-,N. - : .. t onnrn. 1 1 i I m i i n TTTTT rTTT11TT7Trnr 'TTT" . T"TT n TT' -TTNI jfNi T-rrr-r T-rr JTi - w ii ji i v ? yu f v j ; n b i Ann II I ' 1 II I I jtj . I V V ' I II rl HI III II 1 I I JE'll I I 1 11 II. Ill -M'l.n 1 I tf I A I B I t II ' I (! . . JJLIiUi VU JJJJLLdJJUIJi JL UUimJiJU uw Mtl iiUU WW R WMDa L jjjjj'j, StaJVtlm IKIII.IJI Mfrcy, ,mm, ,,,, MMllstllSt'sSMI.LlJ, SMSS. IIUlSHmsananj l.Jli IU fl IIHL l. , TpCV PiU;'WWr Friiter. y WteSTOar Bt OALESt ?tiXr "ad Proprietor at Vhree Dollar "'perrnT""''"'7''1"""" '-'-tt ttgttaastsatatsitjajgsg '"iS'"""a?SgsyjiJ!!P,1'?t,g niwisnii iaiissiiim in-mam jajWuMWj1,Mewl-M ''- ' ,jraiSfiiyr.- fuipay, febrpary;27, IMP. ' " No'fSii RALEIGH. "N. P.- Tuesday, February 24, 1846, tOOITOUT FOR INCENDIARIES ! A most diabolical attempt .Wat made in this City, yesterday morning, just befora dy, t set fir to a large Wtwden building on Fayattevilie Street, in the Very iieartef tb CUy, and in its most combustible Ijiait. -The fir was inserted through an aperture in Ihe Wne fouBdstion; krtent,' occupied by Mr, Josefm Btts, aad a brick was plaoed befora the opening, toconcal tb light tfc.re, b would have accomplished UsS pafpose signed, bnt for the fortunate Wrcumstauce that Mr. KlAUSf, the Tobacconist, who lives next door, had a large vessel of Water on hand, withiu three feet of tha fire, with which the blaie.was extinguished, though U had made considerable headway. There are, we fear, some desperate villains among m: and we call uwm our citizens to aid the J own Authorities, in ferreting them out. WASHINGTON'S BIRTH DAY. Sunday last, being the Aniversaryof the Birth day of the " Father, or Bis CoUNTav," yesterday (Mon day) waa observed with becoming marks of respect by our several Military Companies, including the Oa klets attached to the North Carolina Military Acao Sarnv, one of whom, Cadet Lmv, delivered a spirited Address, anoronriate to OiB occasion, before a large Uuditery in the City Hall. IIONY ABBOTT LAWRENCE'S LETTER. We trust that n one will be deterred by its length, from leading with care and attention, the Letter which we publish to-day from Hon. Abbott Law kincc, of Boston." It is as clear as the light of the Bun at noon -day, and deserves to be written in let' ten of gold. It will enable the most limited capaci ty to understand an intricate subject; and we do lope it will be published by every Whig paper at east, in the Union. The Loco Foeo papers dare not ublish it, for it scatters to the winds the thousand nd em sophisms and abstractions of modern " De- locracy." NOMINATION FOR GOVERNOR. Our Correspondent P. S. gives a most amusing ac count of, a meeting held in thhv City last week, by the " harmoBious Democracy, " to nominate a Can didate for Governor. We deem it right to say, that the sketch given, tallies almost literatim, with the various accounts wa have heard of the " sayings and ioiagt" pt tha meeting. I " NO CONVENTION. The much agitated question in Virginia, whether they should have a Convention to revise the State Constitution, hat been decided by the House of Del egates in the negative. SUPREME COURT. i'fto Arguments of Counsel have closed before this FTgbunal. The following Opinions have been deli vered tine our last : "1'yRurHHiC.X la fiortone. Horton, in Equity jin Chatham, directing a deeree for the Plaintiff. ,,,'klso, in Uawkmt . Alston, in I'.qmly Irom i ar- D, decree for Plaintiff aud reference to the Master. Alto, in State v. Duncan, from IredslI,' directing a nife d none. Also, In Riddick r. Jones, from Camden, affirming he judgment below. By DaNieI', J., in Collins & Roberts v. Roberts, from Liucola, reversing the judgmeiit below. I Also, in Dot ex dem. Borden . Thomas, from Carteret, affirming the judgment below. Also1, in Slate e. Sfaaford, from Caldwell, reversing lbs judgment below. By Nash, J. in Roberts e. Collins, from Lincoln, iffirming th'e judgment belor. Also, in the State v. Nelson Cousins, from Person, iffirming the judgnient below. Also, in Den ex dem. Robersbn et dl. v. Woolard, rom Marliu, awarding a sentre de novo. Abo, la Wilkkis e. Slade.in Equity, from Ruthsr t, dismissing (he bill with cost. Also, in Barnett v. Sprttt, in' E(fjfty, frotn Meek iubujg, diamissiti'g the bin, MR: GALLATIN ON WAR. We bare heretofore spoken of the series of Letters rom the pen of the Hen. Albert Gaixatin, pub ished recently in tire " National Intelligencer." rhe tame venerable' Statesman again appears in the olumns of tbe " Intelligencer" oil (h'e subject of ' War Expenses, "In Which be estinYstes the amount o be raised annually, in case of J aT, as follows i Lssumiug fh'e total war expensea at $65,000,090 lilt the othef expeusea at 12,0(10,000 a all ... 