,..,. ... -' '' IUch'd. F. Yarkwugb. Ex'r, (As;n,) - - Vj..- - 11 Tboma. E, Y.rbrough and M.ry A.Ya4bimh Original Altackmmt. It appearing to th. .aiisfaction of lb. Coon ill . . .I-. ..r.i j.. A Vaibrouen are not ini.aoiia.ns oi rot out i . . .7 j r .. 1. k ..i. t.' ! . . w - WUCII. lunowtn - . .... . north of Ireland, I iroueu oow ii v w, weeks in the Kaieign Meaisuw. nu.yi.i sara uu .Irsjfl " according t-" my daily custom, to dant. lobs and .ppe.r before lh Juaiicrs of inquire at the post office for my letters; and O-uri of Pk snd Quarter Hesaion. .t tl.. C ' i ..' , House in Nashville, on the ser.yl Monday of A tinilino irtere were none, i siopuou ..- . . . t. ... t.t ... : .. 9 , f,h- IUH BMIi IMS BWI .srn Hi lf". J 1""" gale hiv eve. and ear at the excuse oi tne .,,.., will b, rimiered acainst them various qiieriais wnocaine on in the property levied on coedenioeu io ,-isiutm rami. Amoiiirilie rest, was one who par. eam. ticu ar y attracted my attention ny ii.er. n nnnm r ..c . '"'u 7 " -1 ' ... , . Mt.uul hia way thro' t'ourt at uffice, in Nashvill.. lb. 2d Monday la kW gernesswith which he pushed his ,MV FRAN01M M. TaVLOK, I lk. the Otner nni.ucaois nnu - . . . l& 62, , . I.-U-...J half lnwrKil f i Winnow, wnere, ociimu mo WKSiuwi " 1 1 - . .,, ... .j .l.n,Pttv danuhterof CNIirniFPS SALE. I will ll ui.mi.sn, r.,.uUv. r- -y - v Si-T .7--r....k.M- Mmm, UaMv. an ilkl the rx'st masier, wiiose u,; .. ?-'. -,. . .,. ,b. wiowin. Tra nut Ihe letter, when her father was .way, ,.(0 ,herfof will sahsf, , LU !1MII51 HIM"'" b ' ' , 1 line off his hat with the instinctive good breeding which an irisnuiai. h.i'-j- wards the beau texe de.nandeU witn a rici. s'lf you plase, Mis ucraoy, . ' . i, ever a teller lr me i ... , Who ure youV inquired me aaniei, sorting over the heap- , .n t.kriitli I ma ' Is il who am t ! cure ano - I a t - ..,.r a WUII t-oii. in tlt narisli. thn' it's myself says it and Mi.ther Ileean, . . J . Ill .: a a riirl.t HOOd hat I lust saru il, m " - - crncklh. r any day, faicks, sn H wiii ' Yes, but 1 iii'.s' K,low J ' . , Mv n....1 a..' welcome J ure it s nr. sacret ! Th. re's not a man, woman "r uu, in ihe town that does., t know 11; an....... I've no raison to he ashamed of it. ? Well, but I dnn't knowjt; cant you tell me who you are at once 1" ' Arrah, mivv, miss uu j, j - -- got letter for me, it 'ud he . dale kinder in yf, to tell me so, and nol be d.vart.n yer- tr I ..AClli..l.a.,, sen ns.u ."" iif!"".. . Divertino ...vsell ? it isn't to l"rt "'3" I,- .t. .'..... I ..nutkno y rnmiie sen, 1 as juu. ' . ., to k..w who the letter is to he dirucied lo. "To (i.e. Who else w'.u'd poor lha.lv, tha'e far away, wrile-to but me .'-me that a his own brollK r Once for all, ml! vou 'ell me y r .. Wi.l all the playsure in life I 1 said be fore, and I ny gni.l never .o,,e .un.. - .0 make me ashau.e.1 -I it ; an u -sacreteven.surc-wouldu'iye see it 011 the leltht-r-. , . ...., But don't yen undcrstanil. . .,, to sec if there is a letter direct- ed to that same nanu-1" .... I,i course it'ud be .1. reeled 10 . ...... : name. 0 Vfi llimk ..1. v..i u.. ..fil.or ilir,.c-tuir It 10 ruiiicr Mathew oi-'P... O'Coiiih IH The unfortunate MisaCXBrady wa. nearly drive,, toher wit's end: and .he paused 10 think of some expedient to tmt. the obtuse inquirer into the necessity of giving his name. At length a thought struck her. Where is y'r brother?" she inquired. I throlh, an' he's in Philadelphia this . - a - h thrrt as will 'satlliff ikl ... . 1. . . IBJ3 ,in Tli m,in.Bl l ies due ine.eim ror mr j """W (rent ,ppnse n aam niw,, . No Ac's Value. Pprsons nsmea. 