I, ,1 ' "'g MISCELLANEOUS. THE OLD BROWN COAT. AN AMERICAN STOUY. STCAITAiH MARBYATT, . N 'I reckon you see nothing very particular in rmimncr verv imi nuj.n i this, do touV said an American acquaintance o? . Inioe, brimrhu? out ibe cuff of an old ro.it, and koWmf it. op before uic, dii!iii( K leiweea h:e fingnr and thumb, - I can't sav that I do.' replied I, 'but I pre turn it ha some secret merit which remains to be explained.' Eacj-y replied my'cquaintance, pro, ununclM each syllable of the word apart ; 'yet the coat of which this is the remaining cuff waa the occasion of my being just now preity con. iderably well to do in the world; 1 jrucss I'm right, arn't 1,' continued he appealing to his wife, a very pretty young woman, wlo stood by him. So you saein to think,' replied slie, smiling, but I am not convinced, aa far as I am concerned in the business, that tlio coat had any thing to do with M.' ' Well, then, I shall just tell my story and leive tou to decide,' said he, turning to me. ' You must know that there was a lime when I was rather hard tip, and how to y ahead was tne business I had tried al a mercantile speculation and sunk an immensity of doliarw. I had turned, lawyer, but that would not answer in any way. 1 took to farming, no luck there. Went out supercargo : ship went on a reef and lost cargo. Heturned t Wew York, speculated a long time upon nothing : did'nl lose' much that's certain. but did nt realize ; at last I g ive up Business, ami resolved to amuse my self a little, so 1 went south and joined 'Bolivar; I fought with hint throe years, and a good olficer he was, but he had one fault as a general, which. wa, that his army never got paid. I wanted my threo years, and finding til at there was neither pay nor plunder, I got tired of ft and made ihy way hoine to "llie' States,' a'fid' at last arrived at the Capitol with only one extra ehirt, and not 9 ce.ii in my pocket I happened to meet wilh a tailor, whose customer 1 had once been, when I had money and paid my bills ; and he observed that my coat was rathersliabhy, and that I could not appear in it I knew that very well, and that all he wanted was an order for another; but as I had np chance of paying him, I thought it advisable not Intake the hint. '1 think, ,aaid I, 'tbatwilh anew velvet l.ir a i id brass bottom it might do verv well for an evcumg party.' I see, says he, ' that's an il country custom, wearing an old coat at. a bill; I guess you're going to Mr. T.'s to-morrow night A regular flare-up, I am told. President there and every body else. It's hardly worth it,' continued he, touching the tluead-bare cuff Yes it is,' replied I, 'there'll be a regular jam, and a new coal would be spoih d. I'll send it Wtyou to-night, and you must lei tne have it in tlie morning, so good bye.' ' Well, the coat came home the next d ,v, n .t early m the morning as I expected, but p.is' meridian, and I walked up and down my he 1 room in rny trousers, ihi n k mo- what I should do At three o'clock ! called upon Mrs. T. al.d left mv cad ; went back again and waited two hours for 4he invitation no invitation. Called again at t five, and left another card, telling the nigger lha; I-had not received an invitation, and thai there - jnust be some mistake ; whereupon an invitation Came about an hour after my return, just as I was "''potting my hat on to callagain and leave another . 4rrt in t ar lt.,A. ,...... I VV.,11 I went early to the ball, and my coat looked re markably gay. You could see that the velvet. collar was new, and the buttonsglittered L nously, but you could not see that the cloth v? not a little Ihe worse for wear, in short, my br . coat looked very smart, and I was a considerub. ; i "t fellow myself just at that time. ' Well, I stood near Ihe divor, looking at th company eoming in, hopwig to know somebody ; b.:t I presume that I had grown out ol all recol lection, for nobody knew me; hut as the com pany were announced I heard their names, and if they did not know who 1 was, at all even's, 1 found out who liicy wer'o. This won't do, says I, as the rooms became quite full. I may stick against this wall till day . light, but I shall never go ahead ; so at last per citing a young lady speaking to ihe daughter of yi th Secretary of the Navy, after they parted. 1 n J went up and bowid to her. Having heard, her I name, I pretended to be an old acquaintance, and accused her of having forgotten me. Aj I was very positive and very bold, she presumed ,t was tne case, ana when l gavs her my name, winch I refused to do till we. had been talking for some minutes, as it h ippeuod to he a very good o ie, she considered that il was all right, ami in another quarter of an hour we became very inti tiato. 1 then asked her if she knew Miss E , the daughter of tho Secretary of the Navy. S.ie re plied that she did, and I requested her lo intro duce me, And offering her my arm, we walked up to the young lady together, and I was introduced. Now, thought I, I am going a head a little. Af ter the introduction, I commenced a conversation with Miss E , and a gentleman fortunately relieved me of my first acquaintance whoso arm I had dropped- I continued my attention to Miss E , exerted myself to the utmost, and on tho strength of my introduction and my agreeable ness, I was soon intimate with her, and she ac cepted my arm. As I paced her up and down the-roonv 1 asked ber if she knew the daughter of General S , who was near us. iShe re plied in the affirmative, and 1 requested an intro duction, which was immediately complied with, - and I offered Miss S my other --arm, and paraded them both up and down the room, making them laugh not a liule. Now I'm going ahead, thinks I, and my olt coat looks remarkably well. ' Here is the President coming np,' said Miss E. 