. A MOST EXTRAORDlNARIf BOOK. " s 15 Seizure or PbiVats Lkttebs avd Papers. One of ihe tfort extraordinary publication! was laid' iipon our table yesterday, which we Save ever been called upon to review. It purport to be "the. lives and opinions of Benjamin Franklin JJutlef, and Jesse Hoyt, with anecdotes or mo graphical sketches of "Stephen Allen, George P. Barker, Jacob Barker, Junes Gordon Bennett, Samuel R. Belts, Isaac W. "Bishop, F. P. Blair, Waller Bowne, C C. Cambrelcng, Moses L. a Canlme, J. I. Coddirgton, Win. H. Crawford, Edwin 'CroswelV Isaac Kiblc, Cornell W. Lawrence. Isaac Q. Leake, Ch.irlcs L Livingrtor, Edward Livingston, Win. L. Marry, M. M. roan, Thaddeus Phelps, El.jah F. I'urdy.ltoger Skinner. Peter' AV. Spicsr, Samuel Swariwout, Enos. I. , Throop, Henry Ulahoeflfcr. John Van Baren, Martin Van B.iren, Prosper M. Weimnre. - Campbell P. While, Levi Woodbury, Silas Wright, Sawuel Voun?, and their friend and political associates, by Wm L. Mackenzie; Cook The writer is a diajinguished Loco Foco, one of the political refugees, whom Mr. Van Huren and others pelted after the Canadian rebellion, arid introduced to public consideration in this Stat. He published for some tune a weekly paper in this City. In Canada, he filled a large place in the public eye, and this book will make hint fill a yet larger plac in the United Slates No work that has been printed here, .will have so (rreat t run-: for it introduces usat once into ihe very bosom of Loco Focoism iif lli'if 'Sla'tfi "of New York from 131ft up-io 16;W, and dcvelopes a species of political charlatanry and Machiavol--tau, the like of which has. never, been . pamlkipd n earth. The main body of this book consists of private letters which have passed between some of the prominont men, whoso names are given above Mackenzie says : w'The safety of the State, which is uperior to every other consideration, makes it necessary to use all possible means to unmask the. machina tions of treason, that the dreadful eff.-cts may be preveuted. Papers, therefore, may be taken possession of, and letters intercepted, as warlike stores are secured, (hat the designs of the con spirators may be made known to those whom they would belcay, and frustrate." Wo do not give in to thia logic, but the writer goes on to justify himself by "the seizure of the Glentworlh papers," the publication ol Mr. Chv's private letters, and other like authorities. The writer, also saya : Mrs?Cambreleng8 views of ihe sanctity of con . ndantjal correspondence, may e reaemy interrou from he contents of the following letter, mirkcd "private," addressed to hU Iricnd, Mr. Jedsc Hny1t New York, from Washington, and d.ited May 19th, 1833. " Dear H . I bave seen a copy of W ' PRIVATE letter to Clayton. It is a deliberate BUT CON FIDENTIAL attack on m, an.l was designed t coax the Judge to favor him, which w.nsof course tepclled. W does not know the Jiol-je tio;c acofvofit. IT'S A ROL IN PICKLK, and will expose some small contradictions of his pre senJ statements and show some litilo duplicity. The Judge can te.'l him that ho found my state ment of the Webb anJ Noali case too moderate, and that he wrote it over himself. l)on mention about the letter to Ciaylon he will probably publish it. The Bunk wtllome up in the Senate next week it wont disturb ua be fore the aildJle of June. csincerety yours, C. C. CAMBRELSNG." The book opens with the linn B. F-rButler. Mr. B. having been born in Kinderhook and i i , n ir. T, i .f....v SCnooieu in Mr. van nuien .aw mine, iic wen. up from Albany to Sandy Hill early in 119, to take charge of l ho Washington and Warren Bank, which did not regularly fail till quite Isle in the year, tfiough the way it paid for months previous is a matter of lively tradition through ill tbe Chatoplain land region. Mr. Butler writes t Jesse titty t many ainusing letters of Ihe "run" made upon it, and ihe way he put oil" the " run ners." MR. BUTLER ON -FmNCr. ' Sand,- Hilt,, June 39th, 1819. Jesse IIott, Esq , 111 Stale sirect, Albany- Dear Host The enclosed will show you how the 'J world wags." One of those persons that I told to wuit until their turns came, whs THE YOUNG PATROON, who had 1 or 8500 taken for rents due his father. If you know him as I believe you do I wish you would FALL IN WITH 11! M, and ask his opinion I know it will be favorable, although I did not pay him, because he sat wiihin my counter, mid read the pavers. AND DRANK WINK WITH ME FOR TWO OR TURKU HOURS BEFORE THE BANK CLOSED, and saw every man who had come from a distance, or was poor and needy, paid in specie without a mo ment's delay. Nmv. if his nnininn is friendly. I dare sav it will pass current, AND BE A LEGAL TENDER in your DUTCll metropolis, and it would answer for CIRCULATION, &c. Let me. know how very thing goes and what is done and said at Albany. Yours truly, B. F. BUTLER. Seal and send the enclosed after reading it. If the loan with Baird was concluded, and you ex pect the specie on Thursday, you may perhaps ask Caleb Baker to stsy hr it. If not, tell him there will nntbe A LOAD until next week. TTE AND EVERY BODY ELSE thinks lhave TONS OF IT on the way. Per Mh