''4 . r If a V 4 -PuMishet. .ViV ami lVjrietor, alrjie Dollars per Annum. : . ' ; VOL,. XL VI. FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1815. X0..-39. . rmrTli WW. .-. -v.'. . k ; ' " 'v. RALEIGH REGISTER, iA LEIGH. N. C. Tuesday, Jaly 1, 1845, TO CORRESPONDENTS. .We hav. never before seen the - Lmei writtsn a Lunatic." From the manner In which they axe aent t. hs. we cannot tell whether t not they are genuine. Be that aa it may, the first fonr verse re very Ume indeed. The concluding stania, how- ver, ii not only magnificent, but .ublime. It n as follow: , i . , . ,f.TeII them, I AM, JeuovaB WW " ' "To Moaics, while Earth heard iu dread, " Anil, smitten to the-hearl, " At once, above, beneath, around, " All nature, without voice or aounil, - Replied Oil ! Loan THOU ART !" SUPREME COURT. - Opinions have been delivered by the Judgea in the following Care, 'via: By RurriN, C.J. in Love v. Edinonston, from Hay wood, afGrminsr the judgment brlow. Aim. in Battle r. Howell, from Haywood, affirming the judgment below. Also, in den tx itm Love r. VVillbourn, from Buncombe. arTirmiu; the judgment below. Also, in Watnon t. Robinson it Siler, from Burke, reversing the judgment, and awarding a eenire dt novo. Bv Damfl, J. in Enloe & otliera . Guinn &. olheni, in Equity from Hay wood, affirmin)r the de cree. Aiao, iu l)e aver r. Crouch, in Equity from Buncombe, divmimiug the Bill. Aleo, in Welle u Wells, in Equity from Buncombe, directing a refe rence. AIho, in State t. Deberry, from Montgonie ty, affirming the I. 'judgment below. Also, in Mate e. MUvtt.il. from Franklin, reversing the judgment below. Also, in iiute n. Itunter, from Macou, af firming the judgment below. By "Naih, J. in Deaver e. Keith, from Buncombe, ffirminr th iud?ment below. Alio, in RadclirF e. Alpreea cc. Co., in Equity from Buncombe, affirming the decree. MEETING AT FA YETTEVI LLE. At a very numerous meeting of the citizens of Fay etteville, (W. Wi.islow, Ejq. the Mayor, being in th Chir,) on several motions, (which elicited considera ble discussiou,) it was resolved, almost- unanimously, that a new Street should be opened through the burnt district, from Hay Street opposite Donaldson Slreet to Union tree(, so a to divide that large Square, and afford an opportunity better to drain Hay Street and to arrest fire ; that the present system of Citizens' Patrol should be abolished, and a hired Guard substi tuted ; that th Board adopt all means within it power to prevent the erection of any but Fire Proof buildings on th vacant lots ; and that a Committee -report to a subsequent meeting jshat further measure are accessary to prevent or extinguish fir. MEDICAL. W. have received ibe June number of the ' St. Loui Medical and Surgical Journal," edited by M. L. Linton, M. D. and W. M. McPhektb, M. D. Lecturer on Clinical Medicine, and one of the Phy sician of the St. Louis Dispensary. The latter gen tleman is a native of this place, and we are truly gratified to perceive the high stand he has taken in his new home. He has numerous friends hre, who will watch hi onward progress with lively solicitude. , MUSIC OF POLITICS. It was a whim among the ancient Philosophers, that there exists a secret connexion between the Matie of a nation, the character of the people, and th nature of their government. It aeenm to us, that some foundation for the theory, may be found, even, iu lb samiuan parlance of mankind an in dex, by th by, which u rarely consulted without advantage. Are 'hot nations, between whichnoopen hsjtility exists, said to be living iu hfirmjny 1 Are not all diplomatic aifair carried on by meanof nores? Are not Ministers bound to have a hate for their ne gotiations, and compelled to act according to the tenor of their instructions t Do not belligerent powers, when tired of s-j'ianderiiij the wealth aud blood of the people, bsgin to approich each other by mean tT Ooerturii T Is it-not an every day complaint, that th. Adin-'iiUratioii ha brought mutter to a pretty fitch, ail tint it insas'tre do not uit the time. Bit if any oie h stilt disponed to donht the ra ff jenoe of Mine apin Government, we beg them' to recollect the extraordinary e.1ets of Ca ir and the " Mirseilles Hymn," which unjentled the strong est heads, and almost, (lik Diivukn's Music,) " uu tuaed ill. Spheres." Iu England, the powers of "God save the King," and v Rule Britannia," and la eur ,ra, country, of " Hail Columbia" anJ "Yan ke Hoodie,' are well known ;fwhile iu Ireland, "St. Patrick's day in the morniug,'or "Croppies lie down," ars enough to bread a rebellion. CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION. Our EUctioo fur Member -of Congress, in North Carolina, takes placfV on Thursday, th. 7th day of August. The fallowing are tk. Candidates in no minatiaa : jj, . Dittritti, Whig: ' Tcm Ftct: 1st T. L. Cliueman, - Sd 3d 4th 5tR . 