404 300 Josiah ( Vek, 200 301- Samuel Slone, 100 100 Arch. Hiinsueker, 80 25 William Godfrey. 100 50 Edward Wieker, 200 fid Geo. Hnnsucker, sr 14fi KM .Mm McDonald, 7-, 41 James Gardner, try The bove Land will I sold for fsh . AI.KX. KEM.Y. Latthe.iff of Moore t"o, ,r. - an IBR Pr Ad. t4 B0) 44 location. T: I In Upper Little riv'i l !Uck Creek Mcintosh creek Wet Creek Bnflalow Creek Lick .0 lry d Little Kiver Deep do 6 SI 4 Gf; 1 12 4i 1 1 CjTATE of North Carolina CW.4T S3 iW-M 151 Lt. COVNTY. William IN EQIJITV Oaietii Si others. Robert .nojra,, ........ .. . ,,; ' () ill Philadelphia! over the letters, and nt last selecting one of which the post-mark led tier io nop,... " finally bit the mark. . "Mr. Jiiiimy Nowlan ; is mis in ' """Tl'Joth, an' it ia jest itself. v Ah ! I .bnmrlit il was making Jf.ime oi me, y ...., all life. lim. I" said the fellow; hit broad lace distending inlo a good huniorefl And p.iitiuK the Utter into " i- - walked off; prol.at.iy m who, ...ore learned than buns, f, could de. cipher what wa. about as iutcllijjible as A rabic to him- Michaelmas.' Perry Perry. Daniel IVrry...aw John' ana" Jm P...r anna lit J Oil n rri: It noticing io the wlisfcelioB of th. Court th,, ri . . . . .a n..t rpuuli.ntii of ih .1 the ulwve m.me.1 li.'it-.ua". Sttia- I. i Iheretore ordfrrd lhat Hubl.cit L U made for 6 week, m the li.ie.gn r-B.,.. ,.. . n.u, i.i) dn BMitar at l ' '"n-rBr,rr t t. i.i r... , tJ next Te.m ot tin o. .. ' - -"'- Chatham, at.h. -""rt Houe ... r ......r..,B , . lowm " Z" .,h. IMain.iff,' B.llh WIM .t will be taken pro coi'fcsto a. lo ihe,.., im hearu ex pane , . Witnea-. Jowph Famwy, Cle.k of sa.d QTt! DfRie tbe 3d M-muav m n.ari.i. n. .i Oth... ine ou . ramsEV, U M. E. fPr. A.lv $5 62V 47"fi" . . r ar-iar WT .ml rnminittrd 10 the Jjilo'l ' B i:..i,...v. on .he 2lh of May, necro B . ,m " . . - . , lu .... d?i ... an par of see, and n be In. '. r ..... ..r ,...,. ,l l'uriruin. a laie r .... r .h. si... ol Lnuwiai'S. He t slmui o lt 1 r 8 inches h.irh. d'k rom.lecied. leleraMe -lout h...lt. haa" ..n when tuk-n up. ru.xe.1 Kattne. ,o.t. . . .i n.i Whim Furred HHt. He Blue euiin . , . t , .l . .. L. .... ..i.rhxfj hv TlidUM to ...me of Woawck of -hi. ru-ie. &. m a awrt, ih name o l.ei M " B1 ' , south ll -old to S.mul Purgu.n. He ,v. hi. nmi.n i UF.tiltEN The owiier of ai.l Ne?ro is reqneMrd lo enrne for ward, prove property, pay charge, snd lake him ay or he will be drab with aa the law direct. ' "y" WILLIS ELKIAS.Ja.lo.. Conrord June 2. 1S45. J5- of North raroHaa. f-iuTiiij May Term, 1815. ' Oi folio. Bj WOOll b'lo. Bin.' Wat Ihs , Ii olhe ere. Boo Wei ric e. M bflo firm n a(Br Alp th. I here waa qune ,,..iii.. , j .uire " gr-y. heavy and dull a. he was. and the tight and ?eril j masX p,y Uiee, and it is my opinion I have louctieu p.w.. u himvant cre.lur. by b.a sde ; but mere -j ... i. ..;.i.nr. nf aiimn mutual attraction Platinum grew warm in his attention., a..o i..n ..ita a flame wa. kindled between them K.. oaaaed the eveninir .11 went - merry a. a : Kii noh n.i.l.ino- to mar.the ii.d hu marrinKw-ii. - - , .i... M..il.j . till, m an evil hour, Sulphu mnr uiai i"..." i ..... ..r -. retted Hydrogen, a disagreeable follow, against ...l oi the baonuet nut-of the company had 'protested, entered the ap.rtme.it l ,aaraw KtV 111 Mil' lllti'nii'l aav ...u .i- r..M.i.A u. tn whom ho i parlrtumr ' a i f J (..Ih rtrfttat i l... ...... a.. j.i rnuir. i.aau iibih black in the face' wi h indignation; Arsenic nd AiHiinniij K5Hw w j--- w ah.M hn mnencm tcalle very AIUUMIU1! " ' I . . i ....t.iiriit. in irvinir to avow