I.. Clark 1 Sandv Hill, July 1, 1319. Jesse Hoyt, Esq., Albany. . Dear Sir, The enclosed you will send by the first boat, after reading it, &c. y I aend you 25 Times. You see how boldly we come out. I have deliberated long before I ven. tured it -but, sa it's part of my "budget of ways and means," have at length concluded to run the hazard. If the specie for Schuyler's note could be ob tained, you could send it by the bearer. Send the papers on Saturday. Tell me what you think of my bulletin. Yours truly, B. F. BUTLER. " President Butler's manifesto, referred to in the , preceding letter, as a part of his " budget of ways and means," and issued after Mr. Barker's visit, was as follows : . From the Sandy Hill Tjwes, July 2, 1819 The following communication ou tho subject of tho Bank in llus place may be relied upon as coming iroin an (yxuii source. For the Tint s. Washington and Warken'Basw, The ex citeoient in relation to the paper of tbe Waohing ton and. Warren Bank, beginning to subside, per haps, it may not be il'ltimed to request the atten tion of Uie public to a few prominent points, con- nccted wiih the operation and character of tha institution. 'J nesuuilen and unexpected sucpen sioQ of navment aubar Exchange Bank, together witi other causes, produced, very naturally, strong uspiciona of the solvency or the vasbington and, Warren Bank which were greatly increased by tht roalisiousnees, prophecies and slanderous . report oT persons who regarded ita success with jealousy and hatred. The coixwquohce was, lite rapid and-vexatiou return ofUts notes, accom panied with demands for specie, or for such bank paper as m equivalent thereto. . Mf. Barker, loreseeinp this result, and fearing that the bank might not ba abb: to withstand th first shock, al. though confident of ultimate success, very fairly assured the public, in hi address to them, that j tho Wsahi'ngtoo and Warns, notea would all bs paid withm tixiy nays, wimoui promising bank would not bo compelled to suspend, for a short period, the payment of ita note, It was found, however, that a course so unpleasant and distressing was unnecessary, and thai the tank, by resorting to Us legal rights, $ofar as it respect brokers and oilier bankst would bo able to ride out tho ga lei and that loo without pressing those that owe Ihe bank. JUia continued, and will con. limit its redemptions, and is abundantly obit to pay all debts, to the 'uttermost farthing ' The debts due to the bank amount to more than double their notes in circulation, and those debts are perfectly secure there is perhaps scarcely'one that will not ultimately be collected. How then can any one be a loser by the Bink J , V " It is true that the Bink has not extonded to speculators and bank agents, that prompt accom modation which, under flourishing Circumstances, would probably have been nffordod j'and it is also true that it has been engage'd, and t'T s now engaged in the paymenU of small specie, J Jl to per sons of that description; but jt must always be remembered, thai the Farmers, Mechanic, i raret lers, ami 'J'radesn"n, who have presented its bills, have b(cn paid in tlte most prompt and liberal man ner. It must alo be borne in mind, tint tho pressure of ths limes would of itself be a sutlicioiil excuse for ninny things, which, at a more pro pitious moment, would be deemed inconsistent with the rules of fair and honorable business; ami above a?1, that the enursa .pursued in tins partifulariuatancc J adopted for the express pur., pose, not or injuring, but of indommfving the pub lic, THE BANK IS ABLE TO PAY, and in tends to pay its notes, but it supposes th tt the honest yeomanry, who comprise the " bone and gristle" of tbje land are entitled to every accommodation, in preference to greedy speculators ami arrogant moiiied aristocracies Those too who have "poisoned the chalice" have no reason to complain, if with re frilhitite justice it is "presented l their lips ;" nor even if they are compelled to taste a na tion of its contents. President Butler Mr. llnjl. KAmn-ilirx, July 3.1, 1SID-1I A. M. Dsar IIovt, All goes on well. Caleb arrived last niijit with the reinforcement. 1 'oar extract'-' was well timed. I wish you would keep tho Albany merchants back. I,.'s rather bad friendship to get our bills together, and post them up bore, say 30 days sooner linn ihey would otherwise come. At the worst tbev would go into Brokers' hands. WHICH IS THE BEST I'LACE IN'TIIE WOULD FOR ME. . I have received a very b-ggi-ig; coaxing Idler from Mr Olcuit. but as 'Win, til's is nut iulf paid, I J.in't trouble nuist lf about it. Yours truly, B. F. BUTLER. We cannot follow this interesting correspon dence which is as rich as tlii. to the end. I!lmi-J-onin writes Jesse (July 7th) that lie has p-iid out specie " rer liberally since it arrived, but shall noui hold ve" (July 1(1 h,) tint " I will rather suffer Ihe public to fiel a li!lU thin InzirJ tin tnfehj of ihe Institution by paying out tou fast" (little feivr of that) (July 1 1 h) that ' I p.))' $700 to $1,000 daily chiefly m specie satisfy ing all fai'- and pro er calls" and (.Vi. "l:h) that" the Bank wili go on paying ti a slow way," Si,:-, to. ile-iti'.ifiie lloyi has inserted in the Albany Daily Advertiser an "extract from a letter dated Sandy Hill, June 20ih." which Butler writes him (July 2'J;h,") which Duller wriieshiin (July 3.1) " was well tuned." The 'extract' is as follows: "The run upon lh bank still continues, but tho alarm in this part of t tie country is wholly sub sided. 