'Do you know him V -l did once a little, but he must have forgnftpn tao oiutv i usve ueeu hi ohiiiu .-imeiica to long. The president ame right up to us and ad dressed ihe ladies ; I made a sort of half bow. ' Yoo dou't recollect Mr. V said Miss S- . I recollect the name well,' replied the Pres ident 'Yoifare too well supporied, Mf. ; yo have the Navy and the Army ou each side of JOB. And the Highest O. Beer of the State before roe,' replied I, with a low bow. I ought indeed, to feel proud. It makes amend for all the priv ation that I .underwent jn my last campaign wilh General Bolivaf, for the General and his nd da. eamoe raws) no belter than the meanest soldiers " ' That last was a hit I did not say that I was aid de-eamp Jo Bolivar, but they thought proper to fancy ir ; the President made mo a bow, and s it tjtpoared, he wanted to have some informa tiofl frvim that euarter; and he asked me many questions, all et which I was able to answer wi.ii precision. After a quarter of an hour's cpnvcrsa lion, durjng which the whole room were wonder, log who it was that waa so intimate with the PrtaiJetit, and many were trying to catch what ( waa skid, the President presuming, as Dnlivar's Aid-de-CAuip, that I eouJd give him information on sdSViu pnjntand not wishing to have tho answer public said o tfa yopng ladies, I am going jo d a w jud ibing 1 1 wish to ack a questiorV wbiclt Mra i lawauld not like to reply to except, letenftdenW; f tuust take'ira, away from you forjaiwogtk or trn, "1 beg your pardon, Mr. . bnil i, ei fii shall be truly graefuWot. the re. ij ry fres aacriAce yon; will make in giving up for i fr nwmjnt s0() etj-.rTiing sncleiy.fi ': fear the W wuTo oi mf prt,aid 1 to the yeunjj la. I !'.'.' .t - '- 1 1 ' :. '. , dies, as I dropped their arm andj followed the President to a' vacant spot near the otchestra The question which tlie president put tome was one which I could not well answer, but he help ed me out of the difficulty by answering it him self according to his own views.and then appeal- in it in me ii il waa iiui iur i t ,i. if "- ui J innr to me if it was not correct I replied, nut I certainly waa nut al liberty. alihouTfh I hrf left ; ihe service ol O.-neral Bolivar, to repeal all l hat j I knew; 'fortunately.' c miimii-J I, bowm;?, 'where such clear sijfiiiednese is apparent, there I is no occasion lor Hie uues'ion oomif aimt ' You-anmioh', Mr. . I wish all those about ms had your discreti iii and h ijri senso of honor,' replied thi I'residenr, who h id one of my new brass buttons between his thumb and finger; ' and I perre.ve by your reply, Ihit 1 was also rip-hl in my conjee; lire. I am much obliged to j.miiui.uii..1 v lt..... v ... 1 1 ... Ik i t ... ; l H.juse ' I biwed and retired ' ' I am going abend now at all events.' thought I I, as every one was'lbnking at ine as I retreated. I tnd been walking arm in arm wnn tlie iiaiin terw ot the two first' nfll ers 'nf the Stale, 1 had been in. confidential ciinrn'.inic .: f i n wilh llie President, and thai he..r ' all ih" rii.'c of Wash 111:011. I can now venture lo ord- r another suil ! (,f clothes, but cover Will J lorut you, my old i hruivnroat 1 h" next d iv tne Iftiior came 10 me, lie nan , . , . , , . t , . heard what h .d taken place-at the ha Hi ami"! ainemic'il my uarilniiie. 'fjvery Uoiiy came tome fur orders, and I ordered every ilinnf. ('an)a were leli in sho'iters ; I was received everywhere; u,e JVes.uIeiit was my liieinl, and from ilia. litem, 1 went ahead l iMer and taster every il iy, till I am. as you now see, well oil', well m imed, and well iii in the world. ' Now I do per'ioaciously declare, lliat i! was all owing to ihe. old brown coat ; and I li ive this cuff, which I show now a-fl th"o to u y wile, lo prove that'l ain-iTiiirlnl, .,r lr.il i; no: been loMlie od hrowi coit, I sir nlil nrvorji v' been bipiseii with icr lor a omuulium.' But ,' fa d li:s wile, .i.-eiiml whos" waist he 1: id gi't.ilv brown rii.it wmi'd h , velvet roll ir and ti"v 'lu'ircled h ' tl d In.. I tie. e d me ii ' !i ;t lo t -s us ' Ci r'ai ily tic my d ' A in! they vv hi d tin' out they had been hac!,.. ve effected mucli w i:h -l,y , ' What !' lmpudw,' rep'ied lite lady, giving him a slight .slap on Ihe i heck. Alexandek IIamilton The su'y of one ol llitr noiiles! sons ot Aiiirc rh is froin 11. ol TiiMiu- L,ee s " v ).)-ervatni;is on Ihe vv ntiugs as Ji if rson : " For wisdom nnd merit, patriotic, services, political ahjli'y, Alexander I l.irni'lou stands end to Washington alone a p,i.-iiinn w In flects the greaicst gloty on them both. W zal I hv cifiti!::! il ardor, he devoted in l-ii aml i re. 'Ii a .' a rying exigi'iiees 'd his coun'ry, a ui.t.-i v!in.