77,000,000 "rorn which deduct for existing' revenue 1 4,000,000 to be provided' for by taxes and loans $63,000,000 On the principle that the a'mount of annual totes foould be at least equal to the expenses o(,the Peace ilablishment and the interest On the war loans'.' Annas! peace expenses at $27,000,000 ind for the interest on loans of first - and second years, viz. first year 25 millieaa aud second year 45 niil- Koat, at 7 per cenU 5,000,000 32,000,000 14)00,000 rogether ....... rrata which' deduot exlsGog revenue ,aves to be provided fof by new taires at least - . , fed by loank re.ooo.ooo 45,000,000 63,000,000 :. FEDERAL COURf! -A ResoluUba has patted the House ef RepreseaiB; irm, instrocling the .Committee on the Judiciary to sBqutre into (he expediency of changing the time of U'maaid Court, to the first Monday in Jane and Peceaibar. TRIBUTE OF LOCO F0C0ISM TO WUIG WISDOM. We obaerva thftt Virginia, Alabama, and ptrhapa othef StaUMi, Uh,Loco Foco Wiltir majoritiM, har recently directed thiJExecutiTeii to jply for, and receive their ehan of tb Land Tu lid, under the I)isirihiitinn Law. Daated bv th" Wfaie ConereH in 1841 It thi Law be unconstitutional and corrupting, aa wae proclaimed by those Legislatures toon after it paeeagei'when, with indignant clamor, they 're fused fa receive its benefit, how can conscientious or consistent "Democrats" vote to take the money new T. Is it, that faction triumphed heretofore and .forbid what was obviously proper and right, because the production of Whig counsels and that they can now stealthily and noiselessly approach the Treasury and Li which, in fact, noted as a blower to the flame. get the cash, after liaving had also the advantage ol I. d !... huD dicoverea soon afW it was placed I visiting their virtuous indignation against it as a cor- roption fuud 1 Or, is it presumed, that whatever the leaders may do, tbe party will approve ; and, that so long as they can be kept together under a party name, and secure the patronage of public employments, it matters not what, or how contrary, may be their ac tions T For our part, we are glad to mark this tribute of their adversaries, to the wisdom of the great Whig measure of the distribution of the Land proceeds, after faction has had its day of denunciation. And, we desire the people to notice and remember, how Lpco Focoism will embrace to-day, what it pretended to shun as contamination, yetttrday ! These chivalrous States would have appeared quite as respectable, and not less consistent, had they taken the course of the accidental Loco Foco Legislature of North Carolina in 1842, (the Terrapin Assembly,) which, after denouncing the Distribution Luw on the Stump, as unconstitutional and corrupting, received the money with a relish, and left no trace on the re cord, of the slightest opposition to it. But the country may well demand of them both, " What alchemy have they. By which they cau convert that, which is base in other men, - To virtue tir themtehtt ?" ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMSHIP CAMBRIA. twentt-two davs later. Great Change in the Commercial Policy of Great Britain Sir Robert Peel in fabor of a total Re peal of the Corn Laws Great excitement in Eng land Meeting of ParliamentPacific feeling evinced teuardt the United State). This Steamer brings very important news. The Parliament has convened. Sir Robert Peel is out in favor of a repeal of the Corn Laws. The Queen's Speech, the Press, and great leading measures, all lean to peace with the United States. The continuance of the Oregon difficulties excites very general regret ; and the wish to modify the new financial scheme so as to bear on the Tariff of our country, is very prominent. The new scheme of Mr. Peel embraces, with a full sense of their im portance, the principles of free trade, admits grain duty free at the end of three years, with a varying teals from four to six shillings a quarter during this time, and ludiau corn and Buckwheat free at once. The exchange of commodities between this country and England is thus expected to be facilitated beyond all former precedent, and be mutually promotive of the greatest advantage. The idea of a war to come about Oregon to prevent this, does not seem to be apprehended at all. The late crisis iu the Queen's Cabinet was caused by the determination of Mr. Peel to adopt this course ; aud it it expected that, now he is reinstated, Mr. Peel will pass his new Tariff with most triumphant success by the present Parliament: yet the conflict rages with