7Vie appearance if Mr. Barker in good health and spirits among vs. satisfied the people lha! the Washington and Warrem B-ink would sustain no loss by his temporary suspension. All are delighted with the accommodating disposition if Mr. Butler, the President. When there were more calls than lie could satisfy with his own hands, he called in his neighbors to assist linn in paying. And when there were more than all could attend to, he requested those persons that came with the lulls, to lay tnein down tinu lane as many dollars in specie as ihey left in bills, and retire to give room for others. Many came and saw 'lie counter loaded down with gold and silver, and went away satisfied that all was well, ami that Handy Hill was not without its 'grains of gold.' - You in.iy tell your Albany banks that ihey had better Le a little more sparing o.f their de nunciations, for their own vaults may have to atone for the e,ns of their keepers. ' Sell all the goods you can for these notes. But you had better n,t send up until tho alarm has pfovt'd ground less, as you may be trod on in ihe crowd. When you do send, however, you will always have the prefeience over brokers in being watted upon, f. r we do not much atlmire those leeches upon the 'body politic' in this part of the country:" On the Oih of February following, the notes of the Washington and Warren llanU were selling iii this City at 37J cents on the dollar ; on the 4:1a of March, 33 cents. Mr. Butler was notilied by Jacob Barker about this time that his salary as President could not be paid much longer, so he resignedf the Presidency. 'i'uaddeus phelfs on the manufactory of Banks. Mr: Thaddeus Phelps, at Albany, to Mr. Jesse Hoyt at Aeio York. " Dear Hoyt-VVc arrived this morning and have already accomplished wonders. Our influ ence has already made Six Banks in 'Jie House, (no fear of the Senate) and by to-morrow night lhere4 vory little doubt, we i shalj have made 20 or 30 more. You felliws who are in favor o! the Repealers, may all now go to Hell in your own way. Consider your restraining law repealed. Consider me a partner in a Banking Company I put in 2,000.000 Call on John Ward for the money. No more at present Your loving friend, THADDEUS PHELPS. " Arrived on Monday morning." 29 April "Monroe has sent in his allegiance and the Native American parly may go to the I) 1 Boat oil" T. P. The Secbetart of War', explanation of the charge for j1endino his bheeciies. Senator Marcy to Mr. Jesse Iloyl, New York. Private Albany, 18tl Oct. 1832. My Dear Sir Your letter of Monday evening. I received this morning, and with it a brWue" from the South, which gives some of our folks a chill. ' The opposition pretend to have certain infor mation that Kitner is elected. .Though we do not yield, to this beliff, still we are less confident than we were yesterday of Mr. Wolfe's election. ;' '' "'" As lo the pantaloons affair, perhaps I am not the person best qualified to advieo. Though tbe charge was right in itself, yet it must be regarded as an unfortunate one, because so easily turned into ridicule. i showed your production to Flagg ho thought ft'tory wellj but seemed to think it was a liale too formal. Tho enemy will have tbeir laugh, but I hope it wilt not do much mischief. The true explanation is simply this - When Comptroller, I had al ways made war on lumping charges, because 1 was satisfied many .frauds against Ihe Stale had been perpetrated by luem. , , ' Tbe law provided the payment of the Judge expenses in holding the Special Circuit. I kept a particular account of ihe in, which waa banded to the Comptroller. While on this businesa some work was done on Pantaloons, for which the Tailor charged 50 cents f it waa entered on tbe account, and went into the Comptroller' hands without particular, reflection bow it would appeal in p?int..i. k I fearedno danger, for Ikneietiosin.' I cannot advise haw it it best In lreUiht tuhfecl. The article in the Argus, headed, 4 very grate affair," J perhaps as lull an explanation as the transaction will admit of. - But it will bo well Id connect it, if much must be eid un it. with the great frauds aud peculations of Ilolley, VanT"y! J. V. Ysioa(who I believe for love of me wrnea many of the scurrilous articles I as our .papers.) hi appropriating $900 of Pedalitrs Licenaa, Fues, Sue. &c. '. .. ; c ';."