i c -ei, lllIiedevey ' VwWtkf, by W'ESTOH K. GALES, Editor mul Proprietor, nl lir-e Del Jars per Aiiuhiii. FRIDAY, DECEilIBEU 12, 18 15, KQ. 1(K, ) oo. ;" ' .' W ' " . -: oof v . ' . - : . ym ' ? rf.uLJ-v - -J RtOI 00 00 00 5 00. l9 .00, 6 60 5 GO S 35 :0 CO LOAD 36 0Q rs oo );i oo ;o oo 10 CO !5 00 0 ) 0 00 95 00 10 Of :oad QO 00 do oo no oo 00 00 'JO oo 00 oc 8 50 32 25 23 89 42 0C 5 00 51 00, 05 2:1 0C 4 5CJ i l-t SC. 2 K2 24 is oc 153 W 513 -T resident's message Conclude from 4A pagt. Banki which hold the public money, are often tempted, ly a desite of gain, toextend their loan in crease their circulation, and thu stimulate, if not pro duce a spirit of speculation and extravagance which sooner or later must n-sult in ruina to thousands. If the public money be not permitted to be thus used, but be kern in the treasurv and paid outlo the public creditor, in gold and silver, the temptation afforded by ita deposit with the banks to an undue expansion of itheir business would be checked, while the amount f the coswlimiinnal currency left in circulation will lie enlarged, by il employment in the public eollec- uins und diibutxrrxieiilc, and, the banks themselves U llu, IU ruiiN'uuillv, w lluiiu m aiuvi sou vuii- 1 . i i : - i - c 1 : r- 1 , . 1 I condition. "- . A i nreannt; State Uanlra are emn ovrd ai dCDovtto - riea, but with .ut adequate regulation of law, when by j . ....hi,. -JJM u.,r.i .h,,. iltie- and eicyae rWiors. sn,in.io,,.,. or other T 41 . ' JfaUHeS; and defaTcathmg, t.r tthii h. frorh overilsUra, overtrading,.an inoruinute desire for gnin, or other c iue, thay are cniisiantly exposed. The eqretary of Ihe Treasury has in all caie, when it pracii- oable, taken collateral seeurily fir the amount wltfch ibuy hold, by 'hr pJiiUu. of iiiovk" sif Ui l-'mted -tals-or suih of the Stales as were in gcod credit, fodif of the deposoe bulks have given this description of security, and others have lnrliued to do so. 5'iilcrl .unrig Ihe opinion 'hat "ihe separation ol the uKinev ol me government irorn namting insuiu ti.uis is inilisnensa'oie for the salely ol the funds of the government and(the nghia ot the p ople I rec co'iiinend to t'ougress that provision be made by law f.i. sui h separation, and that a constitutional treasury i... .......l ( ., ii,. fo bunlnir of ihe nuhlic. monev lru"'" " . . . ' . Ae constitutional treasury recoinniemlnl is UesiiMied a secure depository for the public money, without y puwer to make loans and discounts, or to issue iiv pepee whatever as a currency or circulation. I annofduuht thai such a trenstiry as was conlrmpla- y Uiecntftuiion, should be independent ot all the anllini orporiitions. The rmuiev of the people houltl he keiit in the treasurv of the people ceiited by aw.'and be in Hie rustndy of ihe agents of the people fi,inn h lhnmu.li'0, nji,rili.tn l. I ha forinu .1 ilia i . , .v. .... - - i onstitution : ilirents who nre ilirpellv resnonsilile lo ike iroverninenL who are nn.ler mleniiile bonds and . A ralhs ; and who are subject to severe piiiii-hmenls far ' any ernlezt!ement. private ue, or misapplication of j -i ...i t:, r.... 1. I c. a ..i . ' lue puoiu iuiios. niiu ivi any lanure in oioer rrseei lo perforin their duties. To say Ibat the people or their aovernment are incomnetent. or not to be trusted Mwilh ihe custody of Iheir own monev, in thf ir own itrewury afovidej by themselves, but ma-t relv on th'e BVfstdenta. Cashiers, and stockholders of hanking rorporalions, aot appointed by them, nor responsible to them, would lie la concede thai they are incompe tent fcr aelf-government. In recommending ihe establishment of a constitu- l:on treasury, in which the public money shall be Jlepl I desiie that adequate provision be made by law Star ita safety, and that all eiecmive discretion or con trol over it shall be removed, ercept such as may be necessary in directing it disbursements in pursuance, of appropriations made by law. I refer you lo tbe accompanying report of Ihe rec- retary oi vv.r. tor information respecting tne prree.ni situation of the armv, and its operations during Ihe i , ,i. ... r ,r .i i." , , jiam sni ; toe st ate of our dcfeiici s ; ibe condition of the public, werks : and our relat ons with thi-various Iiidimi Iribea within our limits or iinon our borders. I I invite your attention to, the suggestions contained in ttiil report, in relation lo these prominent objects of national interest I refer you to the report of the Secretary of the Na vy for the p. extent condition of that branch ol the na tional defence; and for grave suggestions, having lor their object the increase of Us elficfericy, and a great er economy in ita management. During tbe past year the officers and raen have performed their duty in a satisfactory manner, ''he orders which have been given, have been executed wiih promptness and fidelity. A larger loice than ban often formed one squadron under our flag was readily coneentrat d in the Gulf of Mexico, and, apparently, without unususl effort. It is especially' lo be observed, that, niitwi hetaiidiiig the union of so considerable a force, no