bins precipitated wveral Metalic Oxide, to Ihe floor ; hile Chlorine, with more eelf command than the .... .,ih firm aten to expel the in- uuder, U'king aa if ehe were .ooui io him on tbe .pot .. ... PKnusTBiit. completed hi. pert-rmance of walking 1.000 mile, in 1.000 con- aecutive noors, u,o, .. - mlton on the 8th inst, at 8 o'clo. k. U being the third time within the ta.t lew year. ..... ,cco.npl.shed this feat. During hi. two prevtou. r . ....,nh.ro and goffered comparatively Br.p... .T- - . " lM, h.. bad to encounter, until wiihimhela.1 few week. . . : .... Khtcn. loaetner wun t.trrid heat at lirtervals, and ihe enervaMng eff' ..t .u. .li...- niira I hia B WT W 1Km rei- IH . ( tiin..a - - -rf.. . kable awrfonnanceof ilw kind, in .hi. or any com.- mile during the day against .ny.that wearetide or bair," lr irom xi o .jvh. .. ... i ,. WrrmtNo. " Will you take thi. woman to be your lawful wife l" !d a mag... ,rate. who was placing the tndissolnbhr knot of matrimony on a couple mutually attached to each other. ..... . ...ir Wall, .war. 'squire ' .aid me groo... .h looking cusiomer. -you must be a darn green n to ax sich a quesiion aa ' -think I'd be such a plaguy fool, old fellow, a. to Bo ,, the bar hunt, and take tl... gal from the e .nnaor'.ni lima v certain ou It in troiic. ii i i.-"-r---- j . 2nd determined m have her! Drive on w.'h your business and ax no more loonsn que.u.. Presehvino Eggs. "My manner of keeping eggthattheywillbe fresh .'- 1 place a layer ---- ,1, end down . r" . :j .nnti.er averofrawdust, the egg; pvr -r where iiackiiurcKe y o ,- " - n;., I'0". . . ' i .k i.. .ulvoon to nllinit thew do not louro rnv.ii u.i.v., - - - -the keg; then head it light and change end to me . . . ,,,. ppp-a will j-rfer lato. . . ... nnriVT.IW nf WCY.. f UUi. 11"' " - , ... Mothers, if you would train up your ch.ldren . , ', ..f .,.ii. keeu them Irom to be useiiii u.e....iri v. ' . i f rimnin., al,ut the streets. The great sch.K, of juvenibiviceis thes.ree, T - Jbe m learns the vulgar oain. in u"--. ' . For one le8eo.Tat ihe fire.uk-. he has a dozen in .. L . Ti.... r mattered .the seeds of falseh,,d. gambling., .eft. and h- ers as you love your .... u- your children cling to your, hearthstone Love i ir. .!. rm.to deeu a.noeff y"ur mestic treasures ; se, an example in this as in all thine., which Vur on-pri..K "'? ?. a Sat error that children may be left to run wild in every .ort of street temptation, for sever ?l years, and that it will then be lime enough to break them i... Th-s horrid mistake makes h If ureaa , ,hi.vp,..ddrunkards. ourspenainniis,s...u.". ...-ha No man would raise a colt or an ox .n .ucb a p,S Too man would ...ffer the weed, m grow rrhgarden f.Vny lenh of time saying he could ersdicaieinem a. " - - matter parent. ; see, more especially, that your Sen are rslt opt .1- nigh., loitering amund aome coffee-house. Mothers, make yourchndren ve home, and by all means encourage them to . i u n r,n rtinor hilman heinff. love yOU OUIWV M.a ... - -v ; - ; J oun;y.- ouH of Ple. ami Quurier eion,, MV I erm, .o.a. ..r . ... . . :f. s.ion nm n.-mtisr v Joni.fon t linn .iara aim - - - - Admin.'tra'or o. jwuh Comtijainanls. .ii n r..,.im nf tlie lam Will int Aujtustua . uy .u... " Teaumentol Jame. uy..u u.,". -- u .n 'I l.nrni. Ila ch anil w.la num. I nomiii. ui..v . Mary, and IU..m Ward and W.fe I abhy. l)e- lendaliu ; Il arpea.ing lo ih. Ml.sfce.mn of the I .mr , Ih.l . ".. ...k .1 U.n.om Ward ami wife I abi'l I Ilon-. nn.u - -- r are ni.n-reside.ni. oflhi. Male, it la ordered .hat pub licanon be made in tha Ral.igh KeKi-.