great fury in every part of the country, and the opposition to Mr. Peel's scheme is of a very pow erful character. The farmers are slow to relinquish their proteetion, aud many fear to change. Of the effect on the policy of our government of this great change in England, we shall not prophecy. We trust ours will be as alive to the great and best prosperity of our country, as the English government is to hers. Mr. Peel has highly commended the policy of Mr. Polk, as developed ii the Treasury report by Secrc tary Walker; aud by vote of Parliament, the docu ment. has received the uncommon honor of being printed for its members ! IT Th MAaaiAoi Question in the last Presby terian General Assembly, came up on the appeal of the Kev. OTr. MeliUKBN, of this State, who had been suspended by the Presbytery of Fayetteville for mar ryiug his deceased wife's sister. The Assembly re turned the case, tor the Presbytery for re-cousidera-tion, but the latter have again referred it to the As sembly for final decision, after refusing, by a vote of 14 to 17, to support the principle upou which lite suspension was founded. ' A CASE OF CONSCIENCE. The Wilmington Chronicle says A letter, of wbich a copy is anneied, has been handed to us for publication. In the letter Fifty dollars were en closed, and the tame amount in another letter, simi larly worded, tent to the brother of Mrs. Gardner : one hundred dollars in air. Mrs. Gardner, (wife of Mr. Thomas M. Gardner,) and her brother are the children of the late Mi. George Danvera, to whom it is supposed the money wee due. The letters were deposited in the Pott Office, aud are written in a disguised hand. "JHrs. Martha Gardner, 1 justly owe you fifty dollars, at well u a like sum to your brother." ! ChAeXotte Tmp11e. There are very fe persons in this country trho have not read the affecting ttory entitled " Charlotte Temple," "and sighed over the real fate of that amiable but deceived and betrayed being. It will be interesting to all those persons to know that at the late fire, (on Saturday morning last,) at the corner of Pell street and the Bowery, the identical house in which the died was destroyed. Charlotte was turned out ef dtort at the old Walton House, in Pearl ttreeH which b now standing, and sought refuge in this cottage which, was then oat of tewn, oh the Boweries or Farms, and soon after breathed ber last. The house, now reduced to ashes, wet long kept up by props. Thus fade the memeutos of romance. N. Y. San. EDITOR'S CORRESPONDENCE. ' , W have juat received our New York Correspond ent's Letter of the Mill, which we ought to have had several days since. The miscellaneous parts of it. however interesting, will not sulRr by being kept titi Friday. We subjoin what relates to the state ut the Markets. Edit. Rko. THE MARKETS. Cotton. There is no activity in the market what soever, and priceSteud downward. Tlu-qnautity ta irn for shipment is comparatively small, and, as is usual at this season of the year, there are but a very few Spinners operating. The sales since my lusti have been abojut 3000 bales, (2000 Upland and Flor idas,) at the following figuros : Upland Fhnidai. Mobile $ ft- O. Ordinary to good oid. 61 a fij C a GJ Middling to good mid. C a "i B a 7J Middling fair to fair, a " ' 8 a -Fully fair to good fair, J a Si f H Imports, since l"t instant, 6,915 bales; Exports, from 1st to 10th hut. 4,672 bale.' Funis, Though prices rerun in very firm, yet the market, for the week just closed, exhibited an un usual apathy, and buyera were very backw .rd, ahd the-derrmud has beeu -mostly for home consumption. Genesee and Michigan descriptions command i and $5 62J ; New Orleans, $5 1-iJ a $5 -'." ; How ard street, Georgetown, Brandy wine, Slc j -." a 5 50. Rye Flour, $."1 75 a 1 ti5. The exports from 1st to 10th Feb., amooutod to 17..r)IG barrels- IjrKAiN. I he repptpls ol Njulliern loin continue targe, and about 20.000 liiihliola liave bfin Fold t 63 a 64 cents. Wheat is inactive; a smiill lot of Pennsylvania brought .