ac! was committed thai even ihe jealousy of an irritated power could construe as an act of aggression; 'nd that the commander of the squadron, and his officers, in Btricl conformity with their instructions, holihnji themselves ever ready for the most active du ty, have achieved the still purer glory of contributing to die preservation of peace. Il is believed thai al all our foreign stations the honor of our flag has been innntsined, and lhat, generally, our ships of war have been di-tinguished for their good discipline and or-'lfr- I am happy lo add, lhat ihe display of maritime f rcc which was requiied by Uie events of the sunv iii". has been made wholly within, the usual appro. pn dions for the service of the year, ao that no addi tional appropriations are requiied. I he report ol Ihe roi mastei Ueneral herewith com municated, contains a detailed statement of Ihe ope rations of his department during the past year. It will 44 fist8 seen that the income from postage will fall short sot inc expenditures lur tne year between our and two millions of dollars. I his deficiency has been caused by the reduction of the rales of postage, which was made by the act of the third of Mardrluat No prill. Sciple baa been more generally acquiesced in by tbe people thin that this department should sustain its. II by limiting its expenditures to lis income Centre- .hjs never sought lo make it a source oi revenue for igeneral purposes, except lor a short period during the last war wtlh Ureal uritain, nor should n ever be come a charge on Ihe general treasury. If Congress shall adhere to the principle, as I think they ought, it will he necessary either lo curtail the presCul mail trticeao as to reduce the expenditures, or so to mud i'y tbe act of the third of March last as to improve its revenues The extensions uf the mail service, nd the additional facilities which will be demanded by the rapid extension and increase of population on our western frontier, will nl admit, ot such curtail ment at will materially reduce the present expendi tures. In the adjustment of the tariff of postage the imereata of the people demand, that the lowest rates adopted which will pr.aluce the necessary jeve nue to meet the eapemlilurci of the department. I. 1Di.e the attention of Congress lo the suggestfwna of the Poatmaatet General on this subject, under the "liefitut uch a modification of tlie late law may be int.le as will yield sufficient revenue without further callaon the treasury, and with very liule change in the Present rHta of .u,aiafFi I ( ,' " I s - t . , - tongresa uossesa Ihe power of exclusive legislation iOvr the District of Columbia ; and 1 commend Ihe .rests of tut inhabitants to your favorable constder- iUe people of lliisi Dial net have no legislative "Wy Of lhair m .1 nin.i nnA.U I ll o i f I o-1 1 (wll as their general interests to representatives tn oe electior, they have no voios. and o.er whose oHicitl conduct thev have no cantrpl. Each mern ' of tha .i.i i .1 1.1 ..i.t.. k.n..if . - -, ...jiiiii o.jiaiH.u'c, .niiuiu . 'i .raiivi uiu. s , eir immediaie representative, and should be ihe tsSrs readv to aivn aitlAnlioii 10. their inlereala atn.l nta. berstn k.' :. .....n.,t,u tn 1 J "" nd that t liberal and generous spirit pay char- your roeaaura in relation to them. I shall ever dlSDnasiil tn shnuf urnum renard for lhir "Mnfias 'and. at ithin Analitniivnsl limits slisll mt mil lTtVft!l co-operate with you for the sdvame-n-oti.eirwellVe; ,tfrst it oity not be denned inappropriate lo the fur IM to dsr Ike.jjiort Btamtnt c'nittn of our tjounwy, who, d- n ring the umnptr that M gone by, has descended in the tnmb. The enjoyment of conternphitiu., al the advanced age of near four wore year., the happy i:. i.:. ... i ..i i.. ....,, CUIlulvlttM fji II IB .uiii,y, flirf-iru llir wi-i ii'-a of Andrew Jackson, who departed Ibis life in the Iraiiauil home ol a blessed inviiorlulitv. His death was happy, as hie life had been eminently useful He hd an unfaltering confidence in tlm virtue mul enpacily of tlie people, and in ihe periiianenre of that free government wtiidh be had larqelv contributed to e-taliln.ll and defend. Hie erval deeiln had secured to him the affectmna of his fe!low-ciiien. audit was hi haoliinces to witness the irmwih and slorv nf his country which he loved so well. J-H arfriamklat. the benedictions of millions of fieemen. The nauon . . . i . . i , . I nnl(l ,y Iriltlllo III lllu m.imti- a, l..D I.....I. f ...i.ir.n I L .... -ii i . i , .. , .. , . " r c-utiiry and the riuhie of man. In his lancunse on i "Mt'lar occasion to the piesent, I now commend i yu. fellow-dtiier... to the guidance of Almiglily (i-)d I afe-iiH a full" f(a(UA . U.ia - ao-. at.. 1 ...rr 1.,. fs,t 4 a foll rehanee on His merciful prnvrdrnrp for Ihe IriHiu'enance ol our liee in-tiititious; and with nn ejrnesl supplication, that whatever errors it ni;iv be inv lot to connnit in discharfina the auluous duties wiiirh huve devolved on me, iill find a renredy in the futrniutiY ami wbduip uf your coiuiseU."