6th 7th 8th Jth D. M. Barriuger, CharTe'Fher, -- A. a McMillan, David S. Keid, Jonathan Worth, ) Alfred Dockery, J. H. Haughton'i Jamea O. Dobbin, Tha. IX Meares, Jani J. McKay, Hubert C Bond, J. VL S Daniel, . Tt if. Doaaell, Henry 8. Clark, David OutlaWj AsaBigi.-, . CT Mr,' Hxvairon, trti'WVg Candidate for Con gress in this Diatriot will iddriia bis Fellow -Citiieua at tji. bUowvng times and places z . ' Friday, 4ti . at Averasbore'. Saturday, 5th " at Duer Store. fcf Jh eoroce.f Georgia have nominate Mr. Hall McAlulor, for Governor. 'as -1 bhuwsk ur rum. . . : tktf bad a answer W fish duridg a (ttst at Lii 31. en Sunday. 'Some af them war. tbre r foor iMhas In length, and were aliv. and playful in the J where tb.y fU. , CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION. J ' .... . . . . im. ! . VV- ' . 7 Z . 7. l.nrf m,..f triet In the State, and by a nmted and vnroroua ef- roe v nijr nave' now l ira i y fort, tbey may succeed in gaining lwor three mem bers t the August Elect ion. The men whom the Whigs have n their Tickets, are all good men and true mrn who are able to expoee the fjlre pre tence of the misnamed Democratic" party, and to set before the People, the true policy of eur Go vernment, and exhibit to them their best interests. , In The Firtt District, the Wbigs still Cling aronnd their well-tried and faithful man, who will of coilree be triumphantly returned, the pure, bracing air of the mountains being too invigorating and fresh fbrthe consumptive and decaying form of Ijoco Fooomui. U lb. Second, th. honet, .traight.orward aud eloquent BAaaiNeia, we have no doubt, will oppose the strong and invincible Bar of truth to the big Fish, and make him quiver and blubber with his dyinjrgasp. In the TAird District, we expect to ee our Can didate not only break the bruised Reid of Locofo coism, but vanquish its whole host. In the Fourth, we have no opposition from the enemy; but two of our friends are contesting which of them shall represent that District. We hope their controversies will not Dock a single feeling of fiiend ship from their bosoms fur each other; and let which ever may succeed, there will be a Representative Worth having. In this District, the Fifth, we have an able de fender of our faith, and if his opponent is not pecu- liarly lucky, we expect to hear hin. hallo to bin-, " Haugh there i'o.'iin," and wheW him right about for the piny woods of Cumherlaiid, instead of goiug to ee the Congress Hall. In the Sixth, the gallant yoim." ilire may run over the old " wheel horse," f ir by his age, we should jude him too old to run very fast now. The Serenth District has, foi some lime, been trammelled by the fetters of Locofoeoism, but new, we have a man who can make them shake offthehe Bonds and declare their freedom from it enthralling slavery. From the Eighth, we hope to hear that our young champion ha not only Done-trell, but that hs ha driven hi opponent back tu the Court House, to talk to the Clark about his fees. In the Ninth District, we have a candidate who for shrewdness in detecting Icofoco hypocrisy and chicanery, is a perfect Outlaw. Indefatigable in industry, untiring in energy,, and fearless and unan swerable in argument, we Auu it will take a Bigg er man than his opponent to beat him. Then let us make a vigorous onset determined to strike for our Country and our Cause, and all wiU he well. PENITENTIARY IN NORTH CAROLINA. Our reader are aware, that at the la.