f. vil J- -' ,l' . ' . . : PubUslTed eyer Friday, Wesros iU OaubV, Kattgr and-. Proyriatur, at Three DolUis per Animm. ' FHIDAY, JVIaY 11, ; 1845. NO. 40, roi;:Lvi. tl irt of tbi II at it ii v . n tbel TlWttt at. -If tlM lilt conttn- -CIUU (JklBlSAl d Jsn,M Ihe Jsilo' ly, a negro nlinel i oat Hat. H , Tiad.11' i man by ml isriinl He sayi ki' 0 come fi"' 1 take ki directs j. Jailor. 45-6n -Caji-rajJl r S.rtioni, ry Johnson, C. Bynum, st Will sn I. Gray Bv ich ind ww Tabby, 1- runt Court, the wife I sW' ri ihst P"" .r six k. ... liinrice Mission-. " I ; the '" idy ' ,d . deaw. e as to ik of oof ssi Usy. I ralfjgil n. c.- Tuesday, July-8, 1845 -r: GELEDR1TI0N OF THE FOURTH -V , bclirvn there i no place throughout thif ex.-, popu!l'wn;hB'recnirVijce of or National Anniver ry uniformly ecietratcd with to rnarh errthii- Liasir. and spirit, by all clase. as in lhi same ''Clty of Oak. " And, on Friday tast.Mlr reputation was not enly fully kept npin this matter, but 111. ounerv- ' . . . . . I ' auce ww a Itttlt taller man nanaiv - , Tbs dawn.- which was lowering ihnpattnd' min; '-waMiMonced by a rn(l..Pt!MH w - brireaYoT Vrfniron, at which, flrho al0, ill. Na tional Flag was run up at the Capitol. At Sun-flue, there were interesting Religious ex- ' . . . ft i J u ercises at the fresbytenan. I tmrcn. cmiatunu uy lUv. Mewirs- LcY, Finch, and Eowards, at which, . .. j iL-. iowever, there was a miu auennuinf, unmu ..ic nproraiisins; aspect of the wentlier. The Address by ev. Mr. Fincii, cjn the occssion, in wliioli nr ae- icted in glowing colours, th happy influeuce of vir- te, morality, and true Ucligi I'pon tJia iiwtitutioiw id eencral happiness and prosperity Jf a.iS ation, was ne of tlia neatest and most chaste effusions, which h:i,e had the nleaanre of hearing. IAt S o'clock, bv which4;iii the clouds had dj- ersed, and the Mm roue g,or:uMiy - nth. an atmosphere of agroeabls umperaturo pro- jucod by the rain, the Cavalry, under Captain Stitii, mid Infantry. Copt. Clark, made their ap pearance, and we never saw them look better. At lie same hour, the Vaslii'tmtonin and Young Mens remperanoo Societies met at the City Hall. At H) ('clock, a I'rocestiou was formed in front of (lie Court louse, according. to the rrorarme herttof.ire an nounced, under direction of the Chief Marelial, An- rew J. PoLK,niled y his Aides, Messrs. MacHak ind Clincih Which moved up FayttevilU' -'rret. d around CapiUd. Bquare, to the Prebyter.au mrch. On reaching the Church, which was filled to ovor- owinff, the auditory haviug become sealed, the hrone of Grace "was addressed by Kev. Dnuav ia- W, in a manner tiecommg.ine uevom oneniig:ui . t people to the God of their Fathers, and tJHp n.- lor of ill their Civil and Religious blessings. The feclara .on of Independence was then read by Mr. HAR1.B Dewey. Jr , at the conclusion of which, a te N iohal Air was played by Capl. FrAiikr's ad? JwPom SVo'Jiet Smith, the Orator pf the jky, then rose, and delivered an Address, occupying JLarlv an -hour's time, which, Cor ervid patriotism. ,iiir$oihlWhtif' Hnirgery, and rar ilicity ipf ianua., has srldom been, wplal e. OKakiua 'iho ' boaten track, and hacknied themes, ual or similar occasions, he ajniris mil lor mmwi. new arid original path.and well did he illuminate it the purity of Ha style. thaiclmess of Ins tlionfiu, dthei-rceof his elocution. oiwie loiua mmt the perfofmance, was the fidelity with which lie lid coinp itled it to, memory a cireiimsrajice, which labled him to look upon his auditory, to gather ani Ltion from bricht eyos and approving glances, and dirtilav to the best advantage, the real g-aces si , Oratory. In short, mir young irieuu ewtmru r- i ...i sk with so much taste and ability, that llieauaience ere unaiile 10 rcsirum iiihi Jn and i leasure, but repeatedly interrupted bis elo eut flights by bursU of applause. After leaving the Church, the Cavalry and Inlan- went throuch a variety of evolutions and firings, ,d emhrticcd tiie occasion to ply their respects to fa Excellency, Gov. Graham, who received and ltert,ained them with the frankness and hospitality, coining the Chief Magistrate of tha "Uldortli late." Dut the most interesting fealurc, perhaps, "of the ly, was the Sabbath School L-elrnrauon, wmcn k place in the afternoon at the rrebyler.an V liorcn. more giatifyiiig Exhibition, to those who are inter ed in ths moral improvement of the rising genera- . ..... i i.J Tl,. I.lt,nHmt School fta, COUia HOI or j-iurriivu. i mbered 105 children, the Presbyterian . I, and (lie .ptitt-7.1 also H ariir bjfawhfuhind appropriate nners. To witness. tlie gappy laces 01 win . r ........ Immiuiili. niiinv. and tertians mofl ? He OS-PI ' . , . i ,..:..,,:...,;.. f M,v , , aim wiiu in im'u- n. ....... . . . a laie e M whrtrrt, but lor me nenevoieui. - - . IJ . . .11 I k..n l' .K,0rl Wilt, H illir!e ml 6 leel (lilclioois, woma never imvc ut n iiImc sloliy of intelligehee, and whoso minds -would never are Imbibed'a perception 6f moral and Teligious ou- was sufficient to excite and stirlulate tiie sympa- ie of titejiioat in'sensiWe. Addresses were de.ivei- ,h. iueiuion hv .Messrs. M. A Blkiwi.e, W. J. Mi-kHK and S. W. VViiiuko 4 and the Musical fc,er- ses under th direction of Mr. Oakes, were of the iost defighlful and exliilirjrtiDg character. The ful- wiug Original Hymn, composed, we learn, by the 9V. Mr. LluwARu,. of the Methodist Church, was of thou, prepared for the occasiou : . ji ' HYM.V. With ch.erfiil voice, and hearts elate, Th:se hallow'd courts, agaia, we fead ; -And with ftiese children celebretp, The virtues of the honored dead, . ' This day valve heard Low firmly stands, -'"'Pruui tt4tot emtS,'it'1tbl ground ' Then let us nerve these lit lie hands, -To wield tu,e trufA and sin. confound. The JSabliath School pours streams of light, - Oji those, who ur '1 its blessings mbst t "Tbey brealtyue gloom of errerViiight, And reaJi the mi ad to -irVliet : " .They itand. aloft like beacpd nWJ-" . And gild lliejiath try ratnots tfod ; ,Tbey teachllies clCldreo how their sires, ' Served both their country and their Get- O ! may our country'! yoths obey . :" , The.preciotjs record UoOas gie i. -. And through their rleetinrfires diepjojt, . , 'J'b. victue. that eonduol to Heaven. - rTb. moat ogretabh) part of the Exeroises lo the Idrei, hcwerr, aathat which followediaj ths pi of uiibstanUal ndlefi(Collatiot,prepd the fair hand, of the tadWof the respectr. Con- ntaoast to which ample iustice-was done iuthe V of ooosiHBptioav ... At night, our City il!uoiaoied with lariegated liglTta, font the Capitol p. the Govemor'i Mfcin. whicft Iwo poinU .wi orjumeoto with briUiant Utarsana olb.fr insignia. A Transparency at toe CapHol, esecoted by. Vp'w Duck, of ike flgiitjrj Academy, attracted much attention. Captain Fra liak!a Band wa. inrleodanss). and disceumed spirit stirring music to the hundreds "cougsegated hi Capi tol Square. . At irine o'clock, T. M. Oliver, one of our Raleigh Mechanics, who glories, like an honest nrau, in the skilful execution of tha duties of hiscrstt, road tha Mecklenburg Declaration -of ..Independence, accord ing to appointment, and delivered an Oration, both the matter and manner of which were unexception able. He was listened to with deep attention, aitif evident gratification and pleasure by the immense auditory, and ll is agreed, on all liaiiB.','"lrrat lie acquitted fiimeelf in I manner ltighly creditable to his powers' as a decliiiner, and to his sentiments and feelings as a Patriot and full-blooded North Carolinian. It -was the "Old North SluU" her character, her-achievements, her proud .poSition, her distinguished sons that conslifuied tiie thsme of Ins Address; and the delicate compliment pajd to the memory of the lamented Gaston touched a sym pathetic chord in every botom,. The Young Men's 1'einperanco Society had an Entertainment also, at the City Hall, which, we learn, waa mime rously attended by both sexes, and where they greatly enjoyed tln-niselves. The festivities of the day nere closed by a hril- liaut display of Fire Works, under the d rection of Mr. W. 11. H. TucKBn, lo wliocH the puhlic are much indebted for this agreeable Jiualr of a Cele braliuii, which will be loug reuieinbereJ. Too much pruirc cannot be awarded to the Gen eral Committee of Arranjemi nts, for the manner in which all their duties were performed. It was altogether ou-in to the fidelity, with which they -Jiiclinrgcd their trust, that every thing went of' so well, without co ifiision or diiTiculty. It woirhl be well, we think, to stereotype them, and keep them as a standing Committee. THK SEASON. Afiet a DroirgM of ncariy four months continuance, and a period of sixty -four dayB wiihout l'.ain eiuiigh to thoroughly lay the dust; we were visited, j:ist af ter our pjperjvent to Press on Thursday lurt. with frequent and chpious showers, which husgreatly glad' dilied the face of all nature, and revived the Inher ing hopes of the despondent liiibaudinaB. NEW BAKERY. We have now establidied among us, that irtide ratum, a cotiij lete Bakkvy, whe s' every variety of Bread and CakiM of the. very Lest kinds, can bs procured at ibe -shortest notice- We hope