-. -JAM KM K POLK Washixoto, Deeemher 2, ISIS. RALEIGH liEOISTE rat i ix l r M ' I lipOflOV IIPCOniMOr 'f- , " wv...j j , i - : m' " r " j , , ij,,0 .t ( i..,v ' ' , "er" '""'"S "" 1 " i-- ; availing theuiselvea of the opportunity lor gelling Ice. . ., ,.,,. , :. r ,i,. ' r;,.i,ij ; . i w e elate that it commenced Snowing here, on inesday morning last, about 11 o'clock; but soon changed fo Ifain, freezing as it fell, and covering every i.n)e Kil Sleet. fa HANK DIVIDENDS. It will be seen ft;oin an Advertisement in this pa per, that the Hank of the State has declared the handsome Dividend of luur per rent, for the last six months; and the Merchauts' Bank of Newbern has declared a semi-annual Dividend of three and a ha'j per cent, on its Capital Stock. THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. This is a document of unexampled length, if not of extraordinary merit. W itli"tbe exception of tome unimportant pasiues, we give it entire, because it is a document alwavs anticipated u iih n leehngol pro- bumi jllterMt jn everv sccon o( ,,,e Un,on ,, boi bes -o a greTt oKree, the bifitoiy of our coimtiv in f ' ' "er " e' 11,1 reianoiis, .uu tier .iimn proiM.ou-.,, ,,.. ireneial ilomestic interests. In one sense, indeed, it may be rctturded as i artnking ol tbe nature of a par- tisan essay, embracing, as 11 doe, a lull exposinifn and defence of the views, motives anil measures M the Administration. And we are prepared, there fore, to see pancgyiic pronisely lavished upon 11 by those, xvho worship the 1 I lice of lis distinguished n ibor, and who consider iiTcmselves as tegulurly retain ed in the service ol the Ad.ninisliation to laud ull its acts ai d etuloise ali 119 dogmas. Tressed as we are for loom, we cannot permit th.s document 10 pass by, without al least evprcssuii.' our opinion on i' general feiliir.es, and remniLing upon its prominent reconiinendations. And, 111 tbe lirol place, wa tay, that we consider its contenis us of most startling importance. Startling, because it is an up-lothe-bub liar Mesfage, and thai 100, without ihe least occasion lor tbe xvailiUe'ai.iiude assumed. Tbe deliberate judgment of ibe country will condemn the President's course on the Oregon question. His pre decessors were content to refer lbs matter to negotia tion, and until an amicable selilemt ni could be bad, to permit a joint occupancy of tbe territory. Our go vernment always exhibited a willingness, to compio rnise, ysjing a poiuoii of ihe tcriimrv to Gn at Urit ain, thereby in etleci admitting the doubtlolness ol our claim to tbe whole. Even by Mr Pox.5 tbe oiler ol compromise was renewej, but with restuciions which were deemed inadmissible by tbe Biiush Minister in VVaabingion. But now, the door of compromise is slammed in tlie fate of England. She claims a part of Ibe Territory, but is willing 10 submit her claim to die decision of an umpire. We demaitil JM-Kftpfc. ai ours, and will not abate a tit ilex of our supposed rifcht. What is to be the consequence? War cer tain War in vx Inch, millions of money, and lives without number, will be sacrificed, tor that loo, w hich when obtained, will be hardly wonb having unless, indeed, the prudence and wisdom ol Congress should save us from so great a calamity One would have supposed after the emphatic con demnation of the Sou Treasury scheme by the people in 11540, the President would not- have teen hardy enough to endorse it again But so it is. lie recom mends it most earnestly. To say nothing ol ibe ob jections to ibis scheme, wiiii wl ich every scboobl.oy is now lauiiliar, just think of a War with England unde. the operai.on of die Sub Treasury. One would suppose iti3t Ibe President would be thinking of devi sing means 10 fill our coffers, and invigorate our arts and trades, inste.ad of recommending measures that, in the event of a War, would cut up our resources by ibe root. AWar carried 011 wi'h bard money! A bright idea iruly, and worthy of its author. We can find no explanation of the President's object in exhu ming ihe defunct Sub Treasury, but 111 the old and somewhat musty adie, lhat " whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad." But there il one point we wish setilcd. If Federal Sub Treasuries are necessary. Stale Sub Tieasuries must be, of course. And we call uron the "Stan dard" now, as ibe, organ of its party iti North Caro haa, 10 say if be is prepared to dispense with' Usnks altogether, and rely upon tbe system now teedm mended. We pause for a reply. On the subject of tbe Tariff, Mr. Pot,., it will be seen, is as explicit as he was in his Ka.ni letter He recommends a reduction of the Tariff to what he it pleased to Urm nue standard-, term ib.t admits of at least a hundred significations, and means as muchree trade as can possibly be obtained, with out breaking op the party. But we must stop for to-day. THK WHIG CONVENTION. We are gratified to perceive that the Whig Pram throughout tlie Slate, from the Mountains to the Sea , . II f, boardl reP"d" "l0Bl "Ihusiaslieally- to the call for " U '"8 Contention. It ictrne, "but few meetings have been he!.?, "but there U time eaoiifjh yet1, for ly consonant in spirit ..ul, Soulli ('.ir.,!in,i u!itraci'.oti every .County to be heard through ita De legate, if I '" Inentiiir Ihe nlVcts of the late da.uid.l. in IllefWhijra will be up and atirria. We uiiderstand I the opening of the Message, Ihe sul.jeel issnou turned that the (iibraltar of Whig priur 's the extreme j to Federal usurpations ahd i.ppr.