-.e re. : senries ptovd aKvavs greater ihan the enviest . k'C tsions. lis iiivetitii'ii was quick, his judg- ' inent etion, his un.h'rstatiding ca.ti ion-, hsi ieiict".i'iii:i acute, and his memory lal hlul II" ' was pni.'pnl in counsel, ilarinr m the field, elo. J q- lent in the Si na'e, cm-rnt an I persu is ve a a 1 ti r t"r, fx;i 'drio'is and i mli ' if i ',i i, ' in the ad- i mo i.-ura' on nf all" irs, disinleri t,iei(, iihera'l, firm and enthusiastic. In matters ot j.r v tie leemig and pers uial honor, h.s fraukne.-s a id s;nrit vfere proverbial, anJ jn his last act were pji ii ips ex cessive. -Auitnirque magiue. Vitidigtuil ptiuliim." Of a life, ihe lerm of which fell short of fifty vpars, he gave twenty to the public service, nnd h it it por m every thing hut a title lo renown and hon or. This, nKr a cruel death, nor a neelecieil grave, nor a r iliinntous rival, could take a way ; and as a tlevoied patriot, an acco'itnl slevl ora:nr. soldier, statennan, scholar, .and gen'lo n m, lie' ineoiorv of IJaunlloo will bloom and floor. sh. I as Mug as the admiral ion of in mkiiiil i-hail iiiend ex illod genius, heroic virtues, g-;ucrous uli'ei lions, and glorious tlei s. jlailroad travelling is travelling now-a-davs, in Knirlaiitl. A system of lvjtrc-.-s Trains" has h'-cn e'lahhslied. and. by one of these iraies, I (rav-ntied fiotn Liverpool to liondtoi nn Kri.'av last. Th f ire was high: for a scat in a n.-sl rlasi r image I piul two pintnds seven shillings. To a f.inii'y Iraveilii'!; this is no jike. Fnr instance, a genlletti an. who was my fellow-pus.-? nger from Ihislon. wilh his ladv. in.ee, and servant, occupied scats in Ihe same earn age us myself, lie had lo pav fur the Irip niae pe'iuds cihl fdtiiliiigs .A little. difference, this Jmtw.wu r.Htish and Ainttrjeati railroad puces ! We left Livcrionl at four o'cIolIv in thiv afternaun. stayed (eti iniiunes tn take tea al Birmingham, and I vv a., snugly en ira-iii' l at Ihe Castle and Falcon. .V.drr-g te ilrcet, I,mu !ou, a' half-past leiiihtis dung ihe two hnudr'd mid ten miles in six hours and a tptarler. (in the (Ir.-nt Western line, which is constructed on tits broad gauge principle, the rate of travelling is now sixty, two miles per hour. At this timo tho capital ra. quired for projected railways in Great lliilain is five hundred mill ions sterling ; bid, of course, utt a quarter of thoe lines, which are gol up for merely specula tive purposes, will be constructed. Iliirtng the lal fortnight there It is been a perfect panic in the share market, and many fortune:, have changed bands This arose in ionemieiice of the Batik of l.n-'.md r ti'-ing its rates oX.discniuil from 3 lo .'1$ pr cenl. The excitf metit is uovv, however, gradually siiVidiiin-, Ljuil'in C'lirrapnndrncr of li islon Allan. Squint Uv There is a man in this City whoso eyes h.ive such an awful squint thai they seen) to be on a strife .vlu.-h can look ihe o h'-r down. Only (or Ibe nose, vvb t-'i is no inc. ms d erahlp birr yr li-.-Lween Ihf in. they would i-,v slared each orher our of coutitenaiiee years ami Out ilpott sub delormities ! We hive nt pn tiencc With them. Hv a s tuple operation In stir, gery, the subject could have th.H horrible defect removed, and save himself and the rest ol Ins species trom' an everlasting en irl of cross purpo. ses. There should br: a special statute mtacted 10 Ihe elfect, I h it any in in who slio iid walk a bout this earth, turning people's heads diiszv will) such a pair of contradictory 'organs, shouTd have Ins optics diniiiifnl lo perpetual concealment, be hind the; gr-enet, ptir id gogglen thill cpsild he constructed Whtr are ihe o-ciilisls of this ci ty ? Here is a siihject for an operation for stra bismus ! Picayune. . An Indian burial look place recently in ihe vi ctn.ty ot Alexandra, La. According to a custom founded upon ihe religious faith of the red-mau, ail ihe win !j .y effects of the departed savae-e, in cluding his rifle, shot pom b, skins even a nurc and coll belonging t,, him were deposited with Ins reinoiis in the tomb, to he carried with him, according to the romantic faith of his anccs ors, o the sunny hunting ground and floral vallies prepared bey "ltd ihe grave by the "Great Spirits'' lor Ihe rereiiii,i) ,,'f tin: good and viri'noue, or ffie bleak and barren despns and icy hills provided for the punishment of ihe vicious. Fe ri the Swamp The Dismal Swamp is agam on fire in ihe region about Doep Creek The clouds nf smpke' quite obscured ihe southern horirotl lnt. evening, and the smell of the burning leaves was wafled freshly to our nostrils. ' V.y.'; T Norfolk Herald. WHy DONf yoireadt It IS DSMlllir stranr. that men will p.m.lM in I igno((nef what is goiiig on throughniu Ihe country! ana ura woria, even or events wiucn materially bear Upon their wo Individual interests and privi'es, when they may be Tell informed by taking a goad NsWipapr,OOttior but three Dollars .' auiiurjaru aepuoMan. HUMAN TEST! MON Y-A REMARfcABLE CASE. The Loell Courier contains a report of a re- markable case before the Court of CbroWbn Plea, in that city, last weekin whrcb iha"$itm-sea r..i.. fi.rnm., .11 mi-taken. , n.e iui n w n tt- - identity f the prisoner-a fact, as llie JaaW well J remarked, almost sufficient to shake-all confi dence in human testimony. We present the following abstract of this singular ease': Henry Sherman wancliargcd with Iwo-assuults wilh inienl to commit a ntpe, upuu two (.'iris wli. were picking berries tho one at Mvdturd, on ih 2i h of July last, -and tlie n lir on he Sih of .Idly, two day's alter, at Newton. Mhoniian was arrested, and exa'iiliii'd noiore a justice-, ai y ,rl l i,. , v aicrlown. ' Lie "in ujioii sL ' e. . . 