aa RALEIGH t REGISTER; 4 . v li ft , "Our' art A plait of fair delightful peace, Uiiaaip'd. by parti rage to live like brother.' FOR OOVCBBfORi WILLIAM A. GRAHAM. RALEIGH. N. C. Friday, January 23, 1816, looked thtra up jo a great -iron room. If farmer Wr Is ay he would not tnint hif neighbor, and M carry kit threat into elocution should gather togeth er th not of that neighbor and lock them trip, than i io farmer who know o little of financial matter aa not to mm through his delusion. Such a man will be reputed aa eraiy or idiotic. Yet the men at the head of government Can do the aame thing, and it paaaea for statesmaiu-hip. THE OREGON QUESTION. Oregon! Oregon! u at ill the engrossing theme of political speculation at Washington. The Whig seetn to be consolidating Tor action, and very clearly hold the balance of power. Ou the contrary, the Lo co Focoa are breaking into cliques, though they do not appear to foresee the' certainty of permanent die and allowed. Au account in favor of James Putlick. for IWk union. AH must perceive, however, that th chief , furnished, was presented, on which wan allowed rjl .'. leaders are no longer in harmony with each other. THE MAILS. W have had ue Mail from Ilia XrMh, since. Tues day morning last. Oa Tuesday, it coauwtuced raiu ing, aud freezing aa it fell, which has rendered loco motion sery precarioue, and almost put au end to travelling, in every direction' . CITV ELECTION. An Election was held in this City, on Monday last, for an I nWiidalit'of Police, and seven Oommisiouers, to aerv fur oue year via : Ton. Istihuamt: -..(,.,, H. liales. 1 53 "1 Scattering, EtaraaN Ward Commissioksrs: Wm. 1). Haywood, Johu llutchm, Henry J. Brown, Willie W. Johnson, MlllDLK WiUO 1 George W. Haywood,. Kabius J. Haywood, William Thompson, Edmund B. Freemen, John Primrone, Jamea Iitchford, WasTBK.i Wad: S. W. Whiting, William Ashley, C. W. D. Hutching, Albert B. Still) , 13 C5 Q 23 Ul 41) 45 43 39 27 2 26 21 18 11 THE SUB TREASURY. Thia odious tyatem, ao repeatedly reprobated by the people of the United State, was fully endorsed by the late Loco Feeo ConveBtioa, under the new name giv en to it by President Pot, ia : " the Constitutional Treasnry." We have not, as yet, beeu able to extort from the " Standard," nor did the Convention deign te enlighten the public, why the principle of the In- dependent Treasury is not as applicable to the States, as" to the Nation. Why the Revenue of the States should be paid in paper, while the debts of the Nation are collected in the Constitutional currency, is more than we can exactly comprehend. And, we predict, that if we have a Federal Sub Treasury, that the '' progressive democracy" will have Stale Sub Trea- auries also, if they can get iulo power. Are the Feo- ple of North Carolina prepared for this state of things, or, are they prepared for the Sub Treasury at all ? Let us look at this matter. The " Constitutional Trousury" consists or two foaturea: First, all the public dues are to be paid in Gold and Silver. Secoudly, the money, wlieu eo col lected, i to bo placed ill the custody aud safe-keeping of Oificer appuiutcd by the President, and remo vable at hia will. It trems to us only necessary to state ines previous, ,o receive me e.au..D.u ; f,ankill- prjvilege.aud hiisuid order, to enforce of every muu iaou of his rights, aud determined to - . 3 . ! the law ofl825, inflicting a fine of Sit) ou every . i abuse of the kind lie more that) insinuate that Ilia reveuue of the rederal Government must be - - ... , : Members ul Congress in Uiese matters ari no Asuitl. ul l:iut. In its m vriAithliir. which umv reach i " ! Knllar !l..,o l,u .di.oil.t hn nearly thirty millions of dollars. It is proposed that 1 this large amount ahull be paid ill Gold aud Silver, and nothing also. And, let us ask, whether thia can be dons without; great sacritice to the commerce and busiui-as of the country. The celebrated Specie Circular, which wrought audi disastrous consciuen ces, required Public Lands only to he paid for in Gold and Silver, and what was its edict upon that source of our Keveuue It reduced it fioin upwards of twenty millions in 183j-?JG' to leas thaai five" Willioii in 1837-38. The Sub Treasury system proposes to re-eaact, in effect, the odious .Specie Circular, and to extend ita obnoxious provisions. It requires all our public dues to be paid in hard money. Fellow-Citi-xeiia, ate you prepared for such a yslm 1 Our Coun ty and State tux is, comparatively, a small one ; but if our Legislature were to require it to be paid in Gold and Silver, we know you would with difficulty be pre- CORPORATION PROCEEDINGS. INirni,, I. .,..., 1 l-li: The Board met this day, pursuant to adjournment ,oion it. oalea, fcsq. Jntendant of IV , J. Havwoed. Jamea Litelifnni. Svlvii J . J Haywood, James Liichford, Sylvesler SlMil. f II- I I . . . . . . . ....., v.. . v. nmciniij,, John Hutehina, W. F. Collins, and Win U. HaVwood. Commisaioiier. ill '"' l' ,,'w"mI- floi the Committee ap- Treaaurer, pointed to audit and 8Pttle the nccoimU of Viw r ..... AVIIOLESALi; Hat and Cap ' Warehouse, JENNINGS & OQDEN, N. lod Watk'B SrasET, Nenv-Voi.K. Keponed that, thev hnve e tamineil the aame, and find that he lino received $3,C47 61, and that the diAnraemWHs have hu SiA i.Vi IK. fr JS:I.S A OMIYlE.'V, cinfitiue to maoula lure i.VF!j of evvrf loriptloa nnd ijMnlily,-embraciiiR