$1 22. Salrnol 2U,01V0 bush. Rye, principally . fur KbijMHwit, at 80 "rents F.xport for the hut ten duvs, Mil, 67 bushels I'onf: 9,27li do Wheat ; 1000 do. ISarlev. K. I OR THE REMf'TFR. Mb. Calks: Tha harmonious lleuiocnicy" held a meolinjr in this City lust WeJncsiI.j v, which can- uot be allow ed to pass unnoticed. The Standard, for particular reasons, will probably say little or no thing about it, and we trust to save its memory from oblivion, through the columns of your paper. The meeting was got up by .Mr. Disurou , and oilier friends of Mr. Siiepakii, for the purpose of bringing that gen tleman formally before the I'enirul Committee, as a recommendee for the office of Candidate for Governor. It was intended to be strictly " harmonious," and therefore, none but the friends of Mr. ISti&i'AKD were Invited to attend. Tlio Managers desired that it should be a eort of " select party." You nmy judge, then, of their surprise, when, after the reading of the Resolutions, the voice of Mr. McKak was heard in their midst, strongly opposing them. All were as tonished at his audacity; aud Mr. Disbxow sat bolt upright in his seat. Presently, some one called to or der, and told h'un that " nobody wanted to hear him, and that he had no business there, and that he hud defeated the nomination of Mr. S. for Congress." This, Mr. McKae denied, being modoslly unwilling to claim tho credit of having 'done so much service to the party. He then endeavored to continue his re marks, But was prevented by frequent interruptions. and was fiually oblifed to shut the mouth of Mr. 6iiepru'i friend, by shaking his fist at him, si, J ma king some violent threats. By this time, tho scene had becom somewhat exciting. The constituent el ements of" Democracy" were fairly at war. Unless some one should interpose to quell the rising spirit ol discussion, a row was inevitable. A crisis was cer tuinly at hand, and it was not without its man. Mr. Disallow rose. We will not attempt even a sketch ol his remarks, but will only say that the power which he had over his audience was complete, and the chauge which he produced in their feelings, instantaneous. Those who a moment before had been inflamed with anger, were now moved to invol untary laughter. For the time, at least, II diller ences were healed, and the meeting adjourned shoit ly after he hud finished. We must not however omit to mention, that the friends of Mr. SintruRD, headed by .Mr Uisiiiiovv, completely triumphed over Mr. McKae and his par ty. The latter gentleman in fact voted alone, so that Mr. SiieparO was declared to be the reccin- mendee, unanimously, with but one dissenting voiee, which it was agreed not to count. Truly, the Democracy are well-skilled in political harmony, but they are too crafty to tire the popular ear with a monotony of sweet sounds. A few harsh chords must be twanged occasionally, in order that its specimens of delightful harmony may huve a more astonishing effect. P. S. FOR THE RKOISTF.R. Mr. Gales: -.It lias' -frequently occurred to nie, that while our citizens, with a commendable zeal, are availiug themselves of the advantages and bene fits arising from the benevolent aud laudable Institu tions of " Life Insurance," and " Fire Companies," that there was one thing still wanting among us, which would be productive of great good lo the poorer and industrious portions of our Citizens 1 mean a Saving's Hank. If an Institution of this kind was established iu our midst, the laboring classes would have a safe and convenient place of deposit for their small, hard-earned savings, which would, et the same time, be drawing a per cenlage, instead of Tying idle and unemployed in their oeket-books or truuks, at home. And besides, a stimulus, or incen tive would be held out, to induce those who have ne ver thought of laying up a dollar from year's end to year's end, to lay by a little mite " for a rainy day," which, by regular weekly additions, if it were but a dollar or two, one would find himself, at the end of a t year, possessed of a little capital of $50 or $100; whereas, heretofore, they were iu debt, and not a dol lar in their coffers with which to me(t their liabilities'. I am not capable, Mr. Editor, of setting forth all the advantages wbich would accrue from tile estab lishment of such an Institution in our community, but tbe history of the savings of the Factory Girls and other operatives and laborers at the North, convince me that great and incalculable good would result therefrom. I most sincerely hope that some one, more capable than the writer of this imperfect article, will take the matter in hand and carry it through to a successful termination. We have men of ability, aad probity, capable of prosecuting and discharging the duties of such an Institution ; and f hope to see some of your numerous able Correspondents take tip the subject and eiplain and elucidate the many ad vantages which it would afford to our Citizens. A MECHANIC. coar guess. i SENATE. TUESDAY, Fob. 17, 19 W. After the presentation of Petitions, nnd the disposal ol'olher rnicell:iiieoiis matters, the con. tderaihfii of the Oregon notice Resolutions was resurfWd. OH motion of Mr. .Allen, the House Joint Res mutiop, passed on