!" Now as to my War services, (a more .agreea ble subject,) I was out two campaigns m lbl2 on ihe northern frontier belonged to th par ty which took from the enemy at St Regis the first stand ot colors 'taTieti in the late war, ort land, and the first prisflefs, abut 40 in number) ' These prisoners were taken In a house built of square limber. I personally headed the par ty that took them myself broke open the house, entered H, and look from the hands of the eol diets their arms, &c. I care not how much this matter is handL'd, hut rather would let my Pantaloons alone. I re turn your remarks. Yours, &c. W. L MARCY. In another ietter to the same, wriueu a hitie earlier in a panic, he says : My advice is do'nt bet YOUR MONEY, BUT SPEND IT, as far as v.ou legnJly can, to pro mote the election. Wa-areall determined to deserve success, and not despair of gnmnti it Yours sinceiely, W. . MARC Y. . J. Hoyt, Ey.it. , John Van Ritren on the Rsmoval or the Deposits. His ipkas of Stock,. bkwkk,. ispk a ft k r the Election, Betti.no, &.C. Alby. p. rii'k Oct. 7. Paid 25 cts. Addres sed to Mr- Il iyt, at Now York... ; No. 01 Mir Dear Hoyt, They say the ' blood ( Mlyrs is the seed of the Church,' and heaven koo.vs I have been freelv tapped in the cause. TUB REM removal OF TUB OCP. deposits cost me a fortune, and now I do not see uul I must losa another hunk of my tittle earnings. My impression is the Stocks will go up till K lecliun, an.l fall immediately alter. If the poor Whigs could carry a Constable somewhere and get up a Jubilee, stock would rise. New Jersey may go for them, and give them a hlip but Pen na. will kooc'k them still" next week so will O hio, and so will N. Y. If you could gel the difference bet on Marry, I should say 'fell by all means' and any how I doa't kno.v but you had better sell. Do ex -ft-ly as yon sae fi'. I shall be down before it fa" Is due probably meantime I should he most par ticularly obliged to you, if you gel me an eren bet a-'uinsl Marcy ti any amount less limn FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS. I think I would bet $1'JJ on each 103 majori ty up to 5000. I would but $1500 agai.ist iJlOOO on en even I election. j I consider Marcy's election, by from 7,500 to 13.000 majority, AS SL'KB AS COD. j You ktio.v bent how much the Patterson is worth, and you must do exactly as if it were. 1 vour own. and I shall he satisfied. Yours truly, J V. B. Make in" so.no bets if passible. Tuesday. P. S. Tho VVh'gs may gather pluck after some meeting or some things. - " . e Post mark, Al').:ny add.ie.sscJ to Mr. Hoyt at N. York. , " No 10 My Dear Jesse I should think you, light auuul selling the Patterson, if it will not do to hold. Ity the looks of Webb's piper, allho' it is in tended to operate no doubt on Meiv Jersey,) the opposition pi i n cmliJencR. Can you tempt them with A WAGER, on 3-4-and 5(I0 Major hies, Si2(K) o i each or 500 on -1(H)!) ! If neither of tliosu can be got to morrow, Bet them $U0 on 5000 majority. There will be no betting after to morro.c. Save the order for Bsl. and Prov. open the Midi is-all right. - ' , Wo h ive tmini'Ttted 8 "strong ticket, though Livingston (Ned; is Hie Assembly man, contra ry to all expectation. Yours evertruly, J. VAN BUREN. Albany," Oct. 12th, 1831. Tor mail, po.-t mark, Albanv, paid. No. 11 Jesse Hoyt. fts.q Counsellor, fcc, N. Y. Don't be 'ttneasy' Jesse Oo ahead.' I wrote yuu by Sunday's boat; but 1 suppose, as there was no mail, the letter miscar 1 : ' I think stocks wiil fall this week. Sell i ;.--u think best. Cunyou gel litl TS on ihree, four and live thou sand nnjority for Marry,, two hundred dollars on each 1 if not, I will but five hundred dullars on four thousand perhaps, if wo lose New Jersey, you can g'e,ttbis. If you can't do better, I. should like a bet if th ee hundred dolhtrs on five thousamLinajfirilyfor Marcy unless we lose New Jersey : in thai e veut, 1 wit.li lo get butter terms. Yours truly, J. VAN BL'UEN. Albany, Oct. 14. 18S I. P. S. 1 WILL BET on five thousand major ity for L'.icas in Ohio. Tho following is not very lucid, but it seems to indicate pretty'good Financiering lor a Barnburn er : (No. 15 ) P'm'k Albany, Aug 3G, and addres sed to J.,HoYf, Wall si., N,. Yj..Sju,gl(?. My Dear Jesse. On enquiry I lind "tliaTI" can gut one of I ho Bauks in this city to deposit, subject to tlicir ow.n ordor such sum as may .be requisite to make the arrangement of which we SMike. in any Bank in New York, (pay the Ful lon,) that yuu may choose : this Will answer the purpose, provided you c:.H-ei the Bank selected to loan you the money on your Note. All oor banks are. nearly up lu their limit, and I cannot borrow 4 lie money. The Bank here will charge the bank there 6 per cool int., on the Deposit, and you will pay 7 probably. II this mee t your view s you w ill please I aduse me by return ni ol. i If you can azree. to five me half Ihe. profit of the enteryrize for making this arrangement, jtlease to send me a stipulation lolhal effect, sginedby your self and Catting, when you write. Your note might be mads payable on demand, with an understanding that you should pay it when our Bank calls on the N. Y. Bank for ihe Deposit, iWiict will not be till we see Jit. Yours truly, J. VAN BUREN. Albanv, Aug. ?3d, 115, John swears so bard; in some of his letter that 4 We cannot quote theifK John Stockjobbing. Address Jesse Hoyt, Esq., Counsellor at law, dew l org. raw itfj t"m'kHAlbany March 22." Air uear Jesse riease let Nevma Si Town, in. me 100 shares of Moh & Hud RR for cash at 90. and Bust, and Prov., 100 share at 92-1-2 cash : drawing on me at three daya sight for the amount. - ; If better terms can be had by taking the etoek two weeks hence (buying on time) 1 sbotihfhke it better. I fear stocks will rise alter Monday, and therefor I want these purchase made Mon day, but leave it open after. " . Let the beggar $ deal honestly by me fur I lose- deal of money any how 1 j , There will be I'nwlhing done kerMorulay thai Itill charm you Yorkers. Lawrence vill run likt th Cakra, . ; Please ask Bucknor to hand you the amount of ditterenca at which my fifty shares Manhattan ttock were settled, ami send it to me. . " )four -very trulv, and murh better. J.' VAN BUREN. My Deab Jesse Neviipj aiid Towscml write me that they have bought my Utirta Stock. 