All Ihr 1) fftrent Style) of fuMiunablc aim Urtad Hrim this. wW6h, suli-sractory vouchers have been produced, I " leaving a balauce uoiv in the liauds of the Treasurer j Fill!! ,ulrill, SUJICT WllitC HHlI BlilcS flrgsfl, S of $m 45. I per JJulcskin, Urab Beaver autl llusiia Hals, .... ,u. wl uuii .iicuaiip, ior uqc ) furnialied on the Street, for .i bH), km prosented 1 0"-Tlie Hon. Wsi. Tvlo, a Represetlative in Congress from the Rockbridge Dietriet of the State of fVirglnia, 1 died suddenly in the City of Washington, ou Saturday last. THE FRAN Kl Nil PKJVILEGp. The lat Master Cieueral suspect that Mem bers pf Congress, Clerks, &c, are abuaing the fyf- The benefin o( the Tantl'of 1842, the hleisings which u is llie direct means ol jliovveiing down upon the .industry and the lubor of ihe coiiniiy, ae weil uiuud up in the following extr.icl from tho Icu'Jiug allele in the American Review : Who. indeed, but a (nny-b'ilc ilicomi, can look arotind the country and fait to s, c, ili.tt all i well lhat lalyor meets with ready employment ami remu nerating waives fliat ai:rrciitiure, purfurii will, ilie skill and he diligence winch alone coiniiiniij suc cess in other purmits, i flonrinhin liatt the me cliMiiicul aru und nianuf,iciiiiuiy ni'ttiairy aie prosper ous and dial commerce, liic mir'ery of llie navy llie iinf-rover, ihe civilizer nixl rcliner of nuiions is nliroad on every sea, and only Hi.k al the iianiU of i;overriiiieu:, permanency in all legislation whiuli is io alfeel ii To llie eye of common sense, a nil of comprehensive painniisni, all is well in ihrse various pursuits yet the iilmiracuon ol iliconsis, alvvnys ilia mo ohslinaie und iuionicticalile ol men. and iIim i. vailed upou to submit to Ihe oppression of such a law. J nora, camor9 nf w,rd ,., ii,,K, nppenlin. io a And yet, if the principle be good in the one case, it is furtcicd shilibbleth ol party, me aiming io di.-mrb this if correct m relation to the """"um "" " " ") " "THE WOUNDED PIGEONS." , We wish for no better evideuee, than ia afforded by the laat "Standard," lhat the Loco Foco party has forouce, through ita leaders, involved itself in a di lemma, from which there is iiiMwcaJjW Public apin ion will, we are fully porauaded, in regard to the two political Conventions recently assembled here, survive all the attempts which are making to stifle it ; and that, measure of odium and reprobation, which is so justly deserved, will be awarded Io all concerned for the eutrageous abuse uttered against, aud tho unpro voked hisult offered to, the Whig Couveution by cer tain Lece Foco leadera. The " Standard" tardy mention, editorially, the indignity offored by Mr. Hxnbt to the Whigs. And why? Became he can not, dart not justify it. That must be a bad cause, itidsed, which the Editor of the " Standard" aban dons, and hie'silence establishes conclusively all that baa been said by the Whig Press. The " Standard is reluctantly forced to admit that the term " sheep-stealing dog" was applied by Mr. IIinbt te Daniel WcaarKa and other Whig leaders. This ia all that we asserted. We did not prelerid to report his Speech, and hence Ihe charge of tint " Standard," about " rui.-rrureientation," ta all fudge an a) tempt to throw dust into th eyes of "the masses" a favorite expression with him, by the bye. We are neither a prophet, or th son of a prophet, but we venture to predict, that this expression "sheep stealing dog," (most reluctantly admitted by the " Standard,") will yet " atink in the nostrils" of the Loco Poco party. They will wish before August, that they had been " convened and organized" any whr else, than iu the Capitol of the " Old North State," where th ei press ion was uttered. As regards the abuse of the " Standard" towards Ul personally, because we dare to tell the truth, " without fear aud without reproach," we " pans it by as the idle wind, which we regard not." . We think no more of say thing he can say, than we do of the rattling of th " caunister tied to the dog's tail." He may rail and rail abuse and call names we shall not imitate hia example, but shall, nevertheless, keep th people iufornnd of th " fantastic tricks," which the Loco Foco leaders may continue to play " before high Heaven." In the State of North Carolina, there are twenty on crimes puuishable with death. W find the above in au Exchange paper. Fal srxrr's exclamatiou -about a certain propeniUy of the world might be well repeated her ! It seems to us, that North Carolina is made a sort of scapo-goat for th sin of all other portions of the Uaiou. equally so in the other large amount of Revenue collected by th Federal Governmeut.il must be iu relation to the small amount, collected hy the States. By the law of 1816, all public dues are required to be paid iu Gold or Silver, or the Soles of Sjiecie-paij-uig Banks. Having tried this system and found it to work well, why give it up for another experiment up on the Currency, when all experiments hare so sig nally failed. Is the servant better than his master? Or, is the President 4ind his Officers entitled to be paid in better currency than that which is used by th people? And yet the system does provide Gold fr the Government, while it leaves the people to the use of paper-money. No one pretends that we can do without Bank-paper iu thia country. Such an idea would be absurd. We shall continue this