f i i r . r . MM U. Pablle lied every Friday, by WE1TQN A. OALEI, Epr aad Proprietor, at Treo Dollars per Annum. IE9 41 r VOL. XL VI. FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1845. NO. 45. I tt ' IB o!J !;at 63 for 3 ..lid tf-fl ies- 45. is lit WJ iptj hn lit, of mi, J.'t ose ilt ro-J tlx t ii ics for nef DM. uk A J RAnEIGHiMefSTER V I !; SUPREME COURT. During th. lest week, the following Opinion have been delivered, viz ; :'"' ' . v , Bv RirnriM, C.J. In Dickinson, tt me pf Coatee. Lippitt, from New Hanover, reversing the judgment J ud amrmtng the. order or th. uoonty i ourt. seen that tho building could no be saved, and in two hours tho whole pit. was a smoking ruin!. Th. Ocean House was built by the 'Ocean Company winter before last," and finished hut winter. It waa valued at 836.00a and insured service of their country ; fearlr-w and daring as the ra ging element en which they ride, utiawed hv the foe. FOR Tint aranrr... I .J .1 it . . . . .... M, c-ti., Al... " i "u'-""'ynwiingaouettotliehrillmn!.ioorthe Hill the seat of , . . 7v m 1 n,pe' wi,d snd botslerous win. Some m.yb. engaged in Hill, the sett of the IWersity of North Carolina, tl.e 1 L...I. .. ..a. . . .. . E 7 . I. ... ' Den, of U. D. wh i.n.n;m , ' ' -i """' ,n" C"'"g armsand the AIM, in Smith Hawkins, in Equity from Bun- f r.,j u. ,u Wi eA , ,k a H R,e.H.... t . . . ' ' . ""'p6f themad and infuriated war-horse. The sa- combe, declaring that th. injunction n. properly " .Ti' ' ' V" -'- , erpddU m(iy clm ,,. trihu(e from t)jg ,,t w COMMUNICATIONS. ."JXIilJLL'iJLlJ.j J in Providence and Boston for 918,000. nil txceneiiey, J ami. K. Polk, President f the Uu ' A.j'ffa.a . .1.' rt eoatiauod t.lh. Hearing. r; ............ wo .(ellation. and the di.,c!U r -t- aia. ia William, n. iiiiu. fmm iVTek enhnnf ! iorm oi an i. runmnff nor n and oaat ine noun- : rresiaeni vre l or th. iin if.,i Hi.,. i 1 ' mav, .....u- v. i..w,iri..S , ......... g - .... . , . f-...j viuiw, oiium, mill upon nfll, , i , , , the judgment .f the Superior Court reversed, and ! ern wing being 220 feet long, and the eaoletn the Hon. Jon Mson. Attorney General of U,e !!1 , ? AI,eIa"",gof n,T ow rfP- rotten up hy the boys of th.-CHy on one of the Public Squared, as demoralizing iu its effects, and requeuing the Commiiwionera to have a stop put to iu The subject was laid on thtf table until the noit meeting of the Board. No other business arising, the Board adjourned. " AV. WHITE, Clerk. that of th. County Court dismissing the netitiou, af firmed. : Also, In Gainings . Williams, from Montgomery, mrmiug in. juugnwot below. win? 125 by 80 four stories hiirh. It contained , United States. 203 r.vm. Its situation waa beautiful and com iVs testimonial is tin rwnted hy some one of thone of my school mate manding, and its loss is heavy Jlow to Newport , the largest uumber of Trustees w ho hi io nignesi Honor r,.;, ., . i. . t ... . . . couferrod bv that institution. .d a u . . 'tesor, " T"""?"' . u ' ' vy Q leep -killed in learning, lore, all may have Htfir dis- Also, is Looau o (Simmons rt al. in Ennitv from (a Well as an indescribable inconvenience to the IZuiherford, aeclsmisTtfe deeds to the Defendant . , boardore, a great many of whom were from New- iiMMuw.ipiiiljiiiH.nio, i nuuim. cuuucq -u -turn tMv i Yorlt" vjiv,eu m iijrm, tvo. Our'a art the plan of fair delightful peace, Vmeorffd bf party ragt to lit like trot here." 1v i ii " i ' M RALEIGIL N. C. .Tuesday, August 12, 1845, NORTH CAROLINA ELECTION. By Daniel J. Iu Buchanan e. Parker, from Colum bus, affirming the judgment below. Also, in Putnam i. McOibHony, in Equity from Guilford, dismissing the bill with coats. Also, in Raper A. Sniirgin t. Hamilton & Arm field, in Equity from Davidson, deolaring Plaintiff entitled to redeem, the ilave, on psyiug $0U, th. purchase money, and disiniabiug the bill with Costa as to Solomon Armfield. Also, in Mitchell and others r. Walker and others, in Equity from Burke, dismissing the bill as to Walk er and Keller, with costs, and directing', d'xerm that Pearson, and in the event of his inability, SaterWhite, repay the purchase money, interest and costs at taw, aad in this Court. Also, in Doe on demise of Callander al . Slier- Cut the saddest portion of this calamity is the at the Cttllege for many years. ave as.semted -itl. r, in ., r 1 "ks inem. 4 lime inreo penile- i Tl ,. .. . men are .11 Alumni of the Collere. Jd M.v- ... 