-svi..is, v.l , i, j-e West will be more generally and norhoMiusly rg- dell Ujion with a more doleful a:i.i depr. eitory tone presented than en anv former occasion, urelx, if tliew.dstanl i'oumieacoine up to the work aoglortoua- ly, those more convenient to the Seat ef .!ovoruiutiit, will not be backward ill wrll-doinir. U ar reipiesled 10 cull a meeting of .the A !i of Wake, at ihe City Hall, on Monday the :)tll day of nceini,.r, at 11 o'clock, A. .M .far pt appointing Delegates; and making arrangem the accommodation of the Cuuvenliuu. V there wit! be a full attendance. of '..-.caNc.iu:sis, With the eicep'ion of the e!ei lion nl ! Mi, , r little lias been done in (oi:o',;ss. It -h loo..y a recess from Thur.day to Mon.lav. ..' Heist, of the ' I'muii,'' liaie been elei led I'rm ' the House, the Whifs voting lor - li.w, . but look A rs to .1 the 14 L S. Journal, ' vvlni aieed to cteeu'e the worlc tor 40 per cent, less than the price now paid. iViroi Luiif was elected Sergeant at-Arms ; Corn: in S. Whitney, Door-keeper ; .Inmt 11. Jf,n"n, Post master, 'i'he Loros h.i'.e eveiv tiling then own uav. and on them, of coutse, rests tlie icpoiisiti,,:ty ol t!.c measures that may be niaturid . j Ol'lt ST AIL VI N DIC ATI! I). We published in October last, a I.e'ler frott a' flaston Correspondent , rivine an account ol a spleiiu.il , Picture, painted by Si t i v, for .North C.noiina, m ! which it was asht ricd, on tin- authority of IU ni vi that tlie State, alter eu oo-, mra i,ns ibst.nuisiied Alllut lo paint il, relased to take il and pay loi it. 1 e, at once , declairii such an uu '..iata.n upon llu good faith of Noilh Carolina, tube gtouildless, aiu! lleuiandeif the pasif. il will be seen from lil sob- , joined Loiters, that we were rieht, and we thaok j those who have aided lo place this mailer in its proper ! light beforp tbe public : J VAliingitwnn, llrattir'x Fnrd, Nov. 2o, lo. 1 Sin : I noticed in your paper of Ihe lllth ul: , an . extract from Ihe lii'e of Si i t v, in. ihe liiiory l the 1 Ki.-e and Progress ol the Arts of Design in the Cnite,! ' States by Di N1.AP, contained in a letter lioiu a I'or- ; respondent in Hoston, relative lo the full length pot- ' tiait of VAASnt,tiroN, now in our Capitol ; hihI 1 sent j your paper to Mr. Su.i.v. inasmuch as the wnier J seenierf to itnplir.ate tlie t'ood l.ofb and cbaracfer of our Slate, and 1 received last .Mad the enrlu:,ed lioni bun, v'hu-h he ;iutliori7es tne to give to voll. In poliiical matters b ll V e uil! never pr;;b hlv ngr.'e, ro't mrely in loat'els ni'-olvoio the reputation and good nan),- of our beloved Stair . ib. ie inn be but oi.e op, won ; and tbe id. a ttiat North ( 'al ob 11 a bad repudiated Ibis, or itnv other just liabili ty, is entirely erroneous as the enclosed letter will prove. 1 a 111 very respectfully, Your obedient servant, jno 11. wiiF.Li.r.rc. To W. Ii. Calks. - 1'hilaJelph.a, A'.r. H, Hl.". Dear WiiKFi.F.n : I received j ours of ibe l'Jtb, together With a Newspaper, the lialeih li.-gister" containing some observations on Pielores I had been emploved 10 paint for the State of North Carolina. I am sorry that an impression of my hav.ug thought myself ill used in the transaction, should have ob tained. 1 have alwayscousiderea nisselt fairly treated in the matter. Hut I will copy hum my journal, the facts as they occurred. In the year 1H17, Governor Mil i.ra was authorized by the State of North Carolina ! ;ooei:ie"lrum no tiro whole leneth Portraits of W asimv.iton, to be copied from Sti'akt'b Picture. I painted ofie and sent it to Raleigh ; for which I was jiaid according to my charge. Lour Hundred Dollars. 1 requested permission to make the second Pi.tnre I I is! one a I , and for XX bieb I sbou'd charge Si.x 1 1 und' - I Dollars. 1 was acceded to, bul I had unadvisedly made too large a picture to be accommodated in the room it was intended for. At' my r.i.i.s rfijiirxt, Ihe Authorities al If.dcigh allowed no to re!an the Picture tof course, nnl paying far it.) and I sule-e. queullv sold it al llosteu. TlHtR. .sl'I.TiV. P. S. You can give the Editor of the " Register" the memorandum 1 have made on ibis sheet respe.