subject hereafter, believing a we do, that it is fraught with momentous inlerost to the people of the State aud Union. Iu the mean time, we publish the following from the " New York Journal of Commerce," a paper, which though it strenuously supported Air. Polk, is now severely censuring the principles on which he was elected. Th Editor, in Bpeaking of Mr. I)iiom ooolc's Sub Tieasury bill, now before Congress, says " The w 'e measure evidently belongs to past ages. It is at: 'ed to the condition of society before Banks or paper moucy, or the great system of credits was introduced. It would cany us back to wheel barrows trundliug specie about town. Tim bill is a blot upon our statesmanship, and altogether behind the age. " li is moreover,-a Bill wnicn wm never ge into op eration according to its theory. Congress may pass it forty limes, and annex what penalties they will thev cannot introduce such a uionslrwily into New York aa the payment into and out of a Sub Treasury, of a hundred thousand dollars a day in coin ; nor will the public endure so injurious an agitation of the mo ney market as would result from the keeping of bal ances locked up iu an iron-chest. A real enforce ment of Ih bill would, in our judgment, overthrow any administration, however papular before. The money must and will and ought to be iu the Batiks. By the facility of checks aud Bank notes, the whole business of this great city, is transacted with very which, abandoning the crtre of our own labor, and prelernug, by ileli Wrate avowal, 'lie woik-iops ol Mauuherer io those ut Lowell, would open our ports totho unchecked competition ol awoild, winch eliui its pons against competition Iron) tho products of our kill and industry ' Ttiete can he no error iu assuming, lhat the Whigs in united phalunx (roni North to Sou'li will be loiind in opposition to experimental philosophy tuch us thi, end will resist lo the utmost every etTort to bienk down ihe legislation which scaiteit blessings und abundance llirolili this land. Jn account in favur ol Dihvortn Sled., lor for repairs en Grave Yard feurc wus allowed. Mr. Collins, from the Committee, to whom was rs ferred the application of Thomas Y Deverenx, Esq. iu relation to his eneloMitei , th (Jrave Yard,' re ported, that they Imil not been able to discover any difference in the situation uf Mr Uevrreux and ether non-residents of the City , who had enclosed ground iu tho Grave Y.ardand recommend lhat ho be required to pay tlijsme price. Concurred in. On m'oiion of .Mr. !Sjlveter Smith, it was ordered that the names of persons signing rec .mniendatin.s to the County Court of Wake, as suitable p--ons to retail spirituous Liquors,, be pub.iohed with tho other proceeding! of the iioaid Petitions were then presented fro u the folimmu perrons for recommendations to Ihe Count y Court ot Wak, as suitable per.sous to retail Spirituous Liquor , which wert severnliy rctlLsnd laid on the table, vix : 'I Ui pet i 'ion ofj II. Bunch, recommended by Jno O'lforke, W in. H. Walton, and Charles tlorlun. The petition IlenderHoii Smith, recoumieuJtil by Witlij Scott, and James Edwards. 'I he petitiou of Jamea I). Kuyslur, recommended by II. llud.on, John K. W'dhams and Johu Buliuloo Ihe petition of Selh Taylor, recommended by A. B. StitJi, II. Smiih and J. fl. Cocke. The petition of Kamoin Johuaou, recommended by John Bufl'aloo and Caleb Malouo. On motion of .Mr. Smith, the petitions Inch were laid ou Ihe table at the last meeting ol the Board, were severa;ly called up, and laid un the, table : The pet. lain of Al vie Sorrcli, recommended hy Jim Creech, W. A. A. Stiih and John llu.!ul"m.. The peiitiini of J J. Byals,' recommended by R. Smilh ami John Hntfaloe. The peti'ion of Tvrivil Gill. recoiim,ul,.,l l.v I,,,-, Bufl'ttloe, II. Hudson, 11. Fiauknu, N. L. Suih and A. B.,Stith There being no oilier hmincs, the Hoard adjouni-eJ- V.M. Wliri'l', Cictk. V nil many other descr:piiotis too numerous to niciitiou. .Vlerrbaiils who are desirone of procuring a Scat anil TjIi Article for their Kelail i'rade, can h ive their wants supplied by muku.n applnaiion to J ij (J. And whilo ve oiler such inducements to Fa-hiomiLle liiMailers, we would way to the V iiolesale Buyer and Cotinlry Merchant, that our fiotk un limrd ami con stantly manutaeturin coinprifcs every thiitu muted to your wants. iS.t'i' here can he found both the Lowest Quality to the Kines.t, whuh are oli'etml on ibu .TIocl ,i.ii;t!)U' 'JTf WILLIAM JUNMNU!, ELIAS 11. OGUEN. New V , .l.in. ISIII. 7 Ihn (iardeu and Flower Seeds, liA LL. 'hi il;iy M'Ct lvil l Bi'i'i y of GARDEN AND FLOMli SEEB3, ni.u..,. u, i. tines can t,e ilt-irrnit- I npuri. m lo be ol ttio yrnwih ol 111 i ner.un a lew i;l the virietie.i. A inuie ll"-l"' :n be louinl al toy t Oiillltr: .1 S.N MS... f.'.;lr'y s:- Weeks, KiulyMo oly V.ib-in.n,-,-K,i,lv I iioosoiul lot lite, I.' . I L'. . , r .... I-.. ... m i, r lencii, i.ni ,;e ii iuie i,,ma. I 1 i. t-h ,.1. .....Ita ; BEANS :o. j batik, K It .0 k I nmpi. (i. K,.,l n one Dutch t'oso -lon-e. UF K I S I.oiik a'lil i'nini Mtooil, Krencb Sc BHUCttl.l-l.ar-.e r'mpli- f,,,,,, Ka.ly' ',pe 1. AtiUAl,!