'And p!e6e get the money for the enclosed and pay them, 1 do not wish to correttpond wita them directly. Let tho certificate he made out in my name, and send it by some private conveyance, or keep it till I come down, which will be shortly. Yours very truly, J. VAN BUREN. Mr Dear JessRWilh ihe slender assistance of tho above (a draft for !$70s) fortiiied by the enclosed a check for $31,10, you Will, 1 think, be able, (if you will do me iheflavor,) to satisfy the following demands Nevins &, Townsend $501,40 Chester Jon. nings $250 "Young" Wilson SHOO Miiithorne Touipluns $70. It it f. Ils-short parcel it otjt to tho Cormorants, in such bus as you may decinJSiosl meet to subserve their ocveral necessilit s. I intend-to walk into tho Mohawk soon. J VAN BUREN. P. S. I thought my stock wat bought at 109, was it not. The rect ipls say Di.iJ. Albany June I t'll, 13 1. Per jn.iil, Jape 11. V" ' -.Stki'Hen Allen on Banking. it .Stephen Allen to Mr. Hoyt , Albany, Nov. 29, 1332. ! I' T)eajiSrNotliing is inoTi li-ue than the ob--servatioh made by Mr. Van Buren at the Demo cratic "fe'siival : that the Democratic party, in a great measurf, dive tbeir present and previous victories to Tammany HaH, the place of concen trated opinion and action, and a rallying.point ttf the douioeraoy otie city. or word lo that elloot. There cannot ho a doubt but that the budding of that Hall, and thus far preserving it as a Party Establishment, and a rallying place on all occa sions for tho Republicans of the City and sur rounding C iuniies, has been one of the means of our triumphs. I wasona of the Committee who purchased the ground made- tho contracts for building and raised ihe money to pay for it.. The opperaions of that Couirtiiitee ardious and responsible, as during iho progress of the .work they were frequently compelled to raise consid erable sums on the responsibility of their own names. The whole establishment cost about 55,UW,; all of which sum was subscribed by in dividuals of the party except SH,000(if I recol lect right) andTfor which last sum the premises are now under mortgage. If the party proprr'y estimated the benefit it Ins rece.ved from the establishment, this debt would have been cleared off by subscription long since; but such a result, perhaps, is not to be expected. A thought lias therefore occurred to mc, ajid which it is the object of this letter lo communi cate ; whether the extinction of ibis debt may n'ot be ett-eied by obtaining the CHARTER OF A BANK, by ihe name of THE TAMMANY BANK. Tiiere cannul be a more favorable period than the present for such an application. The large majority we have in both Houses and the good feeling evinced by the Country to wards US consequent on the lariro vote given by the Citv to the lieuiocratic candidate's, together I with the important object of reliV-vino; Old Tain, many from its embarrassments, WI TH OTHER CONSIDERATIONS, I should presume would carry the bill through triumphantly. The following plan of a liaiii:, I think, would efP'C.l the object. The soi iny of Tammany to be PRIVILEGED to subscribe for $ 10 000 of the stock. The capital to be FIVE HUNDRED THOU SAND DOLLARS AT LEAST. Til-; bank to be authorized to loan the amount on their bond, at an interest of tlirep percent per annum, the loan to he for three or four years. If the Punk divide six per' rent on its stock, the SOCIE TV would received THREE TIlOlJ SAND" DOLLARS annually over and above the interest on the loan, which in three years, would amount to $0,000. In the mean lone the.h'ot k would advance in value, and if sold at the end of three or hur years, would probably be worth ten per cent, above par, netting a clear g un of SI 0,000, by which opera tion the Society would be put into possession of .