-t-iug the " Passage of the 1, la ware." I have to thank him for his notice of the subject, as it haseualled no lo correct all enonetn-is impression. T. S. VIRGINIA SENATOR. Judge Pf.SiNVBAl'KER, ( Iico Loco) lias bee.leler t-n! Culled States Senater from Virginia, rie .Mr. !; l. Who is he? We never heard of him before. IT We deenly lament, says the Richmond Wb. to find ther fobowing arlicl m Ihe Lyuchbtitg V gin'an of Thursday. How Irua Is it, dict'ed a tl nrox-erb is bv exoerience. that ' mi fortunes i-.ev come alone !'" Mr. May islhe brother of .Mi8,Jurey. and that uiibnppy lady slid bor wortay fauiilv, over whelmed with one grief, eniatgb-lo press them lolbe earlh, have thus superadded iinolher, hardly if anv less afiltclive- All in turn are liable to these rlrcauf ii calamities, and let llo-iii teach all to he merciful, and to endeavor to aesua"ea Ihe misery that man is bf'ir lo. The Lynchburg Virginian says: " DEPLORABLE A ITA IK ' We are dcr-,,1) pained to learn lhat on Thursday last, at Appomattox court bouse. Win James Me Dearnion, deputy Sherd!" of that county, and a most estimable citizen, was killed by Co emaii C. May, attojney at la w, (formerly of- S'.aunlon. xx bo has ua-n for some months a resident of Appomattox. We have heard various statement of the affair, but we forbear, at present, to publish them. May. alie- committing the botiiicide, made bis escape, and has not yet teen arrested. t?ee advertisement.' in another column, offering a reward of $100 for hi apprehension." SkmhtossCakeron and Tt'RNRY fare very ill Jrr.ODg the Editors of their party. Oily (iammon iA the UnioD)sotnetitnes tries to smooth mailers, bul then a gain comes a downright dtudle frou) syinie otlr source. Hear the Indianapolis Chapman for instance: " A wretch by tb name of Turnev has beea elec- ted bv Uhe Whi?s, with the aid of a few crofesaed buttrauoroua DeBioaatsl As for the lallcr, they .heuld be driveu iu disgn.ee from the party il-ey bsv. betrayed, and never be pertntlled to. defile it again. Turnev oueht to take hi seat in the Senate bv the side of Cameron of Pennsylvania over both of whom should be b.aaoned on the wall. W, ,uip th, SEATS SV THE SKTSATAI. OS OUB rASTT AND ITS rr.l.VLl- rLr Th. Senate should be to them a piL'orv, and thev should be treated with that acorn aiul contempt which every pure and bonsst mind must feel towards thssjs" sonn fi;oi.i.A. i The I-egislaiiirc of S.,!nh Cuoiiaa met on tlie 0 Itli nltiino, and orgjinrj. Tlie Meesage ol tjuverner Aiit v 'n, c nt in '1'ues d.iy. It iff ilot so In . :,s most iinNi,e,.s ; hut entire- than even the drought. I lie t.!ea hh 'i.i ;ited, tl .it South t'aroiitta is nii'.nieeivnhlv le.j; p.-uv.., r- 1 1 h tl,,iti pa.sjo rons siie would be if there ve'-e no Turiii"; mul tli .t ffao. Ii.ul liee trade mul uia !mf. to npp. i'o' t .o , ro no ul ,l I he Pa hoi I io Male would sjieed'y heroine a pi1: feet r.ll.nin.e.. Hill o-MHillllo- that one of the r-wes of tho I'leKiJou! iul caiiij.;ii;ii i. a: befween the Taii.I of V' a.!.! the .Ninth ('iiu.lH.u Liee Tnu'e pe!uv, Hiof that M. l.'..:k ple.iee.l ::;:iseit lo liie latler, . vi l.t.-h l,eit.t 1 ii'anis he did not do.l he rieiluces I hit t the pub',' v and ll M c h.'ct decided ni favor of free tia.ie, I'.ll; IS III duty libinid to'o'hey i.'iai vole e. l! le v. las to be no pood tr is..n- . v.i.il.'ia the e;.pe cUlion- the ."out1! a a riiit lo citeit il l .v-i lo ill. Co i.- e, I. at ll is loll j;al lo a. ,n! I lie !, ' '. p. j if:!1 ami po: c i: tl;.- n.-vv A.h.ooi - He say - i.. doubt 1 .' i ; CaroliiT.c. 1 and m." '. inent ol i (rutton. The fliM'i , diiion. 'I L. ! .rl(li1l. the ll fVtirsof the State are in t;" d coa of the State minimis lo i'l.J'M. st on vv bo ii has been pu net o a t! v I paid. T M.i.iaiy . ided . harinf !.,- :i ii. -st sin lioilS Ol ibe I I; i-lols Tlie opt ' at ',iii ol i be ble, anil n'lonlei! a !.ui .-lot III 1 t in "10. the cvp. i lu State Haul, I, in to the is b,n prohta M.lle ; bill the t ifo lo leoew . i.t fan I tjovi inor suooi-sls tU. Its tbii.'ter at I be cMn He r"Coinnieiti!s tic elder tales 111 t 'bar! i loi ernnten! . The (lew no. r ill e! ll l,p. Ol IV 1 ill '' of I . ll lie arul tin e'ciiel il a conii'i-'isl . in, - i,,.r,,ia. f." rut".! -fi' lii"llN nc-s t:pen I '..lo. a' a r. ,ol 1 i.o olMate prosiirtiH a:o! in'rlii irov eioeiits u lid in, unit o i 01 os Hut one who exbilii'- s-u-Ii a j nop.-rta uce ol in ii-lmo ol be as tllltel!) or,, -a .1 to . .in rive niatnilae'i, oho mtt le- '.,i c !,:, ttllllllhll It.l Mht iti Sunt Ii ( -In, a or eh i:r w.lh AL.a --.ii1 Iiiim? II.s. v. f M J (ICL.tiui. TI'iURllM. We learn fratn the Pin-tsil i v, tha' en Wo. ; ac!'iim:.t. " V iliiiit'ii.ii J.nirnal," nf ncuday last, in lirnnl dav light, Ihr In n trams ol liri, tho ic ;;.i.no Ni.i Ii, and l.'ii; oilier coining S.niili, nil I lio U aiini.oau, Road, came 111 direct crulinnii, I lit iciiy ciiibtiif. n ' the hit s cl a laroo number of passi.-noei r- hot u trains, Jiappiiy, no one was eunnUHiv in- , jurod. Tbbi -.x ill appear Iho iii-ikI e.' ratinlnlary I part ol the afbur ixhen up fmiij tin; circiimst.ui. cea. Il is a r'lle lvhen t!io traaii" itiocl bet xx ecu two " I urn outH," tint that nno vx hu h has crasH ci ihe hall av l.no slia'l make t lie other nfiV la the F'ali.m '.vli.i hit has PimI left, tin Wcdtis day last, holh Iho up ami dawn cara vxr-ro rather late. Thev came in s.o'it al oat Ii other at a p. ,1,1 some 'fi iinleB Irani V iliniii";toii iho In '.I way l.np nearly ("pii-d.stanl Irani rae.h Inch En;;itirirB criuvd it-" mi ail sti'iin, i'fi t In- phrase (nic, each endeavoring; tn reach tho hall-way line f.r', in i order to m.ikt the at bur run back. Otixxanl, Iwl h nf them Hew far the couti'stcd p'nu1, at a terr fir speed. As they approached, both I'.ooinrerH gave their engines t.o r"v rso ac'tnti, but alas! tao late. Tbe engines won ,1 not Tecedi;. Ant.xMiil ro lisitin e 1 1 m u o ) . Ir; xx Inch haili engines xx err' iilinaat elove In pii:i ''H. The l'.i oiiii.