-. l".arly oik, I'.aily Snnr lout, Larly I jieari-t unpen, r.aity Baucmni, r.i.ily in r:jo Ymk, Liire Into Union, end, laii;" hue i i,u lt.uieiH,u, l.lre Ijtc Uerctt. lui'e I'ape Saioy, lare tiieen (Jlobe Savoy, Jryo i'ellow Savoy, Uoyu DiuMi, CAUI.in.OU KK Karly and hits. CKl.KKY-Wmto tol.il C I.K'IW I! K K Ktnly cluster, earl fiame, lon (jrern 'I nrkey. L,K I ri'l.'i' Larjje lazy, rcynl cabbse, ice or lmsj, Diiim I eail. M K l.O.N lloini finite, initiin'::, coron. MCSTARI'-Wbue mi.1 1.1 .. 1.. OMON-..s,nTr -k , . , , UK;r Yankee. iriy W aili ini.in . tvi rl v tr.i me Cedo .N ulli, tall ,M ai row I.H, ,'i.rly Clnrl tull Siifjur or Progressive Rascality The fellow John Bullock, lately arrested in Salisbury for abduct ing the eon of a poor blind negro, is no stranger in thcao parts. Soma time last summer lie put up at Mrs. Motz'?, in this town, from whoco ho tel he atole hia own trunk, and then raised a hue and cry that he was robbed ; ho was liberal enough, however, to drnp the matter i consider ation of $'20 in hand paid, with Inn tavern bill ; he then took etage to Ashville. At that place, the mountain air beinj; rather cool, Mr. Bullock aaw fit ti replenish hia wardrobe out of the col leclion of one of his fellow boarders, for which ho paid his ajot at the whipping pbt. Lincoln Courier. ORIGIN OF THE TERM WHIG. The earn Whig, made its appearance in North Carolina, when power first bejiu te encroach ou the rights of the people. It made its appearance iu Eug laud, whoa the Kingly power sought to destroy eve ry vestige of human liberty. It made its appearance in the thirteen Colouiea, when the British Crown at tempted to fasten corda of slavery on the people, and compel obedieuce to the dictation of a single man! I the name then, a reproach? Thn do all the Pa triots who have stood up for the rights of the people, ia opposition te tyranny, aide the foundation of the world, bear the stain or they are all Whigs. The name implies opposition lo misused power, aud we glo ry, a dees every true Whig, in the name. THE NAVY OP THE UNITED STATES; The aabet elaa pf vessels in the Naval ser e o. the la day of OctoUf iut, i. it.t.d by th. Secretary aa follow: In cent's. ! eni'v. Ship; of the liue, 4 Frigate, Sloops of War, Brifs, -Seheeaer, Steamers, t, fcore SSilju, , 7 15 5 5 6 ' 4 46 St 4 S 1 t 3 I 15 BuiliTg. 5 ' , a :...) . 0 o 2 1? Total. M . 14 SO C a - 5 75. little lubor. Hundreds of millions are settled without the payment of any thmg iu specie, except change. Yet every tratnaction is for specie, and every check and bank note is payable iu coin. When coin is wanted, it is drawn. When paper is more conveui eut, it is taken. The government receives and dis burses twenty live millions of dollars annually. As the business ia now done, every transaction is for specie. Th importer pays his bonds in bank notes or gives his check ou the bank. These are payable n coin ; but the government has no use for coin in ordinary business. It might demand specie for every bank note and check. But its owu creditors do not want it. Ihe government therefore acts like au iu dividual. It places all its notes and checks in a bank daily, aud draws its own checks for the various sums it ha to pay. By this simple process the vast labor and hazatil of counting and moving specie are avoid ed, and yef every transaction is or coin. After peo ple have eipenenced the facility of doing btisinena in 'his way, they cannot be driveu back to the actual counting and moving of specie, except when specie is wauling. The derangement of the currency made under the theory of this bill, carried out, would b oppressive. Our banks have now perhaps eight millions of specie, They do not think it safe lo run lower. The gor rument has perhaps balances of three millions lo its credit here. To remove that in coin, and look it up, would compel the bank to make such a contraction aa could not be endured. Soon perhaps the govern ment has large payment to make. Ita specie is dis bursed and returns promptly lo the hanks. Again iu receipt are larger than its payments aud three or five million are again drawn from the banks. All this agitation would lake place when no real change had come over the money market. Such useless mis chief could not be continued. The system uow op erating, perpetuates steadinevs. Balance not want ed, lie iu th banks as deposits. If one man draws eut, it ia by hia check, which ia passed to the credit of the holder on the book of the bank. It is by the transfer on bank ledger, that uiue-teuths of the payments are made. The actual money ia not touched ; for every man prefers a credit ou a bank ledger "to specie. The government on this plan may have a million or five millions or nothing at all to its credit. If it draws out ita whole amount deposited, it is only to pay to its various citizen aud Una being accomplished by transfers on th ledger, the money market ia not agitated. But to chaujre millions into actual coin, would make perpetual agitation. Un der the old sub-treasury bill, the effort te create pay ment in coin, in violation of Ihe convenience aud in tereat of the people, was abandoned at once. The eublerluge el getting checka, endorsed " payable ia specie," was resorted to, though, the checka were do more payable ia it after the endorsement than before. Bank notes were also locked up. and a pretence made of separating the Slate from the banks, though, iu fact the money was all iu the hank, and the actual uuioo of the State with the Banks was not lu the leaat abated, and it never can.be. The government would not trust the banks, o it got bk notes and. Most M f.lanciiolt Accident.