Monday lam, were also added to tfil other propositions uiider consideration, and became tbe special order willi tlm rest. Mr. Colquitt having the floor , comiijenced ly saying that he had no .private inlurniiillLi on the subject. All he knew was from whatbad been furnished by the President himself. The ines. snge had me,t the approval of the people, and it was written in an able and ilignitied ininner. He went on to deny that the President is in the huh. it of concealing facts when he undertakes to communicate with Congress. IJe was confident that Mr. Polk would nuke any P;jcf,lice to pre serve the honor am peace of the country. The. timid ami fearful might paint, in glowing colours tho horrors o war, but it Has enough, lor us to nsk, " fs Oregon in truth the Territory of the United State!'!" If we were, satisfied thai our title was jiMiil, it was our duly to maintain and enforce ii without regard to the value of the Territory, lie objected In tho-pnnciple, howev er, that those who had not cried All ol Oregon or none" had not got Aincru-nn hearls, and tint any one who admits llial Eiipland has clangs pos sesses a lrii:sli soul, and British feelings. He H Iso obj"ried to the imputations cust upon cer. fain gent liMiieii about "wariii'h mid spirit in re lation lo Texas, and lukew aminos in relation to Oregon." He uiijjhl with jnslifu n.lort bv sav ing that many who we re lukewarn about Texas were t'l'iy w inn with regard to Orin'tl. i; ; si: of iiepkeskntatives. Mr. S,n:.i presented a rijb'ilut.nn accompanied by the pro, eedings of a I .igc publ'C in"Cl,ng in Illinois, in fivor of authorizing the President to open ,ij.,'kfit i.it ioiih lor iho pun lii'oe id Cuba. Objection being made, the re-eilu: too lie over. On mot ion ol Mr. lirok-'iihniiih a resolution was adopted authorizing the President, il in his judgment he shall see lit, to negotiate lor a pos tal Convention with Spain. Alter the rerep'ionii ;i largo number of re- ports mini Committees, the II' conjiiduration of the Pension ; with the amendments repotted of the whole Alter a tedious debate, llio b; time and passed. ni.-e rc'iitued the pp.'npi'ialioii lull, from Committee I u as fead a third NF. NATE. WTDNKHDAY, Feb'. IS, 1840. In the Seriate, .Mr. Dix.ol Mew Vm k, address ed that body on tho "Oregon Itesoliiiions, . mid gave way at a late hour for adjournment, without having concluded. HOUSE OK REPRESENTATIVES. The whole day nearly, was spent in the dis. custion of tho Indian Appropriation liill, in Cuin uiiitce uf tho Whole. , SENATE THURSDAY, Feb. 10. The morning hour was as usual occupied by the presentation of memorials, and the transac tion of oilier mi.-icellrtiicous business. The Oregon notice resolutions wero again taken up, and Mr. Dix resumed his remarks from yesterday. Mr, Benton eulogized the able defence of our title by the last speaker, and said it was so clear and conclusive that no candid mind-could fail to be convinced of the justice of our claim, lie cordially agreed with the President's offer of llie 40th parallel, lie said it was calculated to soothe tho b id feeling-it) England, occasioned by the lone of the Inaugural Address. When lie concluded, the Senate held a short Executive session and then adjourned lo Monday. UlU'SE OF it E 1' R ES E N T ATI V ES. A bill was introduced by Mr. Martin, regu lating the mileage of Senators. It provides that Senators shall nut receive travelling expenses at any extra session, unless they shall uctually go home and return. Heretofore, when the regu lar session lias terminated on one day, aud the called session has commenced the next morning, .Senators have received the same mileage as tho' thoy had -boon home and relumed again. A motion being made to reler llie hill to a Unmtec of the wlyile, instead of ordering it to he engrossed, Mr. Hopkins hoped it would be passed forthwith. 1 lu looked upon the system ol charging constructive mileage as monstrous. Mr. .McKay strenuously advocated the lull, and moved thai it be inaile the special order for Monday next, together with lie' bill relating to the iiiifeage of members of the llrtuse. t.'