our citi zens will eiicoarags "the undertakiu;, M dtbout a generous support", tfle biisTness will not sifstaiu itself in a vcntmuiirty so small as tins. JACKSON. ORATORS. The subjoined list embraces the names of (he Ora tors selected in the principal Cities, lo deliyer Ora tions on the death of Gen. Jackbov : Mobile, Ala. Savannah, Geo. Charleston, S. C. Raleigh. "N. C. Kichmoiid, Va. IVfe rsbtirg. Va. Norfolk, Va.. Washington, D. C. Geoijetown. I). C. Baltimore, Md. Pittsburg, Pa. Philadelphia. Pa. New York, N. -Y. Albany, K. Y. Rochester, N. Y. Norwich, Conn. Paui'l Cmndlrr. J, Hall M 'Mli-Ker. t'lankltn . .'mine. Duncan Ii. AWfie. Andrne Mrpheimtn. Hugh A. Garlnnd. Hcc. Sam I. J. l'ut.ell. George Bancroft. 'Cruris W. I'.'Cuiti. Rrn;umin C. fluward. WiiliwH Wilkin. Ortirffr M. DdUfi. tteijamin F. Huiler, John Van Jiurrn. Fletcher M. Haight. Park Kenjamin, Fiinij Mcrri, k. Levi Wuodbury. l-oston, Mass. Portsmouth, N. II. JACKSON verm POLK. It is slated, without eotitradictionrthal, at the mcc ting called in Washington. City, lo do h-mor lo the memory d?Gen. Jaqkson, JMr. Rivts, one of the Ed itors of fhe lale " Globe," read a letter from -General Jackson, wrklen in April last, in which the General declared " that Mr. Polk had lijvii less common tense in discarding the Globe 111 an in any other act of his life ; that it wos a ttsrlrnt and oo.'wi rneasitrej that Sit. Polk's abject in urging iCappeared to be to divide and" dislract Ihe democratic pafty, and that he must have been iaciled to it by the Cailiouu or Tyler c.i-pies before he arrived at Washington." THE WATER CURE. Dr. Shew, of New York, has made Ml establish--mental Lebanon Snilrfga, Columbia County, for lbs Lireatnant of palieuut by the " Water Cure." IT Gen. IIoosto.h is denouncctLaarCjan unprinci pled and perjured demagogue,' hy Hon Ukascii I , AKctiKR, formerly a member of his C abmet, in a let- t.r to the New York Herald, enclosing a letter lo the Wasliingrou Union, which that paper refused lo admit. Mr. Archer charges '.Houston, and Jones with being conceriiediu art intngne Wrlh.Uis British Minister lo prevent annexation. Now that Ihe peo ple have made annexation certain, he says Houston "m intriguing; to jet into Ihe UTS. Senile, aud charges! him with a desira to bs President-of this llepuWic. . CHEAP POSTAGE-. The following is from TfconiWs Bank Koto Re potter: ' rv " SMents Arftria coinage, io Silver, weighs 1 or. rt . ' . - -re allnast . . Q equal to I oz. . ' ' 2 sbeeu of light Trench paper, folded together, 5 els. 10 Baftk isotea in a common letter paper, 15 "i '" Veuch paper, . A half F.ale,- ih A quarter of a Doll, in cqmmon paper, 5 " 5 . 6 6 - 5 ' 15 ltt 1 ?0 " . 1 00 " .10." s. 5 " A chiWs coptin renca papet, A- " frock, " " A ladr's handkeruhief, s- . A " bustle, 13 ox. , A foil frock, (in flounces,) Turnip seeUbl I of jn acre, - u tt. . A- - . 1.1- 16U oi neb ar of suiifl'. in French panel. If the distaucs i iorhM 300 miles, the post age will be double. Love-letters ire efjen as light that they weigh no Uting ; on auoh, thsrs will b. as postigo, . PROGRAMME OF ARRANGEMENTS For Ihe' Funeral 04se?; of the Utt Gtn. An driw Jacksos, in Ralei'h, Jvly 12. IS. toWEk OF PROCESSION. First DiVtS'OS. Col. JOHN ft MANLY, JVJartnal.' M. A. Biinsoa. tjpecial Aid Wiuu: rpr. . Music. . Wake CavaJirjf, -Capt. A. R. Stith. Major Geriil1fsj!NsiiAW end StaiT: lTrigadier Gene4 Waxuvm aiid StaiT. Field Officers of the i5lh and SGtb, RegiineuU. Raleigh Guerda; Capt. W. J. Clark. Warre .Guards, Capt. Jokl Jonbs. Jeftefioniam, Capt. UweNce. Cadets of K. C Military Academy, O. A. Ri-ck. Cade,Uof Raloigri Military' Acidemy.W. F. Diacaow. Skcond Pivisio. WESLEY JONES, Marshal. W. A. SftTH. Special Aids J. W. B. Watrok. Car and Tomb. A Horse, caparisoned and lad. Music. Orator of Ihe day, and officialine Clergyman. Committee of Arrangements. Governor and Council. . Judges of -I he Sitjfreuio uiul .uperior Court. Iiitciidaiit and Cjuiaiiiissiouers. Reverend Clergy. 'O ffi riv rs of State. Senators and F.i-SeiXtrirs "f Ciiited Slates. Members and Ex- Members of House R pre; p nlalives. Members a lid Ex-Meiniiersof the Inis'uture. OtTii.-i-rs ai,d SoMlers if the Reiolulioii and late Wir, Fraternity ol Masons. Raleiidi Mechanics' Association. Watliingtou Timiicranee Society aud Bcuu of Tem perance. Citizen and SLraners. .1. A signal gen v;ll ha fired at Sun-rise, and the National llae displayed at half-mast, iu front ofllie Capitol. I 2. The Troeession will ffwm on the Square oppo- j site, the Goemor's Mansion, at It) o'clock, and move i thence lo the Piesb;. ieriau Church, during whic! tune i .ii nte gnus will bo fired, and the Ixlls of tl . City '..!l.