5 ".e pr,ng hrnnrh, the ''Diamond -.- ! IIJTI graduated in ISIS, Judge Mason, in IK16, and Th everything, though waihsd and worn. PsasiDEKT in 1813. Recently, one of the Trustees i death of Samuel Fowler Gardr Esq, one of . prMent at t,,e ningof the honors, was in com An Election took place in this Slate, on Thursday man et al. from New Hanover, warding.. senr at last, for nine Members of Congress, but owing t. tho J . . - g . . nail's pace with which the Mails travel in North Ca- I jdcment below. Also, in Hall, C, M. E. r. Pascball, from Warren, affirming the judgment below. Jiy IVsii, j. lu uutier and others r. Durham and kliua, the only intelligence we have received is that phich we subjoin. In Massachusetts or New Vrk r H. . ' . . : . , i a I trerf mectum precinct would have neen neara irem efors now, whereas from some of our Dutrtete even, -e hare not reeeived a word. W. are rejoiced to be able to announce ae certain, lis) re-election of that faithful public servant Col. D. others. in Equity from Rutherford, directing a refe- r seriously'" injured, and is doubtful whether pretly much the enme Mi,ect an "davs lanir nvno." nd recalled some of the moet delightful hours of mv the oldest, and nrnst estimable citizen. f New. psny wW, T1K p,,, nud ,arilrll M' , ' r I c'.W almost recall u mind iw ,ery smell of port. H. owned a lirjie amount of property here, ,ame ,iniei , w, ,h ; the sere foliaSe ; and the sound f gurgling nil nr.. fho nrrAnf inn r.nrr nrnnrlplur nr Iiia av '. n tens which wife The ins more than half consumed a key and pencil lying on his chost. I also fear that Thomas R Ilazzard, Esz, residing in the beautiful country . -e tr i i ..... i. seat m xrcicuse, nas perinea, l ou will re. member him as the author of some political tracts published in 1841. George Burrows and Robert Cojtall were on the ladder with M'. Gardner when the eastern wing came down, and they fell outward, while ho fell inside the burning walls. The two former PK.CI1. M ILL ce iniruciion In this araerfuT arid irv ' vigorating exercise, to such .if the vonh ..nil.. men ol Ifaleigh as may wish la avail ihemwl.es of -n,.porlun,,y. O. A. BUCK. Rsloigh Aug. IU. ) KW' FLOHI AXI ICIju.,com. to hand, and fur sale by ; . "" ' ' WILL. PECK. Rsleiah, 13 Aog. 1849. 63-2t reniu oi the honors t Inn conferred .m,.n ih.m J, I v iwgn "ie sunny iv Newport Steam Mills, and another of .. lh. . . ... ... J. ' , i side of the wood, where I used to lineo, , lnv hot. be was exclusive owner. He leaves a si... M m . . . . K. . ' i idays amnmr the fullinn-leave, m'tl,. ir... ;.. ..'..... .nJi.arl.i nn. J ne i reMUenl was horn in iVIeckleu- ' . " , ' and ten clit dren. . - . or the sweet-scented meadow, where in the S,,ri.,. body of Mr. Gardner was found in the ru- I"? ' ' "T.ww' " m""mon ar- wit tfw ' " 1 wiiutttvii in irmMi itaiittrr nnd rinta ulr ik. A. .. " . .v . mnu p, - -t -..m mncii mo uiii y nun ft. is a proud triumph for them. From the District recently represented by Mr. Rat- kin, we have out ultie news, but that little is deci- Ksdly discouraging. We fear that Col. Outlaw, the Vhig candidate, Is defeated by a small majority. We hare reason to hope, from rumors which have Inched us, that the Whigs have elected their glori- 1m young champion in the Tarborough (Stanlt's) District Also, in Criesraan . Wrirht and others, in Eotiitv from Surry, directing the bill to be dismissed with costs. AIm tn P. .1. Cl i i . t?. ... e . , . . . j j I uiimi mvaii a.tu v.nrra, ill iquiiv irom ""f". "1 - "'"J""V oamiwon, allirniiiiir the udrment below. otes over Mr Chaslks Fisher , one of t!ie most for- I Also, iu Wall t. Tomliunon, from Stanly, reversin A.hU .i.iairrmui. that eould have been selected. Judgment and awarding a ventre de novo. St have not th. vol. in th. several Counties, but n fra,K 'cumn, trem Henderson, ar I TfUl inff I list list ivrrvatif 4 toioid ma resoit to o as. we state, innouwinct Also, in Doe on demi of I;n .uA rim.. f the State, was greater exertion made to defeat the I Cox, from Mecklenburg, reversing the judgment and IVhirt, than at this point, and the success of Col. """""'"t """ire " ANOTHER FINANCIAL OPERATION. An