-r f. k., noufyin, them to of ,.ur .. -0U'l "f W"" ""' Q,,aT,er ""on:1 10 beheld for the Count, of fha.ham .1 the Cmir. Hourt. in P.tthor. on me kotu ... ... eust neit. then and there t an.wer. plead or drmur, er dip said fetilion w.. o i - and Judgment entered accordingly. W5.JL. Nathan A Medman. Cle k of our naf . i . . ii, he coni. rnonoaj ... ettt Chi ble tha dial tol alfu to . Pal tut POl bui 4.1 an Curl, st Office NATHAN A. fTEDMAN. .::; 1 J.tf. in advawdltaT 19 tn . t .m. ailm. i.7 FinaT ArtaV in on tne .pou . watyoiHieainicuuu vi iw -- - - - How the Kena might b.ve terminated I know uJi.. . 1 ' oot ; tot juat at that roomeni a a.ra..K. Ther ont r,et conneciea wun awfunroport,like the tramplinjr of a mighty boat, r,Brtoihe patrioTWraof die e""- camele my ear.; 1 felt .ure it w. ".n. e.rtb- Wben h, ,B,rjelg,WB Washtngtba wa. brchl . . ' j ..... m f.ia was aesled 1 .... n;ni.,r.4 thi.ni was a neriect burst of de- 't.hTfiv. board eradually vani.bd from . hold the Father of hi. Country naijuppo tnd tbe fe.tive boara graoua. y j . . AlnorlCalkpeBple.,, before y eywi wbocft pptiwi.iuw-.-, Westmoreland. Feb. 10. IV ' . rn Kn trait nf character is Woman . . t.- - nior. .aluable in a teu.ale than the l " a aaeet temper, nimw i "' " r . !. .k. n.ar. that Bnfintf nv without it- H is iiko." ."'"J' up in our pathway, reviving and - cheering, u.--Ut a man go home .1. night, weaned and worn r1. . .t. j. 'a.ul hw southine is a bv ine loiia . .rn j- , . - .... word dictated by g.sJ disposition. It - sun . ' r .1 .. .iia i.-.n. Us shaunv. and It, cares of life are f.Wgotten.- A sweet temper I,., it thine mfluet.ee over the m.nd. of a w hole Bamily. Where it i. foiiudin the wile and mo- ther, you m.T ooserv. n.....cr.. - r inatiVg over the bad feeling, of natural heart. . " . . . i .L. Kini.srt' 111. Sin ilea, mud woru. .u Children, nd pe.ee sijd love have their,(j welling ... j.r.1 :.l .nJ retain a awext leiltOCr. there, ctuuy .ovu..oi. ,.-.... -- , , lti. withift the reach of all. And it more yalu .bia than gold ; it captivatea more than eeuty,.aDd to the dost ot Ufa retain il iu freshueae wd ftower. Amekican CoiNA5B.-We are glad to learn from a paragraph in the official paper that the u r ii... Tmadiirv ha. directed hie at- oerreia.r "i " j : , f ... ,hi. ..ihiect : and that the .urn of 8J0O.WH) has been drawn from Varinu. depo.ile . ; i Ji.iu. fce. and sent to the nanus in aiciii Mint and Branch Mint, to be coined into dmfe. t-ir j: Thi. adriitinnal supply of these ami nan uin.ra. uaefulcom. will greatly sdd to the convenience ..i ha nneration- Of the ne riwie puoot, -r-- ... . , p.t .rfBc. law. More, we are told. w. I be i aenS r . ... ...kr;.l h law. Ana aiso to the lull ex.em """" . .,i.ra. thai rt next iue will WJSZ when a anfficient numner o. ..m- -- hall be cesned A"o - .r, f)a Friday, two tr.Sm.rc0;,.cton ,h. Mohawk 4 traiHol car. .,. ara much dam- icbWredib ho i. -t expected tpbve. Both hia h?g were broktn. f -. an THF. T m cin Off. . insure ounuing. ,h times. w -1 nr.. r.r.;:,r This la one oi w loaepronipl nanieVin the tluitedSt.u.i.snd psy 'f ' Appliction. insure intf c.lli.T. " ' - . . .. June. I"..' June. , . , p ..ona, M.y rwmA. w v,,jnin.. PeWa f pari f . 'tS poblic.tio U eda f weeks aw Lawa to be nu "PP"' . hi h.M lol Court of PI .nd Q"" roM on lh Bra Moirsay .r rt-g "ni. . ,-tl,eri. to ...s-w or .lemar to lbs f & ibe same wdl be heard a part -.r;"T f i . l . i .... i . a. hj. v nnl,. . Witnri.. James M. H dea. Clerk of , olBce, Ih. ir.t "..."taj-efcmay. " .ju.k JAMES ,! ao6w pray Pr.adv. J8 M, -

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