7 Ki, ooi ;he a-sauli was made, an,! orient her com ! p;iiuou, lijiyUtLVvas picking berries, v. ere bro'i ! into the hall, separately, anil each ideniilied the prisoner, and pointed linn nu' aiiiuiij; liny or six ty persons aseinl)Vil, 'as llie man wim co, untitled I llie assault on ihe i.'S:li of July ! The prisoner j was iheil taken lo C iiiileiJjje, and i xoioii 'd in reeantto the assault a! Mrfdl'or.l, mi the 2H-U ! Ail llie w iHicssp. to the amount ol eiht or ten, I ,lii ;iw..l I..... ,l.H .. n irl..i .r,l.,,iMod tlie 1 iuiiuiit'1 nun MIC ' ii" -. . - , , . n assault on ih 2011. 1 tu v nil Hor- ihti tne prisoner at .lle bar. was llie same individual whom : they had seen' at M'idfird on thtr "J-jih and at New ton on the lrj h, anil' who had rrwii.s:".! the ! crimes as proved. ( ) r" wiiness -o.,nerted with i the Kail'oa'd, look par tenia' n-'ice of Imn, vv hile ' rotivtrrsii.g wi;h Imn oi the 2ii li, lieni ihe net that h" bote a sir.io' ri'i-einidanc" loa rcliii.col his. ,o les'iiiinity in regard to the identity ol tho person roni.l p.uis.t) y ho stronger. The roiio-i'l l.ir the del'eiice under, (n k l prove an (j'i'.r ; a'lefitiL' 'hi' lilt' ;t.-!nit v n in N. li.ioip sh;re mi '!) h i;ni L'-Ucj.fJ .i!y, as s.;t I ii o J M r. I i.j.mH, j o-fH'ove lltii lliey- rtiifert. a .if.s, ol Keene, vv ho tcs'ilteil that ihe icis oner in-l- Ties. wiih lii-n trom ('h"sierli.'ld to K ii '. he Vl'J.i day "f Jiny la--t, and ihn l.e I s i a Tin-: h I'll. ll.l .M ay, ill" 'J-i.h.H liong In a t rti'ii; s .0 ( ot:it a t I I I If I !iis t ' i i-lir-. I A 111!''.-- I d"d at lil ' I II- I, VVi ! .t. !!: II nr-l ,1 .ri il 'he 1'. .ele id tli" pr .soner ': r 'g h'.' :iv in K '' lie iloii-l was ra til. : ,! I 1 1, iijcr if.-T'in'd l ,v if "t tl! .' 1 I . Ills - r lit the tabic ' Il ul .1 0 V, and , !i it in" : i it !; saw lit' it !i" .e.l wtli ii tn. ,1 ' a ..; : the -'ii h was ma i- li . file'se vv i:iics.es ielllreil that on I J 1 1 v (tin" tliv on vvhiih tlie as-. i'iI' Mt'dluid tiiey vi.ii il in 'V suv :he pr soner it! a (laravnn evhiijiliuii in A Mr. U rd. so C i'i r I a d Iv" ne S' I ll.a'ei on V. i.l: n) lit- . fill e in on iii' In ('.ii., ei tl- 1 tvh .....! h.t i I VH- . s t-ren a- Con it iii ail -. and It-f- d.' A 1..--: iiied i p-or ol ".vuiiar- lie h r vv ft houl the lo N ash J-'iii nt .1 ( ii- couiitil. led in A; ll:-, II I ine at' I 'i" s cord, ill d lillil in' I he vv . i y It n o K' !i id ni'it li Cnnvei Mr. S . wiil, a Ih it .m ibe 'jil Ii iiati'al.Hitis .,r1.. s-ilier k'-f.-e S '.it VV .1 :!iv i: e i on ' Ii I 'i or iii (.' if Ji.lv pn-O'i-r, and inn) 1 I ny o! ilietr in ,ko he i.:''o!i;:"il tht-in : i ones tiov vv : lire t w is en ' lirst ol Aiil' ru tiv -,!. vv tli! prisoner. All"' ih" s:i w the ir. sneer . Mi'i rniiai k.oti itts vv.iv i ita Several of the messes were recognized ailed i v nu t lie hv llie nr-s'tniT tv hpn ii" firs; an saw ile'io in court. F.vt ry one of the wi:r!eses swore l hoy hid not the slightest dnu'ui thai the prisoner at the bar Was ihe saute man whom they hid seen iti New llaiiipiiliire as described by i hem. The counsel for tho p'isiw her- rested their case, h iv in;' pr.n ed no all ' i. The I fistric A ;tor in y a luii ii'il ihe a.'ihi as lo the 2i' h aril -1 h of J"' but though! Ihe g-overnin. t'l vvun-'sses vi et" ken as lo the tun- ih.it the otf'ures were till coitiiiiiiti'd on tlie 1 1. 1 1 ni:.l Ut id Juiv, beini; l:ie week he''ore, and look titiiMn send ;o Newo-i mid to Me. Ifoid, t,i see if ih" time could be changed. The -el lempt u as ii iistj'c'lrflii i the time t o(,. 1 n it b changed the crimes were cotmnitte I or ihe VM h and "Js.'h, as alleged and the pri.-'ocer was 1 1 i -1 ti n 'ed. Tins is c-rtai'ilv one .f ihe mriHt rem-Tka'di i est huts on rei on!, of the la II. In In y of liiiina-t :es inn it.y. The re mill mce b"l oen the re., I an ! the supposed nfT-iuler must he "-renter than thai between the t wo s.slcrs in u Wandering Jen or .I'rlwr.tn itia,l" to pas likieuiie suuL. .thcUciscttc, who was for her in the even. rig. We t.f.ioi read of such re.-en hi itn-es, hut r. truly meet wt'h them in real lie. Ailtnltnglo a fact which the defeme v.-e.-o prej-iri:ig to prove, viz: that S'i.-r-maii went to I, ivvell ah ull liie Ul.st of July, and boarded lh"re a couple m" w.m !, and then cms. sed over to Newton whore the prisoner Wis ar rested, the Courier pronounces it very rcmarkr, blo thai a person, so nearly reitenihlieg the ono who h;id C'lirimiiieil the tiflences as to lit im modi -ilte v rectijnixci by all these vvitnes.