-t session of our Legislature, a bill was passed directing the different Sheriffs to' hold a )olt at Iho approaching August election, to ascertain the sense of the peo ple on the subject of establishing a Penitentiary in our State. Thi of course, will be observed by the proper officers, but we incline to tho-belief that suf ficient prominence has Slot been given to the sub ject by the press in the State, in order that the people may act advisedly on the subject. The vo ters will cast in tickets " Penitentiary" or " No Penitentiary," as they may determine either iu fa vor or against. NnrBcrnian. Our friend of the " New Bernian" is mistaken in the belief, that the Penileutiary Question is to be Mibmitled to the people at the approaching E leetion. The words of the Act of Assembly are "That, at the next Election for Mrmher of the General Au'emhly of this State, the Sheriff, or other proper Officer, in every County in the State, shaM prepare a box for the reception of vote on the sub ject of a Penitentiary," &o , &.c. CALCULATION IN PRINTING. Every column of a Newpaper contains several hundred distinct pieces of metal, the misplacing of ny one of which would cause a blunder or typo graphical error. With this curious fact before the reader, he must wonder at the general accuracy of Newspapers, and be more disposed to excuse than magnify error of th Pres. HT Exercise for the body, occupation for the mind these are the grand constituents of health aud hap piness the cardinal points upon' which every thing turns. Motion reemsto be a great preserving princi ple of nature, to which even inanimate things are sub ject; for the winds, waves, tho eartto-iHself, are restless, and the wafting of trees, shrubs and flowers is known to be an essential part of their economy. And what exercie is to the physical frame, occupation is tp th miud. : . O - O" Previeu to ihe war of 18I3v with Great Britain, there were o Canals iu th United States, excepting th. Middlesex Canal, 37 mile in length which was finished iu 1808, and the Santee Canal, 22 miles in length, in S. Carolina. There are now nearly 4000 mile of Canal, which have coat at least 100 mil lion., of dollars. i'1' Th. first Railroad in this country was tha short road of thres or four' miles in length, at Quincy iu Massachusetts, built to transport granite lo tha head of sloop navigation. Now there 'are n. leas than 4000 mile of Railroads, which hav. cost not less than 100 milium of dollar. BATHS US STEAMBOATS. ; A new steamboat, built at Portland, called th. " Rrcbiriond," intended to ruu between Muliked's Bend and New Orleans, has been furnished with a Ladies' Bath Room, astern the wheel house, and is to have a Gentlemea's Bath Room in from of the wheel house. A gwjdea. FOREIGN INFLUENCE. Illinois permits foreigners to vote iipoo a six months residence, says the Louiieille Demaeiut, and dor not reqtiireth qualification" of naturalization and citizen ship. The consequence is, says the Louis' New Era, thai several thousand persons ara permitted to vote who are not citizens of the United States, and whiLtthey are still subjects of foreign kings. The MBsequsnec is a most psrnicious foreign iufluon. . on The Proreiwioii und eereiiionif at New York TueeHay M, m honor of Gen. JaA, .. J . , nprn vprv iniDwt nir. 11 we miv uqit nihii ttiv w acriplion five in the papers. Th Proceealon nnm- . bored frrtn 40 to 5I,000. Th (lay was very line, and t!.e n holexalTair passed off well. Mr. B F?i-r-i.F.ir df livered theNQralion in the Park. En-Presi dent 'as Buren, Gov, Wkioiit, Ex-Governor Ma ct and Geaeial WiNKrsui Scott joiued tha ProceS' sion. We copy from one of the New York papers, the following paragraph: " Texus, too, was repreented in th stupetidou Procession, in the person of the Hon. tinmen I . Ar elmr. I lie father of the revolution, and (iea'homs J- "f'T ?'"7 ? George Van Nesa aid Lieut. Clark. Lnnit. ( . on tTiis occasion the'standurd bearer of the first Tela flag Hint was ever planted on the went file of the itio Bravo. There is a tale connected with iIiim tint, flag which every friend of Texas w ill re.id with in terest. It is the flag known iu the celebrated Mier expedition as "The lltuody Red," and w.