existing topic of conversation in Charleston S. C, a letter-writer in one .of the journals states, is the deficiency of some $20,000 in the funds of oue of the Banks of that City, or rather in tho cashier s funds. The story is a queer one, but the whole facts of the case have- not transpired. This Butw. will not shout until wo are out of raucn " c"am ' lne 0,reclora of '.q tion, in looking over their bundles of bills which have been withdrawn from circulation, came across certain packages which looked " curious." These packages have been long done up ; some as far back as 1835 were sealed with the cashier's official seal and signed by the old President and the old cashier. both now dead.- On opening the bundles, in place of finding $20,000, they found a sixpence worth of ' paper, cut in bill form, and nicely stowed into the packages. This was an astounding diecorery, and coming, as it did, upon a business, active Bank- upon men famous for managing their instituiion iu a most vigorous and energetic manner, it was the more overwhelming The money is gone, but who has taken it, is the question to be solved. lathe Halifax District, Mr. Danicl is re-elected h a large majority. For the purpose of rallying the rkig vote, Dr. Bonn became a candidate, but as he M let canvass tho District, bis rote has fallen, as light have been -expected, somewhat behind the f hig strength. s " la the Wilmington District,' th. gallant Mcareb m th. consolation of feeling that he has done his uiy like a true Whig, as he is, and though his oppo mt, Gen. McKay, will again take his seat in Con- htm, bMr. M.jhu distinguished himself 'by his Uveas, and gained reputation enough to satisfy both awtlf and friends. Is the Guilford District, we tearB verbally through Passenger, that Gen. Docciav (Whig) has beaten ear. Whig. From the Surry District, we have the vote of but r County, and that not so favorable to McMillan, wt hoped to see. - From CLntoMA.Vs District, we have not a word, but take it for granted that he will be re-elected. In our own District, we have been shamefully beat- swing to th. apathy of the Whigs. In Chatham, here ws looked for 500 majority for their County n, Haoohton'o majority was only 160. And what GREAT FIRE IN NEWPORT the 'Ocean House' burnt to ths ground Death or S. F. Gardner, Esq , and probable loss of sev. ERAL UTHF.K I.IVES. (From the Extra Tribune.) NEwr-ORT, R. I. Sunday, 4 o'clock P. M. Aug. 3. Dear Sir; We arrived here in the Massa chusetts,' th s morning at 4 o'clock and were ve ry greatly chagrined to find the 'Ocean House, full and overflowing with people more iImii a hundred being turned away. We tried withsim- worse still, we learn thaMn Cumberland, many itar bad luck the Atlantic and Bellevue House. lugs voted for Doaaix. land then spent four or five hours in Irving to cum 0a ths whole,' our Delegation In Congress will admission to a private house. At. length wo wer. iMy stand lMrfVrtrJbiw- Whigs to Jive Locos, lodired in tolerable comfort at Townsend'a Hotel. Md McMillan be elected, we shall have five Probably no watering place was ever ao crowd- nig, that p, if the rumors of Donnrll's success ed in the Union as Newport is the present sea n De confirmed. By Iriday, we shall probably I son. There were over-three hundred and fifty k lull mums. ELECTION OF CLERKS. On Thursday last, an Election took place in this poaty for Clerks of the County and Superior Courts. aw T, MsaaiOTT (incumbent) was re-elected strangers In the Ocean House alone, and every place in the city full. But it turned' out that our regret at being ex cluded from the Ocean House waa foolish and wicked. About 1 o'clock to day, while the fash. rm.M ihrnnir tf'orA ilrn.i,v Jinn., ikn nnA'r of the Canty Court, and Riciuao P. Finch I house, a small buildimr adininino- ihp Ra.tprn w.'n evmbant) was also re-elected Clerk of the Superi- f the Hotel, caucht in ths ceiling from' a dish ol Csait Th. TOU Stood I .,l uhieh rnnL- fir. .nrl hlai.,1 from th. Ann. fet Count Curt Clerk i Marriott 1393 : Adams . h. I fall (A th. HVf - . I nuis I . I I ' , . V ,v..i, I In an instant the rrv of fire waa riv.n. and Fer Superior Court Cler j . Finch 1154 John C. such a acene of confusion and distress ensued as m' 404'?. A. Wicker 279 William Stringer, no man could wish to see