-es slnmld, wii'iitit, loiinigiit, come loth? identical spot at which they were cumin, tied ; and it would appear still more strange that the pi ner, if gmlly, s!i"ti! I h tve hi-eti f.uiiiil there. Tn"i pi-,,h-,l,ly i--ver wiih it fad niiee sal.sfo'lor ly proved tliuii Ihe innocence of iii prtmue ;-. , .... . Clams viLi.c Vi. Dec. 5.. Mr. F. I,. .Smllhoon, of this r tjiity has invent, ed a in ichiiii! for prizing Tobn co in h-gnheads which ni'ist take ihe place of every thing else heretofore used for that purpose. The power ni ibis machine Ins not yet been thoroi ghiy trmtr, but enough is known lo justtiy the assertion, that in a . common sized hogshead, which, when prized afier Ihe old way, and coti'aiiH but about 1SIK1 pounds, K y this new invention," yo;i() pounds may be easily forced into i1, withoui injury to the Tobacco. This is a simple contrivance, which renders it more Vrilinb'e; any and every farmcf who can use an axe, siw, and drawing knife, can make his own pr,!, i, r paying for the r ght to do so. M r.-Suii; ii-oti has sent on a model, wji It the view of getjing out a piti-nt rio-'il ; after which, vvr shall give a mori; minute iles crip itm of bis. inveetmn, with an engraving to illustrate it. Ifirald. " The Iv chmond Whig qiiolfsasenliineiit put in (he month of Gen. Jackson thai il a boon of file, was of. ferred bun again, he wotd nut accept of it aS-'a noble and sublime one. It is so, vvhei linr (iencral J. rver utleted it or not Dut il in very eeilain thai Ci cero attributed it to Cato several hnndred years be fore lieiirral Jackson died. " Si quia dPa mini ar. (rial nr. ul tx hac ;tte repiif riscam, valdn recuse 11 ; nee vcro velim, quasi decunn spntlo, rd carce rcs a ealce revocari." They havf a iHspion now a days of dcoraiiiig lbs grrHt men of our turns, wilh (he wisditsn "of ths ancients." Alexandria Gaz. ," OBF.D M COLEMAM, PnoAfaa 5tiI, A. D. 1845, acf.d 29. " As well the singers as the player on hut ruments shall be there." .t,Paliu lxxivii, 7. Such is tlie striking lnsciiptios- upon a bantiful Marble Mnuumrnt, about to be erected aver lbs itjfc malm of ("olemah. the inventor of the Eol.'an attach- mtalt 10 ,he Pian0 Forte,-r-i Saratoe Springs', Where he died. Th South Carolina Conference of tho Meth- ooisinurcn, mot in r ayetteviiie. on the 10:h instant -J- . . . M I, "I PENITENTIARY. This it a mati-ef which will likely occasion warm discussion iifthis B ate during the coming !)"' Wo had not antu ipi-d very formidable "ppoeitiqn at this day, tu the establishment of a I'enjtcniiary in North Carolina ; but ihe course . . . . . 'aken P"" ' 1 Pre" " . '"T , h is recently led us to change our mind. Good, however, will gfbw out of it, as the whole mal- tur will La brought directly to the consideration of the people, and being fairly and fully canvassed, will doubtless result in the settled conviction, tluit such an institution is demanded in our S'ate We ure glad to perceive lhat Gov. Graham is e licii iug informal ion from the proper auihortliea nf ihe different Stales, where the Penitentiary sys tem his been 'adopted ; which will he spread be. fore ihe public in proper form as soon as possible. In the mean time, wn are ready to give to our readers such arguments for and against, as may be furnished to i ur hand, reserving to ourselves the privilege at a proper time, of advocating the iuiporiance of the ineapnre. In another col umn we insert an article signed "Justice" in op. position, which, while it rieinands attention oij account ef the importance of the subject, and the sobriety of ive style, can hardly occasion a doubt iiiilie mind of any one whohas bestowed a thought upon the matter in consideration. Neulierniun. LUl'ROVKMKNT Ol' .RIVERS. The late severe dna'ght in North Carolina which has nearly dued up mlr streams, very nat urally occasions some disposition to remedy the dillicul: ics connected wild their navigation. We lit vS fltr years believed that the most important m- ft- rttfm tfv -m-wt ihe rendering utir Rivers navigable. Rail roads passing thrmvoh the State mp v increase theuuan- ,-f ,.,..,.1 -,ttd mar a.'.l tn ihe trade of those tovvi.s located at iheir iL'riiiinatiou, but no decided advantage can be uaitted to the whole Hlato by I stieli expendli tires of labor and means. The per- in inenl and growing prosperity of North Caroli 1 na will depend mainly on the improvement id her" j River in i:ii::i fi m with llie energy and indiis j ry f her pei pie in agi icult oral pursuits, indeed 'il. less si'iiK'tlii-'g is done to alfird faciliiifi, for I tj-.il i ig the proce' tie ol their industry to market, j .viiit remains aiming us must either dih out, or -coli a nelU lor its exercise in ouier quarters. We perceive that the navigation of Cape Fear II. 'fr is c c i ' t ng snute attention in Wilmington and i-' ivtifiv ills', and there is some talk of reaor- 'ii'vj to d uns and locks iuoni'r lo make a permai ttetii ititij-i'veiiieiit in the navigation of thai river We sh.nilil he el ul to see the Cajte Fear people Mivit'g u;i"ii that suhjed; r.rf bapa lhat niighl s'ar' h Kip V It is -il III lit liie du'iih.l'oiititleretl folk and awaken the an Winkles ahie.it Nevvbern and the Neuse. cryn'." shame and n nil withal, if not mor. least t'-'ii, I'T the pet r the peeplc to Tie lying dow n .ir s tiieg on lie) fence nodding in ihn way. The cry of every body " morning, noon and night" now i--, " l'oor old Nevvbern! l'oor old Newhi m! it's a g 'log dow n !"' Yes! ami such croakers ought in oo do A ti wiih'lier. Now it stead of lending a hand and bestirring ourselves to prop her up and sustain her trade and push her on to prosperity, we are gazing about the slreots with our heads down, and can talk of nothing hut "hard times and worse a coining." But whai