-d. 3. On arriving at the Church dor,-th first Piv ; siou will open culninn, and the-con3 will march througli in the -order of 1'ioeessioii. - ! 4. Tiie centre auals belweeu (be two aisles of the i Churuh.-v.itl be le. erved for the Miiitury. S. tlflieejrB of -Iieceprioil will be sloXioned at Ihe Cmirch doors, who will assign Beats and preserve order. G. Tne Cailery will be exclusively appropriated to the. Ladies; and t'en'lemcn will not enter the CltuiiU !itf tiie I'rocesMon arrives. 13 It is ttic peculiar misfortune of rooiel- that we admire, thev exploits yvlm ti aru railier a izling man useful, and that a Nation should aim at beiuj g'eal and splendid, ralher limn being liaj-py. Creatures of education, we imUibe in earl) youth, .hi- suuU o. Komanoe and Chivalry.- Homkr dnes more than I'hilosrjphy and Cliritiaiuty ran unJn, and, in fine, we rosin "boul like nirrrtala in Ihe rnchanied uls-ie Of the fairies, mistaking lor so" J go.u, mat u.ncn, in reality, is but tinsel anil frip;"-ry. THE ROMANCE or INSECT LI IE. We take the following btaiaif d extract funi an Historical Iclure by Judjo Chailiou, of tieorgia: " The earth te.tns with mysteries the sky shine wilh them I'ney lloat in the air they swim in I lie deep they Hash Iroin the uara-roueu ciuuu.- mey wl.eperin the gentle "tones of the summer wind Ihey speak in truinpel tongues, in the voice, of the tempest and the thunder. Cease thy longings for the ancient days, oh, diaamer! Close tliy bnok and look alsml thee upon tho voliiinei)f Natme. , See before Hire, is a tiilV inseel tljaj. t'lou can.t scarce distinguish from the' grains of sand that surround it waicb it-"-it moyes on wi n an riij-igy mm inlincl thai enub.e it. lo overcome or avoid all ob stacles. See it lru seized i-oine object larger than itself, aiid still it goes bravely on. nothing duunts M. I ..lui.w siotw it I tread uiidor lo;.t, (if Ihon caiit j have the liciril to alleiupl aiich a murder) and il will rise up again beneath the ocean of sand and turn j of siunmw; snd though the season brigUiuess and Us warmth are brtogiug up anil oewluomg len rnmi - sand einovni!iils Im tne tune traveller, n i,..-j : fatberiugtogetlier his provender for the lonj Ivoi ter vmewheu lro.it, aud snow, and cesd ahallliave locked up the granaries of nature. Thou wdl loll me, that I ani mocking thee ; that lltoit canst aee this duily aud Koiirly ; aud is this a myxler-y tUercfcie? If Ihon hadst.readlq ttfcfce an cient legi-nds' befor. .tbeei of ail hiect so coura geous, that would attack an aa:ial of ten thou-, sand times jla inagmlutle; of md isiry so-iul-liti-gab'.e, that it would climb houaeMiis and Hjouk tains lo pursue its course ; of perseverance so un ftuKiniiiT. flint Ihoiii'ls reuuised a llMiusand liim-s. n would siftUreluiii ano oven-oino me ..io..." um. uiiu:ded iltby c-es would kave tparklwl with in terest and auitxemeiiJ ; it is hecause it is constantly before tiwe because il belongs to lbs prr-eirl time thou lookest so disd.iiiluliy np"tl It. "lieu u-J the bjiighl Errants of lUy heart do half so muclii Whep d'4 their B0.-011 beat aa-hflili wuh valor and deteriuiuakou as this wor uect .' ' Ui.t it lias no kwes, uo burning ieaiuasies. no blood-stained vic:o nos!" 'IJow -knowewrthou thai ' 1 warrant lliee, even that-tiny breast has-grown gentler lor some foud one that bred, within its little world ; lhal u blinsl lias flowed ipiidker when sorne Adorns ant has flirted around the little conuette ; ijiat iis path baa been ataioed bv tl uojftnes of its Biunic bailies. Butrhon Wilt say why dost ttrbu lurs me from my j ion win say wny otm .rau ..... .... - v elowintr pa re,-lo point me tolhis movnig atogi: wirj hot srwsvv me Ihe majestic leroysteriesoTuatiiref Whyj ajjwc so irw'g'iiiicaul ? 1 au-1 ,,Hal. dtjio.nt thee "'-''' 10 , la-rtti s creatures, to ask thee I waste niy time wuh a topic swer because U is iniiginridfH sue of tho smallest of Kxrtti's rf llu atoms oomaia aucb wopders, Jir ntucti -mars the noble and Jofly wixks ef Nature T KaiUw mr, if thou wilt. lt u dive into te caverns of the Earth, and maik tfie sculptured halls the rockf aieauee sffetcbing inilei ad milda below .the usy haunts of iuiv 11 .s plurlgo into he deep, and see th huge leViaihao sporting mid the walss-s. or ihe tai'nbow-hued dolphin, ss sbfs a.ngs back briglit 'r.v. af the irloriaos sua. Let ns fumb mlo ths atr.i l k-l,M il. eacrl. with hi frlirirmir wial, and bis unflinching ryes, fVe nobte imaae ef indomilable, perseveranca aud