-ris, tin tro-rlves-, and lh- Mill Anrn's, xx bi-n tlo y aw lint li e meet. Hi was ir.'V t.ib.'o, ji,n:;a.'d i.vcr'u.ar! .ii.d i pcap- ed 'tijiiry. "I In. r xcic a lame riiiml.cr of pin isar'fra on hot !i trams, and il is really ttiir,ini!oii ili -J Ihey were haf softouely li-jhrcil. ' The iipgo iiiir ri -itip, Ihe lliM:y 'i.ai, "i.e ru" the iie.nl po.x crful nu'ttrr l: v tin- arnpan v , broke I ho dovvn eoiniuo nne, tha iS:Lv llN-,ii i', aiiiiosl i'i'o pie cos. T'io names of lia'so n-i kb.as men, xsl.o Mine risked tho lives, of their Ii ibnv-lie ng, are; John Hi.! rr, ami TlloMA. Si;;' f.E. They were imme i.a'eiy discharged by the Daec'aiv 'be anly pun. sieneut within tho poxxcr l the Company to in- nvci." " " " " " GOV. GU II A M AND I IIL AVe have heaid tl sia'.id vxiihn a l letter bad been received tn loxeo li-io -iiiunating bis intention, as soon as Mr mer can make reiahai trt,is i p the N a visit, in order lo make o,ne otiberva T.CSE. -.v davs. lhat a I..-,-, i ,i ahum , Ihhiih-'s Use . tn pax lis inn., ol lbs riv- er and the practie it-intv ot imp'ox mo i:s ita N'e have uo doliuoe mbinnaiuiti on iii- sol lliOM. , Hot j having seen the letlur, in OOII VI .sed t lo II- L".ll - tleuina who received It. but lb'- il j dying to us, we ate XAohin' lo be . "f Ihe weather for a lew days. I ihal Ihe Gov. will soon h:a:-' an ! dying bis wishes. Such tr 'i : me to bis leilow citi7ens oo th I lie .1. lio- le-t null. b. in d III th.s ihti -ss I U- led at Ibe j place, and the object of Ibe vi,d xx o . d do, . bance Ihe pleasnle of ail v.lm air iiiiea-l I or.pruvemenl of ihe nver. We hid ban o I . bail ot i all, a hearty welcome anieii ti 1 marl ' are iiiloriued by .Mr A lex-amk-.-r 1 'at " r. t lie man I ager tin the firm of Th... T Ibit'ou, J . that I an acre of corn lias planted nil tne larin las! y ar I with wh't-u it 'h i:-sigiici! m t ciitei.il l-ir lie : prize oflitred by the iJuiiC-iiibe -.itfy Afi'.ii i tural SiiK-ielv, and tint a few thy since th- t'Tti ! wiH ga'hi reil a-td M.easuret!, and tin' yi d xx as one hundred and thirteen bushels and a hail '. Mr Pallon will nndnubl lake the prize. His unit ia on Swannauo river. Here farmer, it an" evidence of what rnn Im done. Had tho kcislii been good, Mr. l'urter ban nn doubt the yield would have been one hundred ' and hf'v bushels ! i T.v sbaw u bat inductrv and rianaonrrirnt can , rcompliah, we take'the liberly cf stating a fact ! rP,lleiJ to u, Uy Mr. I'orter. He says that fmin fo,Ir,u( f aI1 acrs , Bnd he produced and .... ,,. iv, meou, ' he-idea a I . .,.' ,j .. ,,, ,,1,,,. We. sta'o T" VZZ: ZZZZ, thjf as an , i u,hl J . "" a:'d "' il they might de.piae ?.s a small nu-turss, may be IlltlUt riiix-'i. v nude U'tlu'ui M smngir. On the I'veu; of ii,,. :), lust., l,y the U. v Prnry !.:.( v. All'. Leopold L. Il.lltt., .MeielMiu, to tli Murv I.- C isbx", iJaii'hter of llab.le y Co. fr's,; Li .v'iiiiijoii County, .Mr J C. ll.iu u.l In M .s l'... .tb. tli 'il'i..ins, i Idfnt daughter of .1 u C. W. haius, Li IDitXl In HI.. C'stit'o , ufl er a pevcre il'.fU'NS of Ilentiy Mis, ( ouli-s IVier-'i''-. 1'olU I y ( Mrs I'ab. nl ;i. Ir A.i. ii : . .Me.l . ssieu, lo f:.;;: .,..!.. .,.-.,1 ot. . I'..'e.. e A .... I', .1.. , it., !-."i.- 'I'm- ' ! I. ...I i i ta lilies no I ,-iiii-n I no il . , w nir' be yaw the v... .... , A'( l,oini;t, Ciiirl i 1 i NuemVr. IV L.biouol II , -I . v r,, l'i. lib -mi a i lie :. el! .1. in of i... . I 1 n tlie .1. alb onr- 1'iae ttr f Ibis -S. I I a is lio' s.o .I'lollel lio .M l -. ill I. o iiil. v joon I, , i.e. I I ' lot ions of t,i ii . i., ii- I. II 111 lain. H I. oi :: ! ,.,,1 rub. W 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 ;ii'-n ;. I r I, mi in, : e I linn bis just di , i ., th. i. a'l who I, now 1 1 1 in ml mi it c 1 . ca n Ii-1 1- ,. e to II ol e -a ba n-ltlii! lli.il t':i re vvete aboul hioi. a nuii iciiiios iat-l' t.iet with hi on so i. V OHO can I in. e ol ouiid anil cf.a rail er which ntotie Ibe i .... i I . tslutiable and ll-etid infill infill- v M I her ,11 No lilt IT. I s. lil-;- pie lillMlil V I Ah, ol civ. v Incli nl-... ays I 1 1 stronaiy up ml vv Ii b t l e looiake tbe removal .s.r. i!.i'..i 1, .a ol a blank iti 1'u- coin- it cannot but I" p.-i -a . ! and e!'. ol . ono - in . a 1 cl a to. in e(iar,t!"r eo I',,. L iii . aes ,.f I', a, ! a ml Ivenlockv. 1 1 1 1 1 a , n-r-1 f I U . r a i i I Mc.hrin,. m rablur't l.linlM" l.lhen lip rtt. re oileili " ill ll I seal nf , l.iooir. lo ti'1. poia-l, thoil;'h rvid allv i! b I n l !,, b. .."lb. ami a ( oust, tot. .ft. f.v lalifai-o r.'n il !..- vv us ni s-',,l v , v, '. I at ll be c fi Pl-tl. . l a pi sn e a, tl - I h tl danla ski. I I" ' il 1 ' :ir! i it" I a on,,!.-.; 1 to I. ;.t.. In iao ; III the l,T ,y In ,. . ol fill Which lollol tlir.l , ea'.