$10,000, a fund more than suflicionl to clear off the incumbrance. My opinion you no doubt know is in opposition In an increase f tbe ISanhing Monopolies in the City but the Legislature WILL make them and iherefore IF WE must have them. thre cannot be a more legitimate object to be effected, boih in a parly point of view, as well as the char- liable attributes ot ttio society, man ino one al luded to. If you think well of the matter, I wish you would consult some of our leading men and if, on due consideration, the prcject should be deem ed proper, it wili be necessary that a notice should be published of the intention to apply, which you know may be published without the name of the ap plicant. I wish Ufa be distinctly understood inai t cannoi serve in ami of the iScts created by such an insti tution but any assistance I can give in advanc ing the- iiitereajta of Old Tammany will be cheer fully afiordrd. You will, of cours", let tho matter drop if, up- on a view of the sulj-ct it ahull be deemed inex pedient. I am with due respcrt, your nh't eorv't. .STEPHEN ALLEN. THE GLOBE NEWSPAPER IN ITS EARLY STAGES. New York Saturday, 18th Feb., 1832. "To Jesse Hoyt, M. M. Noah, Sariiuel Gonver? neur, Walter Bowne, William P. Hallett, Samuel Swarlwout, Cornelius VVr Lawrence, James A. Hamilton, and others : Gentlemen When F- 1 &tair,sq- was in this city, you each subscribed a certain amount, for tbe purpose of furnishing him wUJi a PrUit ing Press. t " At the meeting of his friends on triat occaston, Ihe subscription was short of the amount required but I well recollect the Pledge you made, which was, that the Press should be furnished and paid for, and that he might , rest assured of its being forwarded as soon as it could be pro cured. The pres has been sent to Mr. Blair, under the direction ot some ot the subscribers, and $1370 paid on account of it; the balance duel the maker is &G52 50, for which he has cCTu'-i the nienced suit ga,tnst mo. ' As I did not either contract with, or have any thing to do with Mr. Hoe, the maker of the Press, except my exertions in collecting tne subscrip tions, and paying them over, I shall of course se sist'tbe payment of it. ! i It appear lo mi tliat t&ts matter ought not to be eubjected loan investigation in a Court of Justice. Mr. Hoe should be paid for ibe Press and I think ihe gentlemen who pledged themselves lo Mr. Blair, are, tit tenor bound, to pay iimnediate at tention to the abject ; ' I therefore iiiggest that yog meet for th par. pose, at '.he Bai.k Coffee House, on Tuesday evening, at 7 o'clock. Youra ery respectfully. -DANIEL JACKSON." l. I AMES C0BDOS BE.tliETT AMI Mtl VV BURETf. i ' ; , J ,1'bii.a, Aug. Yii 1833. V f v ' ' - '" ,I know Mr.Vn'Burtn better and I triK Hand tip in hi defence AS LONG AS HE FEELS FRIENDLY TO ME- I wll endea. vor lo do tho best 1 Can to get along.: I will ,go among my persona! friends who are unshack led as lo politics or banks, and who will , leave rue free to act a a than of honor and principle. So inydear Hoyt, do not lose yotir sleep on my account. I am certain of you a, friendship what ever the oihers nnywiy or do.- - J. G. B"" " I'. S. The I8 J00 in speck PUpiil into w$i big Gun and give U. H Bunk and Stockjobbers abroad, side. I wish you would let me know any other U. fc). lima moveinms in your city. This is the battltt ground of Bank contest here is the fio.ld. of Waterloo. Nuw York now is only the Pyrenees." "John Mumford has been aided to tho ex tent of $ 10,000. With a fourth of that sum I would have done twico as much toberly and wiih some decency ton. I should be sorry lo be compelled to boiieve that my Ineiuls in New York should bestow their friendship more effectually upon a dr en follow than me, who certainly has some preten sions to decency. I am sorry to speak harshly of any bodv, but really I tbink there is something like .ingrati tude in ihe way I have been Iroatod. ' I want no tavor thu 1 cannot repay. I, waul no aid that is not period ly safe. I should like to hear fi inn you, if there is any likelihood of my success. Yours, A c. J GORDON BENNETT." No 6 Pjiiladklfhia, 27th July, 19:!3. ' Deak Hoyt, I hive Written to Van Buren to-day about the old alfur.- - 1 MUSI' have a loan of $2500 for a couple of years from soma quarter. I can't get on without it and if the common fri'-rids ofotfrciusc .those I have been working fir b years cannot do it, 1 must look for it somewhere else. My business here is doing very well and the money would be perfectly afo in two years." MR. BUTLER A U. S. BANK MAN, BUT MOKE CT A TARTY MAN. Franked by Mr. Butler, p'm'k Wash'u. Feb '2o Address Jesse H.ivt, Esq. New York. Private. If'UVv 2 1:1), 1831 My Dear Sir 1 thank you for all the news (bad enough most of it) in your several letters and most heartily concur with you in all the censures and three-fourths of tho abstract notions you ut ter in them As for supposing that NewbolJ, George Griswold, St3phen Whitney, or, any of the old federal commercial men, were with us on this occasion, for any'other reason but because they found it for their interest to go with us, I never for one single instant hid each an ttinvanaiita. die idea. As for mvself. I have NEVER doubted that THE PRESENT Bank ought IT BY ALL MEANSxS to be put down but, on the other hand, lutre never been perfectly satisfied that We could get on with the business of the country without SOME SUCH AGENT. But Mr. Tant y thinks we can, and 0"ie is the-judge. Mr. Gallatin also once told me we could urni am desirous TO TRY IT ; because if we can get on wilh.wl any of this machinery I think it best to dis pense with it, for it always has been, aiid always will be, abused, no matter who controls it, we or our enemies. Come what will, toe must adhere to the Pres' I policy FOR THE PRESEN T, even if it sends us all into the minority. It would be belter to go ten