of brtfliajrt gentua, soaring preatdjy and gaziug fixedly toward Heaven's brightest himi uary! Uh, dreamer.! if lh. uiomrnu of thy life were multiplied by tho saodoof ths desert, 'hoy would be all too short to unravel these, inystems that ax. around thse and ab.ro th.," A GREEN ROSE. A correajlondent of tiie Charleston Mercury hits aVint lo ttie editor a double grev roae. Ths writer So .great a desideratum as a blue rse ha never I think, been producerl, but it is now ascertained that there l silph a aingulartly as a taiua line (ireen rrwr f'Kie apecimen I seaid Inrour othce waspmeiifMi a iw Wi's a to from a nlant-owned hv Mrs. Jdhn Bryce uf rCo'iimlfU. It wasliroiwlil lalt sprtu'i froni v liming. ton, N. C.,1)irt I have n.il been able to trace to Us orig'ii. I Rave eeeil it in t!.ner on neveral occasions , lliis season and it invariably produced ro.-ea similar to ; the ftue I send. " This rose is nu:te doub'e. and of a mi firm deep green color like that of the leaf. It will be admir-d ; more for its singularity thau aip- uiiniuic oaui) u mey possess. ritriv ami HE.NRV 0OMXCE. A rricnd liiis-nrnl ua iJip' Anmrsl t:atalngiic- of i OiTtcors nnd Studniits of thin InalilU'ton, sittntfd in WaslniiL.ton rminty. V.v The riTsnrtiiUti'm nf the number of Student show Scniura I .'I, Jiminrs HI, S.)hMMira 14. Freshman y. Irreg. illnrs'Jil. in the iir,-wr-itnry ili'partniPi'l M in all 117, W- percur- lint n larP slnr 'I' tuo pat. run iwo llm u:6ii:uiio'i is de-iivej, fn .n Nmtli Caniiitn. EXHTTION OK IIE'-KY M.-CIMtRY. -Tliu. toiiorl-itiate itisn, who bad onesided air iinsl lle low f hisro'uitry bv iliui-.lermg Mr. Paul lloux, at tiie lav -in ol' Mr. Nolan, in 11 1 Uinnie. iu Jaurii) ry best, eipiaied his u-rnb'e o.Venee ...i the pillows ou End;. v la-t. The nuinlx-r "b" formed t!uj spec lators in ihis eelle was ii.iu..oa'iiy lar.'e. The sur rouu l.iiif e.iilHenees ,. ilmle f i'ie Jail wa"l weir coiii;: i ll covered niiih men. ivoiiien, am! childieii, of ail l-.' a-ul colors. W .H ill Ii"' .tad enclo'ilre were al.- n lare uuniber. 'I'liere were pn.knhly not less tinu til.eeit or Iwol.ty lliousand ers.w:s vi lin nude IheniM-liei wllnesn-s nf UjI" pa l lui cent, (leiiiauil. d by l!ie stem tliunli jiial re.i'i..ilious of ilie law, i'titiiut. Cold Com for-.".-- Mr. CI irk, during his r-W- i limii i-rioje tmir in I Ude, b id ii'ilu-cs a-in k up tha' ! is: wo,il.rail,;n's tin' i""'k' in tlit-Cutirl HlllISC ! ai Swan Quarti-r, m a ( crt iin div. The l:iv I rain... ail'! Clark in id- bis nivn' ir; -n-i al tlfOmirt 'nmsi'. h it In and belmlil ! mil a man Was lll-r" tu lie,r liuu ! Wc h-r tli.it b.n met dh nearly as ttuid a reerptiou at o'.li-r pi n i s. .Vi. f.'i Slule U'iij. Frre AV-ro iS'f !' rose. IVn F-p ,f;,tur- ol ('onitx li'-iit, n'-l's la'f sissi.ui. w.i- ftr.iiiUlv it t ll ioi.nl in ass ii law i. rmll l, .rtrc- ('-iioii?il ('. '" tuvule al c l. -t uii.h Thfl roifiiiiini-e In win- n t he siil'j. ct was if ftrrnl, riHI..! fci,'aill-t (..laliliiJi: ill." prayer .if i- ii lili. mcrs, ami lii.t lliiuc vnummouit ly ni.'itnl I lie rpporl : Til," iH'tiiin of the Cwifiiecli"if,t F.e..'isl,-i-tort' ext"rls ciiiiiFiinuiit even from fli llicliinuii .1 I -!" i r r. Nor.i.c A;ri"N While I'm puknt Hip AVir Yarn, .':. iU l.u fr Sew Vork, a lymg in the sir- .in. opsaiie td Vendiie Kange. on ."syur day I., j. .'.lis 1'. A. "'a;it anton, of At.gite'a. uno ol me paSfcnM. in ilm act el il-siendieg from tl'.e pr.Miiena.le di ck, fell OverV.n,.. J. J.IU Bu'iTIt. one of ihe teamen, who was in the lop, at the ti'iie. perceiving tho occurrence, promptly jjlidr, dn.vii by t lie slays to tlm rail, anil phio-d into the w iier, alter Hie Liny, no Miicix- imu m graspie-and suslaining Iter ill ths water, until they had drifted m ar nrniarter ef a nolo. In the mean tune ii boat was Imvcee.l, mid il- fsp-t'i afcer them, and fortuiialely rescued thein fr.un their p-fiiuus condition. The) act of ih- gillain ami benevolent lir rnmmetuU itself to the warm apjire-vnl of every gfnerous hesit, anil duos hoiuir to bis hudy nnd useful. cailit'U'- " 11 cfv a" a prai'tiral np'pnal to oilr ci,iz-ns cont-iniio liberal'arMl sustaining aid to 'be i'or' Cause, Ihn Sailor Bethel, and the i-Wilor'e H .m fV,r tliat'callin w iinneri"ly voriby oftb kind rf gird of V, winch niimiiers in rts mhIs f.iia ca niblc of iuch daring anJ noble philanthropy.. I , It Tl -fCMOW A Millerilr?, conversing iyjth u old IhtiiI whom i ...j ... r....