- ,il al! It ..itfoijo i'ou-.,:ati(,,i , 1 is If. t,.l ! . I. cow that w hi'e i-li'.n,,'il ' ol (, xt '" "' be il il not n-fierl I be ni w 1 I. r um"' V tar el 'f o o .10 be un:te,l I I i.i.ioiiniac.iii .-. lib Ihe M L. I hnr. h. j o al. la ins s'lba ,pieut enr-c that I,. ll.nl tea l existed 1 1 i - ,,oi .; la .; -,. II V. lii, ll If.. - llt'OlOO' , nl I, poll point it eiv life If a ,1,1, M ha.l : l-t hale been ; 111. V, .1 as .11. ,li a, nl b . e i :-' I . ; . er Ul live w, I. .. pail o, I vll. n.elv ib-t!e..,,n.. .. iU Irout b - bps 'I i,e i ' - r . an I mm -I, red al bo. il . lb. , nob dotv has ol,,,,, ,ai:, ,1 il, fo- lie. el v ilne-.scil a fieri ' l a. beard I" b it.. I n i: an I mi v sa I lll.s. X, bed. it! lino lo . in- of Ibe 1,110 I I in-1 patience I 111 fill II e iienuie cetioe , 'I ol God, " In l,.'l 11 ni'iibt be lot boo u ; in to .b p. at anil " I,. I u ;l,i e'ti i ."' too hn- he iio a o n ii a ad ! I h 1 lol-l u In. Ii 1- I, 1 one, vv ho, lavaa en . .1 I to b, , Ins ' , ' ll '' I i I 1 1 ' 1 1 . ill' 1 leafed more pin .a.ll . ,.! 'n Ida f. II the p pom, ,, L.ov, re i.t ii certain lil--ou- and ii-xlv pc, l.-el i-li.-ialv ell, I XX 111, (bo lii I they rest fa-m ! I il, romlori I a lo In. hope, in favor lb bis ( .oil, nii'l ii ' llll-ssed are Ihe sillb Ihe Spirit, I. vv ir Ii the world. the Lord, even i their labors." Votnnttiui'.uted ; B Ait ilk of lit" Ndlenl rlh 1 urn- 1 gj J) ItlJH.- llivcblnliif ( nir ( . r . . 1-1 i-ui un i lio- l'.ip-iil Sin. I, mil nl the pio'.l' of ibe b df vca-. i en-brer Ith Man ' xv Nom -nl er l ist, h iviia; been dei'liue.l by tbe Dire el.iiy the same mil I e pni-l tn the ; .-tocb-Iiabieri or their repre-.ent.il ite at the h aidi ' mi llu- first Moil 'as in Jaranilx in xl, and st lb. f I r a n . 1 1 h and Ai-ay al Morgaiilon, tilb rn d.a - thereafter 11 v order. C. DBW EY, Ciu'ti'r. lUb mli. Dec. S. n io. ! y N-arulnrd, Htar and Independent, lim-" ea. Ii TnUII.MAl A. IIUltrT: Tiikf iiotnii. Imvii y limf it rnj'iai i i! . .7 . ( i .tijutii .rrvfi! t-n 11 ir 11 L y our int ni r. ;iinl Inn 11 ; rnrrinl i'-, tl imv Ixuly 1 n 1 ninl'Mlv, I f-h.ill on i i.c it.iy, llu' int. npi lv l !i - Ii 1' i in- AM ( V.nc-lv. (or U p i.-Ik-i .i si t.i.u- w'ni J'.U in i) lA' f:vt tiiiti cttr-'f ii 1' T ii.mh pr.-r-.. J . vi's ci;on,KV rgni; Thi 1 -i;i;s ish to y line enr, a nib ni ni vx el t mt I ea' her . pailu ulii'lx Ift I mint. 'l'o Ml' h. a I hi i d - il,iiv ppheillis Wlli tie pi i-r I 'a ' M 1 -1 : up lor ibe eisi - ,1 us so ie-i- he ( li-.;enl yh pail V. ,11 be IMV.-n. bin s- th.- 'ibs ribef . s w .1 l;S is, 'ay ij t11 Ii in I. (i it"" Newborn Dee Kti.i:.!i Classjcn, .MulluMnnlicnl nhd .WMMsCr.it: v .si,u)i:,ii v. ".'. ' i-jr'in'.J : J. M. LCVEJOY, lV.i-.rrnR. M.i:hri;.i:i-ul J .I M.l-n , Vi-nh-n: : . W . F . 013BR0W. TIlR yen x '! ! il ' I in I, I two Se.s... n s of fa- ; 111 ,i. tl - en Ii , ll. Ii, .1. .-see.. .ill oi .a. a a o I ll b. -' nt January, inn! tl.e '. oa i i.e.., o:i Itn- last ot Jul;.. I It is t' e ihnen.of ibe Pn-cepi -r. tin'. th I, ..I'm. ll O.bil ,-il ami ' tlliri shall ii, ' be so- p isse-, .ill I til- ii ix aid ij- 'tor .. a -ani; a t oroii.di rai'irb, CljsS' M.iibeoi.,1 fid'., ii'-; ''. I e prepai. il t', Pupils will I . any 'ollene in r ihe j u'nic: Class ol the Clll'f.l , 77v h MS or 7! 7'LV. ' I i; Lnit' sh and .!at'..eiii itiial Studies, i per .-e.-io.i. fl5 O'l I Par Laau, Gieek, French, Sprn-ili snd ha'isn loiiuu'oi.-es pi r ' sunn, JftdO j The advinccd t 'lasses maypursu ihe Studies of i a h.iver Class, inyinir only for the Siudies ol lbs I eisss rn wh eh they belong. Military Tactics taugatlo the Pupils, Ires ol extra . ,f,hB i?j)i?n g( hfi M,jrT rpirimer.l beine to fit j , ,,. ... .,. :.. .... ni ememenrv. n Oifi.ers, ' vt est I'oini x stem of instruction will lie earefnlS . , 1 ih rmv I dliCsi w I vf(J i f,m ,n'.,Pr lo ,,,,t ihe b'ovs for die brnel of j ie inninution. ot for sny other p,.r,....es. By an Act of the last Lcgi.bdore, the neees-.ry ' ...I .ill be tnm.sh.-d hv tUe Stale, ' i ..,.'.. .(, wish ibcr clnl.lren instructed in ihe j - S ,LT,"L Z ZZ " be retired to provide them Kill! llir !cs..-ey . ..... il N. B. A few Pupils will tie taken as tiosrucrs. uj , ibe I'r.ricinsl of the Acsdeinv, st lbs aius price. P.'.'gh, H. V'f 1 . -!JM .-1J.J...U..JJ li Alfriillon ! ISnlrih Guards. SgAlt.lEat the tlapitol Mijunre, on Satutdoy, Ihe IJIiilay Decembrr, al 3 o'clock, armed and uiiped aerordtog lo I.w, in Winter Uniform. My oidvr of tne I aj lam. T. II. 8NOVV, O: S. Ifaleigl,, Dee. . ISIJ. C ' A Punir Mining will I held on the eveninj pree,,i,ntf. at 7 ... . k, st Ihe Cut If all im: of a 1 1 Aiii.i; i7 mi- E JI KMI' r to a Den.eor the Honorable Court of L.juily l..r If, iiunty of Ciin.lierlatid, I shall I expose tu sale en S iTiudi-.y, the :taUlav of January, IH H , on the piemiss, id j ihe 1. AMIS of Ihe lata ! W ilii.uil Jlelis, eicepi the Doei I Hi I. 'J'he l.smls will be sold in four at parate tracts. A credit of one ' a. id iw,i years mil be given. 'J'lie pun baser givmn ( bond with approved Hseorflv, 1 1I.M'A. .UKA.NyJiR MACHAK, i Commi.-sioiifr. i Nov. 12, Ii.-. 