- Mr. Petit moved tft amend the bill by adding a sectiun providing for the removal of the seal uf Government in !;"), to some spot north-west ol the Ohio River. This was ruled out of order. Mr Petit then fired a broadside at what Ire calif d the miserable, drivettiftj, contemptible attempts at palirv retrenchment, which made more noise out ol doors than they did, good hero. lie despised such (leioagogisui, as measures in tended for poliiical effect. So far as he was concerned, he would vote that the nay a.jjd, injle- age be doubled, ffe never I. card ul anrnwtiiibfcW becoming rich on his pay and mileage. ,V Mr. Martin with much warmth denounced as unjust and untrue the charge of demagogisin, if applied tti him. His object was to keep the members from thrusting ll.eir long gaunt hands in the Treasury, and taking out more than they earned. If the two hi Ms should bo carried into effect a saving of &ZW,0W) per annum luight be saved, u. Mr Petit disclaimed any personal or particular allusion to any member. - . After a speech from Mr. Wenlworlh, in which he discoursed most pathetically about the' proba ble fale of the harbor bill, the motiun lo refer the mileage bill to a Committee of the Whole was rejected by a vote of Ul to IDS. f'J'he question recurring on a motion to make it the special order for Monday next, the debate wae resumed, and an amendment ofered by Mr. Tliqmpson, of Mississippi, but the morning hour having expired, the House went into Committee of the Whole and resumed the consideration of the Indian annuity bill. After a Jong, Iresoriie debate, the bill was re ported to the House .and passed. The' iloitso then adjourned. The nomination of &ov. Graham for re-eleetlon to tbe Executive Chair of the State, is received .vyith the utmost unanimity from Cherokee P Currituck We meaa among the Whigs of the State ; and evn the most ultra of tic. Democratic party allege no thing agaiast linn. We think it rather improbable that the Democrats will get any candidate to j-un against our so dserved!y popular Governor, and we hope they will renounce all idea of it, and '.oil their votes for IVm. A- Graham. Rulherfard RepubUcuu. Procrastination is tiik Thief ck Tim. Delay is dangerous neglect that Cold and Cough, a few weeks, aud the hope of recovery will be lost to you forever lt not suy pecuniary consideration deter you from trying to save your life aud health while there is a chance. Consumption is annually'sweep ing oil' thousands to the t.mib no disease has hultlbd the shlfl of Physicians like it no Physician perhaps has ever done more fortius lare. class of sutteiing humanity, than Dr. istar. An " ouuee of preven tative is worth a pound of cure," therefore Itvfore your lungs become lacerated, and so diseased (hat no human means can save yon from an early graive, try in season, try at ouce,a Medicine which has been of such infinite value to fhonsimds, obtain a Untile of lr. Wistar's Italsam itf Wild Cherry, take it, get -nothrr if necessary, persevere in using it, until you have removed the disease entirely, which if neglected will lei miniate tour life Ht-mt -deceived by Trtaclis, with their imitations and, counterfeits h,iv none but tho genuine and original which ielgiid I Uutts ou the wrapper. B'r For sale by )V I U.IAMS, HAYWOOD d CO., wholesale am retail, li.aleigh. N. C. In Granville, ll.ouy K. C-lUkcm;!-, of Virgini.,, to Miss Isabella, daughter ol r.antk llmmllou, Esq. ol liiirn-ide, CiaiiviHe Counlv. At Fort Ocorge Island, Florida on the olh int., ' Sophia II. ( 'on. ticucral Human I,. Clinch, lo Mrs. per, daughter of George Gibus, K, W lllllillglOII. 1 ., toninily ol In Abingdon, Va., John II. Coleman, Ksq , of Ashville, liuiicouibe, to Miss Mary S. Trigg. ' In Perquimans County, .Mr. .lohu N. Iluii, to M i Milly Flliott, daughter of the hit -Stephen Kllioit, Jr. Also, Mr. Augustus L. Mullen, to Miss Surah Ann Ihuwn. lu Davidson County, Mr. John D. llrown, to Miss Jane Slater, daughter of the late Fielding Slater. In Mobile, Ala , Mr. Henry Tbalale, formerly o Newbern, to Miss Harriet Hancroll. DifU in p, ensaenla, ol 1 uliuniiarv ( oniiuniiliiin Mm. A,... i.n..,.. i.... i. i.,.a ... :.. .i . .",-. r."' y-"..'1 . i ..in. i.ii,. iini iii .ii'iifiid, iu iiii. Oii i i ar oi m i aa-'. consort of ihu lion. Pillnu .Ionian, and daiiehier ul the hi I James Aloliaekan, humeily ul Ka iieville. In Salisbury, Huucsn Alexander, inlaiil sou ol Iiev. Thuinas 1'. Pavis. He the .'Id inst., in the cily of New Oilcans, Tho mas M. Wadswoith, Ks,(., ajieiNll years, a lialnouf Newbern, N. G., mill fur a series of wars past, a re sident Lawyer in that city. .Mr. 'V. was ilislin Kliished fur his professional abilities. JJcaf and Dninli, "W1I1K Aomin! I'viiin,ii:,n,m ,,! It,,. I'moI. .C il,.. M '""til Mlh.lt for the Itrnf mill l,im', will lake pi. ,eo i u Tliurmluy nc.il, at 10 o'clock, A. M. in the Presbyterian I 'hioch. An Address will be delivered I'.y His Excellency, Guv. GRAH AM. The Public aie. respectfully invited lu attend. VM. I). COOKE. Kiilcigli, Feb. 23. 