- l..u , ...ii. a. e m. -it lii il ! " IS ,1- j j,,i a horse pvory rnijlit I sloop.anU, al'tr n .int ; mc Tike Iiglituiug, hitli '"8 to a ct-nain p-e and then leave "me to lind niy wny hi.ron agnin. I wish it- was rn my power te) dwtingnmh the nnst-. mi that I tn plit know where I am ni-h'ly carried." " That call bo easily ascenaiuen, Will btll follow II rei, lied the other, " il ynl advice-. The-next time you are carried away and hitrM." commence, bi'm '' P"8'. and I.,,, unniiiiiui i, I vmt arc unbioscil." " Pha1 I wilt do," replied WW'M.eette; and home he, wen0ai..,,.rI,woiiUI 1 V-.n ho out ol j ihe power of the wrl rme. W.-r ''''''" "'j r.t iK-it ni-lit. as nsiia I. Sat.irf raine nn.r n ni ! I.;. u,.eos'oniel rid,,. ltprlncli he hit bed Wurl j to the post. The 'deliirk'il mm cr.minnr'ed ope rations and (fnswed tho'posl with all his strength, f Jiiilge of lbs surprise) and tho surprise of h s frionils, when tho Irniruing came, to tia wiai ine bed post was nearly gn itved in ttv. Th poor fellow i, a Mfllcfite no lortger. Purtlund Bulletin. . ExcFLCENT.- F'ltu MiiaHot pnssililf) inii tnlio'idf a liaoer fwniteil'tii N.;W LsiikIoii, , . .11v,Hrt f ,,, rsei er . xi., in an f i"' J ' imlu.lli'y", suys: -A lew Vt.ir jjjj,,., yeianee, Ilnrace (Ireylv, &i Jn Jfafju-f were Imirgint! Hter Ly Hie p'i rpi . . - ".... . Vtsrs si iiiiics I loll lo wash ivpe in a iriiiiii.n .m , . ,v knoekeil ariotit by llitt otiler boys. Butlliev dill not ni down anil weep, atxl l"el:ire they ,.til.l Mui away fr tli.lr fuiployem. N i-tlirfs-Jmck to llieiT tratle year (er ycu nil t'.pk csi4i.e f "1fr. . Wiif-re are they ,ow T gevfrnuce Cot.prcea, l.fce.lttr is l-.,,, f .1,-N.,t Y.wk Irtbune, one ul Itm a-lii.r ftuliiiftsil' pra of 'the; ittv.aml llur ,e.r is at rtm'4isl-6jf the larrrest pul.liphii.g estiblLVln1.t i Ainer.c,vltl was bJerled Mayri toNha'-sily New Trofk bj a Ur?e maioritj. So much friierjg ii4,intluia-y. ' .Y.-Am..Befublitan. At the residence of Ihe Him. W. N. Edwards, on the tfd inal., by the Rev. Mr. Mc Masters, Mr. John 1). Hawkins, Jr., lo .Miss Ann O. Clark. In Taiboro", by the Kev. 'I'l ins R- Owen, Mr. William S. Battle, to Mis l'liabeth M., youngest ilarnjhier of Fiaucis L. (fancy. F.. In ;i,Ihi, ruiinli. liulrt E. Trov. All.riiev at l,ilw, ol l.uMiberiuir, to Mliei Mary A.uiics, dauglilur Br ihe iTio Col. Saniucl II. Auilies. In Aslieli -r.i i .'h, nil Tiiurulav evenin" last, June Srib. I II. iry II. Elliott, Esij., Mr. B. G. Worlli, lo Mi.ss Mary ti. J Carter. 73u3 In this Citv, on Similiv last, Joseph Green, infant sen of M nil II. ana Mj.ihi J. 11 1!. ili.st onuiy. . t 111 ll.e 'J . ill ii I., at tiie n -uJesee il n , I rr reil, in Wake lnet, Allied Hint. in. m the .-.a year i ofhisage. Mr. Ilmion wis a inn il,er uf tiie II.. - t j -t. Clinrcl), and died under tl(e t.inoianmia of r,-- Iigion. 11 J Suuulard will picas.. co;v. j ! Sanipam c, y. Mrs. Aa.i e.lers,w,fc of ( ,.l. John .Sellers, iu llir -ll'd year. I her age. At lint rPSidoneo ol Mrs. Man t ..lion, in B-r- ! tie county, on Wednesday the 1H:U ins'ani, alter ., a protract illness U'hirll sbn bru Willi I.miikI- t in fort it ml e, JallC 1 n lie of Kfltlrr IliRgH, of I lie crmiily ol.Wi.MHor, N. C al l' vears and j ,,,,,1,'lis. C.lnily ahs lm billeu asleep in death, i .u,,l her sp.n' has been beruft lo a belter world j Airs'. H was H ineoiber orSlio Mnill'idist Epis- I i 'luireb. unit adorned tlirt il-cinne ol (iurt, I . . .. her Ssvuuir wi.h n punis lib ,, . ,tl i u -eim i- r Hilti-n. Tins aimabl.i l.uly, Inninn. r, lull- ill tin" midst nf yoiiihiul hopes ami all tin' bright .nitic ipatioiis ol f,i' lire luippim'ss, has been stnldc ily lotn lrn:i lis by the lOsa'liiitL' lii.n.f.ler deall. !,.aving in atricloi:ite husband ai d leniler babe, l.ior"lier with a circle of Iricii.! K laiiien! in" loss. " W'rfe b'l-s-d art" Ine deait bo ilie in 'he L'.rJ from lieitrrlortli ; yea siiitlnbe sDtrU, t!i..t tlicv tiny test If un th-ir'taburs ; and their uiirks do l.'llow lliein." f'.iffi. r, ,,.i Ileriiuj-i, ea und i-ii. 1 i.-l.i rel, .Siun,-e e, ;,li, c Ac A e., lor Ull, I,. PECK. nllee. Mi, sale. p. . 4li(lri Ju'y 7. TJftlirliii. ai-o. r.n-:u VAI.I VKi'iC; fiimls. Stock, fe rn it SAl.K. rrrx HP. EMJEI.riUiNEH. len.il'y snllnvi. d. will tl ,,i-.., i.,r . .!. ,n Ihe reside u i-e ul l 1 1 l.l. I re-iilen :e ol u i i. I 'l f Krallll llll, no Ilie lUlll daV H v . I'mi. Ill Ilie f 'oiiiiIV , ol July, at public s ile, tin- loliowoi j 1 ricta ol l.anJ 'o-n ii : ii, ..i 'f'rael eoiilainiiiir a'-nt .i;n.., ii,A I. mi. if l.ni.ili II Pe.rrv, .lolm A l ,11,,.,,,. mi l miu rs : mi tvliu li T act. 4 'of Uwrll.ng , u, '("id ull ittr.(ioiy mil lni.il- 'line other Tract in the County of Wartcn, on In I II III ij ill, -lit fK t nr., wllh n n"w Ten Ajfses, a'li iltiinti Will. K he , r m i ill t;ie Ii. II lll.'