twice. The boarders were running from room to mom, screaming for their friends, brothers, husbands, wives and chil dren, and aTrTnqijirlngwTth white 'lips the cause of the alarm. There waa a great lack of water, tnd the flame seized with fury upon the extreme dry and combuatible material of which the cook house as well as Die whole building; waa compo sed. The bells rang Ihe alarm the whole city Mr. Coxall wili survive. The furniture of the house JJ'25,000 two thirds saved 9,000 insur'd. Mr. Weaver, thejessee of the Ocean House, han already taken a house which will accommodate fifty, and which ho will open to-morrow. There's nntorprize for you I It wan said there was a gentleman in the second story ofvlho east wing, ho was loat, but of this nothing is certainly known. Rumor also gives three or four other victims to Ihe flames. An express waa sent to Providence for the Massachusetts to come here and take off" the pas eengers to night. We are now wuiting for her. Meantime! despatch an express to you, who will come through if he is alive. P. S 8o'c.lock. The steamer Massachusetts has just arrived at the pier, and will furnirh about 500 houseless sufTerers with lodgings for night, and also food. Yours, in has'p, G. G. F. EDITOR'S CORRESPONDENCE. H'oynesooro' Aug 9, 1845. Drak Sir : Below I rend vou the result of our Election. For Congress : Dobbin Haughton Fer County Court Clerk : Jno. A. Green For Superior Court Clerk : Wm. R. Lane Sam'l. 11. Whitfield,"45i-196 maj. Removal of the Court House from Waynesboro' For no removal, 930 For removal, 117 813 maj. Yours respectfully. 900 205-693 maj. 927- No opposition. C52 of bis lute brother, Marshall Poi.k, who lived and died in Chmlptte, the County Town of the County in Which the 1'renideiit was born, to raise and educate and is preparing him for our Univereiiy, whither he Will send nun so soon a, he may be able to enter Ibst Institution in regular standing. He prefers our Uni versity to ail nl her Imlilutiuns. The rutin hunt und Judge Mason both expressed a full dnleriniiiation to visit Chapel Hill al our next t'omniericeiit, provided Congress adjourns before that time. And if it does not, that they will do so, if alive und well, at the Com mencement thereafter. To have thk Pbksident of the Uniled Slle, the late Vica Fre.idrm r, pro. Itm. of the United States, und the Attorxkv Gknkbal of Ihe l.'niied Stales, all Alumni of the University, ut one time, as visitors, will shed a halo of splendor, unprecedented in the history of auy College in ihe L'niled Stales, over that renowned Institution, and will serve to suslnin the high reputation the University has long had and rich ly decerves, of being one of Ihe best Literary Institu tion, in the United States. Being richly endowed wilh money, and t fie very best of studies, and a most uble and attentive Facility, we are led to hope, tint future lime may again witness (what is now pro mised) at the College Lxercises, men of similar dis tinction, t!io offipring of Ihe Uuiversity. No greater example, and no more worthy incentive, could cer tainly be given to Ihe young geulleuieu of the Uni versity, to go and do likewise. II played. Happy, happy days ! It is delightful to fling a glance back to our early years, and recall our boyich action., glittering with the light of hope, and the sanguine expectations of incipient bring. The remembrance of eur sensa tions, when we were full of elasticity, when life was new, and every sense and relish keen, when the eye j saw nothing but a world of beauty and glory around, every object glittering in golden resplendency is cer tainly the most agreeable of earthly enjoyment. Fifteen years have pssrrd since last I trod these classic ground", since when, through burning suns and frigid cold, I've wandered my weary way, until now, by a fortuitous circumstance, I am permitted to indulge in these pleasant and delightful reminiscences.' RAM ELK IL FRESH RICE. ECEIVKO ami for sale at the Drug Store of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD A. CO Ann II, I HIS. TAMARINDS. F a verv .itperiof quality received and for sal. at Ihe Drui Wtore of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD dc CO. An. 1. , M SARATOGA WATER. Fresh supply received and for sale at the Drus? Store of "II.1.1 A