--We under stand that a little son, ome 10 or 12 years of age, of the late jlf :rha'.l Ildke, Esq , of Lincolnton, "was shot on" SaturtJay evening last and died instantly. Himself and another boy, about the na me age, were pointing their guns at each oilinr, in sport, when accidentally the gun of young Fulcnwider, which ib the name oftlio other boy, was discharg ed. This accident is more truly deplorable, ow ing lo Ihe fact that Mrs. link" has been in a very critical alate of health, since t ho tkaih of her hus band. RulherforJlnn Republican. Sad Accident. A li'tle negro boy belonging to S- O. Hamilton of this place, was killed a few days ago, by a cart loaded with pine turning over andcruahinj him beneath it. Ibio'. LOCO FOCO NOMINEE. Th? Loco Fuco Coitvoulion came oiTon the S:h inetatr. We have not received any account of their proceedings; but private information hj been received which stalos liiat (jreen W. Cald well, Esq, of this town received the nomination unanimously, Mr. Kishor having by letter positiv ely declined accepting. This has taken us all by surprise, and we doubt very niiit'h ivliollicr the gentleman nominated wag not as murh surpris ed aa the rest of us. lie may say, and well s.iy, "deliver me from my friends," for Ihe opinion soerns to be general that he had no aspiration? in that way. We opine that this notnmalior. Im been brought about by some rerijkinj friend who has hie eye upon the superintendent's post, and supposing lhat there was no other way to displace him, set the wires to work to have this nomina tion made, which places tho superintendent in quite a d. lemma ; and we must aay lhat hia situ ation ia any thing but a comfortable one, for if he declines lu accept, tlioee who are no doubt fish ing for hia office will charge bun with a want of palnoiirin, citing JuuVe banders as an example, in not leading his parly to tho vutory they are so confident of achieving, and the attempt lo remove him will no doubt be successfully made ; ami should he accept ho will have to give up an office yielding a good salary without much egpeneo, fur one, should he be successful, yielding a salary that would not more than cover hia expenditures. But this ia no affair of ours, we therefore leave it to be settled betweeu the nominee and his par ly. Charlotte Journal. .On the Tlh iust., at his lesiJeiiee iu Cleaveland County, Ceoige CahaiiM, lj. , il. both yearoi his age. The deceased w is bcin in , mIo ws'v t onut v, Vu., September lot I,, ITtrl, and came io Noith olma in lfcSU:i. It would seem that be was supeiiiiil urally convinced of his approaclim;; dissolution for on Ihe day of his- death, tliouKh complaining but hi ll", and attending to Ins business usual, he sent for one of his neighbors to write bis w ,11, ami in le.-s than three hour after siiiiii; the nsme, be died, nut ha ving taken his bed mote Uisn minutes before ihe departure of thai priuci, le "I vitality h Iik m had ke;. -cimii activity ins man who by bis co.uuel aim conversation, in all the social relation, of Ills, proved to all who knew him, Hint " An honest man's the noblest work of Cod." And from ihe course be hud taken in the last few months of his hie, we fondly hope that Ins soul bud been sauctiied by Ihe ollire work of the Holy Spirit, and fitted for its everlasting abode with "Cod, who gave it. OLD P RINCIPE SE GARS, OK tho Steamboat brand, for snle al 1'. 1''. PKSCUD'S .Ian 21, ima 7 fjr- Siarula rd ropv. l'l'..H-F.: inn, em ly Salad. i l'KIM'KK-Ox beau, Cayenne, j TO M A I'U l.iniic n il Al-o. nearly every vailrly of K-pliint, liidisn Coin, Kdle, NjbIui linm . tlkia, l'ai-ley, I'.usoip, I in ii 1. ii i , li .1, ' Is li , b piling,', N.junsti, and S ds.ly srfil-. lUtiO 1'U'1-1 Ol i'lV'r '4!, ol pen,-- too lain as lo , ! iili -onl o vshali ae -'"-1 d I'll id urn i . , . s I appa.v, , vn.iene., w liirlsio and a-aiHnl al I loo 1 dl.ti . K I'I'.,S.'IT) Drovji-.. K pill op in a he.it Is J'. Jan 21, VMUi il y Standard pi 0 I'KOI'OSALS For Piitiliiiiiiii; in tlit'Tn-.Tii of tt'ilmiiifton.S.r. A TKI-WEK.KLY V.Wm, To si! r.n rt i i.p.n THE COMMERCIAL. rpiU-: SI'ltSCRIIlKHH, urjjetl by tho enroiir- 1 nyeineut held nut lo thorn bv many of the "PRUDENT. FIEUY AND BOLD." Among the qualifications of Mr. Caldwell, as enumerated by the Standard, are those expressed in the words which head this article. Ihe l'ulk ilei have peculiar knac of compounding op positea, and thia ia a rare instance of it. We may expect to hear next, that some of the unterrified are mild, eavngf, and bland or, aolemn grave and comical. Independent. A Teacher Wanted, MAN qualified lo leach the English, Latin and Greek I.angua:. is win ted immediately, to take chsrge of a ainaH School, eight miles south ot Kaleigb. One of some exerwnee wtxild be preferred. Testimonials of character, and qualification, wilt be retired. WtLI.fo WHITaKEU, ADAM 0. DANK Wake Ceanty, Ja )V U, 7ww Dli'I'.CT FROM PHILADELPHIA; Each p -m heart the lahtl ai.d vnrranty of IfWtt I.AH drj;tj!. l'oa salk sv HENRY D. TURNER, i:l t!:c !?. C. Book-Store, JUIeiirh. CCf Extrnrt bom the" Id.I'OiiT" of the " VISIT- IXi I '( Ml VI I I I E K of the P E N ! Mi l, V A M 1 A HO.UTU;i;i,TL'KAI,(Jt:lE I'V;" umtinmouthj adnplcif, and ordered lo be printed. iirt'jri t( and arrU-a. " TIicj.t extensive prnun Is are on Federal st'rrt. near too Arsenal. - - - - j