.ili- Wun l)irrllt,i rl'MS, finiln'tt ilie 1. amis ol Mrs Maty Eo-o , and oll.ers I lie sIkiio I iii,N aie ,d nf S',m ii ai I I be Wh.lt Sult'iitr r-prnu-, - II nda.lc.l I lb" onl.nro "t I -.. C.ot,,n,' V Lent. Cum, A c e wid ala.t oll'sf b" ale at Ilie .a ue f(..e ami pla. e, a lam.' stork of CitH.i". iloa, Whh-j", Ac AUn. Planuiiun ulensils -I every il, hrrii'loil, llnu-e- h.ihl and Kiicmm furniture. Any persiui i-li.im 0 iu-.v Hi. preiiiiM-s, wilt is I mi c.tliet of Ihe ul,:n U rs, oi Elijah It Pen", Jr. ( 7- Turns madi kno in no day of I'-.i'r. Hl-.SHV VV. I'l'.ftRY, W M. T. PKUUV. Franklin C . July 7. J' -u. . : .... . M P. M II ihoimht best noiliy-r fale. ihe laiuie will be divided lo accommodate Uiom I hn r inpin- etiass. II. iv. i-. W. T. P. qt Suni'rtl. , TliK E i 1' I. n F. X P K f) 1 1 1 ft ;i I ,19. HI.S Eihiinu ol tbu iair';it,o ot mr n n. IC.i.l.iriiii; E.pe.liu e.f. wins the sioue ly .e, l .e. ami reauoin uM iei .,.. dilleience lieiiiK in liie iiualilv of f...e. . aed the suli- II, il.i.n nf ihe W.msI I its l-r l. el, Ihe VlSuellcs. Tkelsi.T Edilioi. i. '-f. I"r sale at the N. L. li.,olist,ii. ,. I I . . l ,1. r. r or , llll, ,11 HIS 1 l.lt.M.lt x liuuiii.. July 7. j ) Nat. "Handsnl at'd lifilepcn.leiit Wrevut Pi'ihKciUioin, TTJ af i:.T10t.'CA o :i Hi'wlrfe ssr o Rl .,,c.'.le,lil-.b,ll. . .l and persmial. trm 1 H ! !l In U'W. in I, uliui: iica-tn in-n- on Hie (i rrf"" V1"'""'. ! iili.er unsettled iiics i ris lieiwero ihe Cnled -I iirs audliresl BrU by ucbnjd Kuh. Knv.iv Ktira- crdir.ary slid Mini't. r 1'leiiipoli'iili.iry hem llie I nf I I..I isi .ie I'mSi, IMl7'0lHV.r). . Ilnloiiviil i'I"HSiir'e IJ Own Timr", by f,r N. W. Wraxail, '-,;tf vfrr. ,,),. ,u m..incal'n ban. tuilior of "fry -tvf lrp", ..lli'es.iiy n. VV . .. . 'Lriaf. Itstir nnd Iho Sim rlainan, cine, ihe use, ir.Oiiinii, di-ei-ei, . Ac . -t i'-'Z- .n .re..iini of xim ilillereri ltmil ol limine wnh ll.. ir bal.us. Al-o, bints lo nti aileir, wi'h us r.-cpes, A r. by J . Skinner, lo.iner Ediuir uf the Tail Hea-isie, Ac. . i Tokt-tb or Ihe Willi Hose, an Indian Tale. I.v C. rleatsticld. Em sale ai the .W'h CaVrdin Uoukator., nrfiier i.Eaetleille and llarnr't free... Julv 7. 63 "ilaTiivK'iro'rKi,, jiiig CONC!)ltl),.riWH CAROLINA, The ubcnbr has ib pleasure rn iAform his old friends. snrLriislomcrs. and tile "public r. neraHv. t' al he has rsceyiily pnrebl-'ed theja'ge MKK'K IfOCfE a-lj iinin- Ihe Vnrtre-wea" rorne.1 of ihe C-'uirl Uubse. in the Town nf Coue.inl. ami b fined u up in s fashionable snd eQmfoilable stvles a IIOC--C for ih s'ceoromoila'i. rf lire puklrc. His h use hs ben tlrftiouahlf ispaired his rooms are larcrJ nd converuently ..ranged. -.1 h- furniture is euliry new. Uf, Hostler is not smias-sl by any in the tatam. He Jlalters hinelf that 4tm Ins bmg experi ence in the husja.-. be is sbtotd five iisfml.on fo .iu 1. m. Usas- him wilh a call. All 1 aek u a lair trial. Call ind jdf for yourselves HAPiRI"- oas.eJ,S. 0. May' IS, ' Ve are requested to arlnounc. Jami as a candidule for the Office "of CoilBly CoiiTt Clerk ur Wake Counly. k June W, l?4f.. ': For l.ent, And iminudiaisf iio-si'ssmn iriven, lie eomlaciaiue Uw "!JIIIK llonse in the Western pait of the City, lately ieciini-d by Vujur T. L. W kar. Apply st-. thia OS Mav 18. IH4&. & STU CULXTY. - IN LliUMl. Krriah Ayeock ind others, Jaoies Pope a: ' tS Patsy, Gsrrv Pimms, and lbs Cliiidrrn and I li'ir'-at l.nw id Edilh Bun am. Petition fur frMutn Me ZtflNd oj Jaaima A.Jora. j- al(!Jrmi( the satislai tin ol III. Court, lhal H l),.l(.ma, la in ibis case, are re-idelits ol lb. p,.,,i nf lienruia. a,d bevond ihe juiisilic loll ot this (. iiir( . l( M lllj,.r, j ,.rt (,0biication be made lor x .,.,.,., w,,u , ,he Weekly kalwah Register,' ( f Jm ni, wjS Vllls. ,;alry ,. , , ,H! ( h.ld.. n nnd Heirs iM.aw ol Edi'h l.nnv.im. i pear ul.mir Cmul -I Ivipiilv, lo be held I n lie , .,ui,iy .. .l..lii,i,ni at Ilie . nn nos-e in '" ' ' n the 'Kb Mni.,ly in Mrplrmher next. ( ( , ' '. J,,, ,.,,. B,1V 0,t(ol nl(ti () , , ,, ,,,,.,, 1,lsl.,.Tor judj ,,.,,, pr ,-',..,, mil l.e t ,k. n a(',nj)i tbeui. l itm, U M. II. Mm. i m, leik nt our said fourt. at -iruo In Minlhlir.d, the 4l!i Monday in ii ... i. i jx ...... W.M II. MORMNfl. C M, r.. at wfitr Pr. s.N. (IJJ. or.vri: ok ndhi ii cakolina ll'.IK. ' ;:i;.v t ol.m i y iljicnoi" Court of Law, Ajiril 'Form, If l Ilcniy T. Doles, Elit lliclli lb, Irs, Pi I, (urn fur O.nirce. EFENOAN'P I'.iou called am! failiifg In ap p nr. it is thdrnrl by lbs Cowl, lint pi libcs- 15 leu, lie made in ihe U sneiiinn Jt. poiicr ami liatniitl Ucniicr f,r llir.e siiccesive iinmibs, nntll.muR Vc I, . i, .lanl I- appear al 'be net I Teiill l said M.ipeTi.T C-uri -I I, m. In be hold lor I ho Coiiniy of V a,rn, at ilie Choi limine n Wiificnlon on Ihe third Mon day alir Ilie l-ti'ib Monday in ."epli mla-i m il, then ami ihi'ii; iu plead, ui.swrr or ilcmur lo lie J'kiiIioii, .ir Hi.