10 It For Sale, M N. II. 1(1 GUI' S' Aiirtiiin niitl Ciiioniission Sloro, Itjuorter Cask superior French Uiandy, I do Old i'ort Wine, 2 I)Ri.kOH of Champagne do. The above is sent as a tain'?, and the II randy and Port will be sold in quantities ol & Gallons ei'ch, or uy llie Cask". N. 11. HUGHES, Agent. iiimi imii:k. KBCEIVKD I'll IS ). Y. a .g t of Fools, cap, 1 .Piter, Post ( Jllico und Wrapping PA PKI! all of which will lie sold at tin Maiiol.it'turer's p rices. Apply at the Auction and Commission More IN'. H. III O'HlvSi, Agent. Ilaleii;!!, Feb. 24, IS-1'I. . - , 10 llSlMil, 4.1. 1FK am! Times ,d llcnrv Cl,y, '1'rai is by Calvin Ac. - ol ton , A ulhor ol Junius J ust Kcccivi d at llio N. C. DOOK ISTOIIE. Feb 21th. 10 uox. niVW CRICKET O.N THE II 15 A UTH A B fairy Tale of Home, lly Charles Diikou. Usl uueived by 11. D. TURN ER. February 24th. 10 HE ROYAL RACE COI'RsE. A Merry Hound Game, the Mansion ol Happiness. An iiiolructne, iiioml and eiiterlaiiiinu ainuseiPent. The improved and illustrated Game of Dr. Bushy. The above Games aro lound at .Mo. 1 I'aveltoville Street,, Kalcii-h, IN. C. February !ilth. It,- r?.a.i Hbd .ew Oriaatis -Sugir, new Ciop, (Ujr part prime, 20 no. 1 oiio Kico tie. yi) do. Kcw Orleans anJ P. II. M ilasi., new crop 25 Ubls. do. ,do. prune, COO Loaves Bugar, assorted qualities. 10 Uhls. Crushed Sugar. 200 Hags Hio Coffee. 120 do. Lagutra do Green and White. 80. do Java Coffee.. 40 Duxes New lledl'onl Sperm Csiu'les, tsscr- tfd ii2es. 60 do. Brown Soap. 20 do. Variegated do- Gunpowder, Imperial l)Ia"k anil Vt fj T"a, i" pockiigei to" suit.1 together Willi a full assortment of ali arliclos m our line. Drandics, W Hie and other liquors, domestic and Foreign. 1 Fur Bale by Fill' ELAND &. HALL. .No. (jt) Light Wt. Wharf. Enquire cf Weston R. Gales, Lsqr. February l, IHIU. 1 VALUABLE LAND AND MILLS FDR SALE, FJHE (Subscriber offers for sale, on arcomrnoda J ting terms, that Vil I Mill, If Tritft Of l.ltixl, mjreiher with the Mills and o',her nniiroye inelita situ jle on the Vgdkin llivcr, at the mouth of Elk Creek, in the upper nd of Wilkes County, N, C. ttoretofcrc generally known as llOYI'ttrir Vffll This Tract of Land contains sbout .Nine H unit red scies, a fair proportion of which is cleared and in cultivation. Tbe unproveriieiiis consifl of a two ttory Brick House aud Urick Kitchen, with Wtablen, Cribs and other necessary out buildings. There are alo oh the premises a Grist At Saw Mill, operated by a water power which is mt surpa.'sed by any in Ibe Country. To men of enterprise and cspite!, de siring to engage fit Manufacturing, this site oll'ms strong inducemenis. , A more particular description is deemed unnecestar'y, as pe rsons wi(iun tu "pur chase are riiuesud lo cad aed exam, tie t ,r them, selves A liberal credit wif? be (riven it desired. Ap plications made lo inn Subcnr I let:, r or sii.Vr wise, directed to Eikviile, N. ' w.ti l- m.y atlru- I ded t'i, ,H)il.i W .Til Lliisi'i." ' . I February liill, lSlti. i C 4 1 j Classical,; Mathematical and iff, i r. fnrfcvji;.?i i: Classical Department : s J. M. LOVEJOY, rjtECEFisW , Mat'wmtttical and Milititry Department: W. F, DISBR0Wv THE year will be divided into Ivvo Sossiont of Av months e. o h ; :he first -Session beginning on (he fir of January, and the second Session, on the first o July- h i the I'nsfgn of the Preceptor, that this Instltu tion shall not be surpassed, in the advantages afforded for acquiriiiir, a thorough English, Classical and Maibeuiatieat Education, Pupils w Wtr trrWtS 'eWrtnTlunToTCIati (M;. any College in the I'nitcd States TF.hMs of rVirioy. Tor English and Malhemati-.u! Studies, per Weiwi.in, jilfi oS por Latin, Greek, French, Spanish tnd - Italian Lnin-uarjeu, per fessiuii, 30 Oft The advanced t'lasecs may pursue the Studies of a hrwrr Chin's, 'yinif only for llie Kludics of the Class to which they belong. Military Tactics taught lo llie Pupils, free ef extra dm 'He. I The design of the Military Department being lo fit ; the 1 it ii Ik m net, in case ef emeiRcncy, na Officer!, l lm' West Point "vsiein of instruction will be rartifuljy pinsuid, cer will ll'i Army Tactics he deported' Irom, m iTTilcr lo , Mini, it the Iiiivh fur the benefit of the liistilutn.'.i, ,u fir niiv other purposes. Uy an Art cf the list I .e?(slnire, the necessary arms ami (quiprtients will be liunished by the. Miate, but Parents who wish tneir i -hiLlrrit instructed in tha .Military Department, wili be n?puied to provide theni with the prescribed l.'nifor"i. N. IL' A few Pupils v. ill be taken as Hoarders, by ll.o Principal of the Academy. Ki:ri:ui;MT:s. I Hun. ',en. K. Itadger, I Ion. Win II. Haywood, I I Ion. It. M. Suiiniiers, Gen. Move, Charles lliutnn, I. . D. Henry, Win. !'