years-into the minority than to re-charter THE Bank, or make a new one NOW. Truly yours, B. F. BUTLER. MR. LAWRENCE UPON THE NECESSITY. OF A U. S DANK. 7on. C. IT. Lawrence, M. C, to Mr. Hoyt, if N. Y. Franked, per irtnil. Washington, 20 h Jan'y. 1834. My Dear Sitt 1 am much obliged to you for your letter of the 21st, and 1 AM APPRE HENSIVE OUR POLITICAL FRIENDS MAKE A MISTAKE IN GOING TOO FAIL AGAINST A NATIONAL BANK, but I will have the pleasure of writing a few days hence. Resuectfully, vour assured fneml, CORN'S VV. LAWRENCE. The same to the same. Washington, oLt Jan'y 1331. My Dear Sih:--I can scarcely suppose It possible that .1 could have written any letter lo authorize the paper you have enclosed to mo, and I feel deeply mortified that any ono should have authorized a publication in a newspaper. May I beg the favor of you to request the person to whom it was directed to return it to me, or at least not to circulate it, and if any one should speak of the contents of my letters please mention that 1 had repeated to you, that my letter were only in tended for those to whom they were directed. 1 cannot imagine who could have received the letters alluded to. 1 have no idea any compro mise is thought of by either political party. It is my individual opinion that A NATION AL BANK with prtrprr reslrictinns ami subject to Slat Taxes, d-c. WOULD BE USEFUL TO THE GOVERNMENT AND COUNTRY, and I know there are other individuals in Con gress of lint opinion, and that is almost as much as I do know. Respectfully, your friend, CORN'S VV. LAWRENCE. jir. camhrklkno o.nanks. Washington, 12tlr Feb, 1832. DEAn II. '. With regard lo Ihe Bank, it ia not worth while to hav any public meeting about a reinoiistruue ft gainst it is enough I don't think the debalft will come up for a month--j'lfr. Tibbetsseut me A VERY COOD PLAN OF A BANK, which I have return ed. Ask him to send me a copy of it. Very sincerely yours, C. C. CAMBRELENG. No. 2. Pricote. Washington, Feb. 6, 1 8321 Dear H. : Get the Workies to be up and doing on thc'Uuited States Bank question. They are demo crats iu priuciple. Very truly yours, C. C. CAMBRELENG. Mackenzie says: Mr. Tib'bet's plan which suited Cambreleng, waB for a bank to bo located in JNew York, as ' 1 he Pa tional Union Bank," wiih a capital of 35 millions, which would begin business the moment the. charter of, the Philadelphia bank over which Mr. Diddle pre sides, had expired. It was to have branches in each State of th U&ion, with the consent- of its Legisla ture, was not 4u circulate more than 35 millions of ita paper at once, and to have the deposits, be the pet, keep the public treasure, allow three per cent, on government deposits, (charging,- of course, ti or 7 for loans,) and its potes were to be used in pay ments to the U. S., the army, navy, &c " A very good plau of a bank" this, quoth (Ae commercial rep resentative of New York, in bis'secret missive to his brother speculator. Yet he publicly denounced What ha Secretly desired, and wrote Hoyt soon after "that it would be well enough to let the plan 'Mr. TibbeU had in View alone for the present" let Boston and Portland ask' Congress for a bank, said be New York can appeal to follow,' " but on the plan they (Tibbet at. Co.) propose." Ma. VAN BUREN NDoasnu for Ma. HOYT. Senator Van Buren to Mr. Jess Hoyt, at N. Y. -WAaaiifoTOM, Feb. 5, 1827. Mv Dear Sir: . Being entirely free from EN- DOKSEMENTS now, and my tituation rendering ajughly proper inai i aasuto remain so, aid not uuppom 1 eould be again drawn int$ them. YOUR . s ' '- CASE. HOWEVER, DOES NOT ADMIT HESITATION. Wishin you aH -'sorts of T 1' nesa, I remain your sincere friend, , ppi- il . ' '" . - i . ; . M. V. BUKEN MR. VAN BUREN LOANING fcin Attorney General Ya.t Buren tt Mr. JeZt H,.t .June 21 lx-m ' Dear Sirr Just as I was jroing fIom N,J v . Abraham P. Van fi , who is a elerk T ,rt' Barker's stora, 456 IW atreel, Nephew Tj C. H . Esq.. borrow $10 f Z?aZ r ' n mise to send it up, which he hai not u,i ,pr" not intend to do it. I wuh -yon rould . i,;" make him pay it to yon. . jjk tVrZl ' l the enclosed. I have never hrard.anv tin.,; ?i i ' it since I paid my $10. abo" Your friend, M. VAN BDRBY MR. VAX BU8EN LOANING $5. The same to the same date and place lvn v" I am afraid vou will bemn to think nut m. i.l... Mj-somn friend but I AM ("OXSTANTLY'THr VICTIM OF IMPOSITION? That ma,. Plm,, d who owns the AMiva, nOKKOWFll) FiVI LULLAKS of me, when ho went oil", under a nm mise to send it up. If you would hupprt lo fil ; wun nun, i you would him ! he i, graceless doj. m. v nuiiF.v Mr. Van HurrM altrolion to these little maltp knows lug prulounit reirard for the dulhireond cent Ala. Van Bukkn s auiiu.v Lk-.ri-Ka ot Intropiicho, ..t Vv'.iiHiii(iio. Ki ll. 3, 1827 . .Vly Dear Sir : Tlii-i will hi. Inouf-.l lo von bv. M- Dm id, aj.'e:i! u the editor uf lur- N .. t'vrt-,l 'leli-grupi who vinit our ..talc loVbtmn Hi.lMribrfS-iW thai pa per. Any ai..a:iiH yo.i i' jh j;ivtv iiiin ill prouiutiaa bis chjtsct, w.ll U- giatirfoih rv inemliereil BV the tin. Ton, aud oblige Yuur frirnij, m. v. Bunn.v I!y the editor, that U all ! Tho following is a curious letter, which doe.: iuite explain itelf: senator. Van Buren to Ma. .Ikssj; Ilor r. Wahhi.noton, Di-c. 30. li."Br,Sir: The allauk on the Vice l'rcsidnit haJ proiluceU very great e.vcll.emeirt. i he cour.