shall wednj Why, improve the navigation of the Neuse and Trent ; erect Cotton Factories and Steam Mills. Ail this and more loo can be done by Newbtrn alone, leavinf out the aid to be obtained Irom ihe surrounding country. If we had the power ne cessary, and the people remained asleep in this niftier, we unghl have them translated to the iiition in short order. Ibid. Manukac-i i i'tis in Niikth Carom.xa. For 'Vi -at )' ait, in ( onsi qnenco evident ly ! the un- - "i el tat" o! t he uioii'y iiiarkei. and ihe prover .it. "iide'H e o! tmr people, there has been no ,'hii.ioii n, ide 'o tlie'tni'iiber of cotton manufac tories in North Ciroiit-.a. The pecuniary difii- cult :;, begii.nirg in tfKI7 and extending over .Li.ve.ypars, till were too alarming to all, too r'linu'ijs tii many, u j 'is: i I y cnterprizcs requiring large capital, ai.tl siip'osed lo bit of douhi lul huc i i s.-. N'ti a si; r;l" co'i m 1 li'tory was commen ced in all lhat tune, w; believe, timiigli some w ere oiiip-C'ted which hid hfon uu,er;,iken in belter inifs. Th " staady ,iee, Itowuyer, which has ittcnile'd industry in all its j-u'suits lor the last three years, is al leng'h excr. t. ing a natural in :1 il'Tico on capital, antl iiiducinj It to seek ftnt lhat channel in which it r i i he o profitably and .filriotically eittphy-u. .Wo ha. jitot hia.-l ol ihe riitiimi neeoienr tin, n ir (intl'i I'.iu orie.t, one a' Chrii-: iivii's Mills', on ihe i'ee.Dee River, t"ar L.ivvreucev,l!e. ileiit joinery Coumy, by Dr. .Mon'goiiieiy titid others. Wo he .riily isli these and all similar estate l.-litnents in th-! S;aie entire success. Rut we cannot lei Ihe opportunity pass without reminding those wbohavn such investments in contempla tion, of the superior advantages of this town and vicinity, in th" abundance and cheapness of wa er pov.-cr, at' I of I vtti, the ease with which theia.v i.itii-rial is i btairicd, the access tn'ihe mark""! O; Ihe world, ihe existence here already ..I six Factories, Rffirditi an npporiuni'.y at ail tunes to procure experienced workmen and ope ratives, lie.: faciliiuvi for juoeuring assistance in ca.-e of ttft-i lenJs, v'ec. &.:. 'I'hcre is ahunditnt room, here for -more -estate' lisliineni-, an, I the manufacturers and citizens generally will welcome them amongst, us. l'uyelteiille Observer. T!1K l'2ru OF JANUARY. The Whig Central Committee of tho State have rived upon Monday, Ihe l'!ibday of January, as the tme for holding tho Whig Convention at j Raleigh to nominate a candidate for Governor, to be voted fr in August next.. And now, in view of the day tlui" designated, it is the duty of the Whigs in every county of North Carolina to pre pare forthwith for being duly represented in the proposed Convention. It w not sufficient for ihcro lo belipve or suppose that (jovcrnor (iiiAitA.u will consent to stand fur a re-election, and therefore that there is no need of iheir sending delegates to confer about a candida'e. There are some special reasons why the Convention should be a lull one. One is, that ihere my be an emphatic and uniteJ declaration, uf approval from the Whigs of the Slate, of tfte administration of Governor Graham. Another is, thai the Whiff spirit may be re-invigorated, a proper organization effected, and a unity of oifort agroe-'d upon. Other reasons might ie named, but the are sufficient. W't would in an especial, manner urge upon the Whips of the countt-i of this Congressional district rhe propriety of holding meetings soon for the appointment of delegate. Wl'l. Chronicle. Quics Tlie express which rarjied the Pres- idem s message arrived at Boston in 12 hour, fr,,m t,a ,,m9 ,, tlt Washington. . . METHODIST CONFERENCE. The following is the list of appointments, made by the Conference of the Methodist Church, which eat last week at Washington : RALEIGH DIST. Pbteh Docs, Pi E. Raleigh City, Thoa. S. Campbell. Raleigh do, mis., A. II- Tucker. T.r River, J W. Lewis, R. T. Hefflin. Raleigh Ct. W. H Barnes, B. T. Blake, sup. CrauvHJe, I. T. Wyche. ; 'Person, W. M. Jordan. Hillsbciro' Ct. E. L. Perkins,, Hillsboro' and Chapel Hill, Lemmon Shell. Orange, Wm. Anderson. Haw River, Gaston E. Brown. Pittsboro', Win Cl ss. Nash mission, D. Culbreth. , Henderson, R O, Bunon. . II G, Leigh and T. McDonald, Agt's for R. M. Colle " C. M. P. Deems, Professor in the University of N.C SALISBURY DIST. Joseph Goodman P. E- Greensboro', James Bryant. Mncksville, R P. Bibb, J Martin. Davidson, A. Norman, J. W. Fli'jd. ' Randolph, J. T. St. Clair. Guilford. W. S. Colson, J. W. Tucker. Stokes, J. D. -LuuiBilen. Surry. A. Owens. Jonesville, W. J. McMas'ere. Wilkes, A. C Allen. Iredell, W. M. Walsh. Guilford mission to peoplo of color, to be sup plied. DANVILLE DIST J Jameison, P. E. PiHsylvtHiiaj J, W, Jeter, W. W, Alb9, aup, -Henry, John Rich. " Rockingham, P. W. Archer, T. T. Cassady. Caswell, J. L. N'cholson, A. Lea, sup. Patrick, W. W. Nesbitt. Halifax, John Tillett. Alleghany, W. W. Turner. Franklin,, R. M. Willi tins, J. II ink, sup. Dan River Mission, W. Carter. WASHINGTON DIST. J. IUid, P. E. Washington, N. II D. Wilson. Iio..i..k. , W. J. I),,val, T. 1! Reeks. Plymouth, A. S. Andrews. TarDoro' J. Johnson. Columbia, P. W. Yarrell. Btth, U. W. Donb. Matt,!iimskcet, W S. Chiffin. Portsmonh, R. A. Claugbion. Cape llaitoras, K. R Dunkiey. Netise, P. H. Joyner. Roanoke mission. R J. Carson. NEW BERN DIST. D.B. Nicholson, P. E. Newborn, S. D. Rumpass. ' Snow Hill, C. P. Jones. Smithrield, S. Pierce. Waynesboro', E. E. Freeman. Sampson. T. Garrard. S. II. Ilolsabeck. Duplin, John W. Tinnin. Topsail, N. A. Hooker. Onslow, C. K. Parker. Trent, II. Gray, G. W. Nicholson. Beaufort, T. J'. Rica.wd. Straits, Thomas Moses. John E. Edwards, transferred to Virginia and Stationed at Centenary Church, Richmond. A mos VV. Jones transferred to Memphis Conference. John R Mcintosh is permitted to travel for his health. The next Conference will be held in Newbern. ! FREE NEGROES A PLAN TO GET RID OF THEM. Free negroes are justly regarded as nuisances in the Slave States. Debased and degraded as thry are and ever must be, they corrupt the slaves, and the evils arising from their presence among us, are great and numerous. Bui how shall wp get rid of them? This has been a question hard to decide. An incident connected wiih the recent visit to the North, of a gentleman and his family residing in this town, has suggested a plan of rid ding ourselves of this corrupt population. Unwilling tn enrry his ow n servants among the fanatics.the gentleman alluded to, took along with bis family, a free negro female rervant. On arriv ing in Connecticut, this servant was stolen from bun by the Abolitionists, who supposed her to be a slave. So carefully del Ihey secrete her, that no traces of her whereabouts could be discovered ; and the fanatics are now, no doubt, congratulating themselves on their success in slave-fiealing Now, let this plan be adopted let every South erner, in htsvisiis to rhe No.-ih, take with him one or more free negro servants. The abolitionists will kidnap them ; for thoy can't ho made to be l.sve but what evory negro arriving aiiijwg tht in, from the South, is a slave. And in thSnvay the South wilj shortly be rid of its free negro popula. lion. Xorlh Slate Whig. READ AND UNDERSTAND I The time will come when this medicine, BRANDRKTH'.S 1'ILl.S, will bi? appreciated as they ourt, ami deserve ; it will be well understood that Dr. Itran dre'h has ti e slroueesi claims upon the public It is Iriie that every inuiv itlu.il who makes a trial of llie Bcandreth Fills, concedes them to be the best medicine they ever Used. They are indeed a medicine about which there is no mistake Tlr.r va! ii" i i a climate so changeable as ours e-aimot be frufficiemly appreciated. A free per spiration is at once restored j thus they cure colds, and consumption is prevented. Those who have a redundancy of bile, find tliein of ihe most essen tial service : and should there bo a deficiency ol that important fluid, llie Brandreth Fills have an equally beneficial effect. Often has this import ant medicine saved valuable lives in ihiwe re gions where the DREADFUL YELLOW FE VER was prevaling. lew doses taken imme diately upon infection being received into ihe sys tem, will be almost certain to prevent any mate rial inconvenience. Andat Hostage of this dread ful epidemic is Ihere so pi-riper a medicine as the Brandreth Pills. Let this medicine be univer. s illy used in this disease, AND NO LOSS OF BLOOD ALLOWED, and tew, very few would be us victim. So it is with other diseases. ASSIST NATURE wiih this all important med icine, lo remove morbid humors from the blood, and-ito not resort to bleeding or merrurv.'and we shall have a very GREAT SCARCITY o"f persons afflicted wiih Chronic Maladies. The leathered tribe the animal kingdom over which we are ihe lords, they are not afflicted with Chrome Maladies; neither should we be if it were nut for our pride which occasions them. FOLLOW NATURE. Use the medicine that harmonizes with her, which mildly but surely re moves impurities from the blood, which strenfrrn ens the feeble, and yet reduces those of ton full s habit to a heahhr standards Let m again a Uiat every department; ef th. manufacture- ot Brandreth' Pills is reonally inperintended by me, and that everjr',e with my three label np. on il may be relied Bpolf ;to hare) the beneficial effect described, if need according to the direc tions accompanying. ins nrrimi imo'iig. l, ... - - : t .. .,, m will rerj.1 B3- The above Pills arietta.!, by regular Awntaart--C.-iVH Fofe.lil . C, will mm. in every County of the State, and by WILL: 1'ECK, wholesale and retail Ageut, Kaleigh . Mrs, C, A. Lewis " a T"rt i i.. a , . ,f f (lantlenten with Board, the onsuing .,, ..jr ihe usual terms. Je'.upa, aligh. Dee. 9, 1845. 97-tlj I HAVE JUST 'received another most ..l, .assortment of WW PERFDIEET ind BRUSHES, ; Rou-wll's ana Lobin's Eirath for tL hv I chief. HW, prtmium Cologne n arTZl . nwwwii BUIHriOr f IU. U .. L PalmAlnmnd ,d Omnibus Soap, f0 Tk' Roussell's Guerlai,,'. Cream Ol. J?J ? '? " '. low Winder (eeriot,..,) '. Military ShaVn, (ake.for shaving; Cachoi, deAromatUe't.L.H' 1 uteorar,e,Uw,u a pleasant tasle in the mouth and ih. , i. . .. -f unnt feusivene.. in the breath produc-,1 by .mokin, L7 cine or otherwise ; Pomade Divine, for ch 'nnedh.n , and 1 : I'hilienm. n. u . . 11 " """"""IH any of. me, Indian Hair Dye. Balm of Columbia, (Jen,, ." vtc.sar.d Be.,-, oil. &c.i f. ,he Hai; lib . beautiful asso-tment of brushes, coniL 'f Broshrs!61"' Cl",, UUS'ing' l''im ,Dd ,,0llhinS If yon need any of the above article., cull ,nd,Ut, ply yours. If ut J Esf., I) s ur- R.leigh. Df'C. 4th.'lS45. D'Wi '1 cilow & corrrr Comniimion TIrrIinnts, ANO FORWARDING AGENTS. I! tiik town (ir rtirmxnuiic, vihui.m BJTAVE removed to lbs Urge and coinmodiou, Jija Store, nearly opposite to Friend's llie j the I'osl Office, and net lo West Hill VV r Hou,e . ' . ' .. . ' '"nwr, JUVlie 8 Hi t 'I'. iicy give prom tl anil Dermma aiteniinr. .. th. fcmna; ot Cotton. I obarcn, and all kind, of i I'md; if. and always intend obiainlnir'ilifi (,-, ket pricrs and Jjave ihe money ready, when Slej are made. They have now in Store th. f..n.,.. ... . ISO fMi.ki. alt, ' 75 Buss Ifio, Java .nd I.agui-a UidToe, in llhtls. f',.,t Kjco Sugar, 1 50 Bid. Maine Mercer Potatoes, SO " N. w York Aiji!e, 50 Boxes Cheese, 30 Keg G.Okhen Butter, 20 Chet various Teas, 10(1 Ilhla. Family and .Superfine Flour, 20 B .ties Adamantine Candles, 25 Sperm 20 Mould Pepper, Ginger. Starch, 8oaps, Wrapping Paper, Twine, 4c, c, c. WM. H. CROW, JAMES 1). 8COTT. -ovcniber I, 1R45. 87-!m FTKSfiOYSTEIIS & FISH, To the' Citizen f Ka!eisli and ?. t"Jtry fft-nt-i ally. I V ,'UCKIBKK, through Ihe me hum ol the I re,,. Legs leave very respectfully to render encouragement exiende.1 to htm il. hi. line of bu.i- ..e..a.c.ierer nt Vyter ail1 Fixh, heretofore "e? l,"vc to inform his cust .mers.th.l tiej has a;,,it, leaumed ihe businesn. ,n.l has located hit estaiuiHtimem in llie hutWing known as the Com, vytre, n. ar ine ujnt-wj the Standard," where no win i,e happy lo serve bis fmmcr Pations and oth ers, with Oysters, Fish, and such olh-r delicacies ai he may be ahle lo procure in the Norfolk market. OYSTERS, fresh and fine, will be re ceiv.d daily i banni! accidents upon hail Hod snd Steamboat. Also, FRESH FISH on Wedi.ei days and Fridays which may be relied on. I would in conclusion say to my patrons, that what ever I offer for vale, whether the applicatiun be maje in person or through servants, will be genuine. 1 would l-o add, that persona in attv of (he id- joining Counties, or all such place, as may be tr?cli. Mine lo send Uysier. wilh safely, will hsve their orders promptly and tuiihlully attend, d to. thev izivit j jtosiiive uirecuons as lo tne conveyance. JOHN WILSON. Raleish, Nov. 4. 87 lATt of Horth Carolina.--) Htr- 3 II AM COUNTY. Court of Pica, and tjuir ter Seaaiuna. November Term, 1 R45. Bedford Underwood, r. Jee Msrley. dmlnisttator of William Cnder.vooi!, dee'd.. and Thomas P. Henry and wife Khza. and Alfred, George, and El isaheih UndervvnOil, vv ho are defended by Iheir Ouurtliun, Je ,e Marlry. l'rtitinn fur Account and Settltmmt. t appearinir lo the satisfaction of the Coun. lhat Thomas P Henry nnd wife Eliza ate uon-ies'ilrnts of this Slate : It is therefore ordered thai puhlicttion be mnde in ihe Raleigh Kegister, for si weeks. ioii fyin Ihe said nnn-ieiden's lo he and appear at iba next Court i f Pleas and Quarter .e ssions lo be helJ for Chatham Counly, at Ihe Court Houee in f'iu' ro', on the second Monday in February ncil, then and there tt) shew cause, if ry ihry have, why tin petition of Ihe PlainiilT should not he graded o;ber W'e judgment yjro coiifctso will be entered agsiorl them. Witness. Nathan A. Stedman, rie'k cf said Comt, at Office, Ibe second Mondav in November, N. A. STEUVIAN, C C V. Tr. Ailv $5 62J. 91 CITY HOTEL, Adjoining the Conrt House Square, RALEIb'H, SOUTH fARCL.U THE liberal encouragement received by tin estahlishment during the last twelve nuiii'l", prompt. Mr. Livvrknck to lender her fiweere c know ledaemema to her friends and the public gene rally, for iheir past favors, and pleuV.es horn It tli' there shull be no diminution in her enerlmns lo piraM those' who may favor her wilh Iheir patronage. the al so promises that ihe acromraodalions nf the Hoiife. et pecially ihe Table, shall not be excelled by any in the City ; and the charges will be aa moderate .s n possibly he afforded. Traveller, and boarders will be accommodated Itf the day. week or month. An Ommbu will always be in attendnnce M convey Pansenger. and baggage, to and from Kail lioad Depot ' November 3, 1 84S. 87-owiL HARRIS' HOTEL, CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA, Inform hit old The Mubscriber ha. the pleasure to friends and customer., and the l'ui,,ic ''"j'tln'rsr he has recently purcltt.ed the large amu.. adjoining the North-west coiner of ihe Court Houss, in the Town of Concord snd has fined u op s fashionable snd comlorlsble style aa a HOU t'"' lacenjEQ.Iaiion of Ibe public. His h-use h.i been thiwoughly repaired hi io.w ere hub Conveniently srrsnssd, and hi. furniture is entirety new. His Hostler is net surpassed by sny in m Hiate. He flattsrs himself that from his leng ripen rnee in the business, he ia able to give saibfaetion u all who may favor him with a call. All I ak w fair trial. Call and judge for yourselves ' KIAH P. HAnl3- Vnneeia. N. V. Msy 19. 1845. TEACHER. - A OR DUATE of the University of New YsA wishes to obtain a .itnaiiow, either ss Tejj" a fnvato Family, or lo take charge of an cad"' in Nonh or South Carolina, or Virginia. Teaunw nisi, of tba m ist .atiafsctory characiet in all respsoj will he (u-iiisheil ttommunicalions sddtessea f" immediate altention November K 89ri of IB' dr. thi Si H tbt ba :U a. i'i .h, ' '". !-v4'