- same m l be bea.d ijc jmrlt. Wiiiic, II. j i mi E t ..int. Cleik ofonrSaiil I'miii. ul olliee. ll- thiol Mniuliiy ulu-i tnc'loUtlh M.in.lav ill Manh, il-r HEN. E. COOK. CI k. Warientnii, April SO. ol om ( Pt.ee ofailv 2'.") ' ' 'PATE t)f MIK I'll CA illll.l. W,!.. Cmiiiiy. Conn ol Pleas aud liuarlar faessiulis. My Turin. 1 Ifl. Pin miis 'l odl. ..It snd Thomas Il.-iinl snil A. T. Cillms, use Hii haol W asliinuiun, and Marshal P. Huwaid.and VV ilium C.Tbryaii. i it Alejander ftverinnn, NeWlirn Ovcrmnri, Joseph Ovciuian. Leu l..o easier nnd wife Aiiidail, llel scy Dmiiiisii. I'orinlilis (Ivciiiian and wile I bar ,i v . Harm II. mill sil Mile ."Sarah, I nomas Over ,';,!,. un.t William. J..hn H . and Polly lriir.an, heirs ul law of balHv I Iverinaii, deceased. h ui,.. i ,,t t- Ibe s..i;fse i ol the Court, ibsl Ah ,.ii,l.-r tjti i in n, ni,e of llie Urlmilohts abi'e. ii ini.nl. i- in il an inbnbiiaiii ill dos fine : ll is or d. r.d, ilu iclo.e, l y the Cmul, lhal piibbcstion be imiile lor six weiks in the Haleinh I'eaiisifr for liiin in appear I I I. .re ibe Justices of tbo (Hurt ol Pleas nn.l fierier fcssi-ns. ai the t oml lloii-e m W syt es li..t..'. on llie tl.u.l liiii.lay iu Aumisl next, iben sod ihcre I- si,. , caii-c, it any I e baa, why lb above i,nmr,l Plainlill- i-lculil nut have Jirdgnisiil and ef luiuui .iRamsi the real c.kale uf I halkly Oveimsii, deeeai d. l ilnr, Ji.n. A. tfreen. Cleik of said ( r.urt, if Uir-e Ac. J.V A. till KEf, Clerk. JiineTr.-IBIST TrTAilt fa flSr. '- 6w N I'VI'Ewl lurl'i 'nroliiin.vvi!i fy, Cnioiiy ;.urt of Pleas ami darter rScssions. May Perm, 'SI . Jn. llokuiul lun. U. 1J nines, r. James Martin. Oriliinnf ' Attachment. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that llie Lfrleiulaiil bas reuimed lnyond ibe limits jt lli:S tsiate : ilia ordered, tin in f-rc, II at pulibcaiion lio made m ibe lia'eigli Hoid-ler, for ail Weeks. ontify n, ebon lo appear before the Justices of llie Court of 1 ras nnd quartei .sioin, al the Conn I!i,u In Wo. iiclor .', mi llie third Monday in Au(Wsiiext, I ben slid iheee to tep evy or plead in issue or judg ment flnil mil he entered aiiailisl bim, and the pmsP pe.iy levied on loudeiiitied (b sati-fy PlsintiU's do- niii.'. . V m Jim. A. Oreeri. Cletk of our m il I ou'l. ' l Oibce. tlo- ihi.d Moiulnv of Mav. A I). IM.5. J.NO. A. UKEEJi'eiCk-rk. Pr A lv.fi f,"C 'B.1. icnlf ol itorin tnrtii".-viTina k . .. . . . I...... ...,l IliinriM, K..a.ii,na. -Vl Olllll y.-- .-Oil Ul A hub a., u ----. , May Term. IH1", James TiJ lor, ") Orii C II. H. A. (i. Keen. J DiiRinal Attapliment. 11a cb ommoiied la tiarnisht-e, Ii ar.penrinv; lo ibe n'isfaciinn nf ihe Courl that A . ft. Keen ta in hi re ' ' t ol this Hia. It if ordered il,. i ,ul,liej,i,.tii t. in the Haleinh TIeiuter for six we, k. iioliftitt, bun to le and apTSf la-foie III Jtneiie-ol our i etl Court of "leas ai d tuancf Res-. s, lo.be held for the County of Ctis'lli-n. ir tliO rt House in Piirboro', on lb serond MiHnlat of aii-ns, Court 4 most ne xi ihen snd there lo answer, plead or de- rrnir, nr Mie wirl Prii iou will 'as beard ex parte, as 19 bim. anl Jiidi-im-Ml entered nccrtriUrlvJiy. V linos, NsUaii A. MMliinMi teik of our ssid C'uait fK fW.ce. the second Mondsy ih May. IH5. NvTlUN A BI'rjllMA.'V. -j-. S T.'vrIrwirih CTOUUn-WAll. H I. ' )t"S'l. Huperiot'ouil uf Law, A , Tssriu. 136. "'" Mury" A. T. Alston, ' r. . Jesse A. Alston. " rditimn for IJIrortt. EPENDANT1 beini? ealleii,snd failing lo'lf n-i'r it is (Merrfliv ihe Court, llisl puhl ca-' ' . . . i . ..a Li.l-i.w nun he made in tne warrcniorrrnry""',-"" " Heier f-.r llii.e uecei months, iMHin lng Do lend ml to sppev si-il-e nsxl Tenn. ad rtu(iia I :ourt of Law, to be held tor ihe Uuunljr of Jf .rren, ai the Court rlou-e in W'a.reat.in.oa ilio.third Mow day aft.r the foutth Monday in September nexi. tba anil there tor-ad, answoior demur lo lbs PotilhraV nr the sesrte will bejieatd ex parte. ' . Wimes, Bs-taAi E.Cooa. Clerk o-oo aW I'.mrt, il ofnee. tho ihjrd .Uenday ai'iore toy Monday in ""j. E C001C, ClV'" . Worremon. A prH 56. fO. Jttfm f;friaafadf.flltf.) c !!.!f:f?l t t t f l i 4 r r,k 1 i 1'' r iL.:jt.-.-il.:-i-.v , it , .'1 - .. '