-e B,!tl subu wii cause n 10 rpou wun srventy. l hi re i of coui-se not the slightest pretence frr the alltjjj tion. Mr. Satierlee Clark of your city, is the "oP,, ti. ijinu iiuiii cw luin. i,iy menu jiillu Knivan i 43 i!ichc,s.rQ.und..lh&-bW JVIy.xjjuuidam .frww) John A. hmiT, wlnlst here, stayed Willi Mr. V, l. star ; and when he parted from me, I wan si'nsih j from his manner that he carried advice fro... rre which would induce tbe administration folks to mw out agaiiiHt me, that I wrote, confidentially tol'antf- beil by the name matt my tirtpressioiiH, and reqni General Van Rensselaer to look out for il in the merican tbe morninir after they left us. The rem has, I think, verified my conjectures. Say nulL of thu an coming from me. In haste, vour Mend, " A. VAN BUR EX. Diving Bb.i.t.s. It appears from the follov. st.iterncnt whii.h we find in a late St. Louis .V. Era, that diving tolls are being succefslully f n ployed in tho Western waters in the recovery tf property from sunken steamboats. We shf think this is a very profitable busineps at events there need be no lark of employment, the beds of many of our Western streams a; literally paved w ith wrecks. The Kra says : The steamer Omega brought up yesteri! - s rilay. m esctiefi Purge lot of inarhinerv, which has been rescu from the wreck ol the steamer t're-Etnptiori three years nj;o in Dnolm'e Slough. The divi bells anu boats are at work upon two or three morn wrecks between this and the mo ith of tbe O.'i oJ A vast amount of property, machinery, &c, an annually paved by these means. So great lias hoc the increase and so rend Iv arc these rorovcrio: made, in a low stape of the river, that one or tw companies have been formed, with a considerab amount of capital, boats, bellf, &,c together wili employment of a larijp number of hands for carry ina on the business. A warehouse 1ms been cs tablished in this city, clerks employed, and ever' t Iii no- about it so arranged as to constitute a regain, til.ice of storage for the sale ol wrecked machinery d imaged goods. Sic, and so well assorted is id stock to bo ft und there, tht- person may selei from the large mass of old machinery, at almus any time, all parts and different, pieces ncrensar to an engine, from tbe boilers and cylinder dow to the smallest nut or bolt. II Aitcction in a Brute. There arc rmr,l remarkable instances of affection in a brute tk we do not often find in human beings. TM Woodvilbt Ala. Republican states that on lli Fittsbare plantation two little negro boys wen recently riding an old pony in pursuit of cattitl when all of a sudden, a wild cat leaped trom fenc unnn the nonv and seized upon one o( lm -r r - j children. The pony in a fright, jumped aw? The older boy seized the cat to rescue the ot!.-: from his claws and teeth, when the pony r turned to their rescue, arid actually stamped.' wild cat to death ! The pony is a pet, somci years old lives in tbe yard and eats slops ; is treat favorite walks among the cradles with 1 nimnci mm - an.l. in o-ratitiide for kindnes?, M exhibited a trait of his character that would Loot For Rent, And ininirili.' nospeF.aiiin t" i v r lh . nmforlahle FVi IUllR Iloliuf in the Western part ol (Tie i.ny, ii .... u.;, T 1. Win Anulv al tin- " UtlUl'lCU u, a . - , r j . Mav 12. I Ma AMD TO SJGI.I. Ail LiJMSfl fit Ffit!S VEiliS TIME. ARGMNH REAM.V GOOD, will I i'A by the Subscriber in Lands lying in 1 ijnii. ' trnrnlv. UiwisMinul. Ibe 1 'act coninin -' Acres, f)50 or GOO Acre? fertile a i an be found"'; tbe T d:...,. Th. ni.lnni I eonlnruDi" good Oak, Hickory, I'ine and Bumi.che. well "'?.' Grain, and Cotton, and 1 otiacco. n . .. r .r... t..o. ,.. niii,! 8tock, ! .ma i iii i .-ic, f,-..-...0 .-- j py during the Summer or sickly season - b '' I and better watered country, I nave no " -u. k. . r.w. ihi iMiint. to " ' viirmu-utiui iiiii-ihiuipw ii,u ...... Sljiliw principal Commercial Towns in the l'"" ' Any person WMhing lo purcliae um . ,... .. . n..,..,n. xi.nriilM ui . iu un inu uf itici oil; ' n.u. ceivable in payment. .,-i.ni n 1 J t.TAV rttAUTOIifl Mil. i w.i Aberdeen. Monroe County, ? 73-4! Missisdiniii. Sept. 8, 5 nEFERENlEc: Jno N. Fuller. Eso, LeM" Pl,r . Docl. James V. Thompson.. ' ktatc oflVortli CaroHir.t--1;;;;; County. Court of Fleas and Quar.er August Term, A. 1). 145. Mary Bullock, Widow, c. v. Thomas Bullock, and others. Petition for Mower. ft appearing lo lbs atinfaction of lne J. d, Iwo of ihe Defendants, Olie Bullock and f J lock, reaide beyond the hmiw ol inn o.- lkj therefore ordered, lh.1 publication be niaoe s n,i -il n- . :- Lm auiTi-BSIvelTi " J ft naieigu negiaeer .or i , urt io to appear at tbe neat Term of tbe aui l ' ' f J held for said County, at the Court hourt J V '1! ta ill, gg onlhefir.l Monday in rnoenuK ,f , there to shew canee, if ny 'bey h-,,e praver of die pethionei shall not be jran' t Wilness, James M. Wiggtn., tier Court, at office, in Oifordr the first lonu AugU"' A-I)-1845jAS.M. WIGGINS, Cb Pr. Adv. $3 62 j.