7--3iv rtT",W( v, un,. Mules, s! net ! sod .1 years old, il e dor so dark, thni they minht be called black Miiiniin iMuuhir marks on either nl them goo.1, .naiib evcrv xx ax . save lhat one is ii httle lighter than ll-othr', N.-o ,-7 liom th Hubseriher inCumboi- , v. li t Miimlav tin- liOlh of 'oveinlier. A ban, I-, one revxai l vxill be irtven o any peraon who , innv iive iiiloruiiiioii so that they may ls recovered . Refsreuis to 1.. U llemx, K.u , llnleich. HAVWoni) GMNEV, euioberl'.uul County, 1 1 milet East ol I'ayettevtl'e, Dr.- 4l'i, ll-IK. . ?-ltii Loiiisliiirff Aradnnics, rnHi; SpnUi.: Seen 'll nl HI Ii vx ill com metii's on Q the fasi Mniul.iv in Janutiry, and close on tin) .th oljune. I here xnl ihen be n vacuum ol two ne.-U, ntirr xvlti ',. tbe I ill 7'rrlu xx ill commence, and .-loss on ihe -.(lib al November. T'lf.'iiN ItMM.i; DEPARTMENT. H 'In, j and HesJing fti fit liii ' .l ng la.;.hs!i Giaoiiu-ir, Geography nn I Vithm- in- 10 (10, liicbi-i L :-b b l.'Mi'irbrx L'i (II)' xfusic ,n, Laitia 17 fid I se o lYimi 3 I'rcnch iiiol I. hm. each 7 60 TMII'lV- MA a: DEPARTMENT. EnH.h 1 1 1 1 ili f iO 00, !a- i, a I I ft Of, iaaia! can be bad with the Principal, for a con si, Ii ible i.'unhi r of jmpils, st f t'1 per iSivesjin, sa lie.cti.l oe, 1 1 .s resiilciu e is spilcious, well nulled Id the ni eoiooi..il iiiou of boanlers, and very ooavenient, i i Ho- A. x.i.in biiibliiiits, roinbxiini; tunut of tho, a a I, I, , .. , hod, ill the Toxxn sud Gauntry. Hi-:,- I luav also I ,, hud in a iiiunbi r of other families in 'be ill, mo nl llu' a,tiio pm-e, and it! the coyniry, -i Ii:, rnllv iTJ jr. at :t' per -Hxtssiurr, Tho Eennib.' D.p rh.iei t is inixv loiiii-beil Willi Net Glolats, snii, iao i-x,eilciil I'liims. Hv or.ler of Hie Titrslces, A . II. HA V, Pnnrlpal. I ... :.',r-. Dee 2.1. I1i. 1 7 4vT .4 re '"MS" Idlt lilt ' .... '.' '.-, V, X 1 a-l'-i.',iiS .'.' 1 111: or , r.l -.og or short sfrtrrd- f I'M a.-- .- , I' ', ... ' an'.. ;.,...-'. fj rrr! !" a.-.' 110 'litiuorn, inrmmg .Vote fa as, O' and lek nrtt fnase.f ; SireHing antl v'n ' 'a H'n'nih'ittr titl rr Pom; Sra'ds ''.i.a,-; Ifiiisir Itixhtntiifi ; Vhd- I,V U'r,.- 1'.' v nn Ir cwM, vhether inflamed 1 iil-n.ite.l .s !,l llrarf, Teller on tlie I' IU ul, I. ' in 01 I'rlniv-, lilies, CuncertttU Al- frrli in.i, Ii: vi l:ns , tmnn Onk ine, I'ltefij Diig. id ulhn pffistiaus Vileb; lo-' :t firry syecies tirtrmul 1 1. rpni: p Ii liietit OPIilETOR, in imrojjcirig Ibis Oinl o.iiii lii ihe public, feels unwilling (as is aV pell(.ri, , i.,,,inj in resort to ihe cant mode of nil-, mi; lai nil. le k now n, "by pntl'ina; but Would a'e, thni 'In- iae.it snd iiiirivn'ot reputation it al ii a f rni vs. h-.s bu n aequiiid sjltly by ils supe riax l,iJai.!.J...miIu.''... . ll-iiiissesftwi iu;.yeialaveiy es. 'i-.i,ii,l pa e, ins, vi. : It is niinulaling to the wesk. sib cad I'.'.a-. sf-i,bly ml, hies all lujsmtlialiun ; eiise s dec ilisi-lniige ij ma'ter, tn loot mauding nares , produces a bettltri? of the disease ; and is xtrii ly nnlll m its operatisn IV o injury. what ,-fltt sri-e ftnin ibe use of it. not 10 an l ii tall t . s it is one ul I ti n most innocent remedies rer d I., I'.e human system, all the material of !! sxb: b it is r f,.pn"ril, le inc of tfin most pure and a ,,.off.,rne an-i, trr , rntiseijueritly, there can lie no isl - a i v to , o! ! i" sev season. Kiertnce liaa shown :bsi a "o a. le ,-t, lied to i'.e rr.ost tender age of sl,et l",me under nv stage nf suffering. It is , ' .nt ii 1 beinmi in its operation, and yet so 1 !-, ' i- it ai i'a iisture. that ll ptnetrsles to the very , .' t .-I the il.s., tier lor which it is ore j, .and never Gils ' i Pert a i mf even in the most ofistinale cases. T'as mx-at-.i iMs remedy should be krpl in every house, rovlv far tbs many rnsuiliies and afTliciinns to xsho li all famtbrs are daily bsble ; sa well os fot ,he stlli. nd brre, nd other snimals ; (or it is very i i':, i i.,ik. in almost every species of external disease, bath on m-n and lieast. No other Medinne hn performed many re nisrksl !u riaea ll has ehen persona out p the pan b'"is. sud prevented others front 4iog there. It has li'ie l (healBicled poor man front Iswi f long ,.,n..,tng and mads him susm uieful fo airnesjlf and ismdv. Il has likewise isksn Ihe ertppW "tfis from a i.sinful bed, placed her again in esjtsjei eommunion v,nh h.r husbaar) and children, and nablpd her t resume Iter domesiic duties. I ..early s!l 'he disesnes for, wbicU IJ-e Ointment is reominfiideil. iu tirlue has been fully letted under. ,v own su;wriniai,danre , std in support of ils r-fracv. I have been fumishrd wild the moot ample, les'i.nni-v, from Tarn us pur la of the Lnited Btates i while I li i'ly continue lo receive conviming proofs ef i s greal vs.ue. nim.m nor ' h bub'.c ..e mformed lhat VmlnBt. pur- port,, g to U if .r. i p.reil by " ?""' V?' , . bears my stjoature, tn writing, oa th MtMxl) Wei of ihe pol. A-M Order directed tomes, Raleigh, or U. Wwatt cV KiTctixxi. 131 Fulton Street, New Voik, will b ...I. ...Ul rvuijiv VUXIAM Wr. GRAT. Pa.ei.-h. D ISiJ. T i" ""i" ' 'if T"iJ Iiil i 1 i ;'!'' IN LUABLE j Hi. .' 1 . ," ' - 1. " - ; t " r: - I -.'