-ia first hoisted iu Mexico, opposile Serado. by Gen. Green and four companion Subsequently Geii..G., ac companied by Capt. Reese alone, crossed the Rio Bravo, and hoisted it in the fuce of an oppoeiug enemy. Frninlliattime.it was the Imnuer of Gen. Green's fiaj boat in his de-cent upon that river. At t fie bloodv btttle of Mier, it was desliued to ft. At the capitulation (.'en Green, who had opposed the surrender, broke his anus upon the pavement, cut up the Hag Willi his knile. aud put the piece in his pockets, lie surrendered nottiin; hut his naked ! bword-belt to Ceu. 4niindi.i, who demanded his arm?, hut wa pointed for Ihem lo the fragments in the street. The M evienn ( teller:,! I hen ntterert A5(0 rew ard f,)r t1K b'oxlv red" flair a portion of which Grceu lieM in his hand as a handkerchief, but he was told by t'ireen that there was not money enough in Mexico to buy it. These remnants were the bo som companion of Gen. Green in almost every prison iu Mexico ; and when he made hi wonderful escape from the cast h-ol Perole he buried it in a marked spot, from which it was afterwards exhumed by bis friends and sent home to hi tn ; and, wonderful as i' may appear, it added one to the thousand graces of the funeral solemnities yesterday." PROSCRIPTION. After reading the following extract of a Letter, written by "ene of the faithful," to the Editer of the Petersburg Republican," how can any doubt that there is a systematic determination, on the part of the present Administration, to proscribe every office-holder who had the firmness to vote as his conscience dic tated? " Nothing of importance has occurred since I last wrote you all things are moving on as hefore; some little talk about removutS'in the first of the month, but nothing that can be relied mi. The office-holders many of them are in " fear and trembling," particularly those who do not exactly know wheUier tiei are higH or Itemiinain. I hat there is a re. f'trm going on in ihe (fovernmenf, there can he but little doubt, by which our friend will lie provided ftr and nur. opponent displaced ; When this work will properly ami actively cumineuce, no one can tell ; the process is cerlaiuiy tr"ing ou, the scheme is laid, Slid no one need despair." PROSCRIPTION. " The work goes bravely on." Dr. MiNoc.of the Petersburg Otliee, bus to make way pr Win. N. Friend. Thus says the Union : OFFICIAL. Avponlment hi the President. William N'. Friend, as Deputy Pmtmaster at Pe tersburg, Virginia, in the place of John Mings, re moved. i MUSICAL RAIN. The Editor of the Louisville Journal, whose mind seems imbued with Ihe spirit of poetry, and lowborn common place thiiiffs of life appear in the beautiful hues reflected by his own imagination, gives utter ance to the following nut-burst : "We have listen ed to the -. ;(jb of birds in early springtime lo th innoi eut prallle of ehi.dhood to the soul inspiring stti:iusof merody from the lis of beautiful women lo the murmurs of half-hidden brooks iu the lapse of a summer evening fo the softened roar of the distant ocean and lo the delicious gushing of mu sic from every variety of instruments when played on by the best performers and have been entranced by each and every one of them. Bnt really we could not help thinking that the pattering of th rain-drops on the tree iu our vicinity within the past two or three Jays made music "more exqui site still." fCT Bishop Andrkw, of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, lias Written a letter to Ihe llililur fel th Southern Christiun Advocate, in which, after sug gesting the possibility that "wannlh and o r ational bitterness" may hav been exhibited oq each side of Mason and Dixon' tine, lie exhort all to examine thnniBelve and put away every thing contrary to love ; to cultivate a good understanding between 4l re two divisions of the Church ; and especially urges the Preachers to " lead the way in the great work of promoting revivals of religions-such revival as we hare kuowu in days of old deep, thorough, over whelming, bearing down all before tlirm, and gath ering inlo the gospel-net all, rich, poor, black.'wkile,. old, young, wise aud ignorant." - i O "conscience. Some unknown individual has remitted to the cashier of the Commercial Bank, Albany, $100, wilh,the following not. iu Roman letters: " Supposed to have been overpaid by the Teller, tea or eleven year ago, fifty dollars liestored by instructions from Jehovah See Ezekirl, ehapttr 33d, terse 14 anal IS. Wjth inlerel lbli." Th. $100 was for re-payment of principal and compound interest in full. " . , r O A correspondent of the ' Charleston Evening Post" mention a Rattlesnake that was found dead in the wood, near Georgetown, S. C, which 7 feet long, bad 73 rattles, and teeth an iuchsd a half loug. , s : 1" 's A young poet of Cleveland, Ohio, his fallen in lov. lb. second lime.