. Coitiiu, James II. Shepard, II. W. Hu.ted, l'u. Yaihroiigh, Iv I. (iuion, KsqVi,, men are well known in I. 'cv. M. I.ncv, II, ii .loliii II. Hi vim, II, in. .lohu Ii. Daniel, Hon. liichanl Hnics, lr. linker, As t't" above i-anif"! ;eutl, Slate, I h ive "ncii their iianies ns rcfsrenceM. send tli 'ir sons or ward I" my School, and of i their opinion can be confidently trusted. J. M. L. eiilll, Dor. H, IS 1.5. Notice, IIAVH been appointed by H'li Rxccllehcy, Wil liam A. t iiiihaiii, Governor of the Hiate of North I anili'in, a ( 'nmmisninner for the Male of Virginis, will full power to tidie the acknowledgement or proof ul any Heed, MortKagc,or oilier conveyance of lands, tenement or hereditaments, lying or liriug in litis State, and lu lake Hin private ex,aniinalion of married women, purlieu thereto, in the manner now required by Law, or any ollulr writing under seal to lie use J iu I In Si ale ; and lo administer an oath or uflirmi 'lon to spy person who shall be willing or desirous lo mulct Hiicb oath oi aflii inaliun before uia ; and to take depositions and examine wiliiensea under any fiimnusion or commissions 'iniiiinliiig Irom any of the CoutU of the Slate, rilnting to any cause de pending nr lo lie hrougln in any of raid Count. Any business under said cmnmissinn which llie public iniiy ilesiri). shall have my strict and fSlthful alien linn ; and Preqili'Apihal those who may bate busi ness iilih me, mil make it convenient hot to rail on Wednesday . AI'GI'KTL'H 0. IT N LEY. rnikFvillle, Pibriniiy 2. IH-10. I J HI I'ATK OP 1NOII I'll CAIIOlrlN A. Uun- omiik Covti'i i .-sSuiicnor Court ol Law, Fall lenn, I84ii. Eli7.ii.bcth McEnllre, t'T. Bevel MrHntirc, Petition fur Divorce, Cpnii tlie irlurii of the Khcriff, that the defendant omimit lie found, and proclamation having la en ma, l nt the dour of the Coim-hoiise by llie hherill', under the order ol the Court, lor the defendant lo appear and answer in commanded by the subpoena. There oie, ordered by tho Courl that publication be made, in Uia. Ilichhnd .Messenger al AUille, tnd ihe Kalcn4!i Keaiaiar, at lialeigll, tor.) rnon;ns, reuuring of Hie defendant to bo and appear at the hett term of thin Courl, to be held St tbe I 'awl -house at Ashe villo, on the 2nd Monday after the 4th Monday of March next, or llml judgment will be taken pro con front, and llie petition heard. ' Witness, .1. II. (;ob man, Clerk of said Court, at uflice, the 2nd Mnnlsy after tho 4th Monday of September, IS45, .!. H. COLK.M AN, Cl.ik. l)e-. 1 o, ifi.-,. I'ra. fee tj(i . 1 DM Sin.- HA KRIS' HOTEL, CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA; The sula-eribcr has the pleasure to inform hit old friends and i imtomcrs, and llie public generally, that , he hat rccerul" pircliased the large BRICK flOUMB : adjoimnE the Nnith-wesl corner of llie Court House, j in tjie Town of Cotteerd-.-end hss-fiimf U up in a j tsahinnabie and coinfoiiable stylo ass HQ L'HE for j the in comriviilaiion of the public. His house his been thnro'ighly reprircd his rooms tre large tnd conveniently arreiiacd, and his furniture is entirely new. His Homier is not surpassed by any in, lha Slat. He falters hi'mnelf that from his long expert em e in the business, lie is able to give raiislactiou lo all who may f".or him with a call, All I ask' it a tuir trial. Call and judge for yourselves. KIAII P. HA'lffrr'S. Concord, N (L May 13. 18415. 40 tf Twenty-five Dollars Reward, H AN A.WAY from the Huhscriber, about lliu last K . of July, IS45. a iiegro man, by llio name ol JAt-OU. s Tht said neirro was purchased by me from Hsntr f. Dene, of ibis County, in the month of January 184. and tk-n Com here to, Brunswick County, near WiliriiiK''n i.i this Slate, wh.ere he was kept at work in Turpentine until ho absconded. , Jitos is black, about the ordinary height, .father illicit and hcevy, has an ill look out of hit ey.et, and appears a good deal carf. down. He left tlie neigh brhondin which h worked, toon after be left ray service, end ban ri?l been heard of since. I am in dined lo believe thai he haa gone over to Scotland " Neck, on Kuanoke Kivsr, whem hs was raised, anil has a great mtiiy ernolnlauces. Fur the apprehension if said 8!ave, and the se- ' ciirrnciit in any Jail, so thsi I can net him stain. I will pay the above reward of -Twenty five lMlara, J A.dEc B. MK i T8. Kiiiiilon, Lenoir '..'oenry,' ? January 27, J&iti, J ' 10 If , " , ! ,., -( f -v t r v, j i , -5. V A- ?: 1 f,s r'.t tc'i I f ' s. .Hi' jf7 ' '1 ..'I i, i ,3 r i - 1 1 I , t 4 i'. ' '1 1 - v S. i'.V .

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