ne carl est col e, (ion of Camellias wis made hero, w .mo of th s,- n,,w in the possession ol those dis'inp'ii.lo d nursery men. are ten teet high. j,h,! selection f 0HKF.tr nous,. ptiK-rs is valuable and exlru-ivc. ; In the Ki'BSKitiKS wc sew a great miny. M i.j. nolias, i f which there are no less thin thirteen 1 1 1 tot species and Ihrce varlctie-. line plaid of the M. frrandili ira is UO feet high and in full bloo.u Here are likewiio the M. cordata 50 foet lush ; a beautiful M. eliptica iu dower, and a niuiiihc. iii specimen, 18 (eel hih, of the M. consp cun ; the curious Osage Oraum1, Unit retains its lucid foliage Linger tha'i anv other deciduous tree. "Tho MWKIsHSf; 'e all very eirrfctly managed, supplying every part of the union ; th tut of which would occupy too much of our space ; we therefore content ottitcivt with string that the stock is very large, and in every stae ol gro,vth, consis ting of Forest mid Ornaincntul Tito, Shrubs,1 Iiv;rgv'Mi, Vine. :trt llh s collection of herbaceous plant..; E'ltlfJfT TKtillS of the best kind, and mint litu,ll,i con dition ; tuge beds nf seediing apples, pears, piums, Vc.. as sleeks for Imdiims and grailuu , u plan vin superior to lhat nf working upon tucki.rs, v. h'ch carry with -them in'o the graft a'l the diseases ,, a,r, parent tock entcrprtsitiff and business nifii of the town, ami c vinced that such an i-stabli.-limvnt is leijiii.ril hy lite increaiiiig trade and gnovtog inip.irlanre.il Wilming ton, respectfully submit llue pinpoints lo the consid eration of the tuinrriiiiii'y in this place and the riri;,l borii L' country. One uf the primary ol ji c is . f ''u Com m r lo i ir., will be li gtveeaily and eortrrl (.'oiiiuir rci.il and VI s. rtno inli lligence , llln siule of Ihe Markets hers, in the dtll'erent parts ol the lioion, ami iu forei(;n rutin- irics, with which our people ha'e iritereoiir-e. Foreign iic, domestic incidents, and polities! errntB, will receive proper attention, and erry sHorl will be .rude I" ri ruler Ths CoMntaciiL interesting to all cla. - OS ot rr aders. The siil.sciil.ers do not thick it proper to enlarge their piniut,es in a l'tosiertu-. 'fbey hope (heir prop. sdton will be met by the genr rom confidence (it the ciimniiindy. which ih.y w.ll sidulniulv aim to deserve, by strict otter, I inn In business and the fnlh ful pe.rtnrmance of all thr duties ciniicited with thru establish merit. So far as the Kditots tn iv discuss political Inpics, the character of this paper will be decidedly Whig, and appeals will I C made to the judgment nil. I pain otisin ol ihe peoib , in support ot 'he 'farttf ai.d otlie r g.eai meauics ni itie pariy. so r.ccesniry to trie ga.ry of tho country and the prosperity and ha;. pines, of I the people, Thk Comm fiici a i, wid be issued on Tue.'ibiii I -ci . ..... .- . . . iuurtany, ami caiaraay, ol earn wees, on Kny.d ir,. ma,ri,, l..,,! Mii'i-t, at the uiodi iatc puce of .') per annum, paya- I iic.e r,,l si , 1 1 I ,,f th, ,., ble. in all cases, on receipt -Th t ( 'um m i.ar M r. tv i 1 I ! treat pmn and erj,ci,sr, and even fife perbep. by ! llie Irke, the subscriber propowa, ths't any on cboo--I sing- lo avail themselves of Post Office facilities, may send a paid letter, enclosing, say a qoa'iler eagle, or equivalent, (as remuneration fr trouV.le merely,) with a description of his dr-onler, and' be engages, that if not answered with iimple, safe aud appro priate remedy, the money, un assurance or proof thereof, will he returned. In particular, prescription lor Liver Cumpla nh, Dropn, Cancer anl SoM ffreutti, have been thus givu, and speedy anl com plete fines ensued". Moreover, ihe subscriber is c instrainetl here ! a'llle, that whatever lie the reception of tlui medical announce rticid, (cnlculated lor general aV "'ll si particular benefii,) by ihe half learned, prejudiced, and illiberally selfish, and theiefore really quack d - c lors oi either sy t. in of medical practice it is reliev ed, that the really tecifiil and scientific of both systems-wiil dotibtlf's consitlen him a well e ititls-l aa themseliu a to respeet in li s peculiarity of pract.rS And ho believes lhat, as lor a number of yea. a 're i nde.ivornj to benefit tho pub, is, -with little or no cuniaiy reaid in one pioiission, or as a clergj in'i' , so the really candid ami tide rtt will be gtaiilii'l to hatu. that in ain,t!,iir pr.,1, s. ion. lie fe'lifes dtiH 'pitionagc und c.Tttip. nsaium . And he further be hoes, tint (be mo i worth ,- and public spirited (not the ii.'ro aud prifiliinnlly hanilmgid.) of tho Community, will al-o le pleased, that now the si cu'li'.l ri (!iui realty rr.v old as herbs and plants and iheir :tntiiur use in !l,e hutting art.) teg-i lable y tern, can b: resorted to by all, as adnunisteri d by ono at ieasl, hjni" (Jie proper requisites nf leaning ami eipe.ienctv ()r llit, no longer wnhoiit shy eornpe cuoii, all shall he n t:c ,ss.t it i i.t confined to the dun ge.r of ctrsiriictivc inaektr f, and oltca exorbitant cbarg.'s nf tUt old sys.em. Ami m-i to education. . tho sub:'ciiJer kos fpent Ihinmnntls fat the htmdrrrft spent hy some half learned epeiinirnti!rs on human vitahs, who, instead of n mnrfrr.ir prolit on thcr nntlny. a in other hu siru' s of Irfii, demand ihiir ihtitiiitmd per cenlage, and group it too, when opportunity is givort them, bt rJ1) the nursrs as well aa rein of their pa'fiinis t or. wlieu ihey rim laHa r. dend net upon human' tifit an. t tirriinnad, trocugli kn .ckmi! ami keeping down all c-mtpetition, in like ni .nncr as some snli Arneri- can tillirs agamt a i.i. prunirtive tariffs, would do I stioy tho restntiees of our country, and her dear-' j botihi libinins, by rointtrj; her inanulactor,it's. am I trade cotnpeiihoii with other nations, slid thus msk' in her sueiumb to llu ui. J And aa Ihe subscriber is aware that some of Ibu I most unworllij of men would iiijuie Ins sianding ami I influence hy unworthy il'it-, sn.