- ' It may be true (hat " true lor. never did run nrtootB'but it can't be said of his poetry. Cincinnati' Inquirer. wuiut i- tuvd a n at her girl v Hur'ntme it wu murrier but betsey deer my luv for is 4a lima mora sign., FUNERAL OBSEQUIES. UNMUST PROSCRIPTION, ! V' nmiceH nimnur emiie pks sincp, thm TC.m.r nr '' l had wn. , ft! to remove the amai tmihlul and frcw. ..1 I t.. n . . - in thi un.icter.. mun- v. u .nr ne " c'iMia iwar, nrr.iure iliry did nut han. to be Ins polukal ailliereivs. 'i'lio ruumr t iKn t.n.A i .. I . t. : j . . v , e,-vm eMnii Hienrit'il. , learn, liowovvr, Ihat llif eentfnrc nf deeapii nioi, wa'V"ly nwfpi"iicd." f'itpt 8 Wihii Imrsi. K er of i lie Ljjit B -at at I'.'i.u ot Mtrsh. Im Iwi I rvimived, Hlld Capt. Abeaiinn Kuil'-rd in ,,n placP. Al r. Anson, t, .kuit. K''ep-r cf Hie L'a' B'Kit at ln Slmal, h i lie.-n ilisplnertl and VylUte D. Siymti apKiinie, in In i!ac At t.ipt. r nrrow, Kefixr i tli, (),rirnke Lifflit B'M', hut bt'eu liirniMl out, anil Mr. V.ib'ii- tmP K 'l nr.nn put in Ins pUie. We hwanl i.f in. M fW , " fn tlut h ive liren removed, nor do we bcheve. frnm rwir 'anifiiig and known fan lit'iiliiecs, that any emi be viitli ulh, hroughl aaius! them. W'e bcl.pvn it is purely a carrying out d'iIih dwltlntf ol 1 ni jfoisin, ihdt " to lliu li. tnrs lit'lunga llie s,oi!s" Wo nhnuld like to bear of any gisij reason hearing upmi tli public inliircals, fur I In peity auJ unjust act of party tyranny. Sew Bernian. WIIKAT CROr AND 1'ilK DROL'GHT. ' V" learn Inun rtiflVrent pari" ol Orange, that the Wheal rr, whiili Ins j ist been li uu ed, far ex ei-ded ail txpei lalMiii. The yield w.isrou Hitleri'ulr, aiu! the graju is eid in lie reiiiark ably good. A fanner in ihi neujM'orhoui '"Id us tht he IihiI never iimle hener Wheal. What aiiun rlant re.isoii li iv we io he iliaukful to n kind I'm videm e for I bus blessing I he labor ol i lie husband, man; and how prone are we tu murmur even while lie is blessing us. J). The droiijflit yet ronlinuos in this section of the roiintiy, tli"ii;'li we have hid some eliglit showers ol rain within a few weeks. The O.ii tf'p will yield liiile or nothing because of ihe drought; and there is but n lull prospect for a Corn crop unless we have ram very s'miii. Hay lleaUMI grarioiislv smile upon us, and send us " the early and the lulier rain," and thus avert i he distress u Inch a coiitiiiuaun: ol ihe droiighl iiitist oceasiiin. We initn'e in our exi'lianges tnat the (lroiitjlit seems lo he as general a the Lie frost wlik li did en much injury. llilhlmrn' Rcctrdcr. HT Some of Mr Clark's adheren'a amnng iboin Ihe Turboro' Press--arn ittlemp'iug lo sneer at Mr. Donu.'llas a ynun tiriu a 'bpanl less boy," some of ilu-in call lum. 'I'his reminds us of IVi'it reply !o a similar charge made against bun by Waliole, which is so appropn'ale lo t lie rccasion that wo subjoin it : ,. .S7if H'(ii. '"The alrocious ciime of beini a young man, which the honurab'e genileniaii has, wilh sii-h spi rit and decency, .charged upon me, I shall Ueilher uilempt lo puliiale nor deny ; hut content luysell wilh wishing ibat I ma) lc one of Move wb'Mi routes cease wjih their youih, and not ol. tljal uiiin ber h ho, ore igliorar.t in spile of expericrfce. " Whelber youth enn be impuled lo any man as a reproach, I will not, sir, assume the province of determining but surely, age may le-coino justly contemptible if the opportunities which it brings have:pas.-ed away without improvement, and vice apears tu prevail when the passion have subsided. The wreii h who, alter having seen the consequences of a thousand errors, comiiiues still tu blunder, ami whose a;e has only aildi'd ob.liiiacy to stupidity, is surely Ihe object of eiiher abhorrence or eouleiiipt ; and de-erves not that bis g'ey hairs should secure him from insult. Much more, sir, is he to be ub- horn-d-who, as he advances in aje hus reeeueU j from vutue, and becomes more wicked wilh les temptation ; wtio prostitutes him .elf for money which 1.1. 1 he cannot enjoy, mid spends the remains of his hie in Ihe ruin of his country." IT The Standard of the 11th inst., in an tip. peal tn i's friends to upiort 1 l'-nry S. Clark, the "whi'e washed Iico Foco" candidate of ,tbn 8'h DiH'nrt, says," Your- party your country" We have always thought lh UiC" valued iheir partv more than their country, but hate never seen it publicly acknowledged lie I'fire. Old Nurth Stule. AlabaWa Hooi J ishua I Martin, formerly in Congress lias taken the (ield as an inib'pend. "rit Lococsndulate for fiovernor, againsl Col Nat. Terry, the regular candidate. Martin appears to 1 he in earnest, as he lias res igned an important I Judgeship as to take the field unincumbered. If the Whigs do no' jiresent a candidate, we think Mariin will be elected. NEW llaMFTiHIilB Win,; NoHINATI!.