MS, HAYWOOD tt Aug 1. CO. 63 Smithfield, August 9, 1845. Ma. Gai.es : I herewith send you a statement of the votes in this County, (Johnston) for a Member of Congress, and Clerks of the County and Superior Courts : i,,n r Wl0B nCongre. James C Llobbiu biu 6 Thomas Bagley 599 ) County Ct. John H. Kennedy 534 ( Clerk. Wm. R. Les, Superior Court Clerk, 673. No op position. We should have given Hangbton a much better ote, but every thing iu that Election was absorbed by the County Court Clerk's election. THE NAME OF HENRY CLAY. I The Philadelphia United States Gazette, speaking las oebration of tbe 4th of July in that City, When the seventh toast was brought forward, and aarosof Henrv Cl.v LL. , . J ' ..uww.iwu, um uuna 01 urastasn from the assembled ho. rh..tt.. uHi entirat flowed. The name I hurried tt the spot, and the opinion already be. uMBsmsn n.nrv- cia in . 1 . , . . . ... , . atioisnU a mrtio " " .1 . I cam rrai n umocr 01 wnoie w Wed oMoeesainr an, . JZ -.1 1. " h.s graceful and airy but light and insubstantial lore th. President m. .hi. t. K-in. r...i .1.5 I edifice could be eared. r onaecied with the name. ,; Nay, we do not j The work of carrying oat baggage now began rw out w. should' sar that. tMd mT iiumni. I i- . ..j r-:. 1. I- . 1 Wravau th. enthsiw1. Ut eertaialy was as edible tasks of porterage. The larje and mag. 'sty in the tamolt .aay M. present LU could niflcent Parlor of tbe UoteU occupying the whole eh? It, 'WO danS SaT." " nt ih. Nnk .nJ U almnul nf Itm .nail. . Uaemiiati43ai4i. in soeakinr ot th above I furnitures and the field directly oDMsits and rings, well "remarks :"The man who is loved to th Northward of the Hotel, became speedily is fellows, baa the richest possession earth ma filled with trunks, boxes, and furniture. &C &c. fNothiiaai Mme hdWd, wili' that n- while the street was lined with elegantly attired ffSffnt inlauiua kik ' 1 . . . .. .... .- .. . f C of character. Anal tkio at th. I rwMg' ltaxa ClatI . H. has won kwMleoLtiMr. is I "'Water ! water t water ! was the nnanewered fi i his aanw a. halo which follows the warrior j erf of . lb Fremen and We cilixene who had P b. has U that he is he has mil. k. I .v..j ,.,. a.ssb MslfLka. trails. fiSMIsif atlta. kill I nmm . .. . . I HViarvw tin sVlsu w icinrui ipch mmm le.num a . f aam. .mention sd en festive occasions r at I PPrei 10 be emcieut and well organized am ratherinrr it a w.k.u t . nil.a Lb.; I hitielll. .nit d.rinnZfcnT 'wft't 'irnnA uBM th.ir ft "Vit-r 3 - v , I fire without water t It was now clearly PitUboro' Avgutt 10, 1845. Drar Sir : I send you subjoined, a statement of the vote in this County (Chatham.) Haughton's majority is 200 less than I expected, but the Demo crats fought as hard, as if Dobbin's election depend ed on this County. Congreu: Haughton 928 Dobbin 768 - 160 majority. County Court Clerk : N. A. Stedman 1179 . Nath'l. Clegg 476 -Superior do do J. Thompson; no opposition. Auguet 9, 1845. Dcak Sir: I have discouraging newa from the Eden ton District, Northampton, which two years go gave Raynkr a majority of 145 votes, now gives Biooa a majority of 21. Three precincts in Bertie, heard from, give Outlaw a majority of 94, at which, two years siuce, Rayner's majority was 146. Hert ford has done well. Outlaw's majority is some 40, where two years since, Rayner's majority was 30. Murfreesboro', Auguet 9, 1843. Dear Sir. : As you will be anxious lo hear from this District, in which our friend Col. Outlaw is our candidate, I have oblaiued from our Clerk a state ment of the Polli, as officially returned at Wintou yesterday, for this (Hertford) County! " For Congress: D. Outlaw (Whig) 277 , . Asa Biggs (L. F.) 23938 mnj. For k M-XowperrrctVC: nooppMition, ' For W D. Valentino, 8. C. C. do 372" 1 learn, verbally, that Blocs' majority in Gates, is about 100, and in Northampton some 20. Trsaton. Aug. 6tk, 1S45. Dsa Sin : Below, I send you a statement of the Poll in, this County for Congress : ' Jones County: Meares 181, McKay 138. Tb. vote is a very small one. There could not be less thaa fifty voters of the Whig party wh. war. ab sent, wbich accounts for tbe majority being so much smaller than Was expected. . It is eleven more thaa Graham obtained, and eight less than Clay's majority. , Jno. H. Hammond, former Clerk of the County Court, ia re-elected. 