-n as ' old I Ms" j and " Uncle thai," (suns il.sir other modes of at tack h.ileil ol intended elfi. t, ) he would not.ly surl I siniiter-ciiiiided chararteis, lhat he will not heed in any way iheir disiespeeifuf ippeUaiions, nor ifieir spoken or wiitten loin-lli til ridicule. Hut while care ful to address rfs-pectludy till in llie comtnuiiiiv. soil by iheir proper liti:x. ho experts the smie. grulle munly, f.'hristian Courtesv o others, and will ireal clawuish um.l evident!' desi tned diarpsprctfnl m. nijlitvtrs with the conn-nipt and tiller disregard rrirrlted by the hiill'.ion-hki' persons using tliein lhrou(h pro-h-ssionsl p'.iloitsy : ii.l iinli-rrpnlilictin fircjudices -Tits imniiunceil title of Onrtnr may now save such ihe trouble of ii'fcitliiuT, a'.d Ul manners, of usirfg mlmtiiticrx. fs.ime mintreanl.1, not worthy o he identified with eilher political fw't y of our country, called the great and good (,'enernl Harrison, old granny, A'c. dee,, in order lo destroy his rightful it lluenrs. And siifti such tlrtnikr i iharacten, ar d their sill ilmics of quack doi-lors and hipnerilical religionists, still uian test spite ami mntice lor having been justly and .publicly exposed hv the subscriber, lor their said vi liipefain.il of ihe (ieneral, and their denunciations of the so-called "great politic u I debauch of hard ci rirr,"iVc in the campaign ol IB. 10. Home justly denominated hypocritical, rancorous, riper and .vrryiciMike characters of old, called til greatest pattern and emtnplar -of Christian morals hun.ie.if, - ii ii'inr bibbrr" tor malitnu nnd partoSiius ol a mn.il excellent vrgrtnltle medicine, and occasion I at beverage. And tl.ey also donoum ed htm a " ftl- Inn" lor performing cfi'np and wonderful euro on the human system. And ihe imminent danger lo nur rouritrv, of modern ro.vrvy nrH nulgnrttf abu sive political fntnt'iugg'rs. a welt a ot half Jtngetf schol ars, ir the rhspn uf ja.'inr pntef quack dortofs. may be inferred irnm the far r, th .ii some ancientimes actually brought nbnnt Ibe rrmi if Iheir cotmlrt, under the speciau, pren nee of naring it from fi'iiinsrt power, through Ihe tnj'irt and cruel crurifm.,n of ihe ureal Hcerlenner of mankind fitch like modern wirked wretches nre tille.l with spna ami malice sgniusi all viituotis el imples, for reproving iheir own morals by funrat!,, nnrl dirrefrire, instead" of enn s idering " ri himint man Ihe nol;l,il work nf Cud,'' they ib em nothing so tkn ruble. a le drslroy, ilirnughi most dishonorable and dutciiiluo meani, the iumi enre, and even rbaraciers, il not lives of ihe most virtuous in I hnsliaii inmmtinilirs, who seem It stand in the way of their pri Jit or )jit eminence. Unl some sapid) writers ol tho small fry of ilia ha 'f learned nnrieral (jusrk do. tors, (no rellection up n uriv half le.irncil, mil n-l having lha sell run ceit and low envy ol some s.n h ;.g nnsl the hberaliy diiciiied,; a e foil. I of exj.a't.ilii un the vin ding of i.ii. 0, and other Ihe r so .-a led vegiti.br quark nostrums, robbing the widow ami the lathi-rle-r ; vi Inle, thrnwlies. by ll'eir iiri'imni? blefdinu, (blood r now by ihe most cin 'r.il fnciidy, nml rife (villi n tne n si nnrnn, r. rril qll!ir.s rr.o.tl;. ,) and gi e nmini a uriunijr rneartlin 1 . l. , . b.-nsr i' lor ndierlieirig, on account ul the frequency of Us pnblica:ion, and will be nistle as ec uiomicul to the ndvertisi r, as a reasonable, support for the publishers will possibly adin t. J'lin fnsi,imrnber will be is'ind on tile liurd dsy of March ncjt, being ihe fust 'I'msdiv in lhat niont'i. w i i,M x i ' rni.(';i;ii, .1. VVIIITAKEU. Wilmingii.n, January 16. IS.Jf',. fl A CERTAIN SEDiri!. !'R.U:T!n: A'.'ifif.CE!), And tons friii:io'n. nllraiini.. .('posrd. to Tin: AXDtz ts :i;iAc . V"' Hulwcriher, jean since, obtained a I'nitral (Stales piitcnl lor practising .Medicine. And now, after a mislariuiy tnal, in Ins hiinily and . Ie hi re, he amiootirfs is willitigrirss lo serie tne poll lu: under tho pecodar auspices "I lbs 'I'liomp-Oi inn or ic;i-ial.,e sslfiu. Hut he b, leave to stain. s lo Ins pret, iisioi.s generally, that ne has not i nly a Collegia te education, tas his degree of A. M. Can ! prove ; but bus read, and siudied ths usual routine. l tne minri nl inificn;."s in snrh y us no heller I, .an puis no, in tbetr hai.'ds not only make wulotts and f,tl:rless chiMnn but rub them after ificy n.f made. And yet th. y would per. made the ilicrmd rel.nuei nf iheir lietiiriV, Ihuf. nil ii right on their part, but thai sub- vegetab' i rn'i.eil rs a.e ri( uirr,,o. And as strll further evi- cen.e uf their inlroiine-H in the n-t of deceplinn, for ' filthy lucre1 sake." rn oiy sre imlurrd to enlerlain ihe nont umigiilfuu- indjin'rit of perra led appear nnre merely, cm mam, .4 frotn said prufcssior.nl jej. ony and therefore 1.. uliribine the many liialhi tm- irr tlui mine: a 1 1 n r'l 1 nut sr lenufic) prart'rr, to lis' prnyulrnrr of (l.al 01 ly ; but ihr ci.-.apa'alive few iiridir (he v'g'iulile ry Win, entirely lo the peculate liealnir,, of ih.it pr,u 1 ce , or, as often held forth iy eucli di'-eivers and then dupes, all deaths under the latter 1 ra. tire uie no brller limn murder. O! ho long will any be h o.'wuikcd hy sut h nb. rtrd. unjust prfjoil.rfs; and such nvo, as corirell (lie lurk ing danger ol the ruin r I 11, sir property and life ! ! Moreover, the u!'i iib, r is 1 onecious of no motives hul those of sell ih fence and pub ic'pood, 111 il.e shove incidental strictures on real iui etrry and lit nio-t imwori'liv means of (tnnrorontd aiiai k upon himself. And. as no profession o.rtv or r, raise. watiKv e'ss,! iho niintint Mslcm aH wc I as atlen.hd a course. 1 .,( ...,.,!. u,. ,n.'.,t ili.n,r ...t. .. :.i, , ol Lectures perti.ining tbereto. Unt. under all rou- viduals only, or iho,e e..ns-rous nf !md mnftves, un , Hderattons, It- decline, ihe responsibility using j,,Bl quahticatic-ns, professionally, ihem-etve, will Ueiluinel, or other minerals, or the Lintel. Vel, let 11 , impugn his for tins, er feel Ihi mscjves aggrieved. - here bo lbs. i.rtlv lllub rsln d tho, na 11,1 b,,r..l.,, ,.!. t. .1 .1 c .. ., ... r.u- is . i.i' 1 . . J ' , 11 any cusses 01 11 c most unwortnv in iteiiutiti- ...i..k ..w.ui, ! iiowrver anowr, .o ue oucii jaiui in politiej, or religious ultra humhiii'rr. r or our da. ellcci.) ho merely means, that he would not have whose eoor e of most !nh horaVe fraB.I.' low tnrt any come to him, who choose, ihe atnrcsairl mi diral I and eoar c!y vulgar, spiteful slangs, against all etcrl- pracuee. r or, m common with lira. I hompson, j h ru or of rgood ri.jH.rt, thereby to deceive the igii"- niu ivi,,iini, am, n mav ue suueil manv country from ince grounds, and may slwsys he de peuded upon. I be s tr,n i.t a li su m k-. r ol these Hoa riccLTi sisTS is one uf flit most extensive; in the Union, and its reputation is well sustained Iroin year lo j far. . i o obviate the chanee of minture of the farina of l, nl.ttl. nl lha. mtw. l.m.u ,h. i.a.,m ,-l.,:..i. ..1 ., ... . , ....... ...... j , ,j .,. r.is.uisin-u , inrir ineory arm urnctice auer candl I eiaminaiion snollier nnisery, at a suit aide disisnce, so thai de- I be deems the veaetable medicines in lieu thrrent . rant and un w'arv. not nnlv lend to muke M nirue il- of ihe m.t eintneni of tho mineral faculty, adopting j telf ashamed," and lo countenance: and exalt .ice, lUl unchecked by n pohfic eipnsnre, ftich a by generation cannot lake place, and which secure to the purchaser ' a genuine article " Knowing ihtll Hd worlh all olher medicine, bv most eminent Physi the age, quality and process of culture ol everv idanl Ihe supply from their grounds is recommended with great confidence " tJbiice the date of the IfupogV" from which the alxnre is abslracted, ih ay rias are. slishm ut his been obsitlt KXLiaokV. The Col eclioo of Camellias euih ace all tbe finer kinds, and consists of some thousand of various sizes ; so likewise of Koss . and other desirable plants, both tender and hardy Fiuit Tree, etc. The Bsse Giants, lone, coftt fifty acres, and the whole ie, a it ha been for more than Nat. a csKTUar, tinder the successful oiansgernent of fattier and on, the xot rttonutir is AMKIIKJA. (rj Order, received by H D. TI KNEK, at ihe North Caroline Book H,or fium whom dialogues may be obtained, gratis. jw,;t4. , 1 1 ., t 'ts, 1V0. 8, te., 4c. not omitting Wine, (m-rnunt- clans.) as far mare safe and efficacious, as well as ccoimiucei. and therefore ad , pted to alt classes of a republican community of etpial rights, privileges and interests, wii bout surt pecuniary oppression at ruin any. rur us is peculiar lo tne tegelaOle ,y our prrrsf a psiioltunis of prite irrtue and ns tionsl salety. Would destroy the bell intere! and Mood-bought liberties of our State and country s WaiHi vhto's, ihe father of our polilisal happiness, being honself ihe judge of this position, in leacbing that " Moralil y snJ helianiu" are the only perptiuul safe-guards -i our republic. but how, let it be arked, are virtue and religion to lem, the chrg ar but half ihe usual .,f the nuns j be perpeloeted, if ib most viriuou and really unof- ral And not excep'ed in ihis moderate scale nf compensation i Dentistry, so (ar as entracling. filing and cleaning teeth which i done by the subscriber as skilfully as by any, with the besl of instruments, procured for him by a trfo.t emrn nl Drnlisl. rid ss s further peculiarity lo self in pvticula", the snbcribf, for reason, toj ledtons I i name, dews not choose 10 bind him-elf to attend p ili.-uis at night, n .t in the Hai, wlint thinliii.g best ro mrtre'y p.rcrib sml furnish the appropriate rentedi- for applicants present or slswni. A ml as. having Ueu eseen'iillv esijsStieJ b:oaaf, a w., uann lending in llie community, must has their respect arid good name destroyed by live' unresisted false is sue and vih aiacriion of the moil conopt and wicked f in fin, under a'l fOTssideration, the subscriber hopes he is as rightfully entitled as liny, to the appel lation here appended to his natrre, ami then-fare hit 1 most reapectfvlly, ihe public's humble servant, flDhNEY TEM,E), M. &. Drinkley ville, 11,1 lai. Ja:.ui'y It. ISs'i' i . -,-U