-At . . ,.er,,n;-, clK..e.r,N , K..l.....at. wa. Whig Stale Coiivcn'mn behl.at Con. nrd on U ed- 1 h,;,,,,,, , c,e w,;, , ,ie ei.,,,., and nesday. Gen. Anthony Colby, ul New lamdon, a German kept close to liiui. puflirg ihe unsa wae unanimously re.noininaled as the Wti'g can- ' voury linin o! his rijar into his l ice The l!ng didate for Governor, and lion. Iciiabok (ioouwin, lishman reinocs rmed. but the quiet German ken' of Portsmouth, was also unanimous y nominated J , as ihe Whig caiulidale for Congress, to lill the vacancy now exiSiing in the delegation from that Slat. O In lha ; Tabic Talk" of the last number of the Knickerbocker a good duelling story is told An Englishman, "brave as Jullu Ca.-sar," chal lenged a Frenchman to moral combat. KnnA-. ing Joh n Bull to be a dead shot, the Freru lunaii, being the challenged party ami hat ing the 1 tinier of ple,time and weapon, selected mgltii a large d irk apartment, and pistols. I he sec;ids were to remain outside and give the word, at.er receiv ing which earh was to fire when he pleam-d Fire .'"cried Ihe second, when the combal h.ul been' locked in and dei la red themselves " redy." But no sound was heard. Johnny Buil .coiild lind nothing for an aim ; and his adverty, tie.iring him gmpe around," tired at raitdoin. John -wa' iefe erlotigh now ; and alltr svfarrhrn? every cor ner oilb. roo'u in vain Jar any indication of the wherealNMila ol lit antagonisie, he iti lengtlj ex. 1 lu'aierf; "Ouinut lam tired of ih lun.4 besides, IHn iaiisfiedj" Ho bad groped his. way to the fireplacind now placed the muzzle of the pis toUipto tha mouth of the chimney and fired. Thert was a shriek a yell and down came the Fiwthrban. dead at a door nail I 1 v Tbe Richmond "Time" ays thifthe aeorihts of.the) tobacco .crops in. Virginia areex'remely un fa.oriible. The destruction of plants by the late TO.; stid dry weal her ha been total in eom ca se." "The rereiii rains," remarks tbe Times, HwiII enable ihe olaoter .with favorable aeas.iis, I'MT' plant by the firsY of Julywhick would be Trjr late, but miht possibly be, earl .noujh to akf (ltf ffoo i vrtg ona. ' FOI'RTII OF JVt'. PROGUAMME. A Katiomai. Sali'tk At I)av-bii. Divine Servie at .Vsni iie, at I'rttbytei ian Church. ORDER OF I'KtK ESslO.N. To be formed at the Court lluuse, at 10 o'eleek, and march in following Order lo the Presbyterian Church, and enter iu reversed Order: ANDREW' J. POLK, Chier Martial. D. K. Mac Hah, Assistants. J. II. Clinch. Wake Cavalry. -Raleigh Guard. Mechanics' A a s o c I a t i e n . Soil ol Tl'Uiperunre. and Teniuerupe Sorielies I'Oiciuor tu,! ltuuds of Departments. -Judeof supreme Court. Member and LW.enibvrs of C'unjnu. Clergy. InUudaut of Police and Coinmisiiontr. 5ira ngers Citizen. Cmuiiltr ul Arrangements. Chaplain Oratr and lieader. Fayetteville Slreet will he illuminated, tnd eiii rens will please, in promenading, go cJulvn 01X J0 righl, and return on the lft. Al t-J o'cloek, P. M. th Mecklfliihurg Declaration of Independence will be rend, to'froul of Ihe Capi tol, pieiaeed by an OraMou, by Tuuaia Maiial Out xii, Esq ANDREW J. POLK, Chief Marshal. Raii.road AartiKNr- Ve learn from the Ho Iiiinmd Tunes that a curious ami fatal aeri. dent hippened nil 1I10 RichioOiid mid Fiederieks. burg' l ailroad on Saturday, near (,'hf slcrfield Dnp.it, six miles beyond tho " Juiictiuu," by which a young man about '0 or 2'J years of age, stating Ins name to be Goorge B-mlev, and that lie was from Philadelphia, wa killed. No one saw ill,! occurrence, and lie alone, diking the briel period winch ho survived afier it, slaled how 1! Ii ippened. 