'So is Jams. C. Bryan re-elected Superior Court Clsrk. FOR TUB REOtSTKIt. Mr. Gales : After an absence of many years, I had an opportunity of visiting a few days ago, once more, the old pleasure grounds and shady groves, Ihe constant resorts of my school-boy days, ' long time ajo," in this self-same beautiful City of Oaks. Oh, how the recollection of the happy scenes and rend, niscpnecs of life's young buoyant days would rush upon my mind as 1 would recognize each spreading oak, and dark green hickory, a; the face of some old familiar friend, and recal to mind the light and de lightful hours passed here fifteen years ago. I TiAeen years ago ! How rapidly and unnoticed have they passed. It seems but as yesterday al most, that I was standing at Ihe rostrum of Ihe be loved but now lamented Dr. McP, reciting for Ihe first time tho lesson" Drut crearit cirlum el ier ram," and bcrraii to drink of the fountains of knowl edge and of learning. I stood and gazed upon the old Academy, the surrounding groves, the particular true known in boyish, playful sportiveness, as "home," in " Prisoner's base." Yes, here stands the same old building, though I am glad to see it is newly painted np and repaired handsomely ; well do I remember the ttriling lessons 1 have received here, and a half suppressed, melancholy sigh found utterance, as I called to mind the many misspent and wasted hours I squandered away in that preciou. time of life But as Ovid hath it Serorespicitur tellue, ubi June eoluto Curril in imnuneum panda carina ealutn, Or, in more modern parlance, it is too late to cry over spilt milk. -1 could fancy myself the same gay and nimble youth, fearfully dashing up the tall hick ory after the hut and hirsts nest. I went and sat un der the deep shades, in the same spot where I former ly sweated over Euclid, and pulled my hair in very rage over the deep, and to me then incomprehensible mysteries of Algebra and Mathematics ; und how de lightful aad refreshing were the recollections of those gleeful and happy days, when life was light as a fairy, and n. mark of Corroding care had been mado upon my innocent heart.' Blissful, joyous days glorious even hi their recollection; While wrapped in this fond reverie of brighter days, I instinctively turned quickly around a. tho' I heard the fond, familiar voices of those who joined me in my school-day sports but all was silence. One by one, would the well-remembered visage of Ham. and R'ife and George and Frank and Dal. Boh, I lit, Tarn. Wat. kine, Julius, Marcellue, and Sam Brown, and a host of others, rise to my viewnd 1 hough I called for them, yet, like the spirits of th. vasty deep, they came not. But how should they T Fifteen years had fled since last ws gambolled so nimbly and gaily through Ihe Academic grove together, and duriug that time how many may have fallen victims to the insatiate aad un erring Archer 1 Fifteen years ! yes that long space had passed over my head, and despite Ihe effort to re strain them, the melancholy tears trickled down my cheeks, and I almvst fancied myself slope and deso late an old man. A plain and sfmple marble slab in your own grav. yard, told the aad story of the first named, out down ia the bloom of life and on the very verge of manhood- yes, that stout, sturdy, athletic frame bad bee assailed by insidious and stealthy Cos sumption and marked him for its own. Others, may hap, among strangers and without friends, far from th. hm. f their father, and denied the soothing and con soling attentions of Mothers and isters, even in death, have found a grave la some far distant land, or, by their higt sue) manly bearing, have been " by stran gers burird and by strangers mourned." Others may bo sow .toughing tbe billowy main sngagd iu th. ' conaEsroNDKc-K or thk arirsTrn. NOTES OF ATRIP TO NIAGARA AND CANADA. Trrxton Falls, July, 1 815. The spot at the Fulls, most particularly pointed out, in that where Miss Si;idam whs drowned riiniiy years ago. It is a wicked looking plncn a pulh-wny- cut on tho side of u wall of rock, always wet. and but just wide enough for one person to pass. The rock hangs directly ovrr-head, and tho water, which falls but u few yards oft", whiils round iu bro ken waves and foam ut your very feet. In 1KW, a little daughter