'J'he (rain was t lie mail train lor Richmond, consisting of the baggage, mail, and passenger rare-, wilh what is "called the " box.rar," bringing up the rear. Heniley sta led t lint nfler Ihe train hid lilt llo; Depot, lie alteinpied tn get on, and seized the liiiiilinost passenger car. but wa unable In e;e up, ami swung oh with bis hand uii'ii hn could Imld no longer going 111 tins way, be supposed, for a quarler ol a mile and, falling, the box car pass ed over him, breaking Ins lelt ihin.li, Ins right leg, and culling nlf one of his fret, lie a soon after discovered by persons in I lie vicinity, and everv .i''en'ion Ins condition rornnred was paid tn liini, but lie survived only ahutil an hour. Bouiley stated hn was aware of 1I10 danger of getting on ihe cars when ju motion, and blamed no oiiu for bis f.ile. ni.'IIIKI) TREASURE. -;Ve have been informed of 11 singular rase of " Removal of the Depositos" u liich liappened in the neighboring invvti n Beverly. An aged lady ol lha' (dace was desirous ol possessing a lot ol land which hail been contracted for by twenf tier grand-hihlreii, but who readily gave it up as il joined ihe old Lilly's, num. As the lion: approach ed lor payment, she was reuninlid thilil'slie wished lo (.b.iire tho pun base, I he money . ,rP,,., 4.1 ,1 i.. .. 1 must " """: '""""" '' " iriiing t ike her to her farm house, which they did. NI10 then culled lur a crnvr liar, and pointing In the side ol lli-,oM chimin y. she directed them to re move tho brick The yoiinjr inrn set t lipinselvii diligenily tu work, and oil digging sway the bricks ami mortar found a hoard conlaiiiu g rlcien hint tired dnlhir iu hard money! Tim old lady llien il"clareil that she placed ihe money llieje anil plasiereij ii up with her own hands af i(l tinm of th Revolutionary war ! Dirriug all llns peri od ol (11 yi-ars she retnineil the secret so lir own breasi, proving beyond all cavil lha! some women can keep a secret, and long tune ton. It appear from lln transaction that her object 111 biding Ihr money was more for nrrurity llian inenmr, us 1 be simple inlerejil on ihe mini liurieil would hive amntinteil to StO-'ll, or, if 1 10 had let it accumulate at rrnnpninut interest hIio hoiiIiI now Irivolnd ihe pretiy hMlesiim olover 83,000 insieadol $I,1(K) Danicri Courier. A Hmoktiw ArvKt-rioTK At Frarkfort, la'ely a curious rircumhtaiice occurred, illos'ra'tve of ll... -I, .. ., :r ..( ll.,. .nrl sm.I ll.n.lnll ' putling away as il he had not beard tin- English- !. .. ,.!...!. I. ..II l man s vuli e. At last tin: Iiiiglishiiiau eiioweu a tili ing d.sKii'lon, and maintained lint 110 man had a nhl m putr 1 ii-. h oul ol Ins imuiili in'o anotti'T man's lace, and Ihal suiokiug ought lo be confined to smoking places The . vy German wilh all the slowness and gravity ol Ins nation, Col.ily replied in the woist of English; " V'a. ya Sir John li'ill, what ruhl hive you to complain to inakool lln sue Lot my inok. when your one coal have bin burn and make big smell lor ten minutes, and I nothing say lo you !" The Ei g lisliiiian, to Ins great discoinliture. found that hi coat, or ralher cloak, was shriveled and burned up lo his waistcoat by the German stove. The I long Kong Register copies a long article from the Bengal Hurkaru on liie subjiil of the ice trade. The quantity shipped from Button last year is sud to have been 55,000 tons, deliv ered" on board at an average cosl of 8- 55 per too, while the product of sales is puC down at 33,575 (MKf. " Mr. Wyeih.at Cairutia. Ins greet ed a noble building for tl.e storage of ire ; it bss a triple will 10 feet high, 179 feet wide, and Vjl feet long, encli. ng more than three qnariers ol an acre, and f apabl. of holding HO.OtKt ton of ice. The walls ir. of brick, and messure. from the ourtid. of tb exterior to the inside of the in terior wall, foor feet, will) flue or air apace be tween. The whole is covered by five roofs, also with air space, between. The Register calls loudly for the" establishment of an ice'.Twuse at llotig Kong, and rejoice in the kn.w!v!ge liiat gcj'Hpu!y hbonlri!ered from 11 ston. The comrorxlily ppear be p'mitulit Shaug hai, and is ficejy aed by. Ihe tWimeSe. VT An'lTw'a pitper record ibn deflth nf oil. of the t oJwi. ud wusl tcspctd cimou, g8 J Vw.uiy.uin. t In Boston, Mas., Mr. Thoma S. Hutchlni, f Newhern, iu thi Stat., to Mia Ann Gault, of tha former City. , l' In tirreu-borough, Alabama, Major Allen C.aVMie, fjrmetly of ihis S.uie, tu .Mux CathuriUe-dauahUr mt I ll L' : DitO In tlti City, on fUlnrday last, Mr. Melinda T.iin. dep. wifeof Mr William laiiuxlen. She was a mem br of the Methodist EpMoiial Church, sud died in tha full auraiie of tn.eooy nient of a brighter and boiler world beyond the grave X. At the residence of Charles Baring. Esq. in lin derson Coiiiity, ou the !ilt of June, Rev. Joiim tits. on.rim, aged .13. We feef iucompeient lotlis task ot peiirlraying the character of this pooV man, and hope some 0:1. more familiar wilh ha lif than w., will favor lit wi ll a skeich. At t:iiapel Hill, on Wednesday, ths 13th ult , Mr. Anthony Peltier, aged IU years. In Orange County, Mis Sarah E. -Hnlloway, daughter of Mr. Nathaniel tiotruway, aged lit years. Life Insurance. NEW YORK ir Tl'AL LIFE IMCIUCE C03IPJSI. B"E "","r",,'r hnninj been spuointed Agent J3 for Hie above L' uiipsiiy. , prepared lo receive spplirsiion,, and to . o.iiniunicsle all necessary In humation 011 tb suljei t io sueb as may apply. JOHN ei. lill'llARDS. U iliiiiiniitin June SB. 6! osw3r Gi.EENHOW'8 OREGON," II E History of Oregon snil C.hf.rnis, and the tilher I tonlones 011 ihe Nonh west Cos.l of N.irib Ainetica : A c,.nipnied by Getniiapliicsl View and Map of llio-e t ouutries. Ami number of documents as proofs and illusiraiinns of the Unto ry. By Holwrt (iieenbow. Trjii.ls'or and Libra nan to lb Depurlnient of Sllof ihs CnU.d Mates, etc.. tVc 't he shove splendid work on Orsjon, tie., ha hrn received. od it for sal at til iNortb Cirohna Uookslore, ItaU'igb, N. -'. TURNER 4 HUGHES. June SO. 6J ity itiandaid, fltar and Independent. fejTATi; of Mfordi CarIliia.JOH 79 UTON t liCN I Y, Comi uf l ie and guar ler Sessions, Mayferra, 1816. I .bulla Hoyies, ) vs. C I'c . I'clilion for Dover. Henry Him Is, In this rase il appesring to th. satisfaction of th. Court. ihi Henry Hoyles, ihe Defendsnt, reside, hey'iid ihe luiiils of ihi Huie : It is Iheiefor efder e.l. thm publication be made in lb Ksleiah Register for six weeks, noiilving said Henry Hoy let to appear al the nm Tetm of our aul Court, lo be hbl for lb t'ounly ol Johnsion. al tbe Court House in Kmiihfield, on the fbuith Monday in Auiutl next, then ami there to shew cu, if any hs hslh. why me prayer 01 in I'etn loner sttnitltl 1101 he ranted. Ac. VV'ilness, Thomat Usitley, Clerk of ourssiJ Cowfe 1 oftica, the fourth Montlav 111 Mv. 1846.', I'HO. BAGLEY, c. c o. I'r. Adv. fa 62j. 01 Ow rjfVMCEN UP, and comm. lied to Ji in Slates. I ville. Iredell County, fi. ('., June 20ih, 1848, a Negro boy, hi lays hi name I JOHN slxitit i'l Vf rs of ae, (V feel, 8 or 7 inch hi h 1 very black, tolerably thick lip , talk quirk snd pntmpti some scars ou hi back has on pair of tow pantaloon-, the balanc of bis cppsrel very" trifling John savs he w is ii. d in Annapolia County, Virginia, bv John Had. and sold 10 a trader by lha same of N oil, who sold him lo a Mr. Gibson, in Alabama, wilh win. 111 he stuyed some ibir week and depart ed Tbe owner i requested In come forward, pro re piopertv. pay charges, and take hun away, otherwi-o he will be dealt with s the law in such case pro vide.. ISOBLE N. MILLS, Jailor. June 51. 1845. ( I'r. adv. 7.) 61 Ira Splendid July Schemes. 307o0fT Dollars I Alcinndrln Lttllerf, CLASS 'iH, IOR 1815. Tube drawn in Alexandria, D. C. on Saturday, July 12ih. 1815. AI'ITsl.S. S3,0O0 g I O.OOO 5,000 93,1190! I lOO I'l iz.es of 1VOO Ooliur. I &.c. &.C. Ac. 79 Number lottery 13 Drswn Ballnta. Ticket HO tlatve S- tjiiMeri f 2 50. Cert ll. sles uf packages Whole Ticket ft I HO D do 21 Hslf do 66 Do do 36 Quarter do 91 6 ' SiO.OOO Capital. A 1 c s it 11 l r I a I o 1 1 e r y , Cias Vfl), lor Isl.'j. To be drawn al Alexandria, I). C. on Saturs'iv, July ID. Mo. skami nArtrAi.it. 10,000 1 i.,oo! s,ooat ..0OOI C1,00l &o I'rUes of 1,000 1 ' f.O do 600! J0 do 300 ! Ac. Sir. AVe. 1-owMt I'r lie Hi. Tirket. fiU. tlves 5, Qusrters 8? SO. Certlfii Bt,s uf 4rt.a,es uf 36 W bole Ticket 140 Do do 25i!slf do 70 On - do 26 Quarter do 36 '30,0-00 Dollars! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, CUbs 30, roH IB 15. To be drawn in Alexandria, D. C, on Saturday, July 20. IS15. BK1LLUNT .CtieMI. 30.000 Dollars! 10,000 DoIIaj. I 4AMX) Dollar I 8.000 Dollar ! 2r00 Dollar.! 1,707 DolUn I 50 Prize, of 1.0O0 Dollar.! ". 60 do 400 Dollar! B0 do 300 Dollars! 130 do .200 Dullar.1 " Ac. Are. Tiketo 10 Halve Quartet fl 80. Crrtifli f e of ptcktges oil" whol tickets fU89 . D do half do t Va do 43 quarter do i'i Onltr jlov ticket and hsie arj certiSettre mt ka(e in the bov.'Hplendul Lotteries, Will rtceire ihe nvMi prompt .t.nilon, ' d n-Ttouiit vf lb. drawing will be enl imiuediaUly attvf 'ii "M .ver, I) sil who order licketa.from Aiidrese ' - J. U.GRJGUItY A l'., Mnga, ankinUa City, W. . - t 1 f r i

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