of Col. Tiiornk, of Paris notoriety, was also drowned in -the same place. Tho serving niun was carrying her in his arms, when, making a false step, they were both precipitated into the vor tex, while the parents of the child w-ere but a few slaps behind, and had to see her curried down, hear her utter those piercing cries, and die where no hu man aid could help her. The man clung lo n jag. god rock, and was saved as if by a miracle. It muxes the blood creep lo pass Hint awful tomb. Our road in returning, was along I lie brow of the precipice, through a grovo of trees, and miiiy'i beau tiful view of the raging river, as it hurried on its wsy in so many fantastic shapes, was obtained at dif ferent points ; but, Though "Hydropathy" may euro a turtle-aonp. sinner, And a lady who 'a pimples, back to loveliness win her ' Washing out every root of disease that is in her, The " water" couldu'l " euro" our want of a din- ner So we hastened from the sublime of Om Falls, to the ridiculous of an American Table tl'lnite, with two hundred people at. work, as if they were chewing against time, or Iheir lives depended on their rpeed. Did you ever travel on a Canal, dear reader? If not, do so for a short distance the first opportunity ; the difference between it, and all other travelling, is worth knowing yes, and worth enjoying loo, when you arc not in haste nor in a hasty mood, (a mood, by the way, of which the dwellers in this " area of freedom" are seldom guilty,,'1 even if there is a Rail road near, wilh engines of thirty miles peed per hour. The motion is so calm, no jolt, no jar, and you can read, write, lie down, or walk at pleasure ; but avoid it at night, and with a crowd, as you would Punitory. By the help of sundry boats and stages, I reached Oswego the following evening. This village is at the mouth of Oswego river, and on each side of it is a Port of entry, a place of eon. siderahle manufacturing importance, and much of the Western supplies from New York pas. through it The harbor is a good one, and defended from the La,k storms, by a long and costly Stone pier, built by the, U. S. Government. I had longed for a storm on Lake Ontario, but everything was provokingly calm. The Moon rose without a cloud, and not evenra ripple disturbed her shadow in the water. Having paced the deck until midnight, I retired to the arms of " Murphy," as a certain son of Erin called the gentleman who presided over sleep amongst Ihe Ancients. The Slearner and the hours moved on, and, awakening, I found that we were at Lewistown, at the mouth of Niagara river, and in a few minutes we were in the Rail cars srt route for the Fails. F. C. "inOLEKA iTfJCIHCIXE, bv Mr. D.r. san I really rind this article approved of far l-eynnd any thing I had expected , especially in the euro of c.mpl.ilnu among children in our C'iiy. In merry lo ihe little sufferer., I think I ought lo sav tin. much. WILL. PECK, tub. Agent. Kaleigh. H Aug. 6441 'plIK SrnMCKIflttR intending lo remove to In. plaiuniioii in Ihe country , offers a great : " R"' nis iwenlsville Tract of bind immediaiely adjoining Ihe lown ol Ox lord. The trsel com.iir.s 313 acre., wilh au ample supply of limher and lire.wood, and an unusual qusmily of well unproved nd. The dwelling, , of the latest .I.M.e.n,ii,.) j, j.t completed in ihe most fashiona ble and neatest.. ivle of architecture, end is situetrr) ?" " -;..i j ,u r ,lle t)uu House. I i,e w f Oxford is distinguished lor Ihe healthiness ol ii. loc.iion, and the refined and moral character of its inhabitant. The" schools are in a nomi.hi.ig condiiinn. Should the above premise, not be di.pnsed ,,f by il,o month of December, they will be oflercd.for rent the ensuing vear. JNO. 0. TAYLOR August is, HIT). 63-lf RUNAWAY, THOM ihe Hubscnber shout the first of May last ; his Negro Man. Uinr.tllW. H chased by mc fmm Mrs. Mary Taj lor. of this Coun ty, some tune in the month of February l,t while in Ihe .luil in Waynesboro'. Gideon i. .bout 89 ve.r. of Ke, yellow complexion, slout built snd .ock. considerably in walking. He hsa been lurk ing al.ut in ihi. County since he absented himself fmm my service, until about ihree weeks ago. His wife was luken from here lo Wske County last Fall and helnnirs ,i Mr. J.m. s Ferrell. Ho also ha. a brother who oelonir. lo Mr. John K II... r Wayne Cooniy. I bate some reason lo believe that he I. el Ibis time either in Wayne or Wake County. I will give a Howard of Ten Dollars lo any person who will apprehend Ihe .aid Negro and confine bun in any Jail so Ibst I get him ag.ln. James e. metTs. Kin'tnn. Aug. R, 1R4S. 88-1 m. Pleasure Excursion CORPORATION PROCEEDINGS. KAi.rioii, Aug. 5th, 1845. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commis sioners, held this, day Present, Weston R. Gales, Esq., Iiiteiidaut of Police t James Lrehfbrd. D. W. Stone, John llu'.chins, aud Win. D. Hay wood, Com missioners. The Petition of Joseph Mc Adorns, for recommend ation to the Connty Court, as a suitable person to re tail Spirituous Liquors, waa read and petition granted. Mr. John Hulchini introduced a Resolution eouti. tilting the Medical Faculty of the City a Board of iieaim. ana respectfully requesting them, severally, jo make to the lotendant of Police regular month ly reports ofall deaths that occur in their practice, Within the City, and the disease of Which they died i aud Ihasthe IntesHldnt esas. the same to. be pub lished in a eondenaed form iu the several paper, of the City. Which Resolution was adopted unsni An aceormt of Sixteen Collars' and Fifty Cents, in favor of Joftft .'f. West, for winding up Town ClOCk, and fursHKinar Dueling- Bnuh. Oil. La., wmm presented and allowed. - A letter was laid before the Board front a e:tl- sen, Muip'aiuisg of th. Cireoa whiejh has TO OLD POItfTCO.TsTOKT. N order to enable all who desire either health Of pleasure m vi.it Ibis delinhlful walerina o'.c. the H. Kuad and Mle.mlH.ai Companies. Iwlweaa lai..u and Weluon and Old Point, have made sn arrangement lo carry paMengers lo Old Point on the Itih, Iflih ami I6ih of thi. month snd back on ths 22d, Slid end 24lh. at the fallowing rales 1 rrom u.sion. Weidon, Garyshurg, 4- Summit, 3 0 " PI. as.nl Hill .nd ftylsnds, 4 00 " Belfield and Hicksford, 4 00 Jarr.ll., s 60 " Stony Crock, 8 00 Children and Servant, half price. The public are inf.rrned that the Hotel at Old Point ha been greatly improved and enlarged, and new and extensive baihing houses have been erected, replete, wilh every convenience for enjoying Ses Hathiug without danger. They will find ihe Hotel supplied wilh all the marine delicacies of ihe season, snd ihsre will be lialhi etery night. In addition to ibee attractions persons will have an opportunity of seeing ihe largest and most imposing Fortification In the world, and witnessing th. daily parade of on. of ihe finest regiment in tbe service, besides listening to the Music of one of the most celebrated bands in th. country. Tickets for the Trip will be issued by I be Agents si the Dep -t. on tbe lt.sl. Office Petersburg Rail Ilond Co. Aug 4, lfcM5. J ' 63 N. B. To enable Ihe citizens of Kalelgh and vi cinity io sr.il themselves of tho above opportunity of visiting Old Point, Return Tietele will h. at Ibis Office to Ga.tnn, at $4, making ihe entire trip from Kalciah to Old Point and return, only SI. Ticket not transferable. Rale'gh $ Oaetnn R. R. Office, August 7, 1845 ( 3 STOHf COtWY.-IIt EQUITY , Keziaa Ayeock and others, v .... : to. James Pope and wife Pauy. Garry Bimms, and ths Children and Heir.-st-l.aw of Edith Burnam. Petition far partition of the Land of Joanna Alfori, T appearing lo ihe satisfaction of the Court, that J the Defendants m this case, srs. resident of lb Siate of Georgia, and beyond the jurisdiction of this' Count It is ordered, ihst pob1iiuon U mad. for sit successive weeks in lh. Weekly Itileigh Register,:'' thst lbs said Jsmes Pope and wife. Palsy, Garry et.mma, ..d the Children and Heir. al-Lsw Ediib Burnam, appear at our Court of Equity. I. be held, lor ihe County of Johnston. t the Court House in wmithCeld. on (b. 4th Monday in September trait, then and there io plead, answer or demur to ihe said Pei itioo fir partition and shew can, why oreVrtor partition should not ha mad. as br.vaJ far Lul. , ment pro confteeo will be taken against ibem. W itne., W. H. Meant,,, cerk of oflr nRl " Court, al .jfflc. In SmithficM lh. Uu Monday is Mareb,lS41. , - t WM. If. MORNLN. 0. If. B, - 1 .it H -I 1 I